Results for ' faith and Wissenschaft.'

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  1.  27
    Jesuiten zwischen Religion und Wissenschaft.Paul Richard Blum - 1995 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 18 (4):205-216.
    Natural sciences and natural philosophy of the Jesuits are based on theology. At least the concept of God is an integral part of their theoretical structure. Examples are taken from Rudjer Boskovic, Honoré Fabri and Nicolaus Cabeus. In fact, the Jesuits, e.g. Theophil Raynaud, dealt with natural theology as the spiritual foundation of knowledge independent of revelation. But natural theology, as in Raimundus Sabundus, has an anthropocentric and hence moral dimension: it links knowledge with religion. ‘Ignatius of Loyola influenced decisively (...)
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    Zwischen Glaube und Wissenschaft: Theologie in Christentum und Islam.Mohammad Gharaibeh (ed.) - 2015 - Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet.
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    Der "Gott" der Fakultäten: Gott der Wissenschaft--Gott, der Wissen schafft?Heiner Adamski, Axel Denecke & Wilfried Hartmann (eds.) - 2000 - Münster: Lit.
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    Herstory as an Important Force in Bioethics.Stephen Sodeke, Faith E. Fletcher, Virginia A. Brown, John R. Stone, Cynthia B. Wilson, Tené Hamilton Franklin, Charmaine D. M. Royal & Vence L. Bonham - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (S1):83-88.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue S1, Page S83-S88, March‐April 2022.
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    „Das intellectuale Gewissen“ und die Ungerechtigkeit des Erkennenden. Eine Interpretation des Aphorismus Nr. 2 der Fröhlichen Wissenschaft.Ekaterina Poljakova - 2010 - Nietzsche Studien 39 (1):120-144.
    Im Denken Nietzsches stellt der Begriff des intellektuellen Gewissens die äußerste Konsequenz der europäischen Moral dar und paradoxiert sie zugleich. Dieser Begriff kann somit nicht bloß als Ausdruck der Verehrung des alten moralischen Ideals verstanden werden, sondern sollte bei Nietzsche gerande die Ummöglichkeit einer allgemeingültigen moralisch richtenden Instanz demonstrieren. um dies nachzuweisen, wird in der Abhandlung ein weiterer Begriff untersucht, in dem der des Gewissens tief verwrzelt ist - der Begriff des Glaubens. Seine christlich-reformatorische Deutung und seine Umdeutung in der (...)
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    Rethinking the Moral Authority of Experience: Critical Insights and Reflections from Black Women Scholars.Alicia Best, Folasade C. Lapite & Faith E. Fletcher - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (1):27-30.
    The field of bioethics is calling for a new generation of scholars equipped with the normative, empirical, and practical knowledge and expertise to prioritize equity concerns largely underrepresent...
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    Neither Irrationalist Nor Apologist: Revisiting Faith and Reason in Kierkegaard.Adam Buben - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (3):318-326.
    One of the most hotly contested debates in Kierkegaard studies concerns his sense of the relationship between faith and reason. Often caricatured as a proponent of irrational fideism, scholarship in recent decades has tried to present a more nuanced account of Kierkegaard’s position. Two likely interpretive options have emerged: supra‐rationalism and anti‐rationalism. On the former view, Kierkegaard believes that while the achievement of faith is beyond the capabilities of reason, there are still ways that reason can aid the (...)
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    (1 other version)Democratic Reason, Democratic Faith, and the Problem of Expertise.Alfred Moore - 2014 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 26 (1-2):101-114.
    ABSTRACTHélène Landemore's Democratic Reason develops one important line of research in political epistemology, which we can define as the study of the ways in which distributed knowledge is put together for the purposes of making political decisions. Landemore argues for the epistemic benefits of cognitive diversity in political decision procedures in a condition of epistemic equality—where there are no experts. Given this omission, her approach has undeveloped potential for a second line of research in political epistemology, on the problem of (...)
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    How to play theological ping-pong: and other essays on faith and reason.Basil Mitchell - 1990 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans. Edited by William J. Abraham & Robert Prevost.
