Results for 'Cosmic Christ'

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  1. The Cosmic Christ.Allan D. Galloway - 1951
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    A Cosmic Christ?William Hasker - 2016 - Philosophia Christi 18 (2):333-341.
    Keith Ward advocates modifications in the doctrine of God similar to those affirmed by open theism. However, he rejects social Trinitarianism, in spite of his own recognition that the two views have often gone together. I argue that, beyond this, Ward really rejects the Trinitarian and Christological doctrines of the church, as expressed in the creeds of Nicaea and Chalcedon. The implications of this are explored; one implication is that Ward’s Christ is less “cosmic” than the traditional view (...)
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    The Cosmic Christ in Hopkins, Teilhard, and Scotus. Zoghby - 1971 - Renascence 24 (1):33-46.
  4.  23
    Anthropocentrism and Cosmic Christ in Leonardo Boff: a reading from a reformational view.Gonzalo David - 2017 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 36:99-112.
    Se presenta el concepto del Cristo cósmico en el teólogo Leonardo Boff, como realidad que trasciende a los seres humanos, sus adscripciones religiosas, incluso la soteriología. Se aborda, particularmente, la consecuencia de esta idea en la superación del antropocentrismo y en una espiritualidad que considera la importancia de la relación entre Cristo y el universo. El artículo es, además, una lectura crítica desde la tradición reformacional como alternativa a las principales teologías evangélicas de los últimos siglos, que desde el escolasticismo (...)
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    Christ versus Satan in our daily lives: the cosmic struggle between good and evil.Robert Spitzer - 2020 - San Francisco: Ignatius Press.
    Spiritual Writer, theologian, and philosopher, Fr. Robert Spitzer S.J., tackles the topic of recognizing and overcoming spiritual evil. His focus is the human heart. His goal: our spiritual and moral transformation, which leads to true peace and genuine happiness. The book is divided into two main parts: (1) the realities of God's goodness and of spiritual evil, and (2) recognizing and overcoming the diabolical tactics of deception, temptation, and sin. The author synthesizes the best advice given by Catholic spiritual masters (...)
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    Saving Nature but Losing History? Promises and Perils of Cosmic Christology for an Ecotheology of Liberation.Roy H. May - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (3):542-560.
    Cosmic Christology, including deep incarnation, provides an ethical-theological framework for confronting environmental crisis. It criticizes ‘history’ as arrogantly anthropocentric and proposes a paradigm shift from Christ the Saviour of history to the Christ of the cosmos. Whereas I recognize these strengths for protecting nature, I argue that in its universal pretension Christ too often becomes an abstract reality and loses material grounding for social justice. In its eagerness to supplant the Christ the Saviour of history, (...)
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  7. Cosmic Spiritualism among the Pythagoreans, Stoics, Jews, and Early Christians.Phillip Sidney Horky - 2019 - In Cosmos in the Ancient World. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 270-94.
    This paper traces how the dualism of body and soul, cosmic and human, is bridged in philosophical and religious traditions through appeal to the notion of ‘breath’ (πνεῦμα). It pursues this project by way of a genealogy of pneumatic cosmology and anthropology, covering a wide range of sources, including the Pythagoreans of the fifth century BCE (in particular, Philolaus of Croton); the Stoics of the third and second centuries BCE (especially Posidonius); the Jews writing in Hellenistic Alexandria in the (...)
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    Theological Implications of Possible Extraterrestrial Life.Sjoerd L. Bonting - 2003 - Zygon 38 (3):587-602.
    Bible and tradition remain silent on intelligent extraterrestrial life, and few modern theologians have expressed themselves on this topic. Scientific insight suggests the possibility, even likelihood, of the development of life on extrasolar earthlike planets. It is argued that such life forms would resemble earthly life and also develop a religious and moral life. As creatures with free will they would be prone to sin and in need of salvation. It is argued that this would not require multiple incarnations, since (...)
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    The particularity of animals and of Jesus Christ.Margaret B. Adam - 2014 - Zygon 49 (3):746-751.
