Results for ' arithmetically definable theories'

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  1.  69
    Arithmetical definability over finite structures.Troy Lee - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (4):385.
    Arithmetical definability has been extensively studied over the natural numbers. In this paper, we take up the study of arithmetical definability over finite structures, motivated by the correspondence between uniform AC0 and FO. We prove finite analogs of three classic results in arithmetical definability, namely that < and TIMES can first-order define PLUS, that < and DIVIDES can first-order define TIMES, and that < and COPRIME can first-order define TIMES. The first result sharpens the equivalence FO =FO to FO = (...)
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  2.  35
    Generalizations of gödel’s incompleteness theorems for ∑ N-definable theories of arithmetic.Makoto Kikuchi & Taishi Kurahashi - 2017 - Review of Symbolic Logic 10 (4):603-616.
    It is well known that Gödel’s incompleteness theorems hold for ∑1-definable theories containing Peano arithmetic. We generalize Gödel’s incompleteness theorems for arithmetically definable theories. First, we prove that every ∑n+1-definable ∑n-sound theory is incomplete. Secondly, we generalize and improve Jeroslow and Hájek’s results. That is, we prove that every consistent theory having ∏n+1set of theorems has a true but unprovable ∏nsentence. Lastly, we prove that no ∑n+1-definable ∑n-sound theory can prove its own ∑n-soundness. (...)
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  3.  30
    Hierarchical Incompleteness Results for Arithmetically Definable Extensions of Fragments of Arithmetic.Rasmus Blanck - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic 14 (3):624-644.
    There has been a recent interest in hierarchical generalizations of classic incompleteness results. This paper provides evidence that such generalizations are readily obtainable from suitably formulated hierarchical versions of the principles used in the original proofs. By collecting such principles, we prove hierarchical versions of Mostowski’s theorem on independent formulae, Kripke’s theorem on flexible formulae, Woodin’s theorem on the universal algorithm, and a few related results. As a corollary, we obtain the expected result that the formula expressing “$\mathrm {T}$is$\Sigma _n$-ill” (...)
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    Every Countable Model of Arithmetic or Set Theory has a Pointwise-Definable End Extension.Joel David Hamkins - forthcoming - Kriterion – Journal of Philosophy.
    According to the math tea argument, there must be real numbers that we cannot describe or define, because there are uncountably many real numbers, but only countably many definitions. And yet, the existence of pointwise-definable models of set theory, in which every individual is definable without parameters, challenges this conclusion. In this article, I introduce a flexible new method for constructing pointwise-definable models of arithmetic and set theory, showing furthermore that every countable model of Zermelo-Fraenkel ZF set (...)
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    Structure and definability in general bounded arithmetic theories.Chris Pollett - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 100 (1-3):189-245.
    The bounded arithmetic theories R2i, S2i, and T2i are closely connected with complexity theory. This paper is motivated by the questions: what are the Σi+1b-definable multifunctions of R2i? and when is one theory conservative over another? To answer these questions we consider theories , and where induction is restricted to prenex formulas. We also define which has induction up to the 0 or 1-ary L2-terms in the set τ. We show and and for . We show that (...)
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  6.  45
    Weak Theories of Concatenation and Arithmetic.Yoshihiro Horihata - 2012 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 53 (2):203-222.
    We define a new theory of concatenation WTC which is much weaker than Grzegorczyk's well-known theory TC. We prove that WTC is mutually interpretable with the weak theory of arithmetic R. The latter is, in a technical sense, much weaker than Robinson's arithmetic Q, but still essentially undecidable. Hence, as a corollary, WTC is also essentially undecidable.
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  7.  53
    A note on definability in fragments of arithmetic with free unary predicates.Stanislav O. Speranski - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (5-6):507-516.
    We carry out a study of definability issues in the standard models of Presburger and Skolem arithmetics (henceforth referred to simply as Presburger and Skolem arithmetics, for short, because we only deal with these models, not the theories, thus there is no risk of confusion) supplied with free unary predicates—which are strongly related to definability in the monadic SOA (second-order arithmetic) without × or + , respectively. As a consequence, we obtain a very direct proof for ${\Pi^1_1}$ -completeness of (...)
