Results for ' Semaine sainte'

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  1.  7
    La Semaine sainte des philosophes.Xavier Tilliette - 1991 - Paris: Desclée.
    Cet ouvrage est un essai, philosophique, théologique et spirituel à la fois. Il prolonge le sillage de la Christologie idéaliste (Desclée, 1986) et du Christ de la philosophie (Le Cerf, 1990). La Semaine Sainte, réduite en fait au Triduum pascal, est pour maints philosophes, croyants et non croyants, l'objet d'une réflexion intense, rattachée à un drame éternel. Elle suscite une méditation discontinue et pathétique sur l'agonie et la séparation, l'amour et la souffrance, le péché, le mal et la (...)
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    Xavier Tilliette, La Semaine Sainte des Philosophes.Emilio Brito - 1993 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 91 (89):156-159.
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    Homélies copto-arabes pour la Semaine Sainte.Ugo Zanetti - 1983 - Augustinianum 23 (3):517-522.
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  4. 50e Semaine d'études liturgiques Saint-Serge.André Haquin - 2003 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 34 (4):569-574.
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    À la vie: récit.Léo Lévy - 2013 - Lagrasse: Verdier.
    Ce livre est la relation d'un parcours - celui de Benny Lévy - à travers la voix de sa femme Léo, un itinéraire où les exigences de la pensée et les gestes quotidiens s'ajustent au plus près, alliant à l'extrême rigueur un généreux amour de la vie.« Dans la lumière sans complaisance des matins de Jérusalem, trois stations?: la maison, la maison de prière, la maison d'étude. Le soir, une fois par semaine, détour par le lieu d'enseignement où un (...)
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    Saint Augustine's Childhood.Saint Augustine & Garry Wills - 2001 - Continuum.
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    Theosophic correspondence between Louis Claude de Saint-Martin (The "Unknown philosopher") and Kirchberger, Baron de Liebistorf.Louis Claude de Saint-Martin - 1949 - Pasadena, Calif.: Theosophical University Press. Edited by Nicolas Antoine Kirchberger.
    For several centuries prior to the founding of the Theosophical Society in 1875, individual 'theosophers' in Britain and Europe were quietly in touch with one another all seekers of the inward way. Theosophic Correspondence (1792 1797) is a series of inspiring letters, personal and philosophic, exchanged during the climactic days of the French Revolution between Kirchberger, member of the Sovereign Council at Berne, Switzerland, and Saint-Martin, whom Kirchberger regarded as 'the most eminent writer . . . and most profound of (...)
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  8. Écriture sainte 153.Écriture Sainte - 2008 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 130:153.
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    Saint Thomas d'Aquin et le premier fondement naturel de notre connaissance de Dieu.Alphonse Saint-Jacques - 1974 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 30 (3):349.
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    Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin: l'ami de Dieu et de la Sagesse.Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin - 2015 - St Martin de Castillon: Éditions Signatura. Edited by Xavier Cuvelier-Roy.
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    Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve: Menschen des XVIII. Jahrhunderts.Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve, Andreas Urs Sommer, Ida Overbeck, Friedrich Nietzsche & Matthias Neuber - 2014 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 67 (4):366-372.
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    The wisdom and ideas of Saint Thomas Aquinas.Saint Thomas - 1968 - Greenwich, Conn.,: Fawcett Publications. Edited by Eugene Freeman & Joseph Owens.
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    Introduction to the Philosophy of Saint Augustine.Saint Augustine & John Arthur Mourant - 1964 - University Park, Pennsylvania State University Press. Edited by John A. Mourant.
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  14. (2 other versions)The Confessions.Saint Augustine - 1990 - Oxford University Press UK.
    In this new translation the brilliant and impassioned descriptions of Augustine's colourful early life are conveyed to the English reader with accuracy and art. Augustine tells of his wrestlings to master his sexual drive, his rare ascent from a humble Algerian farm to the edge of the corridors of high power at the imperial court of Milan, and his renunciation of secular ambition and marriage as he recovered the faith that his mother had taught him. It was in a Milan (...)
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  15. Rumination and Wronging: The Role of Attention in Epistemic Morality.Catharine Saint-Croix - 2022 - Episteme 19 (4):491-514.
    The idea that our epistemic practices can be wrongful has been the core observation driving the growing literature on epistemic injustice, doxastic wronging, and moral encroachment. But, one element of our epistemic practice has been starkly absent from this discussion of epistemic morality: attention. The goal of this article is to show that attention is a worthwhile focus for epistemology, especially for the field of epistemic morality. After presenting a new dilemma for proponents of doxastic wronging, I show how focusing (...)
