Peter Gan Chong Beng [7]Tan Say Beng [1]N. L. Beng [1]Chong Beng [1]
Peter Chong Beng [1]
  1.  46
    Limits to relational autonomy—The Singaporean experience.L. K. R. Krishna, D. S. Watkinson & N. L. Beng - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (3):331-340.
    Recognition that the Principle of Respect for Autonomy fails to work in family-centric societies such as Singapore has recently led to the promotion of relational autonomy as a suitable framework within which to place healthcare decision making. However, empirical data, relating to patient and family opinions and the practices of healthcare professionals in Confucian-inspired Singapore, demonstrate clear limitations on the ability of a relational autonomy framework to provide the anticipated compromise between prevailing family decision-making norms and adopted Western led atomistic (...)
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    Understanding risk: psychosis and genomics research in Singapore.Ayesha Ahmad, Tamara Lysaght, Liu Jianjun, Mythily Subramaniam, Tan Say Beng & Benjamin Capps - 2012 - Genomics, Society and Policy 8 (2):1-14.
    This is an exploratory paper of the ethical implications for genomic research and mental illness with specific reference to Singapore. Singapore has a unique context due to its social and political systems, and although it is a relatively small country, its population is religiously and culturally diverse. The issues that we identify here, therefore, will offer new perspectives and will also shed light on the existing literature on psychiatric genomics in society. We contextualise issues such as risk and stigma in (...)
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  3.  42
    Being and Becoming and the Immanence-Transcendence Relation in Evelyn Underhill’s Mystical Philosophy.Peter Gan Chong Beng - 2011 - Sophia 50 (3):375-389.
    If mysticism, as Coventry Patmore defines it, is 'the science of ultimates,' in what way would mysticism explain the possibility of a profound relationship between ultimate reality as infinite and proximate reality as finite ? This paper attempts to address that question through the lens of Evelyn Underhill’s philosophy of mysticism. The paper fundamentally works at framing two of Hegel’s triadic patterns of dialectic against the being-becoming binary as engaged by Underhill. This application helps unveil the relation of transcendence with (...)
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  4. Hegel and Malaysia: Dialectics Meets Constitutional Monarchy.Peter Chong Beng - 2009 - Philosophia 37 (1).
    Hegel's Philosophy of Right holds in high regard the form of a constitutional monarchy with the executive, judiciary, and legislature having overlapping boundaries. The Malaysian governmental structure reflects this configuration. The fundamental premise of this paper is that the interpretive lens of Hegelian metaphysics offers a unique critique of Malaysia's political lineament. In applying Hegel to assess the general form of the Malaysian constitutional monarchy, two specific terrains traversed would be the state-religion liaison and the ramification of government into the (...)
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  5.  8
    Spontaneity and Nonspontaneity in Wu-Wei as an Ethical Concept of Early Daoism.Peter Gan Chong Beng - 2013 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 14 (1):1-15.
    Embedded in the Daodejing and the Zhuangzi is a unique concept that lends itself to the formulation of a distinct system of ethics. The distinctiveness that wu-wei infuses into the realm of ethics resides in its principal constituent, spontaneity. Implicit in wu-wei is spontaneity and its dialectical opposite, the nonspontaneous elements that are essential to the integrity of any system of ethics. This paper attempts to bring to the fore this implicit dialectic of spontaneity and non spontaneity through wu-wei's relation (...)
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  6.  29
    The Dialectic of Purgation in St. John of the Cross’ Mysticism.Peter Gan Chong Beng - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 45:117-124.
    This paper endeavours to unravel the dialectical structure embedded within St. John of the Cross’ delineation of the phase of purgation in the economy of mysticism. Two correlative opposites that figure prominently in some systems of theistic mysticism are infinite-finite and grace-effort. The premise of this paper is that those pairings are not dichotomous contraries but are opposites that are amenable to some form of reconciliation. With the aid of a triadic dialectical scheme it is possible to map out the (...)
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    Union and difference: A dialectical structuring of st. John of the cross' mysticism.Peter Gan Chong Beng - 2009 - Sophia 48 (1):43-57.
    This paper intends to append the frame of dialectic upon St. John of the Cross’ delineation of mysticism. Its underlying hypothesis is that the dialectical structuring of St. John’s mystical theology promises to unravel the web of relational concepts embedded within his immense writings on this unique phenomenon. It is hoped that as a consequence of this undertaking, relevant pairs of correlative opposites that figure prominently in mysticism can be elucidated and perhaps come to some form of resolution.
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  8. Jla west 145.Joel Thomas Tif-rno, A. Third, Nick Trakakis, William Desmond, Peter Gan Chong Beng & Phillip H. Wiebe - 2006 - Sophia 45 (2).
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Peter Gan Chong Beng, J. L. A. West, Peter Drum, Peter Wong Yih Jiun & Reg Naulty - 2006 - Sophia 45 (2):143-152.
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    Review of Louise Nelstrop, Kevin Magill, and Bradley B. Onishi, Christian Mysticism: An Introduction to Contemporary Theoretical Approaches Surrey, England: Ashgate, 2009. [REVIEW]Peter Gan Chong Beng - 2014 - Sophia 53 (1):165-166.
    The wealth of scholarship on Christian mysticism attests an enduring interest in this subject matter. Amidst the immense collection of commentaries on Christian mysticism lies this valuable book by Nelstrop, Magill, and Onishi. Their book, far from merely offering a survey of current theories on Christian mysticism, does make significant inroads in teasing out logical connections amongst interpretive theories and interpreted themes.Four different theories on mysticism, namely, perennialist, contextualist, performative language, and feminist, are set to work on examining themes within (...)
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    Review of Stuart Rose, Sublime Love: Essay and Anthology: Varanasi: Indica Books, 2007, ISBN: 818-656-9685, pb, 337 pp. [REVIEW]Chong Beng & Peter Gan - 2009 - Sophia 48 (4):511-512.
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