Results for ' de Silvia Federici'

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  1.  14
    Hacia la radicalización de Karl Marx desde los aportes feministas de Silvia Federici.Sebastián Martín - 2022 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 7 (2):1-15.
    Silvia Federici ha buscado mantener encendido el debate en torno a los vínculos entre marxismo y feminismo. Así, tras una intensa labor de investigación y militancia ha destacado tanto la importancia de Karl Marx para el pensamiento feminista como también la modesta conciencia del autor sobre la situación de las mujeres en el capitalismo. Es desde ese horizonte que, en el presente escrito, nos proponemos reconstruir este análisis a partir de una cuidadosa exégesis hermenéutica, centrada en la concepción (...)
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    Corpo, cotidiano e reprodução: considerações sobre o neoliberalismo a partir de Silvia Federici.Nathan Menezes Amarante Teixeira - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (3):218-235.
    This paper seeks to present in detail Silvia Federici's considerations about neoliberalism, having as a center of discussion the way in which the body, reproduction and daily life are mobilized by the author. In this perspective, a materialistic condition of the way of becoming possible of individuals will be presented to the extent that we are fundamentally bodies whose connection to social totality is mediated by rooting in the situated particularity of daily life. Therefore, also dialoguing with other (...)
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    Silvia Federici : Revolución en punto cero. Trabajo doméstico, reproducción y luchas feministas.María Medina-Vicent - 2015 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 17:129-147.
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  4. As bruxas de Federici: um ensaio para Jaider Esbell.Silvana de Souza Ramos - 2025 - Dois Pontos 21 (3).
    O artigo pretende recuperar alguns dos traços fundamentais da interpretação do capitalismo feita por Silvia Federici na obra O Calibã e a Bruxa. Neste sentido, são analisados os conceitos de corpo administrado e de acumulação primitiva do capital. Procuro mostrar que Federici tem uma concepção ampla dos cercamentos, pois entende que o capitalismo acumula diferenças entre indivíduos e grupos de modo a potencializar a produção de valor e de mais valor. A figura da bruxa, estigma da mulher (...)
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    Federici, Silvia. Brujas, caza de brujas y mujeres. Traficante de sueños: Madrid, 2021, 144 pp. [REVIEW]María Medina-Vicent - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
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    Who’s Tired of Michel Foucault? Une Étude Sur Les Perspectives Foucaldiennes Pour Penser L’Articulation de la Production de L’Enfance Et Des Rapports de Colonialité.Ela Roland & Serena Iacobino - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-34.
    Cet article prend pour point de départ les généalogies de l’enfance de Michel Foucault disséminées dans son œuvre et complexifiées par les études foucaldiennes contemporaines, en particulier les recherches féministes de Silvia Federici (et ses généalogies des femmes) et les études postcoloniales d’Ann Laura Stoler (et ses généalogies des colonisés). Foucault passant sous silences l’histoire des femmes et des colonies, ce détour par des généalogies féministes et postcoloniales nous permettra de nous inscrire dans les débats sur l’intersectionnalité. En (...)
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    Expropriação, ascese e controle dos corpos femininos: o surgimento e o desenvolvimento do capitalismo sob três pontos de vista.Cezar Prado - 2020 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 18 (2).
    Durante longo tempo tentou-se, no âmbito da Economia Política e de outras áreas, compreender como se deu o surgimento do sistema de produção capitalista, como se deu a transição do regime feudal, pautado nas relações entre vassalos e suseranos, para um regime baseado na relação entre trabalhadores “livres” e patrões, no qual os primeiros venderiam sua força de trabalho para os segundos e estes, por sua vez, explorariam os primeiros para a obtenção de lucro, sem que houvesse uma coerção formal (...)
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    Amor o explotación: el trabajo doméstico como sistema de opresión y subordinación.María Jimena Balcázar Alanís - 2022 - Euphyía - Revista de Filosofía 15 (29).
