Results for ' morphosyntaxe'

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  1.  18
    Language Usage and Second Language Morphosyntax: Effects of Availability, Reliability, and Formulaicity.Rundi Guo & Nick C. Ellis - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:582259.
    A large body of psycholinguistic research demonstrates that both language processing and language acquisition are sensitive to the distributions of linguistic constructions in usage. Here we investigate how statistical distributions at different linguistic levels – morphological and lexical (Experiments 1 and 2), and phrasal (Experiment 2) – contribute to the ease with which morphosyntax is processed and produced by second language learners. We analyze Chinese ESL learners’ knowledge of four English inflectional morphemes:-ed,-ing, and third-person-son verbs, and plural-son nouns. In Elicited (...)
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    The statistical signature of morphosyntax: A study of Hungarian and Italian infant-directed speech.Judit Gervain & Ramón Guevara Erra - 2012 - Cognition 125 (2):263-287.
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  3. The semantics and morphosyntax of Tare "hurt/pain" in Koromu (png): verbal and nominal constructions.Carol Priestley - 2016 - In Cliff Goddard & Zhengdao Ye (eds.), "Happiness" and "pain" across languages and cultures. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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  4. Fake indexicals: morphosyntax, or pragmasemantics?Emar Maier & Kees de Schepper - 2010
    In this paper we defend a rather traditional view of pronouns that is based on the fundamental opposition between reference and anaphora: local pronouns are referential, like names and other indexicals, while third person proouns are anaphoric. We argue against the grammatical classification based on the opposition between pronouns and R-expressions: all pronouns, but not names and other indexicals, are systematically ambiguous between a bound-variable and a referential reading. More specifically we aim to defuse Kratzer's recent argumentation aimed at establishing (...)
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    Executive Functions and Morphosyntax: Distinguishing DLD From ADHD in French-Speaking Children.Emily Stanford & Hélène Delage - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Rôle du dialogue et de la co-construction du discours dans l’acquisition de la morphosyntaxe: un processus interactionnel et dialogique.Tiphanie Bertin & Caroline Masson - 2021 - Bakhtiniana 16 (1):88-113.
    ABSTRACT This paper aims to illustrate the contribution of Acquisition Linguistics combined with the dialogic view driven by Bakhtin’s ideas, in order to describe morpho-syntactic acquisitions. According to the first approach, interaction is the main driver of syntactic acquisition processes, especially adults’ adjustments to the morpho-syntactic attempts of children and children’s repetitions of adults’ speech. In parallel, a dialogic approach to language acquisition focuses on how the two speakers’ co-construction of discourse leads children to use and acquire the linguistic ability (...)
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    construction ‘εἶναι + participle’ in Homeric Greek: prototype analysis and the morphosyntax-semantics interface.Edoardo Nardi - 2024 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 76 (1-2):155-169.
    Questo contributo tratta della perifrasi ‘εἶναι + participio’ in greco omerico all’interfaccia fra morfosintassi e semantica. I dati sono analizzati con riferimento al quadro teorico elaborato da Nardi e Romagno (2022), che considerano la perifrasi con εἶναι in greco antico come una categoria prototipica: secondo questa prospettiva, la categoria sovraordinata ‘εἶναι + participio’ include due manifestazioni formalmente diverse ma funzionalmente equivalenti, un costrutto con una copula espressa, cioè una perifrasi vera e propria, e un costrutto senza copula espressa, cioè un (...)
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    Reconsidering the History of Latin and Sabellic Adpositional Morphosyntax.I. V. Benjamin W. Fortson - 2010 - American Journal of Philology 131 (1):121-154.
    Latin constructions of the type magna cum laude "with great praise" have traditionally been equated structurally and historically with univerbated phrases of the type mecum "with me" and further with postpositional constructions in Sabellic like Umbrian nertru-co persi "at the left foot." Moreover, all three have been adduced as archaic survivals of postpositional syntax in Italic. A detailed investigation of both the synchrony and diachrony of these constructions, however, reveals that these conclusions are for the most part incorrect and that (...)
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    Variation learning in phonology and morphosyntax.Youngah Do, Jonathan Havenhill & Samuel Sui Lung Sze - 2023 - Cognition 239 (C):105573.
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    Reconsidering the History of Latin and Sabellic Adpositional Morphosyntax.Benjamin W. Fortson Iv - 2010 - American Journal of Philology 131 (1):121-154.
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    Reconsidering the History of Latin and Sabellic Adpositional Morphosyntax.I. V. Fortson - 2010 - American Journal of Philology 131 (1):121-154.
