Results for 'Arabic and Islamic philosophy'

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  1.  29
    Arabic and Islamic Philosophy and Sciences: Method and Truth.Hany Moubarez - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (1):1-4.
    What are Arabic and Islamic philosophy and sciences? How and where did they come about? I am trying in this preface to provide a short and brief answer to those two questions. Having done this, I sketch the contents of five papers trying to study Arabic and Islamic philosophy and sciences from its perspective to method and truth.
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  2. Arabic and islamic philosophy of language and logic.Tony Street - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Greek sources in arabic and islamic philosophy.Cristina D'Ancona - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Influence of arabic and islamic philosophy on judaic thought.Mauro Zonta - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Arabic and islamic natural philosophy and natural science.Jon McGinnis - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Arabic and islamic psychology and philosophy of mind.Alfred Ivry - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Influence of arabic and islamic philosophy on the latin west.Dag Nikolaus Hasse - 2009 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Mysticism in arabic and islamic philosophy.Mehdi Aminrazavi - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Arabic and islamic metaphysics.Amos Bertolacci - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  10. Islamic Philosophy.Oliver Leaman - 2009 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Although Islamic philosophy represents one of the leading philosophical traditions in the world, it has only recently begun to receive the attention it deserves in the non-Islamic world. This important text provides a concise and accessible introduction to the major movements, thinkers and concepts within that tradition, from the foundation of Islam to the present day. Ever since the growth of Islam as a religious and political movement, Muslim thinkers have sought to understand the theoretical aspects of (...)
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  11. Causation in Arabic and Islamic Thought.Kara Richardson - 2015 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Logic in the Arabic and Islamic World.Khaled El-Rouayheb - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 686--692.
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    Christian and Islamic philosophies of time.Sotiris Mitralexis & Marcin Podbielski (eds.) - 2018 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    This volume constitutes an attempt at bringing together philosophies of time--or more precisely, philosophies on time and, in a concomitant way, history--emerging from Christianity's and Islam's intellectual histories. Starting from the Neoplatonic heritage and the voice of classical philosophy, the volume enters the Byzantine and Arabic intellectual worlds up to Ibn Al-Arabi's times. A conscious choice in this volume is not to engage with, perhaps, the most prominent figures of Christian and Arabic philosophy, i.e., Augustine on (...)
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    Producing Islamic philosophy: The life and afterlives of Ibn Ṭufayl’s Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān in global history, 1882–1947.Murad Idris - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 15 (4):382-403.
    In recent decades, the trope that classical Muslim thinkers anticipated or influenced modern European thought has provided an easy endorsement of their contemporary relevance. This article studies how Arab editors and intellectuals, from 1882 to 1947, understood the twelfth-century Andalusian philosopher Ibn Ṭufayl, and Arabo-Islamic philosophy generally. This modern generation of Arab scholars also attached significance to classical Arabic texts as precursors to modern European thought. They invited readers to retrospectively identify with Ibn Ṭufayl and his treatise, (...)
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    Classical Islamic Philosophy: A Thematic Introduction by Luis Xavier López-Farjeat (review).Thérèse-Anne Druart - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (2):320-322.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Classical Islamic Philosophy: A Thematic Introduction by Luis Xavier López-FarjeatThérèse-Anne DruartLuis Xavier López-Farjeat. Classical Islamic Philosophy: A Thematic Introduction. New York: Routledge, 2022. Pp. 368. Paperback, $34.36.Interest in classical Islamic philosophy has grown and recently given rise to several presentations of the field: The Routledge Companion to Islamic Philosophy, edited by Richard C. Taylor and Luis Xavier López-Farjeat (New York: (...)
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    The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Philosophy.Khaled El-Rouayheb & Sabine Schmidtke (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    The study of Islamic philosophy has entered a new and exciting phase in the last few years. Both the received canon of Islamic philosophers and the narrative of the course of Islamic philosophy are in the process of being radically questioned and revised. Most twentieth-century Western scholarship on Arabic or Islamic philosophy has focused on the period from the ninth century to the twelfth. It is a measure of the transformation that is (...)
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  17.  12
    Classical Islamic philosophy: a thematic introduction.López Farjeat & Luis Xavier - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This thematic introduction to classical Islamic philosophy focuses on the most prevalent philosophical debates of the medieval Islamic world and their importance within the history of philosophy. Approaching the topics in a comprehensive and accessible way in this new volume, Luis Xavier Lopez-Farjeat, one of the co-editors of The Routledge Companion to Islamic Philosophy, makes classical Islamic philosophy approachable for both the new and returning student of the history of philosophy, medieval (...)
