Results for ' paganism'

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  1.  23
    Paganism, natural reason, and immortality: Charles Blount and John Toland’s histories of the soul.Michelle Pfeffer - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (4):563-583.
    Many Enlightenment freethinkers undermined the immortality of the soul by declaring that it could not be demonstrated by philosophy, and that its origins were inseparable from ancient superstition. Historians have argued that the key masterminds behind this particular historical-critical attack were the deists Charles Blount and John Toland. However, overemphasis on deist critiques has fostered the idea that it was rare to write about the history of the soul in the seventeenth century. In reality, historical accounts of the immortal soul (...)
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  2. Paganism is Dead: Long Live Secularism.Samuel C. Rickless - 2019 - San Diego Law Review 56 (2):451-496.
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    Paganism, Christianity, Judaism.Max Brod - 1970 - University,: University of Alabama Press.
    Now remembered primarily as Franz Kafta's friend and literary executor, Max Brod was an accomplishered thinker and writer in his own right. In this volume, he considers the nature and differences between Judaism and Christianity, addressing some of the most perplexing questions at the heart of human existence. “One of the most famous and widely discussed books of the 1920’s, Max Brod’s Paganism—Christianity—Judaism, has at last found its way into English translation to confront a new generation of readers. Max (...)
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  4. Paganism to Christianity in the Roman Empire.Walter Woodburn Hyde - 1946 - Science and Society 11 (3):302-303.
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    The Spirit of Paganism.Raffaele Pettazzoni - 1955 - Diogenes 3 (9):1-7.
    The antithesis between paganism and Christianity is usually resolved, in current opinion, into the theological antithesis between polytheism and monotheism. But a religious life means more than mere theology, and one has the right to ask oneself what is, in reality, the religious character of paganism.Between polytheism and monotheism, the enotheism of Max Muller (and of F. W. J. Schelling) is not a mean term, and still less a moment of transition from one to the other, for the (...)
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    Pagans and philosophers: the problem of paganism from Augustine to Leibniz.John Marenbon - 2015 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Pagans and Philosophers explores how writers—philosophers and theologians, but also poets such as Dante, Chaucer, and Langland, and travelers such as Las Casas and Ricci—tackled the Problem of Paganism. Augustine and Boethius set its terms, while Peter Abelard and John of Salisbury were important early advocates of pagan wisdom and virtue. University theologians such as Aquinas, Scotus, Ockham, and Bradwardine, and later thinkers such as Ficino, Valla, More, Bayle, and Leibniz, explored the difficulty in depth. Meanwhile, Albert the Great (...)
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    The fuzziness of “paganism”.Christopher P. Jones - 2012 - Common Knowledge 18 (2):249-254.
    The subject of “the last pagans” or “the end of paganism” in the Greco-Roman world has interested scholars for over a century but begs the question “What is paganism?” Is the term usable as a tool of analysis? It originates from the Latin paganus, meaning “villager,” “rustic,” and reflects the way that Latin speakers viewed early Christianity as a phenomenon of the countryside, much as the English heathen, or German Heide, derives from a root meaning “heath.” Greek-speaking Christians, (...)
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    Contemporary Paganism and the Search for Truth.Stratford Caldecott - 2000 - The Chesterton Review 26 (1/2):257-266.
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    The rise of modern paganism.Peter Gay - 1973 - London: Wildwood House.
    [1] The rise of modern paganism.--v. 2. The science of freedom.
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  10. Paganism, Superstition, and Philosophy.G. E. M. Anscombe - 1985 - Thoreau Quarterly 17 (1-2):20-31.
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    Paganism in Restoration France: Eckstein’s Traditionalist Orientalism.Arthur McCalla - 2015 - Journal of the History of Ideas 76 (4):563-585.
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    Magic, Witchcraft, and Paganism in America: A Bibliography.Helmut Wautischer - 1990 - Anthropology of Consciousness 1 (3-4):34-35.
    J. Gordon Melton. Magic, Witchcraft, and Paganism in America:. Bibliography. New York: Garland. 1982. Pp. xi. 231. $44.00. cloth. L.C. 81‐43343. ISBN 0‐8240‐9377‐1.
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    to Paganism, to Humanity.Naomi Zack - 2013 - In Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo & Dan Flory, Race, Philosophy, and Film. New York: Routledge. pp. 50--103.
