Results for ' definition of the self, definitions of different forms of despair'

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  1. Consciousness as Self-Description in Differences.D. Gasparyan - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (3):539-549.
    Context: Contemporary philosophy of consciousness has not yet come up with an acceptable theory of consciousness. Philosophers are still not able to reach agreement, and have come to a deadlock, since all possible approaches seem to have been exhausted and all the arguments repeatedly discussed. Problem: It may be assumed that the crisis has been caused by factors rooted in initial, wrong attitudes to knowledge or, more specifically, in epistemology focused on first-order cybernetics. The situation might be altered if philosophy (...)
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    When Different Language Groups Meet Online: Covert and Overt Focus on Form in Text-Based Chats.Ruiling Feng, Kyunghee Pyun, Wenzhong Zhang & Rafael Márquez Flores - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Focus on form has been extensively studied in text-based online dyadic chats but much less has been explored in group chats with interlocutors from different language backgrounds. Additionally, there are very few studies investigating covert focus on form. This study investigated the effects of interlocutor types on errors and focus on form episodes, both covert and overt, in text-based online group chats. We collected chat logs from two collaborative online international learning projects. One project was developed for the collaboration (...)
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    (1 other version)Exploring Visual Culture: Definitions, Concept, Contexts (review).Paul Duncum - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (1):118-120.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Exploring Visual Culture: Definitions, Concept, ContextsPaul DuncumExploring Visual Culture: Definitions, Concept, Contexts, edited by Matthew Rampley. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005, 257 pp., $32.00 paper.I review this new introductory text in light of its competition as a textbook for undergraduates and as an introduction for graduate students. Other such texts include Barnard, Elkins, Mirzeoff, Walker and Chaplin, and Sturken and Cartwright,1 which appears to be the (...)
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    (1 other version)Axiomes et définitions chez leśniewski: Une manière génétique de développer Les systèmes formels.Denis Miéville - 1987 - Theoria 2 (2):285-307.
    The logical theories of Stanislaw Leśniewski differ profoundly form classical formal systems. Unlike the latter, they do not have an entirely predetermined vocabulary. Nor do they have a determined list of functors of syntactical-semantical categories. Due to formalized directives for definitions, the logics of Leśniewski are constructed progressively, making new theses and consequently functors of new syntactical-semantical categories accesible. In this article we present the genetic aspect associated with these theses-definitions. We also show that the property of creativity (...)
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    Definite descriptions, misdescriptions and semantic content: different ways to solve a tricky puzzle.Justina Diaz Legaspe - 2009 - Análisis Filosófico 29 (2):159-166.
    Michael Devitt claims that the predicative material that constitutes complex referential expressions makes a semantic contribution to the proposition expressed. He thus deviates from direct referentialism, according to which every referential expression -either simple or complex- contributes just with an object to the proposition expressed, leaving the predicative material out of the semantic content. However, when dealing with misdescriptions, Devitt has suggested a pragmatic way out: the audience can understand what the speaker is referring to even if the object does (...)
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    Platonic Definitions and Forms.R. M. Dancy - 2006 - In Hugh H. Benson, A Companion to Plato. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 70–84.
    This chapter contains sections titled: A Socratic Theory of Definition The Meno: Between Definitions and Forms Forms.
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    Relatedness and Self‐Definition: Two Dominant Themes in Middle‐Class Americans' life Stories.Chris Mccollum - 2002 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 30 (1‐2):113-139.
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    From Doubt to Despair.Jasmin Trächtler - forthcoming - Nordic Wittgenstein Review.
    ‘Gaslighting’ describes a form of manipulation that induces doubt in someone’s perceptions, experiences, understanding of events or conception of reality in general. But what kind of doubt is it? How do ‘ordinary’ epistemic doubts differ from those doubts that can lead to despair and the feeling of losing one’s mind? The phenomenon of ‘gaslighting’ has been attracting public attention for some time and has recently found its way into philosophical reflections that address moral, sexist and epistemic aspects of gaslighting. (...)
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    Les définitions aristotéliciennes de la justice : leurs rapports à la notion d’égalité.Jocelyne Saint-Arnaud - 1984 - Philosophiques 11 (1):157-173.
    Au livre V de l'Éthique à Nicomaque, Aristote ne donne pas une définition unifiée de la justice. Tout en ne rejetant pas la définition traditionnelle qui identifie la véritable justice et la justice légale, ni celle qui repose sur la justice naturelle et fonde la notion d'équité, il cherche de nouvelles assises pour la justice institutionnelle et c'est la notion d'égalité qui sert à cette fin. Cet article vise à préciser les notions de stricte égalité et d'égalité proportionnelle et corrélativement (...)
