Results for ' fikcija'

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  1.  25
    Domnevna zgodovina: dejstva in fikcija.Gregor Kroupa - 2011 - Filozofski Vestnik 32 (1):37-50.
    The article deals with a seldom exposed but ubiquitous method in the 18th century philosophy, named conjectural history by Dugald Stewart. Its characteristic feature is a peculiar combination of historically verified facts and speculations, which in some authors are even openly fictitious. The hypotheses about prehistory (always set forth in the form of temporal historical narrative) are meant to aid a certain classic philosophical topos of the 18th century: the quest for origins. The article first surveys and compares common points (...)
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  2. Thought Experiments, Hypotheses, and Cognitive Dimension of Literary Fiction.Iris Vidmar - 2013 - Synthesis Philosophica 28 (1-2):177-193.
    Some authors defend literary cognitivism – the view that literary fiction is cognitively valuable – by drawing an analogy between cognitive values of thought experiments and literary fiction. In this paper my aim is to analyse the reasons for drawing this analogy and to see how far the analogy can be stretched. In the second part, I turn to the claim put forward by literary anti-cognitivists according to which literature can at best be the source of hypotheses, not of knowledge. (...)
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  3.  44
    La volonté générale comme une fiction théorico-politique: Rousseau et le concept de la souveraineté.Ivan Milenković - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (3):135-147.
    U ovome tekstu ispituju se odnosi izmedju pojmova drustvenog ugovora, suverenosti i opste volje kod Rusoa. S jedne strane ti pojmovi proizlaze jedan iz drugog i uzajamno se podrzavaju. S druge strane samo pojam suverenosti uspeva da izbegne metafizickim implikacijama koje bi ga ostavile u stanju teorijsko-politicke fikcije. Opsta volja, medjutim, uprkos Rusoovim naporima da je artikulise kroz zakone, ostaje teorijsko-politicka fikcija zbog pretpostavke po kojoj jedinstvo politickog tela ne sme biti naruseno, iznutra, frakcijama ili partijama. Da je dopustio (...)
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    Fikcijsko svjedočanstvo.Snjezana Prijic-Samarzija & Iris Vidmar - 2012 - Prolegomena 11 (1):65-82.
    U suvremene rasprave o svjedočanstvu C. A. J. Coady uveo je pojam patologije. Radi se o stanovitim otklonima od normalnih slučajeva svjedočenja zbog kojih epistemička vrijednost takvih iskaza postaje dvojbena. Temeljem Coadyjeve analize komunikacijskih akata pokušale smo identificirati uvjete ne-patološkog svjedočanstva kako bismo propitale može li se fikcija smatrati svjedočanstvom. U članku argumentiramo u prilog stava da je moguće govoriti o fikcijskom svjedočanstvu jer praksa fikcije ne krši postavljene uvjete epistemičke odgovornosti govornika/autora; proizvodi epistemičku korist za čitatelja koja predstavlja (...)
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  5. The reality of lies.Venanzio Raspa - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (2):105-131.
    A lie is neither a false proposition, nor a mistake, nor a mere fiction; it is a type of fiction, an act, and precisely an intentional act. An act calls for a subject, and therefore a lie is inseparable from its subject. Together, they make up a real object: it has to be real, since a lie produces effects, and the cause-effect relationship only holds between real beings. Like every real object, a lie unfolds in a context. But there is (...)
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  6.  23
    The Legal Fiction in Criminal Proceedings – Is it Historical Anachronism or Objectively Conditional Necessity?Artūras Panomariovas - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (2):725-738.
    Quite often, for one or the other purpose, the fact (or phenomenon) that does not exist is presented to the society or individuals as the real, really existing although it (the fact or phenomenon) simply does not exist in the real life. And often the term “fiction” is used to describe such phenomena. Although fiction is considered an inseparable companion of a social life, the question arises what the actual (true) fiction is and whether the use of it in criminal (...)
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  7.  13
    Narrative Omniscience and the Problem of the Fictional Truthfulness of Deviant Evaluations.Vladimir Vujošević - 2023 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 43 (1):171-188.
    The problem of the fictional truthfulness of deviant evaluations is a description of a paradox that has become the subject of debate in the philosophy of literature of the analytical tradition in the last thirty years. Philosophers such as Walton, Tanner, Moran, Gendler, and others have constructed “mini-stories” in order to show that the authors of fiction, regardless of the almost unlimited powers of what they can make true in their fictional storyworlds cannot successfully construct a fiction in which an (...)
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