Results for ' strong pi-regularity'

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  1.  22
    Semigroups in Stable Structures.Yatir Halevi - 2018 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 59 (3):417-436.
    Assume that G is a definable group in a stable structure M. Newelski showed that the semigroup SG of complete types concentrated on G is an inverse limit of the ∞-definable semigroups SG,Δ. He also showed that it is strongly π-regular: for every p∈SG,Δ, there exists n∈N such that pn is in a subgroup of SG,Δ. We show that SG,Δ is in fact an intersection of definable semigroups, so SG is an inverse limit of definable semigroups, and that the latter (...)
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    Estructura aristotélica del sistema conceptual de la estética medieval.Jèssica Jaques Pi - 1999 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 6:43.
    This article furnishes a systematisation of the Mediaval aesthetic vocabulary. This task is developed by means of the adoption of a dynamic of intersection among the various Aristotelic species qualitatis, which are taken as the basic structural elements of the requested system. Two versions of beauty are established, which will expand into two kinds of aesthetics, one leaded by pulchritudo, with intellectualistic implications and the other leaded by formositas, which will turn into an autonomus aesthetics; both of them have let (...)
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    Karl Aschenbrenner, 1911-1988.Edward W. Strong - 1989 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 27 (2):333-334.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:KARL ASCHENBRENNER, 19x 1-1988 Karl Aschenbrenner was born in Bison, Kansas, on November 20, 1911. He received the A. B. degree from Reed College in 1934 and his graduate degrees at Berkeley (M. A., 1938; Ph.D., 194o). After two years as an instructor at Reed College, he served in the U.S. Naval Reserve (Lieutenant in Meteorology ) from 1943 to 1946. From 1946 to 1948, he taught in the (...)
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    $\Pi _{1}^{0}$ Classes and Strong Degree Spectra of Relations.John Chisholm, Jennifer Chubb, Valentina S. Harizanov, Denis R. Hirschfeldt, Carl G. Jockusch, Timothy McNicholl & Sarah Pingrey - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (3):1003 - 1018.
    We study the weak truth-table and truth-table degrees of the images of subsets of computable structures under isomorphisms between computable structures. In particular, we show that there is a low c.e. set that is not weak truth-table reducible to any initial segment of any scattered computable linear ordering. Countable $\Pi _{1}^{0}$ subsets of 2ω and Kolmogorov complexity play a major role in the proof.
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    Diamond (on the regulars) can fail at any strongly unfoldable cardinal.Mirna Džamonja & Joel David Hamkins - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 144 (1-3):83-95.
    If κ is any strongly unfoldable cardinal, then this is preserved in a forcing extension in which κ fails. This result continues the progression of the corresponding results for weakly compact cardinals, due to Woodin, and for indescribable cardinals, due to Hauser.
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    Constructive strong regularity and the extension property of a compactification.Giovanni Curi - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (1):103154.
  7.  64
    (2 other versions)Deterministic Convergence and Strong Regularity.Michael Nielsen - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (4):1461-1491.
    Bayesians since Savage (1972) have appealed to asymptotic results to counter charges of excessive subjectivity. Their claim is that objectionable differences in prior probability judgments will vanish as agents learn from evidence, and individual agents will converge to the truth. Glymour (1980), Earman (1992) and others have voiced the complaint that the theorems used to support these claims tell us, not how probabilities updated on evidence will actually}behave in the limit, but merely how Bayesian agents believe they will behave, suggesting (...)
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    Rotation-Invariant Regularization of Quantum Chromodynamics in Strong Coupling.H. Schlereth - 1984 - In Heinrich Mitter & Ludwig Pittner (eds.), Stochastic methods and computer techniques in quantum dynamics. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 441--446.
  9.  4
    From real-life to very strong axioms. Classification problems in Descriptive Set Theory and regularity properties in Generalized Descriptive Set Theory.Martina Iannella - 2024 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 30 (2):285-286.
