Results for 'Catolicismo., Cosmologia. Modernidade. Catholicism. Cosmology. Modernity'

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  1.  31
    Cosmologia e estrutura de longo curso do catolicismo na dinâmica da modernidade (Cosmology and long term structure of catholicism in the dynamics of modernity) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2011v9n23p746. [REVIEW]Marcelo Ayres Camurça - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (23):746-762.
    A tendência de uma sociologia do catolicismo contemporâneo no país nestes últimos anos foi de reduzi-lo a uma instituição política e social movida por interesses de poder no campo religioso e no espaço público, dispensando a mediação de sua cosmologia como pano de fundo de sua atuação. A partir do livro pioneiro de Roberto Romano (1976) que resgata o papel da cosmologia católica na sua intervenção pública, e seguindo os estudos de Sanchis (1994) e Steil (1996) que chamam a atenção (...)
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    Igreja católica e modernização social. A crise do catolicismo a partir da experiência missionária de um grupo de jovens italianos em Belo Horizonte nos anos 1960.Massimo Bonato - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (38):1169-1170.
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    Domínios diferenciados e refluxos identitários: o pensamento católico “antimoderno” no Brasil.Rodrigo Coppe Caldeira - 2004 - Horizonte 2 (4):97-111.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo visualizar a formação de um grupo católico brasileiro, o grupo que se forma em torno de Plínio Corrêa de Oliveira e sua suposta identidade “antimoderna”. Além de buscar rapidamente circunscrever o conceito de modernidade e historicizar sobre a gênese do grupo e de suas principais idéias, aponta algumas possibilidades teóricas para a leitura do aspecto identitário. O texto reflete pesquisa de mestrado intitulada “Entre a verdade e a sedução: um estudo sobre a inflexão católica ‘antimoderna’ (...)
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    Defining “Cosmology” in the Early Modern System of Knowledge, 1530–1621.Dario Tessicini - 2022 - Perspectives on Science 30 (5):826-850.
    This article seeks to revise the common scholarly assumption that in early modern Europe there was no single word for the study of the universe as a whole until the word “cosmology” appeared in Christian Wolff’s Cosmologia generalis methodo scientifica pertractata (1731). In fact, the term “cosmology” had circulated in both Latin and European languages since at least the 1530s in the context of critical appraisals of the largely dominant Aristotelian and scholastic frameworks. The aim of this study is to (...)
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    Bispos conservadores brasileiros no Concílio Vaticano II (1962-1965): D. Geraldo de Proença Sigaud e D. Antônio de Castro Mayer-DOI: 10.5752/P. 2175-5841.2011 v9n24p1010. [REVIEW]Rodrigo Coppe Caldeira - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (24):1010-1029.
    Desde o século XIX o catolicismo foi assinalado por uma divisão interna advinda das demandas pastorais de como a Igreja Católica deveria se situar e responder aos novos desafios lançados pela modernidade. Uns entendiam que ela deveria dialogar com modernidade, abrindo-se àquelas perspectivas positivas do projeto moderno, outros negavam qualquer possibilidade de tal diálogo, vendo nos valores modernos apenas anticristianismo e perdição, defendendo o lançamento de anátemas aqueles que, possivelmente, se desviassem da ortodoxia. O Concílio Vaticano II (1962-1965) pode ser (...)
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    Dos interesses weberianos dos sociólogos da religião: um olhar perspectivo sobre as interpretações do pentecostalismo no Brasil.Paulo Gracino Júnior - 2008 - Horizonte 6 (12):69-92.
    Resumo O objetivo central deste texto é mapear a influência da sociologia weberiana na produção intelectual sobre o fenômeno religioso no Brasil. Mais especificamente, buscaremos compreender de que forma a prédica weberiana que estabelece a "afinidade" do protestantismo pietista com o "desencantamento" das imagens religiosas do mundo e a modernidade capitalista foi apropriada pela Sociologia da Religião, na tentativa de compreender o crescimento do pentecostalismo no Brasil. Assim, rastrearemos a produção sociológica, buscando estabelecer um paralelo entre as representações da sociedade (...)
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    Ni humanos, ni animales, ni monstruos: La decolonización Del cuerpo transgénero.Pedro Javier DiPietro - 2020 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte:254-291.