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  16. Evidence in a Non-Ideal World: How Social Distortion Creates Skeptical Potholes.Catharine Saint-Croix - 2025 - In Hilkje Charlotte Hänel & Johanna M. Müller, The Routledge handbook of non-ideal theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Our evidential environments are reflections of our social contexts. This is important because the evidence we encounter influences the beliefs we form. But, traditional epistemologists have paid little attention to the generation of this evidential environment, assuming that it is irrelevant to epistemic normativity. This assumption, I argue, is dangerous. Idealizing away the evidential environment obscures the ways that our social contexts distort its contents. Such social distortion can lead to evidential oppression, an epistemic injustice arising from the ubiquity of (...)
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  17. (What) Is Feminist Logic? (What) Do We Want It to Be?Catharine Saint-Croix & Roy T. Cook - 2024 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (1):20-45.
    ‘Feminist logic’ may sound like an impossible, incoherent, or irrelevant project, but it is none of these. We begin by delineating three categories into which projects in feminist logic might fall: philosophical logic, philosophy of logic, and pedagogy. We then defuse two distinct objections to the very idea of feminist logic: the irrelevance argument and the independence argument. Having done so, we turn to a particular kind of project in feminist philosophy of logic: Valerie Plumwood's feminist argument for a relevance (...)
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  18. Getting Gettier straight: thought experiments, deviant realizations and default interpretations.Pierre Saint-Germier - 2019 - Synthese 198 (2):1783-1806.
    It has been pointed out that Gettier case scenarios have deviant realizations and that deviant realizations raise a difficulty for the logical analysis of thought experiments. Grundmann and Horvath have shown that it is possible to rule out deviant realizations by suitably modifying the scenario of a Gettier-style thought experiment. They hypothesize further that the enriched scenario corresponds to the way expert epistemologists implicitly interpret the original one. However, no precise account of this implicit enrichment is offered, which makes the (...)
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  19. The Epistemology of Attention.Catharine Saint-Croix - forthcoming - In Kurt Sylvan, Ernest Sosa, Jonathan Dancy & Matthias Steup, The Blackwell Companion to Epistemology, 3rd edition. Wiley Blackwell.
    Root, branch, and blossom, attention is intertwined with epistemology. It is essential to our capacity to learn and decisive of the evidence we obtain, it influences the intellectual connections we forge and those we remember, and it is the cognitive tool whereby we enact decisions about inquiry. Moreover, because it is both an epistemic practice and a site of agency, attention is a natural locus for questions about epistemic morality. This article surveys the emerging epistemology of attention, reviewing the existing (...)
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  20. Correspondance G.W. Leibniz, Ch. I. Castel de Saint-Pierre.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Charles Irâenâee Castel de Saint-Pierre & Andrâe Robinet - 1995
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  21. Privilege and Position: Formal Tools for Standpoint Epistemology.Catharine Saint-Croix - 2020 - Res Philosophica 97 (4):489-524.
    How does being a woman affect one’s epistemic life? What about being Black? Or queer? Standpoint theorists argue that such social positions can give rise to otherwise unavailable epistemic privilege. “Epistemic privilege” is a murky concept, however. Critics of standpoint theory argue that the view is offered without a clear explanation of how standpoints confer their benefits, what those benefits are, or why social positions are particularly apt to produce them. For this reason, many regard standpoint theory as being out (...)
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    Le scénario cartésien: recherches sur la formation et la cohérence de l'intention philosophique de Merleau-Ponty.Emmanuel de Saint-Aubert - 2005 - Paris: Vrin.
    Présente le parcours philosophique de Merleau-Ponty tant dans sa formation que dans ses objectifs. Ses références : Descartes, Leibniz, Gabriel Marcel. Ses concepts opératoires : le concret, l'incarnation, l'intentionnalité, les chiasmes.
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    Merleau-Ponty nos arquivos Husserl: uma entrevista com Emmanuel de Saint Aubert.Emmanuel de Saint Aubert, Iracy Ferreira dos Santos Junior, Luís César Oliva & Silvana de Souza Ramos - 2024 - Discurso 54 (2):210-237.