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  18.  37
    Islamic Philosophy, Science, Culture, and Religion: Studies in Honor of Dimitri Gutas.Felicitas Opwis & David Reisman (eds.) - 2011 - Boston: Brill.
    This collection of essays covers the classical heritage and Islamic culture, classical Arabic science and philosophy, and Muslim religious sciences, showing continuation of Greek and Persian thought as well as original Muslim contributions to the sciences, philosophy, religion, and culture of Islam.
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    Islamic Philosophy: An Overview.Tamara Albertini - 1991 - In Eliot Deutsch & Ronald Bontekoe (eds.), A Companion to World Philosophies. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 99–133.
    Islamic philosophy developed within a highly diversified doctrinal and religious tradition, and consequently represents a very complex phenomenon encompassing many different political, intellectual, dogmatic, and spiritual movements. Insight into the historical circumstances that shaped Islamic thought is necessary for an understanding of Arabic philosophical concerns in the early period of Islam and for subsequent Muslim intellectual interests. It also helps, of course, in approaching topics, themes and genres of Islamic philosophy that cannot be appreciated (...)
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    11 Cosmopolitanism in the Medieval Arabic and Islamic World.Josh Hayes - 2020 - In Andrew LaZella & Richard A. Lee (eds.), The Edinburgh Critical History of Middle Ages and Renaissance Philosophy. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Critical History of Philosophy. pp. 217-233.
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    Greek into Arabic: Essays on Islamic Philosophy (review). [REVIEW]Francesco Gabrieli - 1963 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 1 (1):109-110.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 109 makes for much enjoyment in the reading; the historical and linguistic enquiries are often most rewarding; the weakest moments come when his hectoring of modern sceptics betrays an ignorance of relevant modern arguments. Generally the production is excellent, but on page 129, line 19, delete.... ; on page 185, line 17 and page 186, line 14, read ~p,~**for ~pcr Amherst College J O H NKING-FARLOW Greek (...)
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  22.  17
    Islamic Philosophy and Theology: Critical Concepts in Islamic Thought. Legacies, Translations and Prototypes. Vol. 1.Ian Richard Netton (ed.) - 2006 - Routledge.
    Islam, one of the worlds great faiths, was born as a result of the revelation of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad (c. 570-632) in Arabia. A proper understanding of the Islamic present depends on an accurate knowledge of the way in which Islamic thought developed from medieval times onwards. For instance, Islam evolved a sophisticated theology and set of philosophical systems of its own, which owed something to the impact of Greek thought, but became uniquely Islamic (...)
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  23. Orientalisms in the interpretation of Islamic philosophy.Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2006 - Radical Philosophy 135.
    In this paper, I argue that Edward Said’s central thesis in Orientalism has a direct explanatory role to play in our understanding of the work produced in at least one area of scholarship about the Arab and Islamic worlds, namely Arab-Islamic philosophy from the classical or medieval period. Moreover, I claim that it continues to play this role not only for scholarship produced in the West by Western scholars but also within the Arab world itself. After recalling (...)
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  24.  35
    Books of definition in Islamic philosophy: the limits of words.Kiki Kennedy-Day - 2003 - New York: RoutledgeCurzon.
    The first section of this book surveys the development of Islamic philosophy though an examination of the definitions for substance, cause and matter. These important philosophical terms were defined by each new generation of philosophers. The definitions show an awareness of Greek philosophy, but also take metaphysical thought into an Islamic matrix. In the second section the author translates Ibn Sina's Kitab al-hudud and puts the tenth-century philosopher in his proper geopolitical sphere. Questions of Ibn Sina' (...)
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  25. The Routledge companion to Islamic philosophy.Richard C. Taylor, López Farjeat & Luis Xavier (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Recent publications focused on Arabic/Islamic philosophy have traditionally considered this under the history of ideas and Oriental or Islamic studies. There is a need for a comprehensive collection of essays that treats Islamic philosophy as philosophy, and not merely as a conduit of intellectual history for delivering ideas from the ancient Greeks to medieval Christians. With this aim, The Routledge Companion to Islamic Philosophy is conceived as a well-structured and wide-ranging thematic (...)
