Results for 'Binariness'

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  1.  10
    Category of simplicial objects 461, 469.Binary Fallacy - 1997 - In S. O'Nuillain, Paul McKevitt & E. MacAogain (eds.), Two Sciences of Mind. John Benjamins. pp. 9--262.
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    Binary Oppositions in Psychiatry: For or Against?Matthew Ratcliffe - 2010 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17 (3):233-239.
    In their interesting and informative paper ‘From Szasz to Foucault: On the Role of Critical Psychiatry,’ Pat Bracken and Phil Thomas contrast, in a clear and helpful way, some central themes in the works of Thomas Szasz and Michel Foucault. They go on to endorse a form of critical psychiatry inspired by the latter. Szasz’s critique of psychiatry, they explain, is premised on binary oppositions, principally that between ‘mental’ and ‘bodily.’ Szasz begins by assuming the legitimacy of the distinction and (...)
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  3. Discovering Binary Codes for Documents by Learning Deep Generative Models.Geoffrey Hinton & Ruslan Salakhutdinov - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (1):74-91.
    We describe a deep generative model in which the lowest layer represents the word-count vector of a document and the top layer represents a learned binary code for that document. The top two layers of the generative model form an undirected associative memory and the remaining layers form a belief net with directed, top-down connections. We present efficient learning and inference procedures for this type of generative model and show that it allows more accurate and much faster retrieval than latent (...)
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    The binary: an obstacle to scholarly nursing discourse?June F. Kikuchi - 2006 - Nursing Philosophy 7 (2):100-103.
    Recently, a concern has been raised about a particular kind of behaviour that is adversely affecting the quality of nursing theoretical discourse. With the behaviour being attributed to nurses’ tendency to think in binary terms, it has been proposed that nurses replace their binary way of thinking with thinking that is inclusive and expansive and is based on an epistemology of contradiction. While agreeing that the behaviour of concern is indeed unscholarly, I disagree that the culprit is the binary. In (...)
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    Binary license.Marilyn Strathern - 2011 - Common Knowledge 17 (1):87-103.
    This article exploits the “binary license” offered by the title of the symposium in which it appears (“Comparative Relativism”) as a kind of promise of connection. The author suggests, however tentatively, that in the challenge of heterogeneity, fractality, perspective/-alism, and multiplicities lies the power of the forking pathway: the moment a relation is created through divergence. If we are invited—in the same breath—to consider forms of comparison and forms of relativism (dropping difference and similarity), we are also offered two paths, (...)
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    On Binary Computation Structures.Bernhard Heinemann - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (2):203-215.
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    Binary Relations as Primitive Notions in Elementary Geometry.Raphael M. Robinson - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (1):148-148.
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    Binary Quantification Systems.Michaelis Michael & A. V. Townsend - 1995 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36 (3):382-395.
    We investigate the formal theory of binary quantifiers, that is, quantifiers that take seriously the surface structure of natural language quantifier phrases. We show how to develop a natural deduction system for logics of this sort and demonstrate soundness and completeness results.
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    Binary oppositions and what focuses in focal attention.Cyril Latimer - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):383-384.
    Pylyshyn makes a convincing case that early visual processing is cognitively impenetrable, and although I question the utility of binary oppositions such as penetrable/impenetrable, for the most part I am in agreement. The author does not provide explicit designations or denotations for the terms penetrable and impenetrable, which appear quite arbitrary. Furthermore, the use of focal attention smacks of an homunculus, and the account appears to slip too easily between the perceptual, the cognitive, and the neurophysiological.
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  10. Binary Theorizing Does Not Account for Action Control.Bernhard Hommel - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:469950.
    Everyday thinking and scientific theorizing about human action control are equally driven by the apparently obvious contrast between will and habit or, in their more modern disguise: intentional and automatic processes, and model-based and model-free action planning. And yet, no comprehensive category system to systematically tell truly willed from merely habitual actions is available. As I argue, this is because the contrast is ill-conceived, because almost every single action is both willed and habitual, intentional and automatic, and model-based and model-free, (...)
