Results for ' noise music'

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  1. Introduction. The Blessings of Noise Music.Mark Delaere - 2022 - In Noise as a constructive element in music: theoretical and music-analytical perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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  2. Introduction. The Blessings of Noise Music.Mark Delaere - 2022 - In Noise as a constructive element in music: theoretical and music-analytical perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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    Noise as a constructive element in music: theoretical and music-analytical perspectives.Mark Delaere (ed.) - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    Music and noise seem to be mutually exclusive. Music is generally considered as an ordered arrangement of sounds pleasing to the ear and noise as its opposite: chaotic, ugly, aggressive, sometimes even deafening. When presented in a musical context, noise can thus act as a tool to express resistance to predominant cultural values, to society, or to socioeconomic structures (including those of the music industry). The oppositional stance confirms current notions of noise as (...)
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  4. PART II. Music-Analytical Case Studies. Analysing Non-Score Based Music / Simon Emmerson / Noise in Spectral Music / Ingrid Pustijanac ; Is There Noise in Helmut Lachenmann's Music? Temporal Form and Moments of Presence in the String Quartet Gran Torso / Christian Utz ; The Mic as a Scalpel : Skinning the Voice in Henri Chopin's Sound Poetry / Jannis Van de Sande ; Noise as Ground in Improvised Music : The Case of Chris Corsano / Diederik Mark de Ceuster ; Stretching Musicality to the Extreme : Vertical Composition in Merzbow's Noise Music.Marina Sudo - 2022 - In Mark Delaere (ed.), Noise as a constructive element in music: theoretical and music-analytical perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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  5. Noise in and as music.Aaron Cassidy & Aaron Einbond (eds.) - 2013 - Huddersfield: University of Huddersfield Press.
    One hundred years after Luigi Russolo's "The Art of Noises," this book exposes a cross-section of the current motivations, activities, thoughts, and reflections of composers, performers, and artists who work with noise in all of its many forms. The book's focus is the practice of noise and its relationship to music, and in particular the role of noise as musical material--as form, as sound, as notation or interface, as a medium for listening, as provocation, as data. (...)
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  6. PART II. Music-Analytical Case Studies. Analysing Non-Score Based Music / Simon Emmerson / Noise in Spectral Music / Ingrid Pustijanac ; Is There Noise in Helmut Lachenmann's Music? Temporal Form and Moments of Presence in the String Quartet Gran Torso / Christian Utz ; The Mic as a Scalpel : Skinning the Voice in Henri Chopin's Sound Poetry / Jannis Van de Sande ; Noise as Ground in Improvised Music : The Case of Chris Corsano / Diederik Mark de Ceuster ; Stretching Musicality to the Extreme : Vertical Composition in Merzbow's Noise Music.Marina Sudo - 2022 - In Mark Delaere (ed.), Noise as a constructive element in music: theoretical and music-analytical perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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  7. Music and Noise: Same or Different? What Our Body Tells Us.Mark Reybrouck, Piotr Podlipniak & David Welch - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    In this article, we consider music and noise in terms of vibrational and transferable energy as well as from the evolutionary significance of the hearing system of Homo sapiens. Music and sound impinge upon our body and our mind and we can react to both either positively or negatively. Much depends, in this regard, on the frequency spectrum and the level of the sound stimuli, which may sometimes make it possible to set music apart from (...). There are, however, two levels of description: the physical-acoustic description of the sound and the subjective-psychological reactions by the listeners. Starting from a vibrational approach to sound and music, we first investigate how sound may activate the sense of touch and the vestibular system of the inner ear besides the sense of hearing. We then touch upon distinct issues such as the relation between low-frequency sounds and annoyance, the harmful effect of loud sound and noise, the direct effects of overstimulation with sound, the indirect effects of unwanted sounds as related to auditory neurology, and the widespread phenomenon of liking loud sound and music, both from the point of view of behavioral and psychological aspects. (shrink)
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    Annihilating noise.Paul Hegarty - 2020 - New York City: Bloomsbury Academic.
    A follow-up to Hegarty's successful Noise/Music, this book looks at noise in a range of contexts within sound studies and cultural theory.
