Results for ' Lascar type'

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  1. Lascar Types and Lascar Automorphisms in Abstract Elementary Classes.Tapani Hyttinen & Meeri Kesälä - 2011 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 52 (1):39-54.
    We study Lascar strong types and Galois types and especially their relation to notions of type which have finite character. We define a notion of a strong type with finite character, the so-called Lascar type. We show that this notion is stronger than Galois type over countable sets in simple and superstable finitary AECs. Furthermore, we give an example where the Galois type itself does not have finite character in such a class.
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    The Lascar Group and the Strong Types of Hyperimaginaries.Byunghan Kim - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (3-4):497-507.
    This is an expository note on the Lascar group. We also study the Lascar group over hyperimaginaries and make some new observations on the strong types over those. In particular, we show that in a simple theory $\operatorname{Ltp}\equiv\operatorname{stp}$ in real context implies that for hyperimaginary context.
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    Lascar strong types in some simple theories.Steven Buechler - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (2):817-824.
    In this paper a class of simple theories, called the low theories is developed, and the following is proved. Theorem. Let T be a low theory. A set and a, b elements realizing the same strong type over A. Then, a and b realized the same Lascar strong type over A.
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    The relativized Lascar groups, type-amalgamation, and algebraicity.Jan Dobrowolski, Byunghan Kim, Alexei Kolesnikov & Junguk Lee - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (2):531-557.
    In this paper we study the relativized Lascar Galois group of a strong type. The group is a quasi-compact connected topological group, and if in addition the underlying theory T is G-compact, then the group is compact. We apply compact group theory to obtain model theoretic results in this note. -/- For example, we use the divisibility of the Lascar group of a strong type to show that, in a simple theory, such types have a certain (...)
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  5.  46
    Borel equivalence relations and Lascar strong types.Krzysztof Krupiński, Anand Pillay & Sławomir Solecki - 2013 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 13 (2):1350008.
    The "space" of Lascar strong types, on some sort and relative to a given complete theory T, is in general not a compact Hausdorff topological space. We have at least three aims in this paper. The first is to show that spaces of Lascar strong types, as well as other related spaces and objects such as the Lascar group Gal L of T, have well-defined Borel cardinalities. The second is to compute the Borel cardinalities of the known (...)
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    A note on Lascar strong types in simple theories.Byunghan Kim - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (3):926-936.
    Let T be a countable, small simple theory. In this paper, we prove that for such T, the notion of Lascar strong type coincides with the notion of strong type, over an arbitrary set.
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    On Lascar rank and Morley rank of definable groups in differentially closed fields.Anand Pillay & Wai Yan Pong - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (3):1189-1196.
    Morley rank and Lascar rank are equal on generic types of definable groups in differentially closed fields with finitely many commuting derivations.
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    Classifying spaces and the Lascar group.Tim Campion, Greg Cousins & Jinhe Ye - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (4):1396-1431.
    We show that the Lascar group $\operatorname {Gal}_L$ of a first-order theory T is naturally isomorphic to the fundamental group $\pi _1|)$ of the classifying space of the category of models of T and elementary embeddings. We use this identification to compute the Lascar groups of several example theories via homotopy-theoretic methods, and in fact completely characterize the homotopy type of $|\mathrm {Mod}|$ for these theories T. It turns out that in each of these cases, $|\operatorname {Mod}|$ (...)
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    McAloon K.. Introduction. Modèles de l'arithmétique, Séminaire Paris VII, edited by McAloon K., Asterisque, no. 73, Société Mathématique de France, Paris 1980, pp. 1–2.Kirby L. A. S.. La méthode des indicatrices et le théorème d'incomplétude. Modèles de l'arithmétique, Séminaire Paris VII, edited by McAloon K., Asterisque, no. 73, Société Mathématique de France, Paris 1980, pp. 5–18.Lascar Daniel. Une indicatrice de type “Ramsey” pour l'arithmétique de Peano et la formule de Paris-Harrington. Modèles de l'arithmétique, Séminaire Paris VII, edited by McAloon K., Asterisque, no. 73, Société Mathématique de France, Paris 1980, 19–30.McAloon Kenneth. Les rapports entre la méthode des indicatrices et la méthode de Gödel pour obtenir des résultats d'indépendance. Modèles de l'arithmétique, Séminaire Paris VII, edited by McAloon K., Asterisque, no. 73, Société Mathématique de France, Paris 1980, pp. 31–39.McAloon Kenneth. Progressions transfinies de théories axiomatiques, formes combinatoires. [REVIEW]J. B. Paris - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (2):483-484.