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    Matière et définition.Ulysse Chaintreuil - 2023 - Philosophie Antique 23 (23):165-190.
    The place of matter in the definition of the sensible substance evolves over the course of Metaphysics books Z and H : whereas chapters 10 and 11 of book Z claim that matter must be excluded from the definiens of the sensible substance, chapter 2 of book H claims that it must include it. The present article will show that this difference in doctrine comes from a refinement of the way in which the causal priority of form is expressed (...)
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    Constructing food sovereignty in Catalonia: different narratives for transformative action.Marina Di Masso & Christos Zografos - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (2):183-198.
    Food sovereignty can be conceptualized as a political proposal for social change in the field of agri-food relations. However, specific strategies of how to achieve this transformative potential are diverse, and context-dependent. The paper explores this diversity by examining discourses on the food sovereignty construction process in Catalonia. Using Q methodology we have explored visions held by individuals participating in the social movement for food sovereignty, identifying five discourses: activism, anti-purism, self-management, pedagogy, and pragmatism. Key strategies of transformation include social (...)
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    Literary Form and Philosophical Content.E. M. Dadlez - 2009-04-17 - In Dominic McIver Lopes & Berys Gaut, Mirrors to One Another. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 20–36.
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    Do Undergraduate Student Research Participants Read Psychological Research Consent Forms? Examining Memory Effects, Condition Effects, and Individual Differences.Eric R. Pedersen, Clayton Neighbors, Judy Tidwell & Ty W. Lostutter - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (4):332 - 350.
    Although research has examined factors influencing understanding of informed consent in biomedical and forensic research, less is known about participants' attention to details in consent documents in psychological survey research. The present study used a randomized experimental design and found the majority of participants were unable to recall information from the consent form in both in-person and online formats. Participants were also relatively poor at recognizing important aspects of the consent form including risks to participants and confidentiality procedures. Memory effects (...)
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  14. Self‐Love and Its Forms.Talbot Brewer - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (1):39-43.
    Sarah Buss argues that if we are to rise to the challenge of standing up to justice when doing so is costly, we will have to internalise a sense of our own unimportance. That is, we will have to cultivate an attitude that is ‘the opposite of self‐love’. I try to show that what we need is not to eliminate our love of self but to give it a proper and discerning shape, so that it conduces to our goodness rather (...)
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    Definition, Division, and Difference in Machiavelli’s Political Philosophy.Peter Stacey - 2014 - Journal of the History of Ideas 75 (2):189-212.
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    Substantial Form in Aristotle's "Metaphysics" Z; III.Ellen Stone Haring - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (4):698 - 713.
    "Wherein can consist the unity of that, the formula of which we call a definition, as for instance in the case of man, 'two-footed animal'; for let this be the formula of man. Why, then, is this one, and not many, viz. 'animal' and 'two-footed'? This is how the problem is stated. 'Animal' and 'two-footed' do make a unity, and they should, since: "The definition is a single formula and a formula of substance, so that it must be (...)
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    (1 other version)Life-form and Idealism.Derek Bolton - 1982 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 13:269-284.
    In this paper I shall suggest that philosophy which bases itself firmly inlife is incompatible with idealism. The example of such a philosophy to be discussed is the later work of Wittgenstein, and I shall define in what sense this is ‘based in life’, with particular reference to his concept of ‘Lebensform’, or ‘life-form’. I shall understand idealism to be, in general terms, the doctrine that idea is the primary, or the only, category of being. Various kinds of idealism may (...)
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  18.  28
    Conflict resolution styles and their relation to conflict type, individual differences, and formative influences.John Steven Grace & Richard Jackson Harris - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (2):144-146.
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    Substantial Form in Aristotle's "Metaphysics" Z; II.Ellen Stone Haring - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (3):482 - 501.
    Aristotle's reasoning in Z, 10-11 has three stages. In the first, Aristotle proposes two different definitions for our consideration. The definitions contrast, at least superficially, for one appears to elucidate a whole by reference to its material parts, while the other does not appear to do so. Aristotle then in effect shows that the form of a whole can be taken in three somewhat different ways: We may be concerned with form by itself, or with the (...)
