Results for ' antique story'

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  1.  25
    On the transformation of antique stories and images in German literature of the 20th century.T. A. Sharypina - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russia 5 (1):22.
    On the basis of analysis of Russian and foreign scholars, the work is aimed at studying the specificity of the transformation of antique stories and images, which is the desired model in the art of the 20th century thanks to its fluidity and unlimited variability. Actualization of antique stories and images in the works of German-language writers account for life-changing moments of social life, the periods of losing of constant moral landmarks and the periods of looking for new (...)
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  2. 'This story is not true.' Fact and fiction in antiquity.C. R. Ligota - 1982 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 45 (1):1-13.
  3. Miracles in Greco-Roman antiquity: A sourcebook for the study of New Testament miracle stories.R. Waterfield - 2000 - Heythrop Journal-a Quarterly Review of Philosophy and Theology 41 (4):467-468.
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    Stories from the Greek Comedians: by the Rev. A. J. Church, with sixteen illustrations after the antique. London, Seely & Co. 1893. [REVIEW]W. W. Merry - 1893 - The Classical Review 7 (04):181-182.
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    Gender Strategies in Antiquity: Judith's Performance.Deborah F. Sawyer - 2001 - Feminist Theology 10 (28):9-26.
    Although the construction of gender as inherently hierarchical, patriarchal and heterosexually biased has been all-pervasive in society, there has been an equally consistent pattern of deconstruction, evident from antiquity to the present day. Perhaps surprisingly one can see this subversive gender play being utilized by biblical authors. This paper focuses on the story of the female heroine, Judith, as an illustration of gender subversion in the ancient world. Judith is allowed to break traditional gender constraints and stride across the (...)
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    J. Davies: Death, Burial and Rebirth in the Religions of Antiquity. Pp. xiii + 246, figs. London and New York: Routledge, 1999. Paper, £16.99. ISBN: 0-415-12991-5. - W. Cotter: Miracles in Greco-Roman Antiquity. A Sourcebook for the Study of New Testament Miracle Stories. Pp. x + 187. London and New York: Routledge, 1999. Paper, £14.99. ISBN: 0-415-11864-6. [REVIEW]A. T. Fear - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (2):616-617.
  7.  54
    Liaisons dangereuses: Aphrodite and the hetaira (V.) Pirenne-Delforge L'Aphrodite grecque. Contribution à l'étude de ses cultes et de sa personnalité dans le panthéon archaïque et classique (Kernos Suppl. 4). Centre international de l'Étude de la Religion Grecque Antique, Athens and Liège, 1994. Pp. xiii + 527 (12 figures). €45. 07763824 (pbk). (L.K.) McClure Courtesans at Table. Gender and Literary Culture in Athenaeus. New York and London: Routledge, 2003. Pp. xii + 242. £60 (hbk); £17.99 (pbk). 0415939461 (hbk); 041593947X (pbk). (D.) Hamel Trying Neaira. The True Story of a Courtesan's Scandalous Life in Ancient Greece. New Haven and London: Yale UP, 2003. Pp. xxiii + 200. £16.95. 0300094310 (hbk). [REVIEW]James Davidson - 2004 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 124:169-173.
  8.  8
    Storie naturali delle rovine: forme e oggetti del tempo nella Francia dei philosophes (1755-1812).Matteo Marcheschi - 2023 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    The story of quantum mechanics.Victor Guillemin - 1968 - Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications.
    "Clear and coherent... One of the most exciting aspects of the book is the author's account of how the consequences and implications of the breakthroughs in quantum mechanics challenged the mechanistic, deterministic philosophy fostered by classical science."-- The Science Teacher. Written by a respected Harvard physicist, this introductory account of the evolution of quantum physics also explores the subject's philosophical implications. The opening chapters trace the development of physics from antiquity onward, chronicling the origins of quantum mechanics and the ways (...)
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  10. Review of Michel jouvet, the paradox of sleep: The story of dreaming; and Patricia Cox Miller, dreams in late antiquity. [REVIEW]John Sutton - 2001 - Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 10:355-358.
    This review describes central difficulties in the interdisciplinary study of dreaming, summarizes Jouvet's account of his role in the history of modern dream science, queries his positive speculations on the semantics of dreaming, and suggests work for historians of neuroscience.
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  11. Whose Story Is It?Sheila Murnaghan - 2005 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 98 (4).
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  12.  25
    The Conquest of Assyria: Excavations in an Antique Land, 1840-1860. Mogens Trolle LarsenFrom Nineveh to New York: The Strange Story of the Assyrian Reliefs in the Metropolitan Museum and the Hidden Masterpiece at Canford School. John Malcolm Russell, Judith McKenzie, Stephanie Dalley. [REVIEW]Peter Daniels - 1998 - Isis 89 (4):748-750.
