Results for ' Prophet'

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  1.  10
    The economic philosophy of Jesus Christ vs. the religious philosophy of Karl Marx.Elizabeth Clare Prophet - 2019 - Gardiner, Montana: Summit University Press.
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    The role of category valence in prototype preference.Moritz Ingendahl, Nadja Propheter & Tobias Vogel - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (6):963-969.
    People prefer prototypical stimuli over atypical stimuli. The dominant explanation for this prototype preference effect is that prototypical stimuli are processed more fluently. However, a more recent account proposes that prototypes are more strongly associated with their category’s valence, leading to a reversed prototype preference effect for negative categories. One critical but untested assumption of this category-valence account is that no prototype preference should emerge for entirely neutral categories. We tested this prediction by conditioning categories of dot patterns positively, negatively, (...)
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    Ethical prophets along the way: those hall of famers.Rufus Burrow - 2019 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books. Edited by Susannah Heschel & Mary Alice Mulligan.
    God's point of view to the people and the powers at a time when injustice, deceit, malfeasance, and crushing the poor and the oppressed was prominent--much like today! The prophets spoke courageously and emphatically about God's profound and unrelenting concern and compassion for human beings. Much influenced by the theology of prophecy developed by Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, this book discusses the nature, meaning, and relevance of ethical prophecy at a time when democracy--in the United States of America and elsewhere--is (...)
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    Prophetic Politics: Emmanuel Levinas and the Sanctification of Suffering.Philip J. Harold - 2009 - Ohio University Press.
    In Prophetic Politics, Philip J. Harold offers an original interpretation of the political dimension of Emmanuel Levinas’s thought.
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    Prophet of Decline: Spengler on World History and Politics.John Farrenkopf - 2001 - LSU Press.
    Oswald Spengler (1880--1936) is best known for The Decline of the West, in which he propounded his pathbreaking philosophy of world history and penetrating diagnosis of the crisis of modernity. This monumental work launched a seminal attack on the idea of progress and supplanted the outmoded Eurocentric understanding of history. His provocative pessimism seems to be confirmed in retrospect by the twentieth-century horrors of economic depression, totalitarianism, genocide, the dawn of the nuclear age, and the emerging global environmental crisis. In (...)
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    Prophetic Pragmatism and the Practices of Freedom: On Cornel West's Foucauldian Methodology.Brad Elliott Stone - 2011 - Foucault Studies 11:92-105.
    This essay explores the Foucauldian influence on Cornel West’s prophetic pragmatism. Although West argues that Foucauldian methods are insufficient to deliver a philosophy of liberation, I argue that there is nothing in Foucault that would prohibit West from such a goal, even though a philosophy of liberation was not one of Foucault’s goals. Fortunately, one can understand West’s own project of liberation in terms of “practices of freedom,” allowing one to describe West’s philosophical project in strict Foucauldian terms.
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    Prophets, priests, and kings today? theological and practical problems with the use of the munus triplex as a leadership typology.Timothy Paul Jones - 2018 - Perichoresis 16 (3):63-85.
    It has become widespread, not only among pastors and conference speakers but also among scholars such as Vern Poythress and John Frame, to utilize the threefold offices of Christ as a typology for church leadership. According to this application of the threefold office, different church leaders possess prophetic, priestly, and kingly capacities in differing degrees, and the most appropriate role for each leader depends on which of these capacities happens to be strongest. According to some proponents, the offices of (...), priest, and king function as leadership personality types, with prophets identified as those leaders who are gifted as teachers, priests as those who care for people’s needs, and kings as planners and organizers. This article undertakes an exploration of these three leadership roles and contends that, though the munus triplex itself is a venerable and biblical structure, the appropriation of prophet, priest, and king as typological categories for church leadership is not. Through examination both of relevant Old Testament texts and of New Testament appropriations of these offices of leadership, it is demonstrated that the typological categorization of leaders as prophets, priests, or kings falls far short when it comes to biblical support. Particularly absent in Scripture is any clear identification of these offices with specific traits that different church leaders possess in differing degrees. Kingship and priesthood in particular are not individualized traits but a communal identity, shared by the whole people of God and grounded in union with Christ. (shrink)
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    Prophets, resurgences, and the truth: in discussion with Maurizio Viroli’s Prophetic Times.Fernanda Gallo - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (7):1304-1306.
    Maurizio Viroli’s Prophetic Times: Visions of Emancipation in the History of Italy (2023) is the latest in a long list of outstanding works on Italian intellectual history that the scholar has publ...
