Results for 'Civilization, Western Chinese influences'

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  1. Baibide yu Zhongguo wen hua =.Huaiqing Duan - 2006 - Beijing: Shou du shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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    Ru xue xi chuan Ou Zhou yan jiu dao lun: 16-18 shi ji Zhong xue xi chuan de gui ji yu ying xiang.Xiping Zhang - 2016 - Beijing Shi: Beijing da xue chu ban she.
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  3. Laibunici yu Zhongguo wen hua =.Xiaoli Sun - 2006 - Beijing: Shou du shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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    Russell and Chinese Civilization.Yu Dong - 1992 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 12 (1):22-49.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:RusselL on Chinese Civilization 23 RUSSELL ON CHINESE CIVILIZATIONI Yu DONG Ph}losophy / McMaster University Hamilton, Ont., Canada L8s 4K1 1 I am indebted to Nicholas Griffin for his valuable comments and encouragement. I thank Marty Fairbairn and Perer Lovrick for many corrections in the paper. I am also greatly indebred to Ken Blackwell for his helpful criticisms and suggesrions. • (London: Allen & Unwin, 1922), p. (...)
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  5. 20 shi ji qian qi Zhongguo mei xue jing shen dui xi fang de ying xiang.Zhihua Shao - 2020 - Beijing Shi: Ren min chu ban she.
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  6. Xin ren wen zhu yi si chao: Baibide zai Zhongguo.Huaiqing Duan & Yijie Tang (eds.) - 2009 - Nanchang Shi: Jiangxi gao xiao chu ban she.
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    Laibunici si xiang zhong de Zhongguo yuan su.Xiping Zhang (ed.) - 2010 - Zhengzhou Shi: Da xiang chu ban she.
    本书是 "海外汉学研究丛书" 之一, 全书共分三个部分, 主要从各个角度呈现了莱布尼茨对中国的关注及他思想中与中国相关的元素, 具体内容包括"反各种乌托邦思想的人类可完满性--莱布尼茨政治哲学的几个观点","莱布尼茨认识与文化的多元透视洞悉论与其形而上学基础","耶稣会士白晋与莱布尼茨","中国莱布尼茨研究的历史,现状和展望" 等.
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    The Philosophical Fusion of the Primitive Aesthetics of Chinese and Western Religious Paintings and the Study of Contemporary Paintings.Sun Fei & Gao Ming - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (4):135-148.
    When art develops to a certain extent, it is bound to be mixed with traces of religion, and art influenced by religion occupies an important position in the entire history of art development. Looking at the development history of Chinese and Western painting art, we can find that there are indeed many connections between religion and art. The spiritual transmission of religion is carried out using intuition through painting art, and its vital role is reflected in the long (...)
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    Zhongguo si xiang dui yu Ouzhou wen hua zhi ying xiang.Qianzhi Zhu - 2014 - Taiyuan: Shanxi ren min chu ban she.
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    Zhongguo: Ou Zhou de yang ban: qi meng shi qi ru xue xi chuan Ou Zhou.Yunyi Zhang, Wu Tao & Chi Zhang (eds.) - 2010 - Hefei Shi: Huang Shan shu she.
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  11. Zhong wai zhe xue jiao liu shi =.Yulie Lou & Xiping Zhang (eds.) - 1998 - [Changsha]: Hunan sheng xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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    Chinese Cosmopolitanism: The History and Philosophy of an Idea.Shuchen Xiang - 2023 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    A provocative defense of a forgotten Chinese approach to identity and difference Historically, the Western encounter with difference has been catastrophic: the extermination and displacement of aboriginal populations, the transatlantic slave trade, and colonialism. China, however, took a different historical path. In Chinese Cosmopolitanism, Shuchen Xiang argues that the Chinese cultural tradition was, from its formative beginnings and throughout its imperial history, a cosmopolitan melting pot that synthesized the different cultures that came into its orbit. Unlike (...)
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  13. Zhongguo yu Ou Zhou zao qi zong jiao he zhe xue jiao liu shi.Xiping Zhang - 2001 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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    Modern Notions of Civilization and Culture in China.Weigui Fang - 2019 - Springer Singapore.
