Results for ' problem of evil'

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  1.  46
    The Problem of Evil in Sports: Applications and Arguments.Gabriel Andrade - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (3):400-416.
    The problem of evil is very old in philosophy (if God is omnipotent and benevolent, why does he allow evil in the world?), but it has not been sufficiently discussed in the context of sports. This article discusses how athletes and fans in sports relate to it. In sports, there are moral evils, such as cheating, trash talking and unjust retaliation. Theists have traditionally appealed to free will as a way to respond to the challenge of moral (...)
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    The Problem of Evil.Michael L. Peterson - 2013 - In Stephen Bullivant & Michael Ruse (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Atheism. Oxford University Press UK.
    The problem of evil is considered to be the most formidable objection to theism and a central element in the case for atheism. This essay surveys and evaluates the two key formulations of the problem expressed as an argument: the logical argument and the evidential argument. It also analyzes two types of defences offered in response to the argument from evil: the Free Will Defence against the logical argument and Skeptical Theist Defence against the evidential argument. (...)
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  3. The logical problem of evil: Mackie and Plantinga.Daniel Howard-Snyder - 2014 - In Justin P. McBrayer & Daniel Howard-Snyder (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to The Problem of Evil. Wiley. pp. 19-33.
    J.L. Mackie’s version of the logical problem of evil is a failure, as even he came to recognize. Contrary to current mythology, however, its failure was not established by Alvin Plantinga’s Free Will Defense. That’s because a defense is successful only if it is not reasonable to refrain from believing any of the claims that constitute it, but it is reasonable to refrain from believing the central claim of Plantinga’s Free Will Defense, namely the claim that, possibly, every (...)
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  4. The problem of evil and its solution.Ken Gemes - manuscript
    The problem of evil can be captured by the following four statements which taken together are inconsistent: 1) God made the world 2) God is a perfect being 3) A perfect being would not create a world containing evil 4) The world contains evil Traditional attempts to grapple with this problem typically center on rejecting (3). Thus Descartes, following Augustine, rejects (3), arguing that evil is the result of man’s exercise of his free will. (...)
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    The problem of evil: Ibn Sina's theodicy.Shams Constantine Inati - 2017 - Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.
    The problem of evil: formulation and historical solutions -- Analysis of the theories of evil of Ibn Sînâ's predecessors -- Ibn Sînâ's analysis of metaphysical evil -- Ibn Sînâ's notion of moral evil -- Ibn Sînâ's solution for the problem of evil and the problem of destiny.
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  6. Philosophical Problem of Evil: Response to E. O. Oduwole.Ademola Fayemi - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (1).
    The central theses of Oduwole are: first, that Olodumare cannot be exonerated from the philosophical problem of evil for He possesses similar attributes to the theistic God in Judeo-Christian tradition; and second, that the Yoruba hold a strong dialectical principle of Ire and Ibi in their daily world encounters. This paper challenges these positions as inaccurate representations of the Yoruba African understanding of the nature of evil. It exposes the conceptual errors that fraught Oduwole’s paper and provides (...)
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  7.  64
    The Problem of Evil and the Subjectivity of Values Are Incompatible.Larry Hitterdale - 1978 - International Philosophical Quarterly 18 (4):467-469.
    It is inconsistent to believe both that values are subjective and that the problem of evil is a good argument against the existence of god. David hume, Bertrand russell, Antony flew, And many others fall into this inconsistency. It arises because the existence or non-Existence of God is an issue about objective fact, But reports or expressions of subjective human states cannot get a grip on objective reality. Since the problem of evil is the only substantial (...)
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    The Problem of Evil: A Solution From Science.Patricia A. Williams - 2001 - Zygon 36 (3):563-574.
    In this essay, I attempt to solve the problem of the existence of evil in a world created by an omniscient, omnibenevolent, omnipotent God. I conclude that evil exists because God wanted to create moral creatures. Because choice is necessary for morality, God created creatures with enormous capacities for choice—and therefore enormous capacities for evil. Material creatures are subject to pain and death because, for such creatures, moral choices are deeply serious. The laws that underlie the (...)
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  9. The Problem of Evil and the Pauline Principle: Consent, Logical Constraints, and Free Will.Marilie Coetsee - 2023 - Religions 14 (1):1-15.
    James Sterba uses the Pauline Principle to argue that the occurrence of significant, horrendous evils is logically incompatible with the existence of a good God. The Pauline Principle states that (as a rule) one must never do evil so that good may come from it, and according to Sterba, this principle implies that God may not permit significant evils even if that permission would be necessary to secure other, greater goods. By contrast, I argue that the occurrence of significant (...)