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  8.  83
    Theories of arithmetics in finite models.Michał Krynicki & Konrad Zdanowski - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (1):1-28.
    We investigate theories of initial segments of the standard models for arithmetics. It is easy to see that if the ordering relation is definable in the standard model then the decidability results can be transferred from the infinite model into the finite models. On the contrary we show that the Σ₂—theory of multiplication is undecidable in finite models. We show that this result is optimal by proving that the Σ₁—theory of multiplication and order is decidable in finite models (...)
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  9.  44
    Bounded arithmetic for NC, ALogTIME, L and NL.P. Clote & G. Takeuti - 1992 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 56 (1-3):73-117.
    We define theories of bounded arithmetic, whose definable functions and relations are exactly those in certain complexity classes. Based on a recursion-theoretic characterization of NC in Clote , the first-order theory TNC, whose principal axiom scheme is a form of short induction on notation for nondeterministic polynomial-time computable relations, has the property that those functions having nondeterministic polynomial-time graph Θ such that TNC x y Θ are exactly the functions in NC, computable on a parallel random-access machine in (...)
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  10.  37
    Ordinal arithmetic with simultaneously defined theta‐functions.Andreas Weiermann & Gunnar Wilken - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (2):116-132.
    This article provides a detailed comparison between two systems of collapsing functions. These functions play a crucial role in proof theory, in the analysis of patterns of resemblance, and the analysis of maximal order types of well partial orders. The exact correspondence given here serves as a starting point for far reaching extensions of current results on patterns and well partial orders. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
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  11.  67
    Partially definable forcing and bounded arithmetic.Albert Atserias & Moritz Müller - 2015 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (1):1-33.
    We describe a method of forcing against weak theories of arithmetic and its applications in propositional proof complexity.
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  12. Does set theory really ground arithmetic truth?Alfredo Roque Freire - manuscript
    We consider the foundational relation between arithmetic and set theory. Our goal is to criticize the construction of standard arithmetic models as providing grounds for arithmetic truth (even in a relative sense). Our method is to emphasize the incomplete picture of both theories and treat models as their syntactical counterparts. Insisting on the incomplete picture will allow us to argue in favor of the revisability of the standard model interpretation. We then show that it is hopeless to expect that (...)
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  13.  28
    (1 other version)Arithmetic complexity of the predicate logics of certain complete arithmetic theories.Valery Plisko - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 113 (1-3):243-259.
    It is proved in this paper that the predicate logic of each complete constructive arithmetic theory T having the existential property is Π1T-complete. In this connection, the techniques of a uniform partial truth definition for intuitionistic arithmetic theories is used. The main theorem is applied to the characterization of the predicate logic corresponding to certain variant of the notion of realizable predicate formula. Namely, it is shown that the set of irrefutable predicate formulas is recursively isomorphic to the complement (...)
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  14.  46
    A Proof Theory for the Logic of Provability in True Arithmetic.Hirohiko Kushida - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (4):857-875.
    In a classical 1976 paper, Solovay proved the arithmetical completeness of the modal logic GL; provability of a formula in GL coincides with provability of its arithmetical interpretations of it in Peano Arithmetic. In that paper, he also provided an axiomatic system GLS and proved arithmetical completeness for GLS; provability of a formula in GLS coincides with truth of its arithmetical interpretations in the standard model of arithmetic. Proof theory for GL has been studied intensively up to the present day. (...)
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    Turing–Taylor Expansions for Arithmetic Theories.Joost J. Joosten - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (6):1225-1243.
    Turing progressions have been often used to measure the proof-theoretic strength of mathematical theories: iterate adding consistency of some weak base theory until you “hit” the target theory. Turing progressions based on n-consistency give rise to a \ proof-theoretic ordinal \ also denoted \. As such, to each theory U we can assign the sequence of corresponding \ ordinals \. We call this sequence a Turing-Taylor expansion or spectrum of a theory. In this paper, we relate Turing-Taylor expansions of (...)