    A entrevista concedida por Emmanuel de Saint Aubert a Silvana de Souza Ramos e a Iracy Ferreira dos Santos Junior aborda a história e o papel dos Arquivos Husserl de Paris para o fomento da pesquisa multidisciplinar em fenomenologia. O pensador esclarece qual foi o contato de Merleau-Ponty com os manuscritos de Husserl, e que tipo de leitura, situada e complicada, ele realizou não apenas desses manuscritos, mas da obra de Husserl como um todo. Esse aspecto é particularmente importante para (...)
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    The Franciscan vision: translation of St. Bonaventure's Itinerarium mentis in Deum.Saint Bonaventure - 1937 - London: Burns, Oates and Washbourne. Edited by James E. O'Mahony.
  25. Epistemic Virtue Signaling and the Double Bind of Testimonial Injustice.Catharine Saint-Croix - forthcoming - Philosophers' Imprint.
    Virtue signaling—using public moral discourse to enhance one’s moral reputation—is a familiar concept. But, what about profile pictures framed by “Vaccines work!”? Or memes posted to anti-vaccine groups echoing the group’s view that “Only sheep believe Big Pharma!”? These actions don’t express moral views—both claims are empirical (if imprecise). Nevertheless, they serve a similar purpose: to influence the judgments of their audience. But, where rainbow profiles guide their audience to view the agent as morally good, these acts guide their audience (...)
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  26. The Confessions of St. Augustine.Saint Augustine - 1843 - Value Classic Reprints.
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    Opera omnia.Saint Anselm - 1938 - Secovii,: Edited by Franciscus Salesius Schmitt.
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    An introduction to the philosophy of nature.Saint Thomas - 1951 - St. Paul,: North Central Pub. Co.. Edited by Roman Anthony Kocourek.
    Experimental science and the philosophy of nature, by R.A. Kocourek.--The problem of motion, by R.A. Kocourek.--The principles of nature, by St. Thomas Aquinas.--The Commentary of St. Thomas Aquinas on Books I-II of The physics of Aristotle.--The reason for an introduction to the philosophy of nature.--Outline of the physical works of Aristotle.--Outline of the Commentary on Book I.
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    Albertus Magnus, De animalibus libri 26, nach der Cölner urschrift.Saint Albertus - 1916 - Münster i. W.,: Aschendorff. Edited by Hermann Stadler.
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    Razgovori sa Emenuelom Levinasom 1992-1994.Michaël de Saint-Cheron - 2009 - Beograd: Albatros Plus. Edited by Emmanuel Lévinas.
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  31. Blondel 1913.R. Saint-Jean - 1998 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 86 (4):491-573.
    Le projet d’une apologétique que Blondel concrétise en 1913 dans Comment réaliser l’apologétique intégrale ? s’inscrit dans un contexte culturel français particulièrement riche et, de ce fait, complexe. Il est aussi marqué par un événement particulièrement grave, le décret romain du 5 mai 1913 suspendant les Annales de philosophie chrétienne dirigées par le P. Laberthonnière avec la collaboration de Blondel. L’auteur explicite d’abord le contexte de l’intervention de Blondel en 1913, contexte où les événements littéraires ont une grande part, mais (...)
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  32. Reflexões sobre o Mercosul: unidade estratégica e cooperação militar.Héctor Luis Saint-Pierre & Suzeley Kalil Mathias - 1997 - História 16:83-105.
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  33. Proslogion.Saint Anselm - 2000 - In Steven M. Cahn, Exploring Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press USA.
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    “I would rather be hanged than agree with you!”: Collective Memory and the Definition of the Nation in Parliamentary Debates on Immigration.Constance de Saint-Laurent - 2014 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 15 (3):22-53.
    This paper explores the meaning attributed to the national group as an entry point into how boundaries between the in-group and the out-group are formed. To do so, it focuses on the representation of the past of the group, taken as a symbolic resource able to produce a raison d’être for national groups, and does so within a dialogical framework. Using the transcripts of the French parliamentary debates on immigration from 2006, it proposes a qualitative analysis of collective narratives of (...)
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    Le désir du bien: refonder l'action morale et politique en repensant la finalité.Renaud de Sainte-Marie - 2021 - Paris: Pierre Téqui éditeur.
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    On kingship, to the King of Cyprus.Saint Thomas & Gerald Bernard Phelan - 1949 - Westport, Conn.: Hyperion Press.
  37.  41
    The Power of God: by Thomas Aquinas.Saint Thomas (Aquinas) (ed.) - 2012 - Oxford University Press USA.
