Results for ' Na'vi'

956 found
  1. Viśvanāthuni "Nyāyasūtravr̥tti": savimarśaka parśīlanamu.Pi Pi Vi Di Nāgatriśūlapāṇi - 1992 - [Anantapur]: Suṣamā Pablikēṣans. Edited by Viśvanātha Nyāyapañcānana Bhaṭṭācārya.
    Critical study of Viśvanātha Nyāyapañcānana Bhaṭṭācārya's Nyāyasūtravr̥tti, commentary on Gautama's Nyāyasūtra, basic tenets of the Nyaya school in Hindu philosophy.
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  2. Jñānasvarūpam.Ānandatīrthācārya Vi Nāgasampagi & Śaṅkaranārāyaṇa Aḍiga (eds.) - 2010 - Beṅgalūru: Pūrṇaprajñasaṃśodhanamandiram.
    Contributed seminar papers on concept of knowledge in Indian philosophy organised by Poornprajna Samshodhana Mandirm, Bangalore in March 2010.
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  3. Smr̥timāṇikyasaṅgrahaḥ.Ānandatīrthācārya Vi Nāgasampagi (ed.) - 2005 - Bengalūru: Pūrṇaprajñasaṃśodhanamandiram.
    Commentary on Sadācārasmr̥ti, work on Hindu religious and ethical life by Madhva, 13th cent.; authorship given to son of Madhva, belong to Kagaluru family, name not given.
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    Goṣṭhīprabandhaḥ.Ānandatīrthācārya Vi Nāgasampagi & Raṅganātha Kaṭṭi (eds.) - 2013 - Beṅgalūru: Pūrṇaprajñasaṃśodhanamandiram.
    Contributed seminar papers on concept of Jiva in Vedanta philosophy.
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    Śrīkr̥ṣṇasyacarite abhivyakta Vaidika Saṃskr̥tiḥ rājadharmaśca.Vīnā Viśnoī Śarmā - 2021 - Dillī: Āsthā Prakāśana.
    Hindu culture and political ethics in the character of Krishana, Hindu deity as decribed in Bhāgavatapurāṇa and Mahābhārata ; a study.
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  6. Ḣăkimlik sănătinin măʼnăvi ăsaslary.Adil Năjăfov - 1986 - Baky: Azărbai̐jan dȯvlăt năshrii̐i̐aty.
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  7.  10
    Learning to See the Na'vi.Stephanie Adair - 2014 - In George A. Dunn (ed.), Avatar and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 49–61.
    Scientists like Grace Augustine and Norm Spellman understand that seeing is important to Na'vi. They even understand that the significance of the expression I see you reaches far beyond a mere acknowledgment of someone having entered a visual field. Grace may have dedicated her life to studying Na'vi culture, but there remains an invisible barrier that prevents her from really seeing the Na'vi. Parker Selfridge and Colonel Miles Quaritch look on the elegant nymph‐like Na'vi, the desire (...)
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    Metafizika na istorii︠a︡ta.Vi︠a︡ra Nikolova - 2010 - Blagoevgrad: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Neofit Rilski".
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  9. Śrutyarthamīmāṃsā-1 Dvāsuparṇā: Rāṣtriyavicāragoṣṭhyāṃ vidvaddhaureyaiḥ maṇḍitāḥ prabandhāḥ.K. Hayavadana Puranik, A. Haridāsa Bhaṭṭa, D. Prahladacharya, Maṇi Drāviḍa, Ānandatīrthācārya Vi Nāgasampagi & Raṅganātha Kaṭṭi (eds.) - 2017 - Bengalūru: Pūrṇaprajñasaṃśodhanamandiram, Pūrṇaprajñavidyāpīṭham.
    Collection of research papers presented by eminent scholars on definition of 'dvāsuparṇā' of Atharvana Upanishad.
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  10. Na vi︠e︡sakh Īova.Lev Shestov - 1929 - Parizh: [Sovremennyi︠a︡ zapiski].
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  11.  13
    Seeing the Na'vi Way.Kyle Burchett - 2014 - In George A. Dunn (ed.), Avatar and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 87–103.