    This Key Concepts pivot examines the fundamental Chinese ideas of ‘Civilization’ and ‘culture’, considering their extensive influence both over Chinese society and East Asian societies. The pivot analyses the traditional connotations of those two concepts and their evolution in the Sino-Western exchanges as well as their renewed interpretation and application by contemporary Chinese scholars. It analyses how the years 1840-1900 which mark a period of major transition in China challenged these concepts, and highlights how the pursuit (...)
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    Between Dao and History: Two Chinese Historians in Search of a Modern Identity for China.Axel Schneider - 1996 - History and Theory 35 (4):54-73.
    Since the beginning of the twentieth century Chinese historians have struggled to reform Chinese historiography and to establish a new identity for the Chinese nation. In this article I analyze the historiography of Chen Yinke and Fu Sinian as a case study for this ongoing process of reform.Although both were bound into the dichotomy of dao and history as established by Benjamin Schwartz, they represent quite different solutions to the question of how the relationship between norm and (...)
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    Ru jia si xiang zai xi fang de fan yi yu chuan bo.Yuliang Li - 2009 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she. Edited by Gongli Luo.
    本书主要分析中国儒家思想的经典著作和核心概念的翻译状况, 考察了儒家思想西传过程中发生的舛误及其成因.
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    Moral and Spiritual Foundations in Pre-Qin Confucianism and Ancient Western Philosophy: A Comparative Analysis.Zhou Mu - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (1):68-87.
    The philosophical pursuits of ancient civilizations, notably the Pre-Qin Chinese and Ancient Greeks, revolved around the concepts of "Dao" and "Truth" respectively. These foundational ideas not only shaped their respective cultures' views on metaphysics and ethics but also influenced their understanding of the divine and human nature. This paper examines the conceptual parallels and distinctions between "Dao" in ancient Chinese philosophy and "Truth" in ancient Greek philosophy, emphasizing their implications for religious and ethical thought. Despite significant advancements in (...)
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  18.  25
    Value changes in an era of social transformations: college‐educated Chinese youth.Yan Wang - 2006 - Educational Studies 32 (2):233-240.
    This paper addresses value changes that have occurred to college?educated youth as China is going through drastic social transformations under Western influences. It explains how socio?economic and cultural forces interplay within a particular historical and political context in bringing about such notable changes as individualism, materialism and moral crisis. Through exploring young people's perceptions of the relative status of China versus the West, represented by the USA, the paper reveals a collective inferiority complex and resulting dislocation of cultural (...)
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  19.  13
    Cong Limadou dao Haidege: kua wen hua mai luo xia de Zhong xi zhe xue hu dong.Qingsong Shen - 2014 - Taibei Shi: Taiwan shang wu yin shu guan gu fen you xian gong si.