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  20.  49
    Life projects: a comprehensive definition.Vinicius Coscioni, Maria Paula Paixão, Marco Antônio Pereira Teixeira & Mark L. Savickas - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    This article introduces a comprehensive definition of life projects. It begins with a broad conception of a project as a process comprising the formation, enactment, and maintenance of intentional structures and actions. This definition represents the integration of two theoretical traditions that considered a project either as a process prior to action or a set of actions aimed at the same goals. Next, we differentiate life projects from other types of projects. Then based on a broad conceptual framework, (...)
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  21. Definiteness in English and Estonian: same pragmatic principles, different syntaxes (Määravus inglise ja eesti keeles: samad pragmaatilised põhimõtted, erinevad süntaksid).Alex Davies - 2023 - In Bruno Mölder & Jaan Kangilaski, Keel, vaim, tunnetus. Analüütilise filosoofia seminar 30+. Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. pp. 59-83.
    Estonian doesn't have a definite article. Instead, bare singular noun phrases can unambiguously bear either a definite interpretation or an indefinite interpretation. This paper argues that the pragmatic principles governing the felicitous use of three English articles ("a", "the" and "another"), described by A Grønn and KJ Sæbø (2012, 'A, the, another: A game of same and different' Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21, 75-95) can also account for the conditions under which a bare singular noun phrase in (...)
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    Strawsonian vs. Russellian definite descriptions.Marie Duží - 2009 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 16 (4):587-614.
    In 1905 Bertrand Russell took on the problem of definite descriptions, and his analysis became the standard up until 1950 when Peter Strawson criticised Russell’s solution as inadequate. Since then many opponents as well as proponents of the Russellian solution have been involved in a long-term debate on definite descriptions. In this paper I show that both sides of the contention are partly right and partly wrong, because sentences of the form “The F is a G” are ambiguous. However, the (...)
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    Logical Form, Truth Conditions, and Adequate Formalization.Mario Gómez-Torrente - 2020 - Disputatio 12 (58):209-222.
    I discuss Andrea Iacona’s idea that logical form mirrors truth conditions, and that logical form, and thus truth conditions, are in turn represented by means of adequate formalization. I criticize this idea, noting that the notion of adequate formalization is highly indefinite, while the pre-theoretic idea of logical form is often much more definite. I also criticize Iacona’s claim that certain distinct sentences, with the same truth conditions and differing only by co-referential names, must be formalized by the same formula (...)
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    Episteme: A new self-definition.Alvin Goldman - 2012 - Episteme 9 (1):1-2.
    With this issue Episteme makes its debut with Cambridge University Press, after eight successful years of publication at Edinburgh University Press. The journal’s new subtitle reflects a significant expansion in scope and mission. Our previous subtitle, ‘A Journal of Social Epistemology’, reflected our earlier focus on the nascent field of social epistemology. The new subtitle, ‘A Journal of Individual and Social Epistemology’, reflects a new self-definition as a full-spectrum journal of epistemology, including the complete remit of analytic epistemology.
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    Form Constants, Visual Synesthesia, Entoptic Vision.Hervé-Pierre Lambert - 2019 - Iris 39.
    En 1928 la théorie des form constants par Klüver catégorisait les hallucinations visuelles en quatre grandes catégories. Alors que la notion de form constants venait à s’appliquer virtuellement à toutes les figures entoptiques, comme l’avait prévu son auteur, dont les photismes synesthésiques, Cytowic a décrit et Carol Steen représenté ce que voient réellement des synesthètes visuels. L’une des caractéristiques d’œuvres de peintres synesthètes serait justement la présence de ces formes classées par Klüver. L’anthropologie avec la thèse de l’externalisation a montré (...)
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    Strategic Maneuvering through Persuasive Definitions: Implications for Dialectic and Rhetoric. [REVIEW]David Zarefsky - 2006 - Argumentation 20 (4):399-416.
    Persuasive definitions – those that convey an attitude in the act of naming – are frequently employed in discourse and are a form of strategic maneuvering. The dynamics of persuasive definition are explored through brief case studies and an extended analysis of the use of the “war” metaphor in responding to terrorism after September 11, 2001. Examining persuasive definitions enables us to notice similarities and differences between strategic maneuvering in dialectical and in rhetorical argument, as well as (...)
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    Functional sex differences and signal forms have coevolved with conflict.D. Vaughn Becker & Shelli L. Dubbs - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Evolutionary theory makes further predictions about conflict. It predicts sex differences in the proclivity to attack and defend. It further suggests complementary biases in what we expect of the sexes. Finally, it suggests that the forms of human facial expressions of anger and happiness may have coevolved with the regularity of conflict as a means of signaling, bluffing, and defusing attack.