    Clough's theological account of animals critiques the familiar negative identification of animals as not-human. Instead, Clough highlights both the distinctive particularity of each animal as created by God and the shared fleshly creatureliness of human and nonhuman animals. He encourages Christians to recognize Jesus Christ as God enfleshed more than divinely human, and consequently to care for nonhuman animals as those who share with human animals in the redemption of all flesh. This move risks downplaying the possibilities for creaturely (...)
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    Climate Change, Laudato Si', Creation Spirituality, and the Nobility of the scientist's Vocation.Matthew Fox - 2018 - Zygon 53 (2):586-612.
    This exploration into spirituality and climate change employs the “four paths” of the creation spirituality tradition. The author recognizes those paths in the rich teachings of Pope Francis’s encyclical, Laudato Si' and applies them in considering the nobility of the scientist's vocation. Premodern thinkers often resisted any split between science and religion. The author then lays out the basic archetypes for recognizing the sacredness of creation, namely, the Cosmic Christ (Christianity); the Buddha Nature (Buddhism); the Image of God (...)
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    The “Synthetic” Image of Jesus Christ in F.M. Dostoevsky’s Works and Its Origins in German Romantic Natural Philosophy.Igor I. Evlampiev & Vladimir N. Smirnov - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (5):87-106.
    The articles analyzes the original concept of immortality, presented by F.M. Dostoevsky in a handwritten sketch written on April 16, 1864, the day after the death of the writer’s first wife. The authors argue that this concept was created under the influence of the ideas of German romantic natural philosophy, in particular G.T. Fechner’s work of The Book of Life After Death (1836). According to the pantheistic ideas of Dostoevsky and Fechner, every person after death continues to exist in the (...)
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    René Girard and Secular Modernity: Christ, Culture, and Crisis.Scott Cowdell - 2013 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    In _René Girard and Secular Modernity: Christ, Culture, and Crisis_, Scott Cowdell provides the first systematic interpretation of René Girard’s controversial approach to secular modernity. Cowdell identifies the scope, development, and implications of Girard’s thought, the centrality of Christ in Girard's thinking, and, in particular, Girard's distinctive take on the uniqueness and finality of Christ in terms of his impact on Western culture. In Girard’s singular vision, according to Cowdell, secular modernity has emerged thanks to the Bible’s (...)
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  13. From Noosphere to Theosphere: Cyclotrons, Cyberspace, and Teilhard's Vision of Cosmic Love.Ingrid H. Shafer - 2002 - Zygon 37 (4):825-852.
    Two theme–setting quotations introduce this essay—that of Yeats's falcon, deaf to the falconer's call, adrift in space above the blood–dimmed tide, counterpoised to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's call to abandon old nationalistic prejudices and build the earth. With primary references to the thought of Teilhard, along with, among others, to Ewert Cousins, Andrew M. Greeley, Karl Jaspers, Marshall McLuhan, Ilya Prigogine, Karl Rahner, Leonard Swidler, David Tracy, and Alfred North Whitehead, I argue that the most crucial intellectual paradigm shift of (...)
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    Extinction, natural evil, and the cosmic cross.Ted Peters - 2018 - Zygon 53 (3):691-710.
    Did the God of the Bible create a Darwinian world in which violence and suffering (disvalue) are the means by which the good (value) is realized? This is Christopher Southgate's insightful and dramatic formulation of the theodicy problem. In addressing this problem, the Exeter theologian rightly invokes the Theology of the Cross in its second manifestation, that is, we learn from the cross of Jesus Christ that God is present to nonhuman as well as human victims of predation and (...)
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    Nuclear evolution [a guide to cosmic enlightenment].Christopher B. Hills - 1968 - London,: Centre Community Publications.
    "By comparing the Epistle section by section with relevant passages from the Gospels, the author demonstrates the contiinuity of Paul's preaching with the teaching of Christ during his jministry, and releases for the reader the power of the Spirit which is pent up in the apostle's carefully chosen words. The "Reflections" add up to a complete commentary on the Epistle. But this is more than a commentary: it places the Epistle immediately at the service of the preacher and teacher. (...)