  10.  19
    Non-isolated types in stable theories.Predrag Tanović - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 145 (1):1-15.
    We introduce notions of strong and eventual strong non-isolation for types in countable, stable theories. For T superstable or small stable we prove a dichotomy theorem: a regular type over a finite domain is either eventually strongly non-isolated or is non-orthogonal to a NENI type . As an application we obtain the upper bound for Lascar’s rank of a superstable theory which is one-based or trivial, and has fewer than 20 non-isomorphic countable models.
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    A note on subgroups of the automorphism group of a saturated model, and regular types.A. Pillay - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (3):858-864.
    Let $M$ be a saturated model of a superstable theory and let $G = \operatorname{Aut}(M)$. We study subgroups $H$ of $G$ which contain $G_{(A)}, A$ the algebraic closure of a finite set, generalizing results of Lascar [L] as well as giving an alternative characterization of the simple superstable theories of [P]. We also make some observations about good, locally modular regular types $p$ in the context of $p$-simple types.
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    Simple groups and the number of countable models.Predrag Tanović - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (7-8):779-791.
    Let T be a complete, superstable theory with fewer than ${2^{\aleph_{0}}}$ countable models. Assuming that generic types of infinite, simple groups definable in T eq are sufficiently non-isolated we prove that ω ω is the strict upper bound for the Lascar rank of T.
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    Galois groups as quotients of Polish groups.Krzysztof Krupiński & Tomasz Rzepecki - 2020 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 20 (3):2050018.
    We present the (Lascar) Galois group of any countable theory as a quotient of a compact Polish group by an F_σ normal subgroup: in general, as a topological group, and under NIP, also in terms of Borel cardinality. This allows us to obtain similar results for arbitrary strong types defined on a single complete type over ∅. As an easy conclusion of our main theorem, we get the main result of [K. Krupiński, A. Pillay and T. Rzepecki, Topological (...)
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  14. G-compactness and groups.Jakub Gismatullin & Ludomir Newelski - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 47 (5):479-501.
    Lascar described E KP as a composition of E L and the topological closure of E L (Casanovas et al. in J Math Log 1(2):305–319). We generalize this result to some other pairs of equivalence relations. Motivated by an attempt to construct a new example of a non-G-compact theory, we consider the following example. Assume G is a group definable in a structure M. We define a structure M′ consisting of M and X as two sorts, where X is (...)
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  15.  26
    On Amalgamation in NTP2 Theories and Generically Simple Generics.Pierre Simon - 2020 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 61 (2):233-243.
    We prove a couple of results on NTP2 theories. First, we prove an amalgamation statement and deduce from it that the Lascar distance over extension bases is bounded by 2. This improves previous work of Ben Yaacov and Chernikov. We propose a line of investigation of NTP2 theories based on S1 ideals with amalgamation and ask some questions. We then define and study a class of groups with generically simple generics, generalizing NIP groups with generically stable generics.
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  16. On subgroups of the additive group in differentially closed fields.Sonat Süer - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (2):369-391.
    In this paper we deal with the model theory of differentially closed fields of characteristic zero with finitely many commuting derivations. First we observe that the only known lower bound for the Lascar rank of types in differentially closed fields, announced in a paper of McGrail, is false. This gives us a new class of regular types which are orthogonal to fields. Then we classify the subgroups of the additive group of Lascar rank omega with differential-type 1 (...)
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    Simplicity and uncountable categoricity in excellent classes.Tapani Hyttinen & Olivier Lessmann - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 139 (1):110-137.
