Results for ' anti‐nomianism, supported in Spinoza's Theologico‐Political Treatise'

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  1.  6
    Morality, Politics, and the Law.T. M. Rudavsky - 2010-02-12 - In Steven Nadler, Maimonides. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 161–183.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction The Nature of Virtue Morality Virtue and the mean: Aristotle and Torah contrasted Saintliness, Asceticism, and the Mean: Is the Hasid a Sinner? On Knowing the Good and Doing the Good Morality and Law: The Purpose of the Commandments Maimonides' Moral Theory: Universalist or Particularist? Conclusion further reading.
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    Spinoza's Theologico-Political Treatise: Exploring 'The Will of God'.Theo Verbeek - 2017 - Routledge.
    This book presents the first accessible analysis of Spinoza's Tractatus Theologico-politicus, situating the work in the context of Spinoza’s general philosophy and its 17th-century historical background. According to Spinoza it is impossible for a being to be infinitely perfect and to have a legislative will. This idea, demonstrated in the Ethics, is presupposed and further elaborated in the Tractatus Theologico-politicus. It implies not only that on the level of truth all revealed religion is false, but also that all authority (...)
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    (1 other version)A theologico-political treatise.Benedictus de Spinoza - 1883 - Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications. Edited by R. H. M. Elwes & Benedictus de Spinoza.
    Two important works by one of philosophy's most original and penetrating thinkers appear in this volume. Spinoza's "A Theologico-Political Treatise" presents an eloquent plea for religious liberty, demonstrating that true religion consists of the practice of simple piety, independent of philosophical speculation. He examines the Bible at length to show that freedom of thought and speech are consistent with the religious life. In the unfinished "A Political Treatise," the author develops a theory of government founded on common (...)
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    Revisiting Spinoza's Theological-political treatise.António Bento & José Maria Silva Rosa (eds.) - 2013 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
    Many authors have already observed that the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus of Baruch Spinoza was, in its time, the most discussed and most vehemently refuted book. Indeed, at the dawn of the Enlightenment, and almost until the end of the nineteenth century, Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise was an assertive and powerful appeal to freedom of expression and thought, a bold claim of religious tolerance and freedom of conscience in a Europe that was unaccustomed to the exercise of free thought. But, what (...)
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    Spinoza's theologico-political treatise: Exploring 'the will of God'.Michael A. Rosenthal - 2007 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45 (2):334-335.
    Michael A. Rosenthal - Spinoza's Theologico-Political Treatise: Exploring 'The Will of God' - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45:2 Journal of the History of Philosophy 45.2 334-335 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Reviewed by Michael A. Rosenthal University of Washington, Seattle Theo Verbeek. Spinoza's Theologico-Political Treatise: Exploring 'The Will of God'. Aldershot, UK-Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2003. Pp. 224. Cloth, $99.95. Theo Verbeek, an eminent historian of Dutch Cartesianism, uses his considerable knowledge of the philosophical (...)
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  6. Spinoza's Theologico-political Treatise. Exploring 'the Will of God'.Theo Verbeek - 2003 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 65 (3):566-568.
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    Nature," "Substance" and "God" as Mass Terms in Spinoza's "Theologico-Political Treatise.Leiser Madanes - 1989 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 6 (3):295 - 302.
  8.  47
    Spinoza's Democratic Turn: Chapter 16 of the Theologico-Political Treatise.Steven B. Smith - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 48 (2):359 - 388.
    There are several reasons that have contributed to the neglect of the Treatise as a classic of modern democratic theory. In the first place, Spinoza's political theory is buried three quarters of the way through the Treatise and comes to light only after the reader has slogged through a long and painstaking discussion of biblical philology and criticism. Second, Spinoza's defense of democracy is undergirded by a naturalistic metaphysics that is more immoralist than Hobbes and scarcely (...)
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  9. Spinoza's Theologico-Political Treatise[REVIEW]Steven Frankel - 2005 - Interpretation 32 (2):171-178.
