Results for 'Dåemåetrios Apost Kyriakåes'

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  1.  8
    Hē archaia Hellēnikē philosophia.Dåemåetrios Iåoannou Krikåonåes - 2002 - Thessalonikē: Ekdot. Oikos Kyromanos.
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    To telos tēs sophias: apo tē metaphysikē stēn koinōnikē theōria.Dåemåetrios Markåes - 1999 - Athēna: Ekdoseis Stachy.
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    Zētēmata kai apopseis: pente meletai peri tōn Jiddu Krishnamurti, Pierre Teilhard de Ghardin [i.e. Chardin], Iōv (ē peri tēs thlipseōs), Aretēs, Nōe kai tou kataklysmou.Dēmētrios Apost Kyriakēs - 1990 - Athēna: [S.N.].
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    Apostate Rationalism and Maimon’s Hume.Peter Thielke - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (4):pp. 591-618.
    The paper examines the way in which Salomon Maimon (1753-1800) combines Humean skepticism and Leibnizian rationalism to mount an innovative challenge to Kant. Maimon’s position can be described as an “apostate rationalism,” which holds that reason makes unavoidable demands on us that are nonetheless not satisfied in experience. An appreciation of Maimon’s arguments also sheds new and interesting light on the surprising role that this apostate rationalism plays as a component of Hume’s skeptical naturalism.
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  5. Tales from an apostate.Kristie Dotson - 2019 - Philosophical Issues 29 (1):69-83.
    Here I outline an often under-appreciated position within Anglo-analytic epistemology, that of the apostate to operative metaphilosophical constraints. To help identify and promote awareness of metaphilosophical apostacy, here, I describe the form of metaphilosophical apostacy that I practice in Anglo-analytic epistemology (AAE). My apostasy with respect to AAE begins with significant, metaphilosophical divergences or deep senses of incongruence. A metaphilosophical divergence, on my account, refers to conflict at the level of inquiry-shaping assumptions, constraints, aims, and/or commitments. In this paper, I (...)
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  6. The Apostates: When Muslims Leave Islam.Simon Cottee - 2015
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    Insiders, outsiders, advocates and apostates and the religions they study: Location and the sociology of religion.Mary Jo Neitz - 2013 - Critical Research on Religion 1 (2):129-140.
    Awareness of how researchers’ locations and sympathies influence their research agendas and outcomes has long been a topic for methodological consideration. This article complicates that question by considering the position of the researcher in relation to the position in society of the religions researched, and asks whether what we understand as constituting criticism or advocacy varies depending on whether the religions in question are powerful, dominating traditions or small, new, and/or beleaguered traditions. The Locations Matrix is an application of the (...)
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    Julian the Apostate and the Πιστισ of Abraham.Brad Boswell - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (1):383-396.
    In his brief comments on the Abraham-episodes of Genesis 15:1–11, Emperor Julian the Apostate indirectly attacks the apostle Paul's interpretation that Abraham exhibited πίστις as a justifying ‘faith’. Through a close reading of the biblical text, he interprets Abraham as, rather, receiving a divine πίστις—a ‘pledge’ or ‘confirming sign’—during two theurgical rituals. Although modern scholars have overlooked Julian's subtle argument, Cyril of Alexandria recognized Julian's strategy and responded directly. Attention to Julian's and Cyril's competing accounts shows that different conceptual grammars, (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Porphyry the Apostate: Assessing Porphyry's Reaction to Plotinus's Doctrine of the One.Seamus O'Neill - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (1):1-10.
    Although recent scholarship has begun to clarify Porphyry’s position on the first principle in its distinction from that of Plotinus we must be careful not to gloss over the crucial ramifications of Porphyry’s developments. The Plotinian One is beyond Being, and thus beyond all relation and difference. In his attempt to understand how such a principle can be productive of all else that follows from it, Porphyry considers the Plotinian One in both its transcendent and creative aspects, introducing the notions (...)
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  10. Julian the apostate at Hampton court.Edgar Wind - 1939 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 3 (1/2):127-137.