  13.  41
    Image, Text, and Story in the Recovery of Helen.Guy Hedreen - 1996 - Classical Antiquity 15 (1):152-184.
    Ancient Greek visual representations of the recovery of Helen by Menelaos are generally thought to depend closely on two distinct poetic sources. This paper argues that this belief is untenable. The principal theoretical assumption underlying it, that there will always be a close fit between ancient Greek poetic and artistic representations of a given story, is not the only conceivable relationship between poetry and art in Archaic and Early Classical Greece. The empirical evidence advanced to support the belief, the (...)
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  14.  15
    The Story of Myth by Sarah Iles Johnston.Phillip Zapkin - 2019 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 113 (1):114-116.
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  15.  14
    “It Never Hurts to Keep Looking for Sunshine”: The Motif of Depression in Works for Children and Youth Inspired by Classical Antiquity.Dorota Rejter, Hanna Paulouskaya & Angelina Gerus - 2020 - Clotho 2 (2):127-154.
    The paper analyzes a handful of works for children and youth that are based on mythology and deal with depression, a topic that is becoming more frequent in contemporary children’s and young adults’ culture, mainly because of the need to break the mental he­alth taboo. These are the newest edition of Laura Orvieto’s Storie di bambini molto antichi, Rachel Smythe’s digital comics Lore Olympus, Patricia Satjawatcha­raphong’s short animation Reflection, and the webcomic series Therapy created by Anastasia Gorshkova. They provide examples (...)
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  16.  29
    Not at Home: Nasica's Witticism and Other Stories.Stephanie West - 1992 - Classical Quarterly 42 (01):287-.
    Cicero's discussion of wit in the de oratore includes an entertaining story about Ennius and a certain Nasica : ‘Valde haec ridentur et hercule omnia quae a prudentibus per simulationem subabsurde salseque dicuntur. Ex quo genere est etiam non videri intellegere quod intellegas… ut illud Nasicae, qui cum ad poetam Ennium venisset eique ab ostio quaerenti Ennium ancilla dixisset domi non esse, Nasica sensit illam domini iussu dixisse et ilium intus esse; paucis post diebus cum ad Nasicam venisset Ennius (...)
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  17.  18
    Herodias and Salome in Mark’s story about the beheading of John the Baptist.Wim J. C. Weren - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):9.
    According to Mark 6:14–29, John the Baptist was beheaded by the order of Herod Antipas. This dramatic event became inevitable after a cunning interplay between Herodias and her daughter, who remains nameless in the New Testament. According to Flavius Josephus, she was called Salome ( Jewish Antiquities XVIII, 5.4 § 136–137), and under that name, she went down in history. For the sake of convenience, I also call her ‘Salome’ in this article. Salome is the Greek form of the Hebrew (...)
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  18.  26
    Pythagoras traveling East: an image of a sage in Late Antiquity.Eugene Afonasin & Anna Afonasina - 2019 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 27:e02709.
    Our purpose on the present occasion is to evaluate some ideas the biographers of late antiquity held about the origins of European thought. Speaking about this period we are no longer dealing with the question of transferring of the archaic practices: these practices are indeed long dead. What we encounter can be better defined as the import of ideas. Equally important is a study of the changing attitudes of our authors: rather than passive witnesses, they became active participants of this (...)
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  19.  8
    The slow fall of Babel: languages and identities in late antique Christianity.Yuliya Minets - 2021 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is the story of the transformation of the ways in which the increasingly Christianized elites of the late antique Mediterranean experienced and conceptualized linguistic differences. The metaphor of Babel stands for the magnificent edifice of classical culture that was about to reach the sky, but remained self-sufficient and selfcontained in its virtual monolingualism - the paradigm within which even Latin was occasionally considered just a dialect of Greek. The gradual erosion of this vision is the slow fall (...)
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  20.  14
    Classical Art: A Life History from Antiquity to the Present.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):464-466.
    To write a history “from antiquity to the present” of classical art or literature (or, worst of all, classicism) is the ultimate nightmare aspiration for a scholar whose colleagues are attentive methodologists. The product, when there is one (which I add because the aspiration can yield paralysis), is always in part an apologetic treatise on historical method. Professor Vout—of Christ's College, Cambridge—apologizes with the first word of her subtitle, A, which stresses that many differing histories may be as valid as (...)
