Antonio Lai [3]Amanda Elizabeth Lai [2]Aaron Lai [2]Agnes Y.-K. Lai [1]
Alan W. L. Lai [1]Andrea Lai [1]
  1.  15
    Two Sides of the Same Coin: Environmental and Health Concern Pathways Toward Meat Consumption.Amanda Elizabeth Lai, Francesca Ausilia Tirotto, Stefano Pagliaro & Ferdinando Fornara - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The dramatic increase of meat production in the last decades has proven to be one of the most impacting causes of negative environmental outcomes (e.g., increase of greenhouse emissions, pollution of land and water, and biodiversity loss). In two studies, we aimed to verify the role of key socio-psychological dimensions on meat intake. Study 1 (N= 198) tested the predictive power of an extended version of the Value-Belief-Norm (VBN) model on individual food choices in an online supermarket simulation. In an (...)
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    Residential Place Attachment as an Adaptive Strategy for Coping With the Reduction of Spatial Abilities in Old Age.Ferdinando Fornara, Amanda Elizabeth Lai, Marino Bonaiuto & Francesca Pazzaglia - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:443235.
    This study intended to test whether attachment to one’s own residential place at neighborhood level could represent a coping response for the elderly (consistently with the “docility hypothesis;” Lawton, 1982 ), when dealing with the demands of unfamiliar environments, in order to balance their reduction of spatial abilities. Specifically, a sequential path was tested, in which neighborhood attachment was expected to play a buffer role between lowered spatial competence and neighborhood satisfaction. The participants ( N = 264), senior citizens (over (...)
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    Can Familism Be Justified?Kam-Yuen Cheng, Thomas Ming & Aaron Lai - 2012 - Bioethics 26 (8):431-439.
    This paper argues against the continued practice of Confucian familism, even in its moderate form, in East Asian hospitals. According to moderate familism, a physician acting in concert with the patient's family may withhold diagnostic information from the patient, and may give it to the patient's family members without her prior approval. There are two main approaches to defend moderate familism: one argues that it can uphold patient's autonomy and protect her best interests; the other appeals to cultural relativism by (...)
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    Fixing the White Horse Discourse: Zhuangzi’s Proof of “A White Horse Is not a Horse”.Thomas Ming & Aaron Lai - 2016 - Philosophy East and West 66 (1):271-289.
    In the “Qiwulun” 齊物論 chapter of the Zhuangzi, the author recommends a better way of arguing for a conclusion in the debates that are recorded in the books Discourse on Pointing at Things and White Horse Discourse 1:To use an attribute to show that attributes are not attributes is not as good as using a non-attribute to show that attributes are not attributes. To use a horse to show that a horse is not a horse is not as good as (...)
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    A gênese do paradigma espectral.Antonio Lai - 2007 - Discurso 37:407-440.
    Esse estudo propõe situar o problema da música dita "espectral" (após 1970) no quadro das revoluções múltiplas ocorridas na história da música ocidental de tradição escrita. Para fazê-lo, nos baseamos em uma abordagem metodológica original a partir do modelo das revoluções científicas de Thomas Kuhn. Essa hipótese teórica, desenvolvida pelo autor em vários ensaios, visa explocar a evolução das linguagens por meio da definição kuhniana de progresso científico. Assim, persuadimo-nos que a análise histórica da música espectral poderá mostrar que esta, (...)
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    A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Positive Family Holistic Health Intervention for Probationers in Hong Kong: A Mixed-Method Study.Agnes Y.-K. Lai, Shirley M.-M. Sit, Carol Thomas, George O.-C. Cheung, Alice Wan, Sophia S.-C. Chan & Tai-Hing Lam - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: Probationers, offenders with less serious and non-violent offences, and under statutory supervision, have low levels of self-esteem and physical health, and high level of family conflict, and poorer quality of family relationships. This study examined the effectiveness of the existing probation service and the additional use of a positive family holistic health intervention to enhance physical, psychological, and family well-being in probationers and relationships with probation officers.Methods: Probationers under the care of the Hong Kong Social Welfare Department were randomized (...)
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  7. Genèse, évolution et crese des langages musicaux.Antonio Lai - 2001 - In Jacques Viret & Érik Kocevar (eds.), Approches herméneutiques de la musique. Strasbourg: Presses universitaires de Strasbourg.
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  8.  14
    Nuove osservazioni a proposito dell’origine romana del ms. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud. gr. 35.Andrea Lai - 2017 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 110 (3):673-690.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 110 Heft: 3 Seiten: 673-690.
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