    This thesis is divided into three parts, the first and second ones focused on combinatorics and classification problems on discrete and geometrical objects in the context of descriptive set theory, and the third one on generalized descriptive set theory at singular cardinals of countable cofinality.Descriptive Set Theory (briefly: DST) is the study of definable subsets of Polish spaces, i.e., separable completely metrizable spaces. One of the major branches of DST is Borel reducibility, successfully used in the last 30 years to (...)
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    Regular reals.Guohua Wu - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (2):111-119.
    Say that α is an n-strongly c. e. real if α is a sum of n many strongly c. e. reals, and that α is regular if α is n-strongly c. e. for some n. Let Sn be the set of all n-strongly c. e. reals, Reg be the set of regular reals and CE be the set of c. e. reals. Then we have: S1 ⊂ S2 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Sn ⊂ · · · ⊂ ⊂ Reg (...)
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    Strongly compact cardinals and ordinal definability.Gabriel Goldberg - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 24 (1).
    This paper explores several topics related to Woodin’s HOD conjecture. We improve the large cardinal hypothesis of Woodin’s HOD dichotomy theorem from an extendible cardinal to a strongly compact cardinal. We show that assuming there is a strongly compact cardinal and the HOD hypothesis holds, there is no elementary embedding from HOD to HOD, settling a question of Woodin. We show that the HOD hypothesis is equivalent to a uniqueness property of elementary embeddings of levels of the cumulative hierarchy. We (...)
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  12. Regularities, Laws of Nature, and the Existence of God.John Foster - 2001 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 101 (1):145-161.
    The regularities in nature, simply by being regularities, call for explanation. There are only two ways in which we could, with any plausibility, try to explain them. One way would be to suppose that they are imposed on the world by God. The other would be to suppose that they reflect the presence of laws of nature, conceived of as forms of natural necessity. But the only way of making sense of the notion of a law of nature, thus conceived, (...)
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    $\Pi ^{0}_{1}$ -Encodability and Omniscient Reductions.Benoit Monin & Ludovic Patey - 2019 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 60 (1):1-12.
    A set of integers A is computably encodable if every infinite set of integers has an infinite subset computing A. By a result of Solovay, the computably encodable sets are exactly the hyperarithmetic ones. In this article, we extend this notion of computable encodability to subsets of the Baire space, and we characterize the Π10-encodable compact sets as those which admit a nonempty Σ11-subset. Thanks to this equivalence, we prove that weak weak König’s lemma is not strongly computably reducible to (...)
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  14.  19
    Regularization, Adaptation, and Non-Independent Features Improve Hidden Conditional Random Fields for Phone Classification.Christopher Manning - unknown
    We show a number of improvements in the use of Hidden Conditional Random Fields for phone classification on the TIMIT and Switchboard corpora. We first show that the use of regularization effectively prevents overfitting, improving over other methods such as early stopping. We then show that HCRFs are able to make use of non-independent features in phone classification, at least with small numbers of mixture components, while HMMs degrade due to their strong independence assumptions. Finally, we successfully apply Maximum (...)
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    $pi^1_1$ Sets, $omega$-Sets, and Metacompleteness.James C. Owings - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (2):194-204.
    An ω-set is a subset of the recursive ordinals whose complement with respect to the recursive ordinals is unbounded and has order type ω. This concept has proved fruitful in the study of sets in relation to metarecursion theory. We prove that the metadegrees of the sets coincide with those of the meta-r.e. ω-sets. We then show that, given any set, a metacomplete set can be found which is weakly metarecursive in it. It then follows that weak relative metarecursiveness is (...)
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  16.  22
    Proofs of regular identities.Ewa Graczynska & Francis Pastijn - 1981 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 10 (1):35-37.
