Results for ' pneuma'

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  1. Pneuma and the Pneumatist School of Medicine.Sean Coughlin & Orly Lewis - 2020 - In Sean Coughlin, David Leith & Orly Lewis, The Concept of Pneuma after Aristotle. Berlin: Edition Topoi. pp. 203-236.
    The Pneumatist school of medicine has the distinction of being the only medical school in antiquity named for a belief in a part of a human being. Unlike the Herophileans or the Asclepiadeans, their name does not pick out the founder of the school. Unlike the Dogmatists, Empiricists, or Methodists, their name does not pick out a specific approach to medicine. Instead, the name picks out a belief: the fact that pneuma is of paramount importance, both for explaining health (...)
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    Animal Pneuma: Reflections on Environmental Respiratory Phenomenology.Lenart Škof - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (2):33.
    This essay is an attempt to propose an outline of a new respiratory animal philosophy. Based on an analysis of the forgetting of breath in Western philosophy, it aims to gesture towards a future, breathful and compassionate world of co-sharing and co-breathing. In the first part, the basic features of forgetting of breath are explained based on David Abram’s work in respiratory ecophilosophy. This part also introduces an important contribution to modern philosophy by Ludwig Klages. The second part is dedicated (...)
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  3. The Physics of Pneuma in Early Stoicism.Ian Hensley - 2020 - In Sean Coughlin, David Leith & Orly Lewis, The Concept of Pneuma after Aristotle. Berlin: Edition Topoi. pp. 171-201.
    This chapter examines the ancient Stoic theory of the physical composition of pneuma, how its composition relates to pneuma’s many causal roles in Stoic philosophy, and to what extent each of the first three leaders of the Stoic school accepted the claim that pneuma pervades the cosmos. I argue that pneuma is a compound of fire and air. Furthermore, many functions of pneuma can be reduced to the functions of these elements. Finally, it is likely (...)
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    Chrysippus’ Theory of Cosmic Pneuma: Some Remarks in Light of Medical and Biological Doctrines on Respiration, Digestion and Pulse.Arianna Piazzalunga - 2023 - Apeiron 56 (3):431-467.
    The aim of this paper is to explore how the cosmic soul works and how it accomplishes its providential and demiurgic tasks in Chrysippus’ system. Drawing on (i) the analogy Chrysippus establishes between the individuum and the cosmos and (ii) biological and medical theories of respiration, digestion, and pulse, I will show that the movements of Chrysippus’ cosmic soul reproduce the processes of digestion, pulse, and respiration at a cosmic level. My claim is that Chrysippus, in addition to adopting Praxagoras’ (...)
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    Pneuma as Quintessence of Aristotle’s Philosophy.Abraham P. Bos - 2013 - Hermes 141 (4):417-434.
    In this article I argue that the heart of Aristotle’s philosophy was his doctrine of pneuma, which connected his psychology, biology, cosmology and theology, and which was central to his (lost and extant) works and should be taken into account, even where it is less explicitly discussed. Pneuma is not a sixth elementary physical body. It is the manifestation of the divine ether but always mixed with the other four elements within the sublunary sphere.
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    Heat, Pneuma, and Soul in Ancient Philosophy and Science ed. by Hynek Bartoš and Colin Guthrie King.Rhodes Pinto - 2021 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 59 (3):511-512.
    This unfortunately titled volume offers a collection of fourteen essays and two introductions, many of which stem from a 2014 conference, Aristotle and His Predecessors on Heat, Pneuma, and Soul, which is a more honest reflection of the contents, given its exclusion of the Stoics. Of the essays, eight are devoted to Aristotle, four to Presocratic natural philosophy, one to Plato, and one to the De Spiritu. The poor titling and somewhat oddly circumscribed selection of who and what receives (...)
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  7. The Concept of Pneuma after Aristotle.Sean Coughlin, David Leith & Orly Lewis (eds.) - 2020 - Berlin: Edition Topoi.
    This volume explores the versatility of the concept of pneuma in philosophical and medical theories in the wake of Aristotle’s physics. It offers fourteen separate studies of how the concept of pneuma was used in a range of physical, physiological, psychological, cosmological and ethical inquiries. The focus is on individual thinkers or traditions and the specific questions they sought to address, including early Peripatetic sources, the Stoics, the major Hellenistic medical traditions, Galen, as well as Proclus in Late (...)
