Trevor Thwaites [3]Tony Thwaites [3]B. Thwaites [2]Peter Thwaites [2]
Ebru Thwaites [1]Vivonne Thwaites [1] Thwaites [1]Denise Thwaites [1]

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  1.  56
    Technologizing the human condition: hyperconnectivity and control.Trevor Thwaites - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (4):373-382.
    In this paper I argue that the technologizing of most things in our daily lives, from work and education to finance and leisure, can be seen to promote a loss of the tangible and a rootlessness for human societies, causing a disorientation in the knowledge and beliefs acquired over millennia. Arendt’s proposal that ‘the earth is the very quintessence of the human condition’ (1958, p. 2) appears to be challenged as digital interactions create new spaces that coax humans away from (...)
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    Making a choice or taking a stand? Choice feminism, political engagement and the contemporary feminist movement.Rachel Thwaites - 2017 - Feminist Theory 18 (1):55-68.
    Choice feminism is a popular form of contemporary feminism, encouraging women to embrace the opportunities they have in life and to see the choices they make as justified and always politically acceptable. Though this kind of feminism appears at first glance to be tolerant and inspiring, its narratives also bring about a political stagnation as discussion, debate and critical judgement of the actions of others are discouraged in the face of being deemed unsupportive and a ‘bad’ feminist. Choice feminism also (...)
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  3.  29
    Education as Spectacle.Trevor Thwaites - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (9):904-917.
    Global economic and advanced capitalist agendas have taken on ideological dimensions that are flat, precise and which assert ‘undeniable’ facts. These agendas are gradually shaping a society and its education based on consumerism and a global economic order which is ‘not accidentally or superficially spectacular, it is fundamentally spectaclist. In the spectacle … goals are nothing, development is everything. The spectacle aims at nothing other than itself’. In this paper, I argue, in line with Debord, that teachers’ work has moved (...)
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  4.  53
    Reading Freud: psychoanalysis as cultural theory.Tony Thwaites - 2007 - Los Angeles: SAGE.
    This book is an introductory guide to that Freud and brings together for the first time: - an overview of Freud's work which enables the reader to see quickly ...
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  5.  36
    Chesterton and Wodehouse.Hugh S. Thwaites - 2002 - The Chesterton Review 28 (4):583-586.
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    Causal analysis with Chain Event Graphs.Peter Thwaites, Jim Q. Smith & Eva Riccomagno - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence 174 (12-13):889-909.
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    Causal identifiability via Chain Event Graphs.Peter Thwaites - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 195 (C):291-315.
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  8.  38
    David Galston, Archives and the Event of God: The Impact of Michel Foucault on Philo-sophical Theology.Ebru Thwaites - 2014 - Foucault Studies 18:291-292.
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  9.  34
    Heidegger and Jazz: Musical Propositions of Truth and the Essence of Creativity.Trevor Thwaites - 2013 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 21 (2):120.
    Creativity is inextricably linked to the ontology of being; as the history of philosophy frequently shows, it encompasses both the need to transform and be transformed. In this essay I examine the notion of “being creative” on the way to opening up our relationship to the essence of creativity, taking Heidegger’s interpretation of essence as the way in which something is revealed and endures. I ask what is meant by a creative act and how does the harnessing of creativity compel (...)
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  10.  47
    Karra: Karrawirraparri-River Red Gum-Eucalyptus Camaldulensis.Vivonne Thwaites - 2003 - Ethics and the Environment 8 (1):51-56.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 8.1 (2003) 51-56 [Access article in PDF] KarraKarrawirraparri-River Red Gum-Eucalyptus Camaldulensis Vivonne Thwaites [Figures]Karra was a visual arts project devised for the 2000 Adelaide Festival in Australia. Its focus was the River Red Gum, quite justifiably an Australian icon, and once the most widespread tree in south eastern Australia. The project comprised an installation by three artists and a forty-page publication with essays and visual (...)
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  11.  13
    Re-reading Derrida: perspectives on mourning and its hospitalities.Tony Thwaites (ed.) - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Re-reading Derrida: Perspectives on Mourning and its Hospitalities, edited by Tony Thwaites and Judith Seaboyer, is a uniquely collaborative exploration of the legacies of Jacques Derrida. Scholars from a wide variety of fields respond to his work by addressing such issues as the politics of the memorial, poetry, trauma, film, neoliberalism, the novel, and psychoanalysis--and then, in the processes of revision, they respond to each other.
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  12.  26
    The Growth of Basic Mathematical and Scientific Concepts in ChildrenOn Teaching MathematicsPopular Lectures in Mathematics. Parts 2, 4, 5, 6. [REVIEW]C. G. Nobbs, K. Lovell & B. Thwaites - 1962 - British Journal of Educational Studies 11 (1):80.