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    Philosophy Between Faith and Theology: Addresses to Catholic Intellectuals.Adriaan Theodoor Peperzak - 2005 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Adriaan Theodoor Peperzak contends that while many Catholic philosophers try to practice a modern, autonomous style of thinking, their experience of a faith-guided life necessarily compels them to integrate their scholarly pursuits with their Christian faith. He writes, "Christians who think cannot separate their thought from their faith and theology." Indeed, he argues that the work of Christian, particularly Catholic, philosophers loses its vitality when philosophers try to restrict their reflections to natural reason alone. In this book (...)
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    Walking Together in a Pandemic: Reflections on a Semester of Place, Decolonization, and Classroom Community.Ela Przybyło, Edcel Cintrón Gonzalez, Serenah Minasian, Shawna Sheperd, Natalie Jipson, Anna Ortiz, Charley Koenig & Faith Borland - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (4):915-939.
    In this co-authored reflection by seven graduate students and one instructor, we revisit the “Apocalyptic Feminisms” graduate class taught in Fall 2020, at the height of the pandemic, in which students were asked to engage with interdisciplinary writing on the Anthropocene and to hone their own feminist praxes through going on and documenting their walks. We reflect on the “Walk and Movement Reading Instagram Engagements” assignment, exploring what walking can offer to deepen theoretical, methodological, and praxis-based approaches to environmental and (...)
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    Ethical Challenges that Arise at the Community Interface of Health R esearch: Village R eporters’ Experiences in Western K enya.Tracey Chantler, Faith Otewa, Peter Onyango, Ben Okoth, Frank Odhiambo, Michael Parker & Paul Wenzel Geissler - 2013 - Developing World Bioethics 13 (1):30-37.
    Community Engagement (CE) has been presented by bio-ethicists and scientists as a straightforward and unequivocal good which can minimize the risks of exploitation and ensure a fair distribution of research benefits in developing countries. By means of ethnographic fieldwork undertaken in Kenya between 2007 and 2009 we explored how CE is understood and enacted in paediatric vaccine trials conducted by the Kenyan Medical Research Institute and the US Centers for Disease Control (KEMRI/CDC). In this paper we focus on the role (...)
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    Religion and the origins of the German Enlightenment: faith and the reform of learning in the thought of Christian Thomasius.Thomas Ahnert - 2006 - Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
    Religion, law, and politics: historical contexts -- Religion and the limits of philosophy -- The prince and the church: the critique of Lutheran papalism -- Ecclesiastical history and the rise of clerical tyranny -- The history of Roman law -- Natural law (I): the institutes of divine jurisprudence -- Natural law (II): the transformation of Christian Thomasiuss natural jurisprudence -- The interpretation of nature -- Conclusion: reason and faith in the early German Enlightenment.
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    Politics as a Christian Vocation: Faith and Democracy Today.Franklin I. Gamwell - 2004 - Cambridge University Press.
    Many democratic citizens, including many Christians, think that separation of religion from the state means the exclusion of religious beliefs from the political process. That view is mistaken. Both democracy and Christian faith, this 2004 book shows, call all Christians to make their beliefs effective in politics. But the discussion here differs from others. Most have trouble relating religion to democratic discussion and debate because they assume that religious differences cannot be publicly debated. Against this majority view, this book (...)
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    Eriugena’s De Praedestinatione: The Project of Rationalisation of Faith and Its Critics.Agnieszka Kijewska - 2017 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 65 (3):71-98.
    The De praedestinatione of John Scottus Eriugena was intended as a contribution to a controversy sparked off by Gottschalk of Orbais concerning predestination. This work met with trenchant criticism and condemnation even though it firmly rejected Gottschalk’s views on double predestination. One of the reasons for this hostile reception was undoubtedly Eriugena’s singular conception of the freedom of will, a subject I intend to discuss elsewhere. In the present text, however, I would like to focus on another important cause of (...)
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    Sceptical Detachment or Loving Submission to the Good? Reason, Faith, and the Passions in Descartes.John Cottingham - 2011 - Faith and Philosophy 28 (1):44-53.
