Results for ' nurse–next of kin relationship'

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  1.  17
    Ethical challenges related to next of kin - nursing staffs’ perspective.Siri Tønnessen, Betty-Ann Solvoll & Berit Støre Brinchmann - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (7):804-814.
    Background: Patients in clinical settings are not lonely islands; they have relatives who play a more or less active role in their lives. Objectives: The purpose of this article is to elucidate the ethical challenges nursing staff encounter with patients’ next of kin and to discuss how these challenges affect clinical practice. Research design: The study is based on data collected from ethical group discussions among nursing staff in a nursing home. The discussions took place in 2011 and 2012. The (...)
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    How do nursing home doctors involve patients and next of kin in end-of-life decisions? A qualitative study from Norway.Maria Romøren, Reidar Pedersen & Reidun Førde - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):1-8.
    BackgroundEthically challenging critical events and decisions are common in nursing homes. This paper presents nursing home doctors’ descriptions of how they include the patient and next of kin in end-of-life decisions.MethodsWe performed ten focus groups with 30 nursing home doctors. Advance care planning; aspects of decisions on life-prolonging treatment, and conflict with next of kin were subject to in-depth analysis and condensation.ResultsThe doctors described large variations in attitudes and practices in all aspects of end-of-life decisions. In conflict situations, many doctors (...)
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    Life-prolonging treatment in nursing homes: how do physicians and nurses describe and justify their own practice?A. Dreyer, R. Forde & P. Nortvedt - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (7):396-400.
    Background Making the right decisions, while simultaneously showing respect for patient autonomy, represents a great challenge to nursing home staff in the issues of life-prolonging treatment, hydration, nutrition and hospitalisation to dying patents in end-of-life. Objectives To study how physicians and nurses protect nursing home patients' autonomy in end-of-life decisions, and how they justify their practice. Design A qualitative descriptive design with analysis of the content of transcribed in-depth interviews with physicians and nurses. Participants Nine physicians and ten nurses in (...)
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    Coercion in nursing homes.Elisabeth Gjerberg, Lillian Lillemoen, Reidar Pedersen & Reidun Førde - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (3):253-264.
    Background: Studies have demonstrated the extensive use of coercion in Norwegian nursing homes, which represents ethical, professional as well as legal challenges to the staff. We have, however, limited knowledge of the experiences and views of nursing home patients and their relatives. Objectives: The aim of this study is to explore the perspectives of nursing home patients and next of kin on the use of coercion; are there situations where the use of coercion can be defended, and if so, under (...)
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    Nursing ethics as a distinct entity within bioethics: Implications for clinical ethics practice.Bryan Pilkington & Maryanne Giuliante - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (5):671-679.
    The question of whether nursing ethics is a distinct entity within bioethics is an important and thought-provoking one. Though fundamental bioethical principles are appreciated and applied within the practice of nursing ethics, there exist distinct considerations which make nursing ethics a unique subfield of bioethics. In this article, we focus on the importance of relationships as a distinguishing feature of the foundation of nursing ethics, evidenced in its education, practice, and science. Next, we consider two objections to our claim of (...)
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    Moral distress among undergraduate nursing students in clinical practice: A scoping review.Sara Soares dos Santos, Simone de Godoy, Agostinho A. C. Araújo, Diego Santiago Montandon, Ítalo Rodolfo Silva, Chris Gastmans & Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background: The ethical challenges faced by undergraduate nursing students and nurses may lead to moral distress, negatively affecting learning capacity and self-confidence and potentially influencing the quality of patient care. Objective: To examine the state of knowledge regarding the moral distress among undergraduate nursing students during clinical practice. Methods: This scoping review followed JBI guidelines. First, the LILACS, Web of Science, Scopus, CINAHL, PubMed/MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Embase, and ProQuest databases were consulted. Next, the reference lists of the studies included in the (...)
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    Physical Restraint: a descriptive study in swiss nursing homes.Virpi Hantikainen - 1998 - Nursing Ethics 5 (4):330-346.
    This article focuses on the reasons for using physical restraints, their prevalence and nurses’ experiences of their use. The data were collected by means of a questionnaire from nurses, trained nurse’s aids and auxiliary staff ( n = 173) in seven Swiss nursing homes. The results showed that physical restraints are used in nursing units, the mean number of restrained residents in each being 3.7 (SD 3.9). However, nursing staff did not necessarily understand and consider the term ‘restraint’ as a (...)
