Results for 'Bedreddin Aynî'

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  1.  37
    Ḥadīth In The Mamlūk Period Accordiıng To Badr Al-Dīn al-ʿAynī’s Iqd Al-Jumān (Second Half of The 7th Century – Beginning of The 8th Century). [REVIEW]Fatma Betül Altintaş - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (2):583-603.
    History works written in the style of chronicles are used not only for the purpose for which they were written. Chronic works may also contain reflections on the position of the ulema (ʿulamāʾ) at the time of its writing and his view of the scientific world of the period in which he lived. This work is based on the book ʿIqd al-jumān fī taʾrīkh ahl al-zamān written by the celebrated Ḥanafī jurist (faqīh) and muḥaddith Badr al-Dīn al-ʿAynī as a public (...)
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  2.  36
    The Effect of Hanafī Fiqh Thought on the Early Ottoman Fiqh Studies in the Mam-lūk Period.Bekir Karadağ - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):813-829.
    This article examines the influence of the Hanafī philosophy of the Mamlūk period on the early Ottoman fiqh studies. Since the Egyptian and Damascus regions, which were under the rule of the Mamlūks, became the most important centres of knowledge in the Islamic world, it is understood that the Mamlūks’ scientific knowledge was superior to the Ottomans. On this occasion, many scholars who were considered the leading figures of the Ottoman scientific community turned to Egypt and Damascus regions and benefited (...)
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  3.  13
    Note sur l'idéalisme de Djelaleddin Davani.Mehmed Ali Ayni - 1931 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 33 (30):236-240.
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  4.  15
    Pourquoi j'aime Ibn ʹArabî: la quintessence de la philosophie d'Ibn ʹArabî.Mehmet Ali Ayni - 2016 - Alger: Librairie de Philosophie et de Soufisme.
  5.  9
    Türk ahlâkcıları.Mehmet Ali Ayni - 1939 - Ịstanbul,:
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    Implicaciones éticas de la transgénesis y la clonación.Ayní Rodríguez Pargas, Jesús Arturo Junco Barranco, Aymed de la C. Rodríguez Pargas & María Antonia de la Cruz Cardoso - 2003 - Humanidades Médicas 3 (1):0-0.
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  7.  29
    A Agência política de mulheres negras sob a perspectiva do Mulherismo Africana: para além do ensurdecimento.Ayni Estevão de Araujo - 2022 - Odeere 7 (1):93-106.
    Este artigo visa à mobilização de alguns aspectos da teoria mulherista africana e sua pertinência para a compreensão de experiências políticas de mulheres negras no Brasil. Para tanto, apresentar-se-ão importantes pressupostos que fundam o Mulherismo Africana, bem como algumas de suas filiações teórico-metodológicas; possíveis aproximações e distanciamentos em relação a outras teorias; e, por fim, algumas reflexões acerca das agências políticas femininas negras, especialmente em solo brasileiro.
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  8.  11
    Aynî'nin Hadîs Alanında Babertî'ye Yönelttiği Bazı Eleştirilerin Değerlendirilme.Osman Nedim Yektar - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 5):499-499.
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  9.  24
    Ayni, Ora. The Resistance of Reference: Linguistics, Philosophy, and The Literary Text.Jenefer Robinson - 1992 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 50 (3):258-259.
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  10. Falsafah-ʼi ʻaynīyat: Allāh-i buzurg, ʻilm-i buzurg, jahān-i buzurg = Philosophy of objectivity.Sayad Sher Āqā Ḥarkat - 2018 - Kābul: Asad Dānish Maṭbaʻah.
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  11.  18
    Mehmet Ali Aynî'de dinî ve felsefî düşünce.Mehmet Fatih Kalın - 2018 - Yenişehir, Ankara: Akademisyen Kitabevi.
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  12. al-Shuhūd al-ʻaynī fī mabāḥīth al-wūjūd al-dhihnī.Aḥmad ibn Muṣṭafá Ṭāshkubrīʹzādah - 2009 - Kūlūniyā: Manshūrāt al-Jamal. Edited by Muḥammad Zāhid Kāmil Jūl.
  13.  12
    Risālatān: al-Ashiʻʻah al-bāriqah bi-al-anwār al-shāriqah fī aḥwāl al-nafs al-nāṭiqah, sharḥ ʻalá ʻAynīyat Ibn Sīnā, Abū al-Baqāʼ Muḥammad ibn Khalaf al-Aḥmadī ; Wa-yalīhā Nahr al-ḥayāh fī maʻrifat al-ṣifāt lil-ʻAllāmah Muḥyī al-Dīn Abū ʻAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān ibn Saʻd al-Kāfījī al-Ḥanafī al-mutawaffá (879H).Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī Aḥmadī - 2023 - Irbid, al-Urdun: Rakāʼiz lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Abū Majd Ibrāhīm Yaḥyá Tītī & Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān Kāfiyajī.
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  14.  13
    Kalemi sayesinde yaşamak: Profesör Mehmed Ali Aynî -hayatı ve eserleri-.Ali Kemalı̂ Aksüt - 2021 - İstanbul: Büyüyenay Yayınları. Edited by Ahmet Yasin Çomoğlu.
