Results for '“his Jews”'

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  1.  24
    Four Jews on Parnassus--A Conversation: Benjamin, Adorno, Scholem, Schönberg [With Music CD].Carl Djerassi & Gabriele Seethaler - 2008 - Columbia University Press.
    _This book features a CD of rarely performed music, including a specially commissioned rap by Erik Weiner of Walter Benjamin's "Thesis on the Philosophy of History." _ Theodor W. Adorno was the prototypical German Jewish non-Jew, Walter Benjamin vacillated between German Jew and Jewish German, Gershom Scholem was a committed Zionist, and Arnold Schönberg converted to Protestantism for professional reasons but later returned to Judaism. Carl Djerassi, himself a refugee from Hitler's Austria, dramatizes a dialogue between these four men in (...)
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    The Jews Killed Moses: Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Question.Daniel Chernilo - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (3):89-104.
    Freud completed his last book, on Moses and Monotheism, in 1939, while in his London exile. Its publication was deemed untimely, as its two main theses could be construed as a form of Jewish self-hatred. The first claim questions Moses’ Jewish origins and contends that the founder of the Jews was in fact an Egyptian; the second suggests that the Jews killed Moses and then created his myth as a coping mechanism for concealing their terrible deed. In this article, I (...)
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    The Angry Jew has Gotten His Revenge.Roger Berkowitz - 2011 - Philosophical Topics 39 (2):1-20.
    Sholom Schwartzbard killed Simon Petlura in an act of revenge. He admitted his crime and a French jury acquitted him in 1927. For Hannah Arendt, Schwartzbard’s actions show that revenge can, in certain circumstances, be in the service of justice. This paper explores Hannah Arendt’s distinction between reconciliation and revenge and argues that Hannah Arendt embraces revenge as one way in which politics and justice can happen in the world, but only under certain conditions. First, Arendt only endorses revenge when (...)
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    Good Jew, Bad Jew.Steven Friedman & Laurence Piper - 2023 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 70 (177):54-76.
    In Good Jew, Bad Jew Steven Friedman argues that the meaning of anti-Semitism favoured by the Israeli government and its allies prioritises loyalty to the Israeli state over identification with the Jewish people. On this view, ‘good Jews’ are those who support the Israeli state, and ‘bad Jews’ are those who criticise Zionism. This framing reflects a discursive transition over decades linked to the desire to make Israel part of Europe politically and culturally. Not only has the Zionist version of (...)
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    M. I. Finley: An Ancient Historian and His Impact ed. by Daniel Jew, Robin Osborne, Michael Scott.Jonathan S. Perry - 2018 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 111 (2):271-272.
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    The first modern Jew: Spinoza and the history of an image.Daniel B. Schwartz - 2012 - Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
    Pioneering biblical critic, theorist of democracy, and legendary conflater of God and nature, Jewish philosopher Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) was excommunicated by the Sephardic Jews of Amsterdam in 1656 for his "horrible heresies" and "monstrous deeds." Yet, over the past three centuries, Spinoza's rupture with traditional Jewish beliefs and practices has elevated him to a prominent place in genealogies of Jewish modernity. The First Modern Jew provides a riveting look at how Spinoza went from being one of Judaism's most notorious outcasts (...)
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  7.  12
    A Jewish Vizier and his Shīʿī Manifesto: Jews, Shīʿīs, and the Politicization of Confessional Identities in Mongol-ruled Iraq and Iran (13th to 14th centuries). [REVIEW]Jonathan Brack - 2019 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 96 (2):374-403.
    This paper seeks to situate Jewish individuals from the upper echelons of the Mongol government in Iran and Iraq (1258‒1335) in relation to the process of confessional, Sunnī-Shīʿī polarization. Focusing on the case of the Baghdadi Jewish physician and vizier Saʿd al-Dawla (d. 1291), I explore how the Jewish minister sought to take advantage of Twelver-Shīʿī rise to prominence under the Mongols. I argue that the vizier attempted to strike an alliance with the Shīʿī communities in Iraq and with influential (...)
