Results for ' biographies spirituelles, autobiographies spirituelles, officialité, sexualité infantile, relations conjugales, impuissance, silence'

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  1.  44
    When Silence Reigns. Traces of Women’s Voices on Sexuality in the xviith century.Sylvie Steinberg - 2010 - Clio 31:79-110.
    Les historiens qui se sont intéressés à la sexualité au xviie siècle ont souvent noté qu’il était rare d’accéder à une parole féminine. Quelques bribes en subsistent pourtant, que délivrent les biographies et autobiographies spirituelles de femmes dévotes et les archives des tribunaux d’Église (Officialités). À partir de cette parole enchâssée dans d’autres discours – ceux des hommes et femmes d’Église qui les recueillent, ceux des juges qui les enregistrent –, opacifiée par des visées particulières – hagiographique (...)
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    Abus sexuels : une sexualité indicible.Catherine Garnier - 2011 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 193 (3):67-74.
    Le silence qui recouvre les abus sexuels incestueux, souvent subis à un âge prépubère, constitue une entrave dans la construction de l’identité, de la relation de couple et de la filiation. L’article s’appuie sur trois vignettes cliniques pour illustrer ce constat et montre que la lente reconstruction après ces traumatismes est le fait d’une parole tenue dans un cadre analytique où l’interdit du toucher et l’absence d’emprise sont la règle.
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    Heimkehr ins eigentliche.Herbert Wallace Schneider - 1970 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 8 (4):504-505.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:504 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Earle's position, needless to say, is a radical one. If taken seriously it appears to commit him either to a private language doctrine or, more likely, to silence. If the concepts embodied in our language are public, intersubjective concepts, then either a minimal characterization of singular human existence is possible or Earle is stranded in a hopeless, speechless solipsism. I shall mention just one (...)
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    Intertextual Biography in the Rivalry of Cratinus and Aristophanes.Zachary P. Biles - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (2):169-204.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Intertextual Biography in the Rivalry of Cratinus and AristophanesZachary P. BilesMore than a decade ago, Malcolm Heath provided an influential explanation for charges of plagiarism between comic poets when he posited a growing store of ideas that were recycled as quickly as they were invented. As a result, "Anything put on stage in a comedy would become public property and be absorbed into the repertoire, so that all comic (...)
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    « Une action dont on rougit mesme dans les solitudes les plus secrètes »1 : enquête sur les violences sexuelles conjugales (Paris, xviie-xvii.Marion Philip - 2020 - Clio 52:93-117.
    Le crime de viol conjugal, très récemment incriminé par le droit français, n’existe pas sous l’Ancien Régime. La sexualité conjugale est définie par le droit canon et séculier comme un sacrement dont la validité repose sur le principe de l’échange d’un consentement libre. La consommation nuptiale vient confirmer ce consentement initial et ratifie le mariage mais elle impose également aux époux le devoir conjugal. Ainsi, le consentement sexuel inaugural prévaut pour l’ensemble de la vie maritale, empêchant en théorie toute (...)
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    Irregular Sexuality; or, The Story of a Girl in Three Parts.Heather Heckman-McKenna - 2024 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 25.
    Le présent article, à cheval entre autobiographie et recherche, donne à lire trois récits entremêlés : dans l’un d’eux, l’autrice est temporairement prise au piège d’une situation de violence conjugale ; dans un autre, elle accepte enfin sa sexualité queer ; enfin, le dernier consiste en une réflexion sur les propos, au xviii e siècle, de Jeremy Bentham sur les « irrégularités sexuelles », pour reprendre sa formule. En particulier, l’autrice se penche sur les dynamiques de pouvoir, notamment sur (...)
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  7. A Romantic Life Dedicated to Science: André-Marie Ampère’s Autobiography.Dolores Martín Moruno - 2011 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 33 (2):299-322.
    This article explores André-Marie Ampère's autobiography in order to analyse the dynamics of science in early 19th century French institutions. According to recent works that have emphasised the value of biographies in the history of science, this study examines Ampère's public self-representation to show the cultural transformations of a life dedicated to science in post-revolutionary French society. With this aim, I have interpreted this manuscript as an outstanding example of the scientific rhetoric flourishing in early 19th century French Romanticism, (...)
