Results for ' discontinuous homomorphisms of C(X)'

  1.  14
    Discontinuous Homomorphisms of With.Bob A. Dumas - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (2):665-696.
    Assume that M is a transitive model of $ZFC+CH$ containing a simplified $(\omega _1,2)$ -morass, $P\in M$ is the poset adding $\aleph _3$ generic reals and G is P-generic over M. In M we construct a function between sets of terms in the forcing language, that interpreted in $M[G]$ is an $\mathbb R$ -linear order-preserving monomorphism from the finite elements of an ultrapower of the reals, over a non-principal ultrafilter on $\omega $, into the Esterle algebra of formal power series. (...)
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