    El trabajo doméstico y las labores domésticas se asocian, incluso hoy, con “lo femenino”, desde una perspectiva esencialista del género. Gracias a la obra de Beauvoir podemos indagar el género como una construcción social que asigna los roles y papeles que cada quien debe cumplir en una sociedad, para comenzar a señalar que la idea del “ama de casa de tiempo completo”, no es en absoluto una categoría que ha existido siempre, sino que está situada dentro de un contexto histórico (...)
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    Una cuestión por aclarar: mujeres, escritura, academia.Giovana Suárez Ortiz - 2021 - Revista Disertaciones 10 (2):77-85.
    El año pasado, al terminar de leer Caliban y la bruja. Mujeres, cuerpo y acumulación originaria de Silvia Federici, lloré por todas las feminidades que han sido y que seguimos siendo quemadas en las hogueras de la historia, en las frases cotidianas y en las violencias de género. Esa noche no lograba conciliar el sueño, sentía un calor intenso en las piernas. No sabía qué me estaba pasando. A la mañana siguiente busqué entre mi archivo un texto de (...)
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  10. Opressões de classe, raça e sexo.Maria Cristina Longo Cardoso Dias - 2025 - Dois Pontos 21 (3).
    Pretende-se, neste artigo, desvendar as maneiras pelas quais múltiplas formas de opressão como o racismo, o sexismo e a opressão de classes se conectam e se retroalimentam constantemente formando um só sistema de dominação-exploração. Para que se efetive uma explicação destes conceitos e suas articulações, tenciona-se trabalhar autoras e autores como Heleieth Saffioti, Silvia Federici, Lélia Gonzalez e Karl Marx. Inferiorizações de imensos contingentes populacionais como mulheres e pessoas negras têm sido produzidas e reproduzidas constantemente dentro do modo (...)
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  11. Recent publications.Silvia Federici - 1969 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 30 (2):318.
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    Aborto: da demonização da mulher na Idade Média à criminalização no ordenamento jurídico contempor'neo.Carla Letícia Domingues - 2021 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 19 (1).
    O presente trabalho pretende demonstrar o papel da mulher no contexto da acumulação primitiva, com ênfase na transição do sistema feudal para o sistema capitalista, situando a vida sexual e reprodutiva da mulher como objetos do mecanismo de controle do Estado e da Igreja para alcance de seus interesses e perpetuação de seu poder. Analisamos o fenômeno da caça às bruxas dentro da obra Calibã e a Bruxa (2004), de Silvia Federici, pautando a questão da criminalização do aborto (...)
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    Academic Freedom in Africa.Silvia Federici - 1993 - Quest - and African Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):57-66.
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    10. Re-enchanting the World.Silvia Federici - 2015 - In Federico Luisetti, John Pickles & Wilson Kaiser (eds.), The Anomie of the Earth: Philosophy, Politics, and Autonomy in Europe and the Americas. Duke University Press. pp. 202-214.
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    Journey to the Native Land Violence and the concept of the Self in Fanon and Gandhi.Silvia Federici - 1994 - Quest - and African Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):47-70.
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  16. Notes and news.Silvia Federici - 1969 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 30 (2):315.
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    Cabral, Amílcar.Silvia Federici - 2021 - In V. Y. Mudimbe & Kasereka Kavwahirehi (eds.), Encyclopedia of African Religions and Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 105-106.
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  18. Marx on Gender, Race, and Social Reproduction: A Feminist Perspective.Silvia Federici - 2021 - In Marcello Musto (ed.), Rethinking Alternatives with Marx: Economy, Ecology and Migration. Springer Verlag. pp. 29-51.
    Feminists have long criticized Marx’s political theory for its exclusionary concentration on industrial production and waged labour as the key components of the capitalist organization of work, and the main terrain of working-class struggle. While supporting this critique through an analysis of Marx’s major works, and discussing the consequences of this reductive conception for Marx’s understanding of the function sexism and racism in capitalist society, the article shows how feminists have nevertheless found in Marx the foundation for anti-capitalist perspective grounded (...)
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  19. The Development of Lukacs' Realism.Silvia Federici - 1980 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo
    Lukacs' intellectual career is conventionally divided into three main periods, each governed by a different philosophical perspective and separated from the others by a true epistemological coupure. Thus, the neo-Kantian idealism of the young Lukacs is traditionally opposed to the Marxist-Hege.
