Results for 'Antonio Augustine'

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  1.  7
    "Finding a Place for Desire in the Life of the Mind: Arendt and Augustine", in Thinking About Love: Essays in Contemporary Continental Philosophy, eds. Diane Enns and Antonio Calcagno (University Park, PA: Penn State University Press, 2015).Antonio Calcagno - 2015 - In Antonio Calcagno & Diane Enns (eds.), _Thinking About Love: Essays in Contemporary Continental Philosophy_, eds. Diane Enns and Antonio Calcagno. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penn State University Press. pp. 114-127.
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    "Hannah Arendt and Augustine of Hippo : On the Pleasure of and Desire for Evil" in Laval Théologique et Philosophique, vol. 66, n. 2, June 2010, 371-385.Antonio Calcagno - 2010 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 66 (2):371-385.
    Arendt a écrit deux volumes dédiés à la pensée et la volonté qui sont réunis dans le texte La vie de l’esprit, mais en raison de sa mort inopportune, son travail consacré au jugement, et plus spécialement au jugement politique, n’a jamais été achevé. Cependant, nous disposons d’une quantité significative d’écrits sur ce thème, provenant de ses conférences sur la troisième Critique de Kant. Le jugement et la pensée sont essentiels pour empêcher ce qu’Arendt appelle «la banalité du mal». En (...)
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    "The Role of Forgetting in Our Experience of Time: Augustine of Hippo and Hannah Arendt" in Parrhesia: A Journal of Critical Philosophy.Antonio Calcagno - 2011 - Parrhesia 13:14-27.
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    Nachweise aus Charles Augustin sainte-beuve, causeries du lundi.Antonio Morillas-Esteban - 2009 - Nietzsche Studien 38 (1):318-319.
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    Lydia Schumacher, Divine Illumination: The History and Future of Augustine's Theory of Knowledge.(Challenges in Contemporary Theology.) Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. Pp. xiii, 250. $119.95. ISBN: 9780470657423. [REVIEW]Antonio Calcagno - 2013 - Speculum 88 (2):579-581.
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    (1 other version)Arendt, Augustine, and the New Beginning: The Action Theory and Moral Thought of Hannah Arendt in the Light of Her Dissertation on St. Augustine. By Stephan Kampowski. Pp. xx, 364, Grand Rapids, MI, Eerdmans, 2008, $50.00/£27.99. [REVIEW]Antonio Calcagno - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (1):163-165.
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    Restless Mind:Curiositasand the Scope of Inquiry in St. Augustine's Psychology. By Joseph Torchia, O. P., Milwaukee, Marquette University Press, 2013, $29.00. [REVIEW]Antonio Calcagno - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (2):386-387.
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  8. Fuentes cristianas Del de antiquissima italorum sapientia.Antonio Sabetta - 2006 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 19 (20):2006-2007.
    Este trabajo trata de afrontar la presencia de autores y temas de la tradición cristiana como fuentes del De antiquissima de Vico; centrándose en los ámbitos de la metafísica platonizante, de la tradición éticojurídica, y del humanismo barroco.PALABRAS CLAVE: Vico, De Antiquissima, cristianismo, platonismo, agustinismo, Agustín de Hipona, Ficino, Campanella, Cusa, Duns Scoto, Suárez.This work attempts to analyze the presence of authors and subjects from the Christian tradition in Vico’s De Antiquissima. It focuses on the fieds of Platonising metaphysics, the (...)
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    Ben HOLLAND, Self and City in the thought of Saint Augustine. Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, 162 pp., 52,10 €. ISBN 978-3-030-19332-4. [REVIEW]Pablo Antonio Morillo Rey - 2020 - Isidorianum 29 (2):161-163.
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    Creazione dal nulla. Esegesi metafisica di Agostino a Gen. 1,1-2.Pietro Antonio Ferrisi - 2011 - Augustinianum 51 (1):123-146.
    In Augustine's theological reflection, the biblical truth of “creation out of nothingness” becomes the dogmatic foundation of his philosophical speculation. Augustine argues that since “matter” is eternal, nothing can be derived from “nothingness”. He thus opposes the metaphysical paradigm of Christian thought which places God (“efficient cause”) and nothingness (“deficient cause”) as the origin of all existence. The “material cause” is no longer the “prime cause” of all beings but is replaced by the meontological dimension of absolute nothingness. (...)