  10.  25
    The Law of Freedom and the Summum Bonum in Spinoza’s Theologico-Political Treatise[REVIEW]Ulrich Dierse - 1986 - Philosophy and History 19 (1):24-25.
  11. Spinoza's 'Theological-Political Treatise': A Critical Guide.Yitzhak Y. Melamed & Michael A. Rosenthal (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise was published anonymously in 1670 and immediately provoked huge debate. Its main goal was to claim that the freedom of philosophizing can be allowed in a free republic and that it cannot be abolished without also destroying the peace and piety of that republic. Spinoza criticizes the traditional claims of revelation and offers a social contract theory in which he praises democracy as the most natural form of government. This Critical Guide presents essays by well-known (...)
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  12. Spinoza on Philosophy, Religion, and Politics: The Theologico-Political Treatise.Susan James - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Susan James explores the revolutionary political thought of one of the most radical and creative of modern philosophers, Baruch Spinoza. His Theologico-Political Treatise of 1670 defends religious pluralism, political republicanism, and intellectual freedom. James shows how this work played a crucial role in the development of modern society.
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    The Democratic Soul: Spinoza, Tocqueville, and Enlightenment Theology.Aaron L. Herold - 2021 - University of Pennsylvania Press.
    In The Democratic Soul, Aaron L. Herold argues that liberal democracy's current crisis—of extreme polarization, rising populism, and disillusionment with political institutions—must be understood as the culmination of a deeper dissatisfaction with the liberal Enlightenment. Major elements of both the Left and the Right now reject the Enlightenment's emphasis on rights as theoretically unfounded and morally undesirable and have sought to recover a contrasting politics of obligation. But this has re-opened questions about the relationship between politics and religion long thought (...)
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    New Perspectives on Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise.Dan Taylor & Marie Wuth (eds.) - 2025 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Brings together leading and emerging scholars of Spinoza across the world and across different interpretative and hermeneutic backgrounds for lively exchanges and pathbreaking analyses of an underappreciated keystone text in political thought.
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  15. Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise: A Critical Guide. [REVIEW]Hasana Sharp - 2011 - The Leibniz Review 21:175-183.
    Despite his importance in philosophical canon, as the editors of the volume under consideration observe, contemporary philosophers without a religious education are not in a great position to examine, for example, Spinoza's analysis of scripture, which comprises a substantial portion of his Theological-Political Treatise. Nevertheless,interest in Spinoza is growing and there is increased willingness to work through questions like "whether the apostles wrote their epistles as apostles and prophets, or as teachers." This is owed in no insignificant part (...)
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  16. Marx, Spinoza, and 'True Democracy'.Sandra Leonie Field - 2024 - In Jason Maurice Yonover & Kristin Gjesdal, Spinoza in Germany: Political and Religious Thought across the Long Nineteenth Century. Oxford University Press. pp. 212-237.
    It is common to assimilate Marx’s and Spinoza’s conceptions of democracy. In this chapter, I assess the relation between Marx’s early idea of “true democracy” and Spinozist democracy, both the historical influence and the theoretical affinity. Drawing on Marx’s student notebooks on Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise, I show there was a historical influence. However, at the theoretical level, I argue that a sharp distinction must be drawn. Philosophically, Spinoza’s commitment to understanding politics through real concrete powers does not support with (...)
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  17.  34
    Spinoza's Paradox: Judaism and the Construction of Liberal Identity in the Theologico-Political Treatise.Steven Smith - 1995 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 4 (2):203-225.
  18. Conflict as the Quasi-Transcendental: Or, Why Spinoza’s Theologcal Political Treatise Matters for Transindividuality.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (1):107-112.
    Vardoulakis explores what Balibar means by designating transindividuality as ‘quasi-transcendental.’ He does so by turning to Balibar’s readings of Part IV of Spinoza’s Ethics, the Part that is central to Balibar’s understanding of the transindividual in Spinoza. Vardoulakis shows that the quasi-transcendental in Spinoza can only be a form of agonistic relations if his political theory in the Theological Political Treatise is to account for political change.
