Results for 'David Sarias Rodriguez'

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  1.  13
    Race and the Early American Conservative Movement (1955-1970).David Sarias Rodriguez - 2021 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 24 (2):223-236.
    From its inception with the first number of the magazine of opinion National Review and up to the advent of the Presidency of Richard Nixon the early American conservative movement struggled with the rising tide of civil rights protest and reform. This article examines the correspondence and published primary sources penned by leading members of the American conservative movement so as to offer a comprehensive, chronologically ordered assessment of the evolution of the views on racial inequality offered by the key (...)
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    (1 other version)Practically wise ethical decision‐making: An ethnographic application to the UNE‐Millicom merger.David Andrés Díez Gómez & María del Pilar Rodríguez Córdoba - 2019 - Business Ethics 28 (4):494-505.
    Integrated approaches in the ethical decision-making (EDM) and practically wise decision-making literature are emerging as alternative perspectives to management theories that conceptualize decision-making in a rationalist and value-free manner. However, more dialogue between both perspectives and qualitative research that applies them is required. In addition, there is a need for empirical analysis on business engagement in the face of grand challenges in developing countries. This paper proposes an integrated practically wise EDM framework to study how Colombian councilors who, in 2013, (...)
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  3. Opiniones cruzadas: conflictos mundiales por el control del agua.David B. Brooks, Laura Vea Rodríguez, Gian Carlo Delgado Ramos & Marcel Kitissou - 2009 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 56:135-152.
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  4. Paradigma actual del «ius ad bellum»: «¿quid pro quo?».David Manuel Rodríguez Ferro - 2025 - Pensamiento 80 (310):1009-1024.
    Este estudio pretende tratar el fundamento jurídico del conflicto armado, sus efectos globales y las reacciones al mismo partiendo de una base histórica y filosófica. Desde el origen de las sociedades hasta la sofisticación tecnológica, la guerra es inherente al ser humano. El cómo los Estados y Organizaciones Internacionales interactúan al respecto ha variado con la evolución de los conflictos y las sociedades. Se plantea si el restablecimiento o garantía de un Estado de Derecho, con especial relevancia de un Poder (...)
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  5. The role of the family in deceased organ procurement: A guide for Clinitians and Policymakers.Janet Delgado, Alberto Molina-Pérez, David M. Shaw & David Rodríguez-Arias - 2019 - Transplantation 103 (5):e112-e118.
    Families play an essential role in deceased organ procurement. As the person cannot directly communicate his or her wishes regarding donation, the family is often the only source of information regarding consent or refusal. We provide a systematic description and analysis of the different roles the family can play, and actions the family can take, in the organ procurement process across different jurisdictions and consent systems. First, families can inform or update healthcare professionals about a person’s donation wishes. Second, families (...)
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    Perceptions of COVID-19 patients in the use of bioethical principles and the physician-patient relationship: a qualitative approach.Guillermo Cantú Quintanilla, Irma Eloisa Gómez-Guerrero, Nuria Aguiñaga-Chiñas, Mariana López Cervantes, Ignacio David Jaramillo Flores, Pedro Alonso Slon Rodríguez, Carlos Francisco Bravo Vargas, America Arroyo-Valerio & María del Carmen García-Higuera - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-9.
    Background The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the approach to the health-disease system, raising the question about the principles of bioethics present in physician–patient relations. The principles while widely accepted may not be sufficient for a comprehensive ethical analysis. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the perception of these principles and the physician–patient relationship during a hospital stay through a qualitative approach. Method Sixteen semi-structured interviews took place to know the patients’ perception during their 2020 hospitalization for COVID-19. (...)
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  7. Public knowledge and attitudes towards consent policies for organ donation in Europe. A systematic review.Alberto Molina-Pérez, David Rodríguez-Arias, Janet Delgado-Rodríguez, Myfanwy Morgan, Mihaela Frunza, Gurch Randhawa, Jeantine Reiger-Van de Wijdeven, Eline Schiks, Sabine Wöhlke & Silke Schicktanz - 2019 - Transplantation Reviews 33 (1):1-8.
    Background: Several countries have recently changed their model of consent for organ donation from opt-in to opt-out. We undertook a systematic review to determine public knowledge and attitudes towards these models in Europe. Methods: Six databases were explored between 1 January 2008 and 15 December 2017. We selected empirical studies addressing either knowledge or attitudes towards the systems of consent for deceased organ donation by lay people in Europe, including students. Study selection, data extraction, and quality assessment were conducted by (...)
