Results for 'Christian ethics Reformed authors'

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  1.  43
    Community, Liberalism and Christian Ethics.David Fergusson - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book explores some issues on the borderland between moral philosophy and Christian theology. Particular attention is paid to the issues at stake between liberals and communitarians and the dispute between realists, non-realists and quasi-realists. In the course of the discussion the writings of Alasdair MacIntyre, George Lindbeck and Stanley Hauerwas are examined. While sympathetic to many of the typical features of post-liberalism, the argument is critical at selected points in seeking to defend realism and accommodate some aspects of (...)
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    Reformed ethics.Herman Bavinck - 2019 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group. Edited by John Bolt.
    volume 1. Created, fallen, and converted humanity -- volume 2. The duties of the Christian life.
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    The groundwork of Christian ethics.Norman Hamilton Galloway Robinson - 1971 - Grand Rapids, Mich.,: Eerdmans.
    "Many theologians, as well as many philosophers, may be heard today asserting that there neither is nor can be any such thing as a uniquely Christian ethical system. On the one hand it is argued that an ethic based on revelation must be inherently static, unable to respond to new demands and situations; but if the ethical code is little more than a refinement of so-called natural law or natural morality, then there is no reason to term it (...). In consequence, most of the current discussion in the field of ethics addresses itself almost exclusively to a consideration of such specific issues as war, sex, abortion or mercy killing. Professor N. H. G. Robinson, however, turns his attention to the basic question of what Christian ethics really is. Morality, Robinson argues, was not created by Christianity, but exists independently; all men are subject to it, whatever their belief. This fundamental truth about human beings is of profound significance for theology, which must continue to insist upon an objective moral code. We will never understand Christian ethics, Robinson asserts, until we accept the doctrine of natural morality. But there can hardly be two moralities—one natural and the other supernatural—each competing for our obedience. Rejecting both the medieval and the post-Reformation approaches to the relationship of natural and Christian ethics, Robinson looks to the redemptive nature of Christian revelation for his answer. Moral standards are not merely imposed upon us, nor do we invent them; we discover them—their authority depends on their existing independently of us. It is the entry of redemptive revelation into the system of moral philosophy that creates what Robinson describes as "natural morality, judged, reoriented and transformed, and brought under the forgiving and reconciling lordship of Christ, which constitutes the Christian life." Here, then, is no inflexible, static code, incapable of responding to change. Rather, Robinson, describes a creative ethic that is objective, normative, and theocentric, a morality always in the making; it is a way of life, not a closed system. "Moral rules," he overserves, "are yesterday's moral solutions." Teh Groundwork of Christian Ethics is a major contribution to the field of Christian ethics which no serious student can afford to overlook."-Publisher. (shrink)
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    The Market Economy and Christian Ethics.Peter H. Sedgwick - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Peter Sedgwick explores the relation of a theology of justice to that of human identity in the context of the market economy, and engages with critics of capitalism and the market. He examines three aspects of the market economy: first, how does it shape personal identity, through consumption and the experience of paid employment in relation to the work ethic? Second, what impact does the global economy have on local cultures? Finally, as manufacturing changes out of all recognition through the (...)
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    Studying Christian Ethics: The Birth of the Society for the Study of Christian Ethics and the Context Out of Which It Grew.Stephen Platten - 2013 - Studies in Christian Ethics 26 (2):205-223.
    This article traces the history of the foundation of the Society for the Study of Christian Ethics. It glances back to the birth of the Church of England during the Reformation era and then proceeds to examine the development of Christian ethics and moral theology in the twentieth century. It places Anglican developments within the wider ecumenical context. Drawing on personal correspondence and the author’s own involvement in the Society the article is the first account of (...)
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    Love and Christian Ethics: Tradition, Theory, and Society eds. by Frederick V. Simmons and Brian C. Sorrels.Michael Le Chevallier - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (2):210-211.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Love and Christian Ethics: Tradition, Theory, and Society eds. by Frederick V. Simmons and Brian C. SorrelsMichael Le ChevallierLove and Christian Ethics: Tradition, Theory, and Society Edited by Frederick V. Simmons and Brian C. Sorrels WASHINGTON, DC: GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2016. 400 pp. $119.00 / $39.95Fredrick Simmons and Brian Sorrels present an impressive, cohesive volume of essays by twenty-two leading scholars who engage different (...)
