Results for 'Ahmet Şemʻi'

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  1. Pluralities.I. I. I. Sem - unknown
    (2) a. John and Mary are students. distributive VP b. John is a student. (2a) |= (2b).
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  2. Quantified np's and donkey anaphora.I. I. I. Sem - unknown
    (1) Mostx menx who own ay donkey beat ity. e.g. |≠M, g (1) if man = {m0, …, m9} & m0 owns & beats donkey d0, …, d9 & m1 owns & beats donkeys d10, …, d19 & m2 owns donkey d20 (only) but doesn’t beat d20..
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  3. Top 1: Update with Centering.I. I. I. Sem - unknown
    UPDATE WITH NOMINAL CENTERING (UCδ) D1.0 (UCδ types) The set of UCδ types Θ is the smallest set such that: i. t, δ, s ∈ Θ ii. (ab) ∈ Θ, if a, b ∈ Θ D1.1 (UCδ basic terms). For each a ∈ Θ, a set of a-constants Cona and a-variables Vara, incl.: Conδ = {a, b, c} Var(sδ) = {x, y, z}.
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  4. Top 2: Centering theory of mood.I. I. I. Sem - unknown
    D1.2 (UCω syntax) For any type a ∈ Θ, the set of a-terms, Trma, is defined as follows: b. A ∈ Trma a. BA ∈ Trmb..
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  5. • Paradigm examples.I. I. I. Sem - unknown
    (1) Adam and Beth lifted (a stack of) three crates (together). collective VP (2) Adam and Beth (each) lifted (the same stack of) three crates. dist. VP, wide obj (3) Adam and Beth (each) lifted (a different stack of) three crates. dist. VP, narrow obj..
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  6. Dynamic predicate logic.I. I. I. Sem - unknown
    • 1st try: Free variables in PL (Predicate Logic) (1) Jim1 came in. He1 sat down. (antecedent Jim1 … anaphoric he1) |=M, g cm ιx(x = z1  z1 = jim)  sit z1 iff g(z1) ∈ cm & g(z1) = jim & g(z1) ∈ sit.
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  7. Existence and Maximization.I. I. I. Sem - unknown
    1. {0}εx  DxH1 =  2. K: {0}εxK =  & KDxH1 =  D3. 3. K: {0}(x) =  & {0} x K & K = H1 & K(x) ∈ D D3.εu, β 4. KA: {0}[x/A] = K & K = H1 & K(x) ∈ D D2.0, G u H 5. A: {0}[x/A] = H1 & H1(x) ∈ D elim. K 6. A: {0}[x/A] = H1 & A\{} ∈ D D2.G..
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  8. Predicate Logic (with Anaphora).I. I. I. Sem - unknown
    D2.1 (PL models and assignments) i. A PL model is a pair M = 〈DM, ·M〉 such that (a) DM is a non-empty set, and (b) ·M maps each A ∈ Con to AM ∈ DM, and each B ∈ Prdn to BM  (DM)n. ii. GM = {g| g: Var  DM} is the set of M-assignments. For any g ∈ GM, u ∈ Var, d ∈ DM, g[u/d] := (g\{u, g(u)})  {u, d} is the u-to-d alternative to (...)
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  9. Degree constructions (schwarzschild 2008).I. I. I. Sem - unknown
    • A-not-A analysis basic idea: “the comparative introduces a threshold the subject […] meets or exceeds & the complement is a negative statement elaborating on that threshold.” (Schwarzschild 2008:6).
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  10. Ucδ with algebra (ucδ+).I. I. I. Sem - unknown
    D1.2 (UCδ+ syntax) Rules b, a, λ, =, ¬, , n, m, {}, , ; as for UCΔ. . (A  B) ∈ Trmδ if A, B ∈ Trmδ (A) ∈ Trmδ if A ∈ Trm(δt) o. (A), (A) ∈ Trmδ if A ∈ Trmδ A(A), N(A) ∈ Trmδt if A ∈ Trmδ r. A  B ∈ Trmt..