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    Fanon, Frantz.Silvia Federici & Bernard Mouralis - 2021 - In V. Y. Mudimbe & Kasereka Kavwahirehi (eds.), Encyclopedia of African Religions and Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 258-259.
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    The War in Yugoslavia.Silvia Federici & George Caffentzis - 1999 - Radical Philosophy Review 2 (1):35-40.
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    L. Anceschi's "Le Istituzioni della Poesia". [REVIEW]Silvia Federici - 1969 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 30 (2):312.
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  23. Louis Althusser, "Montesquieu, la politique et l'histoire".Silvia Federici - 1969 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 4:236.
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    Actividades de imagen de rol, de autocortesía y de (des)cortesía en reseñas de publicaciones científicas: Facework in role performance, self-politeness and (im)politeness in reviews of academic publications.Silvia Kaul de Marlangeon - 2013 - Pragmática Sociocultural 1 (1):74-99.
    Resumen La reseña, situada en la sección final de revistas especializadas, es un género textual típico del discurso científico, que ofrece información crítica acerca del contenido de una publicación reciente. El propósito del presente trabajo es enfocar el aspecto evaluativo del género reseña, ámbito propicio para la ocurrencia de diversas actividades de imagen de rol, de autocortesía, de cortesía y de descortesía. Este trabajo adopta el punto de vista discursivo-sociocultural para abordar los fenómenos de cortesía: Bravo y Kaul de Marlangeon. (...)
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  25. Oswalt Ducrot, "Qu'est-ce que le Structuralisme?". [REVIEW]Silvia Federici - 1969 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2 (1):143.
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    Lezioni su Leibniz (1953-54).Nico De Federicis - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (3):401-402.
    Nico De Federicis - Lezioni su Leibniz - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40:3 Journal of the History of Philosophy 40.3 401-402 Book Review Lezioni su Leibniz Luigi Scaravelli. Lezioni su Leibniz . Edited by Gianfranco Brazzini. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2000. Pp. 260. 15.49. Lectures on Leibniz publishes a series of lectures, edited by Gianfranco Brazzini, that were held by Luigi Scaravelli at the University of Pisa in the Academic year 1953/54. Scaravelli was a major ill-starred Italian scholar. Although (...)
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  27. Enzo Paci, "Relazioni e Significati". [REVIEW]Silvia Federici - 1968 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (1):48.
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    A arte de ter razão.Sílvia Faustino de Assis Saes - 2015 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 6 (2):122-135.
    This paper intends to show how Schopenhauer‟s „eristic dialectics‟, defined by him as „the art of being right‟, arise from the combination of two lines of thought on dialectics: the Aristotelian tradition, in which dialects are understood as an argumentative discourse based on generally accepted notions; and the tradition set in motion by Kant, which understands dialectics as a logic of appearances or of illusion. The interpretation we favor, and which we intend to argue in this work, is the following: (...)
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  29. Las Estrategias de Reproducción Familiar.Silvia Anguiano de C. - 2000 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 4 (7).
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    Las complejidades emergentes en las historias de vida de los “buenos profesores”.Silvia López de Maturana Luna - 2010 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 25.
    Investigar a los buenos profesores es complejo porque se corre el riesgo de generalizar trivializando sus características, por lo mismo, es fundamental no caer en la tentación de pensar que son ideales, puesto que son seres humanos que viven su existencia al igual que cada uno de nosotros, sólo que con compromiso y amor por lo que hacen. Gracias a las historias de vida pudimos entender el proceso de la profesionalización docente, develar sus principales complejidades y señalar tendencias válidas para (...)
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  31. Groundwork for a Fallibilist Account of Mathematics.Silvia De Toffoli - 2021 - Philosophical Quarterly 7 (4):823-844.