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  8.  33
    Las "cárceles del capital humano": trabajo y vidas precarias en la juventud universitaria.David Muñoz-Rodríguez & Antonio Santos Ortega - 2017 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 20:59-78.
    En los últimos treinta años se ha transitado desde una concepción del capital humano como una macromagnitud económica a una idea de capital humano corporeizada en el individuo. Hemos asistido a una progresiva infiltración de dicha ideología del capital humano también en la vida de la juventud precaria. Nos centramos aquí en los jóvenes universitarios, para quienes el capital humano, ya de forma hegemónica, dirige y marca sus recorridos laborales y vitales. El análisis de los discursos de estos jóvenes nos (...)
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  9.  38
    The Dead Donor Rule as Policy Indoctrination.David Rodríguez-Arias - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S4):39-42.
    Since the 1960s, organ procurement policies have relied on the boundary of death—advertised as though it were a factual, value‐free, and unobjectionable event—to foster organ donation while minimizing controversy. Death determination, however, involves both discoveries of facts and events and decisions about their meaning (whether the facts and events are relevant to establish a vital status), the latter being subjected to legitimate disagreements requiring deliberation. By revisiting the historical origin of the dead donor rule, including some events that took place (...)
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  10.  24
    Precariedad en la era del trabajo digital.David Muñoz-Rodríguez & Antonio Santos Ortega - 2019 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 24 (1):1-13.
    Texto introductorio y de presentación del número monográfico.
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    Economic Inequality Increases Status Anxiety Through Perceived Contextual Competitiveness.Davide Melita, Guillermo B. Willis & Rosa Rodríguez-Bailón - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Status anxiety, the constant concern about individuals’ position on the social ladder, negatively affects social cohesion, health, and wellbeing. Given previous findings showing that status anxiety is associated with economic inequality, we aimed in this research to test this association experimentally. A cross-sectional study was run in order to discard confounding effects of the relationship between perceived economic inequality and status anxiety, and to explore the mediating role of a competitive climate. Then we predicted that people assigned to a condition (...)
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  12. Donation After Circulatory Death: Burying the Dead Donor Rule.David Rodríguez-Arias, Maxwell J. Smith & Neil M. Lazar - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (8):36-43.
    Despite continuing controversies regarding the vital status of both brain-dead donors and individuals who undergo donation after circulatory death (DCD), respecting the dead donor rule (DDR) remains the standard moral framework for organ procurement. The DDR increases organ supply without jeopardizing trust in transplantation systems, reassuring society that donors will not experience harm during organ procurement. While the assumption that individuals cannot be harmed once they are dead is reasonable in the case of brain-dead protocols, we argue that the DDR (...)
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  13.  16
    The Unified Brain-Based Determination of Death: Conceptual Challenges.David Rodríguez-Arias & Anne Dalle Ave - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (6):57-60.
    Since the early 1980s, James Bernat’s scholarship has accompanied and shaped most scientific and policy developments on death determination. In 1981, he, Charles Culver, and Bernard Gert provided a...
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    Complex Methods Applied to Data Analysis, Processing, and Visualisation.Jose Garcia-Rodriguez, Anastasia Angelopoulou, David Tomás & Andrew Lewis - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-2.
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  15.  32
    Quantum time-space and gravity.David Finkelstein & Ernesto Rodriguez - 1986 - In Roger Penrose & C. J. Isham (eds.), Quantum concepts in space and time. New York ;: Oxford University Press. pp. 1--247.
  16. Reflexiones sobre bioética y virtudes públicas Victoria Camps.David Rodríguez-Arias & Juan Montero - 2009 - Dilemata.
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  17.  72
    How do people use ‘killing’, ‘letting die’ and related bioethical concepts? Contrasting descriptive and normative hypotheses.David Rodríguez-Arias, Blanca Rodríguez López, Anibal Monasterio-Astobiza & Ivar R. Hannikainen - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (5):509-518.
    Bioethicists involved in end‐of‐life debates routinely distinguish between ‘killing’ and ‘letting die’. Meanwhile, previous work in cognitive science has revealed that when people characterize behaviour as either actively ‘doing’ or passively ‘allowing’, they do so not purely on descriptive grounds, but also as a function of the behaviour’s perceived morality. In the present report, we extend this line of research by examining how medical students and professionals (N = 184) and laypeople (N = 122) describe physicians’ behaviour in end‐of‐life scenarios. (...)
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  18.  10
    Tiempo de compromiso motor en la clase de educación física.Alixon David Reyes Rodríguez, Jonel Rivas & Gustavo Pávez-Adasme - 2020 - Voces de la Educación 5 (10):90-113.