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    Binary consistent choice on triples.Robert H. Cowen - 1977 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 18 (2):310-312.
  12. Binary Bullets.Bradley J. Strawser, Fritz Allhoff & Adam Henschke (eds.) - 2015
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    Non-binary gender in African personhood?Julia Huysamer & Louise du Toit - 2023 - South African Journal of Philosophy 42 (3):246-260.
    A case has been made by various authors that the normative and processual notion of personhood found in African philosophy is discriminatory: it has been labelled as sexist, ableist and anti-queer. Within the anti-queer critique, one area that has not been specifically addressed in the literature is whether this notion of personhood is biased against people who identify as non-binary with respect to gender. This includes people who are gender fluid and gender neutral, among others. In this article, we argue (...)
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    Weakly binary expansions of dense meet‐trees.Rosario Mennuni - 2022 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 68 (1):32-47.
    We compute the domination monoid in the theory of dense meet‐trees. In order to show that this monoid is well‐defined, we prove weak binarity of and, more generally, of certain expansions of it by binary relations on sets of open cones, a special case being the theory from [7]. We then describe the domination monoids of such expansions in terms of those of the expanding relations.
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    Unisex sports: challenging the binary.Irena Martínková - 2020 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 47 (2):248-265.
    This paper addresses some problems arising with respect to the male/female binary division that has traditionally been central to most sports. One strategy for dealing with this problem is to remov...
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  16.  24
    Binary Labels Reinforce Systemic Discrimination.S. M. Amadae - 2020 - Noema Magazine.
    Black-white, male-female — these and other markers, applied maliciously or not, enable the social dominance of one group.
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    A semantic constraint on binary determiners.R. Zuber - 2009 - Linguistics and Philosophy 32 (1):95-114.
    A type quantifier F is symmetric iff F ( X, X )( Y ) = F ( Y, Y )( X ). It is shown that quantifiers denoted by irreducible binary determiners in natural languages are both conservative and symmetric and not only conservative.
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  18. Beyond Binary: Genderqueer as Critical Gender Kind [Chinese].Robin Dembroff - 2020 - Philosophers' Imprint 20 (9):1-23.
    Chinese translation courtesy of Zhuanxu Xu. We want to know what gender is. But metaphysical approaches to this question solely have focused on the binary gender kinds men and women. By overlooking those who identify outside of the binary–the group I call ‘genderqueer’–we are left without tools for understanding these new and quickly growing gender identifications. This metaphysical gap in turn creates a conceptual lacuna that contributes to systematic misunderstanding of genderqueer persons. In this paper, I argue that to better (...)
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  19.  44
    The binary operation called "material implication" soberly understood.Charles F. Kielkopf - 1972 - Mind 81 (323):338-347.
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    A Binary Primitive in Deontic Logic.Aqvist Lennart - 1962 - Logique Et Analyse 5 (3):90-97.
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  21.  47
    The binary expansion and the intermediate value theorem in constructive reverse mathematics.Josef Berger, Hajime Ishihara, Takayuki Kihara & Takako Nemoto - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (1-2):203-217.
    We introduce the notion of a convex tree. We show that the binary expansion for real numbers in the unit interval ) is equivalent to weak König lemma ) for trees having at most two nodes at each level, and we prove that the intermediate value theorem is equivalent to \ for convex trees, in the framework of constructive reverse mathematics.
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    Undecidability of representability as binary relations.Robin Hirsch & Marcel Jackson - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (4):1211-1244.
    In this article we establish the undecidability of representability and of finite representability as algebras of binary relations in a wide range of signatures. In particular, representability and finite representability are undecidable for Boolean monoids and lattice ordered monoids, while representability is undecidable for Jónsson's relation algebra. We also establish a number of undecidability results for representability as algebras of injective functions.