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  16.  32
    Interpreting weak Kőnig's lemma in theories of nonstandard arithmetic.Bruno Dinis & Fernando Ferreira - 2017 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 63 (1-2):114-123.
    We show how to interpret weak Kőnig's lemma in some recently defined theories of nonstandard arithmetic in all finite types. Two types of interpretations are described, with very different verifications. The celebrated conservation result of Friedman's about weak Kőnig's lemma can be proved using these interpretations. We also address some issues concerning the collecting of witnesses in herbrandized functional interpretations.
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  17. A Mathematical Model of Quantum Computer by Both Arithmetic and Set Theory.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Information Theory and Research eJournal 1 (15):1-13.
    A practical viewpoint links reality, representation, and language to calculation by the concept of Turing (1936) machine being the mathematical model of our computers. After the Gödel incompleteness theorems (1931) or the insolvability of the so-called halting problem (Turing 1936; Church 1936) as to a classical machine of Turing, one of the simplest hypotheses is completeness to be suggested for two ones. That is consistent with the provability of completeness by means of two independent Peano arithmetics discussed in Section I. (...)
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    (1 other version)Proving consistency of equational theories in bounded arithmetic.Arnold Beckmann† - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (1):279-296.
    We consider equational theories for functions defined via recursion involving equations between closed terms with natural rules based on recursive definitions of the function symbols. We show that consistency of such equational theories can be proved in the weak fragment of arithmetic S 1 2 . In particular this solves an open problem formulated by TAKEUTI (c.f. [5, p.5 problem 9.]).
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  19. On Proving Consistency of Equational Theories in Bounded Arithmetic.Arnold Beckmann & Yoriyuki Yamagata - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-31.
    We consider equational theories based on axioms for recursively defining functions, with rules for equality and substitution, but no form of induction—we denote such equational theories as PETS for pure equational theories with substitution. An example is Cook’s system PV without its rule for induction. We show that the Bounded Arithmetic theory $\mathrm {S}^{1}_2$ proves the consistency of PETS. Our approach employs model-theoretic constructions for PETS based on approximate values resembling notions from domain theory in Bounded Arithmetic, (...)
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  20. Hilbert arithmetic as a Pythagorean arithmetic: arithmetic as transcendental.Vasil Penchev - 2021 - Philosophy of Science eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 14 (54):1-24.
    The paper considers a generalization of Peano arithmetic, Hilbert arithmetic as the basis of the world in a Pythagorean manner. Hilbert arithmetic unifies the foundations of mathematics (Peano arithmetic and set theory), foundations of physics (quantum mechanics and information), and philosophical transcendentalism (Husserl’s phenomenology) into a formal theory and mathematical structure literally following Husserl’s tracе of “philosophy as a rigorous science”. In the pathway to that objective, Hilbert arithmetic identifies by itself information related to finite sets and series and quantum (...)
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  21.  15
    A New Principle In The Interpretability Logic Of All Reasonable Arithmetical Theories.Evan Goris & Joost Joosten - 2011 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 19 (1):1-17.
    The interpretability logic of a mathematical theory describes the structural behavior of interpretations over that theory. Different theories have different logics. This paper revolves around the question what logic describes the behavior that is present in all theories with a minimum amount of arithmetic; the intersection over all such theories so to say. We denote this target logic by IL.In this paper we present a new principle R in IL. We show that R does not follow from (...)
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  22.  31
    An Approach to Building Quantum Field Theory Based on Non-Diophantine Arithmetics.Mark Burgin & Felix Lev - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (2):325-350.
    The problem of infinities in quantum field theory (QFT) is a longstanding problem in particle physics. To solve this problem, different renormalization techniques have been suggested but the problem persists. Here we suggest another approach to the elimination of infinities in QFT, which is based on non-Diophantine arithmetics – a novel mathematical area that already found useful applications in physics, psychology, and other areas. To achieve this goal, new non-Diophantine arithmetics are constructed and their properties are studied. In addition, non-Diophantine (...)