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    Noise matters: towards an ontology of noise.Greg Hainge - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Everyone knows what noise is. Or do they? Can we in fact say that one man's noise is another teenager's music? Is noise in fact only an auditory phenomenon or does it extend far beyond this realm? If our common definitions of noise are necessarily subjective and noise is not just unpleasant sound, then it merits a closer look (or listen). Greg Hainge sets out to define noise in this way, to find within (...)
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    Noise... The Political Economy of Music.Dana Polan, Jacques Attali & Brian Massumi - 1988 - Substance 17 (3):56.
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    Music Classification and Detection of Location Factors of Feature Words in Complex Noise Environment.Yulan Xu & Qiaowei Li - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    In order to solve the problem of the influence of feature word position in lyrics on music emotion classification, this paper designs a music classification and detection model in complex noise environment. Firstly, an intelligent detection algorithm for electronic music signals under complex noise scenes is proposed, which can solve the limitations existing in the current electronic music signal detection process. At the same time, denoising technology is introduced to eliminate the noise and (...)
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    (1 other version)Noise: The Political Economy of Music.Jonathan Stevens - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (70):201-204.
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    Aesthetic noise: the philosophy of intentional listening.Mary G. Mazurek - 2025 - New York: Routledge.
    Aesthetic Noise: The Philosophy of Intentional Listening considers the complex nature of noise within the framework of philosophical filtering, examining how, if noise is engaged with aesthetically, it can produce profound experiences and understandings. Applying the philosophies of Edmund Burke, Martin Heidegger, Jacque Derrida, and Julia Kristeva to works by Luigi Russolo, John Cage, Steve Reich, Alison Knowles, Annea Lockwood, Alyce Santoro, and Sunn O))), this book explores noise as an art material, and ultimately how it (...)
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    Music for a blind idiot god: Towards a weird ecology of noise.Dean Lockwood - unknown
    This paper is about how the horror of noise has been expressed in the work of some writers, fiction and theory, who have detected a certain alien weirdness lurking in the human voice. I link this to Deleuze and Guattari’s discussion of ‘becoming-animal’, in which a ‘strange ecology’ is described. ‘We sorcerors’, they say, are drawn to experimental alliances with nature. The ‘sorceror’ is admitted to a multitudinous, teeming space and opened up to the immanent alien. H. P. Lovecraft’s (...)
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    Noise - Klang zwischen Musik und Lärm: zu einer Praxeologie des Auditiven.Kai Ginkel - 2017 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Biographical note: Kai Ginkel (Dr.), geb. 1981, ist Projektmitarbeiter an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz. Der Soziologe promovierte an der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. Zuvor war er PhD-Scholar im postgradualen Lehrgang”Sociology of Social Practices“am Institut für Höhere Studien Wien.
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    Listening Through the Noise: The Aesthetics of Experimental Electronic Music.Joanna Demers - 2010 - Oup Usa.
    Contemporary electronic music has splintered into numerous genres and subgenres, all of which share a concern with whether sound, in itself, bears meaning. Listening through the Noise considers how the experience of listening to electronic music constitutes a departure from the expectations that have long governed music listening in the West.
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    Masking and noise reduction processing of music signals in reverberant music.Ye Cheng & Shenghuan Zhang - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):420-427.
    Noise will be inevitably mixed with music signals in the recording process. To improve the quality of music signals, it is necessary to reduce noise as much as possible. This article briefly introduces noise, the masking effect, and the spectral subtraction method for reducing noise in reverberant music. The spectral subtraction method was improved by the human ear masking effect to enhance its noise reduction performance. Simulation experiments were carried out on the (...)
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    Between Noise and Harmony: The Oratorical Moment in the Musical Entanglements of Jews and Christians.Ruth HaCohen - 2006 - Critical Inquiry 32 (2):250.
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    Noise : l'organologie désorganisée.Boyan Manchev - 2007 - Multitudes 1 (1):157-165.
    If musical instruments belong to the organology of anthropotechnics, noise music can be seen as a disorganizing force, as well as a principle of recycling and as a surgery of the sonic flesh. Why is noise so intimately linked to a gesture dis-instrumentation ? An analysis of Christian Marclay’s video Guitar drag paves the way for a reflection that invites us to consider noise as the place of emergence of what contemporary politics can only leave unthought.
