Results for ' thought of Hans Albert'

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  1.  16
    Vyřešil Hans Albert problémy Popperova kritického racionalismu?Jitka Paitlová - 2016 - Filosofie Dnes 7 (2):79-95.
    Kritický racionalismus je v české akademické diskusi spojován především se jménem sira Karla R. Poppera. Cílem tohoto článku je komparativně rozšířit tento obraz prostřednictvím myšlenek Hanse Alberta, Popperova následovníka v německé jazykové oblasti. Konkrétně bude diskutována problematika rozlišení kontextu objevu a kontextu zdůvodnění. Na základě vybraných problémů, s nimiž se Popper nedokázal zcela vypořádat, bude ukázáno, jak tyto problémy do své koncepce involvuje a jak je řeší Albert. Zajímavý na tomto srovnání je především fakt, že Albert pojímá původně (...)
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    Die Zukunft der Ethik Albert Schweitzers.Hans Reiner - 1968 - Journal of Value Inquiry 2 (2-3):157-165.
    The basic thought of Schweitzer's ethic, the reverence for life, has manifold significance. First, it is an appeal to our moral feeling. But secondly, Schweitzer lent this thought also a general, fundamental and therewith philosophical meaning: proceeding from the “most immediate and encompassing fact of consciousness,” described by him with the proposition “I am life that will live in the midst of life that will live,” Schweitzer believed to have found in the idea of reverence for life the (...)
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    The court as a battlefield: the art of war and the art of politics in the "Han Feizi".Albert Galvany - 2017 - Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies:1-24.
    Most scholarly contributions analysing the Han Feizi tend not only to overlook the influence military literature might have had on its conception and unfolding, but also to assert that the figure of the ruler, as described in this text, and that of the commander, as portrayed in military treatises, are incompatible. In refuting this view, I shall attempt to demonstrate that the writings collected in the Han Feizi fully embrace the logic of military con- frontation, which entails, among other things, (...)
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    Gaston Bachelard. Atomistic Intuitions: An Essay on Classification. Translated and with an introduction by Roch C. Smith. (SUNY Series in Contemporary French Thought.) xxiv + 127 pp., notes, index. Albany: SUNY Press, 2018. $80 (cloth). Paperback and e-book available. Hans-Jörg Rheinberger. The Hand of the Engraver: Albert Flocon Meets Gaston Bachelard. Translated by Kate Sturge. (SUNY Series, Intersections: Philosophy and Critical Theory.) xiv + 111 pp., illus., notes, bibl., index. Albany: SUNY Press, 2018. $75 (cloth). Paperback and e-book available. [REVIEW]Teresa Castelão-Lawless - 2020 - Isis 111 (3):648-650.
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    The contribution of Hans Albert.Joseph Agassi - 2018 - In Giuseppe Franco (ed.), Begegnungen Mit Hans Albert: Eine Hommage. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 7-13.
    In the first place, Hans Albert is famous as the spokesperson of Karl Popper’s critical rationalism in the German-speaking world. This is chronologically a bit odd, given that Popper’s first vintage, his Logik der Forschung, appeared in German in 1935 and that his The Open Society and Its Enemies of 1945 appeared in German in 1958. Yet Albert did much to earn this fame: his decades-long indefatigable response to criticisms of Popper’s views in the post-war German philosophical (...)
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    Between Social Science, Religion and Politics: Essays in Critical Rationalism.Hans Albert (ed.) - 1999 - Rodopi.
    Hans Albert is the leading critical rationalist in the German-speaking world and the main critic of the hermeneutic tradition. He is well-known for applying the idea of critical reason to various kinds of human practice, including economics, politics, and law. But he has also improved on Popper's methodology by introducing the idea of rational heuristics. This collection of essays presents the core of his work on epistemology, philosophy of the social sciences, philosophy of religion, and philosophy of law. (...)
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    Macht und Gesetz: Grundprobleme der Politik und der Ökonomik.Hans Albert - 2012 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: The investigations in this book are on the problem of the relationship between politics and the economy as objects of the political theory and the economic theory. Both theories are part of the Herrschaftswissen as defined by Max Scheler. They are based on a general theory of action. This theory as well as the political and the economic theory which is developed from the theory of action is understood as a system of categories which contains the laws of (...)
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    Treatise on Critical Reason.Hans Albert - 1985 - Princeton University Press.