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  23.  77
    The prehistory of the subsystems of second-order arithmetic.Walter Dean & Sean Walsh - 2017 - Review of Symbolic Logic 10 (2):357-396.
    This paper presents a systematic study of the prehistory of the traditional subsystems of second-order arithmetic that feature prominently in the reverse mathematics program of Friedman and Simpson. We look in particular at: (i) the long arc from Poincar\'e to Feferman as concerns arithmetic definability and provability, (ii) the interplay between finitism and the formalization of analysis in the lecture notes and publications of Hilbert and Bernays, (iii) the uncertainty as to the constructive status of principles equivalent to Weak K\"onig's (...)
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  24.  61
    An isomorphism between monoids of external embeddings: About definability in arithmetic.Mihai Prunescu - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (2):598-620.
    We use a new version of the Definability Theorem of Beth in order to unify classical theorems of Yuri Matiyasevich and Jan Denef in one structural statement. We give similar forms for other important definability results from Arithmetic and Number Theory.
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    On the relationships between some meta-mathematical properties of arithmetical theories.Yong Cheng - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (5):880-908.
    In this work, we aim at understanding incompleteness in an abstract way via metamathematical properties of formal theories. We systematically examine the relationships between the following twelve important metamathematical properties of arithmetical theories: Rosser, EI (effectively inseparable), RI (recursively inseparable), TP (Turing persistent), EHU (essentially hereditarily undecidable), EU (essentially undecidable), Creative, $\textbf{0}^{\prime }$ (theories with Turing degree $\textbf{0}^{\prime }$), REW (all RE sets are weakly representable), RFD (all recursive functions are definable), RSS (all recursive sets are (...)
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  26.  28
    Generalized quantifier and a bounded arithmetic theory for LOGCFL.Satoru Kuroda - 2007 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (5-6):489-516.
    We define a theory of two-sort bounded arithmetic whose provably total functions are exactly those in ${\mathcal{F}_{LOGCFL}}$ by way of a generalized quantifier that expresses computations of SAC 1 circuits. The proof depends on Kolokolova’s conditions for the connection between the provable capture in two-sort theories and descriptive complexity.
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  27.  35
    Arithmetizing Uniform NC.Bill Allen - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 53 (1):1-50.
    Allen, B., Arithmetizing Uniform NC, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 53 1–50. We give a characterization of the complexity class Uniform NC as an algebra of functions on the natural numbers which is the closure of several basic functions under composition and a schema of recursion. We then define a fragment of bounded arithmetic, and, using our characterization of Uniform NC, show that this fragment is capable of proving the totality of all of the functions in Uniform NC. Lastly, (...)
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  28.  26
    Presburger arithmetic, rational generating functions, and quasi-polynomials.Kevin Woods - 2015 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 80 (2):433-449.
    Presburger arithmetic is the first-order theory of the natural numbers with addition. We characterize sets that can be defined by a Presburger formula as exactly the sets whose characteristic functions can be represented by rational generating functions; a geometric characterization of such sets is also given. In addition, ifp= are a subset of the free variables in a Presburger formula, we can define a counting functiong to be the number of solutions to the formula, for a givenp. We show that (...)
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  29.  21
    On a Theory for AC0 and the Strength of the Induction Scheme.Satoru Kuroda - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (3):417-426.
    We define a fragment of Primitive Recursive Arithmetic by replacing the defining axioms for primitive recursive functions by those for functions in some specific complexity class. In this note we consider such theory for AC0. We present a model-theoretical property of this theory, by means of which we are able to characterize its provably total functions. Next we consider the problem of how strong the induction scheme can be in this theory.
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  30.  45
    The arithmetic of cuts in models of arithmetic.Richard Kaye - 2013 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 59 (4-5):332-351.
