Results for ' Resurrection'

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  1.  29
    On resurrection axioms.Konstantinos Tsaprounis - 2015 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 80 (2):587-608.
    The resurrection axioms are forms of forcing axioms that were introduced recently by Hamkins and Johnstone, who developed on earlier ideas of Chalons and Veličković. In this note, we introduce a stronger form of resurrection and show that it gives rise to families of axioms which are consistent relative to extendible cardinals, and which imply the strongest known instances of forcing axioms, such as Martin’s Maximum++. In addition, we study the unbounded resurrection postulates in terms of consistency (...)
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    Resurrection axioms and uplifting cardinals.Joel David Hamkins & Thomas A. Johnstone - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (3-4):463-485.
    We introduce the resurrection axioms, a new class of forcing axioms, and the uplifting cardinals, a new large cardinal notion, and prove that various instances of the resurrection axioms are equiconsistent over ZFC with the existence of an uplifting cardinal.
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    Digital Resurrection: Challenging the Boundary between Life and Death with Artificial Intelligence.Hugo Rodríguez Reséndiz & Juvenal Rodríguez Reséndiz - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):71.
    The advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) poses challenges in the field of bioethics, especially concerning issues related to life and death. AI has permeated areas such as health and research, generating ethical dilemmas and questions about privacy, decision-making, and access to technology. Life and death have been recurring human concerns, particularly in connection with depression. AI has created systems like Thanabots or Deadbots, which digitally recreate deceased individuals and allow interactions with them. These systems rely on information generated by AI (...)
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    Post-resurrection Meal and its Implications for the Early Understanding of the Eucharist.Thomas O'Loughlin - 2008 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 25 (1):1-14.
    This paper is focussed on a passage from the fourth-century Christian treatise, De uiris illustribus. This is the oldest extant witness to some traditions about Jesus that is often lumped together as ‘apocrypha’. The passage in question addresses the issue of a post-resurrection meal. The passage suggests that we need a more all embracing notion of sacramentality of Christians eating at table than one where a sacramental dimension is linked to ritual or even ceremonial form.
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  5. Resurrection worlds and bodies.John Hick - 1973 - Mind 82 (327):409-412.
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    Reincarnation, resurrection and the question of representation.Hasskei Majeed & Mogobe Ramose - 2019 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 8 (2):139-158.
    This article discusses critically the problems and significance of the concepts of reincarnation and the resurrection. It focuses on the contemporary debate on this topic between Robert Almeder and Stephen Hales. The Akan understanding of these concepts is invoked showing the contrast and,even comparison between the African and the Western understanding of the concepts. It is suggested in this article that the arguments for these concepts could still be ameliorated. This point is taken up by Ramose’s focus on the (...)
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    The resurrection of the body.Trenton Merricks - 2008 - In Thomas P. Flint & Michael Rea (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophical theology. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article focuses on two questions about the doctrine of the resurrection, questions that will occur to most philosophers and theologians interested in identity in general, and in personal identity in particular. The first question is: how? How could a body that at the end of this life was frail and feeble be the very same body as a resurrection body, a body which will not be frail or feeble, but will instead be glorified? Moreover, how could a (...)
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  8. Surviving resurrection.Andrei A. Buckareff & Joel S. Van Wagenen - 2010 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 67 (3):123 - 139.
    In this paper we examine and critique the constitution view of the metaphysics of resurrection developed and defended by Lynne Rudder Baker. Baker identifies three conditions for an adequate metaphysics of resurrection. We argue that one of these, the identity condition, cannot be met on the constitution view given the account of personal identity it assumes. We discuss some problems with the constitution theory of personal identity Baker develops in her book, Persons and Bodies. We argue that these (...)
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    Resurrection and Moral Imagination.Sarah Bachelard - 2013 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    This book explores the significance of the Resurrection for human moral imagination and moral life. It shows that the Resurrection, contemplatively apprehended, shifts our ethically conditioned understanding of what it means to be human. It shifts our relationship to mortality and finitude, and opens up new possibilities and sources for human life and hope. It thereby transforms the picture of human being operative in moral thinking about justice and personal relations, as well as some of our fundamental moral (...)
