Results for 'Benedicto Xvi Joseph Ratzinger'

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  1. Joseph Ratzinger-Benedicto XVI: el teólogo de la caridad.Aldo Marcelo Cáceres Roldán - 2009 - Revista Agustiniana 50 (152):243-274.
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    centralidad del guion entre fe-filosofía. Algunas aportaciones de Joseph Ratzinger / Benedicto XVI a la Teología Fundamental.Rafael Gómez Miranda - 2023 - Isidorianum 32 (2):13-42.
    Dentro de la dilatada herencia intelectual que nos ha legado Ratzinger / Benedicto XVI es destacable su aportación a la Teología Fundamental. Su amor y su vasto conocimiento tanto de filosofía como de teología permiten al lector descubrir valiosas herramientas para afrontar problemas actuales. En este caso, proporciona recursos utilísimos para, en primer lugar, analizar la crisis que vive la relación fe-filosofía —la centralidad del guion que la une desde su origen— y, en segundo lugar, muestra posibles caminos (...)
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    Homenaje a Joseph RatzingerBenedicto XVI (1927-2022).Julio Söchting Herrera - 2022 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 25 (50):i-x.
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    (RATZINGER, Joseph) / BENEDICTO XVI, Fe y ciencia. Un diálogo necesario, editado por Umberto Casale, Sal Terrae, Santander, 2011, 222 pp. [REVIEW]José Ángel García Cuadrado - 2013 - Anuario Filosófico 46 (3):683-685.
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    Tomás de Aquino, el desconocido maestro de Joseph Ratzinger/Benedicto XVI.Pablo Blanco Sarto - 2022 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 25 (50):217-243.
    Entre otras muchas fuentes, Ratzinger recibió su formación de los tres grandes maestros: Agustín, Buenaventura y Tomás de Aquino. Aun rechazando una escolástica impersonal y esencialista, reconoce la autoridad del Aquinate –vista a través de un tomismo agustiniano– en la antropología, la doctrina de la gracia y de la creación, así como en la naturaleza del acto de fe y el método de la Teología. El teólogo alemán procura compatibilizar la perspectiva ontológica con la histórico-salvífica, la personalista con la (...)
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  6. Comentario a la obra Jesús de Nazaret, de Joseph Ratzinger / Benedicto XVI.Ricardo de Luis Carballada - 2007 - Ciencia Tomista 134 (434):571-582.
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    Ratzinger, Joseph (2023): Vivir como si Dios existiera. Una propuesta para Europa, Ediciones Encuentro, Madrid, 331 pp. ISBN: 978-84-1339-139-7. [REVIEW]Cristhian C. Camargo Camacho - 2024 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 29:e91064.
    Reseña del libro Vivir como si Dios existiera. Una propuesta para Europa, de Joseph Ratzinger, en la que se señalan los principales elementos de interés en el texto en torno al pensamiento teológico político del papa Benedicto XVI.
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    ¿Niega Ratzinger que Jesucristo sea humanamente libre? Un diálogo crítico con Gabino Uríbarri Bilbao.Andrés Di Ció - 2023 - Isidorianum 32 (2):43-74.
    El profesor Gabino Uríbarri Bilbao sostiene que Joseph Ratzinger niega la libertad humana de Jesucristo, lo cual afectaría su capacidad salvífica. Frente a la grave crítica de que el teólogo alemán no es fiel a los concilios de Calcedonia y Constantinopla III, ni en su letra ni en su espíritu, el artículo muestra que la fusión de voluntades naturales en el plano personal, no comporta la supresión de la voluntad humana de Jesucristo. La clave pasa por comprender qué (...)
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    Benedetto XVI (Joseph Ratzinger), Una nuova cultura per un nuovo uma-nesimo, a cura di Lorenzo Lezzi, Presentazione di Agostino Card. Vallino, Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2011, pp. 168. Francesca Bonicalzi, Paolo Mottana, Carlo Vinti, Jean-Jacques Wunenbur-ger (a cura di), Bachelard e le 'provocazioni'della materia, il melangolo. [REVIEW]Michele Cattane, Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Zanzi & Daniele Chiffi - 2013 - Epistemologia 36:169-171.