    司馬遷《史記》載老子晚年見周之衰,西去而後出關,說明老子道家開宗祖師爺老子向異域開放,強調道和聖人的慷慨,走向多元他者。 跨文化哲學──哲學出自文化、不同的文化有不同的哲學、不同的文化傳統應透過相互外推,豐富彼此。 從跨文化的向度,歷覽西方文藝復興以降,西方哲學與中國哲學的跨文化互動;瞭解基督徒哲學家和中國哲學家彼此之間的交流。 在哲學外推的歷史中,本書侃侃而談中、西方哲學家如何彼此對話,超越主體哲學與狹隘理性的困境: 明朝時,第一位被系統引進中國的西方思想家是亞里斯多德。 利瑪竇:中國其實就是一個世界,中國不僅是一個王國。 .耶穌會士認為像亞里斯多德這樣一位大哲,也有像中國蘇秦「髮懸樑,錐刺股」的精神,他睡覺時手持一顆銅球,下面放一個銅鑼;當他睡覺時,手一鬆,銅球掉落到銅鑼上,敲出鑼響,於是他就醒來了,繼續用功。 .利瑪竇嚮往先秦儒家對天的敬仰,他穿著儒服,從壓抑的德行觀來推解「克己復禮」之意。因為在文藝復興時期,由於才從中世紀的禁錮中獲得解放,因此「人欲橫流」。人要親近天主,就必須克制肉體慾望,陶成美德。 .被時人稱為「西來孔子」的艾儒略說:在傳統中國哲學裡有各種名詞來說靈魂,他一方面習取了中國的人性論,並透過天主教及其對亞里斯多德《靈魂論》的詮釋,把人的靈魂與人的精神本性等同,而以此來和中國哲學溝通。 之所以翻譯亞理斯多德,是為了讓東海聖人(孔子)與西海聖人(亞里斯多德)的思想相逢。 文藝復興時,第一位被譯介到歐洲的中國哲人是孔子和其倫理智慧。到清朝,法國皇帝路易十四派名數學家白晉到中國來為康熙服務,教學並研究數學和《易經》。 .耶穌會士介紹、翻譯的經典,主要都是環繞著《四書》、《五經》,認為其中對人整體理性的重視甚至超過西方;所介紹的聖者,主要是孔子。對於先秦儒家所訂下的人文典範最為推崇。 .萊布尼茲:我認為這是個天定獨特的計畫,今天人類的文明與改良必須集中在我們這塊大陸的兩端,也就是歐洲和中國。中國是東方的明珠,就如同我們歐洲是另一端的明珠一般。 本書特色 ★十六世紀明末時,中國的思想與學術在一場驚天動地的典範轉變後,中西方哲人逐漸進行「跨文化哲學」的對話。 ★中、西方彼此的思想家不斷進行交談,面對西潮,「明季四公子」方以智結交湯若望、畢方濟,又讓自己兒子與波蘭人穆尼閣學習數學。這是一種尊重外邦人差異性的智慧。 ★傳教士羅明堅抱持著傳教的熱忱與文明的慷慨抵華,利瑪竇因而說「朋友宛自我的另外一半」(《交友論》),平等友善地「相互豐富」彼此的文化內涵。 ★從利瑪竇到海德格,這兩位西方哲人的心靈映照出不同的東方世界,藉由西方哲學家的眼光,重新認識印象中的中國思想。 利瑪竇:「中國的領導者是一個具有哲人王素質的皇帝,他公正、智慧、仁慈;中國的君主是在一些哲學家的輔佐下,維持他的統治的。孔子開創的儒家道德傳統哲學,是中國社會政治文化生活的準則,個人以其修身,統治者以 其治國。」 海德格將《老子》第十五章之「孰能濁而靜之徐清」、「孰能安而動之徐生」當作對聯掛在他的書房,藉以思考他心中「光與暗」論證、屬於古希臘哲學的傳統。 名人推薦 劉千美教授(多倫多大學東亞系教授) 專文導讀.
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    The Christian legacy: taming brutish human nature in Western civilization.Edgar L. Eckfeldt - 2011 - St. Paul, MN: Life Wisdom Books.
    Analyzes the history of Western civilization and develops a scientific and historical argument that shows the exceptional power of Christianity in the evolution of Western social consciousness. It argues that the spiritual power of Christianity has had an extraordinary effect on transforming civilization and the development of humanitarian social institutions that even atheists take for granted"--Provided by publisher.
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    Liang Han si xiang yu xin yang.Dawen Feng (ed.) - 2013 - Chengdu: Ba Shu shu she.
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    Comparative Study of Western and Chinese Concepts of Civilization.Caroline Pires Ting - 2024 - Anais de Filosofia Clássica 17 (34):1-16.
    he study revisits "civilization" in the context of globalization, analyzing its applicability and potential to mask cultural differences. It specifically contrasts the Western n o t i o n , a n c h o r e d i n c i t i z e n s h i p a n d environmental mastery, with the ancient Chinese "wenming" that signifies enlightenment and social harmony. "Civilization" stresses progress of science and technology, along with the process of (...)
