Results for 'Andria Jones-Bitton'

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  1. Transgender women in sport.Andria Bianchi - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 44 (2):229-242.
    This paper considers whether transgender women should be permitted to compete in female categories in sports. Trans* women are often criticized for competing in female categories because they are seen as having an unfair advantage. Specifically, they are seen as having high levels of testosterone that unfairly enhance their performance in comparison to cisgender competitors. In this paper, I argue that trans* women should be permitted to compete in female categories. I suggest that if we want to maintain the skill (...)
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    The Ethical Defensibility of Harm Reduction and Eating Disorders.Andria Bianchi, Katherine Stanley & Kalam Sutandar - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (7):46-56.
    Eating disorders are mental illnesses that can have a significant and persistent physical impact, especially for those who are not treated early in their disease trajectory. Although many persons w...
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  3. Something’s Got to Give: Reconsidering the Justification for a Gender Divide in Sport.Andria Bianchi - 2019 - Philosophies 4 (2):23.
    The question of whether transgender athletes should be permitted to compete in accordance with their gender identity is an evolving debate. Most competitive sports have male and female categories. One of the primary challenges with this categorization system, however, is that some transgender athletes (and especially transgender women) may be prevented from competing in accordance with their gender identity. The reason for this restriction is because of the idea that transgender women have an unfair advantage over their cisgender counterparts; this (...)
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    Considering sex robots for older adults with cognitive impairments.Andria Bianchi - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (1):37-38.
    Determining whether and/or how to enable older persons with disabilities to engage in sex raises several ethical considerations. With the goal of enabling the sexual functioning of older adults with disabilities, Jecker argues that sex robots could be used as a helpful tool. In her article, ‘Nothing to be Ashamed of: Sex Robots for Older Adults with Disabilities’, Jecker acknowledges the importance of sexual functioning and the fact that ageist assumptions incorrectly classify older persons as asexual. Additionally, older adults may (...)
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    Sex, Dementia, and Consent.Andria Bianchi - unknown
    Sex and dementia is becoming an increasingly important topic in applied ethics. By the year 2030, more than 74.7 million people are expected to be diagnosed with dementia worldwide; many of these people may want to engage in sex. The question of how to manage cases of sex and dementia is occurring more frequently in practical cases because of our aging population. The primary reason that sex and dementia is ethically complex is because sexual consent is both legally and morally (...)
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    Memory load modulates graded changes in distracter filtering.Andria Shimi, Mark W. Woolrich, Dante Mantini & Duncan E. Astle - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Deceased‐directed donation: Considering the ethical permissibility in a multicultural setting.Andria Bianchi & Rebecca Greenberg - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (2):230-237.
    This paper explores the ethics of deceased‐directed donation (DDD) and brings a unique perspective to this issue—the relevance of providing family‐centered care and culturally sensitive care to deceased donors, potential recipients, and their families. The significance of providing family‐centered care is becoming increasingly prevalent, specifically in pediatric healthcare settings. Therefore, this topic is especially relevant to those working with and interested in pediatrics. As the world is becoming more diverse with globalization, assessing the cultural aspect of the ethics of DDD (...)
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  8. Autonomy, Sexuality, and Intellectual Disability in advance.Andria Bianchi - forthcoming - Social Philosophy Today.
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    Autonomy, Sexuality, and Intellectual Disability.Andria Bianchi - 2016 - Social Philosophy Today 32:107-121.
    Respect for autonomy grounds common ethical judgments about why people should be allowed to make decisions for themselves. Under this assumption, it is concerning that a number of feminist conceptions of autonomy present challenges for people with intellectual disabilities. This paper explores some of the most philosophically influential feminist accounts of autonomy and demonstrates how these accounts exclude persons with intellectual disabilities. As a possible solution to these accounts, Laura Davy’s inclusive design approach is presented, which is a revised conception (...)
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    Questioning the ethics of promoting weight loss in clinical practice.Andria Bianchi & Maria Ricupero - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (1):95-98.