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    O cronotopo bakhtiniano do romance biográfico: da Antiguidade à contemporaneidade.Pauliane Amaral & Rauer Ribeiro Rodrigues - 2015 - Bakhtiniana 10 (3):111-129.
    We retrieve Bakhtin's reflections on Forms of Time and the Chronotope in the Novel present in The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays by M. M. Bakhtin in order to verify the variations of the 'Ancient Biography and Autobiography Chronotope' in contemporary autobiography novel. We thus analyze the chronotope in the autobiography novels A Moveable Feast, by Ernest Hemingway, and Chá das cinco com o vampire [Afternoon Tea with the Vampire], by the Brazilian writer Miguel Sanches Neto. Our reading of Bakhtin's notion (...)
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    Meaning and myth in the study of lives: a Sartrean perspective.Stuart L. Charmé - 1984 - Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
    This book explores major theoretical issues in the study of an individual life through its focus on Jean-Paul Sartre. Sartre's quest for an "existential psychoanalysis" led him to develop what he called "true novels" in the landmark studies of Flaubert and others. In clarifying Sartre's philosophical ideas in relation to the analysis of the self, Stuart L. Charme examines the attraction/repulsion of Freudian concepts and explores parallels to Erikson's ego psychology. Certain "mythic" qualities in religious biography and autobiography are seen (...)
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    Dilthey and Human Science: Autobiography, Hermeneutics and Pedagogy.Norm Friesen - 2020 - Phenomenology and Practice 15 (2):100-112.
    Using Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings as an example, this paper introduces Wilhlem Dilthey’s hermeneutics and pedagogical theory. Dilthey saw biographies as nothing less than “the highest and most instructive form of the understanding of life.” This, then, serves as the starting point for his hermeneutics or theory of understanding, which distinguishes humanistic understanding from scientific explanation, and sees any one moment or word as having meaning only in relation to a whole—the whole of a (...)
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    “No rape and pillage without orders”: sex offences and early modern European armies.Mariana Muravyeva - 2014 - Clio 39:55-81.
    L’émergence de l’État nation en Europe à l’aube de l’époque moderne s’accompagna d’un contrôle strict du comportement sexuel et de l’apparition d’une interdépendance étroite entre régulation de la sexualité, reproduction et mariage hétérosexuel. Les armées européennes devinrent un champ d’expérimentation pour la création d’hommes et de citoyens modèles ; la sexualité des soldats était strictement contrôlée et toute déviation par rapport à la norme sévèrement punie. Le droit militaire, basé sur le droit naturel, sur le concept de guerre (...)
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    Sylvie Steinberg (dir.) avec les contributions de Christine Bard, Sandra Boehringer, Gabrielle.Robert Nye - 2019 - Clio 50.
    Ce volume, à multiples, examine l’histoire des sexualités depuis l’Antiquité jusqu’à nos jours. Chaque section est rédigée par un spécialiste selon un plan thématique commun qui réfléchit aux changements dans les croyances, les pratiques et le droit. Parmi ces thèmes figurent l’histoire des plaisirs, des pratiques et des normes sexuels, celle des relations conjugales et extraconjugales, de la violence sexuelle, de la prostitution, ainsi que des homosexualités (réglementation juridiq...
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  13.  45
    The Politics of Memory: History, Biography, and the (Re)-Emergence of Generational Literature in Germany.Hans-Peter Söder - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (2):177-185.
    The existentialist philosopher Karl Jaspers is the father of a discourse on the spiritual consequences of the Holocaust. First addressed as the Schuldfrage (the question of guilt) by Jaspers immediately after the Second World War in his famous Heidelberg lecture, it has reappeared in various forms in German life and letters. Post-unification Germany has witnessed the valorization of the German experience of the Second World War. This ongoing re-evaluation has its antecedents in the generational literature of the 1970s and 1980s. (...)
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    La solitude du devenir mère, enjeux individuel, conjugal, familial et sociétal. Exploration d’un cas clinique.Delphine Vennat, Denis Mellier & Rose-Angélique Belot - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 233 (3):117-136.
    Dans les pays occidentaux, de nombreux nouveaux parents se sentent seuls et parfois impuissants avec leur nouveau-né. Ce sentiment peut être lié à un défaut d’étayage familial dans l’immédiat post-partum. Cet article présente, à partir d’une recherche universitaire plus large, un cas clinique approfondi dans lequel la distance familiale et géographique a été un facteur de vulnérabilité majeur. Ce cas montre les incidences multiples et intriquées d’un défaut d’étayage familial sur les processus intrapsychiques et intersubjectifs : dépression du post-partum chez (...)