    Albert approaches critical rationalism as an alternative to other philosophical standpoints dominant in Germany: the conceptions of the Frankfurt School, hermeneutical thinking as represented by Gadamer, analytic philosophy, and logical empiricism. The author's purpose is to find a way out of the foundationalism of classical philosophy without falling back on the skeptical views so prevalent in today's philosophical thinking. Originally published in 1985. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Das Elend der Theologie: krit. Auseinandersetzung mit Hans Küng.Hans Albert - 1979 - Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe.
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    Die Wissenschaft und die Fehlbarkeit der Vernunft.Hans Albert - 1982 - Tübingen: Mohr.
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    Mensch und Gesellschaft aus der Sicht des kritischen Rationalismus.Hans Albert & Kurt Salamun (eds.) - 1993 - Rodopi.
    Inhalt: I. AUSEINANDERSETZUNG MIT GRUNDPOSITIONEN DER KRITISCHEN GESELLSCHAFTSTHEORIE DER FRANKFURTER SCHULE. Hans ALBERT: Dialektische Denkwege. Jürgen Habermas und der Kritische Rationalismus. William D. FUSFIELD: Some Pseudoscientific Features of Transcendental-Pragmatic Grounding Projects. Evelyn GRÖBL-STEINBACH: Reflektierte versus naive Aufklärung? Kritische Theorie und Kritischer Rationalismus - Versuch einer Bestandsaufnahme. Kurt SALAMUN: Befriedetes Dasein und offene Gesellschaft. Gesellschaftliche Zielvorstellungen in Kritischer Theorie und Kritischem Rationalismus. II. DAS LEIB-SEELE-PROBLEM UND DIE KONZEPTION DER OFFENEN GESELLSCHAFT. Volker GADENNE: Ist der Leib-Seele-Dualismus widerlegt? Arpad SÖLTER: Der (...)
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  12. Critical Rationalism: The Problem of Method in Social Sciences and Law.Hans Albert - 1988 - Ratio Juris 1 (1):1-19.
    The author characterizes the model of rationality devised by critical rationalism in opposition to the classic model of rationality and as an alternative to this. He illustrates and criticizes the trichotomous theory of knowledge which, going back to Max Scheler, is received in a secularized version by Habermas and Apel, also under the influence of the hermeneutic tradition of Heidegger and Gadamer and of the so-called “critical theory” of Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno. The author criticizes historicism as it expects (...)
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  13. The Systematic Thought of Hans Urs von Balthasar: An Irenaean Retrieval.Kevin Mongrain & Christopher W. Steck - 2002
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  14. La posibilidad del conocimiento.Hans Albert - 1984 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):127-144.
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    Hermeneutik als Heilmittel?: Der okonomische Ansatz und das Problem des Verstehens.Hans Albert - 1989 - Analyse & Kritik 11 (1):1-22.
    Social scientists usually presuppose that individual behaviour is meaningful and understandable. At the same time they aim at nomological explanations. This is criticized by some economists who recommend a hermeneutical turn to overcome the crisis in economic and sociological thinking. The author tries to show that it is counterproductive to turn to hermeneutics to solve social science problems, and that it is misleading to use Max Weber in support of this claim, because Weber's ideas are incompatible with hermeneutics a la (...)
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    (1 other version)Traktat über kritische Vernunft.Hans Albert - 1968 - Tübingen,: Mohr (Siebeck).
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    Joseph Ratzingers Apologie des Christentums: Bibeldeutung auf der Basis einer spiritualistischen Metaphysik.Hans Albert - 2007 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 59 (1):14-35.
    Ratzinger's Apology of Christianity can be characterized as an interpretation of the Bible based on spiritualist metaphysics. This paper is a critical analysis of the central theses and arguments of his book against the background of critical rationalism.
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    Hösles Sprung in den objektiven idealismus.Hans Albert - 1989 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 20 (1):124-131.
    Vittorio Hösle has made the attempt to justify objective idealism by using the method proposed by Karl Otto Apel. By analysing the logical structure of his argument it is shown that this attempt has completely failed. All steps of the argument depend on conceptual confusion and other mistakes.
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  19. Der Religiöse Glaube Und Die Religionskritik Der Aufklärung. Beschränkungen Des Vernunftgebrauchs Im Lichte Kritischer Philosophie.Hans Albert - 2006 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 37 (2):355-371.
    Religious Faith and Criticism of Religion of Enlightenment. Restrictions of the Use of Reason in the Light of Critical Philosophy. In the this paper I analyse the present problem situation of the christian faith with respect to the assumption of the existence of God and the role of Jesus and I criticize the problem-solutions offered by Bultmann, Ratzinger, Küng and Habermas. I try to show that all these solutions imply a similar arbitrary restriction of the use of reason.