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    Acercamiento a la objeción de conciencia desde el pensamiento filosófico de Ratzinger.Clara María Arranz Hierro - 2023 - Relectiones 10:25-36.
    El presente artículo trata de profundizar en la objeción de conciencia partiendo del pensamiento de Joseph Ratzinger, previo y contemporáneo a su etapa como romano pontífice (Benedicto XVI). La hipótesis de partida, que se ve refrendada en las conclusiones, es que la comprensión ratzingeriana de la conciencia, fundamentada en la verdad y en el bien, justifica la existencia de la figura de la objeción de conciencia como protección del contenido de aquella ante la imposición de cualquier norma, (...)
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    Primacy of Christ: The Patristic Patrimony in Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's Analogy in Theology by Vincent C. Anyama (review).Roland Millare - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):307-311.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Primacy of Christ: The Patristic Patrimony in Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's Analogy in Theology by Vincent C. AnyamaRoland MillarePrimacy of Christ: The Patristic Patrimony in Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's Analogy in Theology by Vincent C. Anyama (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2021), xii + 263 pp.In the famous dispute between Erich Przywara and Karl Barth, Przywara held the view that the analogy of being is the "formal principle (...)
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    The Intellectual Legacy of Joseph Ratzinger: Benedict XVI (1927-2022).Miche Fédou & Ricardo Barroso Batista - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (1-2):45-60.
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    La pensée de Joseph Ratzinger: Benoît XVI (1927-2022).Michel Fédou - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (1-2):27-44.
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  14. "Jesús de Nazaret" de J. Ratzinger-Benedicto XVI: génesis, estructura y sentido de un libro y testamento.Olegario González de Cardedal - 2008 - Salmanticensis 55 (1):83-123.
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    Ciencia teológica e intellectus fidei en Tomás de Aquino en la interpretación de Gottlieb Söhngen (1892-1971).Pablo Sicouly - 2014 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 17 (33):181-192.
    Gottlieb Söhngen (1892-1971), fue profesor de teología fundamental en la Universidad de Munich desde 1947, habiéndose contado entre sus alumnos el joven Joseph Ratzinger, más tarde Papa Benedicto XVI, quien elaboró sus tesis de doctorado y habilitación bajo su dirección. En el presente artículo se considera el modo en que Söhngen interpreta la mediación entre ciencia y sabiduría, fe e intellectus fidei en la tradición platónicoagustiniana y en Tomás de Aquino, así como la relación entre la ciencia (...)
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    Particular churches—universal church: Theological backgrounds to the position of Walter Kasper in debate with Joseph ratzinger—benedict XVI.Kristof Struys - 2008 - Bijdragen 69 (2):147-171.
    The relationship between the universal and the particular church was the subject of a comprehensive public debate between two German bishop theologians, namely Joseph Ratzinger and Walter Kasper. The debate was initially occasioned by an official document issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the church as communion . The debate has clearly exposed ecclesiology’s complexities and tensions. Ratzinger taps biblical and theological sources in order to valorise unity or universality in an era (...)
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    Liberté, relativisme et loi naturelle: étude sur la moralité de la vie naissante chez Joseph Ratzinger-Benoît XVI.Pierre Kengne Talom - 2023 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Alors que la théologie morale fondamentale rentre de plus en plus en contradiction avec les usages contemporains, Il faut interroger le relativisme qui ébranle les fondements de la morale et qui, a priori, constitue une entrave pour la vie humaine naissante. Il s'agit d'une critique du relativisme et la défense de la loi naturelle. La conception de l'absolutisation de la liberté signifie que l'homme n'a pour ultime référence que lui-même. Ayant exclu Dieu et sa loi, il se fait lui-même sa (...)
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    (1 other version)The Nuptial Character of the Relationship between Faith and Reason in the thought of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI.Thomas V. Gourlay - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (6).
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    On Conscience: Two Essays.Pope Benedict Xvi - 2006 - Natl Catholic Bioethics Center.
    Foreword This small volume contains two essays on conscience by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, written while he was Prefect of the...
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  20. La pretensión de verdad del cristianismo a la luz del pensamiento de Joseph Ratzinger.Rafael Pascual - 2010 - Alpha Omega 13 (3):377-391.