    We introduce Lascar strong types in excellent classes and prove that they coincide with the orbits of the group generated by automorphisms fixing a model. We define a new independence relation using Lascar strong types and show that it is well-behaved over models, as well as over finite sets. We then develop simplicity and show that, under simplicity, the independence relation satisfies all the properties of nonforking in a stable first order theory. Further, simplicity for an excellent class, (...)
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    Relativized Galois groups of first order theories over a hyperimaginary.Hyoyoon Lee & Junguk Lee - forthcoming - Archive for Mathematical Logic:1-22.
    We study relativized Lascar groups, which are formed by relativizing Lascar groups to the solution set of a partial type $$\Sigma $$. We introduce the notion of a Lascar tuple for $$\Sigma $$ and by considering the space of types over a Lascar tuple for $$\Sigma $$, the topology for a relativized Lascar group is (re-)defined and some fundamental facts about the Galois groups of first-order theories are generalized to the relativized context. In particular, (...)
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    Transitivity, Lowness, and Ranks in Nsop Theories.Artem Chernikov, K. I. M. Byunghan & Nicholas Ramsey - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (3):919-946.
    We develop the theory of Kim-independence in the context of NSOP $_{1}$ theories satisfying the existence axiom. We show that, in such theories, Kim-independence is transitive and that -Morley sequences witness Kim-dividing. As applications, we show that, under the assumption of existence, in a low NSOP $_{1}$ theory, Shelah strong types and Lascar strong types coincide and, additionally, we introduce a notion of rank for NSOP $_{1}$ theories.
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    Independence over arbitrary sets in NSOP1 theories.Jan Dobrowolski, Byunghan Kim & Nicholas Ramsey - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (2):103058.
    We study Kim-independence over arbitrary sets. Assuming that forking satisfies existence, we establish Kim's lemma for Kim-dividing over arbitrary sets in an NSOP1 theory. We deduce symmetry of Kim-independence and the independence theorem for Lascar strong types.
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    On Almost Orthogonality in Simple Theories.Itay Ben-Yaacov & Frank O. Wagner - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (2):398 - 408.
    1. We show that if p is a real type which is internal in a set $\sigma$ of partial types in a simple theory, then there is a type p' interbounded with p, which is finitely generated over $\sigma$ , and possesses a fundamental system of solutions relative to $\sigma$ . 2. If p is a possibly hyperimaginary Lascar strong type, almost \sigma-internal$ , but almost orthogonal to $\sigma^{\omega}$ , then there is a canonical non-trivial almost (...)
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  22. Maximal chains in the fundamental order.Steven Buechler - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (2):323-326.
    Suppose T is superstable. Let ≤ denote the fundamental order on complete types, [ p] the class of the bound of p, and U(--) Lascar's foundation rank (see [LP]). We prove THEOREM 1. If $q and there is no r such that $q , then U(q) + 1 = U(p). THEOREM 2. Suppose $U(p) and $\xi_1 is a maximal descending chain in the fundamental order with ξ κ = [ p]. Then k = U(p). That the finiteness of U(p) (...)
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    The degree of nonminimality is at most 2.James Freitag, Rémi Jaoui & Rahim Moosa - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 23 (3).
    In this paper, it is shown that if [Formula: see text] is a complete type of Lascar rank at least 2, in the theory of differentially closed fields of characteristic zero, then there exists a pair of realisations [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] such that p has a nonalgebraic forking extension over [Formula: see text]. Moreover, if A is contained in the field of constants then p already has a nonalgebraic forking extension over [Formula: see text]. The (...)
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    Normal hyperimaginaries.Enrique Casanovas & Joris Potier - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (5-6):583-591.
    We introduce the notion of normal hyperimaginary and we develop its basic theory. We present a new proof of the Lascar-Pillay theorem on bounded hyperimaginaries based on properties of normal hyperimaginaries. However, the use of the Peter–Weyl theorem on the structure of compact Hausdorff groups is not completely eliminated from the proof. In the second part, we show that all closed sets in Kim-Pillay spaces are equivalent to hyperimaginaries and we use this to introduce an approximation of φ-types for (...)