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    Dialogic Communication with the Jews of Medina: Methods, Characteristics, and Purposes in the Light of Prophetic Biography.Dr Abdel Aziz Shaker Hamdan Al Kubaisi, Dr Sohaib Al-Kubaisi, Dr Younus Abdulhadi Khaleel Al Fayyadh & Dr Abdeljalil Damrah - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (2):460-487.
    This research study examined what dialogues, methods of communication and mechanisms were employed by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to teach, guide and advise His opponents, particularly the Jews of Medina. This study took the opportunity to understand the characteristics of such dialogues and communication methods and extrapolate the jurisprudential rulings and the legitimate objectives of such dialogues. The study used a historical and heuristic approach to unearth the dialogic communication, and data was retrieved from the Prophet’s biographies, religious writings, archives (...)
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    Diaspora: Jews amidst Greeks and Romans (review).Louis H. Feldman - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (2):313-316.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 124.2 (2003) 313-316 [Access article in PDF] Erich S. Gruen. Diaspora: Jews amidst Greeks and Romans. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2002. xiv + 386 pp. Cloth, $39.95. This survey of Jewish culture outside of Palestine, that is, the diaspora, during the period from Alexander the Great to Nero challenges the sensus communisin point after point through a fresh, nuanced rereading of the primary texts. (...)
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  10.  30
    The Beautiful Jew is a Moneylender: Money and Individuality in Simmel's Rehabilitation of the `Jew'.Amos Morris-Reich - 2003 - Theory, Culture and Society 20 (4):127-142.
    This article contends that Georg Simmel attempted a rehabilitation of the Jewish stereotype in a singular way: via his theory of modernity and the quintessential place held therein by money. The first part of the article, based almost entirely on Simmel's The Philosophy of Money, seeks to demonstrate that Simmel intended to overturn the negative Aristotelian and Marxist assessments of money and of those who deal with it. The second part of the article is based on Simmel's unique theory of (...)
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  11.  18
    Reflections of a Wondering Jew.Morris Raphael Cohen & Irving Louis Horowitz - 2010 - Routledge.
    Much as he considered himself a philosopher, Morris Raphael Cohen was also immersed in the machinery of social life. From his first years of "engagement" as a volunteer teacher in Thomas Davidson's school for working-class people, to his last as professor of philosophy at New York's City College and at the University of Chicago, he constantly sought to understand the underlying assumptions of human behavior. The studies Cohen gathered together for Reflections of a Wondering Jew are an indication of representative (...)
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  12.  12
    (1 other version)Jews and Gender: Responses to Otto Weininger.Nancy Harrowitz (ed.) - 1994 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    In 1903 Otto Weininger, A Viennese Jew who converted to Protestantism, published Geschiecht und Charakter, a book in which he set out to prove the moral inferiority and character deficiency of "the woman" and "the Jew." Almost immediately, he was acclaimed as a young genius for bringing these two elements together. Shortly thereafter, at the age of twenty-three, Weininger committed suicide in the room where Beethoven had died. Weininger's sensationalized death immortalized him as an intellectual who expressed the abject misogyny (...)
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  13.  14
    M.I. Finley and his legacy - (d.) jew, (r.) Osborne, (m.) Scott (edd.) M.I. Finley. An ancient historian and his impact. Pp. XVIII + 333, figs, ills. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2016. Cased, £64.99, us$99.99. Isbn: 978-1-107-14926-7. [REVIEW]Doug Forsyth - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (1):240-243.
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  14.  14
    Heidegger and the Jews: the Black notebooks.Donatella Di Cesare - 2018 - Medford, MA: Polity.
    Philosophers have long struggled to reconcile Martin Heidegger's involvement in Nazism with his status as one of the greatest thinkers of the twentieth century. The recent publication of his Black Notebooks has reignited fierce debate on the subject. These thousand-odd pages of jotted observations profoundly challenge our image of the quiet philosopher's exile in the Black Forest, revealing the shocking extent of his anti-Semitism for the first time. For much of the philosophical community, the Black Notebooks have been either used (...)