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    Jullien the Apostate.Alain Badiou - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (4-5):265-267.
    Cutting through simultaneously the conventions of sinology and a capitalist universalism modeled on the West, Jullien unfolds a difference between Chinese thought and philosophy that allows it to be thought out without taking sides. His unusual move insists on the irreducibility of the difference yet at the same time renders the irreducibility intelligible; Jullien gives us a world structured by distinct lines of thought.
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  12. Sozomen on Julian the Apostate.David F. Buck - 2006 - Byzantion 76:53-73.
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  13. Beyond red: an apostate on communism.Pi Kēśavan Nāyar - 2010 - Kollam: Pagan Books.
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    Philologisches zu Act. apost. 6, 9.Theodor Nissen - 1943 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 95 (1-4):320-323.
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    The Satirical Apostate.A. F. Norman - 1981 - The Classical Review 31 (02):190-.
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  16. Peter: False Disciple and Apostate according to Saint Matthew.[author unknown] - 2015
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  17. El Árbol apostical, parte del Árbol de la ciencia, de Raimundo Lulio, es una versión castellana del siglo XV: Introducción y prólogo.Klaus Reinhart - 2003 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 10:245-260.
    El manuscrito 21-7 de la biblioteca capitular de Toledo contiene una versión castellana medieval, del siglo XV, del Arbor apostolicalis, parte del Arbor scientiae, de Raimundo Lulio. El presente artículo estudia la versión, hasta ahora desconocida entre los historiadores del lulismo, añadiendo una edición del prólogo, dirigido por un lulista anónimo al arzobispo de Toledo, probablemente Alfonso Carrillo.The manuscript 21-7 of the Cathedral Library of Toledo contains a medieval translation of the Arbor apostolicalis, part of the Arbor scientiae, of Ramon (...)
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    Julian the Apostate Julian the Apostate. By W. Douglas Simpson. Pp. xi + 127. Aberdeen: Milne and Hutchison, 1930. 7s. 6d. [REVIEW]Norman H. Baynes - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (04):148-149.
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    Julian the apostate at war - teitler the last pagan emperor. Julian the apostate and the war against christianity. Pp. XXXIV + 271, ills, map. New York: Oxford university press, 2017 . Cased, £19.99, us$29.95. Isbn: 978-0-19-062650-1. [REVIEW]Nicola Ernst - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (2):526-528.
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    Ricciotti, Giuseppe, Julian the Apostate. [REVIEW]R. Guglielmo - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (2):363-363.
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    Simon Cottee, The Apostates: When Muslims Leave Islam. [REVIEW]Nina Käsehage - 2016 - Critical Research on Religion 4 (3):324-326.
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    Peter: False Disciple and Apostate according to Saint Matthew. By Robert H. Gundry. Pp. xx, 119, Grand Rapids/Cambridge, Eerdmans, 2015, £12.99/$20.00. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (2):321-322.
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    Elizabeth Makowski, Apostate Nuns in the Later Middle Ages. (Studies in the History of Medieval Religion 49.) Woodbridge, UK: Boydell, 2019. Pp. xiv, 227. $99. ISBN: 978-1-7832-7426-0. [REVIEW]Tanya Stabler Miller - 2021 - Speculum 96 (2):531-533.
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    Julian the Apostate. [REVIEW]Robert J. Penella - 1980 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 55 (2):235-236.
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    Tougher Julian the Apostate. Pp. xviii + 201, ills, maps. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007. Paper, £19.99, . ISBN: 978-0-7486-1887-3. [REVIEW]Pilar García Ruiz - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (2):639-639.
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    Julian the apostate - (s.) rebenich, (h.-u.) Wiemer (edd.) A companion to Julian the apostate. (Brill's companions to the byzantine world 5.) pp. XIV + 481, maps. Leiden and boston: Brill, 2020. Cased, €188, us$226. Isbn: 978-90-04-41456-3. [REVIEW]David Woods - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (1):173-175.
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    Blood ties – Social ties. Matrilinearity, converts and apostates, from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages.Sylvie Anne Goldberg - 2016 - Clio 44:171-200.