    The paper begins by challenging a received view of Descartes as preoccupied with scepticism and setting out entirely on his own to build up everything from scratch. In reality, his procedure in the Meditations presupposes trust in the mind’s reliable powers of rational intuition. God, the source of those powers, is never fully eclipsed by the darkness of doubt. The second section establishes some common links between the approach taken by Descartes in the Meditations and the ‘faith seeking understanding’ (...)
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    Anthropocentric biases in teleological thinking : how nature seems designed for humans.Jesse L. Preston & Faith Shin - 2021 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 150 (5).
    People frequently see design in nature that reflects intuitive teleological thinking– that is, the order in nature that supports life suggests it was designed for that purpose. This research proposes that inferences are stronger when nature supports human life in particular. Five studies (total N = 1788) examine evidence for an anthro-teleological bias. People agreed more with design statements framed to aid humans (e.g., “trees produce oxygen so that humans can breathe”) than the same statements framed to aid other targets (...)
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  18. Søren Kierkegaard and John Dewey on Faith and Self-Unification.Wesley Dempster - 2018 - Thinking About Religion 13.
    In this paper I compare and contrast Søren Kierkegaard's and John Dewey's respective views on faith. Although Kierkegaard was a Christian and Dewey rejected all forms of supernaturalism, both thinkers present faith as a passionate, non- or supra-rational commitment that unifies the self and opens new possibilities in the living world. I argue that although the Kierkegaardian conception of faith is excessively individualistic, we should allow for the possibility that, in exceptional cases, faith sets apart the (...)
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    Richard Whately’s Influence On John Henry Newman’s Oxford University Sermons On Faith And Reason (1839–1840).C. Michael Shea - 2013 - Newman Studies Journal 10 (1):82-95.
    In 1839 and 1840, Newman preached four Oxford University Sermons, which critiqued the evidential apologetics advocated by John Locke (1632-1704) and William Paley (1743-1805) and subsequently restated by Richard Whately (1787-1863). In response, Newman drew upon Whately’s earlier works on logic and rhetoric to develop an alternative account of the reasonableness of religious belief that was based on implicit reasoning from antecedent probabilities. Newman’s argument was a creative response to Whately’s contention that evidential reasoning is the only safeguard against superstition (...)
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    Between Kierkegaard and Kant: Dividing Faith and Reason.Avron Kulak - 2012 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2012 (1):223-239.
    This study is dedicated to exploring the ways in which Kierkegaard provides a criterion for thinking about the principles of plurality when, in the context of distinguishing between Socrates and Christ, between different conceptions of difference—between those that support the difference of the other and those that do not—he writes that, just as no one must separate what God has joined, so no one must join what God has separated. When Kierkegaard then makes central to faith the incommensurability of (...)
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    Religious faith and rational justification.William Lad Sessions - 1982 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 13 (3):143 - 156.
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    Mormons and Evangelicals: reasons for faith.David E. Smith - 2009 - Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.
    Introduction: Foundations of faith described -- Christian history : a brief overview -- The Apostolic Age (ca. A.D. 30-100 -- The Patristic Age (ca. A.D. 100-500) -- The Medieval Age (ca. A.D. 500-1500) -- The Reformation/counter-Reformation Age -- The Modern Age (ca. A.D. 1600-1950) -- The Postmodern Age (ca. A.D. 1950-present) -- Mormon and evangelical theology : a comparison -- Scripture and revelation -- God and humanity -- Church and temple -- Salvation and the afterlife -- Moral and social (...)
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  23. Robinson on Berkeley: “Bad Faith” or Naive Idealism?Neil Levi and Michael P. Levine - 1992 - Idealistic Studies 22 (2):163-178.
    Howard Robinson has argued that even if the major claims of Berkeleian idealism are mistaken, including its account of the “physical world,” “the overall endeavour of defending idealism is more plausible than it is generally believed to be”. He argues that aspects of Berkeley’s arguments for idealism, including a Berkeleian argument against naive realism, can be shown to refute the representative realist’s view of perception, and its concomitant ontology. This ontology is at least partially materialist. According to Robinson, once naive (...)
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    Hegel’s Faith and Knowledge and the Metaphysics that Takes the Place of Metaphysics.Robert Bernasconi - 2016 - In Allegra De Laurentiis (ed.), Hegel and Metaphysics: On Logic and Ontology in the System. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 135-148.