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  10. The Problem of Evil in Holocaust: Two Jewish Responses.Mark Maller - 2020 - Studies in Judaism, Humanities and the Social Sciences:143-153.
    The Holocaust is one of the most intractable and challenging tragedies of moral evil to understand, assuming the existence of an omnipotent, omniscient and all-loving God, and it has important implications for all theists. This paper critically examines the problem of evil in the philosophical theologies of two prominent Jewish philosophers: Emil Fackenheim and Richard Rubenstein. The article defends their view that the six million deaths are existentially meaningless because no justifiable reason exists why God permitted this. (...)
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    The Problem of Evil.Michael P. Levine - 1999 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 4:127-146.
    The shift from the logical to the empirical argument from evil against the existence of God has been seen as a victory by analytic philosophers of religion who now seek to establish that the existence of evil fails to make the existence of God improbable. I examine several arguments in an effort to establish the following: (i) Their victory is pyrrhic. They distort the historical, philosophical and religious nature of the problem of evil. (ii) In attempting (...)
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  12.  60
    Calvinism and the Problem of Evil.David E. Alexander & Daniel M. Johnson (eds.) - 2016 - Wipf & Stock.
    Contrary to what many philosophers believe, Calvinism neither makes the problem of evil worse nor is it obviously refuted by the presence of evil and suffering in our world. Or so most of the authors in this book claim. While Calvinism has enjoyed a resurgence in recent years amongst theologians and laypersons, many philosophers have yet to follow suit. The reason seems fairly clear: Calvinism, many think, cannot handle the problem of evil with the same (...)
  13.  20
    The Problem of Evil: Does Open Theism Have a Better Response?A. S. Antombikums - 2024 - Acta Theologica 44 (1):32-50.
    Open theism argues that traditional responses to the problem of evil fail to provide comfort amidst suffering because of their notion of metaphysical determinism and over-dependence on Greek philosophy. Open theists argue that the best solution to the problem of evil lies in our understanding of the nature of God’s power, which has been relinquished due to his love, the open nature of creation, and the creatures’ inherent powers. This study argues that the open-theistic notion of (...)
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    The problem of evil.François Petit - 1959 - New York: Hawthorn Books.
    In this study of evil in the framework of theology and its practical consequences in the light of Christian teaching, the author holds that the problem of evil is insoluble apart from ideas of the Fall and redemption. The volume is designed to summarize Christian doctrine in which "evil, itself an absence of being, becomes, by the void that it creates, an appeal to God and to the divine action.".
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    The Problem of Evil in Józef Tischner's Philosophy.Tadeusz Gadacz - 2007 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 12 (2):277-291.
    The problem of evil is a metaphysical problem bound up with the conditions of human existence. The radical evil of fascism and communism, according to Józef Tischner, opens up the possibility that we live in the time of a modern Manichaeism, understood as having two faces: nihilism and pessimism. The possibility of thinking of such a modem form of Manichaeism necessarily calls for a new inquiry into the question of evil. For Tischner, evil, like (...)
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    Comparative Confirmation and the Problem of Evil.Richard Otte - 2012 - In Jake Chandler & Victoria S. Harrison (eds.), Probability in the Philosophy of Religion. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 127.
    In this chapter probability and confirmation theory are used to investigate the problem of evil, concentrating on whether a theist should consider our ignorance of a good reason for God to permit evil to support a non-religious alternative over a typical theist's beliefs. It is argued that according to Likelihoodism, our ignorance of a good reason does not favor a competing hypothesis over the religious view that there is an incomprehensible good reason for God to permit (...). Bayesian accounts of comparative confirmation, which are alternatives to Likelihoodism, have the same result. Furthermore, according to both Likelihoodism and Bayesian accounts of contrastive confirmation, our ignorance of a good reason for God to permit evil may actually support typical religious beliefs over the alternative hypotheses. (shrink)
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    Darkened Counsel: The Problem of Evil in Bergson’s Metaphysics of Integral Experience.Anthony Paul Smith - 2016 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 24 (2):131-153.
    Henri Bergson's work is often presented as an optimistic philosophy. This essay presents a counter-narrative to that reading by looking to the place of the problem of evil within his integral metaphysics. For, if Bergson’s philosophy is simply optimistic, or simply derives meaning from the wholeness of experience, then it risks a theodical structure which undercuts its ability to speak to contemporary social and political problems of suffering. A theodical structure is one that, at bottom, justifies the experience (...)