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    Clearing a space for human action: ethical ontology in the early theology of Karl Barth.Archibald James Spencer - 2003 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Clearing a Space for Human Action demonstrates how Karl Barth's concern for ethical description cannot be separated from his concern for a proper theological description of the God-human relationship. Early in his career, Barth attempted to describe human ethical agency in terms that respected the co-inherence of dogmatics and ethics, but in such a way that neither human nor divine agency suffered absorption into the other. This book's conclusion calls for a treatment of Barth's Dogmatics as a sustained theological (...)
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  8.  12
    The reformation of morals: a parallel Arabic-English text.Yaḥyá ibn ʻAdī - 2002 - Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press. Edited by Sidney Harrison Griffith.
    Under the title The Reformation of Morals , the tenth-century Syrian Orthodox scholar Yahya ibn 'Adi offered encouragement to the effort to promote moral perfection, especially among kings and other members of the social elite: his tract, on the social virtues and vices, gives extensive advice about the cultivation of the former and the extirpation of the latter. Where there are many echoes of Hellenistic moral philosophy in his presentation, the topical profile of the work and the language the author (...)
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    Pathways in ethics: justice, interpretation, discourse, economics.Piet Naud‚ - 2016 - Stellenbosch, South Africa: African Sun Media, under the Sun Press imprint.
    ÿ"The public rationality of Christian faith is demonstrated in the way that Christian convictions make contributions to the contents and substance of intellectual, pluralistic public discourses on themes like economic justice and human rights. The impact of Christian faith for all walks of life, from the most intimate individual life to the most social, global and cosmic life, are dealt with in this great work of Public Theology from the African soil." - Prof Nico Koopman.
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  10.  32
    The hastening that waits: Karl Barth's ethics.Nigel Biggar - 1993 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book offers a fresh and up-to-date account of the ethical thought of Karl Barth, one of the twentieth century's greatest theologians. In it, the author seeks to recover Barth's ethics from some widespread misunderstandings, and also presents a picture of it as a whole. Drawing on recently published sources, Biggar construes the ethics of the Church Dogmatics as it might have been had Barth lived to complete it. However, The Hastening that Waits is more than apology and (...)
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  11.  23
    Christian Ethics: A Historical and Systematic Analysis of Its Dominant Idea. [REVIEW]P. S. C. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (4):751-752.
    Faruqi's book is more about Christian dogmatics than about ethics. Its interest stems from the fact that the author is a Muslim who knows recent Protestant thought well and is not afraid to call Karl Barth a bigot. After an interesting but unrelated introduction on methodology in the history of religions, the author settles down to some pet Muslim peeves concerning the doctrines of original sin and the divinity of Christ. Instead of the Jesus of history he presents (...)
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  12.  27
    Commanding grace: studies in Karl Barth's ethics.Daniel L. Migliore (ed.) - 2010 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
    . Commanding Grace: Karl Barth's Theological Ethics Daniel L. Migliore Interest in Barth's theology continues to grow. Its consistently high quality, ...
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  13.  42
    The analogy of grace: Karl Barth's moral theology.Gerald McKenny - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Once considered inimical to ethics, Karl Barth's theology is now rightly recognized for the central role ethics plays in it. But can Barth be safely placed in the mainstream tradition of Christian moral theology or does he offer a challenge to the latter? Gerald McKenny argues that the claim that God not only establishes the good from eternity but also brings it about in time is of fundamental importance to Barth's mature ethics. The good confronts us (...)
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  14.  8
    Ethics.Karl Barth - 1981 - New York: Seabury Press. Edited by Dietrich Braun.
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  15.  12
    Covenant and communication: a Christian moral conversation with Jürgen Habermas.Hak Joon Lee - 2006 - Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
    In dialogue with Jürgen Habermas's communicative ethics, Covenant and Communication constructively explores a covenantal-communicative model of Christian ethics. Author Hak Joon Lee analyzes themes of freedom, equality, and reciprocity in Habermas's theory of communication from the perspective of the Reformed Christian doctrines of covenant and the Trinity.
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  16.  26
    God's Command.John E. Hare - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This work is an exploration of divine command theory, which is the theory that what makes something morally obligatory is that God commands it.
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    Kærlighedens ansvar: grundlag og områder for kristen etik.Ulrik Nissen - 2022 - København: Eksistensen Akademisk.