    This case study considers the ethical defensibility of recommending weight loss as a treatment for patients with higher body mass indexes. Recommending weight loss may be motivated by clinicians’ biases toward people living in larger bodies, misperceptions about weight and its relevancy to overall health, and a failure to consider other ethical factors such as those related to equity and the social determinants of health.
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    The Burden of Over-Representation: Race, Sport and Philosophy.Andria Bianchi - 2019 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 14 (2):279-281.
    Volume 14, Issue 2, May 2020, Page 279-281.
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    Towards an integrative model of visual short-term memory maintenance: Evidence from the effects of attentional control, load, decay, and their interactions in childhood.Andria Shimi & Gaia Scerif - 2017 - Cognition 169 (C):61-83.
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  13. Cosmopolitanism as a philosophical foundation of post-Yugoslav peace studies in higher education.Andria K. Wisler - 2010 - In Candice C. Carter & Ravindra Kumar, Peace Philosophy in Action. Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Police Officer Perceptions of Non-consensual Dissemination of Intimate Images.Liza Zvi & Mally Shechory-Bitton - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Gender Testing in Sport: Ethics, cases and controversies. [REVIEW]Andria Bianchi - 2018 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 45 (1):105-108.
  16.  23
    Where Do I Go to Wait? Ethical Considerations During the 90 Day Reflection Period for MAiD.Kesi Disha, Andria Bianchi, Ruby Shanker & Nikolija Lukich - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 6 (1):70-74.
    Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) legislation changed in 2021; persons without a reasonably foreseeable natural death (RFND) could now be eligible for MAID and would have to wait at least 90 days before their intervention. This legislative change caused a new ethically complex question to arise, which we explore in this commentary, namely: Where should individuals without a RFND wait (for 90 days) in a publicly funded health system?
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    Sex-Working Drug Users: Out of the Shadows at Last.Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt - 2002 - Feminist Review 72 (1):82-83.
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    Accessing Indigenous Long-Term Care.Danielle Gionnas, Andria Bianchi, Leonard Benoit & Kevin Rodrigues - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 4 (1):83-88.
    The purpose of this commentary is to present and respond to the gap that currently exists in providing culturally inclusive residential long-term care options for Indigenous peoples in Ontario. After presenting statistics regarding the Indigenous population and long-term care options, we argue that we have an ethical responsibility to offer more culturally inclusive long-term care.
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    Modeling the Effects of Perceptual Load: Saliency, Competitive Interactions, and Top-Down Biases.Kleanthis Neokleous, Andria Shimi & Marios N. Avraamides - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    A perspective of analysis of culture and cubanism in the philosophical thinking of Juan Marinello.Andria Torres Guerra, Alejandro Torres Gómez de Cádiz Hernández & Edilio Gabriel Reynaldo Aguilera - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (1):35-49.
    El resultado investigativo se centra en una de las prioridades de la línea del polo científico territorial y nacional: la necesidad de rescatar el papel de la intelectualidad cubana durante la República. Se analiza el papel de la cultura y la cubanía en la cosmovisión filosófica de Juan Marinello. El método empleado presupone un análisis dialéctico de la realidad, sustentado en una perspectiva crítica que permite interpretar y enriquecer la concepción sobre los hechos y procesos históricos. Desde una visión holística (...)
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    Convergence of Marxist and Jose Marti-related thinking from the analysis of culture in Juan Marinello Vidaurreta.Andria Torres Guerra, María Victoria Stuart Bruce & Juana María Guerra Arencibia - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):649-669.
    RESUMEN Juan Marinello Vidaurreta, eminente trabajador de las letras, que no cambió la pluma por la política, sino que hizo de la política incesante gestión de creación espiritual. Vivió tres etapas decisivas de Cuba: los rezagos de la colonia española; la República mediatizada, que combatió; y el socialismo, que ayudó a consolidar. El objetivo es demostrar la confluencia del pensamiento martiano y marxista desde el análisis de la cultura en la obra de Juan Marinello Vidaurreta. Se asumió la concepción dialéctica (...)