    RESUMEN El apetito rapaz de los conquistadores produjo sodomitas Indígenas en Abya Yala. Corrompió también sus entendimientos sobre vitalidad corporal. La violación convirtió una permeabilidad anal, que comunicaba varias formas de lo vital, en un acto de destitución socio-corporal. La permeabilidad carnal Indígena, y su transición, quedó signada como infrahumana. La colonialidad oculta esa condición infrahumana al confundir las movilidades transgéneros con todo tipo de disconformidad corporal. Al considerar la permeabilidad corporal como un índice de disidencia tanto cognitiva como sexual, (...)
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  8. Naturaleza, física y superstición en los Pensamientos diversos sobre el cometa de Pierre Bayle: una refutación cartesiana de la cosmología de Aristóteles.Ana Maria C. Minecan - 2017 - Revista Paideía 108:51-67.
    This article analyzes the physical theory presented by Pierre Bayle in the new Spanish translation of Various Thoughts on the Occasion of the Comet. First, it deals with his critcism of the supertitous aspects of tradition, and subsequently, it analyzes his position, inspired by Descartes, regarding the physical nature of comets as opposed to the aristotelian cosmology, trough the analysis of five key issues: influence of distance, propagation of light, interaction between particles, difference between systems and problem of qualities.
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    The encyclical Laudato si’ in the context of modernity: a voice in the dialogue on the ecological crisis.Albert Florensa Iqs & Joaquin Menacho Iqs - 2019 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 75 (283 S.Esp):189-201.
    El hecho de que vivamos en un mundo plural e interconectado hace necesario que los problemas comunes, como la crisis ambiental, se resuelvan en común. Una de las mejores maneras de lograr esto es a través del diálogo, cuanto más extenso, mejor. La pluralidad, que tiene muchas virtudes, también puede llevar a dificultades al definir las condiciones de posibilidad de dicho diálogo. El presente trabajo desea analizar si la Iglesia Católica, a través de la encíclica «Laudato Si» del Papa Francisco, (...)
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  10.  24
    Os missionários redentoristas alemães e as expectativas de progresso e modernização em Goiás.Robson Rodrigues Gomes Filho - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (50):944-948.
    Founded in 1732 in Scala by Afonso Maria de Liguori, the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer became one of the most important Catholic missionary congregations to work in Europe in the 19th century, both in the consolidation of ideals ultramontanos, as in the religious action with the faithful Catholics of the peripheries and rural areas. In Germany the Redemptorists experienced until the 1860s an intense moment of missionary activity and parochial care, especially in Bavaria, whereby they became especially known (...)
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    Catholicism and Modern Scholarship.James Turner - 2000 - Ethical Perspectives 7 (4):279-287.
    Few, if any, historical developments are more complex than the long evolution that historians and sociologists commonly and too loosely call `secularization.' That term encompasses a bewildering variety of ways in which, over the span of centuries, religion and religious institutions lost much of their importance and power in western European and American culture and society. There were also a bewildering variety of reasons why religion in so many different ways found itself more and more on the cultural margins.Yet, however (...)
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    Cosmologia carteziană [Cartesian Cosmology; in Romanian].Mihnea Dobre - 2021 - Bucharest: Bucharest University Press.
    Lucrarea de față explorează receptarea cosmologiei lui René Descartes ca “fizică mozaică”. În mod tradițional, teoria lui Descartes despre formarea și structura lumii a fost citită în lumina unei explicații mecanice bazate pe teoria vârtejurilor. La un nivel mai general, problemele discutate în lucrarea de față se circumscriu unui cadru mai amplu de dezbateri, specifice cosmologiei filosofice.
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  13.  82
    From 'Catholicism Against Modernity' to the Problematic 'Modernity of Catholicism'.Staf Hellemans - 2001 - Ethical Perspectives 8 (2):117-127.
    Since the French Revolution the relationship between the Catholic church and modernity has always been very troublesome. First I will describe how the church saw its own position with regard to modernity and how its stance evolved. In a second stage, I will then focus on how modernity `framed' Catholicism: this I will refer to as the modernity and modernization of Catholicism. The insights obtained will be used in a third part in order to get a (...)
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  14.  42
    Las geopolíticas del conocimiento y colonialidad del poder. Entrevista a Walter Mignolo.Catherine Walsh - 2003 - Polis 4.
    La entrevista recorre conceptos como “las geopolíticas del conocimiento” aplicada a América Latina y postula que la región es un producto geopolítico fabricado e impuesto por la “modernidad”, donde “América Latina” se fue fabricando como algo desplazado de la modernidad; o a la filosofía, que se narra de Grecia a Europa, quedando todo el resto del planeta fuera de la historia de la filosofía. Invita el entrevistado a dejar de pensar que lo que vale como conocimiento está en ciertas lenguas (...)