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  11.  27
    Course Evaluation Scale (CES): Validity and Reliability Study.Ahmet KOÇ & İsmail Bulut - 2022 - Dini Araştırmalar 25 (63):501-528.
    It is essential to run a continuous improvement system for the Plan-Do- Check-Action cycle to be achieved and sustained. It is inevitable to consult stakeholder opinions to determine the improvable aspects of the activities carried out in the quality process. Student opinions, the main subject of educational activities, are one of the most critical data sources for continuous improvement. It is recommended to consult students’ views in all processes from the planning to the output of courses, which are the cornerstones (...)
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    İktidar Muhalefet İlişkisine Bir Örnek: Atatürk'ü Koruma Kanunu.Ahmet İlyas - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 7):223-223.
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    Milli Mücadelede Önemli Bir Şahsiyset: Ali Saip Ursavaş.Ahmet İlyas - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 9):235-235.
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    1950-1960 Yılları Arasında Gerçekleşen Genel Seçimlerin Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi Açısından.Ahmet İlyas - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 4):563-563.
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    Mantık risâleleri: (İnceleme - çeviri yazı - tıpkıbasım).İbrahim Çapak, Mesud Öğmen, Abdullah Demir, Ladikli Mehmed Çelebi, İsmail Ferruh Efendi, Mustafa Râsit bin Ahmet el-İstanbûlî, Ahmet Nazîf bin Mehmet, Müstakimzade Süleyman Sadeddin & Harputlu İshak (eds.) - 2015 - İstanbul: Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu Başkanlığı.
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    Sudi′s Critics to Şem′i in the Şerh-i Gulistan Relating to the Differences from the Sound Manuscripts.İbrahim Kaya - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:649-674.
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    Sudi’s Critics to Şem’i in the Şerh-i Gulistan on Meaning.İbrahim Kaya - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1461-1488.
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  18. Hulasat ül-ahlak.Ahmet Şemʻi - 1905 - [Istanbul]: Ahmet Muhtar.
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  19.  36
    Cedeli̇N Fikih İLmi̇Nde Kullanimi: Kudûrî Ve Ebu’T-Tayyi̇B Et-Taberî Arasindaki̇ Bi̇R Mün'zara Bağlaminda.Ahmet Numan Ünver - 2019 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 21 (39):67-91.
    Erken dönemlerden itibaren fıkhî meseleler üzerindeki tartışmalar, bir yönteme bağlı kalınarak icra edilmiştir. Tartışmalarda belirli soru ve cevap türlerine başvurulmuş, soruların tertibine özen gösterilmiştir. Bu sayede taraflar kendi görüşlerinin doğruluğunu, karşıt görüşün yanlışlığını çelişkiye düşmeden ortaya koymaya çalışmıştır. Bu çalışmada ilk olarak cedelden ve cedelin fıkha tatbikinden bahsedilmiş, sonrasında münâzaracı kimlikleriyle meşhur olan Hanefî fakihi Kudûrî ile Şâfiî fakihi Ebu’t-Tayyib et-Taberî arasında geçtiği rivayet edilen talâka dair bir münâzara inceleme konusu edilmiştir. Bu münâzarada, muhâlea ile boşanılan kadına, kadının iddeti esnasında (...)
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  20.  28
    Şems-i Siv'sî’nin İrş'dü’l-Av'm Adlı Mesnevîsi Bağlamında Müteşeyyih Kimselere D'ir Görüşleri ve Değerlendirilmesi.Yüksel Göztepe & Fatih Çinar - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (2):1109-1144.
    Şems-i Sivâsî, Halvetiyye tarikatının ana şubelerinden biri olan Sivâsiyye kolunun müessisidir. On altıncı yüzyılın ilmî, siyâsî, kültürel ve dinî sahalarında derin izler bırakan Sivâsî, memleketi Zile’den Sivas’a hicret ettikten sonra ilk olarak İrşâdü’l-avâm adlı bir eser kaleme almış ve bu çalışmada nefsin ıslahı, mürşid-i kâmilin gerekliliği, mürşidlerin özellikleri ve nefsi ıslah konusundaki fonksiyonları gibi başlıklarla döneminde gözlemlediği ve zaman zaman istismar edildiğini düşündüğü mânevî yolculuğun kılavuzlarını konu edinmiştir. Eserin isminden de anlaşılacağı üzere Sivâsî, mânevî seyrin inceliklerini bilmedikleri için şekle aldanıp (...)