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  8.  42
    Involvement in decisions about intravenous treatment for nursing home patients: nursing homes versus hospital wards.Kristin Klomstad, Reidar Pedersen, Reidun Førde & Maria Romøren - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):34.
    Many of the elderly in nursing homes are very ill and have a reduced quality of life. Life expectancy is often hard to predict. Decisions about life-prolonging treatment should be based on a professional assessment of the patient’s best interest, assessment of capacity to consent, and on the patient’s own wishes. The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare how these types of decisions were made in nursing homes and in hospital wards. Using a questionnaire, we studied the (...)
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    “It's Like a Family”: Caring Labor, Exploitation, and Race in Nursing Homes.Rebekah M. Zincavage & Lisa Dodson - 2007 - Gender and Society 21 (6):905-928.
    This article contributes to carework scholarship by examining the nexus of gender, class, and race in long-term care facilities. We draw out a family ideology at work that promotes good care of residents and thus benefits nursing homes. We also found that careworkers value fictive kin relationships with residents, yet we uncover how the family model may be used to exploit these low-income careworkers. Reflecting a subordinate and racialized version of being “part of the family,” we call for an ethic (...)
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  10.  7
    Student nurses’ ethical views on responses to the severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak.Joseph K. M. Kam, Eric Chan, Albert Lee, Vivian W. I. Wei, Kin On Kwok, Dominic Lui & Robert K. N. Yuen - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (4):924-934.
    Background Fifteen years have passed since the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong. At that time, there were reports of heroic acts among professionals who cared for these patients, whose bravery and professionalism were highly praised. However, there are concerns about changes in new generation of nursing professionals. Objective We aimed to examine the attitude of nursing students, should they be faced with severe acute respiratory syndrome patients during their future work. Research design A questionnaire survey was (...)
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  11.  9
    Involving relatives in consultations for patients with long-term illnesses: Nurses and physicians’ experiences.Anne Dreyer & Anita Strom - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):2124-2134.
    Background: Due to the major changes occurring in the demographic composition of the world’s population, the number of older individuals is increasing, which puts pressure on the healthcare systems in many different countries. The involvement of volunteers and family members may become necessary to fulfil a patient’s needs for follow-up treatments and long-term care in their homes. Aim: This study aimed to explore how nurses and physicians experienced and addressed ethical challenges when they dealt with relatives in what have traditionally (...)
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    Physician-nurse collaboration in the relationship between professional autonomy and practice behaviors.Arzu Bulut, Halil Sengül, Çeçenya İrem Mumcu & Berkan Mumcu - 2025 - Nursing Ethics 32 (1):253-271.
    Background Nurses and physicians are key members of healthcare teams. While physicians are responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of patients, nurses are part of the treatment and the primary practitioners of patient care. Nurses’ professional autonomy, collaboration with physicians, and practice behaviors in treatment and patient care practices are interrelated. Objectives In the present study, we examined the mediating effect of physician–nurse collaboration on the relationship between nurses’ practice behaviors and their professional autonomy. Design The present study utilized (...)
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    Between the patient and the next of kin in end-of-life care: A critical study based on feminist theory.Ellen Ramvi & Venke Irene Ueland - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (1):201-211.
    Background: For the experience of end-of-life care to be ‘good’ many ethical challenges in various relationships have to be resolved. In this article, we focus on challenges in the nurse–next of kin relationship. Little is known about difficulties in this relationship, when the next of kin are seen as separate from the patient. Research problem: From the perspective of nurses: What are the ethical challenges in relation to next of kin in end-of-life care? Research design: A critical (...)
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    Nurses' (Un)Partner-Like Relationships With Clients.Majda Pajnkihar - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (1):43-56.
    The aim of a previous study was to describe nursing in Slovenia generally, and to identify the most appropriate nursing model for that country. One specific finding was the issue of partner-like relationships; this article deals with that issue only. An interpretive paradigm and qualitative research design were used with a modified grounded theory approach. Interviews were carried out with selected nursing leaders ( n = 24) and other professionals (n = 6) in order to draw on their knowledge and (...)