    La questione sulla verità del cristianesimo è fondamentale e ineludibile. In essa si trova uno dei filoni fondamentali del pensiero di Joseph Ratzinger – Benedetto XVI. In fondo si trovano coinvolti una serie di argomenti che si possono riassumere nel rapporto tra fede e ragione, tra il Dio della fede e il Dio dei filosofi. Nella visione cristiana ambedue non si contrappongono, ma s’incontrano. La “distinzione mosaica” s’incontra con la “distinzione socratica” . La pretesa di verità del cristianesimo (...)
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    Joseph Lam Cong Quy, Theologische Verwandtschaft. Augustinus von Hippo und Joseph Ratzinger / Papst Benedikt XVI. [REVIEW]Thomas Fuchs - 2009 - Augustinianum 49 (1):300-301.
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    Theologische Verwandtschaft. Augustinus von Hippo und Joseph Ratzinger/Papst Benedikt XVI. [REVIEW]Frederick Van Fleteren - 2010 - Augustinian Studies 41 (2):455-457.
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    The Relation of Revelation and Tradition in the Theology of John Henry Newman and Joseph Ratzinger.David G. Bonagura - 2020 - New Blackfriars 101 (1091):67-84.
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    Benedict XVI, A Life: Volume 1, Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–1965 by Peter Seewald.Emil Anton - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):963-966.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Benedict XVI, A Life: Volume 1, Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–1965 by Peter SeewaldEmil AntonBenedict XVI, A Life: Volume 1, Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–1965 by Peter Seewald, translated by Dinah Livingstone (London: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2020), xi + 500 pp.What better way to spend Pope Benedict XVI's ninety-fourth birthday than by reviewing a Ratzinger biography while having (...)
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    Beyond Ratzinger's Republic: Communio 's Postliberal Turn.S. J. Sam Zeno Conedera & S. J. Vincent L. Strand - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (3):889-917.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Beyond Ratzinger's Republic:Communio's Postliberal TurnSam Zeno Conedera S.J. and Vincent L. Strand S.J.Is the political future of the West a postliberal one? For the past decade, numerous prominent thinkers in America and Europe have been debating this question. Matters that not long ago were merely of historical interest, such as Pope Gelasius I's understanding of the relation between sacral authority and royal power, Thomas Aquinas's thought on monarchy (...)
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    Pope Benedict XVI & the French Ressourcement. “Lumen gentium cum sit Christus”.Gabriel Flynn - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (1-2):585-632.
    What unites Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI to the French is ressourcement, a controversial movement that initiated a brilliant reorientation of Catholic thought and teaching in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. In the light of the significant work that has already been done on Ratzinger’s original contribution to Vatican II, the objectives of the present paper are, first, to situate him as theologian and Christian humanist at the heart of the ressourcement movement and to evaluate his work (...)
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  27. Pope Benedict XVI: Democracy and Political Myths.Teodor-Valeriu Nedelea & Jean Nedelea - 2018 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 17 (49):75-89.
    The present paper starts from the postulate that religion in general, and Christianity in particular, has had and continues to have a significant role in political debates and in the structuring of the public arena. Expounding – in the context of “God’s return” into the life of postsecular society – the vision of the famous theologian Joseph Ratzinger on democracy and its opponents, this paper also dwells on the manifestations of irrationality in secular religions. Finding its theoretical grounds (...)
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    San Agustín en la reflexión teológica de J. Ratzinger.Nello Cipriani - 2012 - Augustinus 57 (226):437-448.
    El artículo estudia el influjo de san Agustín sobre J. Ratzinger (Benedicto XVI), partiendo de su biografía. Al analizar sus escritos, se muestra la influencia agustiniana en lo relativo a la naturaleza y el método de la teología, la eclesiología, la doctrina trinitaria y la antropología.
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  29. Six texts by Prof. Joseph Ratzinger as peritus before and during Vatican Council II.Joseph Ratzinger & Jared Wicks - 2008 - Gregorianum 89 (2):233-311.
    Further research on the theological contributions of experts at Vatican Council II has led to identifying six texts by Prof. Joseph Ratzinger, which are presented here. The theological themes expressed in these texts include an insistence on the interior dynamics and questioning of human beings in conceiving the present-day "hearer of the word" to which Vatican II will speak. One is not surprised by the Professor's repeated call for doctrinal formulations drawn from the biblical and patristic sources instead (...)
