Results for 'Alvin C. Kibel'

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  1. Which worlds could God have created?Alvin C. Plantinga - 1973 - Journal of Philosophy 70 (17):539-552.
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    Sociology and obligations of interpretation.Alvin C. Leyton - 1959 - Synthese 11 (2):177 - 196.
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    The role of the irrational in sociology.Alvin C. Leyton - 1956 - Synthese 10 (1):389 - 398.
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    Varieties of religious cognition: A computational approach to self-understanding in three monotheist contexts.Kevin S. Reimer, Alvin C. Dueck, Garth Neufeld, Sherry Steenwyk & Tracy Sidesinger - 2010 - Zygon 45 (1):75-90.
    This study considered representations of divine and human others in the self-understanding of monotheists from three religions. Self-understanding was conceptualized on the basis of semantic and episodic knowledge in narrative response data. Given the importance of social context in the formation of cognitive schemas, the project emphasized self-understanding in a comparative religious design. The sample included sixty nominated religious exemplars who responded to a structured interview. Schemas were subsequently mapped for Jews, Muslims, and Christians by comparison of self and other (...)
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    Proliferation of dinoflagellates: blooming or bleaching.Joseph T. Y. Wong & Alvin C. M. Kwok - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (7):730-740.
    The dinoflagellates, a diverse sister group of the malaria parasites, are the major agents causing harmful algal blooms and are also the symbiotic algae of corals. Dinoflagellate nuclei differ significantly from other eukaryotic nuclei by having extranuclear spindles, no nucleosomes and enormous genomes in liquid crystal states. These cytological characteristics were related to the acquisition of prokaryotic genes during evolution (hence Mesokaryotes), which may also account for the biochemical diversity and the relatively slow growth rates of dinoflagellates. The fact that (...)
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  6. The discrimination of speech sounds within and across phoneme boundaries.Alvin M. Liberman, Katherine Safford Harris, Howard S. Hoffman & Belver C. Griffith - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 54 (5):358.
  7. Speech, Truth, and the Free Market for Ideas.Alvin I. Goldman & James C. Cox - 1996 - Legal Theory 2 (1):1-32.
    This article examines a thesis of interest to social epistemology and some articulations of First Amendment legal theory: that a free market in speech is an optimal institution for promoting true belief. Under our interpretation, the market-for-speech thesis claims that more total truth possession will be achieved if speech is regulatedonlyby free market mechanisms; that is, both government regulation and private sector nonmarket regulation are held to have information-fostering properties that are inferior to the free market. After discussing possible counterexamples (...)
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    Mindreading by simulation: The roles of imagination and mirroring.Alvin I. Goldman & Lucy C. Jordan - 2013 - In Simon Baron-Cohen, Michael Lombardo & Helen Tager-Flusberg (eds.), Understanding Other Minds: Perspectives From Developmental Social Neuroscience. Oxford University Press. pp. 448-466.
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    Tempo of frequency change as a cue for distinguishing classes of speech sounds.Alvin M. Liberman, Pierre C. Delattre, Louis J. Gerstman & Franklin S. Cooper - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 52 (2):127.
  10. Jimmy Carter: A Presidency of Shattered Expectations.C. Alvin Hughes - 1994 - The Griot 13:26.
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  11. Warranted Christian Belief.Alvin Plantinga - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this book's companion volumes (Warrant: The Current Debate and Warrant and Proper Function), I examined the nature of epistemic warrant, that quantity, enough of which distinguishes knowledge from mere true belief; in this book, I turn to the question of whether Christian belief can be justified, rational, and warranted. Among objections to Christian belief, we can distinguish between de facto objections and de jure objections, i.e., between those that claim that Christian belief is false (de facto objections) and those (...)
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    Knowledge and Christian belief.Alvin Plantinga - 2015 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    Can we speak and think about God? -- What is the question? -- Warranted belief in God -- The extended A/C model -- Faith -- Sealed upon our hearts -- Objections -- Defeaters? historical biblical criticism -- Defeaters? pluralism -- Defeaters? evil.
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  13. The Foundations of Theism: A Reply.Alvin Plantinga - 1986 - Faith and Philosophy 3 (3):313-396.
    Philip Quinn’s “On Finding the Foundations of Theism” is both challenging and important. Quinn proposes at least the following four theses: (a) my argument against the criteria of proper basicality proposed by classical foundationalism is unsuccessful, (b) the quasi-inductive method I suggest for arriving at criteria of proper basicality is defective, (c) even if belief in God is properly basic, it could without loss of justification be accepted on the basis of other propositions, and (d) belief in God is probably (...)