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    The ‘Oriental’ Character of Islamic Philosophy in Hegel's Lectures on the History of Philosophy.Lorella Ventura - forthcoming - Hegel Bulletin:1-21.
    In his Lectures on the History of Philosophy, Hegel characterizes Arabic/Islamic philosophy as ‘Oriental’. The meaning and motivation of this characterization are not obvious. In this paper, I address his treatment and outline the key ideas that lead Hegel to describe Islamic philosophy as ‘Oriental’. By highlighting similarities and differences in relation to Oriental philosophy, I shed light on Hegel's approach to Islamic philosophy, which is connected to his view of Oriental (...)
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  27.  79
    Review of Form and Validity in Indian Logic, by Vijay Bharadwaja ; The Word and The World: India's Contribution to the Study of Language, by Bimal Krishna Matilal ;The Basic Ways of Knowing, by Govardhan P. Bhatt ; The Quest for Man, ed. J. Van Nispen and D. Tiemersma ; Muslim-Christian Encounters: Perceptions and Misperceptions, by William Montgomery Watt ; Socrates in Mediaeval Arabic Literature, by Ilai Alon, in Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science, Texts and Studies, vol. 10 ; Tsung-mi and the Sinification of Buddhism, by Peter N. Gregory ; Modern Civilization: A Crisis of Fragmentation, by S. C. Malik ; and Nature in Asian Traditions of Thought: Essays in Environmental Philosophy, ed. J. Baird Callicott and Roger T. Ames. [REVIEW]J. Shaw, Vijay Bharadwaha, S. Bhatt, W. Hudson & Ian Netton - 1992 - Asian Philosophy 2 (2):187-210.
  28. History of Rational Philosophy among the Arabs and Turks.Mehmet Karabela - 2021 - In Islamic Thought Through Protestant Eyes. New York: Routledge. pp. 181-194.
    In his disputatio, Johann Peter von Ludewig provides a history of rational philosophy among the Arabs and sets out to contextualize the Turks’ attitude to it. Like many Lutheran scholars of the time, Ludewig believed that Islam, as a religion, impeded the development of rational philosophy in the Arab world. However, unlike those philosophers, he examines external influences that may have fed the interest of Arab Muslims in rational philosophy, especially dialectic. Unlike Orthodox Lutherans, such as Pfeiffer (...)
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    "Pines, S." Shi'ite Terms and Conceptions in Judah Halevi's Kuzari," Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 2 (1980), 165-251". [REVIEW]Orientalia Hispanica - 2003 - In Daniel H. Frank & Oliver Leaman (eds.), The Cambridge companion to medieval Jewish philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 72--450.
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    Selfhood/Personhood in Islamic Philosophy.John Walbridge - 1991 - In Eliot Deutsch & Ronald Bontekoe (eds.), A Companion to World Philosophies. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 472–483.
    The question of the self and person in Islamic philosophy can be considered from several different perspectives. The term “philosophy,” falsafa, in Islam refers solely to the Greek tradition of thought represented by such thinkers as al‐Fārābī, Avicen‐ na, and Averroës. Even some of those who unquestionably belong to this tradition – Suhrawardī and Mullā ṣadrā, for example – tend to avoid the term “falsafa” in favor of the Arabic synonym “ḥikma” (lit. wisdom). There are other (...)
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  31.  67
    Women and reason in arab-islamic and european philosophy.Nausikaa Schirilla - 1998 - Topoi 17 (1):57-62.
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    Arabic Language and Islam: An annotated survey.Mustafa Shah - 2010 - In Duncan Pritchard (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies Online: Philosophy. Oxford University Press. pp. 1--1.
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  33. Islamic Philosophy and Jewish Philosophy.Steven Harvey - 2004 - In Peter Adamson & Richard C. Taylor (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Mathematics and physics in classical Islam: comparative perspectives in the history and the philosophy of science.Giovanna Lelli (ed.) - 2022 - Boston: Brill.
    This book highlights the emergence of a new mathematical rationality and the beginning of the mathematisation of physics in Classical Islam. Exchanges between mathematics, physics, linguistics, arts and music were a factor of creativity and progress in the mathematical, the physical and the social sciences. Goods and ideas travelled on a world-scale, mainly through the trade routes connecting East and Southern Asia with the Near East, allowing the transmission of Greek-Arabic medicine to Yuan Muslim China. The development of science, (...)