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  21.  27
    The Epistemic Basic Structure.Ahmet Faik Kurtulmuş & Ahmet Faik Kurtulmus - 2020 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (5):818-835.
    The epistemic basic structure of a society consists of those institutions that have the greatest impact on individuals’ opportunity to obtain knowledge on questions they have an interest in as citizens, individuals, and public officials. It plays a central role in the production and dissemination of knowledge and in ensuring that people have the capability to assimilate this knowledge. It includes institutions of science and education, the media, search engines, libraries, museums, think tanks, and various government agencies. This article identifies (...)
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  22. Was Spinoza a Deleuzian? Rethinking the Politics of Emotions and Affects.Ahmet Aktas - 2025 - Theory, Culture and Society:1-20.
    A salient tradition in contemporary affect theory heavily relies on distinguishing between emotions and affects. The former refers to structured categories of socially coded affective states, while the latter denotes the pre-social libidinal flow underlying emotions. This distinction is commonly attributed to Spinoza and is thought to have been further developed by Deleuze. In this article, I argue that this overall historical picture is misleading and inaccurate. Deleuze radically transforms Spinoza’s theory of affect for the ends of his own ethical-political (...)
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  23. İslâm ahlâkının esasları. Öz Türkçeye çeviren ve şerheden: Ömer Rıza Doğrul.Ahmet Naim Babanzade - 1945 - İstanbul,: Yüksel Yayınevi. Edited by Doğrul, Ömer Rıza, [From Old Catalog] & Osman[From Old Catalog] Ergin.
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    Zhivai︠a︡ ėtika i kulʹtura: Idei nasledii︠a︡ semʹi Rerikhov v nasheĭ zhizni.I. I︠U︡ Aleksandrov (ed.) - 2014 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izdatelʹstvo SPbGUKI.
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  25. Uluğ bir çınar İmâm Mâturîdî: uluslararası sempozyum tebliğler kitabı, 28-30 Nisan 2014, Eskişehir.Ahmet Kartal (ed.) - 2014 - Eskişehir: Eskişehir Valiliği.
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    On Syntax Of Rumelian Dialects-I.Ahmet GÜNŞEN - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:462-494.
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    An Analysis of Non-Muslim Characters in Ahmet Mithat’s Novel Mesȃli-i Muğlȃka.Ahmet Alver - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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    Arapçada "Açık Müenneslik T''sı" ve Kur''n-I Kerîm'de Kullanımı.Ahmet KÖMÜRCÜ - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 6):651-651.
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    H'ris el-Muh'sibî’de Eğitimle İlgili Bazı Kavramlar.Ahmet Beken - 2022 - Atebe 7:37-59.
    Eğitim, insanla birlikte var olan bir olgudur. Eğitimin ilmî bir disiplin hâlini alması ise yenidir. Yakın döneme kadar eğitim, din eğitimi, ahlâk ve değer eğitimi şeklinde birbirinden ayrı alanlar da söz konusu değildir. Dolayısıyla bunların ilmî birer disiplin olarak birbirlerinden ayrılmaları da yeni bir hadisedir. Zira tarihsel süreçte eğitim, dinî ve ahlâkî bir karakteri haiz olup bunların her biri diğerinden bağımsız alanlar olarak telakki edilmemiştir. Burada din, eğitime anlamlı gaye ve hedefler sağlarken ahlâk, hem dinin hem de eğitimin önemli amaçlarından (...)
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    Bah'rî, Fetihn'me-i Üngürüs Adlı Eseri ve Bu Eserden Hareketle Macaristan Fethinin Edebi-Tarihi Üslu.Ahmet Çolak - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 4):373-373.
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    A New View To Turkî-i Basît.Ahmet Mermer - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:249-265.
