Results for 'DSGE'

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  1.  51
    Model selection in macroeconomics: DSGE and ad hocness.Jaakko Kuorikoski & Aki Lehtinen - 2018 - Journal of Economic Methodology 25 (3):252-264.
    ABSTRACTWe investigate the applicability of Rodrik’s accounts of model selection and horizontal progress to macroeconomic DSGE modelling in both academic and policy-oriented modelling contexts. We argue that the key step of identifying critical assumptions is complicated by the interconnectedness of the common structural core of DSGE models and by the ad hoc modifications introduced to model various rigidities and other market imperfections. We then outline alternative ways in which macroeconomic modelling could become more horizontally progressive.
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    A rejoinder to Henschen: the issue of VAR and DSGE models.Mariusz Maziarz & Robert Mróz - 2020 - Journal of Economic Methodology 27 (3):266-268.
    Volume 27, Issue 3, September 2020, Page 266-268.
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    16 Recent developments in macroeconomics: the DSGE approach to business cycles in perspective.Pedro Garcia Duarte - 2011 - In J. B. Davis & D. W. Hands (eds.), Elgar Companion to Recent Economic Methodology. Edward Elgar Publishers.
  4.  21
    Carbon Tax, Subsidy, and Emission Reduction: Analysis Based on DSGE Model.Haoran Li & Wei Peng - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-10.
    Carbon emission has negative externalities, which will cause severe natural and social problems. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to carbon emission reduction issue both in academic and application fields. This paper aims to explore the impact of punitive carbon tax and incentive carbon emission reduction subsidy on economy and environment through the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium framework. The results show that both carbon tax and carbon emission reduction subsidy policies can help to reduce carbon emissions (...)
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    From the Lucasian revolution to DSGE models: an account of recent developments in macroeconomic modelling.Francesco Sergi - 2017 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 10 (1):142-145.
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  6. Book Review of Introduction to Dynamic Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Models. (2nd Ed) Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press, 2015. 282pp ISBN: 978-1-62273-030-8 (Hardcover) written by Josh L. Torres. [REVIEW]Emerson Abraham Jackson - 2018 - Journal of Applied Thought 6:284-289.
    The book is very well structured to support practical skills development in understanding DSGE modelling through exercises to graduate a user knowledge on macroeconomic application relevant for policy decisions through use of scientific programs like DYNARE /IRIS, appropriate for use with MatLab/Octave. The author also provided useful references for the more inquisitive reader or practitioner to develop his / her ontological quest for further knowledge in the macroeconomic management of a state (Jackson, 2016). On the basis of relevance of (...)
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    The struggle for the soul of macroeconomics.Kevin D. Hoover - 2021 - Journal of Economic Methodology 30 (2):80-89.
    Critics argued that the 2007–09 financial crisis was failure of macroeconomics, locating its source in the dynamic, stochastic general-equilibrium model and calling for fundamental re-orientation of the field. Critics exaggerated the role of DSGE models in actual policymaking, and DSGE modelers addressed some criticisms within the DSGE framework. But DSGE modelers oversold their success and even claimed that their approach is the sine qua non of competent macroeconomics. The DSGE modelers and their critics renew an (...)
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    Mikropodstawy prawdziwe i fałszywe.Krzysztof Turowski - 2019 - Philosophical Problems in Science 67:15-59.
    This article presents an overview and critique of the two leading macroeconomic approaches from the last 70 years: reasoning using high-level aggregates detached from individuals and their choices, and modeling using so-called microfoundations. We judge the validity of both methods, showing their inherent limits and deficiencies as explanatory and predictive tools of economics. We also underline several vital improvements, which are required if the models are supposed to guide policy decisions – even if this means a more modest and less (...)
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    Post Walrasian Macroeconomics: Beyond the Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model.David Colander (ed.) - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    Macroeconomics is evolving in an almost dialectic fashion. The latest evolution is the development of a new synthesis that combines insights of new classical, new Keynesian and real business cycle traditions into a dynamic, stochastic general equilibrium model that serves as a foundation for thinking about macro policy. That new synthesis has opened up the door to a new antithesis, which is being driven by advances in computing power and analytic techniques. This new synthesis is coalescing around developments in complexity (...)
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    A modern guide to philosophy of economics.Harold Kincaid & Don Ross (eds.) - 2021 - Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    This insightful Modern Guide offers a broad coverage of questions and controversies encountered by contemporary economists. A refreshing approach to philosophy of economics, chapters comprise a range of methodological and theoretical perspectives, from lab and field experiments to macroeconomics and applied policy work, written using a familiar, accessible language for economists. Highlighting key areas of methodological controversy, the Modern Guide looks at estimating utility functions in choice data, causal modelling, and ethics in randomised control trials. Chapters further explore topical issues, (...)
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  11.  22
    Is the New Monetary Consensus Still Alive? A Critical Economic and Philosophical Appraisal.Marc Pilkington - 2021 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 21 (2):7-49.
    Dans cet article, nous proposons une analyse critique du nouveau consensus monétaire (NMC) d’un point de vue méthodologique, afin d’évaluer sa pertinence. Bien que les mantras du consensus ne soient pas contestables en tant que tels, nous soutenons l’idée que les fondements méthodologiques du NMC expliquent son échec paradigmatique à prévoir la crise financière de 2008, et à constituer une source d’inspiration fiable pour les politiques post-crise 2008. Nous mettons particulièrement l’accent sur la nature problématique des modèles pré-crise 2008. Nous (...)
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