Results for 'Buddhist logic History.'

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  1.  56
    Outlines of Indian Philosophy.A History of Indian Philosophy.The Song of the Lord.The Secret Lore of India and Supplement.Indian Mysticism: Mysticism in Maharashtra.Das Weltbild der Iranier.Buddhist Logic.Mysore Hiriyanna - 1932 - London,: Allen & Unwin.
    The beginnings of Indian Philosophy take us very far back to about the middle of the second millennium before christ.
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    Intellectual History: Pivoting on Historicity in PhilosophyAn Example from Buddhism. 조석효 - 2018 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 54 (54):303-342.
    Historical consciousness of the modern period, which shows a clear distinction from that of the previous periods, is well displayed in intellectual history, which is investigation into the development of ideas and transmission of knowledge. To understand the academic issues that are grappled with in intellectual history, it is necessary to understand how it interacts with other relevant academic disciplines. Firstly, it is connected to classics and philology, in which historicity is regarded as part and parcel of their research. Critical (...)
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    On Buddhist logic.Adrian Kreutz - unknown
    This thesis is the attempt to find a logical model for, and trace the history of, the catuṣkoṭi as it developed in the Indo-Tibetan milieu and spread, via China, to Japan. After an introduction to the history and key-concepts of Buddhist philosophy, I will finish the first chapter with some methodological considerations about the general viability of comparative philosophy. Chapter §2 is devoted to a logical analysis of the catuṣkoṭi. Several attempts to model this fascinating piece of Buddhist (...)
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    The logic and debate tradition of India, Tibet, and Mongolia: history, reader, resources.Lobsang Tharchin - 1979 - Howell, N.J.: Rashi Gempil Ling. Edited by Lisa Albataew.
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    The Ahmadis: Community, Gender, and Politics in a Muslim Society. By Antonio Gualtieri. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2004. Pp. xvi+ 192. Hardcover $65.00. Paper Cdn $24.95/US $19.95. American Knees. By Shawn Wong. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 2005. Pp. xxi+ 229. Paper $14.95. [REVIEW]Buddhist Inclusivism, Attitudes Towards Religious Others By Kristin & Beise Kiblinger - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (2):365-366.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Books ReceivedThe Ahmadis: Community, Gender, and Politics in a Muslim Society. By Antonio Gualtieri. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2004. Pp. xvi + 192. Hardcover $65.00. Paper Cdn $24.95 / U.S. $19.95.American Knees. By Shawn Wong. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 2005. Pp. xxi + 229. Paper $14.95.The Art of Worldly Wisdom. By Baltasar Gracian and translated by Joseph Jacobs. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2005. Pp. (...)
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    History of the mediaeval school of Indian logic.Satis Chandra Vidyabhusana - 1909 - New Delhi: Oriental Books Reprint Corp. : exclusively distributed by Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
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    Sign-inferences in Greek and Buddhist Logic.Andrew Schumann - 2024 - History and Philosophy of Logic 46 (1):35-67.
    The Yogācāra school of logic developed a theory of sign-inferences that has many features of the Stoic and Epicurean logical teachings with small inclusions of Aristotelian ideas. In the Nyāyabindu of Dharmakīrti, we can find the following schemes of formal reasoning: modus Barbara (Figure I) and modus Camenes (Figure IV) of the Aristotelian syllogistic, and all the inference rules of the Stoic logic: modus ponens, modus tollens, modus ponendo tollens, modus tollendo ponens I, modus tollendo ponens II. The (...)
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  8. Enlightenment and History: Theory and Praxis in Contemporary Buddhism.Chang-Seong Hong & Sun Kyeong Yu - 2017 - Seoul, South Korea: Bulkwang Publishing.
    ***Translated a Korean-language book to English with Dr. Chang-Seong Hong*** Venerable Hyun-Eung's Enlightenment and History is the first book of Buddhist philosophy of history published in South Korea; possibly the first of its kind in the world. In this book of telling points and clear visions, Hyun-Eung discusses East Asian Buddhist traditions in light of Western-philosophical perspectives and presents his views on the theory and praxis in contemporary Buddhism in a way that Western readers can easily understand. East (...)
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    Sign-inferences in Greek and Buddhist Logic.Andrew Schumann - 2025 - History and Philosophy of Logic 46 (1):35-67.
    The Yogācāra school of logic developed a theory of sign-inferences that has many features of the Stoic and Epicurean logical teachings with small inclusions of Aristotelian ideas. In the Nyāyabindu of Dharmakīrti, we can find the following schemes of formal reasoning: modus Barbara (Figure I) and modus Camenes (Figure IV) of the Aristotelian syllogistic, and all the inference rules of the Stoic logic: modus ponens, modus tollens, modus ponendo tollens, modus tollendo ponens I, modus tollendo ponens II. The (...)