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    The Paradigm of the Paradox: Women, Pregnant Women, and the Unequal Burdens of the Zika Virus Pandemic.Lisa H. Harris, Neil S. Silverman & Mary Faith Marshall - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (5):1-4.
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    Derrida's Worldly Responsibility: The Opening between “Faith” and the “Sacred”.Patrick O'Connor - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 45 (2):303-334.
    This article will theorize how Derrida's deconstruction signifies a fundamental ontological alterity. We will examine the use of both the tropes of “sacred” and “faith” as tropes to express this possibility. We will articulate how deconstruction, as a development of phenomenology, provides a theoretical nexus where the alterity of things and persons may be thought. We will arrive at the paradoxical formulation of “ontological alterity” as a key moment in deconstructive thinking. Essentially we will argue that deconstruction offers the (...)
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  27. The Foundations of Faith and Morals.Bronislaw Malinowski - 1937 - Philosophical Review 46:682.
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    Trusting Others, Trusting God: Concepts of Belief, Faith and Rationality.Sheela Pawar - 2009 - Ashgate.
    Trusting Others, Trusting God is an investigation of the concepts of moral and religious trust.
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    The Western heritage of faith and reason.Eugene Garrett Bewkes - 1963 - New York,: Harper & Row. Edited by James Calvin Keene.
  30.  17
    Listening for Kierkegaardian echoes in Lyotard: the paradox of faith and Lyotard’s ethical turn.Elizabeth Li & Katie Crabtree - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 80 (4):374-389.
    This paper seeks to discern the Kierkegaardian echoes present in the writings of the French philosopher Jean-François Lyotard. While these thinkers share a number of commonalities such as their resistance to categorisation and their imaginative and complex writing styles, Lyotard’s engagement with Kierkegaard has been largely dismissed as inconsequential. However, a modest yet consistent device invoked by Lyotard is Kierkegaard’s paradox of faith from Fear and Trembling. While these references to Kierkegaard read as terse blips in Lyotard’s texts, this (...)
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    Christianity and creation: The essence of the Christian faith and its future among religions. A systematic theology James P Mackey new York, London, continuum, pp. 403, £30.Michael Mcghee - 2007 - Philosophy 82 (4):653-657.
    This is a powerful and learned meditation on Christianity by a senior Irish theologian, and the main reason it should be noticed in a journal of philosophy is that James Mackey conceives theology as fundamentally philosophical in the way it reflects on and develops our ideas about the sources and nature of being and conduct as they have been articulated in myth, symbol and poetry, as well as more abstractly in metaphysics. On this view the philosophical aspect of theology is (...)
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    Faith and reason.Paul Helm (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Faith and Reason displays in historical perspective some of the rich dialogue between religion and philosophy over two millennia, beginning with Greek reflections about God and the gods and ending with twentieth-century debate about faith in a world which tends to reserve its reverence for science. Paul Helm uses as a case study the question of whether the world is eternal or whether it was created out of nothing, following this theme from Plato through medieval thought to modern (...)
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    The role of theology in the history and philosophy of science.Joshua M. Moritz - 2017 - Leiden, The Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV.
    After a bibliographic introduction highlighting various research trends in science and religion, Joshua Moritz explores how the current academic and conceptual landscape of theology and science has been shaped by the history of science, even as theology has informed the philosophical foundations of science. The first part assesses the historical interactions of science and the Christian faith (looking at the cases of human dissection in the Middle Ages and the Galileo affair) in order to challenge the common notion that (...)
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    Jacobi’s Critique on Hegel in Drei Briefe an Friedrich Koeppen (1803). 남기호 - 2016 - The Catholic Philosophy 27:81-111.
