Results for 'Cultural Criticism '

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  1.  24
    Cross-Cultural Criticism and Development Ethics.David A. Crocker - 2004 - Philosophy and Public Policy Quarterly 24 (3):2-8.
    Development ethicists from one society may help understand and evaluate social change in another society. After examining several types of such cross-cultural assessments, the author argues that insider-outsider hybrids are the most promising cross-cultural dialogue partners.
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    (1 other version)Neoconservative Culture Criticism in the United States and West Germany: An Intellectual Movement in Two Political Cultures.J. Habermas - 1983 - Télos 1983 (56):75-89.
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    Cultural Criticism, Literary Theory, Poststructuralism (review).William E. Cain - 1993 - Philosophy and Literature 17 (2):369-370.
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    Philosophical Education as Cultural Criticism.E. M. Adams - 1979 - Teaching Philosophy 3 (1):1-11.
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    Cultural criticism as an imperative for Christians.Andries G. Van Aarde - 2005 - HTS Theological Studies 61 (3).
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    (1 other version)On Writing Cultural Criticism.D. Gross - 1973 - Télos 1973 (16):38-60.
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    Cultural criticism in Germany 1880–1933, a typology.Thomas Rohkramer - 1999 - History of European Ideas 25 (6):321-339.
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    Knowing Better: Sex, Cultural Criticism, and the Pedagogical Imperative in the 1990s.Jeffrey Wallen & Richard Burt - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (1):72-91.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Knowing Better: Sex, Cultural Criticism, and the Pedagogical Imperative in the 1990sRichard Burt (bio) and Jeffrey Wallen (bio)Teacher Petting“A distinguished professor and her graduate student French-kissed in front of a semicircle of gaping students. Were they furthering ‘an exploration of the erotics of the relation between teacher and student’ as the professor says—or was it part of a pattern of sexual harassment as the student later charged?” (...)
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    Cultural Criticism and Political Theory.Michael S. Roth - 1988 - Political Theory 16 (4):636-646.
  10. Humanism and Minority Rights: Political Recognition of Cultural Differences or Cultural Criticism of Political Construction of Differences?Ismael Cortes - 2018 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (12):221-238.
    The aim of this article is to present a renewed reading of ethical-normative debates on recognition of cultural differences, by interrogating the initiatives that have constituted the international minority rights framework. The article is divided into three sections: 1. The first section approaches an introductory definition of minority rights. 2. The second section presents the philosophical reading of Charles Taylor on minority rights, within the ethical framework of his communitarian conception of freedom and individual development. 3. The third section (...)
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    The Terms of Cultural Criticism: The Frankfurt School, Existentialism, Poststructuralism.Richard Wolin - 1995 - Columbia University Press.
    Despite their differences in origin, the three influential schools of twentieth-century continental cultural criticism--the Frankfurt School, existentialism, and poststructuralism--have long been treated as an ensemble and with critical hesitancy. Examining these schools as responses to the apparent collapse of Western civilization in the twentieth-century and as formidable intellectual challenges to the cultural legacies of the Enlightenment, this book provides a productive base for criticism and broadens our understanding of their histories and reception.
  12. Cultural criticism as a neglected topic in austrian studies.William M. Johnston - 1981 - In János Kristóf Nyíri, Austrian philosophy: studies and texts. München: Philosophia-Verlag.
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    The New Conservatism: Cultural Criticism and the Historians' Debate.Jürgen Habermas - 1991 - MIT Press.
    Essays discuss denial of Germany's Nazi past, the rise of the neoconservative movement in Europe and America, and the welfare state.
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    Philosophy, method, and cultural criticism.Charlton D. McIlwain (ed.) - 2013 - New York, NY: Hampton Press.
    Contains contributions from some of the most prominent thinkers and experts in philosophy-driven methods, such as phenomenology, hermeneutics, and semiotics. This international body of scholars discuss the issue of method itself, as well as bring those methods to bear on some of the most prominent issues of our time in the areas of media, culture and criticism.
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    Nietzsche’s Cultural Criticism and his Historical Methodology.Andrea Orsucci - 2008 - In Manuel Dries, Nietzsche on Time and History. Walter de Gruyter.