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  10. (1 other version)An Introduction to Logic: Using Natural Deduction, Real Arguments, a Little History, and Some Humour.Richard T. W. Arthur - 2016 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    In lively and readable prose, Arthur presents a new approach to the study of logic, one that seeks to integrate methods of argument analysis developed in modern “informal logic” with natural deduction techniques. The dry bones of logic are given flesh by unusual attention to the history of the subject, from Pythagoras, the Stoics, and Indian Buddhist logic, through Lewis Carroll, Venn, and Boole, to Russell, Frege, and Monty Python. A previous edition of this book (...)
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    A treatise on buddhist epistemology and logic attributed to klong Chen Rab 'byams pa (1308–1364) and its place in indo-tibetan intellectual history. [REVIEW]Leonard W. J. Van der Kuijp - 2003 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 31 (4):381-437.
  12.  89
    History of Indian philosophy.Purusottama Bilimoria (ed.) - 2017 - New York, Abingdon UK: Routledge Taylor & Francis Palgrave.
    The History of Indian Philosophy is a comprehensive and authoritative examination of the movements and thinkers that have shaped Indian philosophy over the last three thousand years. An outstanding team of international contributors provide fifty-eight accessible chapters, organis[=z]ed into three clear parts: knowledge, context, concepts philosophical traditions engaging and encounters: modern and postmodern. This outstanding collection is essential reading for students of Indian philosophy. It will also be of interest to those seeking to explore the lasting significance of this rich (...)
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  13.  39
    Natural Deduction: An Introduction to Logic with Real Arguments, a Little History and Some Humour.Richard T. W. Arthur - 2011 - Peterborough, Ontario, Canada: Broadview Press.
    Richard Arthur’s _Natural Deduction_ provides a wide-ranging introduction to logic. In lively and readable prose, Arthur presents a new approach to the study of logic, one that seeks to integrate methods of argument analysis developed in modern “informal logic” with natural deduction techniques. The dry bones of logic are given flesh by unusual attention to the history of the subject, from Pythagoras, the Stoics, and Indian Buddhist logic, through Lewis Carroll, Venn, and Boole, to (...)
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  14.  30
    The Metaphysical Turn in the History of Thought: Anaximander and Buddhist Philosophy.Aldo Stella & Federico Divino - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (6):99.
    The present study, primarily of a theoretical nature, endeavors to accomplish two distinct objectives. First and foremost, it endeavors to engage in a thoughtful examination of the metaphysical significance that Anaximander’s philosophy embodies within the context of the nascent Western philosophical tradition. Furthermore, it aims to investigate how it was contemporaneous Buddhist thought, coeval with Anaximander’s era, that more explicitly elucidated the concept of the “void” as an inherent aspect of authentic existence. This elucidation was articulated through aphoristic discourse (...)
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  15.  9
    A Buddhist-Christian Logic of the Heart: Nishida's Kyoto School and Lonergan's "Spiritual Genome" as World Bridge.John Raymaker - 2002 - Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
    A Buddhist-Christian Logic of the Heart explores the philosophies of Being and Nothingness as expounded in the Buddhist and Christian point of view with particular emphasis on the socioethical implication that all human beings, despite vast differences in history, language, and culture, share the cognitional, intentional makeup as emphasized by Nishida and Lonergan.
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  16.  51
    History of Yoga.Satya Prakash Singh (ed.) - 2010 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
    Innovation of Yoga in vedic saṁhitās -- Elaboration of yogic thought and practices in Brāhmaṇas, Āraṇyakas and Upaniṣads -- Continuation of the tradition in the Rāmāyaṇa and the Mahābhārata -- Deviation from the vedic tradition in Jainism and Buddhism -- Systematization of Yoga in Patañjali and Haṭha-yoga -- Yoga of Vedāntic ācāryas and yoga-vāsiṣṭha -- Bhakti-yoga of medieval saints -- Yogic sādhanā in Tantra, Śaivism and Sufism -- Revival of the spirit of Yoga in modern India -- Yogic capability in (...)
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  17.  28
    Hegel’s Inversion of the Tantric Buddhist, Bönpo and Stoic View of History.Elias Capriles - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 8:39-45.
    Hegel inverted the Tantric Buddhist, Bönpo and Stoic view of human spiritual and social evolution by presenting it as a progressive perfecting rather than as a progressive degeneration impelled by the gradual development of the basic human delusion called avidya (unawareness). Since he cancelled the crucial map /territory distinction, he had to explain change in nature as the negation of the immediately preceding state, and since he wanted spiritual and social evolution to be a process of perfecting, he had (...)
