Results for '03B40'

9 found
  1. Many-One Reducibility with Realizability.Takayuki Kihara - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-39.
    In this article, we propose a new classification of $\Sigma ^0_2$ formulas under the realizability interpretation of many-one reducibility (i.e., Levin reducibility). For example, $\mathsf {Fin}$, the decision of being eventually zero for sequences, is many-one/Levin complete among $\Sigma ^0_2$ formulas of the form $\exists n\forall m\geq n.\varphi (m,x)$, where $\varphi $ is decidable. The decision of boundedness for sequences $\mathsf {BddSeq}$ and for width of posets $\mathsf {FinWidth}$ are many-one/Levin complete among $\Sigma ^0_2$ formulas of the form $\exists n\forall (...)
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    Under Lock and Key: A Proof System for a Multimodal Logic.G. A. Kavvos & Daniel Gratzer - 2023 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 29 (2):264-293.
    We present a proof system for a multimode and multimodal logic, which is based on our previous work on modal Martin-Löf type theory. The specification of modes, modalities, and implications between them is given as a mode theory, i.e., a small 2-category. The logic is extended to a lambda calculus, establishing a Curry–Howard correspondence.
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    Local computation in linear logic.Ugo Solitro & Silvio Valentini - 1993 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 39 (1):201-212.
    This work deals with the exponential fragment of Girard's linear logic without the contraction rule, a logical system which has a natural relation with the direct logic . A new sequent calculus for this logic is presented in order to remove the weakening rule and recover its behavior via a special treatment of the propositional constants, so that the process of cut-elimination can be performed using only “local” reductions. Hence a typed calculus, which admits only local rewriting rules, can be (...)
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    The basis decision problem in λ‐calculus.Benedetto Intrigila - 1993 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 39 (1):178-180.
    We show that the problem of deciding if a finite set of closed terms in normal form is a basis is recursively unsolvable. The restricted problem concerning one element sets is still recursively unsolvable. MSC: 03B40, 03D35.
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    Spiritus Asper versus Lambda: On the Nature of Functional Abstraction.Ansten Klev - 2023 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 64 (2):205-223.
    The spiritus asper as used by Frege in a letter to Russell from 1904 bears resemblance to Church’s lambda. It is natural to ask how they relate to each other. An alternative approach to functional abstraction developed by Per Martin-Löf some thirty years ago allows us to describe the relationship precisely. Frege’s spiritus asper provides a way of restructuring a unary function name in Frege’s sense such that the argument place indicator occurs all the way to the right. Martin-Löf’s alternative (...)
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    Levels of Truth.Andrea Cantini - 1995 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36 (2):185-213.
    This paper is concerned with the interaction between formal semantics and the foundations of mathematics. We introduce a formal theory of truth, TLR, which extends the classical first order theory of pure combinators with a primitive truth predicate and a family of truth approximations, indexed by a directed partial ordering. TLR naturally works as a theory of partial classifications, in which type-free comprehension coexists with functional abstraction. TLR provides an inner model for a well known subsystem of second order arithmetic; (...)
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    Normal Forms in Combinatory Logic.Patricia Johann - 1994 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 35 (4):573-594.
    Let $R$ be a convergent term rewriting system, and let $CR$-equality on combinatory logic terms be the equality induced by $\beta \eta R$-equality on terms of the lambda calculus under any of the standard translations between these two frameworks for higher-order reasoning. We generalize the classical notion of strong reduction to a reduction relation which generates $CR$-equality and whose irreducibles are exactly the translates of long $\beta R$-normal forms. The classical notion of strong normal form in combinatory logic is also (...)
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    Embeddings between Partial Combinatory Algebras.Anton Golov & Sebastiaan A. Terwijn - 2023 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 64 (1):129-158.
    Partial combinatory algebras (pcas) are algebraic structures that serve as generalized models of computation. In this article, we study embeddings of pcas. In particular, we systematize the embeddings between relativizations of Kleene’s models, of van Oosten’s sequential computation model, and of Scott’s graph model, showing that an embedding between two relativized models exists if and only if there exists a particular reduction between the oracles. We obtain a similar result for the lambda calculus, showing in particular that it cannot be (...)
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    Term-Space Semantics of Typed Lambda Calculus.Ryo Kashima, Naosuke Matsuda & Takao Yuyama - 2020 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 61 (4):591-600.
    Barendregt gave a sound semantics of the simple type assignment system λ → by generalizing Tait’s proof of the strong normalization theorem. In this paper, we aim to extend the semantics so that the completeness theorem holds.
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