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  15.  43
    Was Shakespeare a Jew? Uncovering the Marrano Influences in His Life and Writing. By Ghislain Muller. Pp. viii, 344, Lewiston, The Edwin Mellen Press, 2011, $299.00. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (5):849-850.
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  16.  76
    Ethical Writings: His “Ethics” or “Know Yourself” and His “Dialogue between a Philosopher, a Jew, and a Christian” Peter Abelard Traduit par Paul Vincent Spade, avec une introduction par Marilyn McCord Adams Indianapolis-Cambridge, Hackett Publishing, 1995, 171 p. [REVIEW]Guy Hamelin - 1998 - Dialogue 37 (1):173-.
    Le premier texte, traduit sous le titre Ethics, comporte deux livres dont le second, très bref, est incomplet. Dans le premier, Abélard traite essentiellement de questions qui tournent autour de la notion de faute morale. Il tente d’abord de préciser la nature exacte de cette faute, ce qui lui permet notamment de la démarquer du désir ou de la volonté mauvaise, du vice et de l’acte funeste. Le péché est alors proprement défini comme étant le fruit d’un consentement à ce (...)
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  17. Peter Abelard, Ethical Writings: His Ethics or 'Know Yourself and His Dialogue between a Philosopher, a Jew and a Christian. Trans. Paul Vincent Spade'. [REVIEW]J. J. MacIntosh - 1996 - Philosophy in Review 16 (1):1-3.
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    Avicenna among medieval jews the reception of avicenna's philosophical, scientific and medical writings in jewish cultures, east and west.Gad Freudenthal & Mauro Zonta - 2012 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 22 (2):217-287.
    The reception of Avicenna by medieval Jewish readers presents an underappreciated enigma. Despite the philosophical and scientific stature of Avicenna, his philosophical writings were relatively little studied in Jewish milieus, be it in Arabic or in Hebrew. In particular, Avicenna's philosophical writings are not among the “Hebräische Übersetzungen des Mittelalters” – only very few of them were translated into Hebrew. As an author associated with a definite corpus of writings, Avicenna hardly existed in Jewish philosophy in Hebrew. Paradoxically, however, some (...)
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  19.  15
    Jews in the Hellenistic world: Philo.Ronald Williamson - 1989 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Philo.
    An extremely important Jewish writer and thinker of the first century AD, Philo of Alexandria exercised through his ideas and language a lasting influence on the development and growth of Christianity in the New Testament period and later. This book provides an introduction to the major themes and ideas in the religious and philosophical thinking of Philo and outlines the importance of his thought by means of introductory treatments and sections of freshly translated text and commentary. Dr Williamson illustrates in (...)
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  20.  27
    (1 other version)Do Religious Jews Have Faith in the Principles of Judaism.N. Verbin - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (4):360-371.
    Sam Lebens’ The Principles of Judaism is an extraordinary book in its rigor and richness. It is a sophisticated examination of three central propositions, which Lebens maintains, are the fundamental doctrines that “can make sense of continued commitment to an Orthodox Jewish lifestyle.” (Lebens, 273). He presents and discusses the following three propositions: 1) The universe is the creation of one God; 2) The Torah is a divine system of laws and wisdom, revealed by the creator of the universe; and, (...)
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  21.  56
    Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe.RuthAnn Althaus & Al Rosenbloom - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 4:147-160.
    This case explores the ethical dilemmas faced by Wolfgang Thierse and other board members of the Memorial Foundation for the Murdered Jews of Europe. They must decide whether Degussa AG, a memorial subcontractor, can continue working on the memorial, despite Swiss andGerman media reports that a former subsidiary of Degussa’s, named Degesch, manufactured and supplied the nerve gas that killed Jews and other individuals in the Auschwitz concentration camp. The board’s decision is complicated by negative publicity the memorial has received, (...)
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  22.  25
    Afro-American Jews.Şahin Kizilabdullah - 2022 - Dini Araştırmalar 25 (62):59-82.
