Results for ' grades of relativity'

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  1. Grading, a study in semantics.Edward Sapir - 1944 - Philosophy of Science 11 (2):93-116.
    The first thing to realize about grading as a psychological process is that it precedes measurement and counting. Judgments of the type “A is larger than B” or “This can contains less milk than that” are made long before it is possible to say, e.g., “A is twice as large as B” or “A has a volume of 25 cubic feet, B a volume of 20 cubic feet, therefore A is larger than B by 5 cubic feet,” or “This can (...)
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    Assessing Grading.Christopher Knapp - 2007 - Public Affairs Quarterly 21 (3):275-294.
    This paper begins with a description of common grading practices at universities in the U.S., and analyzes the unfairness, injustice, and harm they produce. It then proposes a solution to these problems in the form of an alternative grading system: institutions should adopt a grading system that assesses students’ performance relative to the performance of their peers. That is, institutions should abolish the practice of attempting to assign grades that correspond to an absolute standard of intrinsic merit. Instead, our (...)
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  3. Graded Genericity.Junhyo Lee & Anthony Nguyen - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies.
    Any adequate semantics of generic sentences (e.g., “Philosophers evaluate arguments”) must accommodate both what we call the positive data and the negative data. The positive data consists of observations about what felicitous interpretations of generic sentences are available. Conversely, the negative data consists of observations about which interpretations of generic sentences are unavailable. Nguyen argues that only his pragmatic neo-Gricean account and Sterken’s indexical account can accommodate the positive data. Lee and Nguyen have advanced the debate by arguing that the (...)
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    Relative Age Effects in Mathematics and Reading: Investigating the Generalizability across Students, Time and Classes.Katharina Thoren, Elisa Heinig & Martin Brunner - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:195306.
    A child’s age in comparison to the age of her or his classmates (relative age) has been found to be an influential factor on academic achievement, particularly but not exclusively at the beginning of formal schooling. However, few studies have focused on the generalizability of relative age effects. To close this gap, the present study analyzes the generalizability across students with and without immigrant backgrounds, across three student cohorts that entered school under a changing law of school enrollment, and across (...)
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    Normal predicative logics with graded modalities.Francesco Caro - 1988 - Studia Logica 47 (1):11 - 22.
    In this work we extend results from [4], [3] and [2] about propositional calculi with graded modalities to the predicative level. Our semantic is based on Kripke models with a single domain of interpretation for all the worlds. Therefore the axiomatic system will need a suitable generalization of the Barcan formula. We haven't considered semantics with world-relative domains because they don't present any new difficulties with respect to classical case. Our language will have, as in [1], constant and function symbols, (...)
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  6. Grades of Discrimination: Indiscernibility, Symmetry, and Relativity.Tim Button - 2017 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 58 (4):527-553.
    There are several relations which may fall short of genuine identity, but which behave like identity in important respects. Such grades of discrimination have recently been the subject of much philosophical and technical discussion. This paper aims to complete their technical investigation. Grades of indiscernibility are defined in terms of satisfaction of certain first-order formulas. Grades of symmetry are defined in terms of symmetries on a structure. Both of these families of grades of discrimination have been (...)
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    Indicative Conditionals and Graded Information.Ivano Ciardelli - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 49 (3):509-549.
    I propose an account of indicative conditionals that combines features of minimal change semantics and information semantics. As in information semantics, conditionals are interpreted relative to an information state in accordance with the Ramsey test idea: “if p then q” is supported at a state s iff q is supported at the hypothetical state s[p] obtained by restricting s to the p-worlds. However, information states are not modeled as simple sets of worlds, but by means of a Lewisian system of (...)
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    Spatio-temporally Graded Causality: A Model.Bartosz Jura - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (2):1-12.
    In this paper we consider a claim that in the natural world there is no fact of the matter about the spatio-temporal separation of events. In order to make sense of such a notion and construct useful models of the world, it is proposed to use elements of a non-classical logic. Specifically, we focus here on causality, as a concept tightly related with the assumption of there being distinct, separate events, proposing a model according to which it can be considered (...)