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    The church as the axis of convergence in teilhard's theology and life.Mathias Trennert-Helwig - 1995 - Zygon 30 (1):73-89.
    . During the lifetime of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, the Roman Catholic Church passed through deep changes of doctrines as well as ecclesiastical structures, marked by the First and Second Vatican Councils. In that historical period, the perceived threat of the more and more encompassing theory of universal evolution was the main reason that Teilhard was forbidden to publish anything about its theological or philosophical significance. Teilhard survived these lifelong restrictions within his beloved church by embracing the paradigm of the (...)
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    Theology present to itself: A tribute to Karl Rahner.B. R. Brinkman - 1984 - Heythrop Journal 25 (3):257–259.
    Books Reviewed in this Article: Theological Investigations, Vol. XVIII: God and Revelation. By Karl Rahner., 304, London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1984, £18.50. Theological Investigations, Volume XIX: Faith and Ministry. By Karl Rahner., 282, London, Darton, Longman & Todd, 1984, £18.50. Theological Investigations: Volume XX: Concern for the Church. By Karl Rahner., 191, London, Darton, Longman & Todd, 1981, £14.50. Concise Theological Dictionary. Edited by Karl Rahner and Herbert Vorgrimler. Pp.541, London, Burns & Oates, 1983, £12.50. A (...)
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    Franciscan biocentrism and the franciscan tradition.John Mizzoni - 2008 - Ethics and the Environment 13 (1):pp. 121-134.
    Franciscan biocentrism is the view that Francis of Assisi is a biocentrist who holds that all living things have intrinsic value. Recently, biocentric theorists Sterba and Taylor have modified biocentrism to accommodate holistic entities. I consider thinkers from the broader Franciscan intellectual tradition (Bonaventure and Scotus) to see whether Franciscan biocentrism can be similarly modified. I discuss notions from these medieval philosophers such as the Cosmic Christ and the concept of haecceitas. I also explore whether Franciscan biocentrism can (...)
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    Bardaisan of Edessa: a reassessment of the evidence and a new interpretation.Ilaria Ramelli - 2009 - Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.
    This groundbreaking monograph on Bardaisan, his relation to Origen, and his Middle Platonic framework has argued, through a painstaking analysis of all evidence, that Bardaisan was a Christian Middle Platonist, a philosophical theologian who built a Logos Christology, possibly the first supporter of apokatastasis, and there is a close relation between Origen, Bardaisan, their thought, and their traditions [further proofs in an edition with essays: Mohr Siebeck, forthcoming]. This monograph (and a related HTR essay) was received far beyond the field (...)
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    Religion and Science in the Thougt of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.Konrad Waloszczyk - 2016 - Filozofia i Nauka 4:81-94.
    Key terms: cosmogenesis, evolution, consciousness, noosphere, religion, science, technology. The question whether religion and science can be reconciled is still under discussion today. Philosophical naturalism rejects such a possibility, at best treating these fields as a non overlapping magisteria (Stephen Jay Gould). However, the French Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881 - 1955) has created an original vision of an evolutionary universe in which science and religion present themselves as two meridians, which are autonomous but slowly converge to form a (...)
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    Stubborn Theological Questions.John Macquarrie - 2003 - Hymns Ancient and Modern.
    This text addresses three main questions: how we should think and speak about God in a changing and largely secularized world; the nature of the person and incarnation of Jesus Christ - is he fully man and fully God?; and how does a theologian know about God and the destiny of man? It addresses issues such as: the suffering of God; the Cosmic Christ; the pre-existence of Jesus Christ; and the development of the Christian doctrine, as (...)
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    Jesus and the angels: A comparative reading of Hebrews 1:1–4 in light of Ewe angelology.Daniel Sakitey & Ernest Van Eck - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (2):6.
    This article examines the phrase, tosoutō kreittōn genomenos tōn angelōn (Heb 1:4a) (having become as much superior to the angels) in the exordium of the epistle to the Hebrews in the light of Ewe angelology. The article employs both comparative and mother tongue hermeneutical approaches as its methodologies. An exegetical analysis of the cosmic superiority of Christ over angels in Hebrews 1:4a was carried out to situate the text in its historical and literary contexts. This was followed by (...)
