Results for 'Antoniy Radyvylovsky'

  1.  28
    Philosophical aspect of the lexeme "fortune" in Anthony Radivilovsky’s texts.Volodymyr Spivak - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (1):30-46.
    The article contains the historico-philosophical analysis of the lexical and conceptual aspects of the concept of “fortuna” in the texts of Antoniy Radyvylovs’kyj (further A.R.). This problem has not been studied by historians of philosophy yet. The analysis is carried out in the context of Ukrainian moral thought of the Baroque period (1610 - 1680-s). -/- The author proposes the historico-philosophical interpretation of A.R.’s use of the lexeme fortuna and its doublets on the basis of Vilen Gorsky’s methodology. For (...)
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    Філософський аспект лексеми «фортуна» в текстах антонія радивиловського.Володимир Співак - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (1):30-46.
    The article contains the historico-philosophical analysis of the lexical and conceptual aspects of the concept of “fortuna” in the texts of Antoniy Radyvylovs’kyj. This problem has not been studied by historians of philosophy yet. The analysis is carried out in the context of Ukrainian moral thought of the Baroque period.The author proposes the historico-philosophical interpretation of A.R.’s use of the lexeme fortuna and its doublets on the basis of Vilen Gorsky’s methodology. For the first time it has been proven (...)
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  3.  11
    Нотатки на берегах дослідження: Лариса довга. Система цінностей в українській культурі другої половини XVII ст. (на прикладі теоретичної спадщини інокентія ґізеля). Київ-львів: Свічадо, 2012, 344 с. [REVIEW]Ярослава Стратій - 2016 - Sententiae 34 (1):179-194.
    The article proves crucial significance of Larysa Dovga’s monograph to the new understand-ing the heritage of Kiev-Mohyla Academy and Ukrainian spiritual culture of the 17th century. This is because Dovga’s monograph is the first to use Hildebrand’s and Scheler’s personal ethics and Buber’s dialog concept for analyzing early modern Ukrainian axiology; reconstruct Ukrainian baroque culture value system by analyzing the treatises of Innokentiy Gizel and theo-logical texts of Petro Mohyla, Lazar Baranovych, Yoanykiy Galyatovskyi and Antoniy Radyvi-lovskyi. Also the monograph (...)
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