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    Music, noise, silence: Some reflections on John cage.Jérôme Dokic - 1998 - Angelaki 3 (2):103 – 112.
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    Understanding Noise in Twentieth-Century Physics and Engineering.Chen-Pang Yeang - 2016 - Perspectives on Science 24 (1):1-6.
    Noise is a common experience in the contemporary world. Din from traffic, construction sites, factories, and neighbors bother urban residents. Radio listeners, television watchers, and mobile phone users have to endure statics and fading from time to time. Music lovers have debated whether jazz, atonal composition, rock and roll, rap, and abstract expressionism are art or nuisance. Scientists try to retrieve genuine signals from fluctuating data. Engineers design devices, software, or systems to filter out disturbance to the normal (...)
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    Musical noise.James R. Hamilton - 1999 - British Journal of Aesthetics 39 (4):350-363.
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    In the absence of noise, nothing sounds: Blanchot and the performance of Harsh noise wall.Paul Hegarty - 2018 - Angelaki 23 (3):112-124.
    Blanchot took Mallarmé’s “Book” as the paradigm for an artwork that aspired to such excess it could not exist. And yet it partly did, in the form of the poem Un coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard. For Blanchot, this ultimate literary work acted as a model for a relentless deconstructing not just of what existed but also of that which did not. His emptying theoretical perspective is ideally suited to analyse the phenomenon that is harsh noise wall (...)
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  24. Neoliberal Noise: Attali, Foucault, & the Biopolitics of Uncool.Robin James - 2014 - Culture, Theory, and Critique 52 (2):138-158.
    Is it even possible to resist or oppose neoliberalism? I consider two responses that translate musical practices into counter-hegemonic political strategies: Jacques Attali’s theory of “composition” and the biopolitics of “uncool.” Reading Jacques Attali’s Noise through Foucault’s late work, I argue that Attali’s concept of “repetition” is best understood as a theory of neoliberal biopolitics, and his theory composition is actually a model of deregulated subjectivity. Composition is thus not an alternative to neoliberalism but its quintessence. An aesthetics and (...)
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    Noise.Siegmund Levarie - 1977 - Critical Inquiry 4 (1):21-31.
    Noise has become an increasingly noticeable and significant symptom of our civilization. Fundamentally an acoustic phenomenon, noise has wider implications. It is the legitimate object of scientific investigations in the fields of psychology and physiology. It can be properly evaluated by its role in music and in general aesthetics. It leads to basic questions of sociology. We shall pursue the implications in these various fields one by one. In this process, as elsewhere, music provides the bridge (...)
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  26. Chapter Five Frustrated Listening: Music, Noise and Trauma Vincent Meelberg.Frustrated Listening - 2007 - In John Wall (ed.), Music, metamorphosis and capitalism: self, poetics and politics. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 63.
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    The Force of Noise, or Touching Music: The Tele-Haptics of Stockhausen’s “Helicopter String Quartet”.I. Goh & R. Bishop - 2011 - Substance 40 (3):25-40.
    The article examines the sensorium and how it is has been divided to argue that touch underlies what we refer to as hearing. It explores Stockhausen's "Helicopter Quartet" as an extended meditation on the mediation of the senses and the foregrounding of touch in the piece through teletechnologies that serve as prosthetic devices for sound, sight and touch.
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    The logic of filtering: how noise shapes the sound of recorded music.Melle Jan Kromhout - 2021 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book traces the profound impact of technical media on the sound of music, asking: how do media technologies shape sound? How does this affect music? And how did it change what we listen for in music? Based on the information theoretical proposition that all transmission channels introduce noise and distortion, the argument accounts for the fact that technologically reproduced music is inherently shaped by the technologies that enable its reproduction. The media archaeological assessment of (...)
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  29. Silence, Sound, Noise, and Music.Jennifer Judkins - 2011 - In Theodore Gracyk & Andrew Kania (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Music. New York: Routledge. pp. 14.
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    Le percept noise comme registre du sensible.Yves Citton - 2007 - Multitudes 1 (1):137-146.