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  18.  24
    The problem of evil and the grammar of God.Timo Koistinen - 2017 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 59 (3):394-409.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie Jahrgang: 59 Heft: 3 Seiten: 394-409.
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  19. The problem of evil.Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone (eds.), Just the Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 35-7.
    This short chapter evaluates the logic of Epicurus' argument that considers the problem of evil (how could an all powerful, all knowing, and all good God permit the existence of evil?) It is part of larger set of evaluations of famous arguments presented in the history of philosophy.
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    (1 other version)The Problem of Evil.Peter van Inwagen - 2005 - In William J. Wainwright (ed.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy of religion. New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this chapter, the problem of evil is understood in a narrow, intellectual sense: as the problem of how a theist can best reply to various arguments for the non-existence of God that are based on the fact that the world contains evil. Two such arguments are examined. One proceeds from a general fact about the world: that it contains a vast amount of truly horrendous evil. The other proceeds from a particular horrible event. It (...)
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  21.  27
    The problem of evil.Daniel Speak - 2015 - Malden, MA: Polity Press.
    The most forceful philosophical objections to belief in God arise from the existence of evil. Bad things happen in the world and it is not clear how this is compatible with the existence of an all-powerful and perfectly loving being. Unsurprisingly then, philosophers have formulated powerful arguments for atheism based on the existence of apparently unjustified suffering. These arguments give expression to what we call the problem of evil. This volume is an engaging introduction to the philosophical (...)
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  22. The problem of evil and moral indifference.Tim Mawson - 1999 - Religious Studies 35 (3):323-345.
    In this paper, I argue that if the libertarian free will defence were seen to fail because determinism were seen to be true, then another solution to the problem of evil would present itself. I start by arguing that one cannot, by consideration of agents' choices between morally indifferent options, reach any conclusion as to these agents' moral qualities. If certain forms of consequentialism were false, determinism true, and if there were a God who chose to create this (...)
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  23.  11
    The problem of evil: selected readings.Michael L. Peterson (ed.) - 2016 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Of all the issues in the philosophy of religion, the problem of evil arguably commands more attention that any other. This text, which is broad in scope, is organized in a way that clearly exhibits the main structure of the overall problem as it has been treated in Western theistic traditions generally and the Christian tradition specifically.
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  24.  12
    The Problem of Evil and Liberal Theologies.William Patterson - 2016 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 24 (2):187-205.
    The Problem of Evil (POE), the idea that inexplicable human and non-human suffering is inconsistent with the existence of a benevolent, omniscient and omnipotent God, stands as one of the greatest challenges to classical theism. Many philosophers and theologians have offered theodicies, defense of God, in an attempt to blunt the force this problem. Others, however, believing that those theodicies have been effective have abandoned the classical definition of God and have embraced more liberal theologies, including deism, (...)
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    The Problem of Evil and Moral Scepticism.Brice R. Wachterhauser - 1985 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (3):167 - 174.
    This paper argues that the logical coherence of classical theism can be defended through the traditional free-will defense and argument from divine omniscience and human finitude, but only at the cost of moral scepticism. The above two-pronged defense entails moral scepticism because it demands that we construe clear and undeniable cases of morally unjustifiable evil as merely apparently unjustifiable evils which can be morally justified from some moral point of view. The paper argues that justification is impossible because such (...)
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  26.  46
    The problem of evil and the fiction and philosophy of Iris Murdoch.Daniel Read - 2019 - Dissertation, Kingston University
    This thesis argues that Dame Iris Murdoch’s writings portray a dialectical picture of morality that invites the reader to acknowledge the presence of evil and reflect upon the necessarily ‘opposing forces’ of good and evil. Murdoch’s engagement with both historical and contemporary discussions of evil is traced through close reading of both her published texts, including fiction and philosophy, and her unpublished and recently published texts and resources, including annotations, interviews and letters. These close readings are focused (...)
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  27. The problem of evil and the poverty of the free will theodicy.Brian Vroman - 2009 - Think 8 (22):65-73.
    The Problem of Evil, as it is typically called, is the strongest argument against the existence of a Deity who is at once all-powerful, all-knowing, kind and loving, and whose reach extends everywhere. Simply stated, the existence of such a being is incompatible with the existence of evil and suffering in the world. We know that evil and suffering exist; thus a Deity such as that described above cannot exist.
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    The Problem of Evil in Plotinus.B. A. G. Fuller - 1912 - Cambridge [Eng.]: Cambridge University Press.