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    Tres Argumentos Keplerianos Contra El Universo Homogéneo.Francisco Javier Luna - 2018 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 8 (2):89.
    Este texto pretende analizar tres argumentos esgrimidos por Johannes Kepler en su polémica contra la cosmología de Giordano Bruno. Se ha considerado que existe una diferencia fundamental entre Bruno, quien hizo de la idea de un universo infinito la base de su filosofía natural, y Kepler, quien optó por un universo finito y concéntrico para su sistema astronómico. A pesar de que existen diferencias entre los dos autores mencionados, yo sostengo que también se dio un progresivo acercamiento de Kepler a (...)
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  16.  30
    Catholicism and Modern Secular Existence. [REVIEW]Rudolph E. Morris - 1960 - Renascence 13 (1):43-45.
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    Reconciling Science and Religion: THE DEBATE IN EARLY-TWENTIETH-CENTURY BRITAIN.Peter J. Bowler - 2001 - University of Chicago Press.
    Although much has been written about the vigorous debates over science and religion in the Victorian era, little attention has been paid to their continuing importance in early twentieth-century Britain. Reconciling Science and Religion provides a comprehensive survey of the interplay between British science and religion from the late nineteenth century to World War II. Peter J. Bowler argues that unlike the United States, where a strong fundamentalist opposition to evolutionism developed in the 1920s (most famously expressed in the Scopes (...)
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  18.  10
    The problem of dialogue between Orthodoxy and Catholicism in modern conditions.Andriy Gerasymchuk & Bogdan Boiko - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:477-480.
    Humanity in the conditions of globalization is getting closer and unified in the realm of economy, politics, culture. This is to some extent characterized by interfaith relations.The confessional network in Ukraine has already almost finished. If some new religious movements appear, they will not be very successful, but will remain at the level of individual communities. Believers in their confessional preferences are largely determined. Sometimes there is even a curtailment of the activities of some new, as for Ukraine, currents. There (...)
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  19.  30
    La autoridad de la conciencia ante el Concilio de Trento. Contribución a la prehistoria de la subjetividad moderna.Danièle Letocha - 2005 - Ideas Y Valores 54 (127):3-34.
    In the context of the crisis of the European culture of the XVI century with the displacement of its cultural evidence towards modernity and its questioning of authority, the Conciliate of Trento, that has profoundly marked the profile of roman Catholicism is analyzed. The complexity of the prop..
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  20. Women and fundamentalism in Islam and Catholicism: Negotiating modernity in a Globalised world [Book Review].Therese Vassarotti - 2011 - The Australasian Catholic Record 88 (4):500.
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  21.  41
    Back to a trinitarian ontology. Person and Trinity in Edith Stein’s Finite and Eternal Being.Agustina María Lombardi - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43:89-106.
    Resumen Según el diagnóstico sobre la academia contemporánea del pensador italiano Piero Coda, la teología, disciplina escindida de la filósofa desde la modernidad, se ha reducido a una mera apologética de la fe. En este marco, la Trinidad se vacía de contenido ontológico, dejando de ser principio de interpretación de la realidad. En el presente artículo analizaré las consecuencias antropológicas que posee el hecho de que la creación, específicamente del hombre, sea imago Trinitatis en el pensamiento de Edith Stein. En (...)
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  22.  14
    Feature of institutionalization processes in Ukrainian Greek Catholicism in modern conditions.Olga Nedavnya - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:301-308.
    The development of each Church is denoted by one or another landmark, most of which are well-known to all, although there are also few known or those whose influence on the evolution of the Church is not evident. The Second Vatican Council is an event that, without exaggeration, can be a determinant of the time "before" and "after", not only for the Catholic Church, where it took place. Since this Cathedral was a significant stage of qualitative development, or not the (...)
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    The local church in the west (1500–1945).Giuseppe Alberigo - 1987 - Heythrop Journal 28 (2):125–143.
    Book reviewed in this article: Ezekiel 2: A Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, Chapters 25–48. By Walther Zimmerli. The Prophets, Vol. II: The Babylonian and Persian Periods. By Klaus Koch. Intertestamental Literature by Martin McNamara. Palestinian Judaism and the New Testament by Martin McNamara. Jesus and the World of Judaism. By Geza Vermes. The Rediscovery of Jesus's Eschatological Discourse. By David Wenham. Sexism and God Talk: Towards a Feminist Theology. By Rosemary Ruether. In Memory of Her: A (...)