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    The Foundations of Theism.Alvin Plantinga - 1986 - Faith and Philosophy 3 (3):298-313.
    Philip Quinn’s “On Finding the Foundations of Theism” is both challenging and important. Quinn proposes at least the following four theses: (a) my argument against the criteria of proper basicality proposed by classical foundationalism is unsuccessful, (b) the quasi-inductive method I suggest for arriving at criteria of proper basicality is defective, (c) even if belief in God is properly basic, it could without loss of justification be accepted on the basis of other propositions, and (d) belief in God is probably (...)
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    Is Naturalism Irrational?Alvin Plantinga - 1993 - In Warrant: The Current Debate. New York,: Oxford University Press.
    In this chapter, I continue to argue that naturalistic epistemology flourishes best in the garden of supernaturalistic metaphysics. I do so by presenting two epistemological arguments against metaphysical naturalism; the first argument is for the falsehood of naturalism, the second, and more developed, is for the conclusion that it is irrational to accept naturalism. Crucial to both arguments is the estimation of the value of a certain conditional probability, P), where R is the proposition that our cognitive faculties are reliable, (...)
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    Promoting Ethical Payment in Human Infection Challenge Studies.Holly Fernandez Lynch, Thomas C. Darton, Jae Levy, Frank McCormick, Ubaka Ogbogu, Ruth O. Payne, Alvin E. Roth, Akilah Jefferson Shah, Thomas Smiley & Emily A. Largent - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (3):11-31.
    To prepare for potential human infection challenge studies involving SARS-CoV-2, we convened a multidisciplinary working group to address ethical questions regarding whether and how much SAR...
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    Sin and Its Cognitive Consequences.Alvin Plantinga - 2000 - In Warranted Christian Belief. New York: Oxford University Press.
    In Ch. 6, I presented a model, which illustrates how belief in God could have warrant; my aim in the next four chapters is to extend the model of Ch. 6 to specifically include Christian belief, and to show how it can be that Christians can be justified, rational, and warranted in holding full‐blooded Christian belief. Now, one important difference between bare theism and Christianity has to do with sin and the divine remedy proposed for it; in the present chapter, (...)
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    The Extended Aquinas/Calvin Model: Revealed to Our Minds.Alvin Plantinga - 2000 - In Warranted Christian Belief. New York: Oxford University Press.
    In Ch. 6, I presented a model, which illustrates how belief in God could have the three varieties of positive epistemic status with which we have been concerned: justification, rationality, and warrant. My main aim in this chapter is to extend the A/C model to cover full‐blooded Christian belief ; this model illustrates how Christian belief can be justified, rational, and warranted. The central elements of the extended A/C model are the Bible, the internal instigation of the Holy Spirit, and (...)
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    The Perfect Goodness of God.Alvin Plantinga - 1962 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 40:70.
    The author criticizes an article by c b martin called "the perfect good." the author shows that martin's argument, That the theologians' argument is a contradiction, Does not hold. (staff).
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    Warranted Belief in God.Alvin Plantinga - 2000 - In Warranted Christian Belief. New York: Oxford University Press.
    In the last chapter, I pointed out that the objections against religious belief made by Freud and Marx amount to the de jure objection that religious belief lacks warrant. By way of response, I offer in this chapter a model, which illustrates a way in which theistic belief could have warrant. On the Aquinas/Calvin model, we have a faculty or cognitive mechanism, which, in a wide variety of circumstances, produces in us beliefs about God; the theistic beliefs thus produced, furthermore, (...)
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  21. Tanrı ve Diğer Zihinler.Musa Yanık & Alvin Plantinga - 2024 - Ankara: Fol Yayınları. Translated by Musa Yanık.
    “1950’li yıllarda dönemin büyük felsefecileri arasında dinsel inancı savunan bir kişi bile yoktu. 1990’lı yıllarda Yale’den UCLA’ya, Oxford’dan Heidelberg’e kadar birçok yerde insanın manevi yanını savunan ve geliştiren yüzlerce kitap yazılacak, sel olup akacaktı. Aradaki 40 yıllık süre zarfındaysa sadece ve sadece Alvin Plantinga vardı.” Kelly James Clark Tanrı’nın veya tanrıların varlığı sorusu felsefenin ezeli sorularından biri olagelmişse de Nietzsche’nin Tanrı’nın ölümünü ilan ettiği günden bu yana onu doğrularcasına yaşanan acılar, savaşlar, kötülükler bu konudaki tartışmaların sesini uzun süre bastırdı. (...)
