Results for 'Cantor space'

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  1.  23
    A Random Resistor Network Model of Space-Time.Jerome Cantor - 2011 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 18 (1):1.
  2.  54
    God as Spirit—and Natural Science.Geoffrey Cantor - 2001 - Zygon 36 (4):783-794.
    The biblical sentence “God is Spirit” (John 4:24) occasioned the development of the Christian doctrine about God as Spirit. But since patristic times “spirit” was interpreted in the sense of Nus, which rather means “intellect.” The biblical concept of spirit (pneuma), however, has its root meaning in referring to “air in movement,” as in breath or storm. The similar concept of pneuma in Stoic philosophy has become the “immediate precursor” (Max Jammer) of the field concept in modern physics, so that (...)
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    Properties of ideals on the generalized Cantor spaces.Jan Kraszewski - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (3):1303-1320.
    We define a class of productive σ-ideals of subsets of the Cantor space 2 ω and observe that both σ-ideals of meagre sets and of null sets are in this class. From every productive σ-ideal I we produce a σ-ideal I κ , of subsets of the generalized Cantor space 2 κ . In particular, starting from meagre sets and null sets in 2 ω we obtain meagre sets and null sets in 2 κ , respectively. (...)
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    The modal logic of continuous functions on cantor space.Philip Kremer - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (8):1021-1032.
    Let $\mathcal{L}$ be a propositional language with standard Boolean connectives plus two modalities: an S4-ish topological modality $\square$ and a temporal modality $\bigcirc$ , understood as ‘next’. We extend the topological semantic for S4 to a semantics for the language $\mathcal{L}$ by interpreting $\mathcal{L}$ in dynamic topological systems, i.e. ordered pairs $\langle X, f\rangle$ , where X is a topological space and f is a continuous function on X. Artemov, Davoren and Nerode have axiomatized a logic S4C, and have (...)
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    Special subsets of the generalized Cantor space and generalized Baire space.Michał Korch & Tomasz Weiss - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (4):418-437.
    In this paper, we are interested in parallels to the classical notions of special subsets in defined in the generalized Cantor and Baire spaces (2κ and ). We consider generalizations of the well‐known classes of special subsets, like Lusin sets, strongly null sets, concentrated sets, perfectly meagre sets, σ‐sets, γ‐sets, sets with the Menger, the Rothberger, or the Hurewicz property, but also of some less‐know classes like X‐small sets, meagre additive sets, Ramsey null sets, Marczewski, Silver, Miller, and Laver‐null (...)
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    Propositional logic of continuous transformations in Cantor space.Grigori Mints & Ting Zhang - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (6):783-799.
  7.  43
    Monotone but not positive subsets of the Cantor space.Randall Dougherty - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (3):817-818.
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    Second order propositional operators over Cantor space.Tomasz Połacik - 1994 - Studia Logica 53 (1):93 - 105.
  9. Kant or Cantor? that the Universe, if Real, Must be Finite in Both Space and Time.Pamela H. Huby - 1971 - Philosophy 46 (176):121-132.
    This paper has two parts. In the first, I try to show that Russell's arguments against the thesis of Kant's first antinomy are unsatisfactory; in the second, I argue that the Universe, if transcendentally real, must be finite in both space and time.
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    Kant or Cantor? That the Universe, If Real, Must Be Finite in Both Space and Time.Pamela M. Huby - 1971 - Philosophy 46 (176):121 - 132.
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    Ultrafilters and non-Cantor minimal sets in linearly ordered dynamical systems.M. Hrušák, M. Sanchis & Á Tamariz-Mascarúa - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 47 (3):193-203.
    It is well known that infinite minimal sets for continuous functions on the interval are Cantor sets; that is, compact zero dimensional metrizable sets without isolated points. On the other hand, it was proved in Alcaraz and Sanchis (Bifurcat Chaos 13:1665–1671, 2003) that infinite minimal sets for continuous functions on connected linearly ordered spaces enjoy the same properties as Cantor sets except that they can fail to be metrizable. However, no examples of such subsets have been known. In (...)