    This work is descriptive observational, with transversal design, was to analyze the time of motor commitment in Physical Education classes in three subsystems of Venezuelan education. The analysis unit consisted of a discretionary sample of 6 Physical Education classes between initial education, basic education and secondary education, at the rate of 2 classes for each subsystem. The number of students participating was 192. For the observation and registration, was used, the temporal variables were recorded, and in the second instance, the (...)
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  19.  43
    Ni vivo ni muerto, sino todo lo contrario. Reflexiones sobre la muerte cerebral.David Rodríguez-Arias - 2013 - Arbor 189 (763):a067.
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    To the Editor.David Rodríguez-Arias - 2011 - Hastings Center Report 41 (2):7-8.
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  21.  35
    Construction or reality or dependent co-arising? From scientific pyschotherapy to responsible attention.Fernando Rodríguez Bornaetxea, David Alvear Morón & Antonio Arrebola Gil - 2011 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 47:63.
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  22. Governance quality indicators for organ procurement policies.David Rodríguez-Arias, Alberto Molina-Pérez, Ivar R. Hannikainen, Janet Delgado, Benjamin Söchtig, Sabine Wöhlke & Silke Schicktanz - 2021 - PLoS ONE 16 (6):e0252686.
    Background Consent policies for post-mortem organ procurement (OP) vary throughout Europe, and yet no studies have empirically evaluated the ethical implications of contrasting consent models. To fill this gap, we introduce a novel indicator of governance quality based on the ideal of informed support, and examine national differences on this measure through a quantitative survey of OP policy informedness and preferences in seven European countries. -/- Methods Between 2017–2019, we conducted a convenience sample survey of students (n = 2006) in (...)
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  23.  15
    Reseña del libro de Vicent A. Querol Vicente, Las generaciones que llegaron tarde. Análisis de las prácticas sociales de los mayores en el ciberespacio.David Muñoz Rodríguez & Emma Gómez Nicolau - 2013 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 13 (13):191-194.
    El libro Las generaciones que llegaron tarde presenta los resultados de un trabajo sobre los usos, las estrategias y las percepciones de las generaciones mayores en relación a las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación. Las apropiaciones de los y las mayores en los ámbitos laboral, relacional y familiar, así como en el ocio, son objeto de análisis a partir de entrevistas en profundidad. Entre los principales resultados destaca el que, a pesar de la gran capacidad de adaptación (...)
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  24. Perspectivas sobre la justicia.David Rodríguez-Arias, Catherine Heeney & Jordi Maiso (eds.) - 2016 - Plaza y Valdés Editores.
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    Manipulating the Alpha Level Cannot Cure Significance Testing.David Trafimow, Valentin Amrhein, Corson N. Areshenkoff, Carlos J. Barrera-Causil, Eric J. Beh, Yusuf K. Bilgiç, Roser Bono, Michael T. Bradley, William M. Briggs, Héctor A. Cepeda-Freyre, Sergio E. Chaigneau, Daniel R. Ciocca, Juan C. Correa, Denis Cousineau, Michiel R. de Boer, Subhra S. Dhar, Igor Dolgov, Juana Gómez-Benito, Marian Grendar, James W. Grice, Martin E. Guerrero-Gimenez, Andrés Gutiérrez, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, Klaus Jaffe, Armina Janyan, Ali Karimnezhad, Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt, Koji Kosugi, Martin Lachmair, Rubén D. Ledesma, Roberto Limongi, Marco T. Liuzza, Rosaria Lombardo, Michael J. Marks, Gunther Meinlschmidt, Ladislas Nalborczyk, Hung T. Nguyen, Raydonal Ospina, Jose D. Perezgonzalez, Roland Pfister, Juan J. Rahona, David A. Rodríguez-Medina, Xavier Romão, Susana Ruiz-Fernández, Isabel Suarez, Marion Tegethoff, Mauricio Tejo, Rens van de Schoot, Ivan I. Vankov, Santiago Velasco-Forero, Tonghui Wang, Yuki Yamada, Felipe C. M. Zoppino & Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  26. Una cuestión de vida o muerte: la extracción de órganos como problema bioético.David Rodríguez-Arias Vailhen - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 50 (127):103-118.
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    A Virtual Object-Location Task for Children: Gender and Videogame Experience Influence Navigation; Age Impacts Memory and Completion Time.David Rodriguez-Andres, Magdalena Mendez-Lopez, M. -Carmen Juan & Elena Perez-Hernandez - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  28. One R or the other – an experimental bioethics approach to 3R dilemmas in animal research.Christian Rodriguez Perez, David M. Shaw, Brian D. Earp, Bernice S. Elger & Kirsten Persson - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy (4):497-512.