    On Power (De Potentia) is one of Aquinas's ''Disputed Questions'' (a systematic series of discussions of specific theological topics). It is a text which anyone with a serious interest in Aquinas's thinking will need to read. There is, however, no English translation of the De Potentia currently in print. Fr. Richard Regan has produced this abridgement, which passes over some of the full text while retaining what seems most important when it comes to following the flow of Aquinas's thought.
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    Against the Academicians and the Teacher.Saint Augustine & Peter King - 1995 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    These new translations of two treatises dealing with the possibility and nature of knowledge in the face of skeptical challenges are the first to be rendered from the Latin critical edition, the first to be made specifically with a philosophical audience in mind, and the first to be translated by a scholar with expertise in both modern epistemology and philosophy of language.
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    On Christian Doctrine.Saint Augustine - 1958 - The Liberal Arts Press.
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    What it is like to improvise together? Investigating the phenomenology of joint action through improvised musical performance.Pierre Saint-Germier, Louise Goupil, Gaëlle Rouvier, Diemo Schwarz & Clément Canonne - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (3):573-597.
    Joint actions typically involve a sense of togetherness that has a distinctive phenomenological component. While it has been hypothesized that group size, hierarchical structure, division of labour, and expertise impact agents’ phenomenology during joint actions, the studies conducted so far have mostly involved dyads performing simple actions. We explore in this study the complex case of collectively improvised musical performances, focusing particularly on the way group size and interactional patterns modulate the phenomenology of joint action. We recorded two expert improvisation (...)
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  41. M. Victor Cousin, sa vie et sa correspondance.Jules Barthélemy-Saint-Hilaire - 1895 - Paris,: Hachette & cie [etc.].
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    Les intuitions rationnelles sont-elles des intuitions modales?Pierre Saint-Germier - 2017 - Philosophiques 44 (1):49-71.
    Pierre Saint-Germier | : Nous discutons la thèse, acceptée par de nombreux théoriciens des intuitions rationnelles, selon laquelle ces dernières s’accompagnent d’une apparence de nécessité. L’existence d’intuitions rationnelles ayant pour objet des propositions contingentes jette un doute sur l’adéquation de cette thèse. Le problème peut trouver une solution dans le cadre d’une théorie faillibiliste des intuitions rationnelles, pourvu que l’on admette des illusions modales inéliminables. En nous appuyant sur une explication bidimensionnelle de l’a priori contingent, nous défendons une solution différente (...)
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  43. Elements of a strategy of collective action Laurie E. Adkin.Antoine de Saint Exupery - 1998 - In Roger Keil, Political ecology: global and local. New York: Routledge.
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  44. John Duns Scotus: a teacher for our times.Béraud de Saint-Maurice - 1955 - St. Bonaventure, N.Y.: Franciscan Institute.
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    Œuvres majeures.Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin - 1975 - New York: G. Olms. Edited by Robert Amadou.
    t. 1. Des erreurs et de la vérité.--Ode sur l'origine.--Stances sur l'origine.
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    Saint Augustine against the Academicians.Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola, Robert Grosseteste & Saint Augustine - 1942 - Milwaukee, Wis.,: Marquette University Press. Edited by Mary Patricia Garvey.
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    Processing natural language arguments with the platform.Patrick Saint-Dizier - 2012 - Argument and Computation 3 (1):49 - 82.
    In this article, we first present the platform and the Dislog language, designed for discourse analysis with a logic and linguistic perspective. The platform has now reached a certain level of maturity which allows the recognition of a large diversity of discourse structures including general-purpose rhetorical structures as well as domain-specific discourse structures. The Dislog language is based on linguistic considerations and includes knowledge access and inference capabilities. Functionalities of the language are presented together with a method for writing discourse (...)
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    Non-Ideal Epistemology in a Social World.Catharine Saint-Croix - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Michigan
    Idealization is a necessity. Stripping away levels of complexity makes questions tractable, focuses our attention, and lets us develop comprehensible, testable models. Applying such models, however, requires care and attention to how the idealizations incorporated into their development affect their predictions. In epistemology, we tend to focus on idealizations concerning individual agents' capacities, such as memory, mathematical ability, and so on, when addressing this concern. By contrast, this dissertation focuses on social idealizations, particularly those pertaining to salient social categories like (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Le langage intérieur et les paraphasies. La fonction endophasique.G. Saint-Paul - 1904 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 58 (1):414-422.
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  50. Opúsculos y cuestiones selectas.Saint Thomas - 2001 - Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos. Edited by Antonio Osuna Fernández-Largo.
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