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  15.  30
    Missed nursing care and its relationship with perceived ethical leadership.Gülşah Gürol Arslan, Dilek Özden, Gizem Göktuna & Büşra Ertuğrul - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (1):35-48.
    Background: Determination of the factors affecting missed nursing care and the impact of ethical leadership is important in improving the quality of care. Aim: This study aims to determine the missed nursing care and its relationship with perceived ethical leadership. Research design: A cross-sectional study. Participants and research context: The sample consisted of 233 nurses, of whom 92.7% were staff nurses and 7.3% were charge nurses, who work in three different hospitals in Turkey. The study data were collected using (...)
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    Culture and Organizational Climate: Nurses' Insights Into Their Relationship With Physicians.David Cruise Malloy, Thomas Hadjistavropoulos, Elizabeth Fahey McCarthy, Robin J. Evans, Dwight H. Zakus, Illyeok Park, Yongho Lee & Jaime Williams - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (6):719-733.
    Within any organization (e.g. a hospital or clinic) the perception of the way things operate may vary dramatically as a function of one’s location in the organizational hierarchy as well as one’s professional discipline. Interorganizational variability depends on organizational coherence, safety, and stability. In this four-nation (Canada, Ireland, Australia, and Korea) qualitative study of 42 nurses, we explored their perception of how ethical decisions are made, the nurses’ hospital role, and the extent to which their voices were heard. These nurses (...)
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  17.  30
    Nursing Ethics Into the Next Millennium: a context-sensitive approach for nursing ethics.Kim Lützén - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4 (3):218-226.
    The aim of this article is to argue for the need for a context-sensitive approach to the understanding of ethical issues in nursing practice as we face the next millennium. This approach means that the idea of universalism must be questioned because ethics is an interpersonal activity, set in a specific context. This view is based on issues that arise in international collaborative research as well as in research focused on ethical problems in nursing practice. Moral values are indigenous to (...)
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  18.  17
    Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence, Self-Acceptance, and Positive Coping Styles Among Chinese Psychiatric Nurses in Shandong.Qinghua Lu, Bin Wang, Rui Zhang, Juan Wang, Feifei Sun & Guiyuan Zou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:837917.
    BackgroundNurses are facing increasing pressure due to the progressing of society, broadening of nursing service connotation, and increasing of the masses’ demand for medical treatment. Psychiatric nurses face suicides, violence, and lost along with other accidents involving patients with mental disorders under higher psychological pressure. A coping style, which is affected by individual emotions and cognition, is an essential psychological resource that allows individuals to regulate stress. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between self-acceptance and the (...)
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  19.  90
    Factors Predicting Nurses' Consideration of Leaving their Job During the Sars Outbreak.Judith Shu-Chu Shiao, David Koh, Li-Hua Lo, Meng-Kin Lim & Yueliang Leon Guo - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (1):5-17.
    Taiwan was affected by an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in early 2003. A questionnaire survey was conducted to determine (1) the perceptions of risk of SARS infection in nurses; (2) the proportion of nurses considering leaving their job; and (3) work as well as non-work factors related to nurses' consideration of leaving their job because of the SARS outbreak. Nearly three quarters (71.9%) of the participants believed they were 'at great risk of exposure to SARS', 49.9% felt'an (...)
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  20.  36
    To Be a Nurse or a Neighbour? a moral concern for psychiatric nurses living next door to individuals with a mental illness.Torbjörn Högberg, Annabella Magnusson & Kim Lützén - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (5):468-478.
    Several studies reveal that positive attitudes towards individuals with a mental illness are correlated with knowledge about mental illness. The aim of this study was to explore and describe psychiatric nurses’ experiences of living next to people with mental health problems. In addition, it sought to identify and describe how they handle situations arising in a neighbourhood where people with a mental illness live. Two men and seven women participated in the study. The constant comparative method of grounded theory was (...)
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    Nursing Ethics Into the Next Millennium: a context-sensitive approach for nursing ethics.Kim Lützén - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4 (3):219-226.
    The aim of this article is to argue for the need for a context-sensitive approach to the understanding of ethical issues in nursing practice as we face the next millennium. This approach means that the idea of universalism must be questioned because ethics is an interpersonal activity, set in a specific context. This view is based on issues that arise in international collaborative research as well as in research focused on ethical problems in nursing practice. Moral values are indigenous to (...)