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  9. Prophets, Philosophers and Poets of the Ancient World.Henry Osborn Taylor - 1915 - New York: F. Ungar Pub. Co..
    Chaldaea and Egypt.--China: duty and detachment.--The Indian annihilation of individuality.--Zarathushtra.--The prophets of Israel.--The heroic adjustment in Greek poetry.--Greek philosophers.--Intermediaries.--Jesus.--Paul.--Augustine.--The arrows are beyond thee.
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    Prophets, Prophecy, and Ancient Israelite Historiography. Edited by Mark J. Boda and Lissa M. Wray Beal.Steven S. Tuell - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (3).
    Prophets, Prophecy, and Ancient Israelite Historiography. Edited by Mark J. Boda and Lissa M. Wray Beal. Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 2013. Pp. xii + 400. $54.50.
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    Leibniz: prophet of new era science.Jürgen Lawrenz - 2013 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    In this book, modern scientists and philosophers of science confront the prophetic legacy of the 17th century philosopher Leibnizâ "a metaphysical agenda full of ideas presaging todayâ (TM)s state of the art research into relativity and quantum cosmology; the physics of force, mass, momentum, time and space; complexity and chaos theories; fundamental particles and multiple worlds; and of the electronic cosmos of our computer era. Their immense relevance to us is demonstrated by the engagement with them of over 200 present-day (...)
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    The Prophets in Recent Study: 1967–197.James Limburg - 1978 - Interpretation 32 (1):56-68.
    During the last decade the library of resources for the study of Old Testament prophets has been substantially expanded ; especially noteworthy is the way the need for commentaries has been met.
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    Prophet’s Medicine Among the Contemporary Indonesian Salafi Groups.Jajang Jahroni - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 15 (2):315-343.
    The old-centuries medical forms claimed to have been exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad, called Prophet’s medicine, have been reinvented by the contemporary Indonesian Salafis. This invention is parts of their attempts to return all aspects of life to the authoritative resources. In doing so, the Salafis use modern packaging to attract non-Salafi Muslims. As a result, Prophet’s medicine has been popular among certain Muslim groups. The presence of Prophet’s medicine, to some extent, challenges conventional medicine which (...)
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    Nativist Prophets of Early Islamic Iran: Rural Revolt and Local Zoroastrianism. By Patricia Crone.Jamsheed K. Choksy - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (1).
    The Nativist Prophets of Early Islamic Iran: Rural Revolt and Local Zoroastrianism. By Patricia Crone. Pp. xviii + 566, 6 maps. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012. Pp. xvii + 566. $109.99, $29.99, $24.
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    Prophets competing against each other in a commercial age: Have some prophets or neoprophetic churches gone too far?Hulisani Ramantswana & Ithapeleng Sebetseli - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-10.
    In recent years, there is growing concern with some of the bizarre practices in some neoprophetic churches. Amongst the concerns raised are the bizarre practices and the commercialisation of churches with claims that churches are being turned into lucrative businesses. In this article, the relationship amongst prophets, churches and commerce is explored, focusing on competitive behaviour in an open market or free market. The article engages the following issues: firstly, the issue of religious marketing in the context of a free (...)
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  16. Prophetic pastoral leadership: The Adelaide archdiocesan pastoral team, 1986-2001 [Book Review].James McEvoy - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (4):507.
    Review of: Prophetic pastoral leadership: The Adelaide archdiocesan pastoral team, 1986-2001, by Paul K. Hawkes,, pp. 138; paperback, AU$23.00;1 Kindle, US$7.29.
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    (1 other version)Contemporary prophetic preaching theory in the United States of America and South Africa: A comparative study through the lens of shared Reformation roots.Leonora Tubbs Tisdale & Friedrich W. de Wet - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (2):01-08.
    In this article two homileticians - one from the United States of America (USA) and one from South Africa (SA) - enter into a dialog regarding how the task of prophetic preaching today might be revived, reframed and redefined in light of the Reformation principle of the viva vox Evangelii [living voice of the gospel]. Each author begins by summarising four contemporary approaches to prophetic preaching set forth by Reformed and Lutheran homiletical scholars in their respective contexts. Then each addresses (...)
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    Prophetic Speech.Gene M. Tucker - 1978 - Interpretation 32 (1):31-45.
    A new assessment of the way prophets spoke shows that their basic vocation was to be as speakers who brought a communication from God announcing future events.
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    Anarchist Prophets: Disappointing Vision and the Power of Collective Sight.James R. Martel - 2022 - Duke University Press.