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    New Religions, Contemporary Paganism, and Paranormal Beliefs.James R. Lewis & Sverre Andreas Fekjan - 2015 - Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review 6 (2):253-268.
    Using data generated from questionnaires containing select items from the Baylor Religion Survey, the current study proposes to examine the paranormal interests and beliefs of participants in two specific alternative spiritual movements, contemporary Paganism and the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. The analysis will be framed by a discussion of the larger alternative spiritual milieu in which these movements are rooted, and how belief in the paranormal is correlated more with this milieu than with involvement in these NRMs.
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  15.  8
    Pagan Ethics: Paganism as a World Religion.Michael York - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book is the first comprehensive examination of the ethical parameters of paganism when considered as a world religion alongside Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism. The issues of evil, value and idolatry from a pagan perspective are analyzed as part of the Western ethical tradition from the Sophists and Platonic schools through the philosophers Spinoza, Hume, Kant and Nietzsche to such contemporary thinkers as Grayling, Mackie, MacIntyre, Habermas, Levinas, Santayana, et cetera From a more practical viewpoint, a delineation (...)
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  16. The Criticism of Paganism in the Work Ten Books for the Christian Faith against the Emperor Julian by Saint Cyril of Alexandria.Adrian Boldișor - 2015 - THE CHRISTIAN PARADIGM OF A UNITED EUROPE Theologie and Mystique in the Work of Saint Cyril of Alexandria 1 (1):111-123.
    From the above lines one can see that St. Cyril of Alexandria is presented, along with a great theologian, as it is clear from the writings against the heretics of his time, like a true apologist for Christianity with paganism dispute that resurfaced after Emperor Julian, the Apostate. On the other hand, the writing of the Orthodox Patriarch proves to be of great importance in understanding the difficulties experienced by the Christian faith in a territory where paganism flourished (...)
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  17.  17
    Post-modernity, paganism, and Islam.Jalalul Haq - 1999 - Miami, [U.S.A.]: Minerva Press.
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  18.  79
    The Williams Scale of Attitude toward Paganism: Development and Application among British Pagans.Emyr Williams, Ursula Billington & Leslie J. Francis - 2010 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 32 (2):179-194.
    This article builds on the tradition of attitudinal measures of religiosity established by Leslie Francis and colleagues with the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity by introducing a new measure to assess the attitudinal disposition of Pagans. A battery of items was completed by 75 members of a Pagan Summer Camp. These items were reduced to produce a 21-item scale that measured aspects of Paganism concerned with: the God/Goddess, worshipping, prayer, and coven. The scale recorded an alpha coefficient of (...)
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  19. Theism and paganism: A response to Mesle.J. B. Cobb - 2001 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 22 (3):270-279.
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  20.  12
    Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism[REVIEW]T. R. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (4):717-718.
    A Dover reprint of the 1911 English translation. The eight lectures deal with the interaction among the Oriental mysteries and late Roman paganism, with particular reference to the factors within the mysteries which made them attractive in the Empire.--R. T.
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  21. In Support of Paganism: Polytheism as Earth–Based Religion.Charles Crittenden - 1997 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 21 (1):34-60.
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  22. The survival of paganism in Christian Greece: A critical essay.Timothy E. Gregory - 1986 - American Journal of Philology 107 (2):229-242.
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  23.  65
    Encountering the wilderness, encountering the mist: Nature, romanticism, and contemporary paganism.Vanessa Sage - 2009 - Anthropology of Consciousness 20 (1):27-52.
    This article asks how ideas about nature in the 18th and 19th century Romantic movement have traveled in and been translated by the various religious groups that constitute contemporary Paganism. Drawing on the work of poets, philosophers, historians, social scientists, and contemporary Pagans themselves, the article argues that contemporary Paganism borrows freely from Romantic notions of inspiration and imagination to craft a vision of nature, that, for them, responds to the emotional and political needs of their own time (...)
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  24.  53
    From Christianity to paganism: The new middle ages and the values of ‘medieval’ masculinity.Jeffrey Richards - 1999 - Cultural Values 3 (2):213-234.
    In the context of the upsurge of interest in all things medieval, this essay examines the promotion in popular culture of ‘medieval’ masculine role models. It begins with an assessment of the 19th century's creation of a version of medieval masculinity which was essentially Christian and chivalric. It traces the transfer of this image from literature to cinema in the 20th century. It argues that the image remained dominant until the 1960s when it was eclipsed by a new version of (...)