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  21.  22
    Magic in Western Culture: From Antiquity to the Enlightenment.Brian P. Copenhaver - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    The story of the beliefs and practices called 'magic' starts in ancient Iran, Greece, and Rome, before entering its crucial Christian phase in the Middle Ages. Centering on the Renaissance and Marsilio Ficino - whose work on magic was the most influential account written in premodern times - this groundbreaking book treats magic as a classical tradition with foundations that were distinctly philosophical. Besides Ficino, the premodern story of magic also features Plotinus, Iamblichus, Proclus, Aquinas, Agrippa, Pomponazzi, Porta, (...)
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  22.  52
    The Cambridge History of Philosophy in Late Antiquity (review).John Rist - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (1):136-137.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Cambridge History of Philosophy in Late AntiquityJohn RistLloyd P. Gerson, editor. The Cambridge History of Philosophy in Late Antiquity. 2 vols. Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Pp. 1313. Cloth, $240.00.1313 pages, including 915 pages of text and 200 of bibliography; 51 authors—in about 800 words! The editor of the present Cambridge History makes plain that his new two-volume monument is the successor to Armstrong’s Cambridge History (...)
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  23.  15
    The First Pagan Historian: The Fortunes of a Fraud from Antiquity to the Enlightenment.Simon Goldhill - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (1):125-126.
    In this impressive first book, Clark explores the extraordinary history of the Destruction of Troy by Dares the Phrygian. Dares's account of the fall of Troy is a short, Latin prose narrative that claims to be an eyewitness account of the Trojan War, translated from the Phrygian by Cornelius Nepos, the Roman historian, and sent to Sallust, another, even more famous Roman historian. Dares's text came to light as late antiquity turned into the medieval era, and Dares was promptly hailed (...)
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  24. The Story of the Odyssey by Stephen V. Tracy. [REVIEW]S. Olson - 1992 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 85:250-250.
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    Response to Yiannis Miralis,?Manos Hadjidakis: The Story of an Anarchic Youth and a?Magnus Eroticus??Lenia Serghi - 2004 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 12 (1):80-83.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy of Music Education Review 12.1 (2004) 80-83 [Access article in PDF] Response to Yiannis Miralis, "Manos Hadjidakis: The Story of an Anarchic Youth and a 'Magnus Eroticus'" Lenia Serghi Ionian University, Corfu Manos Hadjidakis and his work are like his song, "O Mythos," for they take you from reality to fantasy and bring you back again. For my generation Hadjidakis was a myth with substance, since he (...)
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  26.  15
    Food, memory and cultural-religious identity in the story of the ‘desirers’ (Nm 11:4–6).Abraham O. Shemesh - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (3):9.
    This article examines the nutritional and cultural meaning underlying the list of foods mentioned in the claims of the Israelites in Numbers 11:4–6. The foods eaten by the Israelites in Egypt express stability and a familiar routine, whilst the foods of Eretz Israel, although depicted as choicer, express uncertainty. The list of foods has a literary role on several spheres: (1) The foods are elements distinguishing the agricultural practices in Eretz Israel and Egypt. (2) Fish and vegetables are an indicator (...)
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  27.  31
    Loredana MANCINI, Il rovinoso incanto. Storie di Sirene antiche, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005, 296 p.Montserrat Jufresa - 2007 - Clio 25:256-256.
    Le livre de Loredana Mancini est le deuxième volume de la collection “Antropologia del Mondo Antico. Collana del Centro di Antropologia del Mondo Antico dell’Università di Siena”, dirigée par Maurizio Bettini. L’auteur est chercheuse spécialisée en iconographie de l’art ancien et en histoire de l’archéologie, ce qui explique l’inclusion à la fin du livre d’un catalogue de 152 monuments qui offrent des images, fragmentaires ou entières, de sirènes antiques et médiévales, accompagnées ou non de...
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  28.  6
    Playing Hesiod: The 'Myth of the Races' in Classical Antiquity.Helen Van Noorden - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a new description of the significance of Hesiod's 'myth of the races' for ancient Greek and Roman authors, showing how the most detailed responses to this story go far beyond nostalgia for a lost 'Golden' age or hope of its return. Through a series of close readings, it argues that key authors from Plato to Juvenal rewrite the story to reconstruct 'Hesiod' more broadly as predecessor in forming their own intellectual and rhetorical projects; disciplines such (...)
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  29.  54
    The Role of Myth in Plato and Its Prolongations in Antiquity.Luc Brisson - 2007 - The European Legacy 12 (2):141-158.
    Plato was the first author to use the term mûthos (myth) in our modern sense.1 He described the role of myth in Athens, in order to contrast it with an argumentative philosophical discourse aimed at the truth. Even so, he had recourse to this unverifiable story not only in a practical role, in order to persuade the citizen to obey moral norms and political laws, but also in a theoretical context, evoking premises from which philosophical discourse could develop, and (...)