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    Clinical ethics consultations: a scoping review of reported outcomes.Ann M. Heesters, Ruby R. Shanker, Kevin Rodrigues, Daniel Z. Buchman, Andria Bianchi, Claudia Barned, Erica Nekolaichuk, Eryn Tong, Marina Salis & Jennifer A. H. Bell - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-65.
    BackgroundClinical ethics consultations can be complex interventions, involving multiple methods, stakeholders, and competing ethical values. Despite longstanding calls for rigorous evaluation in the field, progress has been limited. The Medical Research Council proposed guidelines for evaluating the effectiveness of complex interventions. The evaluation of CEC may benefit from application of the MRC framework to advance the transparency and methodological rigor of this field. A first step is to understand the outcomes measured in evaluations of CEC in healthcare settings. ObjectiveThe primary (...)
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  23. Jones, S. (2017) "The Origin of the Faeces: Ten Years of 2Girls1Cup", Porn Studies.Steve Jones - 2017 - Porn Studies 4 (4):473-476.
    On the ten year anniversary of 2Girls1Cup, this article examines the complex balance of shock, pleasure and disgust elicited by this viral video.
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  24. Jones, S. (2018) 'Preserved for Posterity? Present Bias and the Status of Grindhouse Films in the " Home Cinema " Era', Journal of Film and Video, 70:1.Steve Jones - 2018 - Journal of Film and Video 70 (1).
    Despite the closure of virtually all original grindhouse cinemas, ‘grindhouse’ lives on as a conceptual term. This article contends that the prevailing conceptualization of ‘grindhouse’ is problematized by a widening gap between the original grindhouse context (‘past’) and the DVD/home-viewing context (present). Despite fans’ and filmmakers’ desire to preserve this part of exploitation cinema history, the world of the grindhouse is now little more than a blurry set of tall-tales and faded phenomenal experiences, which are subject to present-bias. The continuing (...)
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    Key Insights and Priorities for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Clinical Ethics Consultation.Lauren Honan, Ann Heesters, Andria Bianchi, Marina Salis & Jennifer Bell - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 7 (2-3):201-204.
    Lors du forum 2023 de la Société canadienne de bioéthique, 28 éthiciens praticiens des soins de santé et d’autres participants de tout le Canada, y compris des étudiants et des fellows en bioéthique, se sont réunis virtuellement pour un atelier collaboratif intitulé « Towards Evaluating Clinical Ethics Consultation Effectiveness: Engagement in a Scoping Review of Reported Outcomes ». L’atelier était ouvert à tous les membres de la communauté bioéthique qui s’étaient inscrits au forum, mais il était principalement destiné aux spécialistes (...)
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    Contracting Compliance: A Discussion of the Ethical Implications of Behavioural Contracts in the Rehabilitation Setting.Jane Cooper, Ann Heesters, Andria Bianchi, Kevin Rodrigues & Nathalie Brown - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 2 (2):97-101.
    The pervasive use of contracts in healthcare is a source of unease for many healthcare ethicists and patient advocates. This commentary examines the use of such contracts with individuals in rehabilitation settings who have complex medical and behavioural issues. The goals of this paper are to examine the many factors that can lead to contract use, to discuss some legal and ethical implications of contract use, and to assess contract use in light of concerns about health equity. The paper concludes (...)
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    Scientific Models in Philosophy of Science.Daniela M. Bailer-Jones - 2009 - University of Pittsburgh Press.
    Scientists have used models for hundreds of years as a means of describing phenomena and as a basis for further analogy. In Scientific Models in Philosophy of Science, Daniela Bailer-Jones assembles an original and comprehensive philosophical analysis of how models have been used and interpreted in both historical and contemporary contexts. Bailer-Jones delineates the many forms models can take (ranging from equations to animals; from physical objects to theoretical constructs), and how they are put to use. She examines (...)