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  22.  49
    Relationship between ethical ideology and moral judgment: Academic nurse educators’ perception.Ebtsam Aly Abou Hashish & Nadia Hassan Ali Awad - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (3):845-858.
    Background: Ascertaining the relationship between ethical ideology, moral judgment, and ethical decision among academic nurse educators at work appears to be a challenge particularly in situations when they are faced with a need to solve an ethical problem and make a moral decision. Purpose: This study aims to investigate the relationship between ethical ideology, moral judgment, and ethical decision as perceived by academic nurse educators. Methods: A descriptive correlational research design was conducted at Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University. (...)
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  23.  52
    Relationship between ICU nurses’ moral distress with burnout and anticipated turnover.Foroozan Atashzadeh Shoorideh, Tahereh Ashktorab, Farideh Yaghmaei & Hamid Alavi Majd - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (1):64-76.
    Background: Moral distress is one of intensive care unit nurses’ major problems, which may happen due to various reasons, and has several consequences. Due to various moral distress outcomes in intensive care unit nurses, and their impact on nurses’ personal and professional practice, recognizing moral distress is very important. Research objective: The aim of this study was to determine correlation between moral distress with burnout and anticipated turnover in intensive care unit nurses. Research design: This study is a descriptive-correlation research. (...)
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  24.  48
    The relationship amongst ethical position, religiosity and self-identified culture in student nurses.Jane H. White, Anne Griswold Peirce & William Jacobowitz - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):2398-2412.
    Background/purpose: Research from other disciplines demonstrates that ethical position, idealism, or relativism predicts ethical decision-making. Individuals from diverse cultures ascribe to various religious beliefs and studies have found that religiosity and culture affect ethical decision-making. Moreover, little literature exists regarding undergraduate nursing students’ ethical position; no studies have been conducted in the United States on students’ ethical position, their self-identified culture, and intrinsic religiosity despite an increase in the diversity of nursing students across the United States. Participants and Research Context (...)
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  25.  95
    Realizing autonomy in responsive relationships.Albine Moser, Rob Houtepen, Cor Spreeuwenberg & Guy Widdershoven - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (3):215-223.
    The goal of this article is to augment the ethical discussion among nurses with the findings from empirical research on autonomy of older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. There are many factors influencing autonomy. These include: health conditions, treatment, knowledge, experience and skills, personal approach as well as familial patterns, type of relationship, life history and social context. Fifteen older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus were interviewed in a nurse-led diabetes clinic. These participants perceive three processes which (...)
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    The relationship amongst student nurses’ values, emotional intelligence and individualised care perceptions.Yeliz Culha & Rengin Acaroglu - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):2373-2383.
    Background: Students’ gaining and adopting basic professional values, improving their emotional intelligence skills during the process of nursing education plays a significant role on meeting the needs of healthy/patient individual and his or her family, and individualized care practices. Objectives: This (descriptive, correlational) research was carried out to evaluate the nursing values, emotional intelligence levels, and individualized care perceptions of senior nursing students and to determine the relationship between them. Research question: (1) What is the status of students to (...)
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  27.  19
    Trait Forgiveness Moderated the Relationship Between Work Stress and Psychological Distress Among Final-Year Nursing Students: A Pilot Study.Lingyan Li, Caixia Yao, Yan Zhang & Guangyuan Chen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:497401.
    This study was to explore the potential moderating effect of trait forgiveness and its facets on the relationship between perceived work stress and psychological distress among Chinese nursing students in clinical practice. A total of 182 Chinese nursing students who had been receiving final-year clinical training completed self-report measures of nursing work stress, trait forgiveness and psychological distress. Correlation analysis and hierarchical multiple regressions were mainly applied for data analysis. Results showed that trait forgiveness was negatively associated with psychological (...)
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    The relationship between nurses’ moral courage and whistleblowing approaches.Şerife Yılmaz & Gamze Özbek Güven - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (7):1271-1288.
    Background Whistleblowing is an action that particularly requires moral courage. Understanding the relationship between nurses’ levels of moral courage and their whistleblowing approaches is important for reducing adverse situations in healthcare services. Objectives This study aims to understand and analyze the relationship between nurses’ levels of moral courage and their whistleblowing approaches. Research design This is a descriptive and correlational study. Methods The study sample consists of 582 nurses actively working in a province in northwest Türkiye. Research data (...)