    Sacrificial dilemmas such as the trolley problem play an important role in experimental philosophy (x-phi). But it is increasingly argued that, since we are not likely to encounter runaway trolleys in our daily life, the usefulness of such thought experiments for understanding moral judgments in more ecologically valid contexts may be limited. However, similar sacrificial dilemmas are experienced in real life by animal research decision makers. As part of their job, they must make decisions about the suffering, and often the (...)
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  29.  14
    El uso del dispositivo en el estudio de los discursos gerenciales.David Muñoz-Rodríguez - 2021 - Quaderns de Filosofia 8 (2):91.
    Resumen: En el marco del estudio de los discursos gerenciales, se destacan en el presente texto algunas de las aportaciones de Medina-Vicent, especialmente el análisis de los procesos de individualización y despolitización de mensajes que entroncarían con las reivindicaciones del feminismo. En este contexto, se propone la incorporación del concepto foucaultiano de dispositivo para el estudio de los elementos que contribuyen a la difusión de los discursos gerenciales. Este concepto podría ser de utilidad en la investigación empírica, proporcionando una herramienta (...)
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  30.  51
    How Can You Be Transparent About Labeling the Living as Dead?David Rodríguez-Arias, Dominic Wilkinson & Stuart Youngner - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (5):24-25.
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    Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Donation After Circulatory Death: Burying the Dead Donor Rule”.David Rodríguez-Arias, Maxwell J. Smith & Neil M. Lazar - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (8):W4-W6.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 8, Page W4-W6, August 2011.
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    Impacto de Las Aplicaciones Móviles Para El Aprendizaje Del Inglés.María del Socorro Montaño-Rodriguez, David Guadalupe Toledo-Sarracino, Nahum Samperio-Sanchez & Icela López Gaspar - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (4):1-13.
    Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la relación que existe entre el aprendizaje de inglés, los empleadores y las formas en las que se está abordando la enseñanza de inglés y aprendizaje de lenguas en el estado de Baja California. Esta investigación se enfocó a atender los siguientes objetivos: 1. Identificar las principales competencias profesionales que requiere el sector empresarial en Baja California de sus prospectos empleados en términos de contratación y ascenso laboral. 2. Analizar el tipo de habilidades de (...)
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    Hacer justicia haciendo compañía: Homenaje a M.ª Teresa López de la Vieja (editores: Isabel Roldán Gómez, Rosana Triviño Caballero, María G. Navarro, David Rodríguez-Arias, Concha Roldán Panadero).Isabel Roldán, Rosana Triviño Caballero, María G. Navarro, David Rodríguez-Arias & Concha Roldán - 2019 - Salamanca, España: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
    Este libro es un homenaje a la trayectoria intelectual y académica de la profesora María Teresa López de la Vieja, Catedrática emérita de la Universidad de Salamanca. En él se trazan algunos de los caminos que, con su obra, nos invita a transitar. El volumen recoge contribuciones de colegas de varias nacionalidades y procedentes de diversos ámbitos de reflexión que le son afines: la filosofía moral y política, la literatura, la teoría de la argumentación, los estudios feministas, las éticas aplicadas, (...)
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    Bibliografía temática de bioética.David Rodriguez-Arias & Marial del Mar Cabezas - 2008 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 10 (1).
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  35.  21
    Roland Barthes, "El Imperio de los Signos".Rodríguez Ferro David Manuel - 2017 - Endoxa 40:411.
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    Ethical Issues in Pediatric Organ Transplantation.David Rodríguez-Arias, Aviva Goldberg & Rebecca Greenberg (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a theoretical and practical overview of the specific ethical and legal issues in pediatric organ transplantation. Written by a team of leading experts, Ethical Issues in Pediatric Organ Transplantation addresses those difficult ethical questions concerning clinical, organizational, legal and policy issues including donor, recipient and allocation issues. Challenging topics, including children as donors, donation after cardiac death, misattributed paternity, familial conflicts of interest, developmental disability as a listing criteria, small bowel transplant, and considerations in navigating the media (...)
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  37. Pluralismo en torno al significado de la muerte cerebral y/o revisión de la regla del donante fallecido Pluralism about the meaning of brain death and/or the revision of the dead donor rule.David Rodríguez-Arias Vailhen & Alberto Molina Pérez - 2007 - Laguna 21.