    This chapter is a revealing journey through the world of Pandora and the huge range of philosophical themes raised by James Cameron's groundbreaking film, Avatar. The Na'vi's intimate connection to all life on Pandora makes humanity's vicious attitude toward the natural world unfathomable to them. The insanity of the “sky people” is exemplified by their irrational anthropocentricism, an attitude that has regrettably been prevalent in Western philosophy since the time of the ancient Greeks. The philosopher Aristotle argued in the (...)
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  12. Prasthānatrayī-darśana: ekādaśa prācīna Upanishadoṃ, Brahmasūtra, aura Gītā kā dārśanika vivecana.Viśvambharadayāla Avasthī - 1992 - Ilāhābāda: Sarasvatī Prakāśana Mandira.
    On Vedanta philosophy with reference to Upanishads, Brahmasūtra of Bādarāyaṇa, and Bhagavadgītā.
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  13. Besedy na Lubi︠a︡nke: sledstvennoe delo Dërdi︠a︡ Lukacha: materialy k biografii.Vi︠a︡cheslav Sereda, A. S. Stykalin, Reinhard Müller & I︠A︡kov Rokiti︠a︡nskiĭ (eds.) - 2000 - Moskva: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, In-t slavi︠a︡novedenii︠a︡.
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  14. Madhyamā-praśnāvalī.ViśVanāThapāṆḌe[From Old Catalog] & Mannālāla Abhimanyu (eds.) - 1935
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  15.  3
    Basic concepts of Viśiṣṭadvaita.Ke Es Nārāyaṇācārya - 1990 - Dharwad: Veda Vidya Prakashana.
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  16.  12
    Mahāna Hindu dharmanuṃ darśana: Hindu dharmanā mukhya tamāma granthonuṃ darśana ; Mahābhārata darśanane (tattvajñānane) lagatā tamāma śloko tathā Vedo, Upanishado, Manusmṛti, Rāmāyaṇo, Sāṅkhyadarśana, Yogadarśana, Brahmasūtra ane Purāṇonā darśanane lagatā mantro, śloko, sūtro sāthe.VīEca Paṭela - 2020 - Rājakoṭa: Pravīṇa Prakāśana Prā. Li..
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  17.  9
    Kārikāvali of Viśvanātha Nyāyapañcānana Bhaṭṭacārya: with the commentaries Siddhāntamuktāvalī, Dinakarī, Rāmarudrī (Upamāna and Śabda sections).Viśvanātha Nyāyapañcānana Bhaṭṭācārya - 1997 - Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications. Edited by John Vattanky, Viśvanātha Nyāyapañcānana Bhaṭṭacārya & Dinakarabhaṭṭa.
    Work on Nyaya philosophy; includes Siddhāntamuktāvalī autocommentary and Dinakarī of Dinakarabhaṭṭa, 18th cent.
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  18.  7
    Advaita aura Viṣishṭādvaita Vedānta.Dīnānātha Siṃha - 2007 - Naī Dillī: Nārdana Buka Seṇṭara.
    Analytical study of Advaita and Viśiṣṭādvaita school in Hindu philosophy.
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  19. Filosofii︠a︡ na vi︠a︡rata.Lambri Mishkov - 1947
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  20.  8
    Sr̥ṣṭisvarūpam: "Bhāratīyadarśaneṣu sr̥ṣṭisvarūpam" iti vicāragoṣṭhayāṃ vidvadbhirmaṇḍitaprabandhānāṃ saṅkalanātmakam.Ānandatīrthācārya Vi Nāgasampagi & Raṅganātha Kaṭṭi (eds.) - 2010 - Beṅgalūru: Pūrṇaprajñasaṃśodhanamandiram.
    Collection of seminar papers on concept of creation in Hindu philosophy.
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  21.  2
    Astitvavāda: Ācārya Mahāprajña evaṃ Jīna Pôla Sārtra ke vicāroṃ kā tulanātmaka adhyayana.Vīrabālā Chājeṛa - 2021 - New Delhi: Writers Choice.
    Study on the concept of existentialism as reflected in the views of Mahāprajña, Ācārya, 1920-2010, Jaina saint scholar and philosopher and Jean-Paul Sartre, 1905-1980, French philosopher, author, political activist, biographer, and literary critic.
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  22.  8
    The Identity of Avatars and Na'vi Wisdom.Kevin S. Decker - 2014 - In George A. Dunn (ed.), Avatar and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 125–138.