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    From Statue to Story: Ovid’s Metamorphosis of Hermaphroditus.Robert Groves - 2016 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 109 (3):321-356.
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    Creationism and its critics in antiquity. [REVIEW]Michael Ruse - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (3):pp. 464-466.
    he history of evolutionary theory is a little bit of a puzzle. Charles Darwin, the author of the Origin of Species in 1859, was the man who made evolutionary ideas reasonable—ideas that were generally accepted—and it was Darwin who provided the major mechanism of natural selection. He was not the first evolutionist, however. For at least one hundred and fifty years, starting with people like the French encyclopediast Denis Diderot, people had been speculating that organisms had a natural origin, from (...)
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    Nomos, Physis, and Ethnicity in the Emperor Julian’s Interpretation of the Tower of Babel Story.John Hilton - 2018 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 111 (4):525-547.
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    The Younger Pliny's Dolphin Story : An Analysis.C. L. Miller - 1966 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 60 (1):6.
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    Para-Narratives in the Odyssey: Stories in the Frame by Maureen Alden.Deborah Beck - 2019 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 112 (2):100-101.
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  35. Classical Atomism in Chemistry: Not a Success Story.Paul Needham - 2020 - In Ugo Zilioli (ed.), Atomism in Philosophy: A History from Antiquity to the Present. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 457-469.
    Classical atoms—“part-less, ontologically irreducible simples” as the conference flyer puts it—are not the atoms of modern chemistry and analogies with the latter can be construed in various ways. They have figured in the historical development of concepts of chemical affinity but without, as Alan Chalmers and I have independently argued, making any significant contribution to empirically justified theories. A purely combinatorial conception of the formation of compounds by juxtaposing atoms is associated with Daltonian atomism. I review the merits of this (...)
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  36. Payne, R., The Gold of Troy: The Story of Heinrich Schliemann and the Buried Cities of Ancient Greece. [REVIEW]Whitman Whitman - 1959 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 53:259.
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    Classical Myth and Psychoanalysis: Ancient and Modern Stories of the Self ed. by Vanda Zajko, Ellen O’Gorman.Chiara Thumiger - 2016 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 109 (2):264-266.
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    The "Vulgate" Commentary on Ovid's Metamorphoses: The Creation Myth and the Story of Orpheus by Frank T. Coulson. [REVIEW]William Anderson - 1992 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 86:175-176.
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    Can the Case Report Withstand Ethical Scrutiny?Philip M. Rosoff - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (6):17-21.
    Since antiquity, doctors have employed case reports as an essential and ongoing part in communicating information about patients and their diseases to their colleagues and, at times, to the wider, nonmedical world. Given how useful case reports have been, a legitimate and persuasive argument could be made to retain them in modern medical literature. But there is an emerging problem with case reports. As the ability to publish and disseminate the information contained in them has become easier, the capacity for (...)
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  40.  97
    Truth, Lies and History in Plato's Timaeus-Critias.Thomas Johansen - manuscript
    From antiquity on, the status of Critias' account has been the subject of intense debate. Is the Atlantis story 'real history'? The dialogue invites us to raise this question but also to reflect on its terms. In this paper I shall argue that the story should be seen as 'history' only in a special Platonic sense: it is a story which is fabricated about the past in order to reflect a general truth about how ideal citizens would (...)
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  41.  44
    Time in the Babylonian Talmud : Natural and Imagined Times in Jewish Law and Narrative.Lynn Kaye - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Lynn Kaye examines how rabbis of late antiquity thought about time through their legal reasoning and storytelling, and what these insights mean for thinking about time today. Providing close readings of legal and narrative texts in the Babylonian Talmud, she compares temporal ideas with related concepts in ancient and modern philosophical texts and in religious traditions from late antique Mesopotamia. Kaye demonstrates that temporal flexibility in the Babylonian Talmud is a means of exploring and resolving legal (...)
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  42.  35
    Oikonomia in the age of empires.Dotan Leshem - 2013 - History of the Human Sciences 26 (1):29-51.
    The article reviews the uses of the term ‘oikonomia’ in Greek-speaking antiquity and illustrates how the term was used in all spheres of human existence and in various arts and sciences, usually denoting the prudent dispensation of the field resources. In this era the arts and sciences also received their own economies, and the term oikonomia, designating in most cases the prudent management of resources, appears in political theory, military strategy, law, finance, medicine, literary criticism, architecture, music, history and rhetoric. (...)
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  43.  35
    The Cyclops of Philoxenus.J. H. Hordern - 1999 - Classical Quarterly 49 (02):445-.