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    A Dictatorship of Relativism?: Symposium in Response to Cardinal Ratzinger’s Last Homily.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2007 - Duke University Press.
    In the last homily he gave before becoming Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger described modern life as ruled by a “dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as definitive and whose ultimate goal consists solely” of satisfying “the desires of one’s own ego.” An eminent scholar familiar with the centuries-old debates over relativism, Ratzinger chose to oversimplify or even caricature a philosophical approach of great sophistication and antiquity. His homily depicts the relativist as someone blown (...)
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    Explorations in the Theology of Benedict XVI ed. by John C. Cavadini.Jeffrey L. Morrow - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (3):493-497.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Explorations in the Theology of Benedict XVI ed. by John C. CavadiniJeffrey L. MorrowExplorations in the Theology of Benedict XVI. Edited by John C. Cavadini. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2012. Pp. viii + 318. $30.00 (cloth). ISBN: 978-0-268-02309-6.Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI is arguably the greatest theologian to ascend to the chair of St. Peter in centuries. His theological output even prior to becoming pope (...)
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  32. Purificatio? Vernunft und Glaube sowie Eros und Agape bei Papst Benedikt XVI.Michael Bohnke - 2008 - Theologie Und Philosophie 83 (2):225.
    In dem Beitrag wird die These aufgestellt, dass Papst Benedikt XVI. in seiner ersten Enzyklika „Deus Caritas est" die innere Verbindung zwischen der Liebe Gottes, die er biblisch agape nennt, und der Realität der menschlichen Liebe, die er vom Begriff des eros her zu erschließen versucht, gemäß der inneren Verbindung von Natur und Gnade bestimmt, und zwar in einer Weise, die sich an Augustinus und Bonaventura anlehnt. Die an Bonaventura orientierte Bestimmung der Einheit von Natur und Gnade, die durch die (...)
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    O Papa precisa do marxismo? Bento XVI e a incompatibilidade entre a fé cristã e a fé marxista (Does Pope need of Marxism? Benedict XVI and the incompatibility between the Christian faith and the Marxist faith).Rudy Albino Assunção - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (27):1042-1059.
    O marxismo aparece insistentemente na teologia e no magistério de Joseph Ratzinger-Bento XVI como um inimigo permanente ao qual o cristianismo deve se contrapor, sem possibilidades de conciliação entre ambos. Mas qual concepção subjaz essa rejeição tão peremptória, tão decidida? Para alcançarmos a resposta a tal questão, aprofundamos a visão de Joseph Ratzinger a partir de alguns de seus escritos teológicos (anteriores ao pontificado) e, em seguida, nas suas três encíclicas, o ponto alto de seu magistério (...)
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    Logos et musica: in honorem summi romani pontificis Benedicti XVI.Elżbieta Szczurko (ed.) - 2012 - Frankfurt am Main: Lang.
    Dieser Papst Benedikt XVI. gewidmete Band erschliesst das Thema -Logos und Musik- in systematischer und historischer Hinsicht. Fachkundige Vertreter der Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften aus europaischen und aussereuropaischen Landern bieten ein fassettenreiches Mosaik von Entdeckungen, Einsichten und Uberlegungen, die zur Weiterfuhrung und Vertiefung des Themas anregen konnen. In den Blick kommt sowohl der Logos im geschaffenen Seienden, d.h. in den Naturdingen, sowie im Kunstler und seinem musikalischen Werk, als auch der gottliche Logos, der sich in Jesus Christus inkarniert hat und der (...)
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    Benedict XVI: A Life. Volume 2, Professor and Prefect to Pope and Pope Emeritus 1966–The Present by Peter Seewald (review). [REVIEW]Emil Anton - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):285-289.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Benedict XVI: A Life. Volume 2, Professor and Prefect to Pope and Pope Emeritus 1966–The Present by Peter SeewaldEmil AntonBenedict XVI: A Life. Volume 2, Professor and Prefect to Pope and Pope Emeritus 1966–The Present by Peter Seewald, translated by Dinah Livingstone (London: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2021), viii + 568 pp.What better way to spend Pope Benedict XVI's ninety-fifth birthday (which turned out to be his last) than by (...)