    This is an abstract of the paper to be submitted to Houston Journal of Mathematics. Our nomenclature and notation will be basically those of [3]. We shall consider algebras of type : T ! N, where T is a nonempty set, and N the set of all positive integers. By V we denote the set of all variables occurring in a polynomial symbol p. An identity p = q is called strongly non-regular if it is of the form p = (...)
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    Regular ultrafilters and finite square principles.Juliette Kennedy, Saharon Shelah & Jouko Väänänen - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (3):817-823.
    We show that many singular cardinals λ above a strongly compact cardinal have regular ultrafilters D that violate the finite square principle $\square _{\lambda ,D}^{\mathit{fin}}$ introduced in [3]. For such ultrafilters D and cardinals λ there are models of size λ for which Mλ / D is not λ⁺⁺-universal and elementarily equivalent models M and N of size λ for which Mλ / D and Nλ / D are non-isomorphic. The question of the existence of such ultrafilters and models was (...)
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  18.  21
    Interpreting dissociations between regular and irregular past-tense morphology.Timothy Justus, Jary Larsen, Paul de Mornay Davies & Diane Swick - 2008 - Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience 8 (2):178–194.
    Neuropsychological dissociations between regular and irregular English past-tense morphology have been reported using a lexical decision task in which past-tense primes immediately precede present-tense targets. We present N400 event-related potential data from healthy participants using the same design. Both regular and irregular past-tense forms primed corresponding present-tense forms, but with a longer duration for irregular verbs. Phonological control conditions suggested that differences in formal overlap between prime and target contribute to, but do not account for, this difference, suggesting a link (...)
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    -Definability at uncountable regular cardinals.Philipp Lücke - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (3):1011-1046.
    Let k be an infinite cardinal. A subset of $(^k k)^n $ is a $\Sigma _1^1 $ -subset if it is the projection p[T] of all cofinal branches through a subtree T of $(lt;kk)^{n + 1} $ of height k. We define $\Sigma _k^1 - ,\Pi _k^1 $ - and $\Delta _k^1$ subsets of $(^k k)^n $ as usual. Given an uncountable regular cardinal k with k = k (...))
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    Strongly representable atom structures of cylindric algebras.Robin Hirsch & Ian Hodkinson - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (3):811-828.
    A cylindric algebra atom structure is said to be strongly representable if all atomic cylindric algebras with that atom structure are representable. This is equivalent to saying that the full complex algebra of the atom structure is a representable cylindric algebra. We show that for any finite n >3, the class of all strongly representable n-dimensional cylindric algebra atom structures is not closed under ultraproducts and is therefore not elementary. Our proof is based on the following construction. From an arbitrary (...)
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  21.  26
    On regular and symmetric identities II.Ewa Graczynska - 1982 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 11 (3/4):100-102.
    This is a continuation of [3]. We deal with algebras of type : T ! N. Assume that V is a variety of type . Let p = x be a strongly nonregular identity satised in V , i.e. x; y are variables of p and x =6 y . For a variety K 2 L; E; R; S or RS denotes the set of all, regular, symmetric or regular and symmetric identities satised in K, respectively.
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    Regular types in nonmultidimensional ω-stable theories.Anand Pillay - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (3):880-891.
    We define a hierarchy on the regular types of an ω-stable nonmultidimensional theory, using generalised notions of algebraic and strongly minimal formulae. As an application we show that any resplendent model of an ω-stable finite-dimensional theory is saturated.
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    Strongly unfoldable, splitting and bounding.Ömer Faruk Bağ & Vera Fischer - 2023 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 69 (1):7-14.
    Assuming, we show that generalized eventually narrow sequences on a strongly inaccessible cardinal κ are preserved under a one step iteration of the Hechler forcing for adding a dominating κ‐real. Moreover, we show that if κ is strongly unfoldable, and λ is a regular cardinal such that, then there is a set generic extension in which.
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    More on Regular Reduced Products.Juliette Cara Kennedy & Saharon Shelah - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (4):1261 - 1266.