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  35.  16
    Modernity and the ideals of Arab-Islamic and Western-scientific philosophy: the worldviews of Mario Bunge and Taha Abd al-Rahman.A. Z. Obiedat - 2022 - Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This is the first study to compare the philosophical systems of secular scientific philosopher Mario Bunge (1919-2020), and Moroccan Islamic philosopher Taha Abd al-Rahman (b.1945). In their efforts to establish the philosophical underpinnings of an ideal modernity these two great thinkers speak to the same elements of the human condition, despite their opposing secular and religious worldviews. While the differences between Bunge’s critical-realist epistemology and materialist ontology on the one hand, and Taha’s spiritualist ontology and revelational-mystical epistemology on the (...)
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  36.  8
    “All knowledge is either conception or assent”. On the history and significance of a fundamental distinction in Islamic philosophy.U. K. Cambridge - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-21.
    Following Aristotle, classical Islamic philosophers distinguished between two types of knowledge: conception and assent. This paper argues that the discussions elicited by this distinction are an essential feature of postclassical Islamic philosophy (ca. 1200–1800). The early postclassical philosophers made the distinction central to logic and thereby to epistemology and scientific inquiry at large. As the distinction came to be perceived as problematic, it sparked philosophical arguments about a range of issues in logic and epistemology. One particularly pertinent (...)
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  37.  28
    Philosophy in the Islamic World: A Very Short Introduction.Peter Adamson - 2015 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    In the history of philosophy, few topics are so relevant to today's cultural and political landscape as philosophy in the Islamic world. Yet, this remains one of the lesser-known philosophical traditions. In this Very Short Introduction, Peter Adamson explores the history of philosophy among Muslims, Jews, and Christians living in Islamic lands, from its historical background to thinkers in the twentieth century.Introducing the main philosophical themes of the Islamic world, Adamson integrates ideas from the (...)
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  38.  9
    Medieval Arabic and Hebrew thought.Samuel Miklos Stern - 1983 - London: Variorum Reprints. Edited by F. W. Zimmermann.
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    Contextualizing premodern philosophy: explorations of the Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, and Latin traditions.Katja Krause, López Farjeat, Luis Xavier & Nicholas A. Oschman (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This volume brings together contributions from distinguished scholars in the history of philosophy, focusing on points of interaction between discrete historical contexts, religions, and cultures found within the premodern period. The contributions connect thinkers from antiquity through the Middle Ages and include philosophers from the three major monotheistic faiths-Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. By emphasizing premodern philosophy's shared textual roots in antiquity, particularly the writings of Plato and Aristotle, the volume highlights points of cross-pollination between different schools, cultures, and (...)
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  40.  28
    Islam, state, and modernity: Mohammed Abed al-Jabri and the future of the Arab world.Mohammed Hashas, Zaid Eyadat & Francesca Maria Corrao (eds.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book offers the first comprehensive introduction to one of the most significant Arab thinkers of the late 20th century and the early 21st century: the Moroccan philosopher and social theorist Mohammed Abed al-Jabri. With his intellectual and political engagement, al-Jabri has influenced the development of a modern reading of the Islamic tradition in the broad Arab-Islamic world and has been, in recent years, subject to an increasing interest among Muslims and non-Muslim scholars, social activists and lay men. (...)
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  41.  11
    Alfarabi's Book of Dialectic : On the Starting Point of Islamic Philosophy.David M. DiPasquale - 2019 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Edited by David M. DiPasquale.
    Widely regarded as the founder of the Islamic philosophical tradition, and as the single greatest philosophical authority after Aristotle by his successors in the medieval Islamic, Jewish, and Christian communities, Alfarabi was a leading figure in the fields of Aristotelian logic and Platonic political science. The first complete English translation of his commentary on Aristotle's Topics, Alfarabi's Book of Dialectic, or Kitāb al-Jadal, is presented here in a deeply researched edition based on the most complete Arabic manuscript (...)
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  42.  16
    From the Greeks to the Arabs and beyond.Hans Daiber - 2021 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Helga Daiber.
    From the Greeks to the Arabs and Beyond written by Hans Daiber, is a six volume collection of Daiber's scattered writings, journal articles, essays and encyclopaedia entries on Greek-Syriac-Arabic translations, Islamic theology and Sufism, the history of science, Islam in Europe, manuscripts and the history of oriental studies. The collection contains published (since 1967) and unpublished works in English, German, Arabic, Persian and Turkish, including editions of Arabic and Syriac texts. The publication mirrors the intercultural character (...)