    Judaism is one of the oldest surviving religious traditions in the world. The Jews, who base their history on Abraham and his son Isaac, began to be called religion with Moses. The Jews, who lived their golden age in and around Jerusalem during the David and Solomon periods, also built the Temple, which was at the center of their religious life. The Jews, who rebuilt the Temple during the Babylonian exile and subsequently Ezra's reign, lived in these lands until the (...)
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  23. Celio Secondo Curione, a 16th century Italian reformer and his attitude towards the Jews.L. D'Ascia - 1997 - Rinascimento 37:341-355.
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    National Identity and Belonging of Yemenite Jews in The Journey of Buried Secrets.Ebrahim Mohammed Alwuraafi - 2023 - Human Affairs 33 (1):128-149.
    This article discusses the national identity of the Yemenite Jews as portrayed in Majdi Saleh’s novel The Journey of Buried Secrets. The novel, in addition to being a journey to the ancient past of Yemen, is a journey to the secret life of the Yemenite Jews as well. It is an exploration of their customs, traditions, worries, passions and identity. The writer has been able to dive deep into the depths of Yemeni society, both Muslim and Jewish, depicting the beauty (...)
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  25.  27
    Supplementing Barth on Jews and Gender: Identifying God by Anagogy and the Spirit.Eugene F. Rogers - 1998 - Modern Theology 14 (1):43-81.
    Karl Barth leaves room by his own principles for further, even different thinking about Jews and gender than he records in the Dogmatics. Now that Marquardt, Klappert, Sonderegger, Soulen, and others have offered sympathetic critiques from a generally Barthian point of view, and Eberhard Busch has exhaustively laid to rest any biographical questions of Barth’s relation to the Jewish people in his 1996 book, Unter dem Bogen des einen Bundes: Karl Barth und die Juden 1933–1945, the way lies open to (...)
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  26.  22
    Erasmus and the Jews.Simon Markish - 1986 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Erasmus of Rotterdam was the greatest Christian humanist scholar of the Northern European Renaissance, a correspondent of Sir Thomas More and many other learned men of his time, known to his contemporaries and to posterity for subtlety of his thought and the depth of his learning. He was also, according to some modern writers, an anti-Semite. In this complete analysis of all of Erasmus' writings on Jews and Judaism, Shimon Markish asserts that the accusation cannot be sustained. For Markish, to (...)
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  27. Steven C. Boguslawski, Thomas Aquinas on the Jews: Insights into His Commentary on Romans 9-11.H. Coolman - 2009 - The Thomist 73 (4):676.
  28.  33
    The Expulsion of the Jews: 1492 and After.Richard H. Popkin - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (2):297-299.
    BOOK REVIEWS 297 to and 21o), Receuil ~ l'usage des prkdicateurs in an Auxerre manuscript , and a Latin-Arabic Glossary preserved in a single Leiden manuscript . The estimate to be made of this Work must be all but totally positive. The complex organization of the volume can make difficulties, despite a useful index; Tolan's refer- ence to "five" authentic works perhaps includes the De Machometo since only four, Dialogi, Zij al-Sindhind, Epistola ad peripateticos and Disciplina clericalis have survived his (...)
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  29.  15
    Gandhi and the Jews, the Jews and Gandhi: An Overall Perspective.Shimon Lev - 2023 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 27 (3):393-409.
    Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869–1948)’s relationship with the Jews is explored in this article. The history of this relationship can be divided into two different periods. The first begins during his formative years in South Africa from 1893 to 1914, and the second, during his political activism in India thereafter. The article points out that Gandhi’s close Jewish associates in South Africa, although coming primarily from a Theosophist background, considered their support of Gandhi and his struggle to represent their core Jewish (...)
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  30.  8
    Against the Jews and the Gentiles.Giannozzo Manetti - 2017 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by Stefano Ugo Baldassarri, Daniela Pagliara, David Marsh & Giannozzo Manetti.