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    Los vuelcos en la Iglesia De Ratzinger a Bergoglio.Olegario González de Cardedal - 2014 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 30:129-161.
    En este artículo se ofrece una reflexión teológica sobre el significado que envuelve la elección de los últimos pontífices de la Iglesia católica que va desde Juan Pablo II, pasando por Benedicto XVI, hasta llegar al actual Papa Francisco. A juicio del autor, esta historia de la Iglesia en el último medio siglo ofrece aspectos sorprendentes que pueden llamarse mutaciones, giros, cambios de curso o vuelcos que incitan a preguntar si se trata de continuidad y de un real acrecentamiento, (...)
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    Polityka – etyka – Kościół. Wzajemność relacji w świetle tekstów Josepha Ratzingera – Benedykta XVI.S. D. B. ks Piotr Przesmycki - 2012 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 15:297-311.
    This article consisting of four points, shows the subject of multiple relationships between the realities of politics, ethics and the Catholic Church. The issue was presented on the basis of the writings and speeches of Joseph Ratzinger, the current Pope Benedict XVI. Article begins with a presentation of the relationship between politics and ethics as seen in historical perspective. The second section presents the so-called „political ethics” of the first Christian communities in the light of the indications contained (...)
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    Relativizing Relativism? Variations on a Theme in Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis.Michael A. Wahl - 2024 - Heythrop Journal 65 (3):258-273.
    While the rise of a ‘dictatorship of relativism’ was a longstanding concern for Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI, some commentators have suggested that—for better or for worse—the challenge posed by relativism appears to be less of a priority for Pope Francis. Indeed, Francis's remark, ‘Who am I to judge?’ appears to have become as much the defining soundbite for his papacy as the ‘dictatorship of relativism’ was for Benedict's. Contrary to these perceptions, this article argues that a critique of (...)
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    Cardinal Ratzinger's Thoughts on Evolution.Joseph Ratzinger - 2007 - The Chesterton Review 33 (3-4):752-755.
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    Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger's Letter on Christian Meditation.Joseph Card Ratzinger & Alberto Bovone - 1991 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 11:123.
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  41. Le concept de sacrement.Joseph Ratzinger - 2012 - Nova et Vetera 87 (2):133-152.
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    Die Frage nach Gott.Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (ed.) - 1972 - Freiburg,: Herder.
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    The Return of the Spirit.Joseph Ratzinger - 2000 - The Chesterton Review 26 (1/2):233-234.
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  44. Joseph Ratzinger's Contribution to the Preparatory Debate of the Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum.Joseph Cong Quy Lam - 2013 - Gregorianum 94 (1):35-54.
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  45. È ancora possibile credere nel mondo attuale?Joseph Ratzinger - 2005 - Studium 101 (3):345-354.
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  46. Foi, raison et université. Souvenirs et réflexions.Joseph Ratzinger & X. V. I. Benoît - 2019 - In Gabriele Palasciano (ed.), Dieu, la raison et l'épée: perspectives œcuméniques sur le Discours de Ratisbonne. Paris: L'Harmattan.
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    “Newman Belongs to the Great Teachers of the Church, Because He Both Touches Our Hearts and Enlightens Our Thinking.”.Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger - 2009 - Newman Studies Journal 6 (2):3-4.
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    The God of Faith and the God of the Philosophers: A Contribution to the Problem of the Theologia Naturalis.Joseph Ratzinger & Patricia Pintado - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (3):1013-1031.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The God of Faith and the God of the Philosophers:A Contribution to the Problem of the Theologia Naturalis*Joseph RatzingerTranslated by Patricia PintadoPreface to the 1960 EditionThe remarks that I hereby present to the public consist in the reproduction of the inaugural lecture I gave on June 24, 1959, on the occasion of my appointment to the Chair of Fundamental Theology of the Catholic Faculty of Theology at the (...)
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    Ansprache beim Besuch des Deutschen Bundestages am 22. September 2011.Papa Benedicto Xvi - 2011 - Rechtstheorie 42 (3):275-281.
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  50. O Sentimento Das Coisas, A Contemplação Da Beleza.Joseph Ratzinger & Felipe de Azevedo Ramos - 2013 - Lumen Veritatis 6:111-116.
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