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    The debate of positivism and the problem of the unity of social sciences.Hans Albert - 1985 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 11:25.
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    Some remarks on reasons in explaining human action.Hans Albert - 1993 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 7 (1):25 – 27.
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    Karl Popper (1902–1994).Hans Albert - 1995 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 26 (2):207 - 225.
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    (1 other version)Münchhausen in transzendentaler maskerade.Hans Albert - 1985 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 16 (2):341-356.
    In this paper it is shown that the attempt by Gerhard Seel to give a positive solution to the problem of absolute justification of socalled practical sentences has failed. His attempts to explicate his central concepts and the conditions of adequacy of his fundamental practical sentence are analyzed in detail. And his proposals for the formulation of a sentence of this kind are shown to lead to absurd consequences, so that consistent fallibilism is saved from his attack.
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  24. Kritische Vernunft und menschliche Praxis: mit e. autobiogr. Einl.Hans Albert - 1977 - Stuttgart: Reclam.
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    (1 other version)Theorie, verstehen und geschichte.Hans Albert - 1970 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 1 (1):3-23.
    Summary In his article the author criticizes the methodological separatism which is typical for the cultural sciences where the so called method of understanding is considered the adequate alternative to the method of natural science. On the basis of a conception which accentuates the role of theoretical assumptions in thinking the author seeks to show that it is possible to give an interpretation of understanding which is able to overcome methodological separatism, avoiding at the same time the positivistical solution which (...)
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    Receiving Søren Kierkegaard: The Early Impact and Transmission of His Thought (review).James Kellenberger - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (4):637-639.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Receiving Søren Kierkegaard: The Early Impact and Transmission of His Thought by Habib C. MalikJ. KellenbergerHabib C. Malik. Receiving Søren Kierkegaard: The Early Impact and Transmission of His Thought. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1997. Pp. xxii + 437. Cloth, $59.95.At the end of the twentieth century no one who has any acquaintance with Western philosophical or religious thought would fail to recognize (...)
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    The wandering thought of Hannah Arendt.Hans-Jörg Sigwart - 2015 - London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book interprets Hannah Arendt’s work as a “wandering” type of political theory. Focusing on the sub-text of Arendt’s writings which questions “how to think” adequately in political theory whilst categorically refraining from explicitly investigating meta-theoretical questions of epistemology and methodology, the book characterizes her theorizing as an oscillating movement between the experiential positions of philosophy and politics, and by its distinctly multi-contextual perspective. In contrast to the “not of this world” attitude of philosophy, the book argues that Arendt’s political (...)
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  28. Derrida degree: A question of honour.Barry Smith, Hans Albert, David M. Armstrong, Ruth Barcan Marcus, Keith Campbell, Richard Glauser, Rudolf Haller, Massimo Mugnai, Kevin Mulligan, Lorenzo Peña, Willard Van Orman Quine, Wolfgang Röd, Karl Schuhmann, Daniel Schulthess, Peter M. Simons, René Thom, Dallas Willard & Jan Wolenski - 1992 - The Times 9 (May 9).
    A letter to The Times of London, May 9, 1992 protesting the Cambridge University proposal to award an honorary degree to M. Jacques Derrida.
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    Recensie: The Ethical Thought of Hans Urs von Balthasar/Steck, Christopher W.(New York, 2001). The Systematic Thought of Hans Urs von Balthasar. An Irenaean Retrieval/Mongrain, Kevin (New York, 2002). [REVIEW]Yves De Maeseneer - 2004 - Modern Theology 20:475-479.
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    Between Hegel and Kierkegaard: Hans L. Martensen's Philosophy of Religion.Hans L. Martenson (ed.) - 1997 - Oup Usa.
    In the late 1830s and early 1840s Hans. L. Martensen helped to introduce the thought of G.W.F. Hegel to the intellectual world of Copenhagen. Between Hegel and Kierkegaard offers the first English translations of three important early writings of Martensen in the philsophy of religion. These treatises evidence an original and critical interpretation of Hegel's thought from a speculative theological point of view. The heart of Martensen's philosophy of religion is the idea of freedom or personality grounded (...)
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    Resurrection and Sacraments in the Systematic Theology of Albert the Great.O. P. Sr Albert Marie Surmanski - 2021 - Franciscan Studies 79 (1):57-80.