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    Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism (review).Amos Yong - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):157-161.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 21.1 (2001) 157-161 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism. By Jacques Dupuis, S.J. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books. 1997. xiv + 433 pp. There may not be another individual more qualified than Jacques Dupuis to write this book. He has not only spent a lifetime teaching and serving in a part of the (...)
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    The orthodox liturgical year and its theological structure.Dan A. Streza - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-8.
    The concept of 'liturgical year' indicates a reference to the meaning of the measuring units of civil time, and especially to the cosmic entities that determine the general rhythm of time - the sun and the moon. Interestingly, the liturgical time depends both on the structure of civil time, and, on the two discrete systems of the solar and lunar cycles, which have always been underpinnings of time measuring. The special importance and influence that the cosmical rhythms exert on (...)
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    (1 other version)The Persistence of Memory: The Questfor Human Origins and Destiny in Andrey Bely's Kotik Letaev and Terrence Malick's The Tree of Life.Albert Paretsky - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1072).
    Andrey Bely's autobiographical novel Kotik Letaev and Terrence Malick's film The Tree of Life do not share a common subtext. Nevertheless, they have strikingly similar themes. They each deal with an adult's confrontation of his past through memory, a memory that extends back before birth. Coming to terms with the past prepares the adult protagonist of each work for his destiny. The essay discusses Malick's use of William Blake's mysticism and Bely's dependence on the religious-philosophical ideas of Rudolf Steiner. Memory (...)
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    Das literarische und künstlerische Werk (review).Max Rieser - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (1):142-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:142 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Das literarische und kiinstlerische Werk. By Rudolf Steiner. Eine bibliographische Uebersicht, 1961. (Dornaeh: 1961. Pp. 277.) This is a complete list of the writings, lectures, and artistic creations of the founder of Anthroposophy, Dr. Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). It is, in addition, a description of the Temple of Anthroposophy, the "Goetheanum" in Dornach built after the ideas of Steiner, of his "mystery-plays," of his ideas on (...)
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    The Salt of the Earth.Paul S. Minear - 1997 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 51 (1):31-41.
    Despite much misunderstanding among modern readers and preachers, Jesus' saying in Matthew 5:13 (“You are the salt of the earth”) concerns sacrificing one's life to follow Christ. Moreover, this high cost of discipleship has cosmic significance.
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    Augustine's Confessions: The Concrete Referent.Elizabeth Hanson-Smith - 1978 - Philosophy and Literature 2 (2):176-189.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Elizabeth Hanson-Smith AUGUSTINE'S CONFESSIONS: THE CONCRETE REFERENT The chief problem facing critics who would consider the Confessions as both a literary work and a philosophical treatise remains the connection between the first nine books, the autobiography, and the last four, the metaphysical speculations on time, eternity, epistemology, and theology. A persistent desire to justify the work as an aesthetic whole has led critics on a search for thematic and (...)
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    The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings: J.R.R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Owen Barfield, Charles Williams.Carol Zaleski & Philip Zaleski - 2016 - Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
    Best Book of June 2015 (The Christian Science Monitor) Book of the Year by the Conference on Christianity and Literature C. S. Lewis is the 20th century's most widely read Christian writer and J.R.R. Tolkien its most beloved mythmaker. For three decades, they and their closest associates formed a literary club known as the Inklings, which met every week in Lewis's Oxford rooms and in nearby pubs. They discussed literature, religion, and ideas; read aloud from works in progress; took philosophical (...)
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    The mystery and the unity of the Church: Considerations from an Eastern Orthodox perspective.Nicolae V. Moșoiu - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-11.
    This article attempts an approach to discuss the mystery and the unity of the church and firstly, it underlined that the church cannot have a formal definition as the divine life extended from Christ's resurrected body into those who believe and receive the Holy Mysteria. At the same time, the process of becoming part of the church is a mystical one. In order for life in Christ to be possible, Christ must be formed in the human being. (...)
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    Back to the Future: The Eschatological Vision of Advent.Gail R. O'day - 2008 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 62 (4):357-370.