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    Graphemic Variation in Morphosyntactic Context: The Syllable u in Classic Maya Hieroglyphic Writing.Mallory E. Matsumoto - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    Throughout the long history of Classic Maya hieroglyphs, a logosyllabic writing system used from the late first millennium BCE through the mid-second millennium CE in southern Mesoamerica, the most commonly recorded phonetic value was the syllable u (/ʔu/). With over a dozen different u hieroglyphs, Classic Maya scribes had more options for recording /ʔu/ than any other syllable or logograph. Cognitive approaches to writing systems typically attribute graphemic variation (i.e., alternation between signs with equivalent linguistic value) to semantic differences like (...)
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    Early Child Grammars: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Morphosyntactic Production.Géraldine Legendre - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (5):803-835.
    This article reports on a series of 5 analyses of spontaneous production of verbal inflection (tense and person–number agreement) by 2‐year‐olds acquiring French as a native language. A formal analysis of the qualitative and quantitative results is developed using the unique resources of Optimality Theory (OT; Prince & Smolensky, 2004). It is argued that acquisition of morphosyntax proceeds via overlapping grammars (rather than through abrupt changes), which OT formalizes in terms of partial rather than total constraint rankings. Initially, economy of (...)
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  14. Apulian Qualitative Binominal Noun Phrases.Angelapia Massaro - 2023 - Italian Journal of Linguistics 35.
    We investigate the morphosyntax of qualitative binominal constructions (QBCs) in a Southern Italo-Romance language from the Apulian town of San Marco in Lamis. QBCs are complex noun phrases like ‘a jewelN1 of a villageN2’, appearing here prepositionally (with the preposition də, ‘of’, allowing definites, indefinites, and demonstratives) and non-prepositionally (only allowing definites with definite articles and not proper names). We propose that in the latter, a categorial match in the determiner layer, which we call ‘match D’, relates N1 and N2. (...)
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    Conventional implicature and expressive content.Christopher Potts - 2011 - In Klaus von Heusinger, Claudia Maienborn & Paul Portner (eds.), Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning. De Gruyter Mouton.
    This article presents evidence that individual words and phrases can contribute multiple independent pieces of meaning simultaneously. Such multidimensionality is a unifying theme of the literature on conventional implicatures and expressives. I use phenomena from discourse, semantic composition, and morphosyntax to detect and explore various dimensions of meaning. I also argue that, while the meanings involved are semantically independent, they interact pragmatically to reduce underspecification and fuel pragmatic enrichment. In this article, the central case studies are appositives like Falk, the (...)
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  16. Nesoulad mezi morfosyntaxí a sémantikou podmínkových souvětí.Filip Tvrdý - 2024 - Filozofia 79 (2):150-167.
    The semantic analysis of conditional sentences does not entirely align with their morphosyntactic structure. I substantiate this hypothesis with instances from both Czech and English that extend beyond conventional textbook examples. I also highlight that logicians and philosophers often make terminological errors when they disregard the insights from linguistic disciplines. Despite the early analytic philosophy’s emphasis on terminological precision, the practical application falls significantly short of this ideal. I firmly believe that a proper understanding of the morphosyntax and semantics of (...)
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  17.  42
    From iconic handshapes to grammatical contrasts: longitudinal evidence from a child homesigner.Marie Coppola & Diane Brentari - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
    Many sign languages display crosslinguistic consistencies in the use of two iconic aspects of handshape, handshape type and finger group complexity. Handshape type is used systematically in form-meaning pairings (morphology): Handling handshapes (Handling-HSs), representing how objects are handled, tend to be used to express events with an agent (“hand-as-hand” iconicity), and Object handshapes (Object-HSs), representing an object's size/shape, are used more often to express events without an agent (“hand-as-object” iconicity). Second, in the distribution of meaningless properties of form (morphophonology), Object-HSs (...)
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    Fighting the Fake: A Forensic Linguistic Analysis to Fake News Detection.Rui Sousa-Silva - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (6):2409-2433.
    Fake news has been the focus of debate, especially since the election of Donald Trump (2016), and remains a topic of concern in democratic countries worldwide, given (a) their threat to democratic systems and (b) the difficulty in detecting them. Despite the deployment of sophisticated computational systems to identify fake news, as well as the streamlining of fact-checking methods, appropriate fake news detection mechanisms have not yet been found. In fact, technological approaches are likely to be inefficient, given that fake (...)