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    LASSO-Based Pattern Recognition for Replenished Items With Graded Responses in Multidimensional Computerized Adaptive Testing.Jianan Sun, Ziwen Ye, Lu Ren & Jingwen Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As a branch of statistical latent variable modeling, multidimensional item response theory plays an important role in psychometrics. Multidimensional graded response model is a key model for the development of multidimensional computerized adaptive testing with graded-response data and multiple traits. This paper explores how to automatically identify the item-trait patterns of replenished items based on the MGRM in MCAT. The problem is solved by developing an exploratory pattern recognition method for graded-response items based on the least absolute shrinkage and selection (...)
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    How Do 4th through 12th Grade Science Textbooks Address Applications in Engineering and Technology?Mike Robinson & Pamela Cantrell - 2002 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 22 (1):31-41.
    Selected elementary (Grades 4 through 6) and secondary (Grades 7 through 12) science textbooks were examined for their treatment of engineering and technology relative to the national science and mathematics standards in the areas of connections to technology and society.Elementary textbooks were found to have significant connections between science concepts and technology and society; however, the treatment was often superficial and/or indirect.Activities were mostly teacher-directed with little opportunity for designing, making, and testing things.Connections to mathematics concepts were rare.Secondary (...)
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    Anadolu Ağızlarında Görülen Dil Uyumsuzluğu Üzerine Ek Düzeyinde Bir İnceleme.Özlem Demi̇rel Dönmez - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 12):143-143.
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  12. The a-theory and special relativity.Special Relativity - 2008 - In L. Nathan Oaklander, The philosophy of time. New York: Routledge. pp. 4--7.
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    Çocuklar İçin Sokakların Güvenlik Koşullarının İrdelenmesi: Eskişehir Odunpazarı Örneği.Pınar Demi̇rel Etli̇ - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 14):225-225.
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    Senaryo Tabanlı Öğrenme Tekniğinin Dil Bilgisi Konularının Öğre.Şener Demi̇rel - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 19):267-267.
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    Max Weber'in Sosyoloji Kuramı.Demokan Demi̇rel - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 12):361-361.
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    Abdülhak Şinasi Hisar'dan İnce Bir Batılılaşma Eleştirisi: Ali Nizamî Beyin Alafrangalığı ve Şeyhliğ.Serhat Demi̇rel - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 6):291-291.
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    Gramerleşme Süreçleri Bakımından Nevadirü'ş-Şebab'da Tasvirî Fiiller.Ezgi Demi̇rel - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 8):819-819.
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    Judas Tree In Diwan Poetry.Şener Demi̇rel - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:995-1014.
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    Klasik Türk Şiirinde "Merkez Sembolü" Olarak "Sevgili".Gamze Demi̇rel - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 9):455-455.
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    Söz Dizimi Anlam İlişkisi Üzerine Yeni Bir Metot Denemesi.Özlem Demi̇rel Dönmez - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 9):449-449.
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    Kültürlerarası Liderlik.Gökçe Demi̇rel Hatice - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 5):689-689.
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    Evidence for the embodiment of space perception: concurrent hand but not arm action moderates reachability and egocentric distance perception.Stéphane Grade, Mauro Pesenti & Martin G. Edwards - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Analysis of Let'if-n'me in Terms of the Novel Technique.Şener Demi̇rel - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:101-117.
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    A common metric magnitude system for the perception and production of numerosity, length, and duration.Virginie Crollen, Stéphane Grade, Mauro Pesenti & Valérie Dormal - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Different but complementary roles of action and gaze in action observation priming: Insights from eye- and motion-tracking measures.Clément Letesson, Stéphane Grade & Martin G. Edwards - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Mîz'n-n'me-i Şu’ar': The Work of Es-Seyyid Hüseyin Hüsnî Burdurî on Arud.Şener Demi̇rel - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:367-402.