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  43.  9
    Islam and the Arabs.Rom Landau - 2007 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1958, this volume covers important aspects of Islamic history and culture: Arabia before the Prophet The Prophet The Koran and Islam The Caliphate From the Caliphate to the end of the Ottoman The Crusades The Maghreb Muslim Spain The Sharia Philosophy The Sciences Literature The Arts Problems of the Twentieth Century Arab World.
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  44.  27
    The Tradition of Avicennan Metaphysics in Islam.Frank Griffel - 2018 - Journal of World Philosophies 3 (1):169-173.
    The Shi’ah Institute in London arranged the publication of an English translation of one of the most popular Iranian textbooks of the Avicennan tradition of metaphysics in Islam. First printed in Persian in 1956, Mahdī Ḥaʾirī Yazdī’s _Universal Science_ gives an un-contextualized presentation of the most important discussions that happened within Avicennan metaphysics since its inception in the 11th century.
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    La philosophie arabe à l'étude: sens, limites et défis d'une discipline moderne = Studying Arabic philosophy: meaning, limits and challenges of a modern disciplin.Jean-Baptiste Brenet & Olga Lizzini (eds.) - 2019 - Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin.
    Où en est l'étude de la philosophie arabe? Ce livre propose un état des lieux. Il s'agit de dresser un premier bilan des travaux menés dans ce vaste champ. On examine l'historiographie, les dénominations employées; on s'interroge sur les thématiques, les objets retenus et les méthodes d'analyse mises en oeuvre ; on y présente aussi des études sur des auteurs, des traditions ou des concepts, qui montrent comment le travail progresse, quelles tensions perdurent, quelles sont les perspectives."--Page 4 of cover.
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  46. Philosophy, history and political thought in Islam: essays in memory of Massimo Campanini.Carlo De Angelo, Marco Di Donato & Roberto Tottoli (eds.) - 2024 - Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.
    A collection of essays in memory of Massimo Campanini, celebrating the scope of his work, approach, and methodology in his career as a researcher of Arabic-Islamic history, Islamic philosophy, and Islamic political thought.
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  47.  13
    Reality and Divinity in Islamic Philosophy.Josep Puig Montada - 1991 - In Eliot Deutsch & Ronald Bontekoe (eds.), A Companion to World Philosophies. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 460–471.
    Because of the impact of Islam in the development of Arab culture, the first Arabic thinkers were theologians. Their main concern was not to prove God's existence or his creation of the world (both these facts being obvious in their view), but to solve questions related to human destiny. They argued about such questions as whether the Muslim who had committed a major sin had thereby lost his faith and deserted the community of believers, and about the exact status (...)
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  48. The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy.Peter Adamson & Richard C. Taylor (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Philosophy written in Arabic and in the Islamic world represents one of the great traditions of Western philosophy. Inspired by Greek philosophical works and the indigenous ideas of Islamic theology, Arabic philosophers from the ninth century onwards put forward ideas of great philosophical and historical importance. This collection of essays, by some of the leading scholars in Arabic philosophy, provides an introduction to the field by way of chapters devoted to individual thinkers (...)
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  49.  64
    Words, Texts, and Concepts Cruising the Mediterranean Sea: Studies on the Sources, Contents and Influences of Islamic Civilization and Arabic Philosophy and Science: Dedicated to Gerhard Endress on His Sixty-Fifth Birthday.Gerhard Endress, Rüdiger Arnzen & J. Thielmann (eds.) - 2004 - Peeters.
    This statement by the late Franz Rosenthal is, in a sense, the uniting theme of the present volume's 35 articles by renowned scholars of Islamic Studies, Middle ...
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  50.  55
    The Development of Arabic Logic.Khaled El-Rouayheb - 2018 - Basel, Switzerland: Schwabe.
    Recent years have seen a dramatic change in scholarly views of the later career of Arabic and Islamic philosophy. For much of the twentieth century, researchers tended to dismiss the value of Arabic writings on philosophy and logic after the twelfth century, often on the basis of the prejudice that handbooks, commentaries and glosses are of necessity pedantic and unoriginal. This assumption has now been abandoned. As a consequence, a vast amount of later Arabic (...)
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