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    Pedagogical Immediacy, Listening, and Silent Meaning: Essayistic Exercises in Philosophy and Literature for Early Childhood Educators.Viktor Magne Johansson - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-29.
    This essay concentrates on philosophizing that happens outside and in addition to planned philosophical discussions, philosophizing that comes alive in practice, that is intensified in children’s encounters with the world, with others, with language, in play. It contemplates how adults, educators and parents encounter children and are affected by children’s philosophical explorations. What is the role of the adult in children’s philosophical questioning? How can we respond to children’s philosophizing? What does it mean to do so? The essay explores philosophical (...)
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    Heidegger’s Entscheidung: “Decision” Between “Fate” and “Destiny”.Norman K. Swazo - 2020 - London: Routledge India.
    This book critically examines the debate on Martin Heidegger's concept of Entscheidung and his engagement and confrontation with Nazism in terms of his broader philosophical thought. It argues that one cannot explain Heidegger's actions without accounting for his idea of "decision" and its connection to his understanding of individual "fate" and national "destiny." The book looks at the relation of biography to philosophy and the ethical and political implications of appropriating Heidegger's thinking in these domains of inquiry. It highlights themes (...)
  17. Marcel mauss and the Quest for the person in greek biography and autobiography.A. Momigliano - 1985 - In Michael Carrithers, Steven Collins & Steven Lukes, The Category of the person: anthropology, philosophy, history. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Writing biographies and autobiographies of science.Rony Armon - 2007 - Minerva 45 (3):295-304.
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    Essai d'autobiographie spirituelle.Nikolaĭ Berdi︠a︡ev - 1958 - [Paris]: Buchet/Chastel Corrêa.
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    A Aʿlām al-adab al-ʿarabī al-muʿaṣir: Siyar wa siyar dhātiyya. English Title Page: Contemporary Arab Writers: Biographies and AutobiographiesA Alam al-adab al-arabi al-muasir: Siyar wa siyar dhatiyya. English Title Page: Contemporary Arab Writers: Biographies and Autobiographies.Pierre Cachia & Robert B. Campbell - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (3):410.
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    Couples and love in Aragon (15th-16th c.).Martine Charageat - 2011 - Clio 34:41-60.
    L’amour conjugal existe au Moyen Âge, la littérature en est un lieu d’expression privilégié. Visible également dans les sources épistolaires ou notariales, il est cependant plus difficile à aborder à travers les archives judiciaires, notamment les procès matrimoniaux ecclésiastiques. L’officialité de Saragosse au xve siècle est par excellence la cour où sont jugés les litiges conjugaux. Les procès consultés offrent un récit récurrent de la relation conflictuelle entre époux et laissent à penser que l’amour n’y a guère sa place. Ce (...)
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  22.  35
    "every Artist Paints Himself": Art History As Biography And Autobiography.Colin Eisler - 1987 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 54.
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    Cultural Visions: Essays in the History of Culture.Penny Schine Gold & Benjamin C. Sax - 2000 - Rodopi.
    This collection opens with an inquiry into the assumptions and methods of the historical study of culture, comparing the new cultural history with the old. Thirteen essays follow, each defining a problem within a particular culture. In the first section, Biography and Autobiography, three scholars explore historically changing types of self-conception, each reflecting larger cultural meanings; essays included examine Italian Renaissance biographers and the autobiographies of Benjamin Franklin and Mohandas Gandhi. A second group of contributors explore problems raised by (...)
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    The Literature of the Book: Biographies and Autobiographies.Gordon Graham - 2004 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 15 (4):200-201.
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    The confessions of Stanley: Accounting for a human life lived before God.Tom Greggs - 2012 - Modern Theology 28 (2):315-319.
    This discussion of Stanley Hauerwas’Hannah's Child examines the implications of the book for the disciplines of historical and doctrinal theology. Locating the success of theological biography and autobiography in its description of God in relation to lived human existence, the article considers certain points of contact between Hannah's Child and St Augustine's Confessions. Building from this description of the task of theological autobiography, the article makes three points for historical and doctrinal theology arising from Hannah's Child: first that historical theology (...)