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    Ordered Groups, Computability and Cantor-Bendixson Rank.Waseet Kazmi - 2023 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 29 (4):664-664.
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    Topometric spaces and perturbations of metric structures.Itaï Ben Yaacov - 2008 - Logic and Analysis 1 (3-4):235-272.
    We develop the general theory of topometric spaces, i.e., topological spaces equipped with a well-behaved lower semi-continuous metric. Spaces of global and local types in continuous logic are the motivating examples for the study of such spaces. In particular, we develop Cantor-Bendixson analysis of topometric spaces, which can serve as a basis for the study of local stability (extending the ad hoc development in Ben Yaacov I and Usvyatsov A, Continuous first order logic and local stability. Trans Am Math (...)
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  14.  47
    (1 other version)La notion husserlienne de multiplicité : au-delà de Cantor et Riemann.Carlo Ierna - 2012 - Methodos. Savoirs Et Textes 12 (12).
    The concept of a Mannigfaltigkeit in Husserl has been given various interpretations, due to its shifting role in his works. Many authors have been misled by this term, placing it in the context of Husserl’s early period in Halle, while writing the Philosophy of Arithmetic, as a friend and colleague of Georg Cantor.Yet at the time, Husserl distanced himself explicitly from Cantor’s definition and rather took Bernhard Riemann as example, having studied and lectured extensively on Riemann’s theories of (...)
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  15. THE WEIHRAUCH LATTICE AT THE LEVEL OF $\boldsymbol {\Pi }^11{-}\mathsf{CA}0$ : THE CANTOR–BENDIXSON THEOREM.Vittorio Cipriani, Alberto Marcone & Manlio Valenti - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-39.
    This paper continues the program connecting reverse mathematics and computable analysis via the framework of Weihrauch reducibility. In particular, we consider problems related to perfect subsets of Polish spaces, studying the perfect set theorem, the Cantor–Bendixson theorem, and various problems arising from them. In the framework of reverse mathematics, these theorems are equivalent, respectively, to $\mathsf {ATR}_0$ and $\boldsymbol {\Pi }^1_1{-}\mathsf{CA}_0$, the two strongest subsystems of second order arithmetic among the so-called big five. As far as we know, this (...)
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    Strong completeness of s4 for any dense-in-itself metric space.Philip Kremer - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (3):545-570.
    In the topological semantics for modal logic, S4 is well-known to be complete for the rational line, for the real line, and for Cantor space: these are special cases of S4’s completeness for any dense-in-itself metric space. The construction used to prove completeness can be slightly amended to show that S4 is not only complete, but also strongly complete, for the rational line. But no similarly easy amendment is available for the real line or for Cantor (...)
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  17.  14
    Computability Theory on Polish Metric Spaces.Teerawat Thewmorakot - 2023 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 29 (4):664-664.
    Computability theoretic aspects of Polish metric spaces are studied by adapting notions and methods of computable structure theory. In this dissertation, we mainly investigate index sets and classification problems for computably presentable Polish metric spaces. We find the complexity of a number of index sets, isomorphism problems, and embedding problems for computably presentable metric spaces. We also provide several computable structure theory results related to some classical Polish metric spaces such as the Urysohn space $\mathbb {U}$, the Cantor (...)
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    Hierarchies in φ‐spaces and applications.Victor L. Selivanov - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (1):45-61.
    We establish some results on the Borel and difference hierarchies in φ-spaces. Such spaces are the topological counterpart of the algebraic directed-complete partial orderings. E.g., we prove analogs of the Hausdorff Theorem relating the difference and Borel hierarchies and of the Lavrentyev Theorem on the non-collapse of the difference hierarchy. Some of our results generalize results of A. Tang for the space Pω. We also sketch some older applications of these hierarchies and present a new application to the question (...)