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  23. The influence of freedom on growth of science in arabic-islamic and western civilizations.Mohammed Sanduk - unknown
    The two important factors in science development are the social economy (gross domestic product, GDP) and freedom. In order to follow the development of science for both old Arabic-Islamic and Western civilizations, a statistical method is used to trace the variation of scientists' population with time. The analysis shows that: 1- There is a growth in Arabic-Islamic sciences for a period of three centuries (AD 700-1000). Then it is followed by period of declination. The decay time is about of (...)
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    The influence of philosophy on law and politics in western civilization.Gray L. Dorsey - 1959 - Philosophy East and West 9 (1/2):69-71.
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    Analysis of the Different Influences of Chinese and Western Religions on Law.Li-Yuan Wang - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (2):53-70.
    Man has to face the unknown future anytime and anywhere. For this reason, he needs to believe in the truth beyond himself. Otherwise, society will decline, decay, and never come back. Similarly, human beings are always faced with social conflicts everywhere. For this reason, he needs a legal system. Otherwise, society will disintegrate and fall apart. However, from the constitutional text, there is no uniform title and standard definition of freedom of religious belief in all countries. Countries in the west (...)
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    Confucius, Aristotle, and the Golden Mean: A Diptych on Ethical Virtues.Jürgen Lawrenz - 2021 - The European Legacy 26 (2):149-169.
    Although Western and Chinese philosophy evolved from disparate doctrinal foundations, the department of ethics is a notable exception. “How to live the good life” is a subject treated by Confucius and Aristotle in a manner that exhibits many surprising points of coincidence, not least in the colossal influence of both these philosophers on the social and political shape of their respective civilisations. This article is an attempt to correlate the relevant ideas which, as it were, build a bridge (...)
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    The Myths and Realities of the Clash of Western and Chinese Civilizations in the 21st Century. The Globalization and Comparative Approach.Krzysztof Gawlikowski - 2011 - Dialogue and Universalism 21 (4):21-43.
    The purpose of this investigation is to define the central issues of the current and future relations between the Western and Chinese civilizations through the evaluation of the myths and realities of these relations. The methodology is based on an interdisciplinary big-picture view of the world scene, driven by the global economy and civilization with an attempt to compare both civilizations according to key criteria. Among the findings are: Today China has become a “robot” of the West. Due (...)
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  28. Wan Qing Min chu de xin xue he Bahayi wen ming =.Degui Cai - 2018 - Jiujinshan San Francisco: Yi jia chu ban 1 Plus Books.
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    The Myths and Realities of the Clash of Western and Chinese Civilizations in the 21st Century. The Globalization and Comparative Approach.Andrew Targowski - 2011 - Dialogue and Universalism 21 (4):21-43.
    The purpose of this investigation is to define the central issues of the current and future relations between the Western and Chinese civilizations through the evaluation of the myths and realities of these relations. The methodology is based on an interdisciplinary big-picture view of the world scene, driven by the global economy and civilization with an attempt to compare both civilizations according to key criteria. Among the findings are: Today China has become a “robot” of the West. Due (...)
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  30.  30
    The Merger of Chinese History with Western Civilization.Ray Huang - 1986 - Chinese Studies in History 20 (1):51-122.
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    The socio-cultural influence of the Hellenistic world on the development of Western civilization.S. A. Ikunga - 2011 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 10 (2).
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    The Influence of Traditional Chinese Philosophy on Piano Performance and Piano Education.Yunyi Qin - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (3):39-59.
    The current piano curriculum, according to conventional wisdom, is a product of the western music education system, which accords Chinese traditional culture with less importance. Most of the methods and tools used in today's collegiate piano programs are Western-based, often ignoring traditional musical traditions. However, it is widely acknowledged that piano music plays a key role in the culture of music and that it is closely related to traditional culture and art. Examining the impact of Chinese (...)
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    Monolithic Western Mind? Effect of Fear of Isolation on Context Sensitivity in us Americans, Italians and Chinese.John L. Dennis, Aldo Stella, Stefano Federici & Thomas Hünefeldt - 2014 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 14 (3-4):287-304.