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  18.  3
    Monastic debate in Tibet: a study on the history and structures of bsdus grwa logic.Shunzō Onoda - 1992 - Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien Universität Wien. Edited by Bsod-nams-lhun-grub.
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    Buddhism and Language: A Study of Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism.José Ignacio Cabezón - 1994 - SUNY Press.
    Taking language as its general theme, this book explores how the tradition of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist philosophical speculation exemplifies the character of scholasticism. Scholasticism, as an abstract and general category, is developed as a valuable theoretical tool for understanding a variety of intellectual movements in the history of philosophy of religion. The book investigates the Buddhist Scholastic theory and use of scripture, the nature of doctrine and its transcendence in experience, Mahayana Buddhist hermeneutics, the theory and practice of (...)
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  20. Empathy vs. evidence in rhetorical speech: Contrastive cultural studies in 'empathy' as framework of speech communication and its tradition in cultural history.Fee-Alexandra Haase - 2012 - Ethos: Dialogues in Philosophy and Social Sciences 5 (2).
    When a term is used in science, we tend to integrate its origins, functions, and history to see if the term is a scientific one or comes from other fields. The term «empathy» is an example to such a case. This article challenges the widespread view that empathy is the capability of a person to understand emotions and thoughts of others. We will deconstruct the concept of empathy as an academic one by focusing on its limits. We will discuss the (...)
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  21. Han chuan fo jiao yin ming yan jiu.Weihong Zheng - 2007 - Beijing Shi: Zhonghua shu ju.
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  22.  13
    Han chuan yin ming zhi shi lun yao yi.Nanqiang Yao - 2019 - Beijing: Zhi shi chan quan chu ban she.
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    Yin ming xue shuo shi gang yao =.Nanqiang Yao - 2000 - Shanghai Shi: Shanghai san lian shu dian.
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  24.  67
    A Hindu critique of Buddhist epistemology: Kumārila on perception: the "Determinatin of perception" chapter of Kumārila Bhaṭṭa's Ślokavārttika.John A. Taber - 2005 - New York: RoutledgeCurzon. Edited by Kumārila Bhaṭṭa.
    This is a translation of the chapter on perception by Kumarilabhatta's magnum opus, the Slokavarttika , which is one of the central texts of the Hindu response to the criticism of the logical-epistemological school of Buddhist thought. It is crucial for understanding the debates between Hindus and Buddhists about metaphysical, epistemological and linguistic questions during the classical period. In an extensive commentary, the author explains the course of the argument from verse to verse and alludes to other theories of (...)
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  25.  12
    Zang chuan yin ming.Sen Wang - 2009 - Beijing Shi: Zhonghua shu ju.
    本书是王森先生的遗作,如1989年出版的《中国逻辑史·唐明卷》中的《藏传因明》一章;梵文汉译的《胜论经》;梵文古写本《七句义论》校注;《正理滴论》、《中论》、《辨中边论》梵藏汉文会勘;贝叶本《俱舍论颂 》梵藏汉文索引;以及《正理滴论》梵汉对照索引等.
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    Rtags rigs kyi rnam gzhag Dge tshul Kā ri kā rtsa ʼgrel bcas bzhugs so. Thub-Bstan-Brtson-ʼgrus - 2016 - Bylakuppe: Snga-ʼgyur rig-mdzod rtsis-ʼphrul sde-tshan. Edited by Nāgārjuna & Mi-Pham-Rgya-Mtsho.
    On Buddhist logic and dialectical studies; Also includes Vinaya root-text on essence of Buddhist ethics by Dharmakīrti, active 7th century and commentary by ʼJam-mgon ʼJu Mi-pham-rgya-mtsho.
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    A Hindu Critique of Buddhist Epistemology: Kumārila on Perception : the "Determination of Perception" Chapter of Kum̄arila Bhaṭṭa's Ślokavārttika : Translation and Commentary.John A. Taber & Kumåarila Bhaòtòta - 2005 - New York: Psychology Press. Edited by Kumārila Bhaṭṭa.
    This is a translation of the chapter on perception of Kumarilabhatta's magnum opus, the Slokavarttika, one of the central texts of the Hindu response to the criticism of the logical-epistemological school of Buddhist thought. In an extensive commentary, the author explains the course of the argument from verse to verse and alludes to other theories of classical Indian philosophy and other technical matters. Notes to the translation and commentary go further into the historical and philosophical background of Kumarila's ideas. (...)