    The cyclical nature of the church's timekeeping means that the sacred story begins anew at Advent, inviting the church to place the coming of the Christ child in a cosmic context in which even time is redefined by God's anticipated in-breaking into the world. Advent is the season of new beginnings and new hopes in its anticipation of the dawning of God's new age.
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    Deaconesses and Ritual Impurity.Catherine Brown Tkacz - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):187-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Deaconesses and Ritual ImpurityCatherine Brown TkaczCultural diversity underlies the differences between deaconesses of the East and of the West.1 In the West, women were recognized by their faith as able to catechize others and to assist women at baptism; in some parts of the East, only a deaconess could take these roles. Again, only in some areas of the East, women at certain times were not permitted to enter (...)
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    Reduction's Future: Theology, Technology, and the Order of Knowledge.Kevin L. Hughes - 2009 - Franciscan Studies 67:227-242.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reduction's FutureTheology, Technology, and the Order of KnowledgeKevin L. HughesLet me begin with something of a confession. When as a young undergraduate I first encountered medieval texts, and so, for the first time, began to know something of the medieval "way of seeing," I was intoxicated. And I was intoxicated, in part, by the comprehensiveness and unity of this worldview, where God, humans, the cosmos, science, theology, philosophy, nature, (...)
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    Revolution in the Microcosm: Love and Virtue in the Cosmological Ethics of St Maximus the Confessor.Emma Brown Dewhurst - 2017 - Dissertation, Durham University
    I explore virtue and love in Maximus the Confessor’s theology with an aim to drawing an ethics from it relevant to the present day. I use a meta-ethical framework derived from contemporary virtue ethics and look at virtue as an instance of love within the context of Maximus’ cosmic theology. Virtue becomes a path that leads us towards love – who is God Himself. Virtue is thus about movement towards theosis. I describe virtue as a relationship between humans and (...)
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    Human Transformation in the Epoch of Global Changes in the Philosophy of Cosmism of A.K. Gorsky and N.A. Setnitsky.Оксана Евгеньевна Макеева - 2023 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 66 (1):120-133.
    This article investigates the approaches to understanding human transformation in the underexplored works of Russian cosmist philosophers Alexander Konstantinovich Gorsky and Nikolai Alexandrovich Setnitsky. As disciples of cosmism’s founder; Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov; these scholars contributed original ideas to the development of philosophical thought amid the tumultuous early 20th century; marked by the First World War; the Great Russian Revolution; and a period of political repression. The paradigms established by Gorsky and Setnitsky hinge on the idea that human action can not (...)
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    (1 other version)The Mystical Dooyeweerd.John Glenn Friesen - 2003 - Ars Disputandi 3:16-61.
    The following key ideas of the Dutch philosopher Herman Dooyeweerd (1894–1977) can already be found in the nineteenth century German philosopher, Franz von Baader (1765–1841): religious antithesis, the law idea (Wetsidee) contrasted with autonomy of thought, Ground Motives in history, the method of antinomy, the use of Kant’s ideas to criticize Kant’s own Critique, cosmic time, the supratemporal heart, the prism analogy, modalities, sphere sovereignty, sphere universality, analogies of time, anticipation and retrocipation, Christ as the Second Root, pre-theoretical (...)
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    Deus Ludus: The Christocentric Games of Nicholas of Cusa and Blaise Pascal.Garrett Lincoln Ashlock - 2023 - Heythrop Journal 64 (4):489-502.
    Nicholas of Cusa and his daringly speculative theology seem odd matches for Blaise Pascal, the constant critic of the philosophies en vogue during his life. A commonality they share is their mutual concern for the apparent disproportion between the infinite God and the finite human. In this paper, I compare and analyse the shape this question takes in Cusanus's De ludo globi and Pascal's Pensées. Both men observe a sort of ‘ludic’ character inherent to the pursuit of bridging finite and (...)
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  38. The fourth dimension: Why time is of the essence in sacramental theology.Claire Louise Wright - 2017 - The Australasian Catholic Record 94 (1):35.