    이 글은 「프리드리히 쾹펜에게 보낸 세 편지들」(1803)에서 야코비의 헤겔 비판을 집중적으로 살펴본다. 헤겔은 「믿음과 앎」(1802)에서 야코비 철학이 지니는 절대적 유한성의 이성과 절대적 피안의 추상적 무한자를 비판한 바 있다. 먼저 후자와 관련해 야코비는 당시 헤겔이 셸링과 공유하고 있던 절대적 무차별자로서의 절대자 또한 무한과 유한의 절대적 중심에서 초월적 비행을 하지 못한 채 머물 수밖에 없다고 응수한다. 이러한 비판은 헤겔로 하여금 유한자의 자기 지양을 통해 무한성에 도달하는 절대자 철학을 고민하게 했다. 다음으로 야코비는 형용사적 이성과 명사적 이성을 구별하는 자신의 본래 입장을 강조하며, 헤겔이 셸링과 (...)
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    Faith and criticism: the Sarum lectures 1992.Basil Mitchell - 1994 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Faith and Criticism addresses a central problem in the church today--the tension between traditionalists and progressives. Traditionalists want above all to hold fast to traditional foundations in belief and ensure that nothing of value is lost, even at the risk of a clash with "modern knowledge." Progressives are concerned above all to proclaim a faith that is credible today, even at the risk of sacrificing some elements of traditional doctrine. They are often locked in uncomprehending conflict. Basil Mitchell (...)
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    Error, faith and self-deception.Patrick Gardiner - 1970 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 70:197-220.
    Patrick Gardiner; XII—Error, Faith and Self-Deception, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 70, Issue 1, 1 June 1970, Pages 221–244,
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    2012 Arthur O. Lovejoy Lecture Civil Religion—Metaphysical, Not Political: Nature, Faith, and Communal Order in European Thought, c. 1150–c. 1550. [REVIEW]Cary J. Nederman - 2013 - Journal of the History of Ideas 74 (1):1-22.
    “Civil religion” has been a topic much on the minds recently of intellectual historians, political theorists, social scientists, and others concerned about the relationship between the “public sphere” broadly construed and forms of religious belief. I argue that certain Christian thinkers during the medieval period accepted the view that religious faith formed a useful feature of social order, but they did so from an essentially metaphysical perspective. I consider the writings of John of Salisbury, Marsilius of Padua, and Bartolomé (...)
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  38. Faith and steadfastness in the face of counter-evidence.Lara Buchak - 2017 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 81 (1-2):113-133.
    It is sometimes said that faith is recalcitrant in the face of new evidence, but it is puzzling how such recalcitrance could be rational or laudable. I explain this aspect of faith and why faith is not only rational, but in addition serves an important purpose in human life. Because faith requires maintaining a commitment to act on the claim one has faith in, even in the face of counter-evidence, faith allows us to carry (...)
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    Laura Frances Callahan and Timothy O’Connor : Religious faith and intellectual virtue: Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014, 333 pp, £45.00. [REVIEW]Benjamin W. McCraw - 2015 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 77 (3):281-285.
    Let me begin with what I take to be the two most significant features of this collection. First, it addresses an area that is woefully under-discussed: the intersection of virtue epistemology and philosophy of religion. Each is a massively influential and important field in its own right, so bringing the two into dialogue makes tremendous sense. This collection accomplishes much in this regard but also underscores the amount of work that needs to be developed. Bringing together virtue epistemology, philosophy of (...)
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    Faith and reason: historical analysis and perspectives for the present.Antonio Sabetta - 2012 - Aurora, Colorado: Davies Group, Publishers.
    Faith and reason in the Church Magisterium from Pius IX to Fides et ratio -- Pius IX (1846-1878) between the Qui pluribus and the syllabus -- Faith and reason in the First Vatican Council -- From the syllabus to the First Vatican Council -- Constitution Dei filius -- Leo XIII and the Aeterni patris -- Faith and reason in the light of Fides et ratio -- Fides et ratio after Dei filius and Aeterni patris: faith and (...)
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    Faith and reason: vistas and horizons.Nigel Zimmermann, Sandra Lynch & Anthony Fisher (eds.) - 2021 - Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications.
    What is the fruit of a searching dialogue between faith and reason? This book collects theological and philosophical perspectives on the richness of the faith-reason dialogue, including examples from literature, continental and analytic philosophy, worship and liturgy, and radical approaches to issues of racism and prejudice. The authors strongly resist the temptations to either disregard the faith-reason dialogue or take it for granted. Through their explorations and reflections they open up new vistas and horizons on a topic (...)