    Manetti's Latin treatise Adversus Iudaeos et Gentes (Against the Jews and Gentiles) offers a polemical defense of the Christian religion. This volume, which includes the first four books,surveys human history from the Creation to the life,teaching, and resurrection of Christ. Book I begins with the creation and fall of man in the Biblical account. There follows a long digression adversus gentes (the Gentiles, i.e., pagans), which reviews central points of ancient Greek and Roman philosophy and religion, and censures the ancients (...)
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  31.  54
    Beside Still Waters: Jews, Christians and the Way of the Buddha (review).Paul Loren Swanson - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):263-264.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Beside Still Waters: Jews, Christians and the Way of the BuddhaPaul L. SwansonThis is a very moving collection of essays by committed Jews and Christians who have learned from and experienced Buddhism over a good portion of their lives. The names of the authors will be familiar to anyone with even a passing acquaintance with Buddhist-Christian dialogue of the past twenty to thirty years. The essays are inspiring (...)
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  32.  19
    A Polynesian, a Jew, and a Hindu Walk into Jerusalem: On Mendelssohn’s Religious Universalism.Jeremy Fogel - 2020 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 28 (2):151-183.
    In his Jerusalem, Moses Mendelssohn describes a Polynesian visitor to Dessau before traveling to India by way of ancient Jerusalem. In two pages, Mendelssohn has crossed the world, doing so to argue that in spite of their cultural differences, most human beings ultimately share basic salvific religious truths. This paper explores the religious universalism reflected in this striking passage, analyzes Mendelssohn’s cultural sensitivity and pluralism, and offers a characterization of the particularities of Mendelssohn’s Jewish universalism as well as concluding thoughts (...)
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  33.  81
    German Idealism and the Jew: The Inner Anti-Semitism of Philosophy and German Jewish Responses.Michael Mack - 2003 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In _German Idealism and the Jew_, Michael Mack uncovers the deep roots of anti-Semitism in the German philosophical tradition. While many have read German anti-Semitism as a reaction against Enlightenment philosophy, Mack instead contends that the redefinition of the Jews as irrational, oriental Others forms the very cornerstone of German idealism, including Kant's conception of universal reason. Offering the first analytical account of the connection between anti-Semitism and philosophy, Mack begins his exploration by showing how the fundamental thinkers in the (...)
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  34.  7
    Continental philosophy and the Palestinian question: beyond the Jew and the Greek.Zahi Zalloua - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing PIc.
    From Sartre to Levinas, continental philosophers have looked to the example of the Jew as the paradigmatic object of and model for ethical inquiry. Levinas, for example, powerfully dedicates his 1974 book Otherwise than Being to the victims of the Holocaust, and turns attention to the state of philosophy after Auschwitz. Such an ethics radically challenges prior notions of autonomy and comprehension-two key ideas for traditional ethical theory and, more generally, the Greek tradition. It seeks to respect the opacity of (...)
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  35.  22
    The Exorbitant: Emmanuel Levinas Between Jews and Christians.Kevin Hart & Michael A. Singer (eds.) - 2022 - Fordham University Press.
    We are exorbitant, and rightly so, when we cut any link we may have to cosmological powers. Levinas invites us to be exorbitant by distancing ourselves from visions of metaphysics, epistemology, and theology. We begin to listen well to Levinas when we hear him inviting us to break completely with the pagan world in which the gods are simply the highest beings in the cosmos and learn to practice an adult religion in which God is outside cosmology and ontology. God (...)
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  36.  25
    Notes on “some notes on ‘avicenna among medieval jews’ ” by professor Steven Harvey.Mauro Zonta & Gad Freudenthal - 2016 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 26 (2):309-311.
    Professor Steven Harvey has honored us with a 28-page critique of our 2012 paper, “Avicenna among medieval Jews.” In our opinion, his text is wanting in both form and substance.
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  37.  7
    Today and Tomorrow Volume 17 Religion and Folklore: Eutychus, or the Future of the Pulpit Apella or the Future of the Jews Vicisti, Galilaee? Perseus, of Dragons.Reviewer Holtby - 2008 - Routledge.