    According to the received view, genuine mathematical justification derives from proofs. In this article, I challenge this view. First, I sketch a notion of proof that cannot be reduced to deduction from the axioms but rather is tailored to human agents. Secondly, I identify a tension between the received view and mathematical practice. In some cases, cognitively diligent, well-functioning mathematicians go wrong. In these cases, it is plausible to think that proof sets the bar for justification too high. I then (...)
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    Women, Gender Oppression, and Science. [REVIEW]Silvia Federici - 2006 - Science and Society 70 (4):550 - 555.
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    Epistemologia naturalizada E psicanálise: Um horizonte de expectativa.Maria Cristina De Távora Sparano, Silvia Maria Monteiro & Patrícia Pereira - 2005 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 17 (20):125.
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    Condizioni di coerenza pragmatica e trascendentalità in Kant.Nico De Federicis - 2002 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 79 (Serie):425-444.
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    Diagnóstico de orientación vocacional en estudiantes de Medicina del Policlínico Universitario Francisco Peña Peña de Nuevitas.Silvia de la Caridad Rodríguez Selpa, José Guillermo Hernández García, Magalys Duret Castro & Yailin Noa Castillo - 2011 - Humanidades Médicas 11 (1).
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  36. Alcune interpretazioni della filosofia pratica di Hegel.Nico De Federicis - 1998 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 11.
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  37. Reconciling Rigor and Intuition.Silvia De Toffoli - 2020 - Erkenntnis 86 (6):1783-1802.
    Criteria of acceptability for mathematical proofs are field-dependent. In topology, though not in most other domains, it is sometimes acceptable to appeal to visual intuition to support inferential steps. In previous work :829–842, 2014; Lolli, Panza, Venturi From logic to practice, Springer, Berlin, 2015; Larvor Mathematical cultures, Springer, Berlin, 2016) my co-author and I aimed at spelling out how topological proofs work on their own terms, without appealing to formal proofs which might be associated with them. In this article, I (...)
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  38. La teoria dell'azione nella Filosofia del diritto di Hegel.N. de Federicis - 2000 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 77 (1):3-29.
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    I’ve Seen the Salvation of the World: Kant’s Reappraisal of the French Revolution.Nico De Federicis - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann (eds.), The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 1737-1746.
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    Kant’s Defense of a World Republic between 1793 and 1795.Nico De Federicis - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 623-634.
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    “Na linguagem clara e compreensível do povo”: História e cotidiano politizado nas poesias de lundus (Rio de Janeiro, segunda metade do século XIX).Silvia Cristina Martins de Souza - 2019 - Dialogos 23 (2):123.
    Este artigo explora as relações entre história e literatura considerando a literatura um testemunho que pode ser lido, desconstruído e submetido ao mesmo escrutínio ao qual os historiadores submetem outras fontes que lhes permitam ter acesso à compreensão de redes e tensões sociais mais amplas. Nele são utilizadas poesias publicadas no cancioneiro Trovador: coleção de modinhas, recitativos, árias, lundus, etc.., com o objetivo de mostrar como seus autores estabeleceram um diálogo entre si e com seus leitores acerca de um assunto (...)
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    Kant and Political Philosophy.Nico De Federicis - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:99-104.
    This paper discusses Kant’s dealing with a fundamental of modern politics, that is, the concept of sovereignty, as well as its own capacity to reshape political order. Overcoming failures and fallacies that traditionally such a concept has maintained, Kant’s political philosophy focuses on the way to reach international peace institutionally. Starting from the discussion of contradiction in sovereignty, the paper briefly analyzes the analogy between individuals and states; finally, core elements of Kant’s cosmopolitan thought will be presented. Kant’s project basically (...)
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    La fundamentación de la ética en la época contemporánea. Problemas y propuestas.Julio De Zan, Aníbal Fornari, Silvia Brussino, Diana López & Juan C. Aviani - 1995 - Tópicos 3:79-127.