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  19.  68
    Continuous Ramsey theory on polish spaces and covering the plane by functions.Stefan Geschke, Martin Goldstern & Menachem Kojman - 2004 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 4 (2):109-145.
    We investigate the Ramsey theory of continuous graph-structures on complete, separable metric spaces and apply the results to the problem of covering a plane by functions. Let the homogeneity number[Formula: see text] of a pair-coloring c:[X]2→2 be the number of c-homogeneous subsets of X needed to cover X. We isolate two continuous pair-colorings on the Cantor space 2ω, c min and c max, which satisfy [Formula: see text] and prove: Theorem. For every Polish space X and every (...)
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  20. The Structure of Gunk: Adventures in the Ontology of Space.Jeffrey Sanford Russell - 2008 - In Dean Zimmerman, Oxford Studies in Metaphysics: Volume 4. Oxford University Press UK. pp. 248.
    Could space consist entirely of extended regions, without any regions shaped like points, lines, or surfaces? Peter Forrest and Frank Arntzenius have independently raised a paradox of size for space like this, drawing on a construction of Cantor’s. I present a new version of this argument and explore possible lines of response.
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    Dynamic topological logic of metric spaces.David Fernández-Duque - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (1):308-328.
    Dynamic Topological Logic ( $\mathcal{DTL}$ ) is a modal framework for reasoning about dynamical systems, that is, pairs 〈X, f〉 where X is a topological space and f: X → X a continuous function. In this paper we consider the case where X is a metric space. We first show that any formula which can be satisfied on an arbitrary dynamic topological system can be satisfied on one based on a metric space; in fact, this space (...)
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  22.  29
    Computable randomness and betting for computable probability spaces.Jason Rute - 2016 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 62 (4-5):335-366.
    Unlike Martin‐Löf randomness and Schnorr randomness, computable randomness has not been defined, except for a few ad hoc cases, outside of Cantor space. This paper offers such a definition (actually, several equivalent definitions), and further, provides a general method for abstracting “bit‐wise” definitions of randomness from Cantor space to arbitrary computable probability spaces. This same method is also applied to give machine characterizations of computable and Schnorr randomness for computable probability spaces, extending the previously known results. (...)
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  23.  54
    Topological aspects of the Medvedev lattice.Andrew Em Lewis, Richard A. Shore & Andrea Sorbi - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (3-4):319-340.
    We study the Medvedev degrees of mass problems with distinguished topological properties, such as denseness, closedness, or discreteness. We investigate the sublattices generated by these degrees; the prime ideal generated by the dense degrees and its complement, a prime filter; the filter generated by the nonzero closed degrees and the filter generated by the nonzero discrete degrees. We give a complete picture of the relationships of inclusion holding between these sublattices, these filters, and this ideal. We show that the sublattice (...)
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  24.  58
    Space philosophy: Schelling and the mathematicians of the nineteenth century.Marie-Luise Heuser - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (4):43-57.
    INSPIRED by a dynamist Naturphilosophie and looking for a mathematics of the natura naturans, the founders of modern mathematics in Germany made some lasting contributions in the attempt to go beyond perceptible space. Hermann Grassmann’s extension theory, Johann Benedict Listing’s topology, Bernhard Riemann’s non-Euclidean manifold theory, Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi’s approach to non-mechanistic theory and last but not least Georg Cantor’s transfinite set theory were all influenced by the tradition of Naturphilosophie. One central motivation for the new mathematics (...)
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    On algebraic sums, trees and ideals in the Baire space.Łukasz Mazurkiewicz, Marcin Michalski, Robert Rałowski & Szymon Żeberski - forthcoming - Archive for Mathematical Logic:1-13.