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    From epistemology to cultural criticism: Georg Simmel and Ernst Cassirer.E. Skidelsky - 2003 - History of European Ideas 29 (3):365-381.
    The sociologist Georg Simmel and the philosopher Ernst Cassirer developed strikingly similar theories of modernity. Both viewed the transition from a substantialist to a functionalist view of the world as the modern age's distinguishing characteristic. But they interpreted this transition from very different philosophical perspectives. Simmel subscribed to a phenomenalism derived from Mach, whereas Cassirer advocated an objectivism inspired by a particular interpretation of Kant. This epistemological disagreement helps account for the two thinkers’ divergent cultural attitudes. Whereas Simmel viewed (...)
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    The New Conservatism: Cultural Criticism and the Historians' Debate.Shierry Weber Nicholsen (ed.) - 1991 - MIT Press.
    Jürgen Habermas is well known for his scholarly works on the theoretical foundations of the human sciences. The New Conservatism brings to light another side of Habermas's talents, showing him as an incisive commentator on a wide range of contemporary themes.The 1980s have been a crucial decade in the political life of the Federal Republic of Germany. The transformations that accompanied a shift from 13 years of Social Democratic rule to government by the conservative Christian Democrats are captured in this (...)
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  18.  48
    T. S. Eliot, cultural criticism, and Multiculture in the waste land.Dennis Ryan - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (3):1088-1095.
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  19. Richard Wolin, The Terms of Cultural Criticism. The Frankfurt School, Existentialism, Poststructuralism Reviewed by.Tony Couture - 1993 - Philosophy in Review 13 (1):26-30.
  20. Political-theory and cultural criticism-towards a theory of cultural politics.Bradley J. MacDonald - 1990 - History of Political Thought 11 (3):509-529.
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    Grafts: Feminist cultural criticism.Joan Perkin - 1991 - History of European Ideas 13 (4):440-441.
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    The Spirit of Critical Thinking and the Possibility of Cross-Cultural Criticism.Charles V. Blatz - 1997 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 17 (2):32-52.
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  23. Prophetic pragmatism: cultural criticism and political engagement.Cornel West - 1995 - In Russell B. Goodman, Pragmatism: a contemporary reader. New York: Routledge. pp. 209--234.
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    Desire of the Analysts: Psychoanalysis and Cultural Criticism.Vera J. Camden - 2009 - Intertexts 13 (1-2):153.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Desire of the Analysts: Psychoanalysis and Cultural CriticismVera J. Camden (bio)Desire of the Analysts: Psychoanalysis and Cultural Criticism. Ed. Greg Forter and Paul Allen Miller. New York: SUNY P, 2008. 258 pp.This collection takes up the uses of psychoanalysis for cultural studies in the new millennium. Its editors and contributors ask, “Where is psychoanalysis in contemporary thought?” At a time when the empirically based (...)
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    Resident Alien: Feminist Cultural Criticism.Janet Wolff - 1995 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 54 (4):412-413.
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    Modernity and its Discontents: R.G. Collingwoods Cultural Criticism and Its Problems.L. Scafoglio - 2011 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 17 (2):226-245.
    In this paper I propose a discussion of R.G. Collingwood's cultural criticism, as a critique of the modern world, referring, beyond social and political institutions, to definite aspects of everyday existence, such as trends in aesthetics and technology, and to the form of rationality that disciplines the general attitudes of men. For this type of criticism, modernity becomes problematic as a 'form of life'. I therefore intend to provide a commentary of certain passages of Collingwood's writings, in (...)
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    The Philosophy of Enchantment: Studies in Folktale, Cultural Criticism, and Anthropology.Sharon Macdonald - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (4):731-735.
    (2010). The Philosophy of Enchantment: Studies in Folktale, Cultural Criticism, and Anthropology. British Journal for the History of Philosophy: Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 731-735.
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    The dialectics of cultural criticism.Robert J. C. Young - 1997 - Angelaki 2 (2):9 – 24.
    Reproduced from Robert J.C. Young, Torn Halves. Pages: 256. ISBN: 0-7190-477-3 ; 0-7190-4776-5. Price: 14.99 ; 40.00.