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    Countability distinctions and semantic variation.Amy Rose Deal - 2017 - Natural Language Semantics 25 (2):125-171.
    To what extent are countability distinctions subject to systematic semantic variation? Could there be a language with no countability distinctions—in particular, one where all nouns are count? I argue that the answer is no: even in a language where all NPs have the core morphosyntactic properties of English count NPs, such as combining with numerals directly and showing singular/plural contrasts, countability distinctions still emerge on close inspection. I divide these distinctions into those related to sums and those related to parts. (...)
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    Zero N: Number features and ⊥.Luisa Martí - 2022 - Natural Language Semantics 30 (2):215-237.
    In this paper I demonstrate that there is an explanation of the number marking we see on nouns when they combine with the numeral _zero_ which combines Martí’s (Semant. Pragmat., 2020a, ) account of the morphosyntax and semantics of the numeral-noun construction with Bylinina and Nouwen’s (Glossa 3(1):98, 2018 ) semantics for _zero_ and which does not need to appeal to any further principles (e.g., agreement).
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    Brain readiness and the nature of language.Denis Bouchard - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:158611.
    To identify the neural components that make a brain ready for language, it is important to have well defined linguistic phenotypes, to know precisely what language is. There are two central features to language: the capacity to form signs (words), and the capacity to combine them into complex structures. We must determine how the human brain enables these capacities. A sign is a link between a perceptual form and a conceptual meaning. Acoustic elements and content elements, are already brain-internal in (...)
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  22. On Reference to Kinds in Indonesian.Sandra Chung - 2000 - Natural Language Semantics 8 (2):157-171.
    Chierchia's (1998) theory of noun denotations, formalized in the Nominal Mapping Parameter, makes the prediction that no language will have both a generalized classifier system and a singular – plural contrast in nouns. Evidence presented in this note suggests that Indonesian is just such a language. The evidence is used to raise the more general issue of the extent to which the morphosyntax of nouns can be reliably predicted from the routes by which they are mapped into their denotations (and (...)
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    Extended Perspective Shift and Discourse Economy in Language Processing.Jesse A. Harris - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:613357.
    Research spanning linguistics, psychology, and philosophy suggests that speakers and hearers are finely attuned to perspectives and viewpoints that are not their own, even though perspectival information is not encoded directly in the morphosyntax of languages like English. While some terms seem to require a perspective or a judge for interpretation (e.g., epithets, evaluative adjectives, locational PPs, etc.), perspective may also be determined on the basis of subtle information spanning multiple sentences, especially in vivid styles of narrative reporting. In this (...)
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    Vowel acoustics of Nungon child-directed speech, adult dyadic conversation, and foreigner-directed monologues.Hannah S. Sarvasy, Weicong Li, Jaydene Elvin & Paola Escudero - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In many communities around the world, speech to infants and small children has increased mean pitch, increased pitch range, increased vowel duration, and vowel hyper-articulation when compared to speech directed to adults. Some of these IDS and CDS features are also attested in foreigner-directed speech, which has been studied for a smaller range of languages, generally major national languages, spoken by millions of people. We examined vowel acoustics in CDS, conversational ADS, and monologues directed to a foreigner in the Towet (...)
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    Semantic Attraction in Sentence Comprehension.Anna Laurinavichyute & Titus von der Malsburg - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (2):e13086.
    Agreement attraction is a cross-linguistic phenomenon where a verb occasionally agrees not with its subject, as required by grammar, but instead with an unrelated noun (“The key to the cabinets were…”). Despite the clear violation of grammatical rules, comprehenders often rate these sentences as acceptable. Contenders for explaining agreement attraction fall into two broad classes: Morphosyntactic accounts specifically designed to explain agreement attraction, and more general sentence processing models, such as the Lewis and Vasishth model, which explain attraction as a (...)
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  26.  15
    Mental states via possessive predication: the grammar of possessive experiencer complex predicates in Persian.Ryan Walter Smith - 2024 - Natural Language Semantics 32 (3):359-402.
    Persian possesses a number of stative complex predicates with _dâshtan_ ‘to have’ that express certain kinds of mental state. I propose that these _possessive experiencer complex predicates_ be given a formal semantic treatment involving possession of a portion of an abstract quality by an individual, as in the analysis of property concept lexemes due to Francez and Koontz-Garboden (Language 91(3):533–563, 2015 ; Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 34:93–106, 2016 ; Semantics and morphosyntactic variation: Qualities and the grammar of property concepts, (...)