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    Signum scientis est quod possit docere. L’enseignement de la science selon Thomas d’Aquin.José Antonio Valdivia Fuenzalida - 2023 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 68:461-499.
    Thomas d’Aquin défend, contre saint Augustin, la thèse selon laquelle l’homme peut enseigner sa propre science à quelqu’un d’autre. Sa théorie sur l’enseignement de la science est développée dans la Somme de théologie, I, q. 117, a. 1 et dans les Questions disputées sur la vérité, q. 11, a. 1. À la lumière de cette doctrine, la présente étude explique pourquoi saint Thomas admet la thèse aristotélicienne du livre I de la Métaphysique selon laquelle la marque distinctive de la science (...)
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  12.  26
    La doctrina Pneumatológica de las Sententiae de Isidoro de Sevilla.Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero - 2017 - Augustinianum 57 (1):169-190.
    Isidore of Seville did not leave behind any specifically trinitarian, Christological or pneumatological treatises. We find his theological doctrine evident in sections throughout his works although, as a result of the effort of a good compiler and synthesizer, it is not difficult to trace the passages in which the bishop of Seville deals with each one of these subjects. With regard to the doctrine on the Holy Spirit, the chapter dedicated to the third person of the Trinity in the first (...)
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    Horace E. Six-Means, Augustine and Catholic Christianization : The Catholicization of Roman Africa, 391-408. [REVIEW]Gonzalo Antonio Rebolledo Parada - 2012 - Augustinianum 52 (2):546-549.
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    Un paradosso agostiniano nella concezione del Dio-amore? Il rifiuto della similitudine familiare in De Trinitate XII.Mattia Antonio Agostinone - 2022 - Augustinianum 62 (2):397-422.
    In De Trinitate XII Augustine refuses the idea that a family could be the image of God. This is curious, because the theologian that in De Trinitate elaborates a “communitarian model” of the Trinity – the Lover, the Beloved and the Love – at the same time does not see the image of God in the first natural community, the family. The purpose of this paper is to show the deeper reasons for this refutation. After the exposition of (...)’s argument, the paper identifies Augustine’s polemical reference to a part of the Eastern Tradition, which used the example of the first family (Adam, Eve and Abel/Seth) in order to express the mystery of the Trinity. It examines also how the example of the first family was used by Gregory of Nazianzus in his fifth theological discourse (which some scholars identify as the possible source of the idea of the family as the image of God for Augustine) in a trinitarian way. This study then considers two aspects of Augustine’s argument: that his refutation is not justified by the association of the Holy Spirit with the mother and the bride; that the real reason for it is exegetical, and dependent upon Augustine’s reading of Gn. 1:26. Finally the paper shows that the view of gender differences as merely corporeal is what prevents the Doctor of Grace from reading Gn. 1:27 in a relational-dialogical way to express the intimate communion of the Trinity. (shrink)
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  15. Muratori, Lodovico Antonio (1672-1750).P. Vismara - 2013 - In Willemien Otten (ed.), The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine. Oxford University Press. pp. 1426--1428.
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    Further Selections From the Prison Notebooks.Antonio Gramsci - 1995 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
  17.  21
    Dream recall frequency: Impact of prospective measures and motivational factors.Antonio Zadra & Geneviève Robert - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (4):1695-1702.
    Significant individual differences exist in dream recall frequency but some variance is likely attributable to instrument choice in measuring DRF. Three hundred and fifty eight participants estimated their weekly DRF and recorded their dreams in either a narrative log or checklist log for 2–5 weeks. There was an early peak in DRF within the first week of both types of prospective logs after which DRF remained relatively stable. Although the two groups did not differ in their estimated DRF, significantly fewer (...)
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  18. Leibnizian relationalism for general relativistic physics.Antonio Vassallo & Michael Esfeld - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics (C):101-107.