    Wright, Claire Louise If the sacraments are, as Louis-Marie Chauvet argues, the major symbolic expressions of 'the body as the point where God writes God's self in us', few concepts could be more central to sacramental theology than time, the medium in which human, ecclesial, cultural and cosmic 'bodies' have their being and expression. Christian narratives, traditions and rituals are founded in history and the shared memory of culture. As Miroslav Volf notes, the 'sacred memory' of the death and (...)
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    Subjugated knowledges, contested spaces and African Christianity: An appraisal.Ebenezer Akesseh - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (4):8.
    Religion mediates and shapes how people negotiate and navigate their existential realities. Christianity accentuates the belief in Jesus Christ and prescribes how that belief should influence the worldview and actions of people. One of the challenges of the reception of Christianity in Africa is that African Traditional Religion remains the cosmic lens through which Christians confront their spiritual and ethical dilemmas and choices vis-à-vis the exhortations of the Bible message. This paper examines the force of the Christian message (...)
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    Reconciliação Divina, Humana e Planetária: o desafio do amor divino diante da crise existencial humana e ecológica - DOI: 10.5752/p.2175-5841.2009V7N14p62. [REVIEW]Ângela Zitzke - 2009 - Horizonte 7 (14):62-92.
    Reconciliação Divina, Humana e Planetária: o desafio do amor divino diante da crise existencial humana e ecológica (Divine, Human and Planetary reconciliation: the challenge of divine love against the human and ecological existential crisis) Pretende-se, num primeiro momento, fazer um estudo sobre o modelo salvífico da reconciliação, apresentando (1) as causas do afastamento humano, (2) a barreira do pecado, (3) a obra de Deus em Cristo, bem como (3) sua manifestação de amor. Num segundo momento, abordar-se-á a respeito do a (...)
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    Political Authority: The Two Wheels of the Dharma.Whalen Lai - 2010 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 30:171-186.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Political AuthorityThe Two Wheels of the DharmaWhalen Lai“The twin wheels of the dharma The two wings of the dove”The twin wheels of the dharma, one of power and the other of righteousness, is the classic metaphor in the Buddhist view of the state and the saṅgha. We will first register the distinction of that metaphor by going back to its historical roots, showing how and why it is more (...)
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  42. Grande Sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.Felipe W. Martinez, Nancy Fumero & Ben Segal - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):27-43.
    INTRODUCTION BY NANCY FUMERO What is a translation that stalls comprehension? That, when read, parsed, obfuscates comprehension through any language – English, Portuguese. It is inevitable that readers expect fidelity from translations. That language mirror with a sort of precision that enables the reader to become of another location, condition, to grasp in English in a similar vein as readers of Portuguese might from João Guimarães Rosa’s GRANDE SERTÃO: VEREDAS. There is the expectation that translations enable mobility. That what was (...)
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    Hymn of the Universe. [REVIEW]A. R. E. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (3):601-602.
    This volume, the latest in the project of publishing the complete works of Teilhard in English, exhibits Teilhard's cosmic vision breaking into cosmic prayer and the near-mystical desire "to proclaim... the innumerable prolongations of your [Christ's] incarnate Being in the world of matter". Along with "The Mass on the World," "Christ in the World of Matter," and "The Spiritual Power of Matter" are a collection of "Pensées" drawn from both published and as yet unpublished sources. Most (...)
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    Christian Integrity Regained: Reformational Worldview Engagement for Everyday Medical Practice.Jon Tilburt, Joel Pacyna & James Rusthoven - 2020 - Christian Bioethics 26 (2):163-176.
    How does one committed to the claims of Christ and a biblical story of redemption live Christianly and navigate the competing worldviews encountered in everyday medical practice? Adopting the practical conceptual framework promoted by Reformed Christian philosopher and theologian Albert Wolters, we argue for an all-encompassing biblical understanding of God’s cosmic redemption plan for the entire creation order in contrast to a more typical sacred/secular duality. We then apply the concepts of structure and direction, drawn from a pretheological (...)