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  19.  32
    Spinoza: Political Treatise.Baruch Spinoza - 2000 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    _The Political Treatise_, Spinoza's final work, is a largely theoretical inquiry into the fundamental principles of political philosophy. This edition offers an exceptional translation by Samuel Shirley and a prefatory essay by Douglas Den Uyl that discusses why the _Political Treatise_ deserves the attention of contemporary scholars. Steven Barbone and Lee Rice provide ample notes, a substantial bibliography, complete indexes of names and terms, and a comprehensive general introduction, which considers the evolution of Spinoza's political thought in the (...)
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  20. Martin D. Yaffe, Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise[REVIEW]Graeme Hunter - 2005 - Philosophy in Review 25:452-454.
  21.  12
    Theologico-Political Treatise: Containing Some Dissertations by Which It is Shown Not Only That the Freedom of Philosophizing Can Be Granted in Keeping with Piety and the Peace of the Republic, but That It Cannot Be Removed Unless Along with That Very Piety and the Peace of the Republic.Martin D. Yaffe (ed.) - 2004 - Focus.
    A complete translation in English of this modern text, with substantive apparatus to allow the student and serious reader to grapple in a meaningful way with this seminal text. The text includes ample footnotes, Spinoza’s annotations, an interpretative essay, glossary and other indices. Focus Philosophical Library translations are close to and are non-interpretative of the original text, with the notes and a glossary intending to provide the reader with some sense of the terms and the concepts as they were understood (...)
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  22.  11
    Spinoza: Theological-Political Treatise.Benedictus de Spinoza (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise (1670) is one of the most important philosophical works of the early modern period. In it Spinoza discusses at length the historical circumstances of the composition and transmission of the Bible, demonstrating the fallibility of both its authors and its interpreters. He argues that free enquiry is not only consistent with the security and prosperity of a state but actually essential to them, and that such freedom flourishes best in a democratic and republican state in (...)
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    Revelation in Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise.Frank Lucash - 2001 - Philosophy and Theology 13 (1):73-92.
    I argue that Spinoza bases his observations regarding revelation on revelation alone, since he separates theology from philosophy. He does not use his philosophical theses to support theological beliefs, and he thinks that one’s philosophical position should not influence one’s views on revealed religion.
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  24. Spinoza's Political Treatise: A Critical Guide.Yitzhak Y. Melamed & Hasana Sharp (eds.) - 2017 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    Spinoza's Political Treatise constitutes the very last stage in the development of his thought, as he left the manuscript incomplete at the time of his death in 1677. On several crucial issues - for example, the new conception of the 'free multitude' - the work goes well beyond his Theological Political Treatise, and arguably presents ideas that were not fully developed even in his Ethics. This volume of newly commissioned essays on the Political Treatise is the (...)
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  25.  15
    The sovereign and the prophets: Spinoza on Grotian and Hobbesian biblical argumentation.Atsuko Fukuoka - 2018 - Boston: Brill.
    Tracing key biblical topics recurrent in Grotian and Hobbesian discourses on the church-state relationship, The Sovereign and the Prophetsexamines Spinoza's Old Testament interpretation in the Theologico-political Treatiseand elucidates his effort to establish what Hobbes could not adequately offer to the Dutch: the liberty to philosophize. Fukuoka develops an original method for understanding seventeenth-century biblical arguments as a shared political paradigm. Her in-depth analysis reveals the discourses that converged on the question, 'Who stands immediately under God to mediate His will (...)
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  26.  7
    Spinoza's Short treatise on God, man, and human welfare.Benedictus de Spinoza - 1909 - Chicago: Open Court Pub. Co.. Edited by Lydia Gillingham Robinson.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  27.  43
    Spinoza's Short Treatise on God, Man & His Wellbeing.Benedictus de Spinoza & A. Wolf - 2015 - Andesite Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  28.  32
    Spinoza's Political Treatise: A Critical Guide ed. by Yitzhak Y. Melamed and Hasana Sharp.Jason Read - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (4):758-759.