    Culture influences what we attend to, encode, remember and think about. Easterners are said to attend more to the relationship between focal objects and their context while Westerners disentangle focal objects from their context. Simply put, Easterners process information holistically and Westerners analytically. Psychosocial factors, like Fear of Isolation, have been proposed as a possible mechanism for cultural differences in terms of information processing. While East vs. West cultural differences are well researched, the monolithic notion that all Westerners process (...)
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    (1 other version)Does Influencers Popularity Actually Matter? An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Influencers on Body Satisfaction and Mood Among Young Chinese Females: The Case of RED.Xiaoxiao Zhang, Wuchang Zhu, Shaojing Sun & Jingxi Chen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Many studies have linked idealized body image on social media to negative psychological well-being among young females. However, social media influencers’ imagery has not attracted much research attention in either the Western or the Asian context. This study aimed to experimentally investigate the impact of high versus low popular social media influencer images on young Chinese females’ body satisfaction and mood. The participants were 420 female RED users who were randomly assigned to three groups: the influencer-high group ; (...)
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  35.  24
    Between Deontology and Justice: Chinese and Western Perspectives.Genyou Wu & Yong Li - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    In China, political philosophy is still a comparatively new academic discipline. While there is no such phrase as "political philosophy" in ancient Chinese texts, there are elements within them that could be considered part of that field. Central questions of Chinese ancient political philosophy include the legitimacy of the source of political power, the foundation of moral rationality for the use of political power, and the purpose of political activities. This book explores the ideas of rights, the foundations (...)
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  36.  9
    How to destroy Western civilization and other ideas from the cultural abyss.Peter Kreeft - 2021 - San Francisco, California: Ignatius Press.
    Best-selling author Peter Kreeft presents a series of brilliant essays about many of the issues that increasingly divide our Western civilization and culture. He states that these essays are not new proposals or solutions to today's problems. They are old. They have been tried, and have worked. They have made people happy and good. That is what makes them so radical and so unusual today. The most uncommon thing today is common sense. Kreeft presents relevant, philosophical data that can (...)
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  37.  83
    Western Technical Civilization and Regional Cultures in Nigeria.Douglas I. O. Anele - 2010 - Cultura 7 (2):38-53.
    This paper examines the impact of the introduction of Western (European) technical civilization on regional cultures in Nigeria, using Igboland in South-EasternNigeria as a test case. It begins with a discussion of some general features of Western technical civilization whose evolution has been profoundly influenced by technological advances in Europe and her cultural colonies in North America and elsewhere. Consequences of the contact between Western technical civilization and traditional Igbo culture are also examined. The paper concludes by (...)
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    Imitation in Chinese Preschool Children: Influence of Prior Self-Experience and Pedagogical Cues on the Imitation of Novel Acts in a Non-Western Culture.Zhidan Wang & Andrew N. Meltzoff - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A New Period of the Mutual Rapprochement of the Western and Chinese Civilizations: Towards a Common Appreciation of Harmony and Co-operation.Krzysztof Gawlikowski - 2011 - Dialogue and Universalism 21 (2):115-162.
    Since the 1990’s the rise of China provokes heated debates in the West. Numerous politicians and scholars, who study contemporary political affairs, pose the question, which will be the new role of China in international affairs? Many Western observers presume that China will act as the Western powers did in the past, promoting policy of domination, enslavement and gaining profits at all costs. The Chinese declarations on peace, co-operation, mutual interests, and harmony are often considered empty words, (...)
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  40. Xi fang si xiang zai jin dai Zhongguo =.Dahua Zheng & Xiaozhan Zou (eds.) - 2005 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
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    Semantic Criticism: The “Westernization” of the Concepts in Ancient Chinese Philosophy—A Discussion of Yan Fu’s Theory of Qi.Zhenyu Zeng - 2011 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 6 (1):100-113.
    Every philosophical mode has a unique conceptual system. Qi has consistently been a fundamental part of ancient Chinese philosophy, and its significance is obvious. Guided by the idea of re-evaluating all values, Yan Fu, who was deeply influenced by Western philosophy and logic, used reverse analogical interpretation to present a new explanation of the traditional Chinese concept of qi. Qi thus evolved into basic physical particles. Yan’s philosophical effort has great significance: The logical ambiguity that had haunted (...)