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  42. Belief, faith, and acceptance.Robert Audi - 2008 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 63 (1):87-102.
    Belief is a central focus of inquiry in the philosophy of religion and indeed in the field of religion itself. No one conception of belief is central in all these cases, and sometimes the term 'belief' is used where 'faith' or 'acceptance' would better express what is intended. This paper sketches the major concepts in the philosophy of religion that are expressed by these three terms. In doing so, it distinguishes propositional belief (belief that) from both objectual belief (believing (...)
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    Harriet A. Harris and Christopher J. Insole: Faith and Philosophical Analysis. [REVIEW]Frank B. Dilley - 2007 - Faith and Philosophy 24 (2):242-243.
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  44. Faith and Reason: Their Roles in Religious and Secular Life.Donald A. Crosby - 2011 - State University of New York Press.
    Initial sketch of a concept of faith -- Facets of faith -- Faith and knowledge -- Faith and scientific knowledge -- Faith and morality -- Secular forms of faith -- Crises of faith -- My personal journey of faith.
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    Faith and Knowledge: Habermas’ Alternative History of Philosophy1.Hans Joas - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (7-8):47-52.
    Jürgen Habermas’ philosophical oeuvre so far contained only few references to thinkers prior to Kant. The publication of a comprehensive history of Western philosophy by this author, therefore, came as a surprise. The book is not, as many had anticipated, a book about religion, but about the gradual emancipation of “secular” “autonomous” rationality from religion, although in a way that preserves a normative commitment to Christianity. While welcoming this attitude and praising the achievements of this book, this text is also (...)
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    Jewish Faith and Modern Science: On the Death and Rebirth of Jewish Philosophy.Norbert Max Samuelson - 2008 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Jewish Faith and Modern Science address fundamental questions facing many contemporary Jews, including the relevance of traditional beliefs for Jews who are increasingly secular and liberal, and how recent advances in science affect conventional Jewish philosophy. Samuelson assesses the current state of Jewish thought and suggests how it should change to remain relevant in the future.
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    Faith and reason.Anthony Kenny - 1983 - New York: Columbia University Press.
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    On Faith and the Holy in Heidegger and Derrida.Ben Vedder & Gert-Jan van der Heiden - 2014 - In Zeynep Direk & Leonard Lawlor (eds.), A Companion to Derrida. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 430–446.
    In his essay “Faith and Knowledge,” Derrida provides us with his most direct and explicit discussion of the phenomenon of religion. One of the important ideas of “Faith and Knowledge” is that faith and knowledge cannot be understood in a simple opposition to each other as if knowledge would not require forms of faith and as if faith would be completely purified of knowledge. In order to get a precise impression of Derrida's interpretation of (...) and the holy, this chapter begins with a presentation of these notions in Heidegger. The chapter discusses the question whether it is the case that Heidegger finds in his question of being what phenomenology of religion and theology consider to be characteristic of religious thinking, feeling, and acting. It also discusses with an analysis of abstraction and deracination, which are juxtaposed to the process of indemnification. (shrink)
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    Cerebral faith and faith in praxis in the churches of European origin: The Presbyterian Church of South(ern) Africa.Graham A. Duncan - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):11.
    This article investigated the paradox between church response to apartheid and resulting action at the local level in the South African churches of European origin from the perspective of the Presbyterian Church of South(ern) Africa (PCSA). It indicated that this discrepancy arose between the reflections (cerebral faith) at the highest levels of church councils, which operated in an intermittent manner and at a distance, compared with the responses (praxis as faith in action) of local church members who lived (...)
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    Animal faith and ontology.John Lachs - 2009 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 45 (4):pp. 484-490.
    In Scepticism and Animal Faith, Santayana pursues two projects: the development of a philosophy of animal faith and the presentation of an ontology. The two projects are not easily reconciled and Santayana appears not to have distinguished them or recognized that they pull in different directions. The hypothesis that he has two projects explains a variety of the anomalous features of Santayana's philosophy, including the account of matter concerning which Kerr-Lawson and I have long disagreed.
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