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    Resurrection and the 'replica objection'.Frank B. Dilley - 1983 - Religious Studies 19 (4):459 - 474.
    Resurrection has been used as the conceptual basis for attempted solutions to two problems that occur in the context of western theism, the problem of cognitive meaning and the problem of theodicy. Because John Hick has proposed resurrection as a solution to both problems so extensively, and because Antony Flew and Terence Penelhum have examined those solutions so strenuously, I will use their writings to lay out the problem. My aim is to improve upon Hick by overcoming a (...)
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  11.  16
    Bodily resurrection and ethics in 1 Cor 15: connecting faith and morality in the context of Greco-Roman mythology.Paul J. Brown - 2014 - Tübingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck.
    Introduction and research setting -- Greco-Roman afterlife beliefs and Paul's resurrection convictions -- The deniers of the resurrection -- The bodily resurrection of Jesus (1 Cor 15:1-11) -- The veracity of the bodily resurrection and the resulting ethical imperatives (1 Cor 15:12-34) -- The nature of the bodily resurrection and its ethical implications (1 Cor 15:35-58) -- Summary and conclusion.
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    Resurrection as Salvation : Development and Conflict in Pre-Nicene Paulinism.Thomas D. McGlothlin - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is the first study to focus on the reception of Paul's link between resurrection and salvation, revealing its profound effect on early Christian theology - not only eschatology, but also anthropology, pneumatology, ethics, and soteriology. Thomas D. McGlothlin traces the roots of the strong tension on the matter in ancient Judaism and then offers deep readings of the topic by key theologians of pre-Nicene Christianity, who argued on both sides of the issue of the fleshliness of the (...)
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  13. The Resurrection of the Son of God.N. T. Wright - unknown
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  14. Resurrecting Extinct Species: Ethics and Authenticity.Douglas Ian Campbell & Patrick Michael Whittle - 2017 - London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. Edited by Patrick Michael Whittle.
    This book is about the philosophy of de-extinction. -/- CHAPTER 1 introduces the two main philosophical questions that are raised by the prospect of extinct species being brought back from the dead—namely, the ‘Authenticity Question’ and the ‘Ethical Question’. It distinguishes the many different types and methods of de-extinction. Finally, it examines the aims of wildlife conservation with a view to whether they are compatible with de-extinction, or not. -/- CHAPTER 2 examines three prime candidates for de-extinction—namely, the aurochs, the (...)
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    Resurrection, Heaven, and Hell.Jonathan L. Kvanvig - 1997 - In Charles Taliaferro & Philip L. Quinn (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 630–638.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Works cited.
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    Resurrection of the Body and Transformation of the Universe in the Theology of Karl Rahner.Peter C. Phan - 2006 - Philosophy and Theology 18 (2):357-383.
    At the end of his life, Rahner pointed to the need for a fully systematic theology that brings out the inner relationship between Jesus Christ and the universe put before us by the natural sciences. In this article, it is argued that Rahner had long been pursuing this theological agenda. His various contributions on this topic arebrought together and discussed within a framework of six systematic elements that are found in his work: self-bestowal as the meaning and purpose of creation; (...)
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  17. Resurrection.G. K. Chesterton - 2013 - The Chesterton Review 39 (1/2):11-13.
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    Soulmates: Resurrecting Eve.Juliana Geran Pilon - 2012 - Routledge.
    In Soulmates: Resurrecting Eve, Juliana Geran Pilon argues for a return to an egalitarian view of men and women, found in the original Genesis narrative, as reflected through Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In each of these Abrahamic traditions, it was understood that man and woman were created to be soulmates in God's image—equal despite their different functions within society. Pilon writes that this original message has gradually been distorted, with disastrous effect. Any hope for an ennobling human community begins by (...)
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  19.  68
    Resurrecting the Rationality of Ideology Critique: Reflections on Laclau on Ideology.Maeve Cooke - 2006 - Constellations 13 (1):4-20.