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  29.  18
    The relationship between nurses’ professional values and ethical attitudes to pain.Sevda Korkut & Gamze Saatçi - 2025 - Nursing Ethics 32 (2):460-471.
    Background Pain management is a fundamental human right for everyone who experiences it. The management of pain is an ethical obligation for all health professionals. Professional values have an important place in appropriate clinical decision-making. Research aim This study was conducted to determine the relationship between nurses' ethical attitudes in pain management and their compliance with professional values. Research design The study was conducted as a descriptive and correlational research. The study data were collected by online survey method using (...)
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  30.  66
    Nursing art as a practical art: the necessary relationship between nursing art and nursing ethics.Danielle Blondeau - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (3):252-259.
    In the last decade, nurse scholars have focused extensively on the nature of nursing and its relationship to art and science. This emphasis has also been accompanied by an increasing literature on nursing ethics. In spite of this growing interest, the relationship of nursing art and nursing ethics has been left unclear. This paper proposes that nursing must be considered as a practical art because this conception explicates the relationship of nursing art and nursing ethics. It is (...)
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  31.  34
    Relationship between nurses’ ethical ideology, professional values, and clinical accountability.Azza Hassan Mohamed Hussein & Ebtsam Aly Abou Hashish - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (7-8):1171-1189.
    Background Nurses are challenged with many situations that require them to solve ethical dilemmas and make moral decisions based on professional values and a sense of accountability and responsibility. To support their decisions, it is important to know how they perceive and relate their ethical ideology, professional values, and clinical accountability in their workplace. Purpose The study’s aim was twofold: to investigate the ethical ideology and perceived importance of professional values and accountability among nurses. Further, explore the relationship between (...)
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    The relationship amongst nurses’ perceived organizational justice, work consciousness, and responsibility.Abolfazal Mohammadi, Nasrin Hanifi & Nasrin Jafari Varjoshani - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (3):701-713.
    Background: Nurses’ perceived organizational justice is one of the factors influencing their social responsibility and conscientiousness. Social responsibility and conscience are major requirements for providing high-quality and standardized care. Objective: The aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship of perceived organizational justice with work consciousness and the social responsibility of the nurses. Methods: The present cross-sectional study was performed on 380 nurses who had at least 1 year of job experience and willingness to participate in the (...)
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  33.  10
    The relationship between ethical conflict and nurses’ personal and organisational characteristics.Zahra Saberi, Mohsen Shahriari & Ahmad Reza Yazdannik - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):2427-2437.
    Introduction: Critical care nurses work in a complex and stressful environment with diverse norms, values, interactions, and relationships. Therefore, they inevitably experience some levels of ethical conflict. Aim: The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship of ethical conflict with personal and organizational characteristics among critical care nurses. Methods: This descriptive-correlational study was conducted in 2017 on a random sample of 216 critical care nurses. Participants were recruited through stratified random sampling. Data collection tools were a demographic (...)
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    Nursing students’ perspective on a caring relationship in clinical supervision.Leena Honkavuo - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1225-1237.
    Background Nursing students spend approximately half of their time in clinical practice. It is important that clinical supervisors understand nursing students’ path of learning and can support their growth and development during the different and multifaceted learning situations offered in the clinical-practice period. Objective Based on nursing students’ perspective and rooted in the didactics of caring science, to examine how a learning and constructive caring relationship between nursing students and supervisors in clinical practice can be formed. Design Qualitative and (...)
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    It's all about relationships: Developing nurse‐led primary health care in rural communities.Sue Randall, Debra M. Jones, Giti Hadaddan, Danielle White & Rochelle Einboden - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12674.
    The role of nurses in leading the design and delivery of primary health care services to address health inequities is growing in prominence, specifically in rural Australia. However, limited evidence exists to inform nurse‐led primary health care in this context. Based on a focus group with nursing executives and semi‐structured interviews with registered nurses we describe nurse experiences of leading the design of a primary health care service in rural Australia and nurse transition to and practice in this service. Nurse (...)
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    Working relationships between practice nurses and general practitioners in Australia: a critical analysis.Eileen Willis, Condon Judith & John Litt - 2000 - Nursing Inquiry 7 (4):239-247.