    We work in the Baire space Zω\mathbb {Z}^\omega equipped with the coordinate-wise addition ++. Consider a σ\sigma - ideal I\mathcal {I} and a family T\mathbb {T} of some kind of perfect trees. We are interested in results of the form: for every AIA\in \mathcal {I} and a tree TTT\in \mathbb {T} there exists TT,TTT'\in \mathbb {T}, T'\subseteq T such that A+[T]+[T]++[T]n–timesIA+\underbrace{[T']+[T']+\dots +[T']}_{\text {n--times}}\in \mathcal {I} for each nωn\in \omega . Explored tree types include perfect trees, uniformly perfect trees, (...)
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    Strong Measure Zero Sets on for Inaccessible.Nick Steven Chapman & Johannes Philipp Schürz - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-31.
    We investigate the notion of strong measure zero sets in the context of the higher Cantor space $2^\kappa $ for $\kappa $ at least inaccessible. Using an iteration of perfect tree forcings, we give two proofs of the relative consistency of 2κ=κ+++X2κ: X is strong measure zero if and only if Xκ+.\begin{align*}|2^\kappa| = \kappa^{++} + \forall X \subseteq 2^\kappa:\ X \textrm{ is strong measure zero if and only if } |X| \leq \kappa^+. \end{align*} Furthermore, we also investigate the stronger notion of stationary strong measure zero and show that (...)
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    Spaces of orders and their Turing degree spectra.Malgorzata A. Dabkowska, Mieczyslaw K. Dabkowski, Valentina S. Harizanov & Amir A. Togha - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (9):1134-1143.
    We investigate computability theoretic and topological properties of spaces of orders on computable orderable groups. A left order on a group G is a linear order of the domain of G, which is left-invariant under the group operation. Right orders and bi-orders are defined similarly. In particular, we study groups for which the spaces of left orders are homeomorphic to the Cantor set, and their Turing degree spectra contain certain upper cones of degrees. Our approach unifies and extends Sikora’s (...)
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    Universal Spaces for Classes of Scattered Eberlein Compact Spaces.Murray Bell & Witold Marciszewski - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (3):1073 - 1080.
    We discuss the existence of universal spaces (either in the sense of embeddings or continuous images) for some classes of scattered Eberlein compacta. Given a cardinal κ, we consider the class Sκ of all scattered Eberlein compact spaces K of weight ≤ κ and such that the second Cantor-Bendixson derivative of K is a singleton. We prove that if κ is an uncountable cardinal such that κ = 2<κ, then there exists a space X in Sκ such that (...)
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    Universality of the closure space of filters in the algebra of all subsets.Andrzej W. Jankowski - 1985 - Studia Logica 44 (1):1 - 9.
    In this paper we show that some standard topological constructions may be fruitfully used in the theory of closure spaces (see [5], [4]). These possibilities are exemplified by the classical theorem on the universality of the Alexandroff's cube for T 0-closure spaces. It turns out that the closure space of all filters in the lattice of all subsets forms a generalized Alexandroff's cube that is universal for T 0-closure spaces. By this theorem we obtain the following characterization of the (...)
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    Metaphysics of Space: Point and Gunk. 최이선 - 2024 - Journal of Korean Philosophical Society 171:295-318.
    본 연구는 연속체로서 공간의 형이상학적 기초를 논의한다. 공간의 특징인 연장성(extension)과 가분성(divisibility)에 따라 세 가지 공간 구성 후보가 있다: 포인트, 겅크, 청크. 포인트는 연장되지 않고 나뉘지 않는 것이다. 겅크는 그 반대로 연장성을 가지며 무한하게 나누어진다. 청크는 더 이상 나누어지지 않으면서도 연장되는 특징을 갖는다. 이 중에서 논리적으로 일관되면서 이론적으로 부담이 적은 양 극단의 두 개념, 포인트와 겅크를 분석한다. 이를 분석하는 도구로 공간 구조 분석의 기초인 위상구조(topology), 미레올로지(mereology), 측도론(measure theory)의 개념들을 사용한다.BR 고대 그리스부터 포인트는 영역 크기를 결정할 수 없게 만든다고 비판 받았다. 포인트 (...)