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    4. Forms and Self-Individuation.Michal Glowala - 2016 - In Singleness: Self-Individuation and its Rejection in the Scholastic Debate on Principles of Individuation. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 67-72.
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  29. Definition Is Limited and Values Inescapable.Richard Mullen - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (3):265-266.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.3 (2003) 265-266 [Access article in PDF] Definition Is Limited and Values Inescapable Richard Mullen THIS IS A welcome paper that lays bare some of the presumptions of those who seek to determine the status of psychiatric disorder. At different times debate on the subject reflects stigma, prejudice, needs for coherent categorization, and occasionally just antipsychiatric resentment. As Pickering hints, much philosophical argument (...)
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    A temporal negative normal form which preserves implicants and implicates.Pablo Cordero, Manuel Enciso & Inma P. de Guzmán - 2000 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 10 (3):243-272.
    ABSTRACT Most theorem provers for Classical Logic transform the input formula into a particular normal form. This tranformation is done before the execution of the algorithm or it is integrated into the deductive algorithm. This situation is no different for Non-Classical Logics and, particularly, for Temporal Logics. However, unlike classical logic, temporal logic does not provide an extension of the notion of non negative normal form. In this work, we define a temporal negative normal form for the future fragment (...)
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    Definite article anaphors and context construction: A comparison between spanish and chinese.Cao Yufei - 2021 - Alpha (Osorno) 53:341-347.
    Resumen: En muchas lenguas las cláusulas adverbiales iniciales presentan una repetición del predicado de la oración anterior, lo que se conoce como enlace tail-head. Este trabajo busca describir las construcciones de eth del quichua santiagueño de acuerdo con dos parámetros: a) el grado de solapamiento semántico entre los predicados de la construcción de eth, y b) el grado de integración eventiva de la adverbial inicial con la cláusula principal. El primer parámetro permite identificar construcciones verbatim -con repetición exacta del verbo (...)
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    Cultural Differences in Chinese and American Address Forms.Yu Chen - 2010 - Asian Culture and History 2 (2):P82.
    Address behavior is governed by politeness phenomenon which is culturally bound. This paper attempts to draw a cross-cultural comparison between Chinese and English address forms and, going beneath the surface, explore the cultural differences in value systems and their underlying philosophical sources. The study will help people develop a fuller understanding of the meanings of the address terms, and of the polite intention in social contacts so as to facilitate cross-cultural communication.
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    La logique au service du droit: L’analyse de la signification du terme “incertain” dans la définition de la condition suspensive du droit civil français.Sébastien Magnier - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (3):647-660.
    RésuméLa définition de la condition suspensive, telle qu’elle nous est donnée dans l’article 1181 du Code civil français, est aujourd’hui au centre de différents projets de réforme. Si aucun projet de réforme n’a réussi à emporter l’assentiment de tous les juristes, nombre d’entre eux semblent s’accorder sur la nécessité de réformer ce texte—inchangé depuis 1804. Pourquoi un tel consensus sur ce besoin de réécriture de la définition de la condition suspensive mène à une discussion doctrinale où deux positions principales s’opposent? (...)
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    Messianica ratio. Affinities and Differences in Cohen’s and Benjamin's Messianic Rationalism.Fabrizio Desideri - 2015 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 8 (2):133-145.
    In my paper, I intend firmly to criticize Taubes' interpretation of Benjamin's Theology as a modern form of Gnosticism. In a positive way, I sustain rather the thesis that Benjamin's Messianism is in close connection with his conception of reason and, in particularly, with the paradoxical unity of Mysticism and Enlightenment, which, according to the famous definition of Adorno, distinguishes his thought. As a radically anti-magical and anti-mythical conception of the historical time, Benjamin's Messianism has to be considered as (...)
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    Moral positive illusion: self–other valuation difference in moral foundation theory.Tiantian Mo, Jiarui Sui, Yujie Zhao & Xinyue Zhou - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (8):684-701.
    ABSTRACT People tend to be unable to evaluate themselves accurately in many areas. One such area is their own and others’ morality. The current research explores the self–other moral valuation difference in the context of moral foundation theory. We propose that people generally have a moral positive illusion. Specifically, people overestimate their own morality and underestimate the morality of others. Two studies provide converging evidence that individuals underestimate the average moral valuations of others on the five dimensions of moral foundation (...)
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    Complexity effects are found in all relative-clause sentence forms.Glenda Andrews & Graeme S. Halford - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (1):95-95.