    The authors show. by means of a finitary version $\square_{\lambda D}^{fin}$ of the combinatorial principle $\square_\lambda^{h*}$ of [7]. the consistency of the failure, relative to the consistency of supercompact cardinals, of the following: for all regular filters D on a cardinal A. if Mi and Ni are elementarily equivalent models of a language of size $\leq \lambda$ , then the second player has a winning strategy in the Ehrenfeucht- $Fra\uml{i}ss\acute{e}$ game of length $\lambda^{+}$ on $\pi_{i} M_{i}/D$ and $\pi_{i} N_{i}/D$ . (...)
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  25.  16
    Noncommutative Momentum and Torsional Regularization.Nikodem Popławski - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (9):900-923.
    We show that in the presence of the torsion tensor \, the quantum commutation relation for the four-momentum, traced over spinor indices, is given by \. In the Einstein–Cartan theory of gravity, in which torsion is coupled to spin of fermions, this relation in a coordinate frame reduces to a commutation relation of noncommutative momentum space, \, where U is a constant on the order of the squared inverse of the Planck mass. We propose that this relation replaces the integration (...)
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    Determinacy and regularity properties for idealized forcings.Daisuke Ikegami - 2022 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 68 (3):310-317.
    We show under that every set of reals is I‐regular for any σ‐ideal I on the Baire space such that is proper. This answers the question of Khomskii [7, Question 2.6.5]. We also show that the same conclusion holds under if we additionally assume that the set of Borel codes for I‐positive sets is. If we do not assume, the notion of properness becomes obscure as pointed out by Asperó and Karagila [1]. Using the notion of strong properness similar (...)
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    On some questions concerning strong compactness.Arthur W. Apter - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (7-8):819-829.
    A question of Woodin asks if κ is strongly compact and GCH holds below κ, then must GCH hold everywhere? One variant of this question asks if κ is strongly compact and GCH fails at every regular cardinal δ < κ, then must GCH fail at some regular cardinal δ ≥ κ? Another variant asks if it is possible for GCH to fail at every limit cardinal less than or equal to a strongly compact cardinal κ. We get a negative (...)
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    How strong are single fixed points of normal functions?Anton Freund - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (2):709-732.
    In a recent paper by M. Rathjen and the present author it has been shown that the statement “every normal function has a derivative” is equivalent to $\Pi ^1_1$ -bar induction. The equivalence was proved over $\mathbf {ACA_0}$, for a suitable representation of normal functions in terms of dilators. In the present paper, we show that the statement “every normal function has at least one fixed point” is equivalent to $\Pi ^1_1$ -induction along the natural numbers.
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    Hume as Regularity Theorist—After All! Completing a Counter-Revolution.Peter Millican - 2024 - Hume Studies 49 (1):101-162.
    Traditionally, Hume has widely been viewed as the standard-bearer for regularity accounts of causation. But between 1983 and 1990, two rival interpretations appeared—namely the skeptical realism of Wright, Craig, and Strawson, and the quasi-realist projectivism of Blackburn—and since then the interpretative debate has been dominated by the contest between these three approaches, with projectivism recently appearing the likely winner. This paper argues that the controversy largely arose from a fundamental mistake, namely, the assumption that Hume is committed to the (...)
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    On the role of regular phonological variation in lexical access: Evidence from voice assimilation in French.Natalie D. Snoeren, Juan Seguí & Pierre André Hallé - 2008 - Cognition 108 (2):512-521.
    The present study investigated whether lexical access is affected by a regular phonological variation in connected speech: voice assimilation in French. Two associative priming experiments were conducted to determine whether strongly assimilated, potentially ambiguous word forms activate the conceptual representation of the underlying word. Would the ambiguous word form [sud] (either assimilated soute 'hold' or soude 'soda') facilitate 'bagage' 'luggage', which is semantically related to soute but not to soude? In Experiment 1, words in either canonical or strongly assimilated form (...)