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  25. Moses in Greco-Roman Paganism.John G. Gager - 1972
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  26. Reflections on Paganism and Christianity in Medieval Europe.Robert Bartlett - 1999 - In Bartlett Robert, Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 101: 1998 Lectures and Memoirs. pp. 55-76.
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    Tales of reconstruction. Intertwining Germanic neo-Paganism and Old Norse scholarship.Stefanie von Schnurbein - 2015 - Critical Research on Religion 3 (2):148-167.
    Historians of religion and adherents of new religious movements in the twentieth century have frequently had intersecting agendas. This article discusses the interactions between scholarship on Germanic myth and culture and the protagonists and belief systems of Germanic neo-Pagan movements. It covers the era from the inception of Germanic neo-Paganism in the nationalist, anti-Semitic völkisch movement in Germany in the early 20th century until today. The article traces the appeal of reconstructionist approaches within the study of Germanic myth and (...)
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  28.  91
    Boethius and the Problem of Paganism.John Marenbon - 2004 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 78 (2):329-348.
    “Problem of paganism” is my name for the set of questions raised for medieval thinkers and writers, and discussed by some of them (Abelard, Dante, and Langland are eminent examples), by the fact that many people—especially philosophers—from antiquity were, they believed, monotheists, wise and virtuous and yet pagans. In this paper, I argue that Boethius, though a Christian, was himself too much part of the world of classical antiquity to pose the problem of paganism, but that his Consolation (...)
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  29.  8
    Infiltration of Illusory Ideas About Slavic Paganism into Modern Russian Scientific and Official Business Discourses: Sociocultural Risks.Бесков А.А - 2024 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 7:1-16.
    This paper serves as a logical continuation of the article "Fake Science and Simulacra of Culture: Illusory Ideas about Slavic Paganism in Modern Russian Humanities", published in the journal "Voprosy Filosofii" in 2022. This paper was about the mechanism of the origin of illusory ideas about Slavic paganism and the reasons for their intrusion into scientific publications. Here we analyze the socio-cultural consequences that the functioning of this mechanism eventually leads to. The object of study in this article (...)
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  30.  27
    Lord Brougham's Neo-Paganism.Colin D. Pearce - 1994 - Journal of the History of Ideas 55 (4):651-670.
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    Chesterton and Paganism.Michael O'Brien - 1990 - The Chesterton Review 16 (3/4):181-201.
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    Nine Worlds of SEID‐MAGIC: Ecstasy and Neo‐Shamanism in North European Paganism.Evajane N. Fridman - 2003 - Anthropology of Consciousness 14 (2):94-96.
    Nine Worlds of SEID‐MAGIC: Ecstasy and Neo‐Shamanism in North European Paganism. Jenny Blain. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. 192 pages $20.95 Paperback.
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    “Teaching” of Vladimir Monomakh as Synthesis of Ethical Traditions Byzantine Patristics and National Paganism.Anastasiia A. Volkova & Волкова Анастасия Алексеевна - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):372-389.
    The research is devoted to the ethical views of Vladimir Monomakh, reflected in the “Teaching” of the Grand Duke. The author’s reflections concerning such fundamental moral categories as good and evil, virtue and vice, the meaning of life and death, free will, duty, happiness are considered and analyzed. A partial continuity of the Grand Duke’s views concerning the relationship to the categories of good and evil, as well as virtue and vice, with the Byzantine Christian tradition, in particular with regard (...)
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    The Shades of Aeneas: The Imitation of Vergil and the History of Paganism in Boccaccio's Filostrato, Filocolo, and Teseida (review).John Kleiner - 1992 - Philosophy and Literature 16 (1):187-188.
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  35. Between polytheism and natural theology-Leibniz'interpretation of the ancient paganism in its Vienna Treaty of 1714.S. Waldhoff - 2004 - Studia Leibnitiana 36 (1):94-108.
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  36.  43
    Paganism and Christianity in Egypt. [REVIEW]T. Nicklin - 1916 - The Classical Review 30 (7):193-195.
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    Persecution and response in late paganism: The evidence of Damascius.Polymnia Athanassiadi - 1993 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 113:1-29.
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    John Darrah, Paganism in Arthurian Romance. Woodbridge, Suffolk; and Rochester, NY: Boydell and Brewer, 1994. Pp. xvi, 304; diagram. $45. [REVIEW]Norris J. Lacy - 1996 - Speculum 71 (3):711-713.