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  28.  19
    Escape from Saṃsāra: Schopenhauer’s Opposition to the Philosophy of History.Taran Kang - 2021 - The European Legacy 26 (5):484-504.
    ABSTRACT As has long been recognized, Arthur Schopenhauer’s intellectual encounter with the Orient represents a departure from previous Western philosophers’ approaches to it. What has been less appreciated, however, is that this encounter also marks a pivotal moment in the modern critique of systematic philosophies of history. Since Schopenhauer doubted that there was any logic in history, either in the form of a providential plan or a rationally intelligible structure, he impugned both history’s scientific status and its significance for (...)
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  29.  26
    Confucianism in the Heart, Buddhist Traces—a Study on Stele Inscriptions by Scholars in the Silla Period.Ying Qin & Hailong Sun - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (3):239-256.
    Little is known about the Korean Peninsula before 12 th century, due to which potentially biased assessments of its social, cultural, and political history exist. This study attempted to unearth the history of the Korean Peninsula since the late 10th century through the Buddhist inscriptions. These inscriptions unveil the authentic social environment, religious beliefs, and political ecology of late Silla and delve into the political motives and life philosophies of Silla scholars who studied the Tang Dynasty, especially their approach (...)
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    Gnaʼ rabs rgya gar gyi mtshan nyid rig pa las bdag dang bdag med lta baʼi ʼdod tshul dang ʼphros don skor gleng ba. E. Phur-Bkra - 2018 - Lha-sa: Bod-ljongs Bod-yig dpe-rnying dpe-skrun-khang.
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    Zhongguo yin ming xue shi.Dui Zheng (ed.) - 2017 - Beijing: Zhongguo Zang xue chu ban she.
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    Bod dar tsha ma rig paʼi byung ʼphel dang deʼi rigs lam ʼgaʼ bshad pa. ʼjigs-Med-Bsam-Grub - 2016 - Pe-cin: Krung-goʼi Bod-rig-pa dpe-skrun-khang.
    Study on Buddhist logic (pramāṇa) system and its development in Tibet.
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  33. Inmyōgaku: kigen to hensen.Shōhō Takemura - 1986 - Kyōto-shi: Hōzōkan.
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  34.  42
    Philosophers of Nothingness: An Essay on the Kyoto School, and: A Buddhist-Christian Logic of the Heart: Nishida's Kyoto School and Lonergan's "Spiritual Genome" as World Bridge (review).Amos Yong - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):271-276.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Philosophers of Nothingness: An Essay on the Kyoto School, and: A Buddhist-Christian Logic of the Heart: Nishida's Kyoto School and Lonergan's "Spiritual Genome" as World BridgeAmos YongPhilosophers of Nothingness: An Essay on the Kyoto School. By James W. Heisig. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2001. xi + 380 pp.A Buddhist-Christian Logic of the Heart: Nishida's Kyoto School and Lonergan's "Spiritual Genome" as World Bridge. (...)
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  35.  77
    Introduction: Buddhist Argumentation.Tom J. F. Tillemans - 2008 - Argumentation 22 (1):1-14.
  36.  50
    Truth and Logic in San-lun Mādhyamika Buddhism.Hsueh-li Cheng - 1981 - International Philosophical Quarterly 21 (3):260-275.
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  37. (1 other version)Zang chuan fo jiao yin ming shi lüe.Zonglin Ju - 1994 - Beijing Shi: Min zu chu ban she.
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  38.  9
    Fo jia luo ji cong lun =.Jianying Shen - 2011 - Lanzhou Shi: Gansu min zu chu ban she.
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    Empty Words: Buddhist Philosophy and Cross-Cultural Interpretation (review).Edward R. Falls - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):196-200.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Empty Words: Buddhist Philosophy and Cross-Cultural InterpretationEdward R. FallsEmpty Words: Buddhist Philosophy and Cross-Cultural Interpretation. By Jay L. Garfield. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. 306 + xi pp.Jay L. Garfield's Empty Words is a collection of (mostly) previously published essays bearing on the interpretation of Buddhist thought. Emphasizing the Indo-Tibetan tradition while indebted to Euro-American philosophy, Empty Words belongs in a class (...)
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  40.  24
    Dynamic Encounters between Buddhism and the West Report.Laura Langone & Alexandra S. Ilieva - 2022 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 42 (1):393-394.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dynamic Encounters between Buddhism and the West ReportLaura Langone and Alexandra S. IlievaThe following is a summary of the 2021 Postgraduate Conference titled "Dynamic Encounters between Buddhism and the West," which took place online on June 28 and 29. The conference was conceptualized, organized, and run by three AHRC funded PhD students at the University of Cambridge: Laura Langone (Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages); Alexandra S. Ilieva (Faculty (...)