    In _Anarchist Prophets_ James R. Martel juxtaposes anarchism with what he calls archism in order to theorize the potential for a radical democratic politics. He shows how archism—a centralized and hierarchical political form that is a secularization of ancient Greek and Hebrew prophetic traditions—dominates contemporary politics through a prophet’s promises of peace and prosperity or the threat of violence. Archism is met by anarchism, in which a community shares a collective form of judgment and vision. Martel focuses on the (...)
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    The Prophet of Non-Violence: Spirit of Peace, Compassion & Universality in Islam.Asgharali Engineer - 2011 - Vitasta.
    Section 1. Introduction. The prophet of non-violence -- section 2. Women in Islam. Women in the light of hadith -- Violence against women and religion -- section 3. War and peace in Islam. Theory of war and peace in Islam -- Centrality of jihad in post Qurʼanic period -- Jihad? But what about other verses in the Qurʼan? -- Islam, democracy and violence -- A critical look at Qurʼanic verses on war and violence -- section 4. Justice and compassion (...)
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    The Prophet Jeremiah and Exclusive Loyalty to God.Kathleen M. O'connor - 2005 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 59 (2):130-140.
    In the book of Jeremiah, the prophet's calling involves profound engagement with the world, with God, and with the local community. Exclusive allegiance to and intimate experience of God propel the prophet into the world, become the fiery source of his passion, and make Jeremiah the model of survival for his devastated community.
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  22. Prophetic Niche in the Virtuous City: The Concept of Ḥikma in Early Islamic Thought by Hikmet Yaman (review).Nuha al-Shaar - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (3):436-439.
    In his book Visions of Politics, Quentin Skinner argued that a scholar's primary concern is to situate texts and terms within their intellectual contexts in order to make sense of their authors' meaning. Skinner also stressed the history of the uses to which moral terms have been put, and their meanings for the agent performing them. While admitting the difficulties of such method with early Muslim writings, Hikmet Yaman is to be congratulated on his thorough analysis of ḥikma, commonly translated (...)
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    What Does a Prophet Know?Martin Kavka - 2018 - Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (1):181-189.
    This essay on Cathleen Kaveny's Prophecy Without Contempt challenges her argument from two opposing sides. First, it critiques all jeremiads. It asks how a person uttering prophetic indictments, whether in the form of a classical jeremiad or the more moderate form that Kaveny argues for, can possibly know of what she speaks, given the otherness of God. Second, it calls for more jeremiads. It asks whether a person, whether religious or not, might indeed know enough to offer withering jeremiads, in (...)
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    "Prophet" looking for a nineteenth century future.Susantha Goonatilake - 2005 - Social Epistemology 19 (1):129 – 146.
    Nanda writes disparagingly of "Hindu" intellectuals--including those in the West - who try to produce alternative sciences often inspired by post-modernism. She is unaware that many - including Einstein and Schrödinger - fit her descriptions of such "Hindu" Western prophets "facing backward" who revolutionized science by "alternative sciences". She misreads those positions she criticizes into one anti-science conspiracy of post-modernism and Vedic science adherents. Her misconstructions are easy to spot Examples: Key citations on India are Western; her statements often ex-cathedra (...)
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    Prophets facing backwards: An appreciation.T. Jayaraman - 2005 - Social Epistemology 19 (1):99 – 110.
    This appreciation of Meera Nanda's book 'Prophets Facing Backwards' deals primarily with the contemporary socio-political relevance of her work. This essay highlights the significance of the book in the study of the Hindu fundamentalist stance towards the natural sciences and its roots in the construction of the world view of neo-Hinduism. It also situates the emergence of the post-modernist critique of science in India, that has made ideological common cause with Hindu fundamentalim on the question of science, in the context (...)
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    Solovyev, prophet of Russian-Western unity.Egbert Munzer - 1956 - London,: Hollis & Carter.
  27. The Prophets.Abraham J. Heschel - 1962
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    Prophets of Extremity: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida.Allan Megill - 1985 - Univ of California Press.
    In this book, the author presents an interpretation of four thinkers: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault, and Derrida. In an attempt to place these thinkers within the wider context of the crisis-oriented modernism and postmodernism that have been the source of much of what is most original and creative in twentieth-century art and thought.
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    Le « prophète des crises ». Économie politique et religion chez Clément Juglar.Muriel Dal-Pont Legrand & Ludovic Frobert - 2010 - Astérion 7 (7).