    First published in 1912, this volume constitutes an exploration of the complications surrounding the idea of evil in the works of Plotinus, the ancient Greek philosopher widely regarded as the founder of Neoplatonism. The key issue explored by the text is the reconciliation of an omnipotent deity with the existence of an apparently contingent and imperfect world. In basic terms, the problem is one of irreconcilability between permanence and change; the singularity of God and the multiplicity of the (...)
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  29. The Problem of Evil in Early Modern Philosophy.Elmar J. Kremer & Michael J. Latzer - 2002 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 10 (3).
    Many distinct, controvertial issues are to be found within the labyrinthine\ntwists and turns of the problem of evil. For philosophers of the\nseventeenth and early eighteenth centures, evil presented a challenge\nto the consistency and rationality of the world-picture disclosed\nby the new way of ideas. In dealing with this challenge, however,\nphilosophers were also concerned with their positions in the theological\ndebates about original sin, free will, and justification that were\nthe legacy of the Protestant Reformation to European intellectual\nlife. Emerging from a (...)
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  30.  75
    The Perspectival Problem of Evil.Blake McAllister - 2020 - Faith and Philosophy 37 (4):421-450.
    Whether evil provides evidence against the existence of God, and to what degree, depends on how things seem to the subject—i.e., on one’s perspective. I explain three ways in which adopting an atheistic perspective can increase support for atheism via considerations of evil. The first is by intensifying the common sense problem of evil by making evil seem gratuitous or intrinsically wrong to allow. The second is by diminishing the apparent fit between theism and our (...)
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  31.  12
    The Problem of Evil in the Qur'an: In the Context of Surah al-Kahf Verses 66-82.Mikail İpek - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (1):1-35.
    In this study, Surah al-Kahf verses 66-82 are discussed in the context of the problem of evil. According to us, the events that take place in the parable of Moses-Hizir in the verses are closely related to the problem of evil. In the study, firstly, the nature and historical background of the problem of evil is discussed. Then, the approaches to the problem of evil and the theodicy theories were analyzed and the (...)
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  32. Progress on the Problem of Evil.Seyyed Mohsen Eslami & Dan Egonsson - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (2):221-235.
    A standard reaction to the problem of evil is to look for a greater good that can explain why God (with the traditional attributes) might have created this world instead of a seemingly better one which has no (or less) evil. This paper proposes an approach we call the Moral Progress Approach: Given the value of progress, a non-perfect world containing evil may be preferable to a perfect world without evil. This makes room for the (...)
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  33. The Problem of Evil.Michael Tooley - 2002 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  34. The problem of evil and the attributes of God.James A. Keller - 1989 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 26 (3):155 - 171.
    In discussions of the probabilistic argument from evil, some defenders of theism have recently argued that evil has no evidential force against theism. They base their argument on the claim that there is no reason to think that we should be able to discern morally sufficient reasons which God presumably has for permitting the evil which occurs. In this paper I try to counter this argument by discussing factors which suggest that we should generally be able to (...)
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  35. The Problem of Evil for Atheists.Yujin Nagasawa - 2024 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The problem of evil poses a challenge for traditional theists by asking how they could rationally believe in the existence of an omnipotent and wholly good God given that the world is filled with evil manifested in such events as wars, crimes, and natural disasters. This is widely considered one of the most significant challenges to belief in God and has evoked many responses from traditional theists. However, it is not my aim in this book to propose (...)
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  36. The Problem of Evil and Liberal Theologies.R. Patterson William - 2016 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 24 (2):187-205.
    The Problem of Evil, the idea that inexplicable human and non-human suffering is inconsistent with the existence of a benevolent, omniscient and omnipotent God, stands as one of the greatest challenges to classical theism. Many philosophers and theologians have offered theodicies, defense of God, in an attempt to blunt the force this problem. Others, however, believing that those theodicies have been effective have abandoned the classical definition of God and have embraced more liberal theologies, including deism, pantheism, (...)
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  37.  83
    Evil Intuitions? The Problem of Evil, Experimental Philosophy, and the need for Psychological Research.Ian M. Church, Rebecca Carlson & Justin Barrett - 2021 - Journal of Psychology and Theology 49 (2):126-141.
    The primary aim of this paper is to highlight, at least in short, how the resources of experimental philosophy could be fruitfully applied to the evidential problem of evil. To do this, we will consider two of the most influential and archetypal formulations of the problem: William L. Rowe’s article, “The Problem of Evil and Some Varieties of Atheism” (1979). and Paul Draper’s article, “Pain and Pleasure: An Evidential Problem for Theists” (1989). We will (...)
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  38.  22
    The Problem of Evil: An Intercultural Exploration.Sandra Ann Wawrytko (ed.) - 2000 - Rodopi.