    On the basis of the graphic convergence between the English « noise » and the French word « la noise » , this article attempts to identify a percept that would be specific to the transgeneric reality of noise music. In order to understand how noise has become a source of aesthetic enjoyment, it revisits the history of recording devices, and proposes a philosophical hypothesis on the type of affect that is nurtured and fostered by (...)
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    Concepts and Significance of Noise in Acoustics: Before and after the Great War.Roland Wittje - 2016 - Perspectives on Science 24 (1):7-28.
    What is noise?Noise is a central concept of acoustics that distinguishes certain kinds of sounds from others. Beyond sound, notions of noise associated with the measurement process and information theory have moved to virtually all fields of science and engineering, and even the social sciences. Not surprisingly, we find not one but several different and even contradictory concepts of noise in science and engineering. How did this happen?Scientific concepts of noise have changed over time. But (...)
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  32. Immersion Into Noise.Joseph Nechvatal (ed.) - 2011 - Open Humanities Press in conjunction with the University of Michigan Library's Scholarly Publishing Office.
    The noise factor is the ratio of signal to noise of an input signal to that of the output signal. Noise can block or interfere with the meaning of a message in both human and electronic communication. But in Information Theory, noise is still considered to be information. By refining the definition of noise as that which addresses us outside of our preferred comfort zone, Joseph Nechvatal's Immersion Into Noise investigates multiple aspects of cultural (...)
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    Cross-Modal Perception of Noise-in-Music: Audiences Generate Spiky Shapes in Response to Auditory Roughness in a Novel Electroacoustic Concert Setting.Kongmeng Liew, PerMagnus Lindborg, Ruth Rodrigues & Suzy J. Styles - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Surface Noise.Zed Adams - 2018 - British Journal of Aesthetics 58 (3):255-270.
    In this paper, I argue that the dominant view of musical sampling embodies an impoverished conception of the expressive capabilities of sampling. There are two respects in which it goes wrong. First, it overlooks the possibility of samples representing their sample sources. Second, it overlooks the possibility of samples that are not instances of their sample sources. En route to bringing out why the dominant view is impoverished, I introduce a theoretical framework that illuminates some of the ways in which (...)
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  35. Noise, sound, silence.Tim Ingold - 2019 - In Kathleen Coessens (ed.), Sensorial aesthetics in music practices. Leuven: Leuven University Press.
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    Reverberations: the philosophy, aesthetics and politics of noise.Michael Goddard, Benjamin Halligan & Paul Hegarty (eds.) - 2012 - London: Continuum Intl Pub Group.
    Noise permeates our highly mediated and globalised cultures. Noise as art, music, cultural or digital practice is a way of intervening so that it can be harnessed for an aesthetic expression not caught within mainstream styles or distribution. This wide-ranging book examines the concept and practices of noise, treating noise not merely as a sonic phenomenon but as an essential component of all communication and information systems. The book opens with ideas of what noise (...)
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  37. Future sounds: the temporality of noise.Stephen Kennedy - 2018 - New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
    What can the sounds of today tell us about the future? Can an analysis of sound and sonic practices allow us to make reliable predictions in relation to wider social phenomena? And what might they tell us about technology in a world where futurology is such a frenzied and busy field? In order to answer these questions, this book tests a range of propositions that connect noise, sound and music to political, economic and technological events. Hence it is (...)
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  38. Extreme noise terror : Punk rock and the aesthetics of badness.Angela Rodel - 2004 - In Christopher Washburne & Maiken Derno (eds.), Bad music: the music we love to hate. New York: Routledge. pp. 235.
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    Grenzen des Hörens: Noise und die Akustik des Politischen.David Wallraf - 2021 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
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    The Futurist Noise Machine.Christine Poggi - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (7):821-840.
    Futurism is famous for promoting “the art of noise” in its manifestos, serate (theatrical evenings), poetry, music, and visual art. Noise appears in Futurism as an avatar of the machine age, as a means of assaulting the senses of complacent audiences, and as a sign of the conflict inherent in matter. Beginning with the “Founding and Manifesto of Futurism” of 1909, where the noises of the street galvanize Marinetti and his friends to break out of a prison-like (...)