    In avatar, Jake Sully struggles with his sense of self at a variety of levels, including the metaphysical. In Plato's and Aristotle's book Philosophy in the Flesh, George Lakoff and Mark Johnson call this shared conjecture the “folk theory of essences.” In Avatar, the presuppositions about personal identity that ground the linkage process between human beings and avatar bodies seems to follow Locke's insights quite faithfully. This way of talking about the essential self challenges the bodyswapping scenarios of John Locke (...)
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  23. Povestka dni︠a︡ i pravila igry, kotorye narody Rossii predlozhili na 2012 god samim sebe: dli︠a︡ vsekh grazhdan, vsekh institutov obshchestva, vsekh struktur vlasti: nauchnyĭ doklad.Vi︠a︡cheslav Kuznet︠s︡ov - 2011 - Moskva: Moskovskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  24.  17
    We Have an Indigenous Population of Humanoids Called the Na'vi.Dennis Knepp - 2014 - In George A. Dunn (ed.), Avatar and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 215–225.
    A central question in the history of American philosophy is that of the origin of the pragmatist movement, a school of thought that emphasized the importance of testing our ideas in practice. Scott Pratt identifies four Native American philosophical principles that he believes influenced Peirce's theory of pragmatism: interaction, pluralism, community, and growth. These principles belong to what he calls “the indigenous attitude” – represented in Avatar by the Na'vi – in contrast to “the colonial attitude” embraced by the (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Un système de philosophie bouddhique.Sylvain Lévi - 1932 - Paris,: H. Champion. Edited by Vasubandhu.
    Introduction.--Analyse résumée du système Vijñaptimātra.--Historique du système Vijñaptimātra, d'après D. Shimaji, par m. Paul Demiéville.--Traduction de la Viṃśatikā et de la Triṃśikā de Vasubandhu.--La notation de tréfonds (l'Ālaya vijñāna) d'après le Fan yi ming yi tsi, traduit en collaboration avec Édouard Chavannes.--Corrections au texte sanscrit.--Lexique des termes techniques.
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  26.  13
    The philosophy of the Vāllabha school of Vēdanta.Ke Nārāyaṇa - 2004 - Varanasi: Indological Research Centre.
    Description: Suddhadvaita or the system of Pure Monism of Sri Vallabhacarya claims to be the most faithful and authentic exposition of the real teachings of the Upanisads as it purifies the Non-Dual Ultimate Reality of the extraneous concept of Maya introduced by Samkara under the influence of Buddhism. In this system we have the concept of Non-Dualism or Advaita in its pristine, Upanisadic sense unblemished by Samkara's Illusionism, the concept of a Concrete, Personal and determinate Ultimate Reality. In recent years (...)
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  27. Pāribhāshika kośa-tattvajñāna.SīVī Rāvala - 2001 - Amadāvāda: Yunivarsiṭī Grantha Nirmāṇa Borḍa, Gujarāta Rājaya.
    Dictionary of Indic philosophy; includes briefly about the life and works of philosophers.
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  28. Filosofskata misŭl vŭv Vizantii︠a︡, IX-XII v.: problemi na filosofskata misŭl vŭv Vizantii︠a︡ i bŭlgarskata dŭrzhava.Nikolaĭ T︠S︡vi︠a︡tkov Kochev - 1981 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo Nauka i izkustvo.
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    Za slobodu stvoreni: zbornik radova povodom 70 godina života i 35 godina profesorskog djelovanja na Katoličkom Bogoslovnom Fakultetu u Sarajevu profesora dr. sc. Tomislava Jozića.Drago Župarić, Karlo Višaticki & Tomislav Jozić (eds.) - 2013 - Zagreb: Glas Koncila.
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  30. Heydar Äliyev vä mänävi-estetik däyärlär.Xatirä Quliyeva - 2002 - Bakı: Azärnäşr.
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  31. Kārikāvalī, Nyāyasiddhāntamuktāvalīsahitā: anumānopamānaśabdasmr̥timanoguṇakhaṇḍātmikā.Viśvanātha Nyāyapañcānana Bhaṭṭācārya - 1992 - Vārāṇasī: Caukhambā Surabhāratī Prakāśana. Edited by Lokamaṇi Dāhāla.