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    Style Activities Seen In The Meaning Domain Of XVII. Century Classic Turkish Poetry: Classical Style-Sebk-i Hindî-Hikemî Tarz- Localization.Şener Demi̇rel - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:246-273.
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    An İnvestigation On The Phonetic Features Of A Missing Elif And Mahmud Story.Özlem Demi̇rel Dönmez - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:969-994.
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    Rethinking politics for the knowledge society.Teodor Dima, Cornelia Gășpărel & Dan Sîmbotin (eds.) - 2013 - Iași: Institutul European.
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    Unity and diversity in knowledge society.Teodor Dima, Cornelia Gășpărel & Dan Sîmbotin (eds.) - 2013 - Iași: Institutul European.
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    Symbol, Symbolical Language and in This Sense Symbolical Elements in the First 18 Couplet of Mesnevî.Şener Demi̇rel - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:915-947.
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    Flexibility and visibility.Janikke Solstad Anvik Vedeler - 2020 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 14-1 (14-1):1-12.
    Parmi les travailleurs handicapés, plusieurs ont des emplois à temps partiel. Cependant, la recherche sur la relation entre handicap et travail à temps partiel n’a que partiellement éclaircit la façon dont les personnes handicapées qui reçoivent une pension d’invalidité complète ou partielle perçoivent et gèrent l’articulation entre travail à temps partiel et leur pension. Cet article s’intéresse aux stratégies employées par les personnes handicapées, tel qu’elles le racontent, pour gérer cette articulation. Le travail à temps partiel, utilisant les données d’entretiens (...)
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    A Study in Grades and Grading Under a Military System.R. L. Bates - 1922 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 5 (5):329.
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  34. Grading in Groups.Michael Morreau - 2016 - Economics and Philosophy 32 (2):323-352.
    Juries, committees and experts panels commonly appraise things of one kind or another on the basis of grades awarded by several people. When everybody's grading thresholds are known to be the same, the results sometimes can be counted on to reflect the graders’ opinion. Otherwise, they often cannot. Under certain conditions, Arrow's ‘impossibility’ theorem entails that judgements reached by aggregating grades do not reliably track any collective sense of better and worse at all. These claims are made by (...)
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  35. Grading Modal Judgement.Nate Charlow - 2020 - Mind 129 (515):769-807.
    This paper proposes a new model of graded modal judgment. It begins by problematizing the phenomenon: given plausible constraints on the logic of epistemic modality, it is impossible to model graded attitudes toward modal claims as judgments of probability targeting epistemically modal propositions. This paper considers two alternative models, on which modal operators are non-proposition-forming: (1) Moss (2015), in which graded attitudes toward modal claims are represented as judgments of probability targeting a “proxy” proposition, belief in which would underwrite belief (...)
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  36. Graded Causation and Moral Responsibility.Vera Hoffmann-Kolss & Matthias Rolffs - 2024 - Erkenntnis:1-19.
    Theories of graded causation attract growing attention in the philosophical debate on causation. An important field of application is the controversial relationship between causation and moral responsibility. However, it is still unclear how exactly the notion of graded causation should be understood in the context of moral responsibility. One question is whether we should endorse a proportionality principle, according to which the degree of an agent’s moral responsibility is proportionate to their degree of causal contribution. A second question is whether (...)
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  37. Graded category structure in Chinese-English bilinguals.Thomas B. Ward, Y. Kolomyts, A. Chu & Jyotsna Vaid - 2009 - International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solvingi 19:47-59.
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    Typicality, Graded Membership, and Vagueness.James A. Hampton - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (3):355-384.
    This paper addresses theoretical problems arising from the vagueness of language terms, and intuitions of the vagueness of the concepts to which they refer. It is argued that the central intuitions of prototype theory are sufficient to account for both typicality phenomena and psychological intuitions about degrees of membership in vaguely defined classes. The first section explains the importance of the relation between degrees of membership and typicality (or goodness of example) in conceptual categorization. The second and third section address (...)
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  39. Graded Causation and Defaults.Joseph Y. Halpern & Christopher Hitchcock - 2015 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 66 (2):413-457.