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    Typological shift of Mandarin Chinese in terms of motion verb lexicalization pattern.Liu Linjun & He Yingxin - 2024 - Cognitive Linguistics 35 (1):1-33.
    Given the controversies over Mandarin Chinese in terms of Talmy’s bipartite language typology, this paper presents an exhaustive study of Chinese motion verbs collected from two authoritative dictionaries, namely, The Ancient Chinese Dictionary (2nd Edition) and The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary (7th Edition). An analysis of 662 motion verbs in ancient Chinese and 693 motion verbs in modern Chinese indicates that Mandarin Chinese has undergone a typological shift from verb-framed to satellite-framed as far as the lexicalization pattern is concerned. The typological (...)
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    The (en)rich(ed) meaning of expletive negation.Denis Delfitto, Chiara Melloni & Maria Vender - 2019 - Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 1 (1):57-89.
    This contribution addresses the issue of one of the instances of non-standard negation, the so-called expletive negation (EN). Though it discusses data from a variety of languages, it mainly concentrates on Italian, proposing that the behavior of EN in comparative, exclamative and temporal clauses warrants an analysis of EN in terms of an operator of implicature denial. This approach derives the fact that EN is truth-conditionally irrelevant from the fact that the semantics of negation as a truth-value reversal operator is (...)
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  29. Countability shifts in the normative dimension.Kurt Erbach & Leda Berio - 2022 - Proceedings of Sinn Und Beduetung 26.
    In this paper, we discuss what we argue is a newly observed use of nouns like woman, man, and lawyer, in the sort of morphosyntax characteristic of count nouns. We argue that the relevant data constitutes normative uses of the relevant nouns, and we build an analysis on the assumption that such nouns are polysemous between descriptive and normative senses (Leslie 2015), using the formal account of polysemy in Pustejovsky (1998), and the analysis of count- ability in Rothstein (2010). In (...)
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    Pronouns, presuppositions, and hierarchies: the work of Eloise Jelinek in context.Eloise Jelinek, Andrew Carnie & Heidi Harley (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    Eloise Jelinek was a leading authority on syntactic and semantic theory, information structure, and several Native American languages (including Lummi, Yaqui, and Navajo). She was one of the very first generative linguists who brought the theoretical implications of the properties of typologically unusual and understudied languages to the forefront of mainstream generative thinking.Jelinek originated the Pronominal Argument Hypothesis the idea that many languages restrict realization of their arguments to pronouns. In other work, Jelinek investigated a broad range of morphological, syntactic (...)
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  31.  19
    Superpartikeln: Eine mikrosemantische Theorie, Typologie und Geschichte der logischen Atome.Moreno Mitrovic - 2023 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    In diesem Buch geht es um die faszinierende Fähigkeit der menschlichen Sprache, mit Hilfe winziger (mikrosemantischer) Morpheme als Hilfsmittel komplizierte logische (mathematische) Bedeutungen auszudrücken. Sprachen markieren Bedeutungen mit identischen Schlussfolgerungen, indem sie identische Partikel verwenden, und diese Partikel schleichen sich so in eine Vielzahl von Ausdrücken ein. Aufgrund ihrer Multitasking-Fähigkeit, scheinbar disparate Bedeutungen auszudrücken, werden sie als Superpartikel bezeichnet. Diese Partikel sind perfekte Fenster in die Verzahnung mehrerer grammatischerModule und die Art der Interaktion dieser Module im Laufe der Zeit. Fest (...)
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    Speech Acts and Clause Types: English in a Cross-Linguistic Context.Peter Siemund - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
    This book is an introduction to the relationship between the morphosyntactic properties of sentences and their associated illocutionary forces or force potentials. It draws on insights from linguistics, philosophy, and sociology, and may be used as a textbook for undergraduate or graduate courses in semantics, pragmatics, and morphosyntax.
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    Recursive Numeral Systems Optimize the Trade‐off Between Lexicon Size and Average Morphosyntactic Complexity.Milica Denić & Jakub Szymanik - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (3):e13424.
    Human languages vary in terms of which meanings they lexicalize, but this variation is constrained. It has been argued that languages are under two competing pressures: the pressure to be simple (e.g., to have a small lexicon) and to allow for informative (i.e., precise) communication, and that which meanings get lexicalized may be explained by languages finding a good way to trade off between these two pressures. However, in certain semantic domains, languages can reach very high levels of informativeness even (...)
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    The Content and Logic of Imperatives.Nicolas Fillion & Matthew Lynn - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (3):419-436.