  20.  54
    Resurrecting Old-Fashioned Foundationalism.Richard Fumerton, John L. Pollock, Alvin Plantinga & Laurence BonJour - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The contributions in this volume make an important effort to resurrect a rather old fashioned form of foundationalism. They defend the position that there are some beliefs that are justified, and are not themselves justified by any further beliefs. This epistemic foundationalism has been the subject of rigorous attack by a wide range of theorists in recent years, leading to the impression that foundationalism is a thing of the past. DePaul argues that it is precisely the volume and virulence of (...)
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  21. Resurrecting the Moorean response to the sceptic.Duncan Pritchard - 2002 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 10 (3):283 – 307.
    G. E. Moore famously offered a strikingly straightforward response to the radical sceptic which simply consisted of the claim that one could know, on the basis of one's knowledge that one has hands, that there exists an external world. In general, the Moorean response to scepticism maintains that we can know the denials of sceptical hypotheses on the basis of our knowledge of everyday propositions. In the recent literature two proposals have been put forward to try to accommodate, to varying (...)
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  22. Resurrection of the Body and Transformation of the Universe in the Theology of Karl Rahner.Denis Edwards - 2006 - Philosophy and Theology 18 (2):357-383.
    At the end of his life, Rahner pointed to the need for a fully systematic theology that brings out the inner relationship between Jesus Christ and the universe put before us by the natural sciences. In this article, it is argued that Rahner had long been pursuing this theological agenda. His various contributions on this topic arebrought together and discussed within a framework of six systematic elements that are found in his work: self-bestowal as the meaning and purpose of creation; (...)
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    Resurrecting van Inwagen’s simulacrum: a defense.Jordan L. Steffaniak - 2023 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 93 (3):211-225.
    Peter van Inwagen’s short piece on the possibility of resurrection via simulacrum from 1978 has been regularly condemned for its overall implausibility. However, this paper argues that van Inwagen’s thesis has been unfairly criticized and remains a live and salutary option. It begins by summarizing the metaphysics of the simulacrum theory of the resurrection alongside the motivation for such a theory. Next, it challenges the four main criticisms against the van Inwagen styled simulacrum model. First, it argues that (...)
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  24. Supernatural Resurrection and its Incompatibility with the Standard Model of Particle Physics: Second Rejoinder to Stephen T. Davis.Robert Greg Cavin & Carlos A. Colombetti - 2021 - Socio-Historical Examination of Religion and Ministry 3 (2):253-277.
    In response to Stephen Davis’s criticism of our previous essay, we revisit and defend our arguments that the Resurrection hypothesis is logically incompatible with the Standard Model of particle physics—and thus is maximally implausible—and that it cannot explain the sensory experiences of the Risen Jesus attributed to various witnesses in the New Testament—and thus has low explanatory power. We also review Davis’s reply, noting that he evades our arguments, misstates their conclusions, and distracts the reader with irrelevancies regarding, e.g., (...)
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    On Disembodied Resurrected Persons: A Reply: BRUCE R. REICHENBACH.Bruce R. Reichenbach - 1982 - Religious Studies 18 (2):225-229.
    In a recent article in Religious Studies, Professor P. W. Gooch attempts to wean the orthodox Christian from anthropological materialism by consideration of the question of the nature of the post-mortem person in the resurrection. He argues that the view that the resurrected person is a psychophysical organism who is in some physical sense the same as the ante-mortem person is inconsistent with the Pauline view of the resurrected body; rather, according to him, Paul's view is most consistent with (...)
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  26. The Resurrection of Jesus: the debate continued.Gerald O'collins - 2000 - Gregorianum 81 (3):589-598.
    Après un séminaire international, interdisciplinaire et oecuménique sur la résurrection de Jésus à Pâques 1996 à New York, l'A. et deux autres participants en ont édité les travaux . Depuis, les critiques n'ont cessé de passer du rejet du livre comme «difficile à commenter» et «plutôt décevant» et «avec rien de très neuf à dire» à sa reconnaissance comme «remarquable» ou «la meilleure théologie chrétienne». Ici l'A. engage un dialogue avec quelques-uns des critiques et ajoute des points à l'oeuvre publiée (...)