    An ontology of Leibnizian relationalism, consisting in distance relations among sparse matter points and their change only, is well recognized as a serious option in the context of classical mechanics. In this paper, we investigate how this ontology fares when it comes to general relativistic physics. Using a Humean strategy, we regard the gravitational field as a means to represent the overall change in the distance relations among point particles in a way that achieves the best combination of being simple (...)
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  19.  44
    Development of explicit criteria for prioritization of hip and knee replacement.Antonio Escobar, José M. Quintana, Amaia Bilbao, Berta Ibañez, Juan C. Arenaza, Luis Gutiérrez, Jesús Azkárate, Jose I. Güenaga & Ignacio Vidaurreta - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (3):429-434.
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    Heterogeneous Motives in the Trust Game: A Tale of Two Roles.Antonio M. Espín, Filippos Exadaktylos & Levent Neyse - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:184127.
    Trustful and trustworthy behaviors have important externalities for the society. But what exactly drives people to behave in a trustful and trustworthy manner? Building on research suggesting that individuals’ social preferences might be a common factor informing both behaviors, we study the impact of a set of different motives on individuals’ choices in a dual-role Trust Game (TG). We employ data from a large-scale representative experiment ( N = 774), where all subjects played both roles of a binary TG with (...)
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  21.  53
    Community, Apartheid, & the Metaphysics of Humanity in Genesis 1-11.Augustine Shutte - 1987 - Philosophy and Theology 2 (1):57-75.
    Following a general sketch of my paradigm of the opening chapter of Genesis as a presentation and analysis of the human predicament, I offer an analysis of the Adam and Eve story and the story of Babel as paradigms of the Genesis authors’ understanding of human transcendence. A brief summary of the primary elements within this notion of transcendence precedes my applicalion of it to a contemporary social issue.
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    Musement: The activity of the brain’s default mode network.Antonio Duarte - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (233):145-158.
    The main purpose of this article is to identify the inner human activity Peirce calls musement with the mental processes that arise through the workings of the brain’s default mode network. This network is a specific, recently anatomically defined brain system, which is most active when individuals are not focused on the external environment. In doing so, musement, which was defined by Peirce over a hundred years ago, will finally be situated within what today we understand as its neurobiological origin.
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  23. A Vedantic perspective of ecology.Augustine Thottakara - 2001 - Journal of Dharma 26 (1):9-27.
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    Roberto Esposito: New Directions in Biophilosophy, eds. Tilottama Rajan and Antonio Calcagno.Tilottama Rajan & Antonio Calcagno (eds.) - 2021 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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    Strict $${\Pi^1_1}$$ -reflection in bounded arithmetic.António M. Fernandes - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (1):17-34.
    We prove two conservation results involving a generalization of the principle of strict ${\Pi^1_1}$ -reflection, in the context of bounded arithmetic. In this context a separation between the concepts of bounded set and binary sequence seems to emerge as fundamental.
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  26.  26
    What makes us persons?Augustine Shutte - 1984 - Modern Theology 1 (1):67-79.
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    L'ultimo sciamano: conversazioni su Heidegger.Antonio Gnoli - 2006 - Milano: Tascabili Bompiani. Edited by Franco Volpi.
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    Waiting list management: priority criteria or first‐in first‐out? A case for total joint replacement.Antonio Escobar, José Ma Quintana, Marta González, Amaia Bilbao & Berta Ibañez - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (4):595-601.
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    Di Niccolo Tartaglia e della stampa di alcune delle sue opere con particolare riguardo alla "Travagliata Inventione.Antonio Favaro - 1913 - Isis 1 (3):329-340.
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    A new conservation result of WKL 0 over RCA 0.António Marques Fernandes - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (1):55-63.
    In this paper we give a partial answer to a conjecture of Tanaka. We prove that: if WKL0 proves a sentence of the form (∀X)(∃!Y)ψ(X, Y) for a Σ03-formula ψ, then so does RCA0.
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    Vedanta philosophy: a study of Varadaguru's Tattvasara.Augustine Thottakara - 2004 - Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications. Edited by Varadācārya.