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    Rythmes et paradigme de la complexité : Perspectives moriniennes.Michel Alhadeff-Jones - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte doit paraître prochainement in J. Lamy, & J.-J. Wunenburger (Eds.), Rythmanalyse(s) et complexité, Fernelmont, Belgique : Transversales Philosophiques, E.M.E Editions. Nous remercions Michel Alhadeff-Jones et Julien Lamy de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. Interroger la nature des relations susceptibles d'être établies entre la notion de rythme et celle de complexité représente une démarche qui nécessite d'être opérée à plusieurs niveaux. Dans la mesure où le recours à ces deux (...) - Philosophie – Nouvel article.
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    Public Voices in Pharmaceutical Deliberations: Negotiating “Clinical Benefit” in the FDA’s Avastin Hearing.Christa B. Teston, S. Scott Graham, Raquel Baldwinson, Andria Li & Jessamyn Swift - 2014 - Journal of Medical Humanities 35 (2):149-170.
    This article offers a hybrid rhetorical-qualitative discourse analysis of the FDA’s 2011 Avastin Hearing, which considered the revocation of the breast cancer indication for the popular cancer drug Avastin. We explore the multiplicity of stakeholders, the questions that motivated deliberations, and the kinds of evidence presented during the hearing. Pairing our findings with contemporary scholarship in rhetorical stasis theory, Mol’s (2002) construct of multiple ontologies, and Callon, Lascoumes, and Barthe’s (2011) “hybrid forums,” we demonstrate that the FDA’s deliberative procedures elides (...)
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    Karl Marx: Greatness and Illusion.Gareth Stedman Jones - 2016 - Harvard University Press.
    As much a portrait of his time as a biography of the man, Karl Marx: Greatness and Illusion returns the author of Das Kapital to his nineteenth-century world, before twentieth-century inventions transformed him into Communism’s patriarch and fierce lawgiver. Gareth Stedman Jones depicts an era dominated by extraordinary challenges and new notions about God, human capacities, empires, and political systems—and, above all, the shape of the future. In the aftermath of the Battle of Waterloo, a Europe-wide argument began about (...)
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  31. Judith Butler, The Psychic Life of Power Reviewed by.Kath Renark Jones - 1998 - Philosophy in Review 18 (6):401-403.
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    (1 other version)Studies in Political and Social Ethics.W. Jenkyn Jones - 1903 - The Monist 13:154.
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    The Elephant in the Nursery: Paediatric Exceptionalism?James Anderson, Randi Zlotnik Shaul & Andria Bianchi - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 7 (2-3):150-158.
    Avant la pandémie de COVID-19 (ci-après « la pandémie »), l’adéquation des ressources en matière de soins de santé dans l’ensemble du Canada suscitait déjà de nombreuses inquiétudes. La pandémie de COVID-19 a exacerbé ces inquiétudes de manière exponentielle, en élargissant les fissures déjà importantes dans les systèmes de santé provinciaux. Actuellement, le système est confronté à l’exacerbation des délais d’attente pour les opérations chirurgicales qui avaient été retardées par les fermetures obligatoires pendant la pandémie. En Ontario, les retards dans (...)
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    Licit Substance Use in Physical Rehabilitation Settings.Brynne McArthur, Alexandra Campbell & Andria Bianchi - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (2):124.
    The purpose of this commentary is to consider circumstances under which it may be ethical to permit patients to use licit substances in rehabilitation contexts. While the content of this commentary may be transferable to other healthcare spaces, our focus on rehabilitation is based on some important distinctions that exist between rehabilitation and acute care spaces.
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  35. Formalism.Katherine Thomson-Jones - 2008 - In Paisley Livingston & Carl R. Plantinga, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film. New York: Routledge.
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    Choosing Thesis Juries: The Costs of Taking a Strict Line on Conflicts of Interest.Bryn Williams-Jones - 2012 - BioéthiqueOnline 1:6.
    This case study examines the conflicts of interest that can arise in the selection of jury members to evaluate a PhD thesis, and the costs associated with trying to avoid COI.