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    Sexism and Misogyny in the Christian Tradition: Liberating Alternatives.Rosemary Radford Ruether - 2014 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 34:83-94.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sexism and Misogyny in the Christian Tradition:Liberating AlternativesRosemary Radford RuetherThe oppressive patterns in Christianity toward women and other subjugated people do not come from specific doctrines, but from a patriarchal and hierarchical reading of the system of Christian symbols as a whole. These same symbols can be read from a prophetic and liberating perspective. So what I will do in this essay is to show how Christian symbols have (...)
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  46.  59
    ‘Consumed By Fire From Within’: Teilhard de Chardin's Pan‐christic Mysticism In Relation To The Catholic Tradition.Ursula King - 1999 - Heythrop Journal 40 (4):456–477.
    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin , eminent Jesuit scientist and religious write, was one of the great Christian mystics of the twentieth century. Yet scholars of mysticism rarely discuss his works or typology of mysticism. I argue that the little studied, early Writings in Time or War, together with his late autobiographical essays, provide the hermeneutical key for understanding Teilhard's pan‐christic mysticism. My paper examines especially the experiential and cosmic dimensions of his pan‐christic mysticism of union and communion with (...) through all things. This mysticism belongs to the kataphatic rather than apophatic tradition of Christian mysticism. It is deeply rooted in, and in full continuity with, the catholic tradition but through introducing innovative elements, it is at the same time also thoroughly transformative. I show this in relation to Teilhard's understanding of the Spiritual Exercises and, in particular, to that of the “Sacred Heart” whose meaning he greatly extended by understanding it in a universal, cosmic sense. He so frequently used the metaphors of fire and heart—well known, traditional images of Christian mysticism—that I describe Teilhard's mysticism as a fire and heart mysticism. I also discuss the significance of his typology of mysticism in relation to the comparative study of mysticism. (shrink)
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  47.  11
    The Antichrist: A New Biography.Philip C. Almond - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    The malign figure of the Antichrist endures in modern culture, whether religious or secular; and the spectral shadow he has cast over the ages continues to exert a strong and powerful fascination. Philip C. Almond tells the story of the son of Satan from his early beginnings to the present day, and explores this false Messiah in theology, literature and the history of ideas. Discussing the origins of the malevolent being who at different times was cursed as Belial, Nero or (...)
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    O interpretare moderna a vointei umane a Fiului lui Dumnezeu întrupat la Sfîntul Maxim Marturisitorul si Parintii anteriori/ A Modern Interpretation of the Human Will of the Son of God Become Man in the Theology of Saint Maximus Confessor..Vasile Cristescu - 2008 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 7 (19):226-245.
    The author analyses the theology of Saint Maximus the Confessor and its interpretation in modern theology. The great work of Hans Urs von Balthasar “The Cosmic Liturgy” began a new theological focus on the profoundness of Saint Maximus synthesis which was continued by several scholars: Policarp Sherwood, J. M. Gariguess, J. C. Larchet, Andrew Louth etc. The author analyses especially the work “Theologie de l’agonie du Christ” belonging to François-Marie Lethel (Paris, 1979). In a critical approach to this (...)
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  49. El mensaje a la iglesia en Tiatira desde su estructura literaria. Análisis de Ap 2, 18-29.Javier López - 2003 - Gregorianum 84 (1):5-41.
    The present analysis contends that in Revelation the message to the Church in Thyatira has a concentric composition whose axis is at verse 2,23b: kai gnôsontai pasai ai ekklèsiai oti egô eimi... . From this structure flows an exegesis which values preeminently the central role of Christ who discerns the inner motivation of each one's works in order to remunerate justly. Accordingly the message progresses from a present judgment on Jezabel, whose traits resemble roughly those of Babylon and the (...)
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    Process Theology. [REVIEW]W. E. M. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (1):155-156.
    This anthology is intended primarily to provide students of theology with some of the basic writings of the major thinkers who have contributed to the development of the movement known as "process theology." Because of the content students of philosophy will likewise find it useful. The editor begins the work with an introduction in which he ably traces in broad perspective the various ways in which a mental attitude stressing process is reflected in contemporary culture, philosophy, and theology. The first (...)
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