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    The Resurrection of Jesus and Spiritual (Trans)Formation.Anthony C. Thornhill - 2012 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 5 (2):243-256.
    What does Paul envision as the basis for the spiritual identification with Jesus in his resurrection, 2) submission to the lordship of Jesus and the expectations of his kingdom, and 3) hope in the future resurrection of those who are “in Christ.” While these form the “ground” for spiritual formation, Paul further offers a model for applying this resurrection identification in the “here and now” life of the believer.
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    Resurrecting Marx: The Analytical Marxists on Freedom, Exploitation, and Justice.David Gordon - 1990 - Transaction.
    The last two decades have seen Marxism's academic renascence. In fields as diverse as law, literary criticism, history, and philosophy, Marxism once again captivates no small number of scholars. In part, this reassessment is driven by the efforts of a group of philosophers and economists to reconstruct Marx from the ground up on a more rigorous basis. The work of these "Analytical Marxists" -- who include G.A. Cohen, Jon Elster, and John Roemer -- is given a sustained examination and critique (...)
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  29.  91
    On the Resurrection of the Dead: A New Metaphysics of Afterlife for Christian Thought.James T. Turner - 2018 - London: Routledge.
    Christian tradition has largely held three affirmations on the resurrection of the physical body. Firstly, that bodily resurrection is not a superfluous hope of afterlife. Secondly, there is immediate post-mortem existence in Paradise. Finally, there is numerical identity between pre-mortem and post-resurrection human beings. The same tradition also largely adheres to a robust doctrine of The Intermediate State, a paradisiacal disembodied state of existence following the biological death of a human being. This book argues that these positions (...)
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    The resurrection of Jesus in contemporary catholic systematics.John P. Galvin - 1979 - Heythrop Journal 20 (2):123–162.
    CONCLUSIONThis brief survey of the assessment of the Resurrection of Jesus in contemporary Catholic Christology indicates the presence of widely varying views on the nature of the Resurrection, on the manner of its revelation, and on the role attributed to it in the overall structure of theology. While it is improbable that a unified consensus will be achieved in the near future, if ever, a few concluding remarks may serve to direct attention to some central issues which underlie (...)
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  31. The Resurrection in Judaism and Christianity According to the Hebrew Torah and Christian Bible.Scott Vitkovic - 2019 - INTCESS 2019 - 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February 2019 - Dubai, UAE.
    This research outlines the concept of resurrection from the ancient Hebrew Torah to Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity according to authoritative and linguistically accurate scriptures accompanied by English translations. Although some contemporary scholars are of the opinion that resurrection is vaguely portrayed in the Hebrew Torah, our research into the ancient texts offers quotes and provides proofs to the contrary. With the passing time, the concept of the resurrection grew even stronger and became one of the most important (...)
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    Resurrection and Reason: A Patristic Consolation of the Bereaved1.Stefana Dan Laing - 2015 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 8 (1):8-27.
    This article examines the dual consolatory approach of Theodoret of Cyrus, a fifth-century Syriac bishop. Theodoret's method of grief counseling may be examined by drawing upon several of his letters of consolation as guiding examples. Using the philosophical theme of reason's control of the passions together with the Christian hope of the resurrection, Theodoret consoled his mourning friends, yielding an instructive model for contemporary pastors and counselors to consider. Theodoret practiced letter writing as a valid and constructive consolatory medium, (...)
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  33. The resurrection revisited.G. O'collins - 1998 - Gregorianum 79 (1):169-172.
    L'A. présente, décrit et commente le contenu d'un récent ouvrage collectif axé sur la question christologique de la résurrection : The Resurrection : an Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Resurrection of Jesus sous la direction de Stephen T. Davis, Daniel Kendall et Gerald O'Collins . L'intérêt indiscutable de ce colloque est de renouveler la conception de la résurrection du Christ par une approche interdisciplinaire.