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  23. Binary Refinement Implies Discrete Exponentiation.Peter Aczel, Laura Crosilla, Hajime Ishihara, Erik Palmgren & Peter Schuster - 2006 - Studia Logica 84 (3):361-368.
    Working in the weakening of constructive Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory in which the subset collection scheme is omitted, we show that the binary refinement principle implies all the instances of the exponentiation axiom in which the basis is a discrete set. In particular binary refinement implies that the class of detachable subsets of a set form a set. Binary refinement was originally extracted from the fullness axiom, an equivalent of subset collection, as a principle that was sufficient to prove that the (...)
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  24.  7
    Binaries and Blurred Lines: The Ethical Stress of Child Protection Social Work in the Grey of Extra-Familial Harm.Carlene Firmin - 2024 - Ethics and Social Welfare 18 (4):404-421.
    Social care responses to extra-familial harm require social workers to work across the binaries of welfare and justice, victim and perpetrator, parent and professional, risk and protection. This paper examines the ethical consequences of working in this manner, through qualitative data (focus groups, interviews, observations, case file analysis and documentary review) from three children's social care organisations in England who trialled new child protection pathways for significant harm outside of family homes/relationships. The extent to which these pathways created five conditions (...)
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    Reconstruction of binary relations from their restrictions of cardinality 2, 3, 4 and (n ‐ 1) II.Gérard Lopez & Claire Rauzy - 1992 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 38 (1):157-168.
    We shall prove here that any binary relation on a base E with cardinality n > 6 is reconstructible from its restrictions of cardinality 2, 3, 4 and . This proof needs results of part I of this paper where we characterize any pair of relations R, R' which are 2-, 3- and 4-hypomorphic. As a corollary we obtain that any binary relation is -reconstructible.
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    Binary types in ℵ0‐categorical weakly o‐minimal theories.Beibut Sh Kulpeshov - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (3):246-255.
    Orthogonality of all families of pairwise weakly orthogonal 1-types for ℵ0-categorical weakly o-minimal theories of finite convexity rank has been proved in 6. Here we prove orthogonality of all such families for binary 1-types in an arbitrary ℵ0-categorical weakly o-minimal theory and give an extended criterion for binarity of ℵ0-categorical weakly o-minimal theories . © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
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  27.  30
    Binary modal logic and unary modal logic.Dick de Jongh & Fatemeh Shirmohammadzadeh Maleki - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Standard unary modal logic and binary modal logic, i.e. modal logic with one binary operator, are shown to be definitional extensions of one another when an additional axiom |$U$| is added to the basic axiomatization of the binary side. This is a strengthening of our previous results. It follows that all unary modal logics extending Classical Modal Logic, in other words all unary modal logics with a neighborhood semantics, can equivalently be seen as binary modal logics. This in particular applies (...)
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  28. The knowledge relation: Binary or ternary?René van Woudenberg - 2008 - Social Epistemology 22 (3):281-288.
    Contrastivism is the claim that the knowledge relation is ternary, it relates three relata: a subject, a proposition, and a class of contrastive propositions. The present paper is a discussion of Jonathan Schaffer’s arguments in favour of contrastivism. The case is made that these are unconvincing: the traditional binary account of knowledge can handle the phenomena that ternarity is claimed to handle in a superior way.
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  29. A Binary Quantifier for Definite Descriptions in Intuitionist Negative Free Logic: Natural Deduction and Normalisation.Nils Kürbis - 2019 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 48 (2):81-97.
    This paper presents a way of formalising definite descriptions with a binary quantifier ι, where ιx[F, G] is read as ‘The F is G’. Introduction and elimination rules for ι in a system of intuitionist negative free logic are formulated. Procedures for removing maximal formulas of the form ιx[F, G] are given, and it is shown that deductions in the system can be brought into normal form.