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  39.  54
    R. MacMullen: Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries. Pp. vi + 282. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1997. Cased, £21. ISBN: 0-300-07148-5. [REVIEW]Mark Humphries - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (2):435-436.
  40. Philosophers and Oracles: Shifts of authority in late paganism.Polymnia Athanassiadi - 1992 - Byzantion 62:45-62.
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  41. Cumont, Franz: The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism.J. C. Moore - 1911 - Classical Weekly 5:102-103.
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  42.  14
    7. In Search of the Great Goddess: How Academic Theories Generated Paganism and Witchcraft.Kocku von Stuckrad - 2014 - In The Scientification of Religion: An Historical Study of Discursive Change, 1800-2000. De Gruyter. pp. 139-158.
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  43.  10
    Reflection of the philosophical problem of life, death and immortality in ancient Ukrainian paganism.A. Valchuk - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 23:4-14.
    Based on the urgent need to promote the process of revival of the spirituality of the Ukrainian people, our ancient cultural strata should be analyzed. Particularly interesting here is the consideration of the origin and development of their own philosophical tradition. Undoubtedly, such a tradition stands out for certain issues that were relevant at the time. From a large array of problems of philosophical direction should be distinguished those closely related to human life. Exactly such problems belong to the category (...)
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  44.  6
    Cyril of Alexandria and Julian the Emperor in dialogue for the ancient Greek philosophy and paganism.Eirini Artemi - 2020 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 3:101-114.
    In the 5th century, Cyril of Alexandria wrote a large apologetic work, as a response to Julian the Apostate’s anti-Christian work Against the Galileans. Aside from the obvious divide of one being a Christian and one a pagan, Cyril's religious views were very different from Julian's. Julian's arguments against the Christian doctrine do not greatly differ from those used in the second century by Celsus and by Porphyry in the third, and he regarded the relations between Neoplatonic criticism of Christian (...)
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  45.  7
    "Monotheistic" tendency in the late antiquity paganism.I. Mozgovyy - 1996 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 4:56-61.
    The unceasing approximation of the remarkable 2000th anniversary of the coming to the world of Christ highlights the need for further analysis of those processes that took place in the spiritual life of the ancient peoples and laid the foundations of modern civilization with its universal human norms and values.
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  46.  14
    The evolution of Dazhbog's idea in Ukrainian neo-paganism.Yuo Stel’Mashenko - 2004 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 30:115-122.
    The problem of this article in general is the image of Dazhbog. The article is made in the system of researches of modern religious processes in Ukraine, which in recent years is conducted by the Department of Religious Studies of the Institute of Philosophy of NAS of Ukraine. In particular, the work is an organic component of the scientific theme "New religious trends and cults in the period of socio-economic crisis of post-socialist society in Ukraine".
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  47.  18
    The Composition of De consensu euangelistarum 1 and the Development of Augustine’s Arguments on Paganism.Mattias Gassman - 2023 - Augustinian Studies 54 (2):157-175.
    A recent study has argued from theological and classicizing parallels that the first, anti-pagan book of Augustine’s De consensu euangelistarum belongs between 406 and 412 CE. This article defends the traditional dating ca. 400–405 CE, implied by Retractationes. Uncertainty over the dating of parallels in De trinitate 1–4 cautions against reliance on theological peculiarities (a variant of John 5:19 and the phrase unitas personae, both otherwise paralleled in the 410s CE or later), while a close review of the patterns of (...)
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  48.  47
    Gardner's Julian- Julian, Philosopher and Emperor, and the last struggle of Paganism against Christianity, by Alice Gardner 8VO. Putnam. 1895. 5 s[REVIEW]Gerald H. Rendall - 1896 - The Classical Review 10 (01):47-50.
  49.  16
    John Marenbon, Pagans and Philosophers. The Problem of Paganism from Augustine to Leibniz, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2015. 354 páginas. ISBN: 9781400866359. [REVIEW]Miguel Fernández de la Peña - 2016 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 16:190-193.
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  50.  24
    Spiritual and Religious: The Gospel in an Age of Paganism. By Tom Wright. Pp. xiv, 176, London, SPCK, 2017, £9.99. [REVIEW]Luke Penkett - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (3):628-629.
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