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  18. Kaehyŏkpʻa yullihak.Sin-Hong MyŏNg - 1971
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  19.  9
    Verantwortung von Unternehmen: Überlegungen in theologisch-ethischer Absicht.Stefan Grotefeld - 2015 - Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich.
    Von Unternehmen und ihrer Verantwortung ist in der Öffentlichkeit viel die Rede. Während Nichtregierungsorganisationen das Geschäftsgebaren von Konzernen kritisieren, verweisen diese gern auf ihr gesellschaftliches Engagement. Längst sind private Unternehmen zum dominierenden Faktor innerhalb der Wirtschaft geworden. Dennoch spielen sie in der theologischen Wirtschaftsethik bislang kaum eine Rolle. Inwieweit können Unternehmen als solche überhaupt Träger moralischer Verantwortung sein? Wie lässt sich eine solche Verantwortung ethisch begründen und wie weit reicht sie gegebenenfalls? In seiner Studie beleuchtet Stefan Grotefeld Unternehmensethik aus theologischer (...)
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  20.  7
    Das ethisch Erlaubte: Erlaubnis, Verbindlichkeit und Freiheit in der evangelisch-theologischen Ethik.Tilman Fuss - 2011 - Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.
    Die Beurteilung von Handlungen als ethisch erlaubt gehort zum moralischen Bewusstsein und zur moralischen Verstandigung. In der theologischen Ethik gab es jedoch Kritik an der Kategorie des ethisch Erlaubten, am grundsatzlichsten bei Friedrich Schleiermacher. Die Kritiker vertraten die These, dass sich alle moglichen Handlungen als entweder moralisch geboten oder verboten ausweisen liessen und dass eine mittlere Kategorie des bloss Erlaubten die Klarheit ethischer Verbindlichkeit trube. Fuss analysiert die Argumentationen reprasentativer evangelischer Ethiker vor allem des 19. und fruhen 20. Jahrhunderts, die (...)
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  21. Herleving van de natuurlijke ethiek tegen de achtergrond van de secularisatie.W. H. Velema - 1969 - Kampen: J.H. Kok.
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    Reformierte Morallehren und deutsche Literatur von Jean Barbeyrac bis Christoph Martin Wieland.Sandra Richter - 2002 - Tübingen: M. Niemeyer.
    Als "innerweltliche Askese" beschrieb Max Weber die reformierte Religion und Lebensführung. Für deutsche und "frankophone" Texte (Lehrbücher, Essays, Periodika, Reden/Rededramen, philosophische Romane) des ausgehenden 17. und des 18. Jahrhunderts zeigt diese vergleichende, literatur- und denkgeschichtliche Untersuchung, daß die Beschreibung Webers zwar zutrifft, aber zu kurz greift. Reformierte Morallehren stehen nicht nur am aufklärerischen (Wieder-)Beginn der deutschen Literatur, sondern prüfen die eigene Moral bereits "empirisch" und im Mittel der Literatur, um ihre Grenzen aufzuzeigen.
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  23.  7
    Wat is ethiek?Gerard Theodoor Rothuizen - 1973 - Kampen,: Kok.
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    Barth's moral theology: human action in Barth's thought.John Webster - 1998 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans.
    This Book is an important study of Barth's theology of human action, arguing that Barth's work cannot be properly understood unless his interest in human agency is fully appreciated. Throughout, Professor John Webster demonstrates the contemporary vitality of the style and content of Barth's theology. Many of the studies introduce posthumous texts by Barth which have so far received little attention (such as his lectures on Calvin and his ethics lectures), but which substantially revise the received views of Barth's (...)
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    Christelijke ethiek in een democratie.Gerrit Manenschijn (ed.) - 1995 - Kampen: Kok.
    Vijf opstellen over de vraag, hoe christenen in een democratie politiek kunnen samenwerken met andersdenkenden.
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  26.  21
    Divine Command.John E. Hare - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    Divine Command defends the thesis that what makes something morally obligatory is that God commands it, and what makes something morally forbidden is that God forbids it. John E. Hare successfully defends a version of divine command theory, but also shows that there is considerable overlap with some versions of natural law theory. Hare engages with a number of Christian theologians, most especially Karl Barth, and extends into a discussion of divine command within Judaism and Islam. The work concludes (...)
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    Etiese probleme in bybelse perspektief.P. C. Potgieter (ed.) - 1980 - Pretoria: NG Kerkboekhandel.