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    The continuum as a formal space.Sara Negri & Daniele Soravia - 1999 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 38 (7):423-447.
    A constructive definition of the continuum based on formal topology is given and its basic properties studied. A natural notion of Cauchy sequence is introduced and Cauchy completeness is proved. Other results include elementary proofs of the Baire and Cantor theorems. From a classical standpoint, formal reals are seen to be equivalent to the usual reals. Lastly, the relation of real numbers as a formal space to other approaches to constructive real numbers is determined.
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    Strong Completeness of Modal Logics Over 0-Dimensional Metric Spaces.Robert Goldblatt & Ian Hodkinson - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (3):611-632.
    We prove strong completeness results for some modal logics with the universal modality, with respect to their topological semantics over 0-dimensional dense-in-themselves metric spaces. We also use failure of compactness to show that, for some languages and spaces, no standard modal deductive system is strongly complete.
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    Generalisation of disjunctive sequences.Cristian S. Calude - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (2):120.
    The present paper proposes a generalisation of the notion of disjunctive sequence, that is, of an infinite sequence of letters having each finite sequence as a subword. Our aim is to give a reasonable notion of disjunctiveness relative to a given set of sequences F. We show that a definition like “every subword which occurs at infinitely many different positions in sequences in F has to occur infinitely often in the sequence” fulfils properties similar to the original unrelativised notion of (...)
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    Two constructive embedding‐extension theorems with applications to continuity principles and to Banach‐Mazur computability.Andrej Bauer & Alex Simpson - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (4-5):351-369.
    We prove two embedding and extension theorems in the context of the constructive theory of metric spaces. The first states that Cantor space embeds in any inhabited complete separable metric space (CSM) without isolated points, X, in such a way that every sequentially continuous function from Cantor space to ℤ extends to a sequentially continuous function from X to ℝ. The second asserts an analogous property for Baire space relative to any inhabited locally non‐compact (...)
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  35.  13
    Two constructive embedding-extension theorems with applications.Andrej Bauer & Alex Simpson - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (4):351.
    We prove two embedding and extension theorems in the context of the constructive theory of metric spaces. The first states that Cantor space embeds in any inhabited complete separable metric space (CSM) without isolated points, X, in such a way that every sequentially continuous function from Cantor space to ℤ extends to a sequentially continuous function from X to ℝ. The second asserts an analogous property for Baire space relative to any inhabited locally non‐compact (...)
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    Generic substitutions.Giovanni Panti - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (1):61-83.
    Up to equivalence, a substitution in propositional logic is an endomorphism of its free algebra. On the dual space, this results in a continuous function, and whenever the space carries a natural measure one may ask about the stochastic properties of the action. In classical logic there is a strong dichotomy: while over finitely many propositional variables everything is trivial, the study of the continuous transformations of the Cantor space is the subject of an extensive literature, (...)
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    A Partition Theorem of $omega^{omega^{alpha}}$.Claribet Piña - 2018 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 59 (3):387-403.
    We consider finite partitions of the closure F¯ of an ωα-uniform barrier F. For each partition, we get a homogeneous set having both the same combinatorial and topological structure as F¯, seen as a subspace of the Cantor space 2N.
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    Turing oracle machines, online computing, and three displacements in computability theory.Robert I. Soare - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 160 (3):368-399.
    We begin with the history of the discovery of computability in the 1930’s, the roles of Gödel, Church, and Turing, and the formalisms of recursive functions and Turing automatic machines . To whom did Gödel credit the definition of a computable function? We present Turing’s notion [1939, §4] of an oracle machine and Post’s development of it in [1944, §11], [1948], and finally Kleene-Post [1954] into its present form. A number of topics arose from Turing functionals including continuous functionals on (...)