    Working relationships between practice nurses and general practitioners in Australia: a critical analysisThis research set out to explore shared care between practice nurses and general practitioners in South Australia. Nine practice nurses (PNs), two nurse practitioners and 10 general practitioners (GPs) were interviewed in urban and rural practices in order to build up a picture of how GPs and PNs worked together. The interviews showed that shared care was not a reality, although practice nurses were very busy, enjoyed their work (...)
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  37. Nurse-patient relationship boundaries and power: A critical discursive analysis.Jeanette Varpen Unhjem & Marit Helene Hem - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Introduction: Mental health nursing is dependent on nurses’ ability to engage in therapeutic relationships with patients. The ability to manage professional boundaries is equally important, but less explored. This study aims to address the following research questions: How do nurses define their professional, personal, and private roles? What are nurses’ experiences with professional boundaries? What are the implications of nurses’ understanding of these boundaries? Background: Nurse–patient relationships are characterized by asymmetrical power dynamics, which places the responsibility of delineating professional boundaries (...)
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    Nursing for the Chthulucene: Abolition, affirmation, antifascism.Jane Hopkins-Walsh, Jessica Dillard-Wright & Brandon B. Brown - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (1):e12405.
    Critical posthumanism as a philosophical, antifascist nonhierarchical imagination for nursing offers a liberatory passageway forward amidst environmental collapse, an epic pandemic, global authoritarianism, extreme health and wealth disparities, over‐reliance on technology and empirics, and unjust societal systems based in whiteness. Drawing upon philosophical and theoretical works from Black and Indigenous scholars, Haraway's idea of the Chthulucene, Deleuze and Guattari's rhizomatic thought, and Kaba's abolitionist organizing among others, we as activist nurse scholars continue the speculative discussion outlined in prior papers. Here (...)
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    Re‐examining the relationship between moral distress and moral agency in nursing.Georgina Morley & Lauren R. Sankary - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (1):e12419.
    In recent years, the phenomenon of moral distress has been critically examined—and for a good reason. There have been a number of different definitions suggested, some that claimed to be consistent with the original definition but in fact referred to different epistemological states. In this paper, we re‐examine moral distress by exploring its relationship with moral agency. We critically examine three conceptions of moral agency and argue that two of these conceptions risk placing nurses' values at the center of (...)
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    Trust and trustworthiness in nurse-patient relationships.Louise de Raeve - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (2):152-162.
    This paper explores the nature of trust in nurse–patient relationships from the perspective of the patient's trust in the nurse and what might be said to then render such a relationship trustworthy, from the patient's point of view. The paper commences with a general examination of the nature of trust, followed by consideration of the nature of professional–patient relationships in healthcare, with emphasis on nurse– patient relationships in particular. The nature of this relationship is used to provide grounds (...)
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    Physician-Nurse Relationships and their Effect on Ethical Nursing Practice.Teresa A. Savage - 2006 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 17 (3):260-265.
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    Moral distress in nursing students: Cultural adaptation and validation study.Rocco Mazzotta, Maddalena De Maria, Davide Bove, Sondra Badolamenti, Simonì Saraiva Bordignon, Luana Claudia Jacoby Silveira, Ercole Vellone, Rosaria Alvaro & Giampiera Bulfone - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (2):384-401.
    Background: Moral distress, defined as moral suffering or a psychological imbalance, can affect nursing students. However, many new instruments or adaptations of other scales that are typically used to measure moral distress have not been used for nursing students. Aim: This study aimed to translate, culturally adapt and evaluate the psychometric properties of an Italian version of the Moral Distress Scale for Nursing Students (It-ESMEE) for use with delayed nursing students (students who could not graduate on time or failed the (...)
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    Relationship-based nursing care and destructive demands.Margareth Kristoffersen & Febe Friberg - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (6):663-674.
    Background: The relationship between the nurse and the patient is understood as fundamental in nursing care. However, numerous challenges can be related to the provision of relationship-based nursing care. Challenges exist when nurses do not respond adequately to the patient’s appeal for help. Moreover, challenges arising in the nurse–patient relationship can be understood as more destructive demands from the patient to the nurse, thus begging inquiry into such a relationship. Research question: The overall aim is to (...)
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    Reporting and managing ethical issues in intensive care using the critical incident reporting system.Tina Hiltunen, Riitta Suhonen, Jaana Inkilä & Helena Leino-Kilpi - 2025 - Nursing Ethics 32 (1):306-320.