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    Catholicism, the peace of Westphalia, and the origins of modern international law.Charlotte Ku - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (2):734-739.
    (1996). Catholicism, the peace of Westphalia, and the origins of modern international law. The European Legacy: Vol. 1, Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the study of European Ideas, pp. 734-739.
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    La noción de "horizonte" como reflejo de las disputas astronómicas en torno a la posición de la Tierra.Leonardo Levinas & Aníbal Szapiro - 2013 - Scientiae Studia 11 (4):763-784.
    Analizamos las transformaciones de la noción de "horizonte" en la modernidad a través de sus usos en obras científicas del período 1440-1624; en particular, en el marco de la discusión que tuvo lugar a propósito de la disputa entre geocentristas y heliocentristas con relación al argumento ptolemaico que establecía que el comportamiento del horizonte probaba la posición central de la Tierra. Señalamos cómo el concepto de "horizonte" es representativo de otros conceptos fundamentales que caracterizan a los sistemas cosmológicos en pugna, (...)
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  26.  49
    "In Defense of Decadent Europe," by Raymond Aron; "Catholicism and Modernity," by James Hitchcock; "Joy Without a Cause," by Christopher Derrick; "Citizen of Rome," by F. D. Wilhelmsen; and "Reclaiming a Patrimony," by Russell Kirk. [REVIEW]George Macdonald - 1984 - The Chesterton Review 10 (1):79-81.
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    (2 other versions)Cosmology in the Philosophical Education of Ukraine: History and Modern Condition.Sergii Rudenko, Yaroslav Sobolievskyi & Vadym Tytarenko - 2018 - Filosofiâ I Kosmologiâ 20:128-138.
    The article is devoted to the philosophy of cosmology, its history and contemporary conditions, the tradition of studying and modern trends in teaching this discipline in higher education in Ukraine. There is problem of defining the subject of philosophy of cosmology, there are similar and different motifs with modern astrophysics, cosmology on the one hand, and, with the history of philosophy and modern philosophy on the other hand. The change in the subject of the philosophy of cosmology in the history (...)
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  28.  9
    Talking God: philosophers on belief.Gary Gutting (ed.) - 2016 - New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
    Through interviews with twelve distinguished philosophers—including atheists, agnostics, and believers—Talking God works toward a philosophical understanding and evaluation of religion. Along the way, Gary Gutting and his interviewees challenge many common assumptions about religious beliefs. As tensions simmer, and often explode, between the secular and the religious forces in modern life, the big questions about human belief press ever more urgently. Where does belief, or its lack, originate? How can we understand and appreciate religious traditions different from our own? Featuring (...)
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  29.  35
    Peter M.J. Hess and Paul L. Allen, Catholicism and Science. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2008. Pp. xxvi+241. ISBN 978-0-313-33190-9. $65.00 .Don O'Leary, Roman Catholicism and Modern Science: A History. London and New York: Continuum, 2006. Pp. xx+356. ISBN 0-8264-1868-6. £18.99. [REVIEW]Juliana Adelman - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Science 43 (2):295-296.
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    Catholicism and Science. Roman Catholicism and Modern Science: A History. [REVIEW]Dana Freiberg & Ronald Numbers - 2009 - Isis 100:636-638.
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    Peter M. J. Hess;, Paul L. Allen. Catholicism and Science. xxvi + 241 pp., figs., bibl., index. Westport, Conn./London: Greenwood Press, 2008. $65 .Don O'Leary. Roman Catholicism and Modern Science: A History. xx + 376 pp., bibl., index. New York/London: Continuum, 2006. $34.95. [REVIEW]Dana A. Freiburger & Ronald L. Numbers - 2009 - Isis 100 (3):636-638.
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  32.  8
    A Manual of Modern Scholastic Philosophy: Volume I: Cosmology, Psychology, Epistemology, Ontology.Cardinal Mercier - 2022 - BoD – Books on Demand.
    Cardinal Mercier’s Manual of Modern Scholastic Philosophy is a standard work, prepared at the Higher Institute of Philosophy, Louvain, mainly for the use of clerical students in Catholic Seminaries. Though undoubtedly elementary, it contains a clear, simple, and methodological exposition of the principles and problems of every department of philosophy, and its appeal is not to any particular class, but broadly human and universal. Volume I includes a general introduction to philosophy and sections on cosmology, psychology, criteriology, and metaphysics or (...)
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  33.  55
    Kalam Cosmological Argument and the Modern Science.Enis Doko - 2018 - Kader 16 (1):1-13.