    Annotation Comprises 18 revised studies based on presentations and discussions at the Fourth Conference of the International Society for Philosophy and Psychotherapy held in Montreal, Canada in June 1994. Contributions to the five sections address evil in Asian thought, Western theories of evil, evil and cosmic order, the psychology of evil, and the practice of evil. Annotation copyrighted by Book News Inc., Portland, OR.
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    The problem of evil in the Neo-Confucian context: Wang Yangming’s view on evil.Xiaomei Yang - 2020 - Asian Philosophy 30 (4):351-366.
    Wang Yangming believes that human nature is entirely good. A question naturally arises: where is evil from? It has been argued that Wang’s idealism gives rise to the problem of evil. I first argue...
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  40. Providence and the Problem of Evil.Richard Swinburne - 1998 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Richard Swinburne offers an answer to one of the most difficult problems of religious belief: why does a loving God allow humans to suffer so much? It is the final instalment of Swinburne's acclaimed four-volume philosophical examination of Christian doctrine.
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  41. Logical problem of evil.James R. Beebe - 2003 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The existence of evil and suffering in our world seems to pose a serious challenge to belief in the existence of a perfect God. If God were all-knowing, it seems that God would know about all of the horrible things that happen in our world. If God were all-powerful, God would be able to do something about all of the evil and suffering. Furthermore, if God were morally perfect, then surely God would want to do something about it. (...)
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  42. The Problem of Evil: New Philosophical Directions.Benjamin McCraw & Robert Arp (eds.) - 2015 - Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
    The Problem of Evil: New Philosophical Directions brings together a diversity of philosophical views, methods, and approaches to the much-discussed topic of evil and its bearing on religious belief. Through both general and specific examinations of the problem of evil, this book proposes new directions for philosophical thought.
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    The Problem of Evil.Hugh Rice - 2000 - In Hugh Ashton Lawrence Rice (ed.), God and Goodness. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Discusses the problem of evil, and, in particular, the question whether the world could have been created by God, when he is conceived in the way I have proposed. I consider the way in which the existence of free will might make the existence of evil in a good world inevitable, and whether the existence of free will is essential to any solution. I also consider the problem posed by unintended evil and the existence of (...)
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    The problem of evil revisited a reply to Schlesinger.Jay F. Rosenberg - 1970 - Journal of Value Inquiry 4 (3):212-218.
  45. Doing, allowing, and the problem of evil.Daniel Lim - 2017 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 81 (3):273-289.
    Many assume that the best, and perhaps only, way to address the so-called Problem of Evil is to claim that God does not do evil, but that God merely allows evil. This assumption depends on two claims: the doing-allowing distinction exists and the doing-allowing distinction is morally significant. In this paper I try to undermine both of these claims. Against I argue that some of the most influential analyses of the doing-allowing distinction face grave difficulties and (...)
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    The Problem of Evil.Colm Connellan - 1972 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 21:314-317.
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  47. The Problem of Evil in Virtual Worlds.Brendan Shea - 2017 - In Mark Silcox (ed.), Experience Machines: The Philosophy of Virtual Worlds. London: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 137-155.
    In its original form, Nozick’s experience machine serves as a potent counterexample to a simplistic form of hedonism. The pleasurable life offered by the experience machine, its seems safe to say, lacks the requisite depth that many of us find necessary to lead a genuinely worthwhile life. Among other things, the experience machine offers no opportunities to establish meaningful relationships, or to engage in long-term artistic, intellectual, or political projects that survive one’s death. This intuitive objection finds some support in (...)
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  48. Evidential Problem of Evil, The.Nick Trakakis - forthcoming - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The Evidential Problem of Evil The evidential problem of evil is the problem of determining whether and, if so, to what extent the existence of evil (or certain instances, kinds, quantities, or distributions of evil) constitutes evidence against the existence of God, that is to say, a being perfect in power, knowledge and goodness. Evidential […].
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  49. The Problem of Evil in Early Modern Philosophy (review).Patricia Easton - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (4):559-560.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.4 (2003) 559-560 [Access article in PDF] Elmar J. Kremer and Michael J. Latzer, editors. The Problem of Evil in Early Modern Philosophy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001. Pp. vi + 179. Cloth, $60.00. What can be added to classical defenses of the problem of evil? Did Voltairenotrelieve us from taking seriously the theodicies of early modern thinkers (...)
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  50. The problem of evil: A deontological perspective.D. McNaughton - 1994 - In Richard Swinburne & Alan G. Padgett (eds.), Reason and the Christian religion: essays in honour of Richard Swinburne. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 329--351.
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