    Background Intensive care nurses frequently encounter ethical issues with potentially severe consequences for nurses, patients, and next of kin. Therefore, ethical issues in intensive care units (ICU) should be recognized and managed. Research objectives To analyze ethical issues reported by intensive care nurses and how reported issues were managed within the organization using register data from the HaiPro critical incident reporting system (CIRS), and to explore the suitability of this system for reporting and managing ethical issues. Research design This was (...)
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  45.  38
    Nursing’s metaparadigm, climate change and planetary health.Maya Reshef Kalogirou, Joanne Olson & Sandra Davidson - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (3):e12356.
    This paper offers a theoretical discussion on why the nursing profession has had a delayed response to the issue of climate change. We suggest this delay may have been influenced by the early days of nursing's professionalization. Specifically, we examine nursing's professional mandate, the generally accepted metaparadigm, and the grand theorists’ conceptualizations of both the environment and the nurse–environment relationship. We conclude that these works may have encouraged nurses to conceptualize the environment, as well as their relationship with (...)
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    Reassembling nursing in the digital age: An actor‐network theory perspective.Matthew Wynn & Lisa Garwood-Cross - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12655.
    This article explores the application of actor‐network theory (ANT) to the nursing profession, proposing a novel perspective in understanding nursing in the context of modern digital healthcare. Traditional grand nursing theories, while foundational, often fail to encapsulate the dynamic and complex nature of nursing, particularly in an era of rapid technological advancements and shifting societal dynamics. ANT, with its emphasis on the relationships between human and nonhuman actors, offers a framework to understand nursing beyond traditional paradigms. This article makes two (...)
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    Iranian nurses’ professional competence in spiritual care in 2014.Mohsen Adib-Hajbaghery, Samira Zehtabchi & Ismail Azizi Fini - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (4):462-473.
    Background: The holistic approach views the human as a bio-psycho-socio-spiritual being. Evidence suggests that among these dimensions, the spiritual one is largely ignored in healthcare settings. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate Iranian nurses’ perceived professional competence in spiritual care, the relationship between perceived competence and nurses’ personal characteristics, and barriers to provide spiritual care. Research design: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the year 2014. Participants and research context: The study population consisted of nurses working in teaching hospitals (...)
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    Dignity in relationships and existence in nursing homes’ cultures.Arne Rehnsfeldt, Åshild Slettebø, Vibeke Lohne, Berit Sæteren, Lillemor Lindwall, Anne Kari Tolo Heggestad, Maj-Britt Råholm, Bente Høy, Synnøve Caspari & Dagfinn Nåden - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (7-8):1761-1772.
    Introduction: Expressions of dignity as a clinical phenomenon in nursing homes as expressed by caregivers were investigated. A coherence could be detected between the concepts and phenomena of existence and dignity in relationships and caring culture as a context. A caring culture is interpreted by caregivers as the meaning-making of what is accepted or not in the ward culture. Background: The rationale for the connection between existence and dignity in relationships and caring culture is that suffering is a part of (...)
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    The relationship between nurses’ conscientious intelligence levels and care behaviors: A cross-sectional study.Sadiye Ozcan - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (2):136-143.
    Background Nurses are the main protectors of goodness, honesty and morality in patient care. Conscience allows nurses to be understanding and careful while they provide patient care. In this research the researcher aimed to determine the relationship between conscientious intelligence levels and caring behaviours of nurses and to determine the factors affecting the conscientious intelligence levels and caring behaviours. Methods This research designed as a descriptive, cross-sectional and correlation study included 314 nurses working at three hospitals in eastern Turkey. (...)
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    Nursing’s professional respect as experienced by hospital and community nurses.Alessandro Stievano, Sue Bellass, Gennaro Rocco, Douglas Olsen, Laura Sabatino & Martin Johnson - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (5):665-683.
    Background: There is growing awareness that patient care suffers when nurses are not respected. Therefore, to improve outcomes for patients, it is crucial that nurses operate in a moral work environment that involves both recognition respect, a form of respect that ought to be accorded to every single person, and appraisal respect, a recognition of the relative and contingent value of respect modulated by the relationships of the healthcare professionals in a determined context. Research question/aim: The purpose of this study (...)
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