    Huduth argument (in contemporary Western philosophy known as Kalam Cosmological argument) is an argument for the existence of God which rests on the idea that the universe has a beginning in time. Some theists have claimed that modern science, particularly modern cosmology and second law of thermodynamics supports the key premise of the argument which argues that universe began to exist. On the other hand, some atheists have claimed that Quantum Mechanics have demonstrated that particles can be created without cause (...)
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  34. Modernidade, inf'ncia e linguagem em Walter Benjamin // Modernity, childhood and language in Walter Benjamin.Eloiza Gurgel Pires - 2016 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 21 (2):245-274.
    Este estudo retoma os limiares de Walter Benjamin, nos escritos e espaços de errâncias que condensam o pensamento do filósofo em torno do processo de modernidade em um conjunto de transformações no tempo e no espaço da grande cidade. Interessam-nos, sobretudo, os estudos de cidade de Benjamin articulados à sua crítica do conhecimento. No rastro do pensamento benjaminiano, a cidade é pensada enquanto corpus de reflexão que envolve outras categorias para além do racionalismo que torna as imagens urbanas uma série (...)
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  35.  23
    Hebrew catholicism: Theology and politics in modern Israel.Leon Menzies Racionzer - 2004 - Heythrop Journal 45 (4):405–415.
  36. Early Modern Women on the Cosmological Argument: A Case Study in Feminist History of Philosophy.Marcy P. Lascano - 2019 - In Eileen O’Neill & Marcy P. Lascano (eds.), Feminist History of Philosophy: The Recovery and Evaluation of Women’s Philosophical Thought. Springer, NM 87747, USA: Springer. pp. 23-47.
    This chapter discusses methodology in feminist history of philosophy and shows that women philosophers made interesting and original contributions to the debates concerning the cosmological argument. I set forth and examine the arguments of Mary Astell, Damaris Masham, Catherine Trotter Cockburn, Emilie Du Châtelet, and Mary Shepherd, and discuss their involvement with philosophical issues and debates surrounding the cosmological argument. I argue that their contributions are original, philosophically interesting, and result from participation in the ongoing debates and controversies about the (...)
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  37.  13
    Primordial Alchemy & Modern Religion: Essays on Traditional Cosmology.Rodney Blackhirst - 2008 - Sophia Perennis.
    Of all the traditional sciences it is alchemy based as it is in metallurgy that is directly concerned with the coming of the industrial order. In alchemical terms modern man lives in the Ferric Age and his state is best analogized to the properties of the metal iron, hard, cold, unbending but quick to succumb to corrosion and rust. The great ancient wisdom traditions of the world all anticipated this present age for it was already implicit in the technological and (...)
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    Modern Cosmology and the Christian Idea of God.H. A. Brück - 1953 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 3:178-179.
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    (2 other versions)Modernity, Creation, and Catholicism: Leo Strauss and Benedict XVI.Marc D. Guerra - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (6).
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    II: Modern Cosmology and the Concept of God.W. H. McCrea - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (105):160-163.
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    Crisis de la modernidad en el pensamiento español: desde el Barroco y en la europeización del siglo XX / The Crisis of Modernity in Spanish Thought Since the Barroque and in the Europaization of the XX Century.Luis Jiménez Moreno - 1993 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 10:93-118.
    Frente al modelo epistémico de la modernidad "ideas claras y distintas", "ordine geometrico", en el barroco español prevalece la expresión de los símbolos y la referencia a los valores, la nada, la vida, la temporalidad, os sueños y la sabiduría intuitiva y proyectiva: san Juan de la Cruz, Gracián, Quevedo, Calderón... También en el s. XX, el modo de entender "europeo" es diferente. Unamuno habla del "método de la pasión" y "sabiduría frente a la ciencia" ; Ortega de "la interpretación (...)
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  42. Catholicism, Modernism, and Modernity: The Concrete Logic, the Philosophy of Insufficiency, and the Option in Maurice Blondel's "la Pensee" and "L'etre Et les Etres".Gregory B. Sadler - 2002 - Dissertation, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
    Maurice Blondel's later works address the problem of the relationship between the Catholic Church and tradition and modernity. This dissertation situates Blondel's developed position between the analyses of modern philosophy and culture developed in the encyclicals Pascendi Dominicus Gregis and Fides et Ratio. Modernism in Catholic circles bears implications for philosophy in general, since modernism has its source in modern philosophy and the culture it gives rise to and reinforces. Three key concepts operating in Blondel's later works are the (...)