    The Political Treatise is relatively overlooked in Spinoza's corpus. This is especially true in Anglo-American contexts, where scholarship has been slow to engage with Spinoza's political philosophy, at the expense of a correct understanding of his metaphysics. The reasons for the lack of interest in the Political Treatise are numerous. The immediate and most often cited reason is its incompleteness. Not only does it break off unfinished, but it does so at precisely the point that is (...)
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  29. Spinoza on Philosophy, Religion, and Politics, by Susan James (review). [REVIEW]Eugene Marshall - 2013 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 51 (2):318-319.
    Event synopsis: Professor Susan James inverses Leo Strauss’ reading of Spinoza. Whereas Strauss emphasized the hidden subtext of Spinoza’s arguments, James revives the explicit debates of his time within which Spinoza's Theologico-Political Treatise was situated. But this is not a simple historical reconstruction. James’ close reading of the Treatise offers a radically new perspective on Spinoza’s revolutionary book – a reading that presents startling new perspective on the political, metaphysical and theological implications of the book. Given the (...)
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  30. Spinoza: Theological-Political Treatise.Jonathan Israel & Michael Silverthorne (eds.) - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise is one of the most important philosophical works of the early modern period. In it Spinoza discusses at length the historical circumstances of the composition and transmission of the Bible, demonstrating the fallibility of both its authors and its interpreters. He argues that free enquiry is not only consistent with the security and prosperity of a state but actually essential to them, and that such freedom flourishes best in a democratic and republican state in which (...)
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  31. Cohen, Spinoza, and the Nature of Pantheism.Yitzhak Melamed - 2018 - Jewish Studies Quarterly:171-180.
    The German text of Cohen’s Spinoza on State & Religion, Judaism & Christianity (Spinoza über Staat und Religion, Judentum und Christentum) first appeared in 1915 in the Jahrbuch für jüdische Geschichte und Literatur. Two years before, in the winter of 1913, Cohen taught a class and a seminar on Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise at the Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judentums. This was Cohen’s first semester at the Hochschule, after retiring from more than thirty years of teaching at the University (...)
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    (1 other version)Spinoza's critique of religion.Leo Strauss - 1965 - New York,: Schocken Books.
    Leo Strauss articulates the conflict between reason and revelation as he explores Spinoza's scientific, comparative, and textual treatment of the Bible. Strauss compares Spinoza's Theologico-political Treatise and the Epistles, showing their relation to critical controversy on religion from Epicurus and Lucretius through Uriel da Costa and Isaac Peyrere to Thomas Hobbes. Strauss's autobiographical Preface, traces his dilemmas as a young liberal intellectual in Germany during the Weimar Republic, as a scholar in exile, and as a leader of (...)
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    Spinoza, Liberalism, and the Question of Jewish Identity.Steven B. Smith - 1997 - Yale University Press.
    Baruch de Spinoza (1632-1677)--often recognized as the first modern Jewish thinker--was also a founder of modern liberal political philosophy. This book is the first to connect systematically these two aspects of Spinoza's legacy. Steven B. Smith shows that Spinoza was a politically engaged theorist who both advocated and embodied a new conception of the emancipated individual, a thinker who decisively influenced such diverse movements as the Enlightenment, liberalism, and political Zionism. Focusing on Spinoza's Theologico-Political Treatise, Smith argues (...)
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  34.  43
    Spinoza's Theological‐Political Treatise: A Critical Guide.Beth Lord - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (3):636-639.
    British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Volume 20, Issue 3, Page 636-639, May 2012.
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  35. Spinoza’s Authority Volume II: Resistance and Power in the Political Treatises.Dimitris Vardoulakis & Kiarina Kordela (eds.) - 2018 - Bloomsbury.