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    A Binary Superior Tracking Artificial Bee Colony with Dynamic Cauchy Mutation for Feature Selection.Xianghua Chu, Shuxiang Li, Wei da GaoZhao, Jianshuang Cui & Linya Huang - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-13.
    This paper aims to propose an improved learning algorithm for feature selection, termed as binary superior tracking artificial bee colony with dynamic Cauchy mutation. To enhance exploitation capacity, a binary learning strategy is proposed to enable each bee to learn from the superior individuals in each dimension. A dynamic Cauchy mutation is introduced to diversify the population distribution. Ten datasets from UCI repository are adopted as test problems, and the average results of cross-validation of BSTABC-DCM are compared with other seven (...)
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    A Binary-Entropy Analysis of the Relationship Between Scoring Structure and Match Outcome in Badminton.Chih-Chuan Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study explores the relationship between the scoring structure and the win or loss of a badminton match, while providing quantitative analytic data using binary entropy to determine the uncertainty of said win or loss. Scoring structure data were collected from the official match records of the top 16 events of the World Badminton Championships from 2006 to 2020 as collection objects and were analyzed by means of notational analysis. Our entropy analysis showed that the main factor affecting the certainty (...)
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  32.  13
    Binary Logics, Orthologics, and their Relations to Normal Modal Logics.Yutaka Miyazaki - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 313-333.
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    Binary Opposition as an Ordering Principle of (Male?) Human Thought.Maxine Sheets-Johnstone - 2000 - In Linda Fisher & Lester Embree (eds.), Feminist phenomenology. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, c. pp. 173--194.
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    Breaking Binaries: The Critical Need for Feminist Bioethics in Pediatric Gender‐Affirming Care.Lisa Campo-Engelstein, Grayson R. Jackson & Jacob D. Moses - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (3):55-56.
    This commentary responds to Moti Gorin's article “What Is the Aim of Pediatric ‘Gender‐Affirming’ Care?” We argue that Gorin's case against pediatric gender‐affirming care rests upon numerous false conceptual binaries: female/male, public/private, objective/subjective, and medically necessary/elective. Drawing on feminist bioethics, we show how such dichotomous thinking is both inaccurate and marginalizing of gender minorities.
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  35.  19
    Binary functions definable in implicational Gödel algebra.Marek Tokarz - 1974 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 3 (1):22-24.
  36.  34
    Beliefs supported by binary arguments.Chenwei Shi, Sonja Smets & Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada - 2018 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 28 (2-3):165-188.
    In this paper, we explore the relation between an agent’s doxastic attitude and her arguments in support of a given claim. Our main contribution is the design of a logical setting that allows us reason about binary arguments which are either in favour or against a certain claim. This is a setting in which arguments and propositions are the basic building blocks so that the concept of argument-based belief emerges in a straightforward way. We work against the background of Dung’s (...)
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    Monadic binary relations and the monad systems at near-standard points.Nader Vakil - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (3):689-697.
    Let ( * X, * T) be the nonstandard extension of a Hausdorff space (X, T). After Wattenberg [6], the monad m(x) of a near-standard point x in * X is defined as m(x) = μ T (st(x)). Consider the relation $R_{\mathrm{ns}} = \{\langle x, y \rangle \mid x, y \in \mathrm{ns} (^\ast X) \text{and} y \in m(x)\}.$ Frank Wattenberg in [6] and [7] investigated the possibilities of extending the domain of R ns to the whole of * X. Wattenberg's (...)
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    Binary Relations: Finite Characterizations and Computational Complexity. [REVIEW]Vicki Knoblauch - 2008 - Theory and Decision 65 (1):27-44.
    A characterization of a property of binary relations is of finite type if it is stated in terms of ordered T-tuples of alternatives for some positive integer T. The concept was introduced informally by Knoblauch (2005). We give a clear, complete definition below. We prove that a characterization of finite type can be used to determine in polynomial time whether a binary relation over a finite set has the property characterized. We also prove a simple but useful nonexistence theorem and (...)