    This paper articulates an account of imperatives that sensibly supports the idea of a logic of imperative inferences. We rebuke common objections to the very possibility of such a logic, from a perspective based on recent linguistic work on the morphosyntax of imperatives. Specifically, we develop the notion that the content of an imperative sentence includes both a force operator alongside an imperational content to which the force applies. We further argue that this account of the content of imperatives constitutes (...)
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    L’écriture de Nietzsche dans Zarathoustra.Serge Botet - 2011 - Philosophiques 38 (2):383-417.
    La Zarathoustra de Nietzsche, de son propre aveu l’opus magnum de Nietzsche a toujours été appréhendé sous l’angle de ses contenus et de ses thématiques : volonté de puissance, surhumain, éternel retour. Le vitalisme de Nietzsche, illustré par ces trois enseignements centraux de Zarathoustra, a rarement été recherché dans la forme et les caractéristiques précises d’un discours qui se voulait pourtant novateur et que l’on pouvait supposer — à l’opposé du discours neutre et reproducteur de la tradition philosophique — chercher (...)
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    Can a bird brain do phonology?Bridget D. Samuels - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:156732.
    A number of recent studies have revealed correspondences between song- and language-related neural structures, pathways, and gene expression in humans and songbirds. Analyses of vocal learning, song structure, and the distribution of song elements have similarly revealed a remarkable number of shared characteristics with human speech. This article reviews recent developments in the understanding of these issues with reference to the phonological phenomena observed in human language. This investigation suggests that birds possess a host of abilities necessary for human phonological (...)
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  37. Optimality and Economy of Expression in Japanese and Korean.Peter Sells - unknown
    In this paper I will discuss certain cases in Japanese and Korean morphosyntax where forms compete to express the same semantic and grammatical information, and attempt to show that in each instance the most economical form is chosen. Presenting an account in terms of Optimality Theory (OT; see Prince and Smolensky (1993), Grimshaw (1995)), I will argue that constraints such as ‘Avoid Word’ and ‘Avoid Affix’ (as in (1)) are motivated as the forces behind the economization. (1) Avoid Word, Avoid (...)
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    Syntax with oscillators and energy levels.Sam Tilsen - 2019 - Berlin: Language science press.
    This book presents a new approach to studying the syntax of human language, one which emphasizes how we think about time. Tilsen argues that many current theories are unsatisfactory because those theories conceptualize syntactic patterns with spatially arranged structures of objects. These object-structures are atemporal and do not lend well to reasoning about time. The book develops an alternative conceptual model in which oscillatory systems of various types interact with each other through coupling forces, and in which the relative energies (...)
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    Selective Auditory Attention Associated With Language Skills but Not With Executive Functions in Swedish Preschoolers.Signe Tonér, Petter Kallioinen & Francisco Lacerda - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Associations between language and executive functions are well-established but previous work has often focused more on EFs than on language. To further clarify the language–EF relationship, we assessed several aspects of language and EFs in 431 Swedish children aged 4–6, including selective auditory attention which was measured in an event-related potential paradigm. We also investigated potential associations to age, socioeconomic status, bi-/multilingualism, sex and aspects of preschool attendance and quality. Language and EFs correlated weakly to moderately, indicating that relying on (...)
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    Morpho-syntaxe sémantique des nominaux propres.Manon Philippe - forthcoming - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Cet article étudie les délimitations morphosyntaxiques des noms propres en s’inspirant de la sémantique de la syntaxe. Les propriétés typographiques, morphologiques et syntaxiques des noms propres sont mises en lien et se répondent parfois iconiquement afin de faire émerger une nouvelle description des noms propres en tant que nominaux – et non plus simples noms ou syntagmes nominaux. Les noms propres sont des unités de rang « nominal » qui cherchent à intégrer des formes potentiellement marginales au sein du domaine (...)
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    Gradient acceptability and linguistic theory.Elaine Francis - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    In Gradient Acceptability and Linguistic Theory, Elaine J. Francis examines a challenging problem at the intersection of theoretical linguistics and the psychology of language: the problem of interpreting gradient judgments of sentence acceptability in relation to theories of grammatical knowledge. This problem is important because acceptability judgments constitute the primary source of data on which such theories have been built, despite being susceptible to various extra-grammatical factors. Through a review of experimental and corpus-based research on a variety of syntactic phenomena (...)
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    Behavioral and Imaging Studies of Infant Artificial Grammar Learning.Judit Gervain, Irene la Cruz-Pavía & LouAnn Gerken - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (3):815-827.