    Spinoza's political thought has been subject to a significant revival of interest in recent years. As a response to difficult times, students and scholars have returned to this founding figure of modern philosophy as a means to help reinterpret and rethink the political present. Spinoza's Authority Volume II makes a significant contribution to this ongoing reception and utilization of Spinoza's 1670s Theologico-Political and Political treatises. By taking the concept of authority as an original framework, this books asks: (...)
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  36.  60
    The Tractatus Theologico-Politicus and the Received View of Spinoza on Democracy.Wouter F. Kalf - 2014 - Res Publica 20 (3):263-279.
    On many interpretations of Spinoza’s political philosophy, democracy emerges as his ideal type of government. But a type of government can be ideal and yet it can be unwise to implement it if certain background conditions obtain. For example, a dominion’s people can be too ‘wretched by the conditions of slavery’ to rule themselves. This begs the following question. Do Spinoza’s arguments for democracy entail that all political bodies should be democracies at all times (the received view), or do they (...)
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  37.  11
    Piety and Humanity: Essays on Religion in Early Modern Political Philosophy.Douglas Kries (ed.) - 1997 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The nature of the relationship between early modern political philosophy and revealed religion has been much debated. The contributors to Piety and Humanity argue that this relationship is one of dissonance rather than concord. They claim that the early modern political philosophers found revealed religion—especially Christianity—to be a threat to the modern political project, and that these philosophers therefore attempted to transform revealed religion so that it would be less of a threat, and possibly even an aid. Each essay is (...)
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  38.  67
    Theologico-political treatise - part.Baruch Spinoza - unknown
  39.  60
    Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem.Heinrich Meier - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book, by one of the most prominent interpreters of Leo Strauss's thought, was the first to address the problem that Leo Strauss himself said was the theme of his studies: the theologico-political problem or the confrontation with the theological and the political alternative to philosophy as a way of life. In his theologico-political treatise, which comprises four parts and an appendix, Heinrich Meier clarifies the distinction between political theology and political philosophy and reappraises the unifying center of Strauss's (...)
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  40.  5
    Spinoza: Reason, Religion, Politics: The Relation between the Ethics and the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus.Daniel Garber, Mogens Laerke, Pierre-Francois Moreau & Pina Totaro (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    At his death, Spinoza left two major works, very different from one another. The first is the Ethics, rigorously set out in geometrical terms, with definitions, axioms, and theorems. In the Ethics, Spinoza takes the reader down the path of reason to an ultimate beatitude, a rational salvation, a kind of peace of mind attained through the true knowledge of God, oneself, and one's place in the world. The other is of a very different sort. The Tractatus theologico-politicus is set (...)
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  41. Mary Shelley’s ‘Romantic Spinozism’.Eileen Hunt Botting - 2019 - History of European Ideas 45 (8):1125-1142.
    ABSTRACT Mary Shelley (1797–1851) developed a ‘Romantic Spinozism’ from 1817 to 1848. This was a deterministic worldview that adopted an ethical attitude of love toward the world as it is, must be, and will be. Resisting the psychological despair and political inertia of fatalism, her ‘Romantic Spinozism’ affirmed the forward-looking responsibility of people to love their neighbors and sustain the world, including future generations, even in the face of seeming apocalypse. This history of Shelley’s reception of Spinoza begins with the (...)
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    The Political Efficacy of Prophetic Madness.Sean Erwin - 2000 - Idealistic Studies 30 (3):189-207.
    In this paper I pursue this question of the nature of a possible relationship between imagination and the force/violence particular to human law throughSpinoza's analysis of the prophetic imagination in the Tractatus-Theologico Politic us. My principal concern is to trace the relationship between the history and laws of the Hebrew nation and Spinoza's analysis of the imagination of Moses.
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    Leo Strauss’s Reading of Spinoza and the Art of “be Alert to the Art of Writing”.Ke Zhao - 2024 - Athens Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):41-54.