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    Constructing strongly equivalent nonisomorphic models for unstable theories.Tapani Hyttinen & Heikki Tuuri - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 52 (3):203-248.
    If T is an unstable theory of cardinality <λ or countable stable theory with OTOP or countable superstable theory with DOP, λω λω1 in the superstable with DOP case) is regular and λ<λ=λ, then we construct for T strongly equivalent nonisomorphic models of cardinality λ. This can be viewed as a strong nonstructure theorem for such theories. We also consider the case when T is unsuperstable and develop further a result of Shelah about the existence of L∞,λ-equivalent nonisomorphic models (...)
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  32.  23
    Determinants of Scanpath Regularity in Reading.Titus Malsburg, Reinhold Kliegl & Shravan Vasishth - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (7):1675-1703.
    Scanpaths have played an important role in classic research on reading behavior. Nevertheless, they have largely been neglected in later research perhaps due to a lack of suitable analytical tools. Recently, von der Malsburg and Vasishth proposed a new measure for quantifying differences between scanpaths and demonstrated that this measure can recover effects that were missed with the traditional eyetracking measures. However, the sentences used in that study were difficult to process and scanpath effects accordingly strong. The purpose of (...)
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  33. Are non-accidental regularities a cosmic coincidence? Revisiting a central threat to Humean laws.Aldo Filomeno - 2019 - Synthese 198 (6):5205-5227.
    If the laws of nature are as the Humean believes, it is an unexplained cosmic coincidence that the actual Humean mosaic is as extremely regular as it is. This is a strong and well-known objection to the Humean account of laws. Yet, as reasonable as this objection may seem, it is nowadays sometimes dismissed. The reason: its unjustified implicit assignment of equiprobability to each possible Humean mosaic; that is, its assumption of the principle of indifference, which has been attacked (...)
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  34.  47
    More on regular and decomposable ultrafilters in ZFC.Paolo Lipparini - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (4):340-374.
    We prove, in ZFC alone, some new results on regularity and decomposability of ultrafilters; among them: If m ≥ 1 and the ultrafilter D is , equation imagem)-regular, then D is κ -decomposable for some κ with λ ≤ κ ≤ 2λ ). If λ is a strong limit cardinal and D is , equation imagem)-regular, then either D is -regular or there are arbitrarily large κ < λ for which D is κ -decomposable ). Suppose that λ (...)
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    Determinacy in strong cardinal models.P. D. Welch - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (2):719 - 728.
    We give limits defined in terms of abstract pointclasses of the amount of determinacy available in certain canonical inner models involving strong cardinals. We show for example: Theorem A. $\mathrm{D}\mathrm{e}\mathrm{t}\text{\hspace{0.17em}}({\mathrm{\Pi }}_{1}^{1}-\mathrm{I}\mathrm{N}\mathrm{D})$ ⇒ there exists an inner model with a strong cardinal. Theorem B. Det(AQI) ⇒ there exist type-1 mice and hence inner models with proper classes of strong cardinals. where ${\mathrm{\Pi }}_{1}^{1}-\mathrm{I}\mathrm{N}\mathrm{D}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}$ (AQI) is the pointclass of boldface ${\mathrm{\Pi }}_{1}^{1}$ -inductive (respectively arithmetically quasi-inductive) sets of reals.
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    On the existence of regular types.Saharon Shelah & Steven Buechler - 1989 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 45 (3):277-308.
    The main results in the paper are the following. Theorem A. Suppose that T is superstable and M ⊂ N are distinct models of T eq . Then there is a c ϵ N⧹M such that t is regular. For M ⊂ N two models we say that M ⊂ na N if for all a ϵ M and θ such that θ ≠ θ , there is a b ∈ θ ⧹ acl . Theorem B Suppose that T is (...)
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    A continuity principle equivalent to the monotone $$Pi ^{0}_{1}$$ fan theorem.Tatsuji Kawai - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (3-4):443-456.