    Treatise also known as Bhāṣāpariccheda on the basic tenets of the Nyāya and Vaiśeṣika schools in Hindu philosophy; includes autocommentary.
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  32. Dārśanika pravāho: Gujarātīnā viśesha sandarbhamāṃ.Rādhikā Jarīvāḷā - 2000 - Amadāvāda: Mukhya Prāptisthāna Navabhārata Sāhitya Mandira.
    On Indic philosophy with special reference to Gujaratis (Indic people) and Gujarat, India.
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  33. Demokratik cămiyyătin mill-mănăvi problemlări.Yadigar Türkel - 2002 - Bakı: Nurlan.
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  34. Par mīlestību un nāvi: esejas.Zenta Maurin̦a - 1964 - [Brooklyn, N.Y.]: Grāmatu drugs.
  35. Nravstvenii︠a︡t svi︠a︡t na vi︠a︡rvashtii︠a︡.Nikolaĭ Mizov - 1988 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo Nauka i izkustvo. Edited by Maksim Mizov & Boĭko Mizov.
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  36. Đạo học với truyền thống tôn sư.Văn Năm Nguyễn (ed.) - 2014 - Đà Nẵng: Nhà xuất bản Đà Nẵng.
    Potraits of teacher relationship through a systematic view of the history of the development of Vietnamese education and to prove the noble traditions.
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  37.  7
    Viṣamapadavyākhyā: A Commentary on Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita’s Śabdakaustubha Attributed to Nāgeśabhaṭṭa. Edited by James W. Benson.Peter M. Scharf - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (2).
    Viṣamapadavyākhyā: A Commentary on Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita’s Śabdakaustubha Attributed to Nāgeśabhaṭṭa. Edited by James W. Benson. American Oriental Series, vol. 97. New Haven: American Oriental Society, 2015. Pp. xl + 233.
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  38. Śrīrāmānujamatasaṅgrahaḥ.Nāvalpakkaṃ Śrīnivāsapāṭṭarāryamahādeśika - 1993 - Vārāṇasyām: Sampūrṇānanda-Saṃskr̥ta-Viśvavidyālayasya. Edited by Nāvalpakkam Śrīnivāsatātācāryamahādeśika & Nāvalpākkam Kr̥ Rāmānujatātācārya.
    On the Viśiṣṭādvaita philosophy of Rāmānuja, 1017-1137.
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  39.  11
    Har vi ham nå?Thor Inge Rørvik - 2021 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 38 (3-4):439-450.
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  40. (1 other version)Filozofické návraty a vízie: z dejín folozofického myslenia na Slovensku v 19. storočí.Dalimír Hajko - 2001 - Bratislava: Iris.
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  41.  25
    Duns escoto E a verdade nas coisas: Um estudo de "questões sobre a metafísica" VI, Q.3.Gustavo Barreto Vilhena de Paiva - 2015 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 56 (131):149-171.
    No livro VI de suas "Questões sobre a Metafísica", João Duns Escoto desenvolve um complexo estudo sobre a verdade. Para tanto, ele distingue dois modos de verdade: a "verdade na coisa" e a "verdade no intelecto". Pretendo aqui me voltar para a primeira dessas duas noções, interpretando uma curta passagem daquela obra à luz de outros textos do Doutor Sutil – um procedimento sugerido por aquelas próprias questões. In the 6th book of his "Questions on Metaphysics", John Duns Scotus develops (...)
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  42. Ahiṃsā-viśvakośa: Ahiṃsā ke dārśanika, dhārmika, va sāṃskr̥tika svarūpoṃ ko vyākhyāyita karane vāle prācīna śāstrīya viśiṣṭa sandarbhoṃ ka saṅkalana. Subhadra, Dāmodara Śāstrī & Maheśa Jaina (eds.) - 2004 - Naī Dillī: Yūnivarsiṭī Pablikeśana.
    Compilation of textual references from Vedic and Jaina religious literature on religious, philosophical and cultural aspects of non-violence (Ahimsa); Prakrit and Sanskrit text with Hindi translation.
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  43.  5
    Vedāntavaijayantī.Nāvalpākkam Tēvanātāccāriyar - 1976 - Nāvalpākkam: Nāvalpākkam Ayyā Devanāthatātācāryasvāmi Śatābhiṣeka Mahotsavasamitiḥ.