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    Simple almost hyperdefinable groups.Itaï Ben-Yaacov - 2006 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 6 (01):69-88.
    We lay down the groundwork for the treatment of almost hyperdefinable groups: notions from [5] are put into a natural hierarchy, and new notions, essential to the study to such groups, fit elegantly into this hierarchy. We show that "classical" properties of definable and hyperdefinable groups in simple theories can be generalised to this context. In particular, we prove the existence of stabilisers of Lascar strong types and of the connected and locally connected components of subgroups, and that in (...)
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    Rank and Dimension in Difference-Differential Fields.Ronald F. Bustamante Medina - 2011 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 52 (4):403-414.
    Hrushovski proved that the theory of difference-differential fields of characteristic zero has a model-companion, which we shall denote DCFA. Previously, the author proved that this theory is supersimple. In supersimple theories there is a notion of rank defined in analogy with Lascar U-rank for superstable theories. It is also possible to define a notion of dimension for types in DCFA based on transcendence degree of realization of the types. In this paper we compute the rank of a model of (...)
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    Some remarks on indiscernible sequences.Enrique Casanovas - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (5):475-478.
    We prove a property of generic homogeneity of tuples starting an infinite indiscernible sequence in a simple theory and we use it to give a shorter proof of the Independence Theorem for Lascar strong types. We also characterize the relation of starting an infinite indiscernible sequence in terms of coheirs.
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    On two hierarchies of dimensions.Andreas Baudisch - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (4):959-968.
    Let T be a countable, complete, ω-stable, nonmultidimensional theory. By Lascar [7], in T eq there is in every dimension of T a type with Lascar rank ω α for some α. We give sufficient conditions for α to coincide with the level of that dimension in Pillay's [10] RK-hierarchy of dimensions computed in T eq . In particular, this is fulfilled for modules.
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    Les beaux automorphismes.Daniel Lascar - 1991 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 31 (1):55-68.
    Assume that the class of partial automorphisms of the monster model of a complete theory has the amalgamation property. The beautiful automorphisms are the automorphisms of models ofT which: 1. are strong, i.e. leave the algebraic closure (inT eq) of the empty set pointwise fixed, 2. are obtained by the Fraïsse construction using the amalgamation property that we have just mentioned. We show that all the beautiful automorphisms have the same theory (in the language ofT plus one unary function symbol (...)
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    (1 other version)An introduction to forking.Daniel Lascar & Bruno Poizat - 1979 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 44 (3):330-350.
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    Stabilité en Théorie des Modèles.Daniel Lascar, Ray Mines, Fred Richman & Wim Ruitenburg - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (2):883-886.
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  32. Définissabilité dans les théories stables.D. Lascar - 1975 - Logique Et Analyse 18 (71):489.
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    Why some people are excited by Vaught's conjecture.Daniel Lascar - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (4):973-982.
  34.  28
    (1 other version)Ordre de Rudin‐Keisler et Poids Dans les Theories Stables.Daniel Lascar - 1982 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 28 (27‐32):413-430.
  35.  37
    Quelques précisions sur la D.o.P. Et la profondeur d'une theorie.D. Lascar - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (2):316-330.
    We give here alternative definitions for the notions that S. Shelah has introduced in recent papers: the dimensional order property and the depth of a theory. We will also give a proof that the depth of a countable theory, when defined, is an ordinal recursive in T.
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    On the category of models of a complete theory.Daniel Lascar - 1982 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (2):249-266.
  37.  63
    Les automorphismes d'un ensemble fortement minimal.Daniel Lascar - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (1):238-251.
    Let M be a countable saturated structure, and assume that D(ν) is a strongly minimal formula (without parameter) such that M is the algebraic closure of D(M). We will prove the two following theorems: Theorem 1. If G is a subgroup of $\operatorname{Aut}(\mathfrak{M})$ of countable index, there exists a finite set A in M such that every A-strong automorphism is in G. Theorem 2. Assume that G is a normal subgroup of $\operatorname{Aut}(\mathfrak{M})$ containing an element g such that for all (...)
