Results for 'Bonifatius Kotter'

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  1.  43
    Bonifatius Kotter O.S.B.: Die Schriften des Johannes von Damaskos. Herausgegeben vom Byzantinischen Institut der Abtei Scheyern. Bd. I: Institutio Elementaris / Capita Philosophica (Dialectica) / Die philosophischen Stücke aus Cod. Oxon. Bodl. Auet. T. I. 6 (Patristische Texte und Studien, Bd. 7), Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin 1969, XV, 198 pp. [REVIEW]Bernd Jaspert - 1971 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 23 (1-2):176-177.
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    Die Schriften des Johannes von Damaskos. Hrsg vom Byzantinischen Institut der Abtei Scheyern. Bd V: Opera homiletica et hagiographica. Besorgt von P. Bonifatius Kotter[REVIEW]Jean-Pierre Deschepper - 1988 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 86 (70):240-241.
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    Multiple personalities and views of neural organization.Rolf Kötter - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (4):545-546.
    Neural organization has many facets; multiple descriptive levels and multiple analytical strategies coexist. Although most neuroscientists agree that a multidisciplinary, multistrategic approach is necessary to understand neural organization, diverse individual approaches make it difficult to find the optimal mixture and priority list.
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  4. Paul Lorenzen.Rudolf Kötter & Rüdiger Inhetveen - 1995 - Philosophia Naturalis 32 (2):319-330.
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  5. Zum Verhältnis von technischen und naturwissenschaftlicher Rationalität.R. Kotter - 1987 - Philosophia Naturalis 24 (2):216-234.
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  6.  31
    Models are better than their theory.Rolf Kötter - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (6):1064-1064.
    As modelling becomes a popular approach in the study of biological systems it is necessary to clarify its concepts and dimensions. This helps to characterize and to distinguish models but cannot establish their quality. The virtue of a model depends on the insight gained in respect to a specific scientific question, and it is hard to measure this with a theory.
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    Autonomie der illyrischen Kirche? Die Sixtus-Briefe der Collectio Thessalonicensis und der Streit um das kirchliche Illyricum.Jan-Markus Kötter - 2012 - Millennium 9 (1):163-186.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Millennium Jahrgang: 9 Heft: 1 Seiten: 163-186.
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  8.  37
    Müller, Olaf L.: Mehr Licht Goethe mit Newton im Streit um die Farben.Rudolf Kötter - 2017 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 48 (1):155-160.
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  9.  6
    Die Kultur moderner Wissenschaft am Beispiel Albert Einstein.Philipp W. Balsiger & Rudolf Kötter (eds.) - 2007 - Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.
    Philipp W. Balsiger / Rudolf Kötter Die Kultur moderner Wissenschaft am Beispiel Albert Einstein Für alle, die über den Tellerrand der Physik EInsteins blicken wollen Albert Einstein ist ein wissenschaftshistorisches Musterbeispiel dafür, wie wissenschaftliche Kulturleistungen bei der Entwicklung neuer Theorien, in persönlichen Netzwerken und im Zusammenhand mit philosophischem Denken entstehen. Dieses Buch enthält Beiträge von Physikern, Philosophen und Wissenschaftshistorikern, die überraschend vielseitigen Facetten der physikalischen Kultur am Beispiel Albert Einsteins zusammentragen: von den Paradigmenwechseln des Raum- Zeitverständnisses über die Philosophie in (...)
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  10.  22
    Michael Freyer, vom mittelalterlichen medizin- zum modernen biologie-unterricht. Band 1: Analysen zu grundlagen und verlauf kultureller eta-blierungsprozesse, band 2: Bibliographien und ü bersichten zur geschichte Des medizin-/"biologie"-unterrichts. [REVIEW]Rudolf Kötter - 1999 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 30 (1):185-187.
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    Balancing Needs in Publishing With Undergraduate and Graduate Students at Doctoral Degree-Granting Universities.Rebecca A. Lundwall, Cooper B. Hodges & Allison D. Kotter - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:440249.
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  12.  43
    Bonifatius, O. S. B. Sprüche der Väter. [REVIEW]J. Fernández - 1965 - Augustinianum 5 (2):442-443.
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  13.  27
    Bonifatius , Ars grammatica, ed. George John Gebauer and Bengt Löfstedt; Ars metrica, ed. Bengt Löfstedt. Turnhout: Brepols, 1980. Paper. Pp. xii, 140. [REVIEW]Traugott Lawler - 1984 - Speculum 59 (1):227-228.
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  14. Kotter, B., Die Schriften des Johannes von Damaskos. [REVIEW]C. Steel - 1973 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 35:392.
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  15. Die philosophische Frage nach Gott. Ein Gang durch ihre Stationen. Paderborn: Bonifatius-Verlag 1995 , 496 S.Norbert Fischer - 2001 - Mitteilungen Und Forschungsbeiträge der Cusanus-Gesellschaft 27:191-197.
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  16.  21
    STEPHAN, Cassiana. Amor pelo avesso: de afrodite a medusa. Estética da existência entre antigos e contempor'neos. Curitiba: kotter editorial, 2021, 374p. [REVIEW]Regiane Lorenzetti Collares - 2022 - ARARIPE — REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA 3 (1):164-174.
    O livro Amor pelo avesso: de Afrodite a Medusa. Estética da Existência entre antigos e contemporâneos, de autoria de Cassiana Lopes Stephan, fruto de sua tese em Filosofia apresentada na Universidade Federal do Paraná, é tecido por uma espécie de escrita realizada com o próprio sangue, como diria Nietzsche; em um texto filosófico visceral, de crise e agonia, a autora nos convida a participar de uma discussão sobre as perspectivas ético-políticas das relações amorosas. Tal incursão filosófica se dá desde os (...)
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  17.  23
    Wijnendaele The Last of the Romans. Bonifatius – Warlord and comes Africae. Pp. xiv + 182, maps. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015. Cased, £50. ISBN: 978-1-78093-717-5. [REVIEW]A. D. Lee - 2017 - The Classical Review 67 (1):312-313.
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  18. Massive Redeployment and the Evolution of Cognition.Michael L. Anderson - unknown
    Part of understanding the functional organization of the brain is understanding how it evolved. This talk presents evidence suggesting that while the brain may have originally emerged as an organ with functionally dedicated regions, the creative re-use of these regions has played a significant role in its evolutionary development. This would parallel the evolution of other capabilities wherein existing structures, evolved for other purposes, are re-used and built upon in the course of continuing evolutionary development (“exaptation”: Gould & Vrba 1982). (...)
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  19.  18
    Prophecy, alchemy and strategies of dissident communication: A 1630 letter from the bohemian chiliast Paul Felgenhauer (1593-c. 1677) to the Leipzig physician Arnold Kerner [Prophecy, alchemy and strategies of dissident communication: A 1630 letter from the bohemian chiliast Paul Felgenhauer (1593-c. 1677) to the Leipzig physician Arnold Kerner]. [REVIEW]Leigh T. I. Penman - 2010 - Acta Comeniana 24:115-132.
    This article concerns a short but significant letter of April 1630 from the Bohemian prophet, alchemist and theosopher Paul Felgenhauer (1593-c. 1677) to the Leipzig alchemist and physician Arnold Kerner. The letter is presented in transcription, with an annotated English translation. It is prefaced by an introduction incorporating a new biographical account of Felgenhauer, which draws on overlooked or unknown manuscript material preserved in Germany and England. The letter itself shines a rare light on a variety of different areas of (...)
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