    We present a number of results on the structure of initial segments of models of Peano arithmetic with the arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation and logarithm. Each of the binary operations introduced is defined in two dual ways, often with quite different results, and we attempt to systematise the issues and show how various calculations may be carried out. To understand the behaviour of addition and subtraction we introduce a notion of derivative on cuts, analogous to differentiation (...)
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    Strengths and Weaknesses of LH Arithmetic.Chris Pollett & Randall Pruim - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (2):221-243.
    In this paper we provide a new arithmetic characterization of the levels of the og-time hierarchy . We define arithmetic classes equation image and equation image that correspond to equation image-LOGTIME and equation image-LOGTIME, respectively. We break equation image and equation image into natural hierarchies of subclasses equation image and equation image. We then define bounded arithmetic deduction systems equation image′ whose equation image-definable functions are precisely B. We show these theories are quite strong in that LIOpen proves (...)
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  32.  38
    Richard A. Shore. Determining automorphisms of the recursively enumerable sets. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 65 , pp. 318– 325. - Richard A. Shore. The homogeneity conjecture. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 76 , pp. 4218– 4219. - Richard A. Shore. On homogeneity and definability in the first-order theory of the Turing degrees. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 47 , pp. 8– 16. - Richard A. Shore. The arithmetic and Turing degrees are not elementarily equivalent. Archiv für mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung, vol. 24 , pp. 137– 139. - Richard A. Shore. The structure of the degrees of unsolvabitity. Recursion theory, edited by Anil Nerode and Richard A. Shore, Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics, vol. 42, American Mathematical Society, Providence1985, pp. 33– 51. - Theodore A. Slaman and W. Hugh Woodin. Definability in the Turing degrees. Illinois journal of mathematics, vol. 30 , pp. 320–. [REVIEW]Carl Jockusch - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):358-360.
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  33.  24
    Greniewski Henryk. Functors of the propositional calculus. VI Zjazd Matematyków Polskich, Warszawa 20–23 IX 1948, supplement to Annales de la Société Polonaise de Mathématique, vol. 22, Cracow 1950, pp. 78–86.Greniewski Henryk. Certain notions of the theory of numbers as applied to the propositional calculus. English with brief Polish summary. Časopis pro pěstováni matematiky a fysiky, vol. 74 , pp. 132–136.Greniewski Henryk. Groups and fields definable in the propositional calculus. Towarzystwo Naukowe Warszawskie, Sprawozdania z posiedzé wydzialu III nauk matematyczno fizycznych , vol. 43 , pp. 53–48.Greniewski H.. Arithmetics of natural numbers as part of the bi-valued propositional calculus. Colloquium matkematicum, vol. 2 no. 3–4 , pp. 291–297. [REVIEW]G. T. Kneebone - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (2):304-305.
  34.  48
    Two new series of principles in the interpretability logic of all reasonable arithmetical theories.Evan Goris & Joost J. Joosten - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (1):1-25.
    The provability logic of a theory T captures the structural behavior of formalized provability in T as provable in T itself. Like provability, one can formalize the notion of relative interpretability giving rise to interpretability logics. Where provability logics are the same for all moderately sound theories of some minimal strength, interpretability logics do show variations.The logic IL is defined as the collection of modal principles that are provable in any moderately sound theory of some minimal strength. In this (...)
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  35. Which Arithmetization for Which Logicism? Russell on Relations and Quantities in The Principles of Mathematics.Sébastien Gandon - 2008 - History and Philosophy of Logic 29 (1):1-30.
    This article aims first at showing that Russell's general doctrine according to which all mathematics is deducible ‘by logical principles from logical principles’ does not require a preliminary reduction of all mathematics to arithmetic. In the Principles, mechanics (part VII), geometry (part VI), analysis (part IV–V) and magnitude theory (part III) are to be all directly derived from the theory of relations, without being first reduced to arithmetic (part II). The epistemological importance of this point cannot be overestimated: Russell's logicism (...)
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  36. The absolute arithmetic continuum and the unification of all numbers great and small.Philip Ehrlich - 2012 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 18 (1):1-45.