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    "the Metamorphoses" Of Apuleius: On Making An Ass Of Oneself By Carl C. Schlam. [REVIEW]Alvin Dobsevage - 1996 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 89:498-499.
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    Discussion.Kurt Baier, J. J. C. Smart, Alvin Plantinga, William L. Rowe & P. C. Gibbons - 1962 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 40 (1):57 – 82.
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    Plumbing the Depths of Ethical Payment for Research Participation.Holly Fernandez Lynch, Thomas C. Darton, Jae Levy, Frank McCormick, Ubaka Ogbogu, Ruth O. Payne, Alvin E. Roth, Akilah Jefferson Shah, Thomas Smiley & Emily A. Largent - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (5):W8-W11.
    The peer commentaries on our Target Article, “Promoting Ethical Payment in Human Infection Challenge Studies,” offer a number of insights that will help advance the co...
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    Higher Education in India.D. D. Karve, A. B. Shah, C. F. Carter, Alvin M. Weinberg, E. Barton Worthington & D. Odhiambo - 1964 - Minerva 2 (3):379-388.
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    Alvin Plantinga.Michael C. Rea - 2005 - In Donald M. Borchert (ed.), Encyclopedia of Philosophy. macmillan reference. pp. 579-581.
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    Apresentação e uma nota sobre Alvin C. Plantinga.Roberto Hofmeister Pich & Felipe de Matos Müller - 2011 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 56 (2):5-17.
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  28. Science, Religion, and Metaphysics: New Essays on the Philosophy of Alvin Plantinga.Clark Kelly James & Rea Michael C. (eds.) - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
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    Alvin Plantinga’s Reformed Epistemology.Gabriel Mustață - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:55-71.
    Alvin Plantinga’s Reformed Epistemology. Alvin Plantinga is a well-known defender of Reformed epistemology. The main thesis of the Reformed epistemology argues that faith in God is rational and justified without the aid of arguments or evidence. In this paper, we intend to describe Alvin Plantinga’s perspective, more precisely, the A / C model (Aquinas / Calvin) proposed by him, in which faith in God is innate and does not need arguments or evidence, and then to analyze the (...)
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  30. C.S. Lewis is Great, But You Should be Reading Alvin Plantinga.Mike Almeida - 2015 - The Critique.
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    Enter Plato: Classical Greece and the Origins of Social Theory. By Alvin W. Gouldner. New York and London: Basic Books. 1965. pp. 407. $9.75. [REVIEW]James C. Dybikowski - 1968 - Dialogue 7 (2):315-318.
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    Values and Morals: Essays in Honor of William Frankena, Charles Stevenson, and Richard Brandt Edited by Alvin I. Goldman and Jaegwon Kim Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1978, xvii + 331 pp., Dfl. 80.00. [REVIEW]J. J. C. Smart - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (214):557-.
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  33. Testimony and intellectual autonomy.C. A. J. Coady - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 33 (2):355-372.
    Recent epistemology has been notable for an emphasis, or a variety of emphases, upon the social dimension of knowledge. This has provided a corrective to the heavily individualist account of knowledge previously holding sway. It acknowledges the ways in which an individual is deeply indebted to the testimony of others for his or her cognitive endowments, both with respect to capacities and information. But the dominance of the individualist model was connected with a concern for the value of cognitive autonomy. (...)
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  34. Dini Epistemoloji: Alvin Plantinga Örneği.Musa Yanık - 2019 - Dissertation, Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi
    Alvin Plantinga, analitik felsefe düşüncesi içerisinde yetişmiş ve bu gelenek içinde teistik din felsefesinin oluşumuna katkıda bulunmuş bir filozoftur. Ayrıca teizmin savunusu için yaptığı çalışmalarla, çeşitli üniversitelerden aldığı onur ödülleri ve 2017 yılında kazandığı Templeton Prize ödülüyle, haklı bir üne kavuşmuş bir şahsiyettir. Bu çalışmayı yapmamızdaki en önemli amaç, Plantinga’nın dini epistemoloji üzerine yaptığı çalışmaları analiz edip bu düşüncelerinin ardalanına dair bir tespitte bulunmaktır. Bu çalışmada yararlandığımız öncelikli kaynaklar, Plantinga’nın Nicholas Wolterstorff ile birlikte kaleme aldığı “Faith and Rationality” adlı (...)