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  34. Portkeys, resurrective ideology, and the phenomenology of collective trauma.Robert D. Stolorow - 2010 - In Lester Embree, M. Barber & T. Nenon (eds.), Phenomenology 2010, Vol. 5: Selected Essays From North America. Part 2: Phenomenology Beyond Philosophy. Zeta Books.
    In this essay, I extend my conception of emotional trauma as a shattering of the tranquilizing “absolutisms of everyday life” that shield us from our finitude and our existential vulnerability, to a consideration of collective trauma. Using the collective trauma of 9/11 and its aftermath as my prime example, I illustrate how traumatized people fall prey to “resurrective ideologies” that promise to restore the sheltering illusions that have been lost. I suggest that an alternative to these grandiose illusions can be (...)
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  35. Assessing the Resurrection Hypothesis: Problems with Craig's Inference to the Best Explanation.Robert Greg Cavin & Carlos A. Colombetti - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (2):205-228.
    The hypothesis that God supernaturally raised Jesus from the dead is argued by William Lane Craig to be the best explanation for the empty tomb and postmortem appearances of Jesus because it satisfies seven criteria of adequacy better than rival naturalistic hypotheses. We identify problems with Craig’s criteria-based approach and show, most significantly, that the Resurrection hypothesis fails to fulfill any but the first of his criteria—especially explanatory scope and plausibility.
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    Two Kinds of Historicism: Resurrection and Restoration in French Historical Painting.Stephen Bann - 2010 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 4 (2):154-171.
    The historicist approach is rarely challenged by art historians, who draw a clear distinction between art history and the present-centred pursuit of art criticism. The notion of the 'period eye' offers a relevant methodology. Bearing this in mind, I examine the nineteenth-century phase in the development of history painting, when artists started to take trouble over the accuracy of historical detail, instead of repeating conventions for portraying classical and biblical subjects. This created an unprecedented situation at the Paris Salon, where (...)
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  37. Resurrecting biological essentialism.Michael Devitt - 2008 - Philosophy of Science 75 (3):344-382.
    The article defends the doctrine that Linnaean taxa, including species, have essences that are, at least partly, underlying intrinsic, mostly genetic, properties. The consensus among philosophers of biology is that such essentialism is deeply wrong, indeed incompatible with Darwinism. I argue that biological generalizations about the morphology, physiology, and behavior of species require structural explanations that must advert to these essential properties. The objection that, according to current “species concepts,” species are relational is rejected. These concepts are primarily concerned with (...)
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    The Resurrection and Saint Augustine's Theology of Human Values.Henri Irénée Marrou - 1965 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:1-38.
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  39. Swinburne on the Resurrection: Negative versus Christian Ramified Natural Theology.Robert Greg Cavin & Carlos A. Colombetti - 2013 - Philosophia Christi 15 (2):253-263.
    We consider the impact of negative natural theology on the prospects of Christian ramified natural theology with reference to Richard Swinburne’s argument for the Incarnation and Resurrection. We argue that Swinburne’s pivotal claim—that God would not allow deceptive evidence to exist for the Incarnation and Resurrection—is refuted by key evidence from negative natural theology. We argue, further, that Swinburne’s argument omits dominating items of evidence of negative natural theology which seem to critically weaken the probability of the Incarnation (...)
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  40. Craig on the Resurrection: A Defense.Stephen T. Davis - 2020 - Socio-Historical Examination of Religion and Ministry 2 (1):28-35.
    This article is a rebuttal to Robert G. Cavin and Carlos A. Colombetti’s article, “Assessing the Resurrection Hypothesis: Problems with Craig’s Inference to the Best Explanation,” which argues that the Standard Model of current particle physics entails that non-physical things (like a supernatural God or a supernaturally resurrected body) can have no causal contact with the physical universe. As such, they argue that William Lane Craig’s resurrection hypothesis is not only incompatible with the notion of Jesus physically appearing (...)