    We argue that if a different definition of sentence complexity is adopted and processing capacity is assessed in a way that is consistent with that definition, then the Caplan & Waters distinction between interpretive versus postinterpretive processing is unnecessary insofar that it applies to the thematic role assignment in relative-clause sentences.
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    Memory: An Extended Definition.Gregorio Zlotnik & Aaron Vansintjan - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:487439.
    Recent developments in science and technology point to the need to unify, and extend, the definition of memory. On the one hand, molecular neurobiology has shown that memory is largely a chemical process, which includes conditioning and any form of stored experience. On the other hand, information technology has led many to claim that cognition is also extended, that is, memory may be stored outside of the brain. In this paper, we review these advances and describe the increasingly accepted (...)
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  38. Nietzsche and Foucault on Self-Creation: Two Different Projects.Daniel Nica - 2015 - Annals of the University of Bucharest. Philosophy Series 64 (1):21-41.
    This paper aims to highlight some major differences between the ethics of “self-becoming”, as it was sketched by Friedrich Nietzsche, and the so-called “aesthetics of existence”, which was developed in Michel Foucault’s late work. Although the propinquity between the two authors is a commonplace in Foucauldian exegesis, my claim is that the two projects of self-creation are dissimilar in four relevant aspects. To support my thesis I will use Foucault’s four-part ethical framework through which I will analyze each of the (...)
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  39. What is a biobank? Differing definitions among biobank stakeholders.David Shaw, Bernice Elger & Flora Colledge - 2014 - Clinical Genetics 85 (3):223-7.
    Aim: While there is widespread agreement on the broad aspects of what constitutes a biobank, there is much disagreement regarding the precise definition. This research aimed to describe and analyse the definitions of the term biobank offered by various stakeholders in biobanking. Methods: Interviews were conducted with 36 biobanking stakeholders with international experience currently working in Switzerland. Results: The results show that, in addition to the core concepts of biological samples and linked data, the planned use of samples (...)
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    Kierkegaard on Self, Ethics, and Religion: Purity or Despair by Roe Fremstedal (review).Vanessa Rumble - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (3):513-515.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Kierkegaard on Self, Ethics, and Religion: Purity or Despair by Roe FremstedalVanessa RumbleRoe Fremstedal. Kierkegaard on Self, Ethics, and Religion: Purity or Despair. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Pp. xiv + 280. Hardback, $99.99. Paperback, $32.99.Fremstedal’s impressive synthesis of the anthropological, ethical, and religious dimensions of Kierkegaard’s thought draws on the fruits of his earlier work, Kierkegaard and Kant on Radical Evil and the Highest Good (...)
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    Modeling Urban Growth and Form with Spatial Entropy.Yanguang Chen - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-14.
    Entropy is one of the physical bases for the fractal dimension definition, and the generalized fractal dimension was defined by Renyi entropy. Using the fractal dimension, we can describe urban growth and form and characterize spatial complexity. A number of fractal models and measurements have been proposed for urban studies. However, the precondition for fractal dimension application is to find scaling relations in cities. In the absence of the scaling property, we can make use of the entropy function and (...)
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    Semantic differences between strong and weak verb forms in Dutch.Freek Van de Velde & Isabeau De Smet - 2020 - Cognitive Linguistics 31 (3):393-416.
    Dutch, like other Germanic languages, disposes of two strategies to express past tense: the strong inflection (e.g., rijden – reed ‘drive – drove’) and the weak inflection (spelen – speelde ‘play – played’). This distinction is for the most part lexically determined in that each verb occurs in one of the two inflections. Diachronically the system is in flux though, with the resilience of some verbs being mainly driven by frequency. Synchronically this might result in variable verbs (e.g., schuilen – (...)
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  43. Offending White Men: Racial Vilification, Misrecognition, and Epistemic Injustice.Louise Richardson-Self - 2018 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 4 (4):1-24.
    In this article I analyse two complaints of white vilification, which are increasingly occurring in Australia. I argue that, though the complainants (and white people generally) are not harmed by such racialized speech, the complainants in fact harm Australians of colour through these utterances. These complaints can both cause and constitute at least two forms of epistemic injustice (willful hermeneutical ignorance and comparative credibility excess). Further, I argue that the complaints are grounded in a dual misrecognition: the complainants misrecognize (...)
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    Reduced Conditionals in German: Event Quantification and Definiteness. [REVIEW]Bernhard Schwarz - 1998 - Natural Language Semantics 6 (3):271-301.