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    Atoms, pneuma, and tranquillity: Epicurean and Stoic themes in European thought.Margaret J. Osler (ed.) - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume examines the influence that Epicureanism and Stoicism, two philosophies of nature and human nature articulated during classical times, exerted on the development of European thought to the Enlightenment. Although the influence of these philosophies has often been noted in certain areas, such as the influence of Stoicism on the development of Christian thought and the influence of Epicureanism on modern materialism, the chapters in this volume forward a new awareness of the degree to which these philosophies and their (...)
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  9. Atoms, pneuma, and tranquillity : Epicurean and Stoic themes in European thought.Margaret J. Osler - 1992 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 182 (4):589-590.
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    Theory of Literary Pneuma ( Wenqi ): Philosophical Reconception of a Chinese Aesthetic.Ming Dong Gu - 2020 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 19 (3):443-460.
    Literary pneuma is a foundational idea in Chinese literary thought and the theory of literary pneuma one of the major aesthetic theories in Chinese literature and art. Since its first appearance, however, this aesthetic has remained an elusive concept despite its central importance. This article adopts an interdisciplinary approach to examine major statements of wenqi in Chinese thought in relation to similar ideas in modern philosophy, aesthetics, psychoanalysis, and literary criticism. It attempts to understand its rationale, locate its (...)
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    Heat, Pneuma, and Soul in Ancient Philosophy and Science.Hynek Bartoš & Colin Guthrie King (eds.) - 2020 - Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    The conceptualization of the vital force of living beings as a kind of breath and heat is at least as old as Homer. The assumptions that life and living things were somehow causally related to 'heat' and 'breath' would go on to inform much of ancient medicine and philosophy. This is the first volume to consider the relationship of the notions of heat, breath, and soul in ancient Greek philosophy and science from the Presocratics to Aristotle. Bringing together specialists both (...)
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  12.  72
    Pneuma and Ether in Aristotle’s Philosophy of Living Nature.Abraham Bos - 2002 - Modern Schoolman 79 (4):255-276.
  13.  20
    Pneuma as Instrumental Body of the Soul in Aristotle’s De Anima I 4 on Afflictions of Old Age.Abraham P. Bos - 2013 - Philotheos 13:113-127.
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    Ochema-pneuma e phantasia nel neoplatonismo: aspetti psicologici e prospettive religiose.Maria Di Pasquale Barbanti - 1998 - Catania: CUECM.
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    Pneuma e luce in alcuni testi gnostici.Giovanni Filoramo - 1980 - Augustinianum 20 (3):595-613.
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    Pneuma e photismos in Clemente Alessandrino.Giovanni Filoramo - 1981 - Augustinianum 21 (2):329-337.
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  17. To pneuma tou kairou mas kai hē topothetēsis tēs Hellados.Iōannēs L. Kitsaras - 1958
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    Pneuma Hagion: der Ursprung des Geistbegriffs der synoptichen Evangelien aus der griechischen Mystik.Hans Leisegang - 1970 - J. C. Hinrichs.
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    The Pneuma Enthusiastikon: On the Possibility of Hallucinogenic “Vapors” at Delphi and Dodona.C. Scott Littleton - 1986 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 14 (1):76-91.
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  20. Pneuma, Spiritus.Marielene Putscher - 1973 - Wiesbaden : Steiner,:
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  21. (1 other version)Aristotle on pneuma and animal self-motion.Sylvia Berryman - 2002 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 23:85-97.
  22.  79
    From yuanqi (primal energy) to Wenqi (literary pneuma): A philosophical study of a chinese aesthetic.Ming Dong Gu - 2009 - Philosophy East and West 59 (1):pp. 22-46.
    Wenqi 文氣 (literary pneuma) is a foundational idea in Chinese aesthetics. It has remained elusive since its initial formulation, however. This is so largely because previous scholars did not examine its ontological and epistemological conditions in analytic terms, still less explore its implications in a conceptual framework of artistic creation. Here, it is proposed to explore its general as well as specific implications against the larger background of Chinese intellectual thought and in relation to contemporary theories of literature and (...)