    Cet article étudie les évolutions significatives de la théorie des crises économiques « à retour périodique » chez Juglar entre ses premières formulations, peu avant 1860, et les toutes dernières versions quelque quarante ans plus tard. Les progrès analytiques et empiriques sont soulignés et l’article signale la montée en généralité de la vision du cycle chez Juglar qui, à la fin de sa vie, décelait dans ce phénomène régulier la « clé de tout le mouvement social ». Des raisons économiques, (...)
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    The Prophetic Law: Essays in Judaism, Girardianism, Literary Studies, and the Ethical.Sandor Goodhart - 2014 - East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.
    To read literature is to read the way literature reads. René Girard’s immense body of work supports this thesis bountifully. Whether engaging the European novel, ancient Greek tragedy, Shakespeare’s plays, or Jewish and Christian scripture, Girard teaches us to read prophetically, not by offering a method he has developed, but by presenting the methodologies they have developed, the interpretative readings already available within (and constitutive of) such bodies of classical writing. In The Prophetic Law, literary scholar, theorist, and critic Sandor (...)
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    Introducing Prophetic Pragmatism: A Dialogue on Hope, the Philosophy of Race, and the Spiritual Blues.Jacob L. Goodson & Brad Elliott Stone - 2019 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. Edited by Brad Elliott Stone.
    Pragmatism is a philosophical school of thought emphasizing action, practices, and practical reasoning whereas prophecy is an ancient religious concept that requires belief in the reality of God. Although these two concepts seem to not be a natural fit with one another, the authors demonstrate why prophetic pragmatism is “pragmatism at its best.”.
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    A Prophetic Peace: Judaism, Religion, and Politics.Alick Isaacs - 2011 - Indiana University Press.
    Challenging deeply held convictions about Judaism, Zionism, war, and peace, Alick Isaacs's combat experience in the second Lebanon war provoked him to search for a way of reconciling the belligerence of religion with its messages of peace. In his insightful readings of the texts of Biblical prophecy and rabbinic law, Isaacs draws on the writings of Ludwig Wittgenstein, Jacques Derrida, Abraham Joshua Heschel, and Martin Buber, among others, to propose an ambitious vision of religiously inspired peace. Rejecting the notion of (...)
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  33.  20
    The Prophet Muḥammad’s Behavior Expressing Legal Freedom (Ibāḥā) in Islamic Law.İbrahim Yilmaz - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (1):275-292.
    Sunnah is the second main source for Islamic law following the Qur’ān. Sunnah in the books on the Methodology of Islamic Law (Usūl al-fiqh) is examined in two main parts, one of which is as the source for religious commands and the other is being as religious/taklīfī commands. Sunnah is divided into three categories in terms of being the source for Islamic commands: qawlī (verbal), fi‘ilī (behavioral) and taqrīrī (approval). In the Islamic literature, when the word “sunnah” is mentioned, first (...)
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    The prophetic voice of the South African Council of Churches: A weak voice in post-1994 South Africa.Mookgo S. Kgatle - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1).
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    Prophet and inquisitor: Or, a church built upon bayonets cannot stand: A comment on Mansfield's "Strauss's Machiavelli".J. G. A. Pocock - 1975 - Political Theory 3 (4):385-401.
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    A Prophetic Church in a Post-Constantinian Age: The Implicit Theology of Cornel West.Jeffrey Stout - 2007 - Contemporary Pragmatism 4 (1):39-45.
    This article concerns central theological commitments in Cornel West's prophetic social criticism. West is best interpreted as someone proposing a politics of charism, in which human arrangements need constantly to make room for and conform themselves to the divine gifts of inspired speech, music, knowledge, and love. The church, for West, is a fallible, earthen vessel into which God's charismatic treasures are poured. The church's prophetic mission must receive prophetic criticism; it should disconnect itself from empire, capital, racism, sexism, and (...)
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    Prophetic Authenticity: A Form-Critical Study of Amos 7:10–17.Gene M. Tucker - 1973 - Interpretation 27 (4):423-434.
    By rasing the form-critical questions our attention will be drawn directly to the text itself, and what it communicates concerning the prophetic role, the broad question of authority and validity in religious language, and the specific issue of the authentication of prophetic words... these are issues which refuse to be confined to the eighth century B.C. in Israel.
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    Prophetic witness and public discourse in European societies – a German perspective.Heinrich Bedford-Strohm - 2010 - HTS Theological Studies 66 (1).
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    Muḥammad, Prophet and StatesmanMuhammad, Prophet and Statesman.James A. Bellamy & W. Montgomery Watt - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):138.