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  44. Kant’s concept of the technique of nature in the Critique of the Power of Judgment: Série 2.Silvia de Bianchi - 2011 - Kant E-Prints 6:12-28.
    a relação entre razão e natureza envolve um dos principais aspectos da crítica da teleologia de Kant. Visando destacar esta relação, investigarei o conceito de técnica da natureza, tal como introduzida na Crítica da faculdade de julgar. De acordo com Kant, a técnica da natureza permite as leis da razão a representarem o acordo dos princípios transcendentais da razão com a natureza. Deste modo, o conceito da técnica da natureza assume um papel prolífico ao expor, através de uma analogia com (...)
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  45. Phronesis as Ethical Expertise: Naturalism of Second Nature and the Unity of Virtue.Mario De Caro, Maria Silvia Vaccarezza & Ariele Niccoli - 2018 - Journal of Value Inquiry 52 (3):287-305.
    This paper has a twofold aim. On the one hand, we will discuss the much debated question of the source of normativity (which traditionally has nature and practical reason as the two main contenders to this role) and propose a new answer to it. Second, in answering this question, we will present a new account of practical wisdom, which conceives of the ethical virtues as ultimately unified in the chief virtue of phronesis, understood as ethical expertise. To do so, we (...)
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    Why Practical Wisdom Cannot be Eliminated.Mario De Caro, Claudia Navarini & Maria Silvia Vaccarezza - 2024 - Topoi 43 (3):895-910.
    Practical wisdom eliminativism has recently been proposed in both philosophy and psychology, on the grounds of the alleged redundancy of practical wisdom (Miller 2021 ) and its purported developmental/psychological implausibility (Lapsley 2021 ). Here we respond to these challenges by drawing on an improved version of a view of practical wisdom, the “Aretai model”, that we have presented elsewhere (De Caro et al. 2021 ; Vaccarezza et al. 2023 ; De Caro et al. forthcoming ). According to this model, practical (...)
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  47. ‘Chasing’ the diagram—the use of visualizations in algebraic reasoning.Silvia de Toffoli - 2017 - Review of Symbolic Logic 10 (1):158-186.
    The aim of this article is to investigate the roles of commutative diagrams (CDs) in a specific mathematical domain, and to unveil the reasons underlying their effectiveness as a mathematical notation; this will be done through a case study. It will be shown that CDs do not depict spatial relations, but represent mathematical structures. CDs will be interpreted as a hybrid notation that goes beyond the traditional bipartition of mathematical representations into diagrammatic and linguistic. It will be argued that one (...)
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  48. What are mathematical diagrams?Silvia De Toffoli - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-29.
    Although traditionally neglected, mathematical diagrams have recently begun to attract attention from philosophers of mathematics. By now, the literature includes several case studies investigating the role of diagrams both in discovery and justification. Certain preliminary questions have, however, been mostly bypassed. What are diagrams exactly? Are there different types of diagrams? In the scholarly literature, the term “mathematical diagram” is used in diverse ways. I propose a working definition that carves out the phenomena that are of most importance for a (...)
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    Tipos de descortesía verbal y emociones en contextos de cultura hispanohablante.Silvia Kaul de Marlangeon - 2017 - Pragmática Sociocultural 5 (1):119-123.
    Resumen El presente estudio, de carácter interpretativo-descriptivo, se ocupa de la relación existente entre el lenguaje verbal, la descortesía y las emociones en contextos de cultura hispanohablante. Se investiga dicha relación para algunos tipos de actos descorteses, correspondientes a tipos de una escala de intensificación de la fuerza de descortesía, Cortesía y conversación: de lo escrito a lo oral. Tercer Coloquio Internacional del Programa EDICE, Vol. 3. Valencia/estocolmo: Universidad de Valencia- Programa EDICE, Kaul de Marlangeon y Alba-Juez. 2012, A typology (...)
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    Explanation and the dimensionality of space: Kant’s argument revisited.Silvia De Bianchi & J. D. Wells - 2015 - Synthese 192 (1):287-303.
    The question of the dimensionality of space has informed the development of physics since the beginning of the twentieth century in the quest for a unified picture of quantum processes and gravitation. Scientists have worked within various approaches to explain why the universe appears to have a certain number of spatial dimensions. The question of why space has three dimensions has a genuinely philosophical nature that can be shaped as a problem of justifying a contingent necessity of the world. In (...)
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