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    The roots of reformed moral theology.Bruce P. Baugus - 2022 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Reformation Heritage Books.
    A survey of moral theology from its biblical origins to the eve of the Reformation, demonstrating that Reformed moral sensibilities were received and developed from the greater church tradition.
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    Toward an Ethic of Risk: Catholic Social Teaching and Immigration Reform.Gemma Tulud Cruz - 2011 - Studies in Christian Ethics 24 (3):294-310.
    Immigration reform is a highly complex and multifaceted task with significant economic, political and religio-cultural repercussions thereby bringing tremendous ethical challenges and implications. This article explores the possible contribution of modern Catholic Social Teaching in addressing the ethical challenges of immigration reform, particularly in the United States, by examining key themes that could address critical issues in the current debate on immigration reform and arguing how an ethic of risk which, the author submits, runs through the key themes of Catholic (...)
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  30.  11
    Uncertainty in post-Reformation Catholicism: a history of probabilism.Stefania Tutino - 2018 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Uncertainty in Post-Reformation Catholicism provides a historical account of early modern probabilism and its theological, intellectual, and cultural implications. First developed in the second half of the sixteenth century, probabilism represented a significant and controversial novelty in Catholic moral theology. By the second half of the seventeenth century, probabilism became and has since been associated with moral, intellectual, and cultural decadence. Stefania Tutino challenges this understanding and claims that probabilism played a central role in addressing the challenges that geographical and (...)
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    Worship and ethics: Lutherans and Anglicans in dialogue.Oswald Bayer & M. Alan (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    The Anglican Tradition of Moral Theology Alan M. Suggate Hooker and the via media For the English who experienced the impact of the Reformation on the ...
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    Religious studies for GCSE: philosophy and ethics applied to Christianity, Roman Catholicism and Islam.Dennis Brown - 2016 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    This new textbook provides a clear, informative and rigorous guide for students taking Religious Studies GCSE with all the major exam boards. It covers the philosophy and ethics content of the key GCSE specifications and examines these themes from the perspectives of Christianity, Roman Catholicism and Islam. Throughout the book, emphasis is placed on the scriptural basis of each religious view and on other sources of authority in each religious tradition. The development of core ethical and doctrinal questions is (...)
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  33.  8
    Against the world: the Trinity review, 1978-1988.John William Robbins (ed.) - 1996 - Hobbs, N.M.: Trinity Foundation.
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  34.  14
    Christian Ethics and Contemporary Moral Problems.Michael C. Banner - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book addresses such key ethical issues as euthanasia, the environment, biotechnology, abortion, the family, sexual ethics, and the distribution of health care resources. Michael Banner argues that the task of Christian ethics is to understand the world and humankind in the light of the credal affirmations of the Christian faith, and to explicate this understanding in its significance for human action through a critical engagement with the concerns, claims and problems of other ethics. He (...)
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  35.  20
    The significance of social justice and diakonia in the Reformed tradition.Jerry Pillay - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):12.
    The Reformed tradition, emerging in the 16th-century Reformation, consists of a variety of sources that often lead to complex and differing views about beliefs, doctrines and ethics. However, this tradition and theology have always stressed the significance of social justice and diakonia as important aspects of faith and ministry, even though its great sense of diversity has often nuanced and stressed different levels of understanding and engagement of social justice. This article aims to show that social justice and (...)
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  36.  19
    Longing for the Good Life: Virtue Ethics after Protestantism .Pieter Vos - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: T&T Clark.
    This book argues that Protestant theological ethics not only reveals basic virtue ethical characteristics, but also contributes significantly to a viable contemporary virtue ethics. Pieter Vos demonstrates that post-Reformation theological ethics still understands the good in terms of the good life, takes virtues as necessary for living the good life and considers human nature as a source of moral knowledge. Vos approaches Protestant theology as an important bridge between pre-modern virtue ethics, shaped by Aristotle and transformed (...)
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  37.  10
    Christian ethics.Timothy R. Gaines - 2021 - Kansas City, MO: The Foundry Publishing.
    One of the primary aims of Christian ethics is to discover how we can convert our work toward God's purposes so that God can make our work holy. In this book, Gaines illuminates this topic as something the people of God can use to reorient our lives toward the way of Jesus and the mission of God in the world. Christians are called to action in God's created world, which is why reasoning engages practice in the chapters of (...)
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    Christian ethics in secular worlds.Robin Gill - 1991 - New York: T & T Clark International.