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    Heterogeneidad de las máscaras: Entre el carnaval de bajtín Y el grotesco criollo de discépolo.Amado Láscar - 2016 - Alpha (Osorno) 42:9-23.
    El artículo intenta establecer un paralelo entre el concepto de la máscara carnavalesca concebida por Mijaíl Bajtín en Rabelais y su mundo, y también en otros escritos, y la máscara del teatro Grotesco criollo en Buenos Aires, en las primeras décadas del siglo XX. El artículo comienza por definir semejanzas y diferencias en el uso de estas dos máscaras. En el caso medieval, la máscara es utilizada como herramienta de ecualización y de catarsis social y en el caso del grotesco (...)
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    Consolidación Del estado-nación Y las contradicciones de la perspectiva indianista: Gualda, cailloma Y a orillas Del bío-bío.Amado Láscar - 2005 - Alpha (Osorno) 21.
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    ¿La teoría zapatista: Una huella en la Selva O un camino en la resistencia anti-neoliberal?Amado J. Láscar - 2004 - Alpha (Osorno) 20.
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    Forking and fundamental order in simple theories.Daniel Lascar & Anand Pillay - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (3):1155-1158.
    We give a characterisation of forking in the context of simple theories in terms of the fundamental order.
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    Superstable groups.Ch Berline & D. Lascar - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 30 (1):1-43.
  43.  86
    (1 other version)Countable models of nonmultidimensional ℵ0-stable theories.Elisabeth Bouscaren & Daniel Lascar - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (1):377 - 383.
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    Handbook of mathematical logic, edited by Barwise Jon with the cooperation of Keisler H. J., Kunen K., Moschovakis Y. N., and Troelstra A. S., Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 90, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, New York, and Oxford, 1978 , xi + 1165 pp. [REVIEW]Daniel Lascar - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (3):968-971.
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    Galois groups of first order theories.E. Casanovas, D. Lascar, A. Pillay & M. Ziegler - 2001 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 1 (02):305-319.
    We study the groups Gal L and Gal KP, and the associated equivalence relations EL and EKP, attached to a first order theory T. An example is given where EL≠ EKP. It is proved that EKP is the composition of EL and the closure of EL. Other examples are given showing this is best possible.
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    Logic Colloquium ’96: Proceedings of the Colloquium held in San Sebastián, Spain, July 9–15, 1996.Jesus M. Larrazabal, Daniel Lascar & Grigori Mints - 1998 - Springer.
    The 1996 European Summer Meeting of the Association of Symbolic Logic was held held the University of the Basque Country, at Donostia (San Se bastian) Spain, on July 9-15, 1996. It was organised by the Institute for Logic, Cognition, Language and Information (ILCLI) and the Department of Logic and Philosophy of Sciences of the University of the Basque Coun try. It was supported by: the University of Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unib ertsitatea, the Ministerio de Education y Ciencia (DGCYT), Hezkuntza Saila (...)
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    The indiscernible topology: A mock zariski topology.Markus Junker & Daniel Lascar - 2001 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 1 (01):99-124.
    We associate with every first order structure [Formula: see text] a family of invariant, locally Noetherian topologies. The structure is almost determined by the topologies, and properties of the structure are reflected by topological properties. We study these topologies in particular for stable structures. In nice cases, we get a behaviour similar to the Zariski topology in algebraically closed fields.
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    Alexandre Borovik and Ali Nesin. Groups of finite Morley rank. Oxford logic guides, no. 26. Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York1994, xvii + 409 pp. [REVIEW]Daniel Lascar - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (2):687-688.
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    Shelah Saharon. Categoricity of uncountable theories. Proceedings of the Tarski Symposium, An international symposium held to honor Alfred Tarski on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, edited by Henkin Leon et al., Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics, vol. 25, American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I., 1974, pp. 187–203. [REVIEW]Daniel Lascar - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (4):866-867.
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    Logic Colloquium '80: Papers Intended for the European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic.D. van Dalen, Daniel Lascar, T. J. Smiley & Association for Symbolic Logic - 1982 - North-Holland.
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