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  39.  68
    Pronouns Beyond the Binary: The Change of Attitudes and Use Over Time.Anna Lindqvist, Emma Renström & Marie Gustafsson Sendén - 2021 - Gender and Society 35 (4):588-615.
    Gender-inclusive language, such as the Swedish pronoun hen, may aid in breaking a binary notion of gender and avoid sexism. The present study followed the implementation of a gender-inclusive third-person pronoun singular in Swedish in two surveys with representative samples in 2015 and in 2018. The surveys comprised measures of attitudes toward, and use of, hen as well as possible predictors such as area of residence, age, preferred pronoun, political orientation, and interest in gender issues. Results showed that attitudes toward (...)
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  40.  12
    Binary numbers in Indian antiquity.B. Nooten - 1993 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 21 (1):31-50.
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    A binary Sheffer operator which does the work of quantifiers and sentential connectives.Robert B. Brandom - 1979 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 20 (2):262-264.
  42.  43
    Binary 2 x 2 Games.Peter C. Fishburn - 1990 - Theory and Decision 29 (3):165.
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    (1 other version)Binary Relations Over the Category of Enumerated Sets.A. Orlicki - 1988 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 34 (3):265-276.
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  44.  24
    Binary oppositions and spatial representation: Toward an applied semiotics.Efraim Sicher - 1986 - Semiotica 60 (3-4):211-224.
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  45. Scalar properties, binary judgments.Larry Alexander - 2008 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 25 (2):85–104.
    In the moral realm, our deontic judgments are usually (always?) binary. An act (or omission) is either morally forbidden or morally permissible. 1 Yet the determination of an act's deontic status frequently turns on the existence of properties that are matters of degree. In what follows I shall give several examples of binary moral judgments that turn on scalar properties, and I shall claim that these examples should puzzle us. How can the existence of a property to a specific degree (...)
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    Ethnosemantic analysis of binary oppositions in toposystems.Zhanar M. Konyratbayeva, Ordaly Konyratbayev, Bekzhan Abdualyuly, Raikhan A. Doszhan & Gulmira Mahmut - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (258):93-114.
    The article considers regional issues of the Kazakh transtoposystem. There are a number of problematic issues related to cross-border Kazakh toponymy. The article analyzes only one aspect – the status of binary names in the cross-border toposystem. The goal is to study how obvious the binary opposition is there, considering the etymology of toponyms based on semantic opposition. The toposystem of the Northern and Western regions bordering Russia was used as the empirical material for the study. According to the border (...)
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  47. Leibniz' binary system and Shao Yong's "yijing".James A. Ryan - 1996 - Philosophy East and West 46 (1):59-90.
    The Yijing/Binary System Episode involved Leibniz' discovery of a de facto representation of the binary number system in the sixty-four-hexagram Fu Xi "Yijing." Scholars have left the match unexplained, since they have found no evidence of a forgotten binary number system in ancient China. The interesting similarities and differences are discussed between the thought of Leibniz and that of Shao Yong, both of whom, it is argued, understood and recognized the importance of the double geometric progression in the diagram.
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  48. Binary Act Consequentialism.Johan E. Gustafsson - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (10).
    According to Act Consequentialism, an act is right if and only if its outcome is not worse than the outcome of any alternative to that act. This view, however, leads to deontic paradoxes if the alternatives to an act are all other acts that can be done in the situation. A typical response is to only apply this rightness criterion to maximally specific acts and to take the alternatives to a maximally specific act to be the other maximally specific acts (...)
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    On Binary Relations in Linguistic and Other Semiotic and Social Systems.Vyacheslav Ivanov - 1973 - In Radu J. Bogdan & Ilkka Niiniluoto (eds.), Logic, language, and probability. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. pp. 196--200.
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    The binary representation of $m$-valued logic with applications to universal decision elements.John Loader - 1979 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 20 (1):216-226.
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