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    Goldman on Evidence and Reliability.Jack C. Lyons - 2016 - In Hilary Kornblith & Brian McLaughlin (eds.), Goldman and his Critics. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 149–177.
    In this chapter, the author regards reliabilism as one of the major achievements of twentieth century philosophy and Alvin Goldman as one of the chief architects of this important theory. It focuses on three related issues in Goldman's epistemology. Goldman has recently been making friendly overtures toward evidentialist epistemologies, and although the author agrees that reliabilism needs some kind of evidentialist element. More specifically, the author think he concedes too much to the evidentialist. In particular, he concedes: that a (...)
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    Daniel C. Dennett and Alvin Plantinga , Science and Religion: Are They Compatible? Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Brendan Sweetman - 2012 - Philosophy in Review 32 (5):370-372.
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  37. Epistemik Güvenilircilik ve Alvin Plantinga’da Tanrı İnancının Güvenilirliği Sorunu.Musa Yanık - 2020 - Din Ve Felsefe Araştırmaları Dergisi 3 (6):181-208.
    Güvenilirci (reliabilist) bilgi teorisi, çağdaş epistemik gerekçelendirme kuramları içerisinde, dışsalcı (externalist) kuramın bir türü olarak kendisine yer bulmaktadır. Kısaca, bir inancı gerekçelendiren şeyin o inancın oluşturulduğu sürecin güvenilirliği olduğunu öne süren bu yaklaşım, bu bilişsel süreçleri özne dışı unsurlara bağladığı içinde dışsalcı bir pozisyonda yer almaktadır. Bu bilgi teorisinin tam karşı konumunda yer alan içselci (internalist) bilgi teorisi ise, özne merkezli bir yaklaşımla, doğru inancı gerekçelendirecek yöntemin, kişinin kendi zihinsel yapısından yola çıkarak, belli kognitif süreçler sonucunda ulaşılabileceğini öne sürmektedir. Epistemik (...)
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  38. Kierkegaard and Plantinga on Belief in God.C. Stephen Evans - 1988 - Faith and Philosophy 5 (1):25-39.
    This paper compares the views and arguments of Alvin Plantinga and Søren Kierkegaard on the question of belief in God. Kierkegaard’s view of belief in God (which must be sharply distinguished from faith in the Absolute Paradox) is shown to be surprisinglysimilar to Plantinga’s claim that belief in God can be properly basic. Two of Plantinga’s arguments for taking belief in God as properly basic are shown to have analogues in Kierkegaard.Plantinga claims that though properly basic beliefs are not (...)
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  39. "What is philosophy?" The status of non-western philosophy in the profession.Robert C. Solomon - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (1):100-104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"What Is Philosophy?"The Status of World Philosophy in the ProfessionRobert C. SolomonThe question "What is philosophy?" is both one of the most virtuously self-effacing and one of the most obnoxious that philosophers today tend to ask. It is virtuously self-effacing insofar as it questions, with some misgivings, its own behavior, the worth of the questions it asks, and the significance of the enterprise itself. It is obnoxious when it (...)
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  40. God, evil, and occasionalism.Matthew Shea & C. P. Ragland - 2018 - Religious Studies 54 (2):265-283.
    In a recent paper, Alvin Plantinga defends occasionalism against an important moral objection: if God is the sole direct cause of all the suffering that results from immoral human choices, this causal role is difficult to reconcile with God’s perfect goodness. Plantinga argues that this problem is no worse for occasionalism than for any of the competing views of divine causality; in particular, there is no morally relevant difference between God directly causing suffering and God indirectly causing it. First, (...)
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    Ways and Means.Annetie C. Baier - 1972 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):275 - 293.
    In this paper I shall give reasons for rejecting one type of analysis of the basic constituents of action, and reasons for preferring an alternative approach. I shall discuss the concept of basic action recently presented by Alvin Goldman, who gives an interesting version of the sort of analysis I wish to reject. Goldman agrees with Danto that bodily movements are basic actions, and his definition of ‘basic’ resembles Danto's fairly closely. What is new is a useful concept of (...)
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  42. Belief in God Is Not Properly Basic.Stewart C. Goetz - 1983 - Religious Studies 19 (4):475 - 484.
    In this article I shall concern myself with the question ‘Is some type of justification required in order for belief in God to be rational?’ Many philosophers and theologians in the past would have responded affirmatively to this question. However, in our own day, there are those who maintain that natural theology in any form is not necessary. This is because of the rise of a different understanding of the nature of religious belief. Unlike what most people in the past (...)