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    Computability theory, nonstandard analysis, and their connections.Dag Normann & Sam Sanders - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (4):1422-1465.
    We investigate the connections between computability theory and Nonstandard Analysis. In particular, we investigate the two following topics and show that they are intimately related. A basic property of Cantor space$2^ $ is Heine–Borel compactness: for any open covering of $2^ $, there is a finite subcovering. A natural question is: How hard is it to compute such a finite subcovering? We make this precise by analysing the complexity of so-called fan functionals that given any $G:2^ \to $, (...)
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    Mass problems and hyperarithmeticity.Joshua A. Cole & Stephen G. Simpson - 2007 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 7 (2):125-143.
    A mass problem is a set of Turing oracles. If P and Q are mass problems, we say that P is weakly reducible to Q if for all Y ∈ Q there exists X ∈ P such that X is Turing reducible to Y. A weak degree is an equivalence class of mass problems under mutual weak reducibility. Let [Formula: see text] be the lattice of weak degrees of mass problems associated with nonempty [Formula: see text] subsets of the (...) space. The lattice [Formula: see text] has been studied in previous publications. The purpose of this paper is to show that [Formula: see text] partakes of hyperarithmeticity. We exhibit a family of specific, natural degrees in [Formula: see text] which are indexed by the ordinal numbers less than [Formula: see text] and which correspond to the hyperarithmetical hierarchy. Namely, for each [Formula: see text], let hα be the weak degree of 0, the αth Turing jump of 0. If p is the weak degree of any mass problem P, let p* be the weak degree of the mass problem P* = {Y | ∃X ⊆ BLR )} where BLR is the set of functions which are boundedly limit recursive in X. Let 1 be the top degree in [Formula: see text]. We prove that all of the weak degrees [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text], are distinct and belong to [Formula: see text]. In addition, we prove that certain index sets associated with [Formula: see text] are [Formula: see text] complete. (shrink)
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    Brouwer’s Fan Theorem as an axiom and as a contrast to Kleene’s alternative.Wim Veldman - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (5):621-693.
    The paper is a contribution to intuitionistic reverse mathematics. We introduce a formal system called Basic Intuitionistic Mathematics BIM, and then search for statements that are, over BIM, equivalent to Brouwer’s Fan Theorem or to its positive denial, Kleene’s Alternative to the Fan Theorem. The Fan Theorem is true under the intended intuitionistic interpretation and Kleene’s Alternative is true in the model of BIM consisting of the Turing-computable functions. The task of finding equivalents of Kleene’s Alternative is, intuitionistically, a nontrivial (...)
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    Free Algebras in Varieties of Glivenko MTL-Algebras Satisfying the Equation 2(x²) = (2x)².Roberto Cignoli & Antoni Torrens Torrell - 2006 - Studia Logica 83 (1-3):157 - 181.
    The aim of this paper is to give a description of the free algebras in some varieties of Glivenko MTL-algebras having the Boolean retraction property. This description is given (generalizing the results of [9]) in terms of weak Boolean products over Cantor spaces. We prove that in some cases the stalks can be obtained in a constructive way from free kernel DL-algebras, which are the maximal radical of directly indecomposable Glivenko MTL-algebras satisfying the equation in the title. We include (...)
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    Determinacy of Wadge classes and subsystems of second order arithmetic.Takako Nemoto - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (2):154-176.
    In this paper we study the logical strength of the determinacy of infinite binary games in terms of second order arithmetic. We define new determinacy schemata inspired by the Wadge classes of Polish spaces and show the following equivalences over the system RCA0*, which consists of the axioms of discrete ordered semi‐rings with exponentiation, Δ10 comprehension and Π00 induction, and which is known as a weaker system than the popularbase theory RCA0: 1. Bisep(Δ10, Σ10)‐Det* ↔ WKL0, 2. Bisep(Δ10, Σ20)‐Det* ↔ (...)