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  15.  18
    An Analysis Of The Isopsephic Poems In Antepli Ayni’s Divan.Şener Demi̇rel - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:372-398.
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  16.  10
    Ibn al'Arabi and Effects on the Ottoman Philosophical/Mystical Thought: Sample of Sheikh Bedreddin.Kozan Ali - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1555-1565.
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  17.  8
    Sharḥ al-Qaṣīdah al-ʻaynīyah fī al-nafs wa-al-rūḥ li-Ibn Sīnā: yalīhā thalāth rasāʼil dhayyala bi-hā al-Munāwī kitābah: Risālat al-Ṭayr, wa-Risālah fī al-mabdaʼ wa-al-miʻād li-Ibn Sīnā wa-Risālah fī sharḥ Ḥadīth "al-Nās niyām fa-idhā mātū intabahū" lil-Munāwī.ʻAbd al-Raʼūf ibn Tāj al-ʻĀrifīn Munāwī - 2021 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Iḥsān lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by ʻAmr Yūsuf Muṣṭafá Jundī, Avicenna & ʻAbd al-Raʼūf ibn Tāj al-ʻĀrifīn Munāwī.
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  18.  22
    Hilya in Turkish Literature and Badr Al-Din ‘Umar Wani’s Arabic work Hilyat Al-Sharif.İdris Söylemez - 2023 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 11 (18):151-168.
    Undoubtedly, religion is the most important element in the life of nations. Arab, Persian and Turkish nations have experience dvery important changes and developments in the socialfield with the acceptance of Islam. Inordertomaketheirlives in accordance with the supreme principles of religion, they gradually gave up their ancient traditions, which did not comply with the orders and prohibitions of the religion of Islam, The Change That Took Place in social life was also reflected in the works produced in the field of (...)
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  19.  39
    Başlangıçlar veya İlkeler: İbnü’l-Hâcib’in Muhtasarü’l-Müntehâ’sındaki Mebâdî Kavramı Üzerine Şerh ve Haşiyeler.Kenan Tekin - 2023 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 9 (2):1-36.
    Bu makale Aristotelesçi bilim teorisinin ve filozofların ilmî eserlere belirli konularla giriş yapma geleneğinin İslamî ilimlerin tasavvur edilmesi ve sunulmasında etkili olduğunu fıkıh usulü el kitaplarından Muhtasarü’l-Müntehâ’nın girişi üzerine yapılan tartışmalara binaen göstermektedir. Aristotelesçi bilim teorisi her ilmin konu, ilke ve meselelerden oluştuğunu ileri sürmekte, felsefî mukaddime yazma geleneği ise bir eserin konusunu, amacını ve sair belli başlı meselelerini ele alarak giriş yapma tarzını sunmaktaydı. Makale felsefî bilim teorisiyle ilmî eserlere mukaddime yazma geleneğinin, İbnü’l-Hâcib’in (ö. 646/1249) Muhtasarü’l-Müntehâ’sının girişi üzerine yapılan (...)
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  20.  35
    Cess's's Deductions on the Issue of Making Wudu with the Date Nebiz: An Example of Abu Hanifa Advocacy.İbrahim Özpolat - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):504-523.
    This research aims, first of all, to establish that Abû Hanîfa's (d. 150/767) positive view on the issue of performing wudû’ with nabîdh of date is correct, and then to reveal Abû Hanîfa's dalîls on this subject. The issue of wudû’ with nabîdh of date is controversial among early Hanafî jurists, and the jurist who expressed a positive opinion on this issue is Abû Hanîfa, the founding imam of the madhhab. The opinion that wudû’ can be performed with nabîdh of (...)
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  21.  23
    İslam Hukukunda Kiracının Kira Sözleşmesi Kapsamındaki Hakkının Hukukî Niteliğine Dair Bir İnceleme.Mehmet Yuşa Özmen & Hasan Hacak - 2023 - Atebe 9:91-118.
    Hukuk düzeninin kişiye bahşettiği haklar, iktisadi değer taşıması yönünden “malvarlığı hakkı” ve “şahıs varlığı hakkı” şeklinde esaslı bir ayrıma tabi tutularak incelenmektedir. İktisadi değer taşıyor olması yönüyle şahıs varlığı haklarından farklılaşan malvarlığı hakları, herkese karşı ileri sürülebiliyor olması durumunda “mutlak”, yalnızca borçlu namındaki yükümlüye karşı ileri sürülebiliyor olması halinde ise “nisbî” şeklinde nitelenir. Mutlak mamelek hakları somut bir kütleye sahip olan (cismanî) bir konu üzerine kuruluysa aynî hak adını alır. Aynî haklar, nisbî özellik taşıyan ve dolayısıyla belirli bir (...)
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  22.  22
    Investigating Whether al-Bukh'rî Narrated From His Teacher 'Abdullah b. Salih al-Misrî in (d. 223/838) 'al-Sahîh.İbrahim Hanek - 2023 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (1):837-867.