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  32. Lamberto Borghi e Danilo Dolci, Spunti di indagine su una feconda interazione.Antonio Corsi - 2005 - In Franco Cambi, Paolo Orefice & Luciana Bellatalla (eds.), Educazione, libertà, democrazia: il pensiero pedagogico di Lamberto Borghi. Napoli: Liguori. pp. 61--147.
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  33. Cincuenta años de hacer filosofía en la Universidad Iberoamericana.Antonio Ibargüengoita - 1993 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 77:135-150.
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    Culture's emergent pathway.Antonio Iglesias - 1948 - New York,: Exposition Press.
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  35. Del bostezo a la secularización.Antonio Correa Iglesias - 2008 - A Parte Rei 59:6.
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    The Positivity Scale: Concurrent and Factorial Validity Across Late Childhood and Early Adolescence.Antonio Zuffianò, Belén López-Pérez, Flavia Cirimele, Jana Kvapilová & Gian Vittorio Caprara - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Positivismo E Idealismo in Ugo Spirito, Foreword by A. Rigobello E C. Fabro.Antonio Russo - 1990 - Fondazione Ugo Spirito.
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  38. (2 other versions)Philosophy of politics.Antonio Rosmini - unknown
  39. Philosophical Appreciative Counselling.Antonio Sandu - 2011 - Philosophical Practice 6 (2):785-792.
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  40.  11
    ?: il paradosso dell'ignoranza da Socrate a Google.Antonio Sgobba - 2017 - Milano: Il saggiatore.
    Perché quella faccia triste, lettore? Non sapere ti rende infelice. Non sai nulla di quello che ti circonda: non sai come fa a volare l'aereo che ti porterà a Londra, non sai quante zampe ha una Pseudoiulia cambriensis, come funziona il wi-fi, quanta acqua c'è nell'Oceano Atlantico. Sai cosa vuol dire entelechìa? Quanti capelli abbiamo in testa? Hai mai provato a contare tutte le stelle? No, ma l'ha già fatto l'astronomo Ipparco, e le notizie non sono buone: non potremo saperlo (...)
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  41. Nota sobre Pluralidad y Recursión: Ontosemántica fregeana para un análisis de las teorías.Antonio Caba Sánchez - 1994 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 9 (2):193-202.
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  42. Il pensiero di Matteo Pescatore.Antonio Tozzi - 1953 - Pisa,: Industrie grafiche V. Lischi.
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    La saggezza dionisiaca come sapere della superficie: un percorso nietzscheano.Antonio Valentini - 2021 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    The Assessment of Trait Emotional Intelligence: Psychometric Characteristics of the TEIQue-Full Form in a Large Italian Adult Sample.Antonio Chirumbolo, Laura Picconi, Mara Morelli & K. V. Petrides - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Culturally significant symbolic faces.Antonio Santangelo - 2021 - Sign Systems Studies 49 (3-4):418-436.
    Every now and then when watching a movie, we come across faces in which we recognize a significant value, because they represent some important cultural models we use to assign meaning to our experience of the world. By way of example, I will discuss the faces of the protagonists of two recent films, Abdellatif Kechiche’s La vie d’Adele. Chapitres 1 & 2 (2013; English title Blue Is the Warmest Colour) and Leonor Serraille’s Jeune femme (2017), comparing them with the faces (...)
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    Franz Brentano E Heinrich Denifle: Un Carteggio Inedito.Antonio Russo - 2014 - Roma: Edizioni Studium. Edited by Heinrich Denifle.
  47. La idea y la ilimitud de la experiencia en Kant y Husserl.Antonio Aguirre - 1997 - Escritos de Filosofía 16 (31):157-180.
  48. Un silencio de la izquierda.Antonio Annino - 2011 - In César Cansino Ortiz & Servando Pineda (eds.), Al fondo y a la izquierda: reflexiones desde y sobre un lugar evanescente. Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez.
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  49. Domingo de Soto, pionero de la propedéutica bíblica.Antonio M. Artola - 2005 - Ciencia Tomista 132 (427):265.
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  50. La tendenza logistica della filosofia tedesca contemporanea e le "Ricerche logiche" di Edmund Husserl.Antonio Banfi - 1923 - Rivista di Filosofia 14 (2):115.
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