    Recent work in psychology and experimental philosophy has shown that judgments of actual causation are often influenced by consideration of defaults, typicality, and normality. A number of philosophers and computer scientists have also suggested that an appeal to such factors can help deal with problems facing existing accounts of actual causation. This article develops a flexible formal framework for incorporating defaults, typicality, and normality into an account of actual causation. The resulting account takes actual causation to be both graded and (...)
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  40. Fair Grades.Daryl Close - 2009 - Teaching Philosophy 32 (4):361-398.
    Fair grading is modeled on two fundamental principles. The first principle is that grading should be impartial and consistent. The second principle is that a fair grade should be based on the student’s competence in the academic content of the course. I derive corollary principles of fair grading from these two basic principles and use them to evaluate common grading practices. I argue that exempting students from completing certain grade components is unfair, as is grading on attendance, class rank, deportment,tardiness, (...)
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    Some Grades On “Hemze” In Turkish Texts Wıth Arabic Alphabet.Ümit Tokatli - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:601-611.
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    Relative frequency judgments and verbal discrimination learning.Benton J. Underwood & Joel S. Freund - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (2p1):279.
  43. Phillip E. Parker Department of Mathematics Syracuse University Syracuse, New York.New Directions In Relativity - 1980 - In A. R. Marlow, Quantum theory and gravitation. New York: Academic Press.
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    Grade-Level Differences in Teacher Feedback and Students’ Self-Regulated Learning.Wenjuan Guo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study investigated grade level differences in teacher feedback, students’ self-regulated learning (SRL), and their relationship. Secondary students participated (N = 1,260; 430 tenth-, 460 eleventh-, and 370 twelfth-graders). Latent factor mean difference analyses suggested that teacher feedback and students’ SRL level varied across grades. Comparatively, tenth-grade teachers were perceived to provide verification feedback, scaffolding feedback, and praise most frequently; twelfth-grade teachers were perceived to provide directive feedback and criticism most frequently; and eleventh-grade teachers were perceived to provide all (...)
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  45. Graded Qualities.Claudio Calosi & Robert Michels - 2025 - Synthese 205 (116).
    The idea that qualities can be had partly or to an intermediate degree is controversial among contemporary metaphysicians, but also has a considerable pedigree among philosophers and scientists. In this paper, we first aim to show that metaphysical sense can be made of this idea by proposing a partial taxonomy of metaphysical accounts of graded qualities, focusing on three particular approaches: one which explicates having a quality to a degree in terms of having a property with an in-built degree, another (...)
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  46. Grading Religions.Noriaki Iwasa - 2011 - Sophia 50 (1):189-209.
    This essay develops standards for grading religions including various forms of spiritualism. First, I examine the standards proposed by William James, John Hick, Paul Knitter, Dan Cohn-Sherbok, and Harold Netland. Most of them are useful in grading religions with or without conditions. However, those standards are not enough for refined and piercing evaluation. Thus, I introduce standards used in spiritualism. Although those standards are for grading spirits and their teachings, they are useful in refined and piercing evaluation of religious phenomena. (...)
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    An Analysis Of The Isopsephic Poems In Antepli Ayni’s Divan.Şener Demi̇rel - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:372-398.
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  48. Relative consistency and accessible domains.Wilfried Sieg - 1990 - Synthese 84 (2):259 - 297.
    Wilfred Sieg. Relative Consistency and Accesible Domains.
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    Relativity, the electron theory, and gravitation.Ebenezer Cunningham - 1921 - New York: Longmans, Green and Co..
    Excerpt from Relativity: The Electron Theory and Gravitation The first edition of this book was published while the General Principle of Relativity was being worked out, before it seemed possible to arrive at any confirmation from observation. Shortly after, however, it was shown that the new theory explained the motion of the perihelion of Mercury, and now the result of the Solar Eclipse expedition has clinched matters. It seemed best to leave practically untouched the account of the special (...)
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    Graded consequence: further studies.M. K. Chakraborty - 1995 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 5 (2):227-238.
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