Byron E. Wall [3]Byron Emerson Wall [2]Byron Wall [1]
  1.  34
    John Venn, James Ward, and the Chair of Mental Philosophy and Logic at the University of Cambridge.Byron Emerson Wall - 2007 - Journal of the History of Ideas 68 (1):131-155.
    In 1897, Cambridge University created a professorship in Mental Philosophy and Logic; despite the double name it was filled by a “mental philosopher,” James Ward, who did no work in logic. The chief logician candidate, John Venn, then turned his attention elsewhere, leaving Cambridge without senior leadership in logic. Ward himself turned to other philosophical issues, doing little further original work in mental philosophy. Cambridge became a center for a fresh interpretation of logic in the early 20th century, but with (...)
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    Anatomy of a Precursor: The Historiography of Aristarchos of Samos.Byron Emerson Wall - 1975 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 6 (3):201.
  3.  51
    Causation, randomness, and pseudo-randomness in John Venn's logic of chance.Byron E. Wall - 2005 - History and Philosophy of Logic 26 (4):299-319.
    In 1866, the young John Venn published The Logic of Chance, motivated largely by the desire to correct what he saw as deep fallacies in the reasoning of historical determinists such as Henry Buckle and in the optimistic heralding of a true social science by Adolphe Quetelet. Venn accepted the inevitable determinism implied by the physical sciences, but denied that the stable social statistics cited by Buckle and Quetelet implied a similar determinism in human actions. Venn maintained that probability statements (...)
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    Karine Chemla . The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions. xv + 596 pp., tables, index. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. $177. [REVIEW]Byron E. Wall - 2014 - Isis 105 (4):836-837.
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