    Autant que la position de la femme dans la société, le principe de la matrilinéarité juive est révélateur des normes qui régissent le lien social. Le système de filiation matrilinéaire s’est installé dans le judaïsme sur la base de l’interprétation du dit talmudique affirmant Ton fils né d’une idolâtre n’est pas ton fils mais le sien (Qid. 68b). Il entérinait un processus enclenché quelques siècles plus tôt, à l’époque de la Mishna, autour du premier siècle de l’ère, mettant un terme (...)
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    Oliver Heaviside, Maxwell's Apostle and Maxwellian Apostate.Jed Z. Buchwald - 1985 - Centaurus 28 (3):288-330.
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  29. Socrates Scholasticus on Julian the Apostate.David F. Buck - 2003 - Byzantion 73 (2):301.
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    Literary Representations of a Worker's Mind: Superfluity and “Mental Emptiness” from Jack London's The apostate to Kafka's works.Luigi Ferrari - 2017 - World Futures 73 (4-5):248-270.
    Literature has been dealing with modern work and its psychological and social consequences through two kinds of narrations: verismo/realism and symbolism. Jack London wrote incredibly penetrating pages from a psychological viewpoint with a veristic prose; Kafka widened the reflection with his symbolism and, particularly, through dreamlike parables. Kafka was not a passive and absent-minded employee. Recent studies on his working documents have shown considerable passion and professional competence. This expertise was poured into his literary works about work and organizations with (...)
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    Hans C. Teitler. The last pagan emperor: Julian the Apostate and the war against Christianity, bespr.Peter Van Nuffelen - 2020 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 113 (3):1112-1114.
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  32. Rowland Smith, Julian's Gods: Religion and Philosophy in the thought and action of Julian the Apostate Reviewed by.Erich von Dietze - 1997 - Philosophy in Review 17 (1):72-73.
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    Gregory of Nazianzus on the Death of Julian the Apostate.David Woods - 1948 - Mnemosyne 68 (2):297-303.
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    Discourse analysis on newspaper reports of apostasy cases.Azweed Mohamad, Radzuwan Ab Rashid, Kamariah Yunus, Shireena Basree Abdul Rahman, Saadiyah Darus, Razali Musa & Kamarul Shukri Mat Teh - 2017 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 16 (48):96-111.
    This paper aims to provide insights into the Malaysian newspaper reports on apostasy cases in the country. Being a Muslim country with multi-religions, apostasy is highly sensitive hence any issues related to apostasy need to be carefully managed. Four keywords were used to identify newspaper reports for the analysis. Two newspaper reports met the selection criteria and were analysed using a discourse analysis approach focusing on Grammatical Analysis, Macrostructures, and Rhetorical Structures. The analysis reveals that the report in New Straits (...)
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    Cyril of Alexandria and Julian the Emperor in dialogue for the ancient Greek philosophy and paganism.Eirini Artemi - 2020 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 3:101-114.
    In the 5th century, Cyril of Alexandria wrote a large apologetic work, as a response to Julian the Apostate’s anti-Christian work Against the Galileans. Aside from the obvious divide of one being a Christian and one a pagan, Cyril's religious views were very different from Julian's. Julian's arguments against the Christian doctrine do not greatly differ from those used in the second century by Celsus and by Porphyry in the third, and he regarded the relations between Neoplatonic criticism of Christian (...)
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  36. History’s ‘So it seems’: Heidegger-ian Phenomenologies and History.Adrian Jones - 2011 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (1):1-35.
    This article entitled “History's `So it seems'” explores the potential of phenomenology for the framing of histories which privilege partcipant perspectives. The theory agenda of the article adapts insights drawn from Heidegger's ontological hermeneutic of Da-sein - the human condition of being-there and being-aware (or not aware). The theory agenda also adapts Heidegger's readings of Heraclitus. The practical agenda of the article illustrates this potential of Heidegger's phenomenology for history by contrasting `so it once seemed' senses of the Emperor Julian (...)