    In his monograph On Numbers and Games, J. H. Conway introduced a real-closed field containing the reals and the ordinals as well as a great many less familiar numbers including $-\omega, \,\omega/2, \,1/\omega, \sqrt{\omega}$ and $\omega-\pi$ to name only a few. Indeed, this particular real-closed field, which Conway calls No, is so remarkably inclusive that, subject to the proviso that numbers—construed here as members of ordered fields—be individually definable in terms of sets of NBG, it may be said to (...)
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  37.  43
    An unexpected separation result in Linearly Bounded Arithmetic.Arnold Beckmann & Jan Johannsen - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (2):191-200.
    The theories Si1 and Ti1 are the analogues of Buss' relativized bounded arithmetic theories in the language where every term is bounded by a polynomial, and thus all definable functions grow linearly in length. For every i, a Σbi+1-formula TOPi, which expresses a form of the total ordering principle, is exhibited that is provable in Si+11 , but unprovable in Ti1. This is in contrast with the classical situation, where Si+12 is conservative over Ti2 w. r. t. (...)
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  38. Undecidability without Arithmetization.Andrzej Grzegorczyk - 2005 - Studia Logica 79 (2):163-230.
    In the present paper the well-known Gödels – Churchs argument concerning the undecidability of logic (of the first order functional calculus) is exhibited in a way which seems to be philosophically interestingfi The natural numbers are not used. (Neither Chinese Theorem nor other specifically mathematical tricks are applied.) Only elementary logic and very simple set-theoretical constructions are put into the proof. Instead of the arithmetization I use the theory of concatenation (formalized by Alfred Tarski). This theory proves to be an (...)
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  39. Witnessing functions in bounded arithmetic and search problems.Mario Chiari & Jan Krajíček - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (3):1095-1115.
    We investigate the possibility to characterize (multi) functions that are Σ b i -definable with small i (i = 1, 2, 3) in fragments of bounded arithmetic T 2 in terms of natural search problems defined over polynomial-time structures. We obtain the following results: (1) A reformulation of known characterizations of (multi)functions that are Σ b 1 - and Σ b 2 -definable in the theories S 1 2 and T 1 2 . (2) New characterizations of (...)
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    Undefinability of Multiplication in Presburger Arithmetic with Sets of Powers.Chris Schulz - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-15.
    We begin by proving that any Presburger-definable image of one or more sets of powers has zero natural density. Then, by adapting the proof of a dichotomy result on o-minimal structures by Friedman and Miller, we produce a similar dichotomy for expansions of Presburger arithmetic on the integers. Combining these two results, we obtain that the expansion of the ordered group of integers by any number of sets of powers does not define multiplication.
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  41. Numerosity, number, arithmetization, measurement and psychology.Thomas M. Nelson & S. Howard Bartley - 1961 - Philosophy of Science 28 (2):178-203.
    The paper aims to put certain basic mathematical elements and operations into an empirical perspective, evaluate the empirical status of various analytic operations widely used within psychology and suggest alternatives to procedures criticized as inadequate. Experimentation shows the "manyness" of items to be a perceptual quality for both young children and animals and that natural operations are performed by naive children analogous to those performed by persons tutored in arithmetic. Number, counting, arithmetic operations therefore can make distinctions that are not (...)
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    Kolmogorov complexity and characteristic constants of formal theories of arithmetic.Shingo Ibuka, Makoto Kikuchi & Hirotaka Kikyo - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (5):470-473.
    We investigate two constants cT and rT, introduced by Chaitin and Raatikainen respectively, defined for each recursively axiomatizable consistent theory T and universal Turing machine used to determine Kolmogorov complexity. Raatikainen argued that cT does not represent the complexity of T and found that for two theories S and T, one can always find a universal Turing machine such that equation image. We prove the following are equivalent: equation image for some universal Turing machine, equation image for some universal (...)
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    An arithmetical view to first-order logic.Seyed Mohammad Bagheri, Bruno Poizat & Massoud Pourmahdian - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (6):745-755.