    The strong continuity principle reads “every pointwise continuous function from a complete separable metric space to a metric space is uniformly continuous near each compact image.” We show that this principle is equivalent to the fan theorem for monotone \ bars. We work in the context of constructive reverse mathematics.
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    How Strong is Ramsey’s Theorem If Infinity Can Be Weak?Leszek Aleksander Kołodziejczyk, Katarzyna W. Kowalik & Keita Yokoyama - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (2):620-639.
    We study the first-order consequences of Ramsey’s Theorem fork-colourings ofn-tuples, for fixed$n, k \ge 2$, over the relatively weak second-order arithmetic theory$\mathrm {RCA}^*_0$. Using the Chong–Mourad coding lemma, we show that in a model of$\mathrm {RCA}^*_0$that does not satisfy$\Sigma ^0_1$induction,$\mathrm {RT}^n_k$is equivalent to its relativization to any proper$\Sigma ^0_1$-definable cut, so its truth value remains unchanged in all extensions of the model with the same first-order universe.We give a complete axiomatization of the first-order consequences of$\mathrm {RCA}^*_0 + \mathrm {RT}^n_k$for$n \ge (...)
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    Renormalization of the Strongly Attractive Inverse Square Potential: Taming the Singularity.A. D. Alhaidari - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (10):1049-1058.
    Quantum anomalies in the inverse square potential are well known and widely investigated. Most prominent is the unbounded increase in oscillations of the particle’s state as it approaches the origin when the attractive coupling parameter is greater than the critical value of 1/4. Due to this unphysical divergence in oscillations, we are proposing that the interaction gets screened at short distances making the coupling parameter acquire an effective (renormalized) value that falls within the weak range 0–1/4. This prevents the oscillations (...)
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    On the Cofinality of the Least -Strongly Compact Cardinal.Y. O. U. Zhixing & Jiachen Yuan - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (2):569-582.
    In this paper, we characterize the possible cofinalities of the least $\lambda $ -strongly compact cardinal. We show that, on the one hand, for any regular cardinal, $\delta $, that carries a $\lambda $ -complete uniform ultrafilter, it is consistent, relative to the existence of a supercompact cardinal above $\delta $, that the least $\lambda $ -strongly compact cardinal has cofinality $\delta $. On the other hand, provably the cofinality of the least $\lambda $ -strongly compact cardinal always carries a (...)
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    Level by level equivalence and strong compactness.Arthur W. Apter - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (1):51.
    We force and construct models in which there are non-supercompact strongly compact cardinals which aren't measurable limits of strongly compact cardinals and in which level by level equivalence between strong compactness and supercompactness holds non-trivially except at strongly compact cardinals. In these models, every measurable cardinal κ which isn't either strongly compact or a witness to a certain phenomenon first discovered by Menas is such that for every regular cardinal λ > κ, κ is λ strongly compact iff κ (...)
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    Easton collapses and a strongly saturated filter.Masahiro Shioya - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (7-8):1027-1036.
    We introduce the Easton collapse and show that the two-stage iteration of Easton collapses gives a model in which the successor of a regular cardinal carries a strongly saturated filter. This allows one to get a model in which many successor cardinals carry saturated filters just by iterating Easton collapses.
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    Nontame mouse from the failure of square at a singular strong limit cardinal.Grigor Sargsyan - 2014 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 14 (1):1450003.
    Building on the work of Schimmerling [Coherent sequences and threads, Adv. Math.216 89–117] and Steel [PFA implies AD L, J. Symbolic Logic70 1255–1296], we show that the failure of square principle at a singular strong limit cardinal implies that there is a nontame mouse. The proof presented is the first inductive step beyond L of the core model induction that is aimed at getting a model of ADℝ + "Θ is regular" from the failure of square at a singular (...)
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  44. Natural Deduction for Three-Valued Regular Logics.Yaroslav Petrukhin - 2017 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 26 (2):197–206.