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  44. Svāvakadharma-darśana: śrāvakadharma para gambhīra vivecana-viśleshaṇa pradhāna pravacana. Pushkara - 1978 - Udayapura: Śrī Tārakaguru Jaina Granthālaya.
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  45.  8
    Vedāntasāraḥ: Śrībādarāyaṇapraṇītānām samagrabrahmasūtrāṇām saṃkṣiptavyākhyātmakaḥ, Śrīdharamukhollāsinī-Hindīvyākhyāsaṃvalitaḥ / Śrīmajjagadguruśrīrāmānujācāryapraṇītaḥ ; vyākhyākāraḥ, Govindācāryaḥ ; sampādakaḥ, Ācārya Viṣṇuprasāda Śarmā ; prakāśanakaiṇkaryam, Jagadgururāmānujācāryāḥ Ḍô. Rāghavācāryasvāminaḥ. Rāmānuja - 2018 - Dillī: Śrīgovindācāryapratiṣṭhānam. Edited by Bādarāyaṇa, Govinda Prasāda Śarmā & Viṣṇuprasāda Śarmā.
    Commentary on Brahmasūtra of Bādarāyaṇa, based on Viśiṣṭādvaita philosophy.
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  46.  8
    Prorot︠s︡ite na besovete: smisŭl i vi︠a︡ra v ruskata religiozna filosofii︠a︡.Nina Dimitrova - 2013 - Sofii︠a︡: Akademichno izdatelstvo "Prof. Marin Drinov".
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  47. Prosvi︠e︡titelʹnyĭ vi︠e︡k i Aleksandrovskai︠a︡ pora: lekt︠s︡īi, chitannyi︠a︡ na Moskov. vyssh. zhensk. kursakh v 1915-16 uchebn. godu: zapiski slushatelʹnit︠s︡.A. N. Veselovskīĭ - 1916 - Moskva: Izd. Izdatelʹskago ob-va Istoriko-filosofskago fakulʹteta, Moskov. vyssh. zhensk. kursov.
  48.  27
    Viđenje i interpretacija: Dvije metafore Karla Marxa i jedna teza o tehnici kao epistemološkoj figuri.Aleksandar Mijatović - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (1):161-178.
    Karl Marx u Njemačkoj ideologiji i Kapitalu uvodi optičku metaforu ljudskog oka kroz koju tumači problematiku ideologije i robnog fetišizma. U radu se razmatraju mogućnosti interpretacija ovih Marxovih metafora. U svjetlu se tih interpretacija razmatra jedna od središnjih postavki vizualnih studija da se vizualna kultura moderniteta gradi na potkopavanju epistemološke prevlasti viđenja. Rad problematizira koncepciju modernističkog utjelovljenog promatrača koju uvodi američki povjesničar umjetnosti Jonathan Crary. Prema Craryju, ova drugačija ideja promatračkog subjekta potkopava klasičnu filozofijsku ideju o rastjelovljenosti spoznajnog subjekta. Prema (...)
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  49.  6
    Vivekavilāsa: jyotiṣa, vāstu-śilpa, aṅgavidyā, svaravidyā, hastarekhā, ṣaḍdarśana, viṣacikitsā, yoga-dhyāna evaṃ vividha dinacaryā vyavahāropayogī prācīna lakṣaṇa-saṃhitātmaka grantha, Mohanabodhinīṭīkā sahita. Jinadattasūri & Anubhūti Cauhāna - 2008 - Dillī: Āryavarta Saṃskr̥ti Saṃsthāna. Edited by Śrīkr̥ṣṇa Juganū, Anubhūti Cauhāna & Anukr̥ti Cauhāna.
    On Jaina religious life, astrology, and philosophy with Hindi translation.
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  50.  9
    Śikshā kā dārśanika evaṃ aitihāsika pariprekshya: Śrī Aravinda Ghosha evaṃ Jôna ḌīVī ke viśesha sandarbha meṃ = Philosophical & historical perspectives of education: with special reference to Sri Aurobind Ghosh & John Dewey.Rameśa Prasāda Pāṭhaka - 2018 - Naī Dillī: Phôravarḍa Buksa.
    On philosophical and historical perspectives of education : with special reference to Sri Aurobindo, 1872-1950, Indian philosopher and John Dewey, 1859-1952, an American philosopher and educational reformer.
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