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    Déploiement et résistances chez Foucault.Michaël La Chance - 1987 - Philosophiques 14 (1):33-56.
    Chez Foucault le pouvoir est d'abord pensé comme déploiement de la visibilité et comme inscription des corps. On voit dans une première partie comment les figures de l'autorité disparaissent, laissant place à un espace de dispersion où s'estompe la figure de l'homme comme effet passager d'une discontinuité entre le savoir et le pouvoir. Si le pouvoir est invisible lorsqu'il se confond avec l'adéquation à soi du savoir, c'est dans un effet de résistance que se constituent nos expériences qui sont à (...)
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    Séduction fraternelle et processus de transformation des liens familiaux.Régine Scelles - 2004 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 164 (2):34-46.
    La relation fraternelle est un domaine encore peu étudié et dont on n’épuise pas le sens et la fonction en la pensant comme n’étant qu’une projection sur les pairs d’une problématique qui se jouerait, en fait, avec les ascendants. La séduction fraternelle peut s’analyser à lueur de la problématique parents-enfants ou à celle de l’identification mentale, les deux axes pouvant, pour un même cas, se trouver intriqués de façon complexe. À partir de cas cliniques, nous montrons qu’il convient de différencier (...)
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    Détournement de biens spirituels?: Un point d'éthique des relations interreligieuses.Jacques Scheuer - 2009 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 40 (3):305-323.
    Alors que les relations interreligieuses furent souvent marquées par le mépris et l’hostilité voire la violence, des attitudes plus positives soulèvent elles aussi des questions. Ainsi l’emprunt d’éléments provenant d’une autre tradition spirituelle. Des chrétiens, par exemple, recourent à des formes bouddhiques de méditation, adoptent un symbole hindou ou reprennent des textes de la mystique islamique. Ce geste d’ouverture trahit-il une secrète volonté de mainmise? Conduit-il à de nouvelles formes d’impérialisme culturel? Entre annexion «cannibale», qui méconnaît l’altérité, et discrétion (...)
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    The “phantasmodesty” of Henry Adams.Matthew A. Taylor - 2009 - Common Knowledge 15 (3):373-394.
    Written exclusively in the third-person by a narrator who repeatedly refers to “Henry Adams” as “passive,” “submissive,” and “a helpless victim” in relation to the “forces” in the world that form him, The Education of Henry Adams attenuates both author and subject by valuing environment over eponym. The critical literature on the text has focused primarily on the formal or psychological bases of such practice in order to argue that Adams is behind, and thus exempt from, the book's paradoxical self-effacements. (...)
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    Book Reviews : Auto/biography and Feminist Sociology: Liz Stanley and David Morgan (eds) Sociology Special Issue: 'Biography and Autobiography in Sociology' Volume 27, Number 1, 1993, 197 pp., ISSN 0038-0385. [REVIEW]Kathy Davis - 1995 - European Journal of Women's Studies 2 (1):131-133.
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    Review: Pierre-André Burton, Aelred de Rievaulx (1110-1167) Essai de biographie existentielle et spirituelle, Paris: Cerf, 2010. [REVIEW]Rob Faesen - 2011 - Bijdragen: Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie En Theologie 72 (3):348-349.
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    BIOGRAPHY AND AUTOBIOGRAPHY Lives of the Laureates: Thirteen Nobel Economists, William Breit and Roger W. Spencer, Editors. 1995. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 296 pages. ISBN: 0-262-02391-1. $27.50. [REVIEW]Joseph Haberer - 1996 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 16 (4):206-206.
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    雑談における発話のやりとりと盛り上がりの関連.寺嶌 立太 徳久 良子 - 2006 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 21:133-142.
    The performance of a non-task-oriented conversational dialogue system greatly depends on whether it can generate high involvement during conversation with users. In this paper, we clarify the types of utterances concerning involvement in human-human conversational dialogue. First, we define Dialogue Acts and Rhetorical Relations, and propose a method for measuring ``Involvement''. Next, we show that the inter-annotator agreement on these tag schemes is quite high. Finally, we investigate the relationship between DAs/RRs and Involvement. We found that affective utterances and (...)
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    Speaking of Being: Language, Speech, and Silence in Being and Time.Brandon Absher - 2016 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 30 (2):204-231.