    Gervain et al. discuss both behavioral and neurophysiological AGL studies that investigate rule and structure learning processes in infants. The paper provides an overview of all the major AGL paradigms used to date to investigate infant learning abilities at the level of morpho‐phonology and syntax from a very early age onwards. Gervain et al. also discuss the implications of the results for a general theory of natural language acquisition.
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    Behavioral and Imaging Studies of Infant Artificial Grammar Learning.Judit Gervain, Irene de la Cruz-Pavía & LouAnn Gerken - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (3):815-827.
    Gervain et al. discuss both behavioral and neurophysiological AGL studies that investigate rule and structure learning processes in infants. The paper provides an overview of all the major AGL paradigms used to date to investigate infant learning abilities at the level of morpho‐phonology and syntax from a very early age onwards. Gervain et al. also discuss the implications of the results for a general theory of natural language acquisition.
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    bu-nouns in TashlhitAn oft-overlooked complex morphosyntactic corpus.Karim Bensoukas - 2015 - Corpus 14:165-188.
    This paper presents a corpus of Tashlhit bu-nouns, in which bu generally expresses the possessor of what the inner noun refers to. Comparison with other dialects of Amazigh is undertaken, revealing the cross-dialectal complexity of this type of nominal formation. Notwithstanding their morphosyntactic intricacy, which challenges Greenberg’s Universal 28, the Lexical Integrity Hypothesis and the No Phrase Constraint, bu-nouns have been dealt with only sporadically and have at times even been overlooked. The presentation will shed light on the inflectional alternations (...)
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    Neglected Factors Bearing on Reaction Time in Language Production.Tobias Scheer & Fabien Mathy - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (10):13050.
    The input to phonological reasoning are alternations, that is, variations in the pronunciation of related words, such as in electri[k] ‐ electri[s]‐ity. But phonologists cannot agree what counts as a relevant alternation: the issue is highly contentious despite a research record of over 50 years. We believe that the experimental setup presented may contribute to this debate based on a kind of evidence that was not brought to bear to date. Our experiment was thus designed to distinguish between alternations where (...)
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    Lexical polycategoriality: cross-linguistic, cross-theoretical and language acquisition approaches.Valentina Vapnarsky & Edy Veneziano (eds.) - 2017 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    This book presents a collection of chapters on the nature, flexibility and acquisition of lexical categories. These long-debated issues are looked at anew by exploring the hypothesis of lexical polycategoriality –according to which lexical forms are not fully, or univocally, specified for lexical category– in a wide number of unrelated languages, and within different theoretical and methodological perspectives. Twenty languages are thoroughly analyzed. Apart from French, Arabic and Hebrew, the volume includes mostly understudied languages, spoken in New Guinea, Australia, New (...)
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    Semantics and morphosyntactic variation: qualities and the grammar of property concepts.Itamar Francez - 2017 - Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by Andrew Koontz-Garboden.
    This book explores a key issue in linguistic theory, the systematic variation in form between semantic equivalents across languages. Two contrasting views of the role of lexical meaning in the analysis of such variation can be found in the literature: (i) uniformity, whereby lexical meaning is universal, and variation arises from idiosyncratic differences in the inventory and phonological shape of language-particular functional material, and (ii) transparency, whereby systematic variation in form arises from systematic variation in the meaning of basic lexical (...)
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    The Omission of Preverbal Subject Clitics in Friulian: Methodology and Constraint-Based Analysis.Sascha Gaglia - 2010 - Corpus 9:191-220.
    L’omission de clitiques sujets préverbaux en frioulan : méthodologie et analyse à base de contraintesEn frioulan, les clitiques sujets en position préverbale sont omis en général quand le verbe est précédé de la particule négative, d’un clitique objet ou d’un pronom réfléchi. Toutefois, les conditions précises de cette omission n’ont pas été analysées jusqu’à présent de manière approfondie. Dans cet article, je propose une analyse dans le cadre de la théorie de l’optimalité fondée sur des données empiriques. L’analyse est basée (...)
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    Pronoun in Ortonese.Emiliana Tucci - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):1-12.
    In this article we will study the pronominal system in Ortonese, which belongs to the central-southern Italo-Romance languages. The analysis we propose is contrastive: we will compare the data with the Italian to highlight their differences in terms of some morphosyntactic aspects. We will examine, the stressed and unstressed personal pronouns, emphasizing the placement of the combined pronouns with the compound tenses. Then, we will focus on the rest of the pronouns, such as demonstratives, possessives, quantifiers and indefinites, also pointing (...)
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