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    The Core Values of Chinese Civilization.Lai Chen - 2017 - Singapore: Imprint: Springer.
    Drawing on the core values of western civilization, the author refines the counterparts in Chinese civilization, summarized as four core principles: duty before freedom, obedience before rights, community before individual, and harmony before conflict. Focusing on guoxue or Sinology as the basis of his approach, the author provides detailed explanations of traditional Chinese values. Recent scholars have addressed the concept of guoxue since the modern age, sorting through it and piecing it together, which has produced an extremely (...)
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    Zhongguo wen hua jin dai zhuan xing de nei yin yu wai li =.Tianyu Feng & Changyi Huang (eds.) - 2017 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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    The Confucian Political Imagination.Eske J. Møllgaard - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book critically examines the Confucian political imagination and its influence on the contemporary Chinese dream of a powerful China. It views Confucianism as the ideological supplement to a powerful state that is challenging Western hegemony, and not as a political philosophy that need not concern us. Eske Møllgaard shows that Confucians, despite their traditionalist ways, have the will to transform the existing socio-ethical order. The volume discusses the central features of the Confucian political imaginary, the nature of (...)
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  45.  27
    A History of Mathematics: From Mesopotamia to Modernity.Luke Hodgkin - 2005 - Oxford University Press UK.
    A History of Mathematics: From Mesopotamia to Modernity covers the evolution of mathematics through time and across the major Eastern and Western civilizations. It begins in Babylon, then describes the trials and tribulations of the Greek mathematicians. The important, and often neglected, influence of both Chinese and Islamic mathematics is covered in detail, placing the description of early Western mathematics in a global context. The book concludes with modern mathematics, covering recent developments such as the advent of (...)
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  46.  8
    The Heart of Confucius: Interpretations of Genuine Living and Great Wisdom.Archie J. Bahm - 1977 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    THE HEART OF CONFUCIUS tells what all Western readers should know about Confucius and why his teachings are important. They are the teachings that have influenced Chinese life for two and a half millenniums and expressed universal human ideals that have helped to shape civilization.
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  47.  20
    The Traditional Crafts of Persia: Their Development, Technology, and Influence on Eastern and Western Civilizations.Schuyler Cammann & Hans E. Wulff - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (1):299.
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    China's contemporary philosophical journey: Western philosophy and Marxism Chinese philosophical studies.Fangtong Liu - 2004 - Washington, D.C.: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy.
    Modern-contemporary transformation of western philosophy -- Postmodernism and tendencies of contemporary philosophy -- Present philosophical tendencies : a comparative study of Marxist and contemporary Western philosophy -- Modern-contemporary transformation of Western philosophy and changes of ideas in morality and value -- Modern-contemporary transformation of Western philosophy and changes of Western religion and its philosophy -- A reflection on "humanism" and "philosophical trend in humanism" -- Market economy and moral theory of pragmatism -- The sixty-year samsara (...)
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    Confucius.Raymond Stanley Dawson - 1982 - New York: Hill & Wang.
    "Has any individual ever shaped his own civilization more thoroughly than Confucius? Certainly no other world figure has ever been presented as more of an exemplar to his countrymen. Yet what we know about the man himself is vague and shadowy, and the sayings attributed to him may seem obscure to the Westerner. Raymond Dawson addresses these paradoxes. Taking as a model the Chinese tradition of commentary on classical texts--in this case the Analects, the oldest and most reliable Confucian (...)
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    The Human Being in Chinese Civilization.R. Xin - 2007 - Diogenes 54 (3):69-75.
    The author provides an introductory view of the notion of dignity and yen (benevolence) in Confucius’ and Mencius’ doctrines. It compares them with classical Western positions (viz. Plato’s), through an analysis of the Analects and Mencius’ works. It shows that because of a strong emphasis on the importance and dignity of the human person, Chinese humanism has been developing under a specific social and cultural background which is entirely different from that of Western countries.
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