    Much of the English-language reception of Heidegger’s early thinking about language and speech —at least among readers influenced by the tradition of analytic philosophy—is organized around two interpretive devices. The first device is a distinction between “instrumental” and “constitutive” conceptions of language.1 An instrumental conception of language treats words as means by which humans represent fundamentally independent facts. According to this view, individual speech acts involve the use of conventional signs as tools for representing the world and expressing mental states. (...)
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    Tradition as a key to the Christian faith.Peter Abspoel - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 79 (5):470-492.
    ABSTRACTCatholic Christianity possesses a distinctive power, which has remained latent and undertheorised for a long time: the power to adapt itself to cultural traditions. In theology, it has often been seen as accidental, even when it was manifest in practice, especially in local traditions. Since Vatican II, inculturation has been actively encouraged, and new approaches were developed in missiology and ecclesiology. In this article, Christianity’s power of adaptation is presented as central to the ‘salvific event’ itself. Human beings need to (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Vulnérabilité des femmes enceintes en éthique de la recherche: un problème sémantique.Sihem Neila Abtroun - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics/Revue canadienne de bioéthique 2 (2):11-14.
    This commentary explores the notion of vulnerability applied to pregnant women in clinical research. The use of this notion, related to a semantic problem, raises an ethical issue and participates in the quasi-systematic exclusion of this sub-population from the research process.
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  37. Detecting Health Problems Related to Addiction of Video Game Playing Using an Expert System.Samy S. Abu Naser & Mohran H. Al-Bayed - 2016 - World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development 2 (9):7-12.
    Today’s everyone normal life can include a normal rate of playing computer games or video games; but what about an excessive or compulsive use of video games that impact on our life? Our kids, who usually spend a lot of time in playing video games will likely have a trouble in paying attention to their school lessons. In this paper, we introduce an expert system to help users in getting the correct diagnosis of the health problem of video game addictions (...)
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  38. Fat Stigma and Public Health: A Theoretical Framework and Ethical Analysis.Desiree Abu-Odeh - 2014 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 24 (3):247-265.
    This paper proposes a theoretical framework for understanding fat stigma and its impact on people’s well-being. It argues that stigma should never be used as a tool to achieve public health ends. Drawing on Bruce Link and Jo Phelan’s 2001 conceptualization of stigma as well as the works of Hilde Lindemann, Paul Benson, and Margaret Urban Walker on identity, positionality, and agency, this paper clarifies the mechanisms by which stigmatizing, oppressive conceptions of overweight and obesity damage identities and diminish moral (...)
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    Informed consent content in research with survivors of psychological trauma.Ana Abu-Rus, Noah Bussell, Donald C. Olsen, Marie Ardill Davis-Ku & Meline A. Arzoumanian - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (8):595-606.
    One hundred eighty trauma-focused dissertations published in the United States were examined to determine the variation in risk language used in the informed consents. Level of risk proposed in the informed consents was poorly related to ratings of risk by graduate coders and virtually unrelated to vulnerability factors such as the age of participants and clinical or nonclinical status. Risk language in the informed consents was markedly elevated over that rated by the coders, with more than one third of the (...)
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  40. Imagining Palestine’s Alter-Natives: Settler Colonialism and Museum Politics.Lila Abu-Lughod - 2020 - Critical Inquiry 47 (1):1-27.
    This reflection on Palestine’s political impasses in relation to the experiences of other colonized places and peoples was inspired by the current ferment in critical indigenous and native studies, and now Palestinian studies, about settler colonialism. Tracing the promises and pitfalls of new imaginations of sovereignty and self-determination emerging through indigenous activism, the essay reflects on museums and contested rituals of liberal recognition in North America and Australia to highlight both the stark differences in the situations of Palestinians under Israeli (...)
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  41. Mathematics Intelligent Tutoring System.Nour N. AbuEloun & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2017 - International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 2 (1):11-16.
    In these days, there is an increasing technological development in intelligent tutoring systems. This field has become interesting to many researchers. In this paper, we present an intelligent tutoring system for teaching mathematics that help students understand the basics of math and that helps a lot of students of all ages to understand the topic because it's important for students of adding and subtracting. Through which the student will be able to study the course and solve related problems. An evaluation (...)