    Eutychus Or the Future of the Pulpit Winifred Holtby Originally published in 1928 "Few wittier or wiser books have appeared in this stimulating series." Spectator "…delicious fun." Guardian A dialogue between Archbishop Fénelon, who stands for the great ecclesiastical tradition of preaching, Anthony, who stands for the more superficial intellectual movements in England and Eutychus, the ordinary man, investigates the nature of the pulpit. 134pp Apella or the Future of the Jews A Quarterly Reviewer Originally published in 1925 "Cogent, because (...)
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  38. Cosmic Spiritualism among the Pythagoreans, Stoics, Jews, and Early Christians.Phillip Sidney Horky - 2019 - In Cosmos in the Ancient World. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 270-94.
    This paper traces how the dualism of body and soul, cosmic and human, is bridged in philosophical and religious traditions through appeal to the notion of ‘breath’ (πνεῦμα). It pursues this project by way of a genealogy of pneumatic cosmology and anthropology, covering a wide range of sources, including the Pythagoreans of the fifth century BCE (in particular, Philolaus of Croton); the Stoics of the third and second centuries BCE (especially Posidonius); the Jews writing in Hellenistic Alexandria in the first (...)
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  39.  34
    Dark Riddle: Hegel, Nietzsche, and the Jews.Yirmiyahu Yovel - 1998 - University Park, Pa.: Polity.
    This brilliant and absorbing study examines the image of Judaism and the Jews in the work of two of the most influential modern philosophers, Hegel and Nietzsche. Hegel was a proponent of universal reason and Nietzsche was its opponent; Hegel was a Christian thinker and Nietzsche was a self-proclaimed "Antichrist"; Hegel strove to bring modernity to its climax, and Nietzsche wanted to divert the evolution of modernity into completely different paths. In view of these conflicting attitudes and philosophical projects, how (...)
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  40.  36
    Kant on the Jews and their Religion.Wojciech Kozyra - 2020 - Diametros 17 (65):32-55.
    The main focus of the article is the analysis of Kant’s notion of Judaism and his attitude toward the Jewish nation in a new context. Kant’s views on the Jewish religion are juxtaposed with those of Mendelssohn and Spinoza in order to emphasize several interesting features of Kant’s political and religious thought. In particular, the analysis shows that, unlike Mendelssohn, Kant did not consider tolerance to be the last word of the enlightened state in matters of its coexistence with religion. (...)
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  41.  24
    William Chester Jordan, The Apple of His Eye: Converts from Islam in the Reign of Louis IX. (Jews, Christians, and Muslims from the Ancient to the Modern World.) Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019. Pp. xiii, 177; black-and-white figures. $35. ISBN: 978-0-6911-9011-2. [REVIEW]Suzanne Conklin Akbari - 2022 - Speculum 97 (2):517-519.
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    The Sum of All Fears: the Figure of the Anti/Metaphysical Jew in Heidegger’s Black Notebooks (and beyond).Agata Bielik-Robson - 2024 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 32 (1):35-59.
    My essay positions Heidegger’s Black Notebooks (Schwarze Hefte) in the light of the later transformation of his thought after die Kehre, which introduces a new motif: “the withdrawal of Being.” And while the Jewish question disappears from his official discourse, the essay poses it nonetheless, despite and against Heidegger’s silence: Does the diagnosis from the Black Notebooks, which perceives the Jew as the agent of metaphysical destruction, still stand? In my analysis, the figurative Jew emerges in a role which Heidegger (...)
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    The Two Bodies of the King of the Jews.Luca Di Blasi - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (3):60-72.
    Starting from Santner’s essay “Freud’s ‘Moses’ and the Ethics of Nomotropic Desire,” the article explores a remarkably intriguing and simultaneously debatable statement made by Sigmund Freud regarding the accusation of the murder of God as a central Christian source of anti-Semitism. This investigation leads into the differentiation between two bodies of the King of the Jews: Jesus Christ and Jesus Barabbas, through which early Christians not only distanced themselves from political messianism (“Barabbas”), but also assumed a political culpability, acknowledging their (...)