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  29. Didactic destiny: Sartor resartus at the intersection of literature and cultural criticism.Tom Toremans - 2010 - In Paul E. Kerry, Thomas Carlyle Resartus: Reappraising Carlyle's Contribution to the Philosophy of History, Political Theory, and Cultural Criticism. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
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    Taking a stand in a postfeminist world: toward an engaged cultural criticism.Frances E. Mascia-Lees - 2000 - Albany: State University of New York Press. Edited by Patricia Sharpe.
    Taking a Stand in a Postfeminist World offers an engaged cultural criticism in a postfeminist context.
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  31. Giving Up the Big Picture: Nietzsche and the Problem of Cultural Criticism.Panos D. Alexakos - 1995 - Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University
    In this dissertation, I evaluate the coherence of Nietzsche's thought given a logical elaboration of the implications entailed by his embryonic insights into perspectivism, genealogy, and differential analysis. I argue that, given these, Nietzsche's critique of western culture is flawed in that it is based on two assumptions which the above show to be illegitimate: that life has certain perspective-independent features that can function as transcultural standards by which to measure the biological worth of any given form and of their (...)
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  32. Genealogies of englishness : Literary history and cultural criticism in modern Britain.Stefan Collini - 1991 - In Ciaran Brady & Iván Berend, Ideology and the historians: papers read before the Irish Conference of Historians, held at Trinity College, Dublin, 8-10 June 1989. Dublin, Ireland: Lilliput Press.
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  33. The philosophy of enchantment: studies in folktale, cultural criticism, and anthropology.R. G. Collingwood - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by David Boucher, Wendy James & Philip Smallwood.
    This is the long-awaited publication of a set of writings by the British philosopher, historian, and archaeologist R.G. Collingwood (1889-1943) on critical, anthropological, and cultural themes only hinted at in his previously available work. At the core are six essays on folktale and magic in which Collingwood applies the principles of his philosophy of history to problems in the long-term evolution of human society and culture. The volume opens with three substantial introductory essays by the editors, authorities in their (...)
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    Heidegger's Phenomenology of Religion: Realism and Cultural Criticism.Benjamin D. Crowe - 2007 - Indiana University Press.
    Throughout his long and controversial career, Martin Heidegger developed a substantial contribution to the phenomenology of religion. In Heidegger's Phenomenology of Religion, Benjamin D. Crowe examines the key concepts and developmental phases that characterized Heidegger's work. Crowe shows that Heidegger's account of the meaning and structure of religious life belongs to his larger project of exposing and criticizing the fundamental assumptions of late modern culture. He reveals Heidegger as a realist through careful readings of his views on religious attitudes and (...)
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    The Terms of Cultural Criticism[REVIEW]Garry M. Brodsky - 1995 - International Studies in Philosophy 27 (1):152-153.
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  36. Tropics of Discourse Essays in Cultural Criticism.Hayden V. White - 1978
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    The Philosophy of Enchantment: Studies in Folktale, Cultural Criticism, and Anthropology.David Boucher, Wendy James & Philip Smallwood (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    This is the long-awaited publication of a set of writings by the British philosopher, historian, and archaeologist R.G. Collingwood on critical, anthropological, and cultural themes only hinted at in his previously available work. At the core are six essays on folktale and magic in which Collingwood applies the principles of his philosophy of history to problems in the long-term evolution of human society and culture. The volume opens with three substantial introductory essays by the editors, authorities in their various (...)
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  38. Review Article : Reassessing Cultural Criticism[REVIEW]Dieter Freundlieb - 1995 - Thesis Eleven 42 (1):117-129.
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    Book Review: Resident Alien: Feminist Cultural Criticism[REVIEW]Maggie Humm - 1997 - Feminist Review 55 (1):145-147.
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  40. Beyond Ontological Blackness: An Essay on African American Religious and Cultural Criticism.Victor Anderson & Josiah Ulysses Young - 1999 - Journal of Religious Ethics 27 (2):331-358.