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    Basic Theistic Belief.Bredo C. Johnsen - 1986 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 16 (3):455 - 464.
    In several recent writings and in the 1980 Freemantle Lectures at Oxford, Alvin Plantinga has defended the idea that belief in God is ‘properly basic,’ by which he means that it is perfectly rational to hold such a belief without basing it on any other beliefs. The defense falls naturally into two broad parts: a positive argument for the rationality of such beliefs, and a rebuttal of the charge that if such a positive argument ‘succeeds,’ then a parallel argument (...)
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  44. Plantinga on Warrant and Religious Belief.B. J. C. Madison - 2004 - Dissertation, King's College London
    My thesis is on the intersection of epistemology and the philosophy of religion. Contemporary religious epistemology asks the question of how, if at all, can religious belief be rationally justified. I focus on a relatively new tradition that responds to this question known as Reformed Epistemology, as advanced by Alvin Plantinga. Reformed Epistemologists argue that belief in God can be rational, reasonable, and justified without appeal to evidence as was traditionally thought. Plantinga argues that religious belief stems from an (...)
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    God and Rationality.Robert C. Solomon - 1974 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):283 - 292.
    Is belief in God rational? Over a century ago, Hegel and Søren Kierkegaard established one set of parameters for discussing that question, but in a language that appears opaque to many philosophers today. Very recently, Alvin Plantinga, James Ross, and George Mavrodes have been debating similar issues in a modern analytic idiom. In this essay, I want to use this modern philosophical language in an attempt to clarify certain issues surrounding the relevant notion of “rationality” and related notions essential (...)
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    Reliability in Plantinga´s Account of Epistemic Warrant.John C. Wingard Jr - 2002 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 6 (2):149-278.
    In das paper 1 consider the reliability condition in Alvin Platinga’s proper functionalist account of epistemic warrant I begin by reviewing m some detail the features of the reliability condition as Platinga has articulated a From there, 1 consider what is needed to ground or secure the sort of reliability which Plantinga has m mind, and argue that what is needed is a significant causal condition which has generally been overlooked Then, after identifying eight versions of the relevant sort (...)
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  47. Science, Materialism, and False Consciousness.Bas C. van Fraassen - 1996 - In Bas van Fraassen (ed.), Warrant in Contemporary Epistemology: Essays in Honor of Alvin Plantinga's Theory of Knowledge. Rowman Littlefield. pp. 149-182.
    As activity, science has become a large-scale cultural phenomenon. As product, it is drawn on by industry, agriculture, and medicine, thus affecting not only the scene of its activity but all the rest of the world as well. Western philosophy has always harboured a tradition which regards scientific inquiry as a paradigm for rational inquiry in general. Yet almost every philosopher in that tradition has pointed to limits of this paradigm and its scope.
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  48. Naturalism and Moral Realism.Michael C. Rea - 2006 - In Thomas M. Crisp, Matthew Davidson & David Vander Laan (eds.), Knowledge and Reality: Essays in Honor of Alvin Plantinga. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 215-242.
    My goal in this paper is to show that naturalists cannot reasonably endorse moral realism. My argument will come in two parts. The first part aims to show that any plausible and naturalistically acceptable argument in favor of belief in objective moral properties will appeal in part to simplicity considerations (broadly construed)—and this regardless of whether moral properties are reducible to non-moral properties. The second part argues for the conclusion that appeals to simplicity justify belief in moral properties only if (...)
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    Springs of Action: Understanding Intentional Behavior. [REVIEW]Robert C. Koons - 1993 - Review of Metaphysics 46 (4):861-862.
    This book is a very good example of a movement in contemporary analytic philosophy propounding "the philosophy of action." This movement begins with work by Donald Davidson in the 1960s and 1970s in which he argues for the intelligibility of the belief-desire model of rational behavior implicit in common sense and in much of social science. Major contributors to the school include William Alston, Robert Audi, and Alvin Goldman. This movement has three essential characteristics: a conservative attitude toward the (...)
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    God, Man, and Religion. [REVIEW]I. C. J. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (2):415-416.
    Experience and reason, it has been claimed, provide the bases of religious belief. The first and fourth groups of selections in Mr. Yandell’s collection of readings probe this claim. In these sections, as in the two intervening ones primary sources are followed by critical analyses and appraisals. Thus, when religious experience is being considered selections from the Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita, Buddhist scriptures, and the Old and New Testaments are followed by commentaries drawn from writers such as William James, Rudolf (...)
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