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    Martin Heidegger: between good and evil.Rüdiger Safranski & Ru Diger Safranski - 1998 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    One of the century's greatest philosophers, without whom there would be no Sartre, no Foucault, no Frankfurt School, Martin Heidegger was also a man of great failures and flaws, a Faustus who made a pact with the devil of his time, Adolf Hitler. The story of Heidegger's life and philosophy, a quintessentially German story in which good and evil, brilliance and blindness are inextricably entwined and the passions and disasters of a whole century come into play, is told in this (...)
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    Analytic Atheism & Analytic Apostasy Across Cultures.Nick Byrd, Stephen Stich & Justin Sytsma - forthcoming - Religious Studies.
    Many studies find reflective thinking predicts less belief in God or less religiosity — so-called analytic atheism. However, the most widely used tests of reflection confound reflection with ancillary abilities such as numeracy, some studies do not detect analytic atheism in every country, experimentally encouraging reflection makes some non-believers more open to believing in God, and one of the most common sources of online research participants seems to produce lower data quality. So analytic atheism may be less than universal or (...)
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    Three Roles of Empirical Information in Philosophy: Intuitions on Mathematics do Not Come for Free.Deniz Sarikaya, José Antonio Pérez-Escobar & Deborah Kant - 2021 - Kriterion – Journal of Philosophy 35 (3):247-278.
    This work gives a new argument for ‘Empirical Philosophy of Mathematical Practice’. It analyses different modalities on how empirical information can influence philosophical endeavours. We evoke the classical dichotomy between “armchair” philosophy and empirical/experimental philosophy, and claim that the latter should in turn be subdivided in three distinct styles: Apostate speculator, Informed analyst, and Freeway explorer. This is a shift of focus from the source of the information towards its use by philosophers. We present several examples from philosophy of mind/science (...)
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    Rereading Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd’s method of interpreting religious texts.Abdul Mufid, Abd Kadir Massoweang, Mujizatullah Mujizatullah, Abu Muslim & Zulkarnain Yani - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):6.
    The contemporary Qur’anic studies have been marked by amazing development. Various methods and approaches to understand the Qur’an are offered by the scholars. One of the prominent figures in this field is Nashr Hamid Abu Zayd. Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd (1943–2010 M) is a highly controversial contemporary thinker. He is an Egyptian scholar who is accused of being apostate, because of his theory of qur’anic hermeneutic (the textual of Qur’an). This is reflected in his stances towards contemporary religious discourse and (...)
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  41. A review on a peer review.Andrej Poleev - 2016 - Enzymes 14.
    Peer review is an opportunity to perform an unlawful censorship which ensures that no apostate notion ever get published in mainstream journals. Or such peer review censorship is an opportunity to steal any content and to claim afterward the priority of first publication. And last but not least, the peer review is an academic tool to promote the mainstream pseudoscience.
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    Intrínseco / Extrínseco.Marco Zingano - 2021 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 23 (2):29-56.
    Neste artigo, procuro, na primeira parte, compreender o papel que as proposições per se2 têm no projeto aristotélico de ciência; na segunda parte, examino a estrutura gramatical de APost. I 4 73a37-8, com base em duas condições, (i) B é atribuído a A e (ii) A figura na definição de B; na terceira e última parte, aplico os resultados obtidos no exame de algumas traduções propostas para esta frase à luz de certos desiderata para toda tradução.
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  43. The Criticism of Paganism in the Work Ten Books for the Christian Faith against the Emperor Julian by Saint Cyril of Alexandria.Adrian Boldișor - 2015 - THE CHRISTIAN PARADIGM OF A UNITED EUROPE Theologie and Mystique in the Work of Saint Cyril of Alexandria 1 (1):111-123.
    From the above lines one can see that St. Cyril of Alexandria is presented, along with a great theologian, as it is clear from the writings against the heretics of his time, like a true apologist for Christianity with paganism dispute that resurfaced after Emperor Julian, the Apostate. On the other hand, the writing of the Orthodox Patriarch proves to be of great importance in understanding the difficulties experienced by the Christian faith in a territory where paganism flourished from time (...)