    Philoxenus of Cythera's dithyramb, Cyclops or Galatea, was a poem famous in antiquity as the source for the story of Polyphemus' love for the sea-nymph Galatea. The exact date of composition is uncertain, but the poem must pre-date 388 B.C., when it was parodied by Aristophanes in the parodos of Plutus , and probably, as we shall see below, post-dates 406, the point at which Dionysius I became tyrant of Syracuse . The Aristophanic parody of the work may well (...)
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  44.  29
    Antigone rising: the subversive power of the ancient myths.Helen Morales - 2020 - New York: Bold Type Books.
    The picture of classical antiquity most of us learned in school is framed in certain ways -- glossing over misogyny while omitting the seeds of feminist resistance. Many of today's harmful practices, like school dress codes, exploitation of the environment, and rape culture, have their roots in the ancient world. But in Antigone Rising, classicist Helen Morales reminds us that the myths have subversive power because they are told -- and read -- in different ways. Through these stories, whether it's (...)
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    Plato Goes to China: The Greek Classics and Chinese Nationalism.Shadi Bartsch - 2023 - Princeton University Press.
    The surprising story of how Greek classics are being pressed into use in contemporary China to support the regime’s political agenda As improbable as it may sound, an illuminating way to understand today’s China and how it views the West is to look at the astonishing ways Chinese intellectuals are interpreting—or is it misinterpreting?—the Greek classics. In Plato Goes to China, Shadi Bartsch offers a provocative look at Chinese politics and ideology by exploring Chinese readings of Plato, Aristotle, Thucydides, (...)
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    The Various Fathers of Ptolemy I.N. L. Collins - 1997 - Mnemosyne 50 (4):436-476.
    Reports from antiquity — two factual and another based on myth — claim that Ptolemy I was a son of the Macedonian king Philip II. If so, Ptolemy was a half-brother of Alexander the Great. Scholars suppose that this rumour was promoted by Ptolemy I. But this cannot be confirmed. It seems rather that Arsinoë, the mother of Ptolemy I, was a concubine at the court of Philip II and that a rumour existed that Ptolemy I was illegitimately born. This (...)
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    The Aesthetics of Violence in the Case of Gaius Martius Coriolanus.Apostolos N. Stavelas - 2016 - Peitho 7 (1):265-272.
    In the story of Coriolanus, as depicted mainly by Plutarch and Shakespeare, we become aware of the norms and parameters of the nobility, the sincerity and the legitimacy of violence, both in diction and action, both political and personal, both as a rhetorical strategy and as a way of living. These attributes indicate a firm culture of violence and a definite system of values, which, within the span of Roman antiquity and history, comprises an early idea of chivalry and (...)
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    Tracing the Anthropocene and Entangled Trauma in Yashar Kemal's Novels: More-Than-Human Lives in the Post-Ottoman World.Deniz Gündoǧan Ibrişim - 2023 - Intertexts 27 (2):32-51.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Tracing the Anthropocene and Entangled Trauma in Yashar Kemal's NovelsMore-Than-Human Lives in the Post-Ottoman WorldDeniz Gündoǧan Ibrişim (bio)Yashar Kemal (1923–2015), one of Turkey's most prominent Kurdish-Turkish novelists and human rights activists, largely engages with the southern Turkish countryside, which the author himself had known well in his early life.1 Kemal is commonly recognized as the writer of Çukurova or the Clician Plain (Cilicia Pedias in antiquity), a large fertile (...)
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    Solidarity: From Civic Friendship to a Global Legal Community (review).Paul Hendrickson - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (4):343-346.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Solidarity: From Civic Friendship to a Global Legal CommunityPaul HendricksonThe University of South Carolina. Hauke Brunkhorst. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2005. Pp. xxv + 262. $42.50, hardcover.Public appeals to solidarity have been pervasive throughout the storied history of political dissent and democratic politics. From the French Revolution and the European revolutions of 1848 to decolonization, Polish Solidarność, and the antiglobalization movement, solidarity has been invoked as a means of (...)
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    The Strained Relation Between Samaritans and Jews in the Works of Flavius Josephus.Albertus Purnomo - 2017 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 16 (1):64.
    The strained relation between Samaritans and Jews as a fruit of long-term process from the division of the United Kingdom of Israel (ca. 931 B.C.E) became a dominant issue since the post-exilic period and became more pronounced in the first century C.E. Beside the Old Testament, the story of their relation which was full of conflict can be traced to extra-biblical sources. One of them is Flavius Josephus’ works (ca. 70 to 100 C.E), i.e., Jewish War and Jewish Antiquities. (...)
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