    Current theological thought across various fields emphasizes the synthetic and holistic nature of Christ’s saving work. For example, consider the use of the term “Paschal Mystery” by the second Vatican Council1 and the language of “the Christ event” in Biblical studies.2 Even Heideggarian theologians who use the language of “symbolic recognition” see the sacraments as moments when Christians recognize and affirm their connectedness to the whole mystery of Christ.3 Conversely, ulta-traditionalist authors combat the idea of Paschal mystery, charging that (...)
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    Normative Presuppositions in the Thought of the Young Marx (1843 to 1848). [REVIEW]Hans J. Verweyen - 1976 - Philosophy and History 9 (2):159-161.
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    Hans Albert and me.Alan Musgrave - 2018 - In Giuseppe Franco (ed.), Begegnungen Mit Hans Albert: Eine Hommage. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 237-238.
    It is difficult to say in a few words how much I owe to Hans Albert. It all began with invitations to the wonderful Alpbach European Forum, where for many years Hans helped to organize [i. e. organized] the regular Philosophy Seminar. He first invited me there in 1975, and again in 1980, 1987, 1993, 1995, 1998 and 2001. Hans really was the ‘Spirit of Alpbach’, as somebody once described him to me, and these were all (...)
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    Indian Thought and Its Development.Albert Schweitzer - 1936 - Duff Press.
    INDIAN THOUGHT AND ITS DEVELOPMENT by ALBERT SCHWEITZER.Originally printed in 1936. PREFACE: I HAVE written this short account of Indian Thought and its Development in the hope that it may help people in Europe to become better ac quainted than they are at present with the ideas it stands for and the great personalities in whom these ideas are embodied. To gain an insight into Indian thought, and to analyse it and discuss our differences, must necessarily (...)
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    Meeting Hans Albert.Mario Bunge - 2018 - In Giuseppe Franco (ed.), Begegnungen Mit Hans Albert: Eine Hommage. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 67-68.
    I remember distinctly my visit to Hans Albert in the spring of 1966, while I was working at the Institut für Theoretische Physik in Freiburg. He received me and a colleague of his with his proverbial friendliness. His colleague was indignant at by a recent publication by a famous theologian.
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  36. The Legalism of Han Fei-tzu and Its Affinities with Modern Political Thought. Moody - 1979 - International Philosophical Quarterly 19 (3):317-330.
    The legalism of han fei-Tzu has affinities with much of modern political thought, Particularly in its denial of an objective morality. Because legalism is modernism unmoralized, It shows clearly some of the less savory implications of the truisms we accept. Han fei's ideas are interesting in their own right, But it is also interesting to see these ideas in a comparative setting, That we might gain a broader understanding of modern political thought, Both of its merits and its (...)
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  37. Out of my life and thought.Albert Schweitzer - 1998 - John Hopkins University Press.
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    Chaos, Language, and Logos: How the Poet Participates in the Creating Activity of the Word in the Thought of Andrey Bely.Albert Paretsky Op - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1070):465-478.
    Andrey Bely was an important member of the Russian symbolist movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This essay presents a summary of the development of his ideas regarding the origins of image and symbol in poetic language. For Bely language organizes chaos. The poet finds images in the internal world of dreams. Music has an organizing power beyond that of language, which language attempts to imitate. Under the influence of Vladimir Solovyov he looked to the union of (...)
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  39. The logic of indexical thoughts and the metaphysics of the “self”.Albert Newen - 1997 - In M. Anduschus, Albert Newen & Wolfgang Kunne (eds.), Direct Reference, Indexicality, and Propositional Attitudes. CSLI Press.
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    Normative Methodology of Science: Karl Popper and Hans Albert.Giridhari Lal Pandit - 2018 - In Giuseppe Franco (ed.), Begegnungen Mit Hans Albert: Eine Hommage. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 259-268.
    Karl R. Popper was a great admirer and friend of Hans Albert. What is it exactly that connected them? Answer to this question, barely a sketch, will also answer the question why and how I came to know Hans Albert. Within the normative methodological tradition set forth in Rene Descartes’ Regulae and Discourse on the Method, Karl R. Popper and Hans Albert converged on critical rationalism, the generalized version of Popper’s deductivist-falsificationist methodology of science.
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  41. Hans Albert a problém hodnotové neutrality vědy.Jitka Paitlová - 2013 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 35 (3):381-396.