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    “There Are No Housewives onStarTrek”: A Reexamination of Exit Rights for the Children of Insular Fundamentalist Parents.Paula McAvoy - 2012 - Educational Theory 62 (5):535-552.
    In this essay, Paula McAvoy addresses the problem caused by the liberal state's necessary tolerance of insular fundamentalist groups and the concern that children raised in such groups do not have a fair opportunity to evaluate their inherited beliefs. This tension comes to the fore around disagreements over schooling and requests for religious accommodation. Often, these requests are treated as straightforward dilemmas — either the state accommodates the group at the expense of the child's future interest in autonomy, or the (...)
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    Foucault e a Educação.Maria Jordana de Brito Gomes - 2024 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 14 (28):37-52.
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar as contribuições da estética da existência em Foucault para o âmbito da educação. Inicialmente será apresentado, em linhas gerais, os três domínios de sua produção teórica: Arqueologia do Saber, Genealogia do Poder e Estética da Existência. Posteriormente, será exposto mais profundamente a terceira fase de sua obra, destacando as ideias acerca do conceito do Cuidado de Si e a sua relação com o ambiente escolar e a formação docente. A estética da existência caracteriza-se (...)
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  46. Introduction: Polish Philosophical Revisionists in Marxism.Barbara Tuchanska - 2017 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 37:I-XV.
    Who and how revised Marxism in Poland? The simple answer is that it was done by young intellectuals seeing themselves as obligated to social and political activity, eager to participate in the process of the constitution of a new postwar Communist society. Marxism was for them a philosophical world-view and a political program rising hopes for a better socio-economic reality. Revisionists were committed Communists and their attitude toward Marxism was almost religious. Marxism, Promethean and scientific at the same time, was (...)
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    Unorthodox Thought in al-Muʿtazila: The Illicit of Striving for Sustenance (Taḥrīm al-Makāsib).A. İskender Sarica - 2023 - Kader 21 (2):455-481.
    In Islamic theological writings, under the heading of sustenance, the focus is generally on issues such as who is the provider of sustenance, whether haram is considered sustenance, and whether Allah’s consent exists for haram sustenance. Another issue that can be found between the lines of the subject of sustenance is whether it is haram for a person to work for sustenance or not. In fact, the pursuit of means of livelihood in order to sustain one’s life is, according to (...)
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    Conceptual, Historical and Practical Aspects of Apostasy and Freedom of Belief.Faruk Sancar & Rıza Korkmazgöz - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):404-421.
    The rapid change in the world after the Enlightenment not only brought about revolutionary scientific and technological innovations, but also opened the door to important transformations in the context of thought. Especially with the wind created by the French Revolution, some concepts such as equality, fraternity, and justice, which were already in circulation before, came to the fore even more. One of the concepts that was magnified in this process was freedom. The concept manifested itself in philosophy as an understanding (...)
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    Is God his Law? Or how religious education affects the dehristianization of mass consciousness.Larysa Andreyeva & Katerina Elbakyan - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 70:104-114.
    In the twentieth century, the Russian Empire acted as a country where the state religion - Orthodoxy - was legally established. According to the census of 1897, the number of Orthodox Christians was 87.3 million, or 69.5% of the population. The Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church in its report for 1902 stated: "The Orthodox Russian people, who by nature deeply believe, consider all phenomena of life not only family and social, but also state life only in the light of (...)
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    Il Filaletes Di Ierocle E L’Apocriticus Di Macario Magnes.Salvatore Borzì - 2013 - Augustinianum 53 (2):393-425.
    It is futile to say that scholars have worn themselves out in an attempt to give a name to the pagan philosopher with whom Macarius Magnes argues in the Apocriticus. The first to take up the question, Crusius, a follower of Wagenmann, Hauschildt, Harnack and Goulet, identified him as Porphyry. This identification was refuted by Möller, Salmon, Zahn and Frassinetti, who thought of Julian the Apostate; and by Duchesne and Crafer, followed, in part by Pezzella, who proposed Hierocles. Following the (...)
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