    Leo Strauss’s way of reading of Spinoza’s Theologico-Political Treatise got changed after his rediscovery of exotericism. As early as in the comment article on Hermann Cohen’s analysis of Spinoza’s Bible science, Strauss put forward that the Treatise should not be understood on the basis of our readers’ own presupposes of Spinoza’s personal motives. Later, in Spinoza’s Critique of Religion (1930), Strauss indeed read the Treatise literally, trying to understand it on the basis of Spinoza’s explicit statements. After (...)
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    Spinoza and the Freedom of Philosophizing by Mogens Lærke. [REVIEW]Julie R. Klein - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (3):523-525.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Mogens Lærke. Spinoza and the Freedom of Philosophizing. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Pp. xviii + 387. Hardback, $115.00. -/- Spinoza's political philosophy, always a subject of attention in Francophone scholarship, has been coming into sharper focus for Anglophone readers in recent years as well. Mogens Lærke—well known for his essays on metaphysics and cognition in Spinoza, for his invaluable book Leibniz lecteur de Spinoza (Paris: Honoré (...)
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  45. Spinoza’s Dogmas of the Universal Faith and the Problem of Religion.Michael A. Rosenthal - 2001 - Philosophy and Theology 13 (1):53-72.
    I argue that in the seven “dogmas of the universal faith,” which are introduced in chapter XIV of the Theological-Political Treatise, Spinoza reinterprets the traditional view of a minimal credo required for salvation. The dogmas are dialectical propositions that are true insofar as they are practically useful. Instead of obtaining salvation for the soul, the dogmas aid in the preservation of the body, particularly through the regulation of religion within the state. I show that reading the dogmas in light (...)
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  46. Theo Verbeek: Spinoza's Theological-political Treatise: Exploringthe Will of God'.S. Nadler - 2003 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 11 (2):347-349.
  47. The Metaphysics of Spinoza's Theological Political Treatise.Yitzhak Y. Melamed - 2010 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed & Michael A. Rosenthal, Spinoza's 'Theological-Political Treatise': A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  48. Spinoza and the Election of the Hebrews.Yitzhak Melamed - forthcoming - In Michael A. Rosenthal, Spinoza & Modern Jewish Philosophy. Palgrave.
    Spinoza’s interpretation of the election of the Hebrews in the third chapter of the Theological Political Treatise enraged quite a few Jewish readers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The rise of nationalism, and the demand of loyalty to one’s own genos brought about a certain style of patriotic writing aimed at Spinoza’s “betrayal.” In a series of lectures on the eve of the Great War, Hermann Cohen portrayed Spinoza as a person of “demonic spirt” and as “the great (...)
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  49. A Short Study on Spinoza's View of Religion.İbrahim Okan Akkın - 2018 - In Roman Dorczak, Christian Ruggiero, Regina-Lenart Gansiniec & M. Ali Icbay, Research and Development on Social Sciences. Jagiellonian University. pp. 225-232.
    It is a matter of philosophical debate whether Jonathan Israel’s assessment of Spinoza’s notion of ‘state religion’ can be interpreted as an atheistic and Marxist reading of Spinoza. Contrary to the widely accepted view, Spinoza has a peculiar understanding of religion; and thus, his views cannot, simply, be equated with atheism. By relying on this fact, in this article, I am going to shed light on the issue and try to show to what extent Israel’s interpretation goes beyond what Spinoza (...)
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    Marx’s Reading of Spinoza: On the Alleged Influence of Spinoza on Marx.Bernardo Bianchi - 2018 - Historical Materialism 26 (4):35-58.
    In this article, I investigate a hypothesis concerning the supposed influence of Spinoza on Marx’s works. Setting out from a comment made by Althusser – ‘[Spinoza] is the only direct ancestor of Marx’ – I try to demonstrate that even though the relationship between Spinoza and Marx has limited support at a historiographical level, a determined set of ideas of Spinoza can be connected to some of Marx’s political objectives in the period prior to 1845. This argument is supported (...)
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