    A challenging book examining issues such as biotechnology, AIDS and nuclear weapons and demonstrating that Christian ethics has something important and ...
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    Christian ethics and human nature.Terence Penelhum - 2000 - Harrisburg, Pa.: Trinity Press International.
    "In this book (originally delivered as the John Albert Hall Lectures in Victoria, British Columbia) Terence Penelhum identifies what distinguishes the ethics of the Christian from the ethics of a secular world that commonly sees itself as having adopted Christian principles. He also tries to locate the understanding of human nature and its defects which is implied by Christian ethics. In both cases he maintains that there are continuities as well as sharp differences between (...)
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  40. Christian ethics and secular society.Frank Russell Barry - 1966 - London,: Hodder & Stoughton.
    The author asks, "Can Christianity still be the moral guide to our fast-changing western society, in its moral confusion and spiritual bankruptcy?" "What is Christian mority and what has it to offer to to the twentieth century man?" In answering these questions, he considers such topics as "Charity and Chastity", "The Family and Society", Crime and Punishment", "The Sanctity of Human Life", and "Peace and War". He has intended the book for the general reader, but hopes that it will (...)
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  41.  2
    Christian ethics.Denis John Bernard Hawkins - 1963 - New York,: Hawthorn Books.
  42. Christian ethics.Alvin Daniel Mattson - 1947 - Rock Island, Ill.,: Augustana book concern.
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  43.  34
    Christian Witness on Abortion: The Examples of Paul Ramsey and Stanley Hauerwas.John J. Fitzgerald - 2014 - Studies in Christian Ethics 27 (4):431-452.
    Paul Ramsey and Stanley Hauerwas are arguably the most prominent United Methodist thinkers to date to write extensively on abortion. This article takes up a ripe and illuminating task neglected by the ethicists themselves and the secondary literature: bringing their views on this issue into conversation. More specifically, this article discusses their considerations on the value of unborn human life, the “hard cases,” the church community’s role, and the place of legal reform. The article concludes by placing their remarks in (...)
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  44.  17
    Introduction to Christian ethics: a reader.Ronald P. Hamel & Kenneth R. Himes (eds.) - 1989 - New York: Paulist Press.
    In recent years we have seen a renewal in the field of Christian ethics that is both ecumenical and interdisciplinary. This book gathers together key contributions by leading moral theologians, as well as psychologists and Scripture scholars, to provide a basic introduction to the discipline.
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    Christian Ethics and Moral Philosophy: An Introduction to Issues and Approaches.Craig A. Boyd - 2018 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic. Edited by Donald A. D. Thorsen.
    This introductory textbook presents Christian philosophical and theological approaches to ethics. Combining their expertise in philosophy and theology, the authors explain the beliefs, values, and practices of various Christian ethical viewpoints, addressing biblical teachings as well as traditional ethical theories that contribute to informed moral decision-making. Each chapter begins with Words to Watch and includes a relevant case study on a vexing ethical issue, such as caring for the environment, human sexuality, abortion, capital punishment, war, and (...)
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  46.  13
    Christian ethics in a secular arena.Josef Fuchs - 1984 - Dublin: Gill & Macmillan.
  47. Love in contemporary Christian ethics-Concerning the issues raised by Gene Outka-The author replies.S. J. Pope - 1998 - Journal of Religious Ethics 26 (2):440-444.
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  48.  40
    The Ethics of Courage: Volume 1: From Greek Antiquity to the Middle Ages.Jacques M. Chevalier - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This two-volume work examines far-reaching debates on the concept of courage from Greek antiquity to the Christian and mediaeval periods, as well as the modern era. Volume 1 begins with Homeric poetry and the politics of fearless demi-gods thriving on war. The tales of lion-hearted Heracles, Achilles, and Ulysses, and their tragic fall at the hands of fate, eventually give way to classical views of courage based on competing theories of rational wisdom and truth. Fears of the enemy and (...)
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  49.  18
    Christian Ethics: An Introduction to Biblical Moral Reasoning.Wayne A. Grudem - 2018 - Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway.
    Best-selling author Wayne Grudem explains in detail what the whole Bible says about living as a Christian in this highly practical, biblically based volume on Christian ethics.
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  50. Christian ethics: moral theology in the light of Vatican II.Karl H. Peschke - 1986 - Alcester, Warwickshire: C. Goodliffe Neale.
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