Results for 'įstatymas'

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  1.  19
    Kaip Lietuvoje atsirado pirmasis konstitucinis įstatymas.Vytautas Sinkevičius - 2014 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 21 (2):421-439.
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  2.  18
    Albert Camus: "The Myth of Sisyphus".Gvidonas Bartkus - 1970 - Problemos 6:89-97.
    [straipsnis lietuvių kalba] Straipsnyje aptariama Alberto Camus kūrybos bruožai ir jo esė „Sizifo mitas“. Teigiama, kad pagrindinė šio kūrinio tema yra absurdas ir su juo susijusios sąvokos: maištas, laisvė, aistra ir panašiai. Absurdas yra pasaulio dėsnis, o kartu proto maištingas pasipiktinimas, nes proto įstatymas yra išmintingas motyvavimas, - absurdas ir išmintis negali būti kartu. Absurdas yra santykis tarp pasaulio ir žmogaus. Absurdą reikia suprasti, įsisąmoninti ir paniekinti. Žmogus, išsirinkdamas gyvenimą per laisvę ir maištą, neigia absurdą, nors jo nesunaikina. Patyręs (...)
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  3.  6
    The internal audit environment and its determinants of economy entities.Danguole Sidlauskiene - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії:157-159.
    _Relevance. _The role of internal audit in the entity's governance structure is constantly evolving. For a variety of reasons, internal auditors engage in an in-depth analysis of business processes to help ensure that these processes are working properly and effectively. One reason is that advanced entities expect internal auditors not only to verify compliance with laws and procedures, but also to suggest ways to make internal control more effective. However, often internal auditors in entities do not perform the function they (...)
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  4. Visuomenės ir valstybės valdymo modelio paieškos XX a. pradžios lietuvių katalikų intelektualų darbuose.Valdas Pruskus - 2014 - Filosofija. Sociologija 25 (1).
    Straipsnyje aptariamos visuomenės ir valstybės modelių paieškos XX a. pradžios katalikų intelektualų darbuose. Teigiama, kad lietuvių katalikų intelektualai (A. Kaupas, S. Šultė, A. Civinskas, K. Šaulys, J. Staugaitis ir kt.) savivaldą laikė efektyviausia visuomenės narių valdymo forma. Atskleisdami krikščioniškai suprantamos demokratinės savivaldos teigiamybes ir keliamus reikalavimus individui, katalikai rodė priešingumą bolševikų propaguojamai vienintelei „teisingai visuomenės valdymo formai“ – proletariato diktatūrai, uzurpuojančiai individo teises klasės naudai, ugdė demokratijos ir atitinkamo valstybės sutvarkymo bei valdymo poreikį. Aukščiausias teisines galias galinti turėti tik visa (...)
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  5.  19
    The Conceptions of Law in Lithuania in the XVI-XVIII Centuries (text only in French).Darijus Beinoravičius - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 120 (2):397-405.
    L’intérêt pour les idées de l’Etat de droit en Lituanie comme dans les autres pays s’est développé de façon marquée dans les périodes où l’appétit de liberté des citoyens était stimulé par le caractère oppressif du pouvoir d’Etat contre lequel ils devaient se défendre. Cette théorie exposait que seul l’Etat de droit pouvait être considéré comme une organisation politique légitime de la société. Les premières théories lituaniennes de l’Etat de droit sont apparues entre le XVIe et le XVIIIe siècles, dans (...)
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  6.  23
    Implementation of EC Directive on Temporary Agency Work into Lithuania Legislation.Tomas Bagdanskis - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (3):1035-1053.
    On 19 May 2011, the Lithuanian Parliament adopted the Law on Temporary Agency Employment to implement the EU Directive on temporary agency work. Up to now there has been no special regulations for the so called “personnel lease”, although Lithuanian companies have been using such service since 2003. The law basically followed the recommendations of the Directive without setting additional restrictions. Temporary agency workers will be subject to the same conditions as permanent workers of employment agency clients are regarding working (...)
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  7.  44
    Problems of Application of Detention of Asylum Seekers in the Practice of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania.Laurynas Biekša & Eglė Samuchovaitė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1407-1422.
    The question of detention of asylum seekers is specific due to the special situation of detainees (persons who have experienced human rights violations and apply for asylum in receiving country) and due to peculiarities of detention itself (persons have not committed crimes, but come or stay illegally because they have been forced to do so by fleeing from human rights violations). Therefore, lately it raises many discussions at the European level. Sooner or later, discussions influence national laws, as after adopting (...)
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  8.  29
    Freedom of Expression v. Honour and Dignity: Is the Practice by Lithuania's Courts Constitutional? (text only in Lithuanian).Algimantas Šindeikis - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 120 (2):121-157.
    The constitutional right to self-expression, used by societies professing democratic values (Constitution, Article 25), is a highly important feature for forming the political will of the citizenry. A broad, multi-sided public discussion on all issues of public interest is only possible with the existence of an appropriate amount of freedom of information. A strong mechanism for disseminating information that operates between citizens and the parliament is able to generate a sphere for discussion and mutual influence which are essential for indirect (...)
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  9.  26
    Application of Interim Measures in International Arbitration: the Lithuanian Approach.Natalija Kaminskiene - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 119 (1):243-260.
    In international arbitration, timely application and enforcement of interim measures can have a substantial effect on the possibility of the enforcement of final arbitration award, especially when issues relating to the protection of assets or evidence arise before or during the course of arbitration proceedings. Though the substantive amendments to the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration concerning the application and enforcement of interim measures in international arbitration were made in 2006, the legal regulation of these matters in Lithuania (...)
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