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  23.  56
    Atoms, Pneuma, and Tranquillity: Epicurean and Stoic Themes in European Thought. [REVIEW]Jonathan Barnes - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (2):488-489.
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    Atoms, Pneuma, and Tranquillity: Epicurean and Stoic Themes in European Thought. Margaret J. Osler. [REVIEW]Eric R. Meyer - 1993 - Isis 84 (3):581-582.
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    Aristotle on God's life-generating power and on pneuma as its vehicle.Abraham P. Bos - 2018 - Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
    Proposes an innovative rethinking of Aristotle’s work as a system that integrates his theology with his doctrine of reproduction and life. In this deep rethinking of Aristotle’s work, Abraham P. Bos argues that scholarship on Aristotle’s philosophy has erred since antiquity in denying the connection between his theology and his doctrine of reproduction and life in the earthly sphere. Beginning with an analysis of God’s role in the Aristotelian system, Bos explores how this relates to other elements of his philosophy, (...)
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    Aristotle on Life-Bearing Pneuma and on God as Begetter of the Cosmos.Abraham P. Bos - 2018 - In Demetra Sfendoni-Mentzou, Aristotle - Contemporary Perspectives on His Thought: On the 2400th Anniversary of Aristotle's Birth. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 109-124.
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  27. Dynamis kai pneuma.Kōnstantinos I. Bourberēs - 1972
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    Possession and Pneuma: The Essential Nature of the Delphic Oracle.Peter Green - 2009 - Arion 17 (2):27-47.
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  29. Sympan kai pneuma.Loukas Iōan Liakatas - 1961
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    Il rapporto tra Pneuma ed Ecclesia nella letteratura dei primi secoli cristiani.José Pablo Martín - 1980 - Augustinianum 20 (3):471-483.
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    Sur la nature du pneuma delphique.Ernest Will - 1942 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 66 (1):161-175.
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    "It is the Spirit That Gives Life": A Stoic Understanding of Pneuma in John's Gospel.Gitte Buch-Hansen - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Since Origen and Chrysostom, John s Gospel has been valued as the most spiritual among the New Testament writings. Although Origen recognizes the Stoic character of John s statement that God is pneuma, an examination of the gospel in light of Stoic physics has not yet been carried out. Instead the Johannine spirit has been absorbed into the Word and lost its distinct character as physical mediator between the divine and humane spheres. Combining her insight into Stoic physics and (...)
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  33.  22
    Self-organized bodies, between Politics and Biology. A political reading of Aristotle’s concepts of Soul and Pneuma.Martin Grassi - 2020 - Scientia et Fides 8 (1):123-139.
    The idea of a self-organized system brings both political and biological discourses together, for they both aim at explaining how a certain compound can achieve self-unity out of plurality. Whereas biological metaphors in politics have been much examined, political metaphors in biology have not. In this paper I intend to show how political metaphors can enlighten biological discourses, taking the work of Aristotle as a case-study. The relationship between the main elements of a living-body could be better understood within a (...)
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    Figures de l'esprit: du pneuma au champ transcendantal.Alain Panero - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La notion d'esprit pourrait-elle occuper à nouveau la scène philosophique contemporaine? Oui, répond l'auteur de cet ouvrage, mais à trois conditions. Tout d'abord, revenir au moment de sa genèse car il y va alors d'un refoulement conjoint, et par la médecine hippocratique, et par la métaphysique grecque, d'une énigmatique vitalité dénommée pneuma (souffle). Ensuite, s'enquérir des principales reconfigurations du concept d'esprit au fil de l'histoire de la philosophie, en scrutant le retour du refoulé d'une vitalité qui ne pouvait qu'excéder (...)
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    Christian and buddhist perspectives on neuro psychology and the human person: Pneuma and pratityasamutpada.Amos Yong - 2005 - Zygon 40 (1):143-165.
    . Recent discussions of the mind‐brain and the soul‐body problems have been both advanced and complexified by the cognitive sciences. I focus explicitly here on emergence, supervenience, and nonreductive physicalist theories of human personhood in light of recent advances in the Christian‐Buddhist dialogue. While traditional self and no‐self views pitted Christianity versus Buddhism versus science, I show how the nonreductive physicalist proposal regarding human personhood emerging from the neuroscientific enterprise both contributes to and is enriched by the Christian concept of (...)