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  37. Is there a logical slippery slope from voluntary to nonvoluntary euthanasia?David Albert Jones - 2011 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 21 (4):379-404.
    Slippery slope arguments have been important in the euthanasia debate for at least half a century. In 1957 the Cambridge legal scholar Glanville Williams wrote a controversial book, The Sanctity of Life and the Criminal Law, in which he presented the decriminalizing of euthanasia as a modern liberal proposal taking its rightful place alongside proposals to decriminalize contraception, sterilization, abortion, and attempted suicide (all of which the book also advocated).1 Opposition to these reforms was in turn presented as exclusively religious (...)
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  38. The World in a Name: Bodies and Labels.D. S. Blumenfeld-Jones - 1998 - Journal of Thought 33:41-52.
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  39. Leadership Defined.Tara Phelps-Jones - forthcoming - Philosophy.
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    A casting of light: by the Platonic tradition.Guy Wyndham-Jones - 2012 - Westbury, Wiltshire: Prometheus Trust.
    All the passages are from the writings and translations of Thomas Taylor.
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    “Never Tell me the Odds”: An Inquiry Concerning Jedi Understanding.Andrew Zimmerman Jones - 2015 - In Jason T. Eberl & Kevin S. Decker, The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 219–228.
    In Star Wars, Han Solo gives the Force no credit when he first discusses it with Luke and Obi‐Wan on the way to Alderaan. Han Solo's belief about the Force is an untrue belief. It does not conform to the reality of how the Star Wars universe operates. This chapter analyzes whether Han's belief is justified. The products of science have a role in Star Wars, but there is no indication that the process of science does. The Jedi have a (...)
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    Varieties of affect.Claire Armon-Jones - 1991 - Buffalo: University of Toronto Press.
    In this new and original book, Claire Armon-Jones examines the concept of affect and various philosophical positions which attempt to define and characterize it: the standard view, the neo-cognitivist view, and the objectual thesis. She contends that these views radically distort our understanding of affect by disregarding modes of affect which fail to conform to the accounts they each employ. Against the standard and neo-cognitivist views she argues that the notions they use to characterize affect are neither necessary nor (...)
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    “Let’s Test Crazy Ideas!” A Laboratory for Experimental Bioethics.Bryn Williams-Jones & Sihem Neil Abtroun - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (6):57-58.
    In their article, Pavarani and colleagues offer a vision of evolutionary bioethics that focuses on innovation and empirical research as a means to enrich the field of bioethics. Empirical bi...
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    (1 other version)A Reply to Marianna Papastephanou's Review of Time and the Rhythms of Emancipatory Education.Michel Alhadeff-Jones - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    This text has already been published in Studies in Philosophy and Education, Feb. 2018, n° 37, p.103–107. As we all know it, writing and reading takes time. In the contemporary social and academic context, often shaped by a destabilizing sense of acceleration and urgency, protecting the moments required for such ‘time-consuming' activities is not something that can be taken for granted anymore. The way we commit to a specific task expresses as much about the meaning it may carry that what (...)
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  45. The reduction of critique in education: Perspectives from Morin's paradigm of complexity.M. Alhadeff-Jones - 2010 - In Deborah Osberg & Gert Biesta, Complexity Theory and the Politics of Education. Sense Publishers. pp. 25--38.
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  46. The dilemma of the idealist.David Bryn-Jones - 1950 - New York,: Macmillan.
  47. Between Salvation and Destruction: On Heidegger's Thinking Concerning Technology.Jones Irwin - 2003 - In Michael Breen, Eamonn Conway & Barry McMillan, Technology and transcendence. Blackrock, Co. Dublin: Columba Press. pp. 60--69.
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  48. The Basis of Christian Unity.D. M. Lloyd-Jones - 1962
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  49. The Gentili Festschrift.Hugh Lloyd-Jones - forthcoming - Classical Review.
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    Immigrant Women in Italy: Perspectives from Brussels and Bologna.Marina Orsini-Jones & Catherine Hoskyns - 1995 - European Journal of Women's Studies 2 (1):51-76.
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