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    Le prophète et la vérité. Une approche spinoziste de l’écologie moderne.Moa de Lucia Dahlbeck & Jacques-Louis Lantoine - 2023 - Cahiers Philosophiques 169 (2):23-38.
    Le discours international actuel sur l’écologie s’est mué en un mouvement qui s’identifie avec le discours de la vérité scientifique. L’exemple de Greta Thunberg et de ses appels à l’action illustre dans quelle mesure l’identité actuelle du mouvement enveloppe un paradoxe qui lui est inhérent. D’une part, elle s’appuie sur la nature auto-explicative et claire des idées vraies. D’autre part, pour propager ces idées, elle fait résider son pouvoir rhétorique dans l’impact émotionnel. L’approche par Spinoza de la relation entre raison (...)
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    Prophetic Figures in Late Second Temple Jewish Palestine: The Evidence from Josephus.Doron Mendels & Rebecca Gray - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (1):117.
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  42. (1 other version)Prophets of Extremity. Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida.Allan Megill - 1989 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 43 (3):561-564.
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    The Prophet's Unification in Society in The Context of -We – in His Tradition.Osman Yektar - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (1):289-308.
    In hadith of the Prophet his "we" has become an emphasis on social awareness. Not so-called, it is formed in a self-conscious. In this way, the original is returned to the community of faith-communities. This "words, actions and feelings" as he tried to explain. Understood by all levels of society and it is a narrative encompassing their entire. It has managed to social cohesion in the application. This success also shed light on the present century is such a success.SUMMARY: (...)
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    Prophetic Voices: Simone Weil and Flannery O'Connor.E. Jane Doering & Ruthann Knechel Johansen - 2020 - Philosophical Investigations 43 (1-2):101-114.
    This study juxtaposes Simone Weil's exposition of God's invitation to know and love the good through the divine signature of beauty stamped on the order of the world and Flannery O'Connor's depiction of a society whose oppressive order allows some characters to oppose outright a divine order or to live under the illusion that the divine invitation is irrelevant because they, in their egoism and materialist values, are the centre of the universe. An examination of O'Connor's and Weil's ideas on (...)
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    Prophetic Evangelicals: Envisioning a Just and Peaceable Kingdom ed. by Bruce Ellis Benson, Malinga Elizabeth Berry, and Peter Goodwin Heltzel, and: Bearing True Witness: Truthfulness in Christian Practice by Craig Hovey.Guenther “Gene” Haas - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (2):221-224.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Prophetic Evangelicals: Envisioning a Just and Peaceable Kingdom ed. by Bruce Ellis Benson, Malinga Elizabeth Berry, and Peter Goodwin Heltzel, and: Bearing True Witness: Truthfulness in Christian Practice by Craig HoveyGuenther “Gene” HaasReview of Prophetic Evangelicals: Envisioning a Just and Peaceable Kingdom EDITED BY BRUCE ELLIS BENSON, MALINGA ELIZABETH BERRY, AND PETER GOODWIN HELTZEL Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2012. 225 pp. $35.00Review of Bearing True Witness: Truthfulness in (...)
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  46. Prophetic Religion: A Transracial Challenge to Modern Democracy.David L. Chappell - 2009 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 76 (4):1261-1276.
    Most contributors approach the secularization question out of concern with intolerance and repression. But a peculiar kind of religion may impinge upon secular life in a different way: a prophetic religion may generate the solidarity and will-to-sacrifice that oppressed peoples need to fight for freedom and equality. The tradition of the Hebrew Prophets played a key role in the American civil rights struggle. Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King, and other exponents of the tradition rejected the idea that minority rights could (...)
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  47. The prophet armed: Machiavelli, savonarola, and rosso Fiorentino's Moses defending the daughters of Jethro.Vivien Gaston - 1988 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 51 (1):220-225.
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    Putting God And His Prophet Under Obligation.Ahmet Özdemir - 2023 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 28 (2):67-82.
    This work of ours is about the servant's display of behavior such as ruminating while fulfilling his responsibility to Allah. Since the verse related to our subject is in the Surah Hucurat, an evaluation will be made within the framework of this verse. During this evaluation, verses with similar characteristics that we think may be relevant will also be included. In addition, it will not only touch on the historical dimension of the issue, but also draw attention to what kind (...)
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  49. Prophetic Preaching: A Pastoral Approach.[author unknown] - 2010
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  50. The Prophetic Literature.[author unknown] - 2019
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