    This review essay explores Josiah Young's project of developing a liberatory Pan-Africanism that is attuned to cultural diversity and Victor Anderson 's advocacy of postmodern cultural criticism in African - American religious thought. After situating African - American religious thought as a branch of Africana thought, the author examines these two religious thinkers' work as an effort to forge a position on African - American religious thought--including its relation to theology--in an age where even theory is treated (...)
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    Culture as prophylactic: Nietzsche’s birth of tragedy as culture criticism.Robert E. Mcginn - 1975 - Nietzsche Studien 4 (1):75-138.
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    Rethinking Bakhtin: Extensions and ChallengesSubversive Pleasures: Bakhtin, Cultural Criticism, and Film.Anna A. Tavis, Gary Saul Morson, Caryl Emerson & Robert Stam - 1991 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 49 (1):88.
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    Cultural Conservatism, Political Liberalism: From Criticism to Cultural Studies.James Seaton & Seaton James - 1996 - University of Michigan Press.
    Examines whether cultural studies has been too dismissive of the tradition of literary-cultural criticism that preceded it.
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    Reading Texts, Reading Lives: Essays in the Tradition of Humanistic Cultural Criticism in Honor of Daniel R. Schwarz.Daniel R. Schwarz, Helen Morin Maxson & Daniel Morris (eds.) - 2012 - University of Delaware Press.
    Distinguished contributors take up eminent scholar Daniel R. Schwarz’s reading of modern fiction and poetry as mediating between human desire and human action. The essayists follow Schwarz’s advice, “always the text, always historicize,” thus making this book relevant to current debates about the relationships between literature, ethics, aesthetics, and historical contexts.
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    From National Fantasies to Attachment Theory: Lauren Berlant’s Cultural Criticism in Light of British Developmental Psychology.Justyna Wierzchowska - 2024 - Civitas 31:9-31.
    The article surveys Lauren Berlant’s ideas concerning the emotional functioning of the human being in the context of neoliberal capitalism and argues for their limitation resulting from Berlant’s focus on the society-ideology axis while overlooking the significance of the early bonds in the development of one’s emotional regulation. Contrary to the multiple Marxist interpretations of culture, Berlant emphasizes that politics is effective by shaping human fantasies of desire rather than merely producing ideology. In the case of the United States this (...)
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    Critical Multiculturalism.Chicago Cultural Studies Group - 1992 - Critical Inquiry 18 (3):530.
    We would like to open some questions here about the institutional and cultural conditions of anything that might be called cultural studies or multiculturalism. By introducing cultural studies and multiculturalism many intellectuals aim at a more democratic culture. We share this aim. In this essay, however, we would like to argue that the projects of cultural studies and multiculturalism require: a more international model of cultural studies than the dominant Anglo-American versions; renewed attention to the (...)
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  47.  41
    The future of trauma theory: contemporary literary and cultural criticism.Gert Buelens, Samuel Durrant & Robert Eaglestone - unknown
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  48. Reconstructing Aesthetics: John Dewey, Expression Theory, and Cultural Criticism.Paul C. Taylor - 1997 - Dissertation, Rutgers the State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick
    Contemporary analytic aestheticians have little interest in the old paradigm of expression theory. They observe that expression theorists tend to locate the essence of art in the externalization of emotion, and they argue persuasively that this tendency is unfortunate. Then they consign expression theorists like Dewey; Collingwood, and Croce to the dustbin of history. This dismissive posture has become standard in aesthetics, for some good reasons. But at least in the case of Dewey, the reasons don't apply. The burden of (...)
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    (1 other version)Human nature and neurosciences: a methodical cultural criticism of naturalism in the neurosciences.P. Janich - 2003 - Poiesis and Praxis: International Journal of Technology Assessment and Ethics of Science 2 (1):29-40.
    In its predominant form, the understanding of the neurosciences, which stand in high public esteem, is a naturalistic one. The critique of this naturalism concerns the technical modelling of brain functions as a syntactic or control loop machine. Adequate solutions to the mind-body problem are not found in this way.
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  50. The Mismatch of Physics and Cultural Criticism: The Hermeneutics of a Hoax.B. E. Babich - 1997 - Common Knowledge 6:23-33.
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