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    Modern Cosmology & Philosophy.John Leslie (ed.) - 1998 - Prometheus Books.
    Did the universe originate from a "big bang" as argued by leading astrophysicists and others? Or does some other theory more accurately describe its beginnings? Are there other forms of life in the universe? What about other universes? This volume discusses these and other topics in this hotly debated area where philosophy and science meet.
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    A dimensão simbólica e espiritual da biodiversidade nas cosmologias indígenas e abordagens filosóficas (The symbolic and spiritual dimension of biological diversity in indigenous cosmologies approaches) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2010v8n17p11. [REVIEW]Maristela Oliveira de Andrade - 2010 - Horizonte 8 (17):11-25.
    Este trabalho propõe uma reflexão em torno da biodiversidade, a partir da crítica à política de conservação da diversidade biológica, estabelecida pela Convenção sobre Biodiversidade, considerando que ela se encontra impregnada de uma lógica utilitária e econômica. Mesmo reconhecendo os efeitos dos saberes e práticas das comunidades tradicionais como forma de manejo sustentável da biodiversidade, ela é omissa em relação à dimensão simbólica e espiritual presente nas cosmologias indígenas e seu papel conservacionista. A abordagem proposta aqui foi norteada por uma (...)
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    Religião e Catolicismo em Belo Horizonte: dados de pesquisa e leitura teológico-pastoral (Religion and Catholicism in Belo Horizonte: research data and interpretation theological-pastoral)-DOI: 10.5752/P. 2175-5841.2012 v10n28p1255. [REVIEW]Roberlei Panasiewicz - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (28):1255-1279.
    A dinamicidade do mundo atual chama a atenção. A rotatividade confronta-se com o permanente. Pensar ações pastorais no mundo atual supõe clara compreensão da realidade. Nesse sentido, a arquidiocese de Belo Horizonte encomendou uma pesquisa realizada em 2012 intitulada “Valores e religião na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte”. Essa reflexão pretende apresentar os dados dessa pesquisa e apontar desafios no âmbito teológico-pastoral. A pesquisa atesta a presença do pluralismo e da mobilidade religiosa e critica a falta de diálogo inter-religioso. Valoriza (...)
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    The Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God and the Resurrection of the Dead.Brian Rotman & Frank J. Tipler - 1994 - Substance 24 (3):150.
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    Catholicism.Christopher B. Barnett & Peter Šajda - 2015 - In Jon Stewart (ed.), A Companion to Kierkegaard. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 237–249.
    The so‐called “Kierkegaard Renaissance,” which took place in Germany during the interwar period, was not merely the province of figures such as Karl Barth and Martin Heidegger. A number of Catholic thinkers were involved as well. Indeed, after the well‐known Kierkegaard scholar Theodor Haecker converted to Catholicism in 1921, Kierkegaard's thought became a popular topic among the group of Catholic intellectuals known as the Hochland Circle, which included the priest and author Romano Guardini. Such interest, in turn, prompted French theologian (...)
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    Philosophical problems of modern cosmology.Lz Fang - 1988 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 19 (4):55-64.
    Cosmology is a field riddled with controversy. With regard to cosmology itself, there are several different schools of thought. Some think that there is basically no such thing as scientific cosmology, and that cosmology is just a pseudoscience. Or as the French physicist Brillouin put it, cosmology is "pure fantasy." A second school says that the value of cosmology is undeniable. Astronomical observations and measurements have already encountered large-scale problems, and these problems have an objective existence; they are not fabricated. (...)
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  49. Modern cosmology - a cognitive approach God?Winfried Loffler - 2009 - Philosophy and Culture 36 (8):157-171.
    From cosmology to the fact that the existence of God and nature, to address these issues, the development of two kinds of controversial contemporary line of argument, I compared and assessed in this paper: the physical cosmology as a starting argument and the natural design as a starting point of the argument. I made ​​some preliminary assessment of the court. The results showed that the Big Bang argument are quite reasonable, however, found the natural design of the demonstration clearly insufficient. (...)
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    Modern Cosmology and Some Implications for Religion.Joel Primack - 2005 - Faith and Philosophy 22 (5):615-621.
    Throughout history cultures have adopted cosmological myths as a means to understand the world and the place of human beings in that world. Since the time of Galileo and Descartes the cosmological myths of religion were permanently divorced from the cosmological accounts grounded in the natural sciences.Nonetheless, even contemporary scientific cosmology can act as a controllingmetaphor for thinking about humanity and its fate.
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