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  41. Personal Identity and Resurrection: How Do We Survive Our Death?Georg Gasser - 2010 - Ashgate.
    What happens to us when we die? According to Christian faith, we will rise again bodily from the dead. This claim raises a series of philosophical and theological conundrums: Is it rational to hope for life after death in bodily form? Will it truly be “we” who are raised again or will it be post-mortem duplicates of us? How can personal identity be secured? What is God's role in resurrection and everlasting life? In response to these conundrums, this volume (...)
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  42. Résurrection de la chair ou immortalité de l'âme?S. -T. Frere Bonino - 1995 - Nova et Vetera 70 (4):5-15.
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    The resurrection of nature: political theory and the human character.J. Budziszewski - 1986 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Unleash your child's creativity for color and attention to detail with over 48 unique dolphin designs! The coloring book with dolphins is perfect for the little ones in your life! The beautiful images of dolphins in this coloring book will provide hours of relaxation and creativity. This book creates a wide range of coloring books that help your child relax and express their creativity, paying attention to detail. Our dolphin coloring book offers: Each coloring page is printed on a (...)
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  44. The Resurrection of the Messianic Prophet.Joshua Sijuwade - forthcoming - Philosophy and Theology.
    This article aims to provide an a posteriori argument for the veracity of the Christian conception of the Abrahamic religion that centres on God’s action of sending a divine and atoning prophet—the ‘Messianic Prophet’—into the world, who we can identify as the person of Jesus of Nazareth. This specific argument will be presented through Richard Swinburne’s (modified) explanatory framework, which focuses on assessing the prior and posterior evidence in support of this identification. This, however, will be done in light of (...)
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    Resurrection and reality in the thought of Wolfhart Pannenberg.C. Elizabeth A. Johnson - 1983 - Heythrop Journal 24 (1):1-18.
    Books Reviewed in this Article: Transforming Bible Study. By Walter Wink. Pp.175, London, SCM Press, 1981, £3.50. Isaiah 1–39. By R.E. Clements. Pp.xvi. 301, London, Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1980, £3.95. Isaiah 40–66. By R.N. Whybray. Pp.301, London, Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1975, Reprinted 1981, £3.95. Die Gestalt Jesu in den synoptischen Evangelien. By Heinrich Kahlefeld. Pp.264, Frankfurt, Verlag Josef Knecht, 1981, no price given. Following Jesus: Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark. By Ernest Best. Pp.283, Sheffield, JSOT Press, 1981, (...)
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  46. The Resurrection of Jesus: An Engagement with Dale Allison: A Review Essay.Andrew T. Loke - 2022 - Philosophia Christi 24 (1):121-138.
    In his latest book, The Resurrection of Jesus, Dale Allison states that, while he personally believes that Jesus resurrected, “the purely historical evidence is not, on my view, so good as to make disbelief unreasonable, and it is not so bad as to make faith untenable.” This review focuses on Allison’s discussion concerning apparitions, hallucination theory, mass hysteria, and pareidolia. While appreciative of various aspects of Allison’s work, this article points out various problems with Allison’s use of materials in (...)
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  47. Resurrection and the transhumanist promise.Celia Deane-Drummond - 2022 - In Arvin M. Gouw, Brian Patrick Green & Ted Peters (eds.), Religious Transhumanism and Its Critics. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  48. Resurrection and the transhumanist promise.Celia Deane-Drummond - 2022 - In Arvin M. Gouw, Brian Patrick Green & Ted Peters (eds.), Religious Transhumanism and Its Critics. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  49. Jesus' resurrection and Christian origins.Nicholas Thomas Wright - 2002 - Gregorianum 83 (4):615-635.
    Cet article traite d'un point de vue historique de la résurrection du Christ et de l'origine du Christianisme. Comment la théologie devient histoire, puis évènement, c'est ce que nous montre l'A.
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  50. The Resurrection of the Body According to Three Medieval Aristotelians.Marilyn McCord Adams - 1992 - Philosophical Topics 20 (2):1-33.
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