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  36. Aristotle's theory of material substance: heat and pneuma, form and soul.Gad Freudenthal - 1995 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book offers an original new account of one of Aristotle's central doctrines. Freudenthal He recreates from Aristotle's writings a more complete theory of material substance which is able to explain the problematical areas of the way matter organizes itself and the persistence of matter, to show that the hitherto ignored concept of vital heat is as central in explaining material substance as soul or form.
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    Aristotle’s Theory of Material Substance: Heat and Pneuma, Form and Soul.Christopher Shields & Gad Freudenthal - 1997 - Philosophical Review 106 (4):632.
    Fortunately, there is heat; and Freudenthal is keen to promote it as an overlooked central factor in Aristotle’s theory of material substance. He begins in agreement with the many scholars who argue that Aristotle’s theory of the four elements underdetermines the plain fact that there are organic substances which exhibit both synchronic and diachronic unity. He goes further than most, however, by arguing that left unaugmented Aristotle’s account of the four basic elements would positively preclude the existence of these forms (...)
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  38.  53
    Margaret J. Osler , Atoms, Pneuma, and Tranquility. Epicurean and Stoic Themes in European Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. Pp. xii + 304. ISBN 0-521-40048-1. £32.50, $49.50. [REVIEW]Gad Freudenthal - 1993 - British Journal for the History of Science 26 (1):86-88.
  39. Hyle kai Pneuma. Sie Philosophike Skepse tou Joseph Priestley. [REVIEW]D. Rees - 1992 - Enlightenment and Dissent 11:137-137.
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    F. Porsch, Pneuma und Wort: Ein exegetischer Beitrag zur Pneumatologie des Johannesevangeliums. [REVIEW]S. Sabugal - 1975 - Augustinianum 15 (1-2):241-241.
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    (Book review) Sean Coughlin, David Leith, Orly Lewis (eds), The Concept of Pneuma After Aristotle, (2020), Berlin: Topoi, pp. 434. ISBN: 9783982067049. [REVIEW]Chiara Cecconi - 2021 - Ancient Philosophy Today 3 (2):228-233.
  42.  16
    Aristotle, On the life-bearing spirit (De spiritu): a discussion with Plato and his predecessors on pneuma as the instrumental body of the soul.A. P. Bos - 2008 - Boston: Brill. Edited by R. Ferwerda.
    The work _De spiritu_ is an important but neglected work by Aristotle. It clearly shows for the first time that Aristotle assumed a special body as the ‘instrument’ of the soul. By means of this soul/body the soul forms the visible body of plants, animals and human beings.
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    EL VALOR DE ALEJANDRO DE AFRODISIA COMO FUENTE DE LA STOA ANTIGUA (A propósito de pneûma, tónos y kr'sis).Marcelo D. Boeri - 1991 - Méthexis 4 (1):129-136.
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    Aristotle’s De spiritu as a critique of the doctrine of pneuma in Plato and his predecessors.A. P. Bos & R. Ferwerda - unknown
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    "Dominus autem spiritus est" , O de kyrios to pneuma estin—studium exegeticum by bernardinus Schneider, O.f.M.Antonine DeGuglielmo - 1952 - Franciscan Studies 12 (2):233-234.
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  46. Hermias and the Ensoulment of the Pneuma.John F. Finamore - 2019 - In John F. Finamore, Christina-Panagiota Manolea & Sarah Klitenic Wear, Studies in Hermias’ Commentary on Plato’s _Phaedrus_. Boston: BRILL.
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    Aristotle's Theory of Material Substance: Heat and Pneuma, Form and Soul. Gad Freudenthal.David Furley - 1996 - Isis 87 (3):533-534.
  48.  10
    Geschichte einer Trauer und eines neuen Pneumas : Gedanken Eines Psychoanalytikers über Drei Texte der Apostelgeschichte.Andrέ Godin - 1988 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 18 (1):19-37.
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    To what Extent is the Concept of Spirit (Geist) in German Idealism a Legitimate heir to the Concept of Spirit (pneuma) in the New Testament?Vittorio Hösle - 2011 - Philotheos 11:162-174.
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  50. The Spirit in Galatia: Paul's Interpretation of Pneuma as Divine Power.John Lull - 1980
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