    This paper investigates German conditionals that are reduced in the sense that their consequent clauses lack a verb and possibly more material. Focusing on readings in which conditionals quantify over events, it is shown that there are a number of semantic contrasts between reduced conditionals and their non-reduced versions. These contrasts are derived in a unified way from a hypothesis as to how the truth conditions of a reduced conditional relate to those of its non-reduced version. This hypothesis is in (...)
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    Karl Jaspers on Delusion: Definition by Genus and Specific Difference.Mike Gorski - 2012 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 19 (2):79-86.
    I introduce definition by genus and specific difference, afterwards using it to show that Karl Jaspers rejected the classic criteria for pathologically falsified judgment: ‘Absolute conviction,’ ‘incorrigibility,’ and ‘impossibility of content.’ Next I draw attention to the primary experience of delusion. Famously, Jaspers reckoned that that experience was “ununderstandable”—usually taken to imply something negative about one’s ability to empathize with the delusion holder. All the same, I propose that it was actually our static mode of understanding that he felt (...)
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    A Note on Being Ability–different, Atypically–bodied... Criptastic?Emily Hutcheon - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (3):196-199.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Note on Being Ability–different, Atypically–bodied... Criptastic?Emily HutcheonIn being prompted to write about my experiences with disability [alternatively written: (dis)ability, dis/ability, “disability,” disAbility], I am confronted with more questions than I have answers. Am I to reflect on that small window of time, one so small that I don’t actually remember it, when I did not know that I was different? My mom [End Page 196] has (...)
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  47. General and ICT Self-Efficacy in Different Participants Roles in Cyberbullying/Victimization Among Pakistani University Students.Sadia Musharraf, Sheri Bauman, Muhammad Anis-ul-Haque & Jamil Ahmad Malik - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:450100.
    The study examines both general and Internet and Communication Technology (ICT) self-efficacy in cyber-victims, cyber-bullies, and cyber bully victims in comparison to un-involved students. Gender differences were also examined. A total of 1115 Pakistani university students from six universities participated in the study. Analyses were conducted on 950 complete cases (371 males, and 579 females). Data were collected on cyberbullying/victimization, general self-efficacy (GSE), ICT self-efficacy, traditional bullying/victimization, ICT usage, social desirability, and demographics. Multinomial logistic regression analysis indicated that ICT self-efficacy (...)
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    Overcoming Anxiety and Despair for a Flourishing Life: Centered on S. Kierkegaard and E. Phelps. 황종환 - 2024 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 69:127-151.
    ‘나’ 즉 자아(自我)는 나와 너에게 주어진 최고의 선물이다. 펠프스(E. Phelps)에서 자아의 형성은 경제적 번영의 출발이다. 그는 각 개인이 미지(未知)의 새로운 차원으로 나아가는 모험적 시도를 키에르케고어의 실존 사상에서 찾는다. 키에르케고어는 실존적 불안과 절망을 넘어 현실의 구체적 변화를 추구했다. 불안과 절망을 극복하면서 각 개인의 가능성은 마침내 삶의 현실이 되고 역사(歷史)를 창조한다.각 개인이 더 깊은 실존적 성숙으로 나아가며 체험되는 자아는 경제적 영역뿐만 아니라 문화의 각 분야에서 표현된다. 각 개인이 자아의 가능성을 현실로 표현하지 못하면 개인이나 국가는 쇠락(衰落)할 수밖에 없다. 전체주의나 집단주의에서 각 개인의 개성과 (...)
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    Group differences ≢ individual differences.C. S. Bergeman & A. D. Seroczynski - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (3):546-548.
    Mealey's etiological distinction between primary and secondary sociopathy blurs the delineation between individual and group differences. She uses physiological evidence to support her claim of genetic influences, neglecting variability within social classes, frequency of delinquent behavior in upper and middle classes (measured by self-report), and discontinuity of criminal behavior across the life span. Finally, Mealey's proposals for differential intervention fall short of a future agenda, which should tailor to individual needs, not social classes.
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  50. Wettstein on definite descriptions.William K. Blackburn - 1988 - Philosophical Studies 53 (2):263 - 278.
    I critically examine an argument, due to howard wettstein, purporting to show that sentences containing definite descriptions are semantically ambiguous between referential and attributive readings. Wettstein argues that many sentences containing nonidentifying descriptions--descriptions that apply to more than one object--cannot be given a Russellian analysis, and that the descriptions in these sentences should be understood as directly referential terms. But because Wettstein does not justify treating referential uses of nonidentifying descriptions differently than attributive uses of nonidentifying descriptions, his argument fails.
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