    Studie pojednává o analýze a navrhovaném řešení problému „hodnotové neutrality" vědy německým kritickým racionalistou Hansem Albertem. Především Albert odmítá dvě vyhrocené pozice: novopozitivistickou ignoraci hodnotících soudů i jejich existencialistickou adoraci. Naopak se prostřednictvím takzvaných přemosťovacích principů snaží překlenout propast mezi poznáním na jedné straně a rozhodnutím na straně druhé. V návaznosti na Maxe Webera uznává princip hodnotové neutrality ve vědě, ovšem pouze v oblasti jejího objektového jazyka, neboť věda jako technologický systém výpovědí má pouze informativní, nikoli normativní charakter. To (...)
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    The effectiveness of thought.Albert L. Hammond - 1927 - Philosophical Review 36 (6):517-534.
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    Chaos, Language, and Logos: How the Poet Participates in the Creating Activity of the Word in the Thought of Andrey Bely.Albert Paretsky O. P. - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1069).
    Andrey Bely was an important member of the Russian symbolist movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This essay presents a summary of the development of his ideas regarding the origins of image and symbol in poetic language. For Bely language organizes chaos. The poet finds images in the internal world of dreams. Music has an organizing power beyond that of language, which language attempts to imitate. Under the influence of Vladimir Solovyov he looked to the union of (...)
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    Albert Schweitzer's ethical vision: a sourcebook.Albert Schweitzer - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Predrag Cicovacki.
    Western and Indian thought -- The historical Jesus -- The kingdom of God -- Religion in modern civilization -- The decay of civilization -- Civilization and ethics -- The optimistic world-view in Kant -- Schopenhauer and Nietzsche's quest for elementary ethics -- Reverence for life -- The ethics of reverence for life -- The problem of ethics in the evolution of human thought -- Bach and aesthetics -- Goethe the philosopher -- Gandhi and the force of nonviolence -- (...)
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  45. Peirce.Albert Atkin - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    Charles Sanders Peirce is generally regarded as the founder of pragmatism, and one of the greatest ever American philosophers. Peirce is also widely known for his work on truth, his foundational work in mathematical logic, and an influential theory of signs, or semiotics. Albert Atkin introduces the full spectrum of Peirce’s thought for those coming to his work for the first time. The book begins with an overview of Peirce’s life and work, considering his early and long-standing interest (...)
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    Islamic thought in the dialogue of cultures: a historical and bibliographical survey.Hans Daiber - 2012 - Boston: Brill.
    The monograph aims at a historical and bibliographical survey of the qur??nic and rational world-view of early Islam, of the period of translations from Greek into Syriac and Arabic, and of the impact of Islamic thought on Europe.
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    History, Metaphors, Fables: A Hans Blumenberg Reader.Hans Blumenberg - 2020 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Edited by Hannes Bajohr, Florian Fuchs & Joe Paul Kroll.
    History, Metaphors, and Fables collects the central writings by Hans Blumenberg and covers topics such as on the philosophy of language, metaphor theory, non-conceptuality, aesthetics, politics, and literary studies. This landmark volume demonstrates Blumenberg's intellectual breadth and gives an overview of his thematic and stylistic range over four decades. Blumenberg's early philosophy of technology becomes tangible, as does his critique of linguistic perfectibility and conceptual thought, his theory of history as successive concepts of reality", his anthropology, or his (...)
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  48. The Truth of Hermeneutics: The Self and Other in Dialogue in the Thought of Hans-Georg Gadamer.Lauren Swayne Barthold - 2002 - Dissertation, New School for Social Research
    My aim is to respond to the charge that Gadamer has not been specific enough about a positive account of Truth in Truth in Method. Rather than denying this charge, however, I turn to his writings on Plato in order to develop a more detailed and viable conception of Truth. At the same time, I also seek to show how Gadamer's Truth project relies on, but is not reducible to, Heidegger's notion of aletheia. Assessing Gadamer's Truth project in terms of (...)
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    To live is to think: the thought of twentieth-century German philosopher Constantin Brunner.Hans Goetz - 1995 - Middletown, N.J.: Caslon Co..
    "Constantin Brunner (1862-1937) was a philosopher of considerable originality and importance to whom all too little attention has been paid until quite recently." "This book presents an outline of Brunner's life and personality, then proceeds to relate his philosophy to that of Plato, Spinoza, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Husserl, and Heidegger. There follows an analysis of Brunner's theory of knowledge, the framework of a complete philosophic system which, in many of Brunner's ideas, shows a similarity to that of his contemporary F. (...)
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    (1 other version)The Order of Russell's Thought [review of Paul Grimley Kuntz, Bertrand Russell ].Albert C. Lewis - 1989 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 9 (2).
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