    A value space is a topological algebra equipped with a non-empty family of continuous quantifiers . We will describe first-order logic on the basis of . Operations of are used as connectives and its relations are used to define statements. We prove under some normality conditions on the value space that any theory in the new setting can be represented by a classical first-order theory.
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    Expansions of Presburger arithmetic with the exchange property.Nathanaël Mariaule - 2021 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 67 (4):409-419.
    Let G be a model of Presburger arithmetic. Let be an expansion of the language of Presburger. In this paper, we prove that the ‐theory of G is ‐minimal iff it has the exchange property and is definably complete (i.e., any bounded definable set has a maximum). If the ‐theory of G has the exchange property but is not definably complete, there is a proper definable convex subgroup H. Assuming that the induced theories on H and are (...)
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    A bounded arithmetic AID for Frege systems.Toshiyasu Arai - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 103 (1-3):155-199.
    In this paper we introduce a system AID of bounded arithmetic. The main feature of AID is to allow a form of inductive definitions, which was extracted from Buss’ propositional consistency proof of Frege systems F in Buss 3–29). We show that AID proves the soundness of F , and conversely any Σ 0 b -theorem in AID yields boolean sentences of which F has polysize proofs. Further we define Σ 1 b -faithful interpretations between AID+Σ 0 b -CA and (...)
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    A wild model of linear arithmetic and discretely ordered modules.Petr Glivický & Pavel Pudlák - 2017 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 63 (6):501-508.
    Linear arithmetics are extensions of Presburger arithmetic () by one or more unary functions, each intended as multiplication by a fixed element (scalar), and containing the full induction schemes for their respective languages. In this paper, we construct a model of the 2‐linear arithmetic (linear arithmetic with two scalars) in which an infinitely long initial segment of “Peano multiplication” on is ‐definable. This shows, in particular, that is not model complete in contrast to theories and that are known (...)
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    Definability in the enumeration degrees.Theodore A. Slaman & W. Hugh Woodin - 1997 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 36 (4-5):255-267.
    We prove that every countable relation on the enumeration degrees, \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} ${\frak E}$\end{document}, is uniformly definable from parameters in \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} ${\frak E}$\end{document}. Consequently, the first order theory of \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} ${\frak E}$\end{document} is recursively isomorphic to the second order theory of arithmetic. By an effective version of coding lemma, we show that the first (...)
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  48. Undecidable extensions of Skolem arithmetic.Alexis Bes & Denis Richard - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (2):379-401.
    Let $ be the restriction of usual order relation to integers which are primes or squares of primes, and let ⊥ denote the coprimeness predicate. The elementary theory of $\langle\mathbb{N};\bot, , is undecidable. Now denote by $ the restriction of order to primary numbers. All arithmetical relations restricted to primary numbers are definable in the structure $\langle\mathbb{N};\bot, . Furthermore, the structures $\langle\mathbb{N};\mid, and $\langle\mathbb{N};=,+,x\rangle$ are interdefinable.
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    On bounded arithmetic augmented by the ability to count certain sets of primes.Alan R. Woods & Ch Cornaros - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (2):455-473.
    Over 25 years ago, the first author conjectured in [15] that the existence of arbitrarily large primes is provable from the axioms I Δ₀(π) + def(π), where π(x) is the number of primes not exceeding x, IΔ₀(π) denotes the theory of Δ₀ induction for the language of arithmetic including the new function symbol π, and de f(π) is an axiom expressing the usual recursive definition of π. We prove a modified version in which π is replaced by a more general (...)
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    Inconsistent nonstandard arithmetic.Chris Mortensen - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (2):512-518.
    This paper continues the investigation of inconsistent arithmetical structures. In $\S2$ the basic notion of a model with identity is defined, and results needed from elsewhere are cited. In $\S3$ several nonisomorphic inconsistent models with identity which extend the (=, $\S4$ inconsistent nonstandard models of the classical theory of finite rings and fields modulo m, i.e. Z m , are briefly considered. In $\S5$ two models modulo an infinite nonstandard number are considered. In the first, it is shown how to (...)
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