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    A Companion to Hobbes.Marcus P. Adams (ed.) - 2021 - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Offers comprehensive treatment of Thomas Hobbes’s thought, providing readers with different ways of understanding Hobbes as a systematic philosopher As one of the founders of modern political philosophy, Thomas Hobbes is best known for his ideas regarding the nature of legitimate government and the necessity of society submitting to the absolute authority of sovereign power. Yet Hobbes produced a wide range of writings, from translations of texts by Homer and Thucydides, to interpretations of Biblical books, to works devoted to geometry, (...)
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    The essential supernatural : a dialogical study in Kierkegaard and Blondel.Maurice Ashley Agbaw-Ebai - 2022 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    Soren Kirkegaard and Maurice Blondel are positioned together in a dialogue regarding the vision of the supernatural. Maurice Ashley Agbaw-Ebai draws from this a sharper image of the preeminent place religious experience possesses in human life and thought. Kirkegaard's lament of Christian lack of fervor and Blondel's concern that religion and philosophy no longer interact are both examined and Agbaw-Ebai concludes that they both indicate the same outcome: a "dominant leveling of society" that robs religion of its particularity. This devastates (...)
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    Collective Biography and Europe’s Cultural Legacy.Joseba Agirreazkuenaga & Mikel Urquijo - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (4):373-388.
    From the 1990s onwards there has been growing interest in the study of biography. As opposed to those who are skeptical of the biographical method, we defend the historiographical importance of collective biographies by contrasting them with biographical collections. By discussing the historical background of biography as a branch of history, and by focusing on the aims, methodology and outcomes of collective biographies, we attempt to show how they both extend and deepen our concept of historical research.
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    What future for future generations?: a programme of UNESCO and the International Environment Institute.Emmanuel Agius & Salvino Busuttil (eds.) - 1994 - Valletta, Malta: Foundation for International Studies, University of Malta.
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  46. Experimentation, distributed cognition, and flow: A scientific lens on mixed martial arts.Zachary Agoff, Benjamin Gweyer & Vadim Keyser - 2022 - In Jason Holt & Marc Ramsay, The Philosophy of Mixed Martial Arts: Squaring the Octagon. Routledge.
    Recent work by Keyser in applied epistemology of experiment has focused on the iterative ‘production’ of knowledge: knowledge stabilizes within a given physical context and it is iteratively tested within that context to meet standards of reliability. This implies that in a given physical context (e.g., laboratory), the inferences, methods/techniques, and physical products form coherence relations with one another. We apply this epistemological stabilization account to the martial arts in order to argue that the context of stabilization dictates the (...)
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    From ‘Man is the Measure of all Things’ to Money is the Measure of All Things: A Dialogue between Protagoras and African Philosophy.Martin Odei Ajei & M. B. Ramose - 2008 - Phronimon 9 (1):22-40.
    Protagoras’ declaration that “man is the measure of all things” is conventionally discussed in the context of epistemology. There was, however, a communal or social dimension to this even in ancient Greece. In the unfolding process of time, this latter dimension assumed greater intensity and expanded systematically into all aspects of human relations. The centrality of money in these relations speaks to the transition from “man is the measure of all things” to money is the measure of all (...)
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    Claims of Massacre and Persecution Attributed to Khurāsān Governor Qutayba Ibn Muslim al-Bāhilī.Yunus Akyürek - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):515-542.
    Qutayba ibn Muslim al-Bāhilī is one of the leading soldier-bureaucrats of the Umayyads period. During the time he served as the governor of Khurāsān, he consolidated the Umayyad’s rule in Tokharistan and Transoxiana provinces, and expanded the borders of the state to China by conquering the Kashgar region. His activities for conversion of the people of the conquered regions have great importance in the history of Islam since the intense relations of the Turkish people with Islam fell upon the (...)
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    Evolution, Chance, Necessity, and Design.Denis R. Alexander - 2022 - Zygon 57 (4):1069-1082.
    This article represents comments arising from The Compatibility of Evolution and Design by Rope Kojonen (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) concerning the role of chance and randomness in evolution (citations from this book are shown as page numbers in brackets). The various meanings of chance and randomness as used in descriptions of biological evolution are discussed and contrasted with their meanings in mathematics and metaphysics. The discussion relates to the role of contingency in evolution and to ideological and rhetorical extrapolations from biology (...)
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  50.  12
    Finneron-Burns, Elizabeth. What We Owe to Future People: A Contractualist Account of Intergenerational Ethics[REVIEW]Emil Andersson - 2025 - Ethics 135 (3):604-608.
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