    In this paper, I consider a family of three-valued regular logics: the well-known strong and weak S.C. Kleene’s logics and two intermedi- ate logics, where one was discovered by M. Fitting and the other one by E. Komendantskaya. All these systems were originally presented in the semantical way and based on the theory of recursion. However, the proof theory of them still is not fully developed. Thus, natural deduction sys- tems are built only for strong Kleene’s logic both (...)
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  45. Responding to unauthorized residence: on a dilemma between ‘firewalls’ and ‘regularizations’.Lukas Schmid - 2024 - Comparative Migration Studies 12 (22):1-18.
    Residence of unauthorized immigrants is a stable feature of the Global North’s liberal democracies. This article asks how liberal-democratic policymakers should respond to this phenomenon, assuming both that states have incontrovertible rights and interests to assert control over immigration and that unauthorized residence is nevertheless an entrenched fact. It argues that a set of liberal-democratic commitments gives policymakers strong reason to implement both so-called ‘firewall’ and ‘regularization’ policies, thereby protecting unauthorized immigrants’ basic needs and interests and officially incorporating many (...)
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    On guessing generalized clubs at the successors of regulars.Assaf Rinot - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (7):566-577.
    König, Larson and Yoshinobu initiated the study of principles for guessing generalized clubs, and introduced a construction of a higher Souslin tree from the strong guessing principle.Complementary to the author’s work on the validity of diamond and non-saturation at the successor of singulars, we deal here with a successor of regulars. It is established that even the non-strong guessing principle entails non-saturation, and that, assuming the necessary cardinal arithmetic configuration, entails a diamond-type principle which suffices for the construction (...)
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  47.  29
    On the existence of strongly normal ideals overP κ λ.Donna M. Carr, Jean -Pierre Levinski & Donald H. Pelletier - 1990 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 30 (1):59-72.
    For every uncountable regular cardinalκ and any cardinalλ≧κ,P κ λ denotes the set $\left\{ {x \subseteqq \lambda :\left| x \right|< \kappa } \right\}$ . Furthermore, < denotes the binary operation defined inP κ λ byx (...))
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  48.  17
    Stable Anatomy Detection in Multimodal Imaging Through Sparse Group Regularization: A Comparative Study of Iron Accumulation in the Aging Brain.Matthew Pietrosanu, Li Zhang, Peter Seres, Ahmed Elkady, Alan H. Wilman, Linglong Kong & Dana Cobzas - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Multimodal neuroimaging provides a rich source of data for identifying brain regions associated with disease progression and aging. However, present studies still typically analyze modalities separately or aggregate voxel-wise measurements and analyses to the structural level, thus reducing statistical power. As a central example, previous works have used two quantitative MRI parameters—R2* and quantitative susceptibility —to study changes in iron associated with aging in healthy and multiple sclerosis subjects, but failed to simultaneously account for both. In this article, we propose (...)
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    Strongly maximal subgroups determined by elements in interstices.Teresa Bigorajska - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (1):101-108.
    Continuing the earlier research in [1] and [4] we work out a class of interstices in countable arithmetically saturated models of PA in which selective types are realized and a class of interstices in which 2-indiscernible types are realized.
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  50.  24
    The role of Broca's area in regular past-tense morphology.Timothy Justus, Jary Larsen, Jennifer Yang, Paul de Mornay Davies, Nina Dronkers & Diane Swick - 2011 - Neuropsychologia 49 (1):1–18.
    It has been suggested that damage to anterior regions of the left hemisphere results in a dissociation in the perception and lexical activation of past-tense forms. Specifically, in a lexical-decision task in which past-tense primes immediately precede present-tense targets, such patients demonstrate significant priming for irregular verbs (spoke–speak), but, unlike control participants, fail to do so for regular verbs (looked–look). Here, this behavioral dissociation was first confirmed in a group of eleven patients with damage to the pars opercularis (BA 44) (...)
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