    Since 1968, the irreversible loss of functioning of the whole brain, called brain death, is assimilated to individual’s death. The almost universal acceptance of this neurological criterion of death had decisive consequences for the contemporary medicine, such as the withdrawal of mechanical ventilation in these patients and organ retrieval for transplantation. The new criterion was successfully accepted in part because the assimilation of brain death state to death was presented by medicine --and acritically assumed by most of societies-- as a (...)
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    A Slippery Argument: Ableism in the Debate on Medical Assistance in Dying.Rosana Triviño, Jon Rueda & David Rodríguez-Arias - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (11):99-102.
    In this commentary, we criticize the argument that allowing euthanasia for people with disabilities is ableist. We analyze the distinction between facts and values in medical assistance in dying, the expressivist objection, and the problem of crypwashing.
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    Casting Light and Doubt on Uncontrolled DCDD Protocols.David Rodríguez-Arias, Iván Ortega-Deballon, Maxwell J. Smith & Stuart J. Youngner - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (1):27-30.
    The ever‐increasing demand for organs led Spain, France, and other European countries to promote uncontrolled donation after circulatory determination of death (uDCDD). For the same reason, New York City has recently developed its own uDCDD protocol, which differs from European programs in some key ways. The New York protocol incorporates a series of technical and management improvements that address some practical problems identified in response to European uDCDD protocols. However, the more fundamental issue of whether uDCDD donors are dead when (...)
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  40.  85
    A Review of: “Timothy F. Murphy. 2004. Case Studies in Biomedical Research Ethics”: Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. 368 pp. $29.00, paperback. [REVIEW]David Rodríguez-Arias & Christian Hervé - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (2):64-66.
    Cases are, in many ways, the lifeblood of bioethics (Crigger 1998, 15). Moral theory must be checked against the practical experience case studies provide, which experience may engender reasons to...
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    Immersive Virtual Reality as an Adjunctive Non-opioid Analgesic for Pre-dominantly Latin American Children With Large Severe Burn Wounds During Burn Wound Cleaning in the Intensive Care Unit: A Pilot Study.Hunter G. Hoffman, Robert A. Rodriguez, Miriam Gonzalez, Mary Bernardy, Raquel Peña, Wanda Beck, David R. Patterson & Walter J. Meyer - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  42.  29
    Attentional effects on rule extraction and consolidation from speech.Diana López-Barroso, David Cucurell, Antoni Rodríguez-Fornells & Ruth de Diego-Balaguer - 2016 - Cognition 152:61-69.
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  43.  26
    The Ranking Argument – Challenging Favourable Comparative Rhetoric about Animal Welfare Law.Christian Rodriguez Perez, Nico Dario Müller, Kirsten Persson & David M. Shaw - 2023 - Leoh - Journal of Animal Law, Ethics and One Health 1.
    This article captures and critiques a recurring and prominent political argument against animal welfare improvements in Switzerland which we term the “ranking argument”. This states that Swiss animal welfare law ranks among the strictest in the world, therefore no improvements are called for. This argument was advanced three times by Swiss government authorities in 2022 alone, but also in a case dating back to 1984, to advise the electorate on popular initiatives aiming at animal welfare improvements. We argue that, while (...)
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  44.  18
    CVPR 2020 continual learning in computer vision competition: Approaches, results, current challenges and future directions.Vincenzo Lomonaco, Lorenzo Pellegrini, Pau Rodriguez, Massimo Caccia, Qi She, Yu Chen, Quentin Jodelet, Ruiping Wang, Zheda Mai, David Vazquez, German I. Parisi, Nikhil Churamani, Marc Pickett, Issam Laradji & Davide Maltoni - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 303 (C):103635.
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  45. Análisis gnoseológico del campo de la teoría de juegos.David Alvargonzález Rodríguez - 2000 - El Basilisco 28:17-36.
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    Contextualising Early Christian Martyrdom.David M. Rodríguez Chaves - 2011 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 15 (2):221-225.
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  47. El darwinismo visto desde el materialismo filosófico.David Alvargonzález Rodríguez - 1996 - El Basilisco 20:3-46.
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  48. La mort encéphalique: actualités et controverses. Approche comparative en Europe.David Rodríguez-Arias - unknown
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  49. Problemas en torno al concepto de" Ciencias Humanas" como ciencias con doble plano operatorio.David Alvargonzález Rodríguez - 1989 - El Basilisco 2:51-56.
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  50. Un nuevo tratado de" Teoría general de la información".David Alvargonzález Rodríguez - 1998 - El Basilisco 24:95.
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