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    Response to Graham McPhail, “Too Much Noise in the Classroom? Towards a Praxis of Conceptualization,” Philosophy of Music Education, 26, no. 2 (2018): 176–98. [REVIEW]Patrick K. Freer - 2019 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 27 (1):87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to Graham McPhail, “Too Much Noise in the Classroom? Towards a Praxis of Conceptualization,” Philosophy of Music Education, 26, No. 2 (2018): 176–98.Patrick K. Freer“Are you all right, Sir?” asked the head trainer. I was on the treadmill at the gym, reading Graham McPhail’s “Too Much Noise in the Classroom?”1 as I worked up a sweat. Apparently I got so engaged by McPhail’s writing that (...)
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    Too Much Noise in the Classroom? Towards a Praxis of Conceptualization.Graham McPhail - 2018 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 26 (2):176.
    Abstract:In this paper I begin to theorize what secondary school music education might look like “post-deconstruction.” In particular, I explore the argument for a reconsideration of the importance of conceptualization in the process of music education. I argue that is it through coming into contact with powerful conceptual knowledge that students’ potential to participate fully as capable musicians in their world is most likely to be realized. Conceptual knowledge provides the link between experience and the understanding of that (...)
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    Rhythm and Noise: An Aesthetics of Rock.John Fisher - 1999 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 57 (4):467-469.
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    The splinter in your ear: Noise as the semblance of critique.Nick Smith - unknown
    Noise appears to critique the prevailing cognitive and social habits of modernity by providing concrete and particular art objects that demand attention and jar us from one-dimensional life. Noise sounds, for a moment, like a true alternative not only to contemporary music but to a whole way of thinking through abstract generalisation and living through commercial mediation. Understood in this way, noise makes sense. Once noise is no longer inscrutable, however, it is assimilated into popular (...)
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    Disharmonic spheres : metapoetic noise in Geoffrey Chaucer's Parliament of fowls.Wolfram R. Keller - 2021 - In Cornelia Wilde & Wolfram R. Keller (eds.), Perfect harmony and melting strains: transformations of music in early modern culture between sensibility and abstraction. Boston: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 11-38.
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    Joanna Demers , Listening Through the Noise: The Aesthetics of Experimental Electronic Music . Reviewed by.Adam Melinn - 2011 - Philosophy in Review 31 (5):334-336.
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    The Mental State of Noise.Catherine Malabou - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (3):95-99.
    What is the influence of music on the brain? And in what cases can this influence cause dysfunctioning? Among the different examples analyzed by Oliver Sacks, one is particularly significant: the phenomenon of synesthesia. Synesthesia is connected to having an extra one that associates different kinds of sensory information, music, and color. It can sometimes transform hearing music as a painful experience, transforming it into a pure literal meaning – to feel together – the secret condition for (...)
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  48. Bring the noise: Hypermasculinity in heavy metal and rap.Judith Grant - 1996 - Journal of Social Philosophy 27 (2):5-31.
    “The Subliminal K i d moved in and took over bars cafes and jukeboxes of the world cities and installed radio transmitters and microphones in each bar so that the music and talk of any bar could be heard in all his bars and he had tape recorders in each bar that played and recorded at arbitrary intervals and his agents moved back and forth with portable tape recorders and brought back street sound and talk and music and (...)
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    Music's immanent future: the deleuzian turn in music studies.Sally Macarthur, Judith Irene Lochhead & Jennifer Robin Shaw (eds.) - 2016 - Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate.
    The conversations generated by the chapters in Music's Immanent Future grapple with some of music's paradoxes: that music of the Western art canon is viewed as timeless and universal while other kinds of music are seen as transitory and ephemeral; that in order to make sense of music we need descriptive language; that to open up the new in music we need to revisit the old; that to arrive at a figuration of music (...)
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    Creative Time-Organization Versus Subsonic Noises.Albert Mayr - 1983 - Diogenes 31 (122):45-62.
    Much has been written and said about music's time, much less— at least in recent epochs—about time's music. Today this most subtle, yet most powerful form of music finds fewer and fewer listeners. It has become, in fact, harder and harder to listen to. The “congruent melodies,” i.e. “the rhythms of times which were given to us to alleviate our labors” (as the 13th-century music theorist had put it) have long since been silenced and drowned by (...)
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