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  44. New directions in descriptive set theory.Alexander S. Kechris - 1999 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5 (2):161-174.
    §1. I will start with a quick definition of descriptive set theory: It is the study of the structure of definable sets and functions in separable completely metrizable spaces. Such spaces are usually called Polish spaces. Typical examples are ℝn, ℂn, Hilbert space and more generally all separable Banach spaces, the Cantor space 2ℕ, the Baire space ℕℕ, the infinite symmetric group S∞, the unitary group, the group of measure preserving transformations of the unit interval, etc.In (...)
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    Algorithmic randomness, reverse mathematics, and the dominated convergence theorem.Jeremy Avigad, Edward T. Dean & Jason Rute - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (12):1854-1864.
    We analyze the pointwise convergence of a sequence of computable elements of L1 in terms of algorithmic randomness. We consider two ways of expressing the dominated convergence theorem and show that, over the base theory RCA0, each is equivalent to the assertion that every Gδ subset of Cantor space with positive measure has an element. This last statement is, in turn, equivalent to weak weak Königʼs lemma relativized to the Turing jump of any set. It is also equivalent (...)
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    The descriptive set-theoretical complexity of the embeddability relation on models of large size.Luca Motto Ros - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (12):1454-1492.
    We show that if κ is a weakly compact cardinal then the embeddability relation on trees of size κ is invariantly universal. This means that for every analytic quasi-order R on the generalized Cantor space View the MathML source there is an Lκ+κ-sentence φ such that the embeddability relation on its models of size κ, which are all trees, is Borel bi-reducible to R. In particular, this implies that the relation of embeddability on trees of size κ is (...)
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    A proof of topological completeness for S4 in.Grigori Mints & Ting Zhang - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 133 (1-3):231-245.
    The completeness of the modal logic S4 for all topological spaces as well as for the real line , the n-dimensional Euclidean space and the segment etc. was proved by McKinsey and Tarski in 1944. Several simplified proofs contain gaps. A new proof presented here combines the ideas published later by G. Mints and M. Aiello, J. van Benthem, G. Bezhanishvili with a further simplification. The proof strategy is to embed a finite rooted Kripke structure for S4 into a (...)
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    Canjar Filters.Osvaldo Guzmán, Michael Hrušák & Arturo Martínez-Celis - 2017 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 58 (1):79-95.
    If $\mathcal{F}$ is a filter on $\omega$, we say that $\mathcal{F}$ is Canjar if the corresponding Mathias forcing does not add a dominating real. We prove that any Borel Canjar filter is $F_{\sigma}$, solving a problem of Hrušák and Minami. We give several examples of Canjar and non-Canjar filters; in particular, we construct a $\mathsf{MAD}$ family such that the corresponding Mathias forcing adds a dominating real. This answers a question of Brendle. Then we prove that in all the “classical” models (...)
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    On a second order propositional operator in intuitionistic logic.A. A. Troelstra - 1981 - Studia Logica 40:113.
    This paper studies, by way of an example, the intuitionistic propositional connective * defined in the language of second order propositional logic by * ≡ ∃Q. In full topological models * is not generally definable but over Cantor-space and the reals it can be classically shown that *↔ ⅂⅂P; on the other hand, this is false constructively, i.e. a contradiction with Church's thesis is obtained. This is comparable with some well-known results on the completeness of intuitionistic first-order predicate (...)
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    The ∀∃-theory of the effectively closed Medvedev degrees is decidable.Joshua A. Cole & Takayuki Kihara - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (1):1-16.
    We show that there is a computable procedure which, given an ∀∃-sentence ${\varphi}$ in the language of the partially ordered sets with a top element 1 and a bottom element 0, computes whether ${\varphi}$ is true in the Medvedev degrees of ${\Pi^0_1}$ classes in Cantor space, sometimes denoted by ${\mathcal{P}_s}$.
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