    The quality of the narrations of 'Abdullah b. Salih al-Misrî (d. 223/838), one of al-Bukhârî's famous teachers, in al-Jâmi al-Sahîh has been a matter of debate among hadîth scholars. Abdullah b. Salih, whose narrations are narrated by Abu Dâwûd, al-Tirmidhî and Ibn Mâjah, is an important figure whom al-Bukhârî interviewed and also narrated from him in his works such as al-Adab al-mufred, al-Kirâʾa Khalfa al-imâm and al-Târîkh al-kabîr. However, whether he narrated directly from him in al-Jâmi al-Sahîh has been a (...)
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  23.  41
    A Research on the Narration That Associated Tashahhud with the Miʿrāj.Üzeyir Durmuş - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):377-394.
    The narration of tashahhud being a conversation between Allah, the Prophet and the angels is quite common among people. This article examines the authenticity of this narration and questions whether it has an informative value. In this context, the research undertaken in Hadith, Siyar, Tafsīr and Fiqh sources resulted that the narration was not stated in the hadith books -with sanad (the chain of narrators) or without sanad. The first and only summary version of the script was included in the (...)
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  24.  24
    Pachasophy: Landscape Ethics in the Central Andes Mountains of South America. May Jr - 2017 - Environmental Ethics 39 (3):301-319.
    Andean philosophy of nature or pachasophy results from topography and mode of production that, merged together, have produced an integrated and interacting worldview that blurs the line between culture and nature. Respecting Pacha, or the interconnectedness of life and geography, maintaining complementarity and equilibrium through symbolic interactions, and caring for Pachamama, the feminine presence of Pacha manifested mainly as cultivable soil are the basis of Andean environmental and social ethics. Reciprocity or ayni is the glue that holds everything together. This (...)
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  25.  24
    Çağdaş Hadis Şerh Çalışmalarının Bir Örneği Olarak İtyûbî’nin Sahîh-i Müslim ve Mukaddimesi Şerhleri.Cemil Cahit Mollai̇brahi̇moğlu - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (1):1-38.
    Along with Sahîh-i Bukhari, many commentaries and memoirs have been made on Sahîh-i Muslim, which is accepted as the most reliable source of hadith and consists of sound narrations. Among the commentaries written today, the comprehensive commentary, which is a product of labor that cannot be ignored and stands out whit some features, is Ethiopian scholar Mohammed b. The commentary of Ali al-İtyubî’s Sahîh-i Muslim commentary on al-Bahru’l-muhît and his holy book is Kurratü ayni’l-muhtâc. This article aims to briefly introduce (...)
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  26.  17
    İbn Cem'a’nın Siyaset ve Yönetim Düşüncesi.Ejder Okumuş - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (2):1237-1274.
    Siyasetname ve nasihatname türü eserler, siyaset, devlet ve yönetim hakkında önemli bilgi, ıslahat, nasihat ve öğütler içerirler. Bu eserlerde devlet başkanından en alt devlet görevlisine kadar devlette yönetici ve diğer görevlilerin nitelik, görev ve sorumlulukları hatırlatılır; yanlış ve bozulmalar ortaya konularak çözüm önerileri getirilir. Bedreddin İbn Cemâa tarafından kaleme alınan Tahrîrü’l-Ahkâm fî Tedbîri Ehli’l-İslâm adlı eser de insanlığın ortak siyaset görüşü birikimini teşkil eden siyasetname kapsamında görülebilecek ve ele alınabilecek bir kitaptır. Bedruddîn İbn Cemâa, İslam siyaset ve yönetim düşüncesi (...)
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  27. al-Ashiʻʻah al-bāriqah bi-al-anwār al-shāriqah fī aḥwāl al-nafs al-nāṭiqah.Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī al-Aḥmadī - 2023 - In Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī Aḥmadī (ed.), Risālatān: al-Ashiʻʻah al-bāriqah bi-al-anwār al-shāriqah fī aḥwāl al-nafs al-nāṭiqah, sharḥ ʻalá ʻAynīyat Ibn Sīnā, Abū al-Baqāʼ Muḥammad ibn Khalaf al-Aḥmadī ; Wa-yalīhā Nahr al-ḥayāh fī maʻrifat al-ṣifāt lil-ʻAllāmah Muḥyī. Irbid, al-Urdun: Rakāʼiz lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  28. Nahr al-ḥayāh fī maʻrifat al-ṣifāt.Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān al-Kāfījī - 2023 - In Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī Aḥmadī (ed.), Risālatān: al-Ashiʻʻah al-bāriqah bi-al-anwār al-shāriqah fī aḥwāl al-nafs al-nāṭiqah, sharḥ ʻalá ʻAynīyat Ibn Sīnā, Abū al-Baqāʼ Muḥammad ibn Khalaf al-Aḥmadī ; Wa-yalīhā Nahr al-ḥayāh fī maʻrifat al-ṣifāt lil-ʻAllāmah Muḥyī. Irbid, al-Urdun: Rakāʼiz lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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