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    European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies.John D'Arcy May - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):237-239.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:European Network of Buddhist-Christian StudiesJohn D'Arcy MayThe European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies met at Samye Ling, Scotland, 16-19 May 2003. The theme of the meeting was "Buddhists, Christians, and the Doctrine of Creation."Samye Ling, founded in 1967 by Dr. Akong Tulku Rinpoche and now under the guidance of his brother, the Venerable Lama Yeshe Losal, is one of the oldest and largest Buddhist monasteries in Europe. (...)
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  42.  7
    Bod kyi tshad maʼam tshad maʼi sñiṅ po bsdus grwaʼi gźuṅ lugs kyi go don daṅ khyad chos brjod pa blo gsal ʼjug ṅogs. Klu-Rgyal-ʼbum - 1988 - Lanzhou: Kan-suʼu Źin-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkrams.
    On the history, structure, and importance of the elementary Buddhist logic and dialectrical studies in Tibet.
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    The Milindapañha in the Context of History of Indian Civilization.Andrew N. Schumann - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (4):544-569.
    This paper restores the historical context of Milindapaha. The text is unique, because it is one of the very few documents of Ancient India, in which one of the authors is considered a Greek as a participant in the dialog. To reconstruct the context of the book, the basic archeological data about the Indo-Greek Kingdom, including epigraphics, are summed up, as well as there are analyzed some references to the kingdom given in the Mahāvaṃsa, the earliest chronicle of Sri Lanka. (...)
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  44. Rgya gar gyi tshad ma rig paʾi lta grub ʾphel rim dang tshad ma rig paʾi lo rgyus =. Tshul-Khrims-Skal-Bzang - 2004 - Kyoto: Gangs-ljongs nang rig mthun tshogs.
    On the developments of logic and epistemology in India, and the history of logic and epistemology in India and Tibet.
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    Indian logic: its problems as treated by its schools.Krishna Kumar Dixit - 1975 - Vaishali (Muzaffarpur): Research Institute of Prakrit, Jainology, and Ahimsa.
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  46.  40
    The Alagaddūpama Sutta as a Scriptural Source for Understanding the Distinctive Philosophical Standpoint of Early Buddhism.P. D. Premasiri - 2018 - Buddhist Studies Review 35 (1-2):111-123.
    The Alagadd?pama Sutta is the 22nd discourse of the Majjhima-nik?ya of the Pali canon. In the sutta itself it is mentioned that the Buddha’s delivery of this discourse was necessitated by the need to refute a wrong view held by one of his disciples named Ari??ha. Parallel versions of the sutta are found preserved in the Chinese?gamas. The two main similes used in the sutta, those of the snake and of the raft, are referred to in the scriptures of a (...)
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  47.  26
    Early Buddhist Theory of Knowledge. [REVIEW]O. G. L. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (2):369-370.
    Were it not for its stratospheric price, this book should be unconditionally recommended to students of Indian philosophy. It is the most thorough and scholarly study of early Indian logic and epistemology to date, offering much more than its title promises. The author analyzes all the crucial questions in the history of early Indian philosophy, to the utmost detail, including the discussion of all previous significant literature on each specific subject. The author's sound knowledge of Western logic, however, (...)
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  48.  59
    Time and Change in Chinese Buddhist Philosophy: From Sengzhao to Chan Buddhism.JeeLoo Liu - 2023 - Philosophy Compass 18 (6):e12915.
    The philosophy of time and change in Chinese Buddhism originated in a short treatise written by an early Chinese monk, Sengzhao (c. 384-414 CE). In this treatise, “On the Immutability of Things (wubuqianlun),” Sengzhao proposed a revolutionary theory of time and change that opposed the traditional Chinese notion of change established by Confucianism and Daoism. His thesis of the immutability of things also seemingly defies a fundamental Buddhist teaching about the impermanence of things. More than a thousand years after (...)
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    Report on the Thirtieth Annual Conference of the Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies.Yagi Yōichi & Paul L. Swanson - 2012 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 32:139-140.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Report on the Thirtieth Annual Conference of the Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian StudiesYagi YōichiTranslated by Paul L. SwansonIn Japan, the disasters of the giant tsunami and the resulting crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power plant on 11 March 2011 have been grim reminders of the unprecedented tragedies of the nuclear bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki just sixty-six years ago. These are experiences in which one becomes speechless, when (...)
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  50. Zhongguo fo jiao luo ji shi.Jianying Shen (ed.) - 2001 - Shanghai: Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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