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  44. 'But Following the Literal Sense, the Jews Refuse to Understand': Hermeneutic Conflicts in the Nicholas of Cusa's De Pace Fidei.Jason Aleksander - 2014 - American Cusanus Society Newsletter 31:13-19.
    In the midst of the De pace fidei’s imagined heavenly conference on the theme of the possibility of religious harmony, Nicholas of Cusa has Saint Peter acknowledge to the Persian interlocutor that it will be difficult to bring Jews to the acceptance of Christ’s divine nature because they refuse to accept the implicit meaning of their own history of revelation. What is peculiar about this line in the dialogue is not merely that it flies in the face of what Cusanus (...)
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    Forgetting souls: Lyotard, Adorno, and the Trope of the Jew.Eric Chalfant - 2018 - Critical Research on Religion 6 (1):54-68.
    In this article, I engage in a criticism of Jean François Lyotard’s tropological approach to Judaism, arguing that his articulation of the “the jew” as figural projection serves to establish and rigidify a number of freighted binaries such as those between reason and myth, philosophy and theology, and modern and postmodern. In comparison, I posit Theodor Adorno’s approach to tropes of Judaism as one which encompasses Lyotard’s productive emphases on the role of forgetting in subject formation while loosening these same (...)
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    Zionism and the Biology of Jews.Raphael Falk - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book offers a unique perspective on Zionism. The author, a geneticist by training, focuses on science, rather than history. He looks at the claims that Jews constitute a people with common biological roots. An argument that helps provide justification for the aspirations of this political movement dedicated to the return of the Jewish people to their homeland. His study explores two issues. The first considers the assertion that there is a biology of the Jews. The second deals with attempts (...)
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    Jew and Philosopher. [REVIEW]Laurence Berns - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (3):660-661.
    This may be the first truly competent, single author, book-length study of the thought of Leo Strauss. The entire book shows that Strauss's Jewish writings were not merely peripheral to his thought as a whole, determined by purely personal experience, but were rather "a central pillar of his entire thought". Particularly valuable is the careful way Green takes us through, not only Spinoza's Critique of Religion, but also those untranslated early works of Strauss, from 1924 to 1928, where some of (...)
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    Voltaire's Jews and Modern Jewish Identity: Rethinking the Enlightenment.Harvey Mitchell - 2007 - Routledge.
    Harvey Mitchell’s book argues that a reassessment of Voltaire’s treatment of traditional Judaism will sharpen discussion of the origins of, and responses to, the Enlightenment. His study shows how Voltaire’s nearly total antipathy to Judaism is best understood by stressing his self-regard as the author of an enlightened and rational universal history, which found Judaism’s memory of its past incoherent, and, in addition, failed to meet the criteria of objective history—a project in which he failed. Calling on an array of (...)
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    Andrew Benjamin is Professor of Critical Theory and Philosophical Aes-thetics at Monash University, where he is also Director of the Research Unit in European Philosophy. His most recent books are Of Jews and Animals (2010) and Writing Art and Architecture (2010). [REVIEW]John J. Bradley, Isis Brook, Katie Campbell, Edward S. Casey & Bernard Debarbieux - 2011 - In Jeff Malpas, The Place of Landscape: Concepts, Contexts, Studies. MIT Press.
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    Force Inside Identity: Self and Other in Améry’s “On the Necessity and Impossibility of Being a Jew”.Deborah Achtenberg - 2016 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 24 (3):173-191.
    In a statement too strong even to summarize his own views, Jean-Paul Sartre famously declares in “Existentialism is a Humanism” that “man is nothing other than what he makes of himself.” It is bad faith, according to him, to attribute what I am to my family, culture, condition, etc., because through awareness of what I am and have been, I can determine whether what I am will continue into the future. Human being, as a result, is nothing but what he (...)
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