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    Reflections of the Theory of ʽĀdah (Custom) on Fiqh and Its Methodology: An Example of Becoming a Muslim at the End of Prayer Time.Ahmet Karagöz - 2023 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 25 (47):153-181.
    Every science examines the personal accidents of the subject, which it determines as its subject, and the sciences differ from each other in this aspect. However, sciences offer the principles that they prove themselves through the use of other sciences. Sciences take and use the principles of other sciences that they will need, but they do not have to prove these principles in themselves. On the contrary, they entrust this proof to the sciences from which they took their principles. While (...)
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    Hikmet-i siyasiye.Ahmet Hamdi - 1910 - Dersaadet: Edeb Matbaası.
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  34. A Critical Assessment of Spinoza’s Theory of Affect: Affects, Beliefs, and Human Freedom.Ahmet Aktaş - 2018 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 8 (1):251-272.
    Affects are intentional structures of beliefs and desires. Many philosophers have plausibly argued that Spinoza’s theory of ideas is a kind of theory of belief. Yet this claim has rarely been taken into account when it comes to Spinoza’s theory of affects, which is actually a part of his theory of ideas. This paper shows that if this point is taken seriously when regarding Spinoza’s theory of affects we reach significant results about the fifth part of Ethics. To show this, (...)
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  35. Tasvîr-i ahlâk: ahlâk sözlüğü.Ahmet Rifat - 1975 - [İstanbul]: Tercüman. Edited by Hüseyin Algül.
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    İlkokul Türkçe Eğitimi İçin Alternatif Bir Ölçme Değerlendirme Tekniği: Kelime İ.Ahmet Taşdere - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 9):803-803.
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    Gelenek ve moderni̇zm bağlaminda i̇slam.Ahmet Faruk Kiliç & Sıddık Ağçoban - 2014 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 15 (28):223-223.
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    D'î Mahlaslı Şairler ve Seyyid Yahya D'î.Ahmet İÇLİ - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 15):219-219.
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    İllete yöneli̇k nakz i̇ti̇razi ve nakza karşi cevaplar.Ahmet Numan Ünver - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi.
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    Hierarchical Multiverse of Sets.Ahmet Çevik - 2023 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 64 (4):545-570.
    In this article, I develop a novel version of the multiverse theory of sets called hierarchical pluralism by introducing the notion of “degrees of intentionality” of theories. The presented view is articulated for the purpose of reconciling epistemological realism and the multiverse theory of sets so as to preserve a considerable amount of epistemic objectivity when working with the multiverse theory. I give some arguments in favor of a hierarchical picture of the multiverse in which theories or models are thought (...)
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    Frames, World-Pictures and Representations.Ahmet Süner - 2019 - Idealistic Studies 49 (1):65-84.
    This essay analyzes key aspects of Heidegger’s critique of the picture (Bild) based on an objection to world-pictures as well as a negative understanding of two other related concepts: Gestell and Vorstellen (representation). The restrictive frames of world-pictures, Heidegger claims, must be opposed by instances of thinking and language use associated with poiesis. For him, the revelation of the world in poiesis results in a subject-less experience of things and words, akin to the experience of art and literature, and presumably (...)
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  42.  35
    Sartre’s Dessin, Literature and the Ambiguities of the Representing Word.Ahmet Süner - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (5):891-904.
    Seemingly a minor part of L’Imaginaire, Sartre’s literary examples therein are of great significance especially in the way they highlight the implicit yet crucial role of linguistic signs and words in his psychology of the image. While commenting on the act of reading a novel, he views literary words practically as images, endowing them with both an affective and representative status and illustrating the word-image through the figure of a drawing or dessin. The novel’s word-images or dessins solve an important (...)
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  43. İmajın hissi: yeni Türkiye sineması ve fenomenoloji.Ahmet Emin Bülbül - 2022 - [İstanbul]: Doruk Yayımcılık.
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  44. The Composition Arts Related to Starting the Topic, Transition to the Main Topic and Conclusion in the ‘Ilm al-Balāgha.Ahmet Gezek - 2025 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (2):523-541.
    In the ‘Ilm al-Balāgha, there are literary arts related to the beginning of the speech, the transition to the main topic and the conclusion. Ḥusn al-ibtidā and barāat al-istihlāl includes the introduction part of the speech; takhalluṣ and iqtidāb include transition from the introduction to the main topic; ḥusn al-intihā deals with the conclusion part. The position of these literary arts, which found a place in classical and modern rhetoric books, differed from one author to another even some authors did (...)
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    Marxism.Ahmet Önder - 2024 - Arete Political Philosophy Journal 4 (2):74-81.
    “Marksizm,” artık o kadar çok anlama geliyor ki, belki de anlamlı olan yalnızca Marx’ın Kapital’de ele aldığı üretim tarzlarından, özellikle kapitalist üretim tarzı yaklaşımını geliştiren ve yaygınlaştıran teoriler bütünü olarak “somutMarksizm”den bahsetmektir. Açıkça bu başlığa tam oturmasa da geniş anlamda anlaşıldığı haliyle Foucault’nun tarihsel materyalizm düşüncesine katkıda bulunduğunu söylemek gerekir. Gerçekten de Marksizmi doğrudan somut anlamıyla tanımladığımızda, yalnızca Foucault değil Sartre da Marksist etiketine tam uymaz. Şaşırtıcı şekilde Kapital’i Okumak adlı eserin yazarları arasında olsa da Althusser’in bile bu kategoride yer (...)
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  46. Birlikte Ve Başka I Ve II.Ahmet Soysal - 2011 - İstanbul: Monokl.
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    Asafi’s Cazira-i Mashnawi And The Translation Of The First Eighteen Couplets Of Mashnawi In This Work.Ahmet Topal - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:603-618.
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    Osmanlı Dönemi Arap Şairlerinden Ahmed el-Behlûl ve Hz. Peygamber’e Methiyelerinde Muhteva.Ahmet ŞEN - 2019 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 5 (2):837-870.
    17. yy. da Osmanlıların bir eyaleti olan Trablusgarb’da doğup büyüyen Ahmed b. Huseyn el-Behlûl, Mısır’ın önemli ilim adamlarından eğitim almış sonra memleketine dönmüştür. Osmanlı dönemi şairi Ahmed el-Behlûl, şairlik yönünün yanı sıra Akâid sahasında Durretu’l-‘Akâi’d, Fıkıh sahasında el-Mu‘ayyene ve el-‘Izziyye ve Arap Dili ve Edebiyatı sahasında el-Makâmetu’l-Vitriyye gibi eserleri telif ederek çeşitli sahalarla ilgilenmiş bir âlimdir. Behlûl, ed-Durru’l-Asfâ ve’z-Zebercedu’l-Musaffâ fî Medhi’l-Mustafâ ismiyle meşhur divânını tamamıyla Hz. Muhammed’i medhe tahsis etmiştir. Başta Libya olmak üzere Kuzey Afrika’da meşhur olan Divan, Kâdî ‘İyâz’ın (...)
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    Approach of Ṣūfī Orders at Their Formative Phase to Some Extreme Practices Specific to The Zuhd Period (The Case of Abū l-Ḥasan al-Shādhilī ).Ahmet Murat Özel - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (2):647-659.
    There are some radical practices of asceticism, such as wearing ṣūf (wool clothes), traveling without provisions, choosing to be single, and avoiding earning a living by working, which were generally seen in the 2nd century A.H. and were subject to criticism with the formation of classical Ṣūfism. Criticisms of these practices have started to appear in the literature since the 3rd century A.H. Early Ṣūfī writers such as Al-Ḥakīm al-Tirmidhī, Muḥāsibī, Abū Saʿīd al-Kharrāz, al-Sarrāj focused on this issue and criticized (...)
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    Using Media News in Religious Education as a Teaching Material.Ahmet KOÇ - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (2):521-546.
    Media news can be regarded as an important teaching material to be used in lessons in terms of being interesting, containing up-to-date information, reinforcing what has been learned in the course, and combining it with many methods and techniques. In addition, the fact that media news provides a more concrete learning, helps the subject in the